1 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE - - f t t' BANKING OFFICE Off GEO. MITCHELL, FLKHHEKTOX. ML, gn e'I bit kl u i t-pnuu-tcd Pra t- .IT uol and ch'ujencif.1: ,'^ im.lrit.- tt ;n*y tlv aya itva table fur .<-. '.! i>uiri uMr ri>. O*u.' two door a north c? RlciisnMoa JlCo> Vicinity Chips. s of the Past Week Carefully Called for the 'urious. at the rat* / /<>{ p-r each iiwerfioH. .1 rerfw<i fW '* on coHtfactt for I'M linet or over. Township council will mwt f'ir the despatch <>f business on Monday next. Mesws. Strain * M. r insert their Advertisement in thi* issue. Tailoress wanted, also a female appren- tice. Apply to F. A. lUker, Fleshbrt.ni. They all ask f-r it now. It fills the bill that 25c tea at Richartfcon & Go's. A suitable Easter sung wjr%-:ce w:is ren- dered by the Methodist clii.ir mi Sunday evening. Richarth'Hi A Go's sales of prints f-r March exceed any former -f:ii'ii for smme month, and o wonder, hh such a stock t such low priocw. Girl wanted to les.ru tailoring. Apply to C. J. Lvfrch, m.Tchii.t Uilor, Mi. T. Gay, Miiwe!l, tells Th Ad vaiice thitt 'ie has *>ld $1700 worth <>f irn (tleurittH /.IT the Noxon linn dining the pfcst month. Mr. G. R. Mitchell, V. S., of Owen Sound, infirms us that liu ha Uwu treat- ing several csmm of ergtic pois-ming amuug cattle during the past winter. The boot* there is *> much talk about arc solid leather Men Bulf rUlii.ornls, kniehrd equal to bst ctwtoni nutUe, ouly 91.M a pair at Rchi4^a ft Co'*. Mr. Alex. Stewart's sale came off lust week, and wu on of (he moot success/ml i if the season, everything RoiuK at god figures. Mr. Stewart ix highly pleaiwd with the result. D. McCornuck, Esq., did the talking. Many people, with the notion that nature ought to take care of henelf, al- low a cough to plague them fur woeks atd mouths. Whereas, if nature wer* assisted with a doae i>r two of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, tho cure might be ef- fected in a very few days. M. Richanlwm * Co. sent their sain pls of New Wall Papers to Toronto snd have boen Uking orders rifcht underm- nth the tins* of the big city dealer*. Rurlit Koods at t right prices does it. See their bright new stock. Our Proton Station cor. niade an error last week in stating thitt Mrs. Alex. Stewart had gone to a Toronto hoapiial to undergo an operation. It was Mm. Stewart's sister, Mrs. Hacking, of Oranje- ville, who should have been named in- stead of Mrs. Stewart. It surprised many visitor* to the Chi- cago World's Fair to find that of all the hlood-puritiers, Ayct's SarMpanlla wan the only "ne oil exhibition. The reason is that Ayer's SaraaparilU is a standard remedy, 'and not a iit-u", roediuine, <>r secret nostrum. A new hat does mnke such a difference to a roan's apnearvicc. Slie ran up lairs to change her dn's , thouht it was the new minister calling, but found it was only John conic home with one oi UicharOi*oii'n uew Mprnit; hat on. IVince Arthur Lwl^e, No. 333. A. F. and A. M , iil receive an rfficial vi-i from R. W. Hro. \V. 15. Saudors. D. D. (!. Master, on Thursday eveninK, Apnl, Hth. Iin|Mirlaiit liusiness will be trans- acted and every nieiuhvr is expected to be present. WalrerviKe Council No. 522, Royal Templar* uf T ..ineiauc.', will hn'd an en tertaiitment in the school houtie 1'loahcr ton Sr-ticMi, oil Kii'iay eveiiinz, April 6th. The prouraiume will conaist of sj>oeeli by a number <\ Rev. gentlemen, and song*, HOIOS, I'.uets, readings, recitations and instrumental uiusic by the mumbcni and others. Flesherton diviiion S. 0. T. celebrated the 90th birthday of Neal Dow, the great Uimper.ince reformer, OD Wodnesday evening i>f last week, by diving an enter- tainment in their hall. Refreshmeiita wtreswrved, and a very plraMMit pruB^am of with Mr. J. E. Moor* iu the chair. The Advui.fb acknowledges with thanks tl<e rocvi|>t by until of a piece of the birthday cake. A. S. Vitinl-ii-ii niiis the new Mami-y Harris Reed Dr>H. It is the bett. Ex- amine it and y< u will liu convinced. In wonted f. 'mrd*>n A Co. nr* Rtaiuliiii; by th.;:r low quotarionH vien three srssj(i aeo, aiid the |,nt ; c opj>..rlun!ty, juJ)(in^ by -.(r-s li/>ki<! i!i'.< ii.ontli. Or<lers for M:JIIU,' UUIMIIKH should be not iu with- out delay, ax all hand* ru busy. Ladies ! Ladiefc ! Whatever you forget i'.o nut forget Mrs. i'rimble's millinery opening next week. Nejtt do.ir t., K Triuib''s store. Prof Smith, of t!-.e Toronto Vi-terinary College, j;il a MSII <> Mtrkdnle sr.d Fienbtrton on Monday ami Tuesday of this week. Tin- Pri>f. WAS here with the view of invaitigitnn^ the i/revaient dis- ease among catilo. Nothing new was le.trnrd, nfpo than tin' Advance lias si- ready made public. The IV if. vwited a number nt infe :ti-d her is n-l found them all MiuV.'iii'.' fp-ui ei^t?o poisoning, but !>.!. .-ves that with the sj-ring and change of rfii-t tl;i- 'liM-aM* will disappear. A mer^han*. in town had a uarmw escape from being shot on Monday even* iu/ about 7.30 p. ui., a bullet coining whistluii; tiir 'ii-!i the wiinlow a few inches from his brad. Investigation showed that the bullet was fired from a citapult in the hands of a young man who ouuht 'o know better. It wan only a B It shot, but all the same it would do c m-i.luralile diuia.'u if it struck the The youni-ster had to put in a new pane of ^lans, and may cm- hinHf If f >r having got off so easily. There was a little "scrap 1 ' up town on Division Court ilay, during the course of which a, little wiry c<!g-r "did up" a young man half as bis; a^ain aa himself an 1 then stood an>uud with his hands in his pock its wade the Ug feilow went to fii.d cimit p'aster and water. We do not know the names of the contestants, but the wee man was clear grit, whoever he was, and gave the larger one a surprise to upon. Th Markdale Standard discovered last week that there is some disease among cattle in this district, a.id pro- ceed* to gravely interview the local vet. as to whether hu heard aright or not. Inasmuch aa The A Jvanco had gone ful- ly over the ground three weeks previous- ly, this is coming into the procession at a late hour, to say tlie leut. The Stan dard copied our item of four weak iago with regard to A r G HIKE'S cattle but has never yet corrected tlie statement that it wis a caao of freezing, which u witholding justice from Mr. Gamey, who is not neg- lectful of his livestock. William Cunningham of Artemesia, two miles south of Marku^le. paused away from t'l.n life lat Sunday morning at the a<c of " tliree sooreyssrsand ten." lie wanseued with inllammaUoii of the bowrla a week prior to his demiae with above result.. Mr. C. was one of th early settlers of this vicini y having locat- ed forty ywirs a^o when Grey .county was largeiy au unbroken forest, anJ by indus- try and frugality hewed out fur himself and family a comfortable home. On Sab- bath morniug he realized his near appro- ach to the end, and uft-r singing ''Jesus Lover of uiy S.ml " pasnud peacefully to liii reward at six o'clock, lie leaves an estimable wife and Ltrxe resrectable family, all grown up, to mourn the loss of a kind husband and alfectiounto father. Tlie funeral took place on Tuesday p. in. to the Pn sbyturuu cemetry and was largely attt-nded, Rev. Mr. Forest con- tl' service. Standard, I.B. Liiras, barrlnter. Markdale has $!0,OOU private funds to lend on farm :ir.rt^a.'.- within the uext few months at lowest current rates. No commiss- ions, no delays, expenses low. Apply at olhcu in Markdale during the week or at Unndalk olncu on Saturdays. Personal*. Mr i. J. McCallum, of the Toronto Stereotype Plata Co., *as a welcome oUler on G. dd Friday. Mr. C. R. Mitohell, V. 3., of Owen Sound, called in mi Wednesday of last woek. He attended Division Court here. Inspedu Campbell visited the Flesher- ton public school on Thursday last, n-- raaininx with friends in town over night. Messrs. J. W. Armstrong and Geo. Mitchell spent Easter holidays with friends iu Toronto. The various U. 8. pupils are home this week f.ir the EMU* holidays. Miss HicUlinir, luacliar of Lady Bank public school, spent a couple of days this week with Mitu Vanzant. Mr. J. Brown, merchant of Pricevil'e, w.i* in town one day last week. He oane over as chaperoue to Mr. Riley, who wag also here on business. Mr. John Large and family leave this woek for Liatowu.l. Dominie Blakeston, of Priceville, was a ealli-r on Monday. We are always giad to see W. J's smiling face. Mr. J. T. Johnson. Eugenia's popular pdag<jue, called in on Monday. Mr Johnston spent Easter at i.is home in In- veriuay. Mr. E. K. liichardaon, of the Toronto Medical C II. X-, is spending Easter boli days at his home here. Mr. Mark Wil.^.n, of Flesherton, spent Sunday with friends in town. He was accoir.paniud l.y Mr. Ed. Thompson, a one tiin member of the Oiironicle staff Chronicle. Shiloh's Cnre is sold on a guarantee. It cures Incipient Consumption, It is the best Cough Cure- Oi'ly one cent a dose ; 2a cts., 50 cts. and $1.00 per bot- tle. MORTGAGE SALE -OF- lalnUi Ullage Propert; In tlia vill4of WALTEEVILLE (batter known u Plesbi-rton Station) in th Tuwnaklp o( Artuuiecia anil Couuty of (iruv. Tlre will be sold by fublic Aaotioa on Saturday, April 14, '94 t three o'clock in the afternoon as Hannah's Hotel, in the Tilltge known u Klntberton Sta- tion, by virtu., of power of ila contained in CITUU n mortitiiue whiuli will be produewi t the Mtle. the following village property : Villn^u In* so. 11 on Uia N. Westerly nlde of rr.int Struct in Ulu *ill*e of Waltenrille, me- cortlhut to a map or |>l*u of the subdivinion of part ut lot No lit) in tbu. In) UK or concession S. W. of the Toronto and Sv<!tuhaui rod in the towniiUi)i vf ArUuj*Hi*,niii by Thouifta B. Oil- liUntl, hi.i| . 1'. L. S.,*icl plan Minn fllodm the Hrt-mtrv olflcfl fcr the South Biding of the County "f *irey on the 12th day of September, A.D. 1W, Hicnpt thklsuiall portion of about u o On HH| lot are nail] to be erected a comfort- able 14 utorv Irtiina dwelling, W by U, on good si me fomidatiou. ud also a frame saddle shop, :6 in INI.-. t Tf'.KVS Twontv per cent, of the purchase monus to ! pai'l OOWB on dy of aa,le. For bal- ance terms will be made known a* toe sale. For further particulars apply to or to HCTHKBC-AJID* SPBOUL, B. COOK. KSQ:. Vendor'! Solicitor*. Fleaherton Huston. Toronto St., Toronto. Datod thin 13th day of March IBM JtfSM The Markets. fare fu'.lv Corrected Each flour $ 3 30 tn K ill Wn.Mi 65 to S(.ria,' \Vh-at Co to Barley 31 to (.Mis 34 to Peas 62 to Bu:t.-r 18 to RKK, f rwsh 10 to Potatoes 60 to Pork 626 to Hay per bin 6 00 to Bides 300 to Shevpskins 2d to tteeae ............ fi t* Turkeys 9 to Chickens per pair 6 to Ducks br pair 60 to Wool 16 to Week f 3 UO JB8 n 31 34 :.-' 18 10 60 626 600 3(10 _:. 7 10 30 63 10 If you do not see our new Wall Paper of both Canadian and American man- ufacture which cannot be beat fcr beauty and price. Wind:w Shades. Having just received our spring stock which w<^ bot cheap, we can give you a handsome shade for little money. See our &5C. one. It is a dandy. A Glance Into our show window will convince you that we are jdead ia it for tinware, and that our prices are right. (Two large crates of dishes just arrived.) Headquarters for builders' hardware, spades, shouels, manure forks, plow lines and trace chains at WBARDSBUCO'S hardware Department GR12AT ffloaring We aru u^jilng a large quantity of BOOTS s SHOES VERY GREAT REDUCTIONS. Call and nee us and inspect our stock of MEXb', WOMEJiS', inJ CHILDBEN8 light and heavy BOOTS aud SHOES. Win. Clayton. THE Flesherton FURNITURE WAREROOMS Strain's Block Where we are showing beautiful lines of all kinds of House- hold Furniture. The stock is entirely new, bought at Clocest Figures from the best manufacturers in the Dominion. We invite your inspection and feel safe in saying that our prices will compare favourable with what you have been accustomed to pay. It shall be our constant aim as ever to merit the very pleasant confidence we have en- joyed during the past years in which we have done business together. our motto shall still be and Economy. "^^ STRAIN & MOORJE. HEALTH FOUALL. Dolloway's Pills and Ointment. THE PILLS Purify tho blood, correct all Disorders of and They Invigorate and restore to hnalth Oebilitatel CouRtltulioas, and are Invalufthlo (n oom- plalnMlnotdautal to Females of all anea. For Ch Wren au I tli.i aged Ihey aie prioelsss. TH B OIJSTiVi ENT an lufalllble ruiredv for Bad Legs, Hal Itrcosts, Olil Woun.ld, Sores a:i<l Ulcers. It Is famous for Qont and Uhnumtiam. For dior<len of the Chest It bas no a^ual. For SOKK IH&OA'l.BROJfCHlTIS.COUGHS, COLDS Ulan lular SwelliiiKS, and all Skin Dlseasos It has no rival and for contracted and stiff joints it acts lika a charm Manufactured only at PrufYoMor MOLLOWAY'S Kntablliihmont, 7 s New Oxford Street (late 'f.l. Oxford street), Lou-Ion. and are sold at Is. Ifd., teM.. 4s fl.1., UK.. 2s.. ami Xta.'each Box or Pot, a h Ml of all M'-d icino Vendor* throughout the woild. ahmilil I<KI!; nt the /..('./ o tJi* Putt ami Boacei, If the mldrett is mot S3."!, Oxford Stif.fi, Lotulon, they art tpvriotu. HELLO ! HELLO ! ****** * BVEKTBODT THAT 'VFAK8 Boots AND Shoes OotoUiashoe abop In Kimberlujr and Notire. Will make yonr l/ootx and fthom or repair them H:ir, M neatly and cheap as anyone within twenty mllM. Try m and be oonTiDoed. J.^W. AVhitby, SHOKMAKBB KIMBKBLKT. U Apr tin. All perliea are hereby warneil not to nagoti- ate a note drawn in faor of .lo'i.i -tniltti, by Matthew ami John Hluimia, en in- I thn i:tth day of April, IBM. a* Tains h*i a..t he. n receiv- ed therefor and payment will n .r i,,. made, MATTHKW .'MO58 JOHN 8IMON8 Kiraberley, March. M, . L*dy McPherson, of T..rx i I Friday in San Rome, I.;, died ot