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Flesherton Advance, 29 Mar 1894, p. 4

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r 1KB FLESHJRTON ADVANCE ESTABLISHED IN 1881 Advance IIEI) WEEKLY IT Till orfli't, YI>- CSUAV KTAJBT, ri.lHHKRT.iH, OUT., BT W. H. THUBIJTOK. I* I per uiiuuiiMf rlctly In advance Advertising Rates: One Column, 1 yr. WO ; hlf col., 1 yew, S27 quarter col., ODO year, SIS. Trnlent ailrertlMiuent charged at the rate f H ceuti |ir line for fint Inwrtion and 3 ceut TUBERCULOSIS. The subject of tubercalosis is a fcrtiln om- thcsodays, and the govern- ment* of many countries are experi- menting .vith the disease to learn TvLat tliere is to be learned about it. In the Ontario Legislature tbe ques- tion Las been discussed and Min- ister Dryden lias been severely hand- It J by the Opposition, charged with criminal negligence in allowing animals to be sold from the Agriculture CoU ego at Guelph that wore tainted will) the disease. In tbe present state of our Knowledge regarding the question it is a matter of doubt as to the actual danger incurred by alhwing each dis- eased animals to live and multiply, but nearly all authorities agree that the disease is highly contagions and here- ditary among cattle, and that it is identical with consumption in the hu- man Hystem. Authorities are not so uuhuimously agreed npou the possibility of tuberculous development in tut human body by eating of tie meat of diseased animals. At least one authority which we have read claims that cooking will not kill the haccilus, but the great majority hold that it is thus rendered harmless, ami in Norway the meat of taberculoui animals is allowed to bo offered for ale upon a proper statement of the condition of the animal being made known to the purchaser. Hulk-tin No. of the Ottawa experimental farm gives a record of a large number of tests made with tnberculiuc or Koch's lymph, which proves that a surprising percentage of animals are affected with this incurable disease, and there seems to bo the probability that if the facts T/ere known the percentage would bo found enormous throughout the whole country. In New York state, whure govern! ent inspectors have been ap- pointed he disease is found to be very general, as also in England. Just what bearing this has npon the death rate of humanity by eating of the in fectcd meat, is a matter that lias not been settled ; therefore the responsibil- ity for selling animals suspcoU-d of he- ing iufoctodis also an unknown quan- tity. This matter is a live topic heio at the intuit lime, as the disease is known to exist in this vicinity. It is only a matter of surprise, judging by t'..< ;;<ivuni!iu-iit test* before us of ap- parently healthy cattle, that tie ili- cahc lias not been Jiscoveicd lion In fore now The general belief is that no district is altogether free from it more than aro other countries, in some (01 in or anotht t. What bearing it, prevalence has upon the general health of humanity remains to be pioveu, but we Ix ii.'VH it will not be found to be . fatal as some sciculints would Lave us bcliovo. Let us hope-, at all tventH, thai ituuh will be Uiecaac will have learned exactly what changes the government has decided to effect. That tlicBu chauges will be of the very greatest importance cannot he doubt- ed, and that they will be thoroughly in keeping with the requirement of the tiuius is only to be expected, from a government which lias gone so thoroughly into the question as has the Dominion government during the past year. The question of biennial sessions was voted down in the Legislature last wt . k. Here wac a chance losavc the country f 50,000 per annum, but the ihree Patron and P. P. A. members voted with the government aud against the saving. UK ' .M'Kh liave been dm .) (r . i u.mM htfin to iiidicau . HV cl.iihh't h are about to mniir in .1 .;": The budget UAH ool be. i ..(jut ilnwij at time of writiii^, bu . H paper reaohai the ma. . .! irt - Tim Thorubury Standard springs a rumor that there will be a fourth can- didate an independent iu t'ie field in Centre Great for the Local House. Where it gets its information we c'o not know, nor do we believe any faith can be placed in the rumor. i^MW 4 - . Division Court- Division Couit was held in the Town Hull on WiHlneaday of lant week before Judge Mormon, when die following casts woru diipcaed of : (irernithitiliU v. Ileiinttt Action on protested drift. Verdict for plaintiff. Turin r v. McLcod and Utxi. Bennett, gnrniiliee Acfaoti to recover f 64.70. Ad- journed. Empire Tobacco Co. v.I.U. Anderson Action un accouiil to recover 111'. 12. Verdict for plaintiff. Empire Tobacco Co. v. Wallace Ac- tion on account for $21 73. Judgment for plaintiff. llobert-soii v. Wallace Case ilmilai to above for f!G.2'J. Adjourned. Gardiner v. Dean*- Action on account, f4 30 Verdict for ( Utiniiff of |41.36 ajrainst Mrs. Duaiin, each parly to|y half c<*U. Mitchell r. Allan Action on account for?)175, for veterinary aervice. JuJx- im-iit na given for plaititiff for 9H.&0. Mnruh v. Meadaf-I'laiiitiff sued Mr. W. Moitd* for 97. 25 for wagn. He had engaged for three month*' hut left at the end of one month to accept another situ- %tion. Noii uit, and no coiiln to defen- dant. \\illnn r. I!r\v. . 0. B. Richnulaon, ttarniihee Action on promiiwoiy note,for $2fi <>5. Juilginent for plaintiff. \Villmniton r. (iorman PlnintUr claimed dmnt>ci in a done trade to the exUttit of fc.">0 The judge allowed him 25 ccnU and cottn. McKonzie, T. Degraw, O. P. R. Co., garniaheo Action on promiaimry note fo- $_'."> 7'i. JuJguieiit fur pliinlirt fur ful amount and cmti, (larumhee diachartiid. Fawcctt . Fiwc*tt--Actioh to recover $100 forpiwture, house runt anil bnlanct- on nail' of cattle. Tlie |*rtie* had been in partnereliip. .Judgment waa eivi>n fr plaintiff for 984 711 Married. At hr U'-t'.olM Kleilnrton, b>' HOT. K. H. Hu|*i*. VI A, on \V,l.,uly, Htlilu.t.. Mr J. FloiJ* to UU** -At tli r: iMenm tl the bride's a.lo|ited parent*. FluMherton. on Wed ni-nlay, llth lni..l.. tlj.. ller.Jobn WelKU.A. Itoliort MeggattoUarKarrt \Vlljn, alluf Ar- >ia. Dorn, AiiKMinn In Toronto, on ttunday, 1Mb Init. thu wifr ul T. Alkenhoa I of a nn From our OWH Corrnjn>ndtnt . Our *)>riiii( wtAthur haa takijii the cold and wu are having a turn of winter wi-iithcr ngitin. Mint Julian in \iiitiiiK friends iu Viia^lian tliiii weulc. Air. Etl. l'iil ud lltiuohel Julian uru lit HID- n[ieniling K.mti-i lioluUya tliia wtwk Mian Jennie Hale nnd Mia* Lizzie Iliilt! in- homo from Owvn Si.iin I II. 8. :|>i-iulnik! KuHior huhduyi. Mi.ii S.irn McDonald U viMim.} at F. I'. KUKO'H tliia week. Mr. .John :>,,. 1.1 ruturnoU tu town on Sunii.iy, bringing Ina bndu with liiin. We i iki- thu tirat opport inly to with friuml Sj.. fi ami In* t>rult> all manner of >i. . HIMI.I iniio* thna^h hie. Mr. h. ltr..-.Ui-n' iiilfii.ii 'uoving tutliu Hollow till* Wi-uk. Mr. J. Mt-<Juitrrie t|Miit a few days at ih >IH'IOII uwt week. 1'lie H. A. intend rebuilding their ahwi ilii* apnng. They have miwied it aince it oolU^iaed in the Rtunu iat fall.. General News. The tug A. Ainilie, with schooner Ariel and a barge loaded with icu, from Rtt!e ake Harbor, arrived at Owen Sound Monday, The Liberal allocution i f Cardw<-li met atTotU'iiliam Moinlny HII I dccidod lint to nominate a candidate at pretent for (I.e Untario Legislature. Chamberlin, the Toronto man found guilty of penooa in^ at thu lat election in Wiiini|'Cg, his l>cun sentenced to three year* in ]>eiiitntiary. Millinery Opening M- RICHARDSON & CO'S %%ON U;aoilTDesilayJpriI2aD(|], Ladies ar< invited to gee onr Spiini? Strles in Millinery. Mantles and Drpps Goods which we believe will exceed iu volume, in variety and in valno any former season's stock, and will not be equaled in this part of Ontario. ^ We have jnst received direct from England, per 8 8. Majestic. 6 cases of Dressgoods. and a Reneral consign- meut of British and Foreign Mnnnfac- tares in Cottons, Woollens and Siiks. We will do the bij?i?rgt DressgoodB trade that we evsr did, and we liave been away ahead in this line for years. Our Dresagoods are bought direct at the manufacturing points and we lia/e the inside track on cost pnces. An inspection and comparison of wlnes will satisfy any intelligent purchaser on this point. We are shewing elegant (roods in Art I1ns! ; nsand Lace Curtains and onr sales in these lines are more than satisfactory, qnite exceeding expecta- tions. We have been repeating and doubling orders and expect to keep stock well assorted. CARPETS. Yes, this is the time and ours the place to get tbe right thing.jnst wliat you want in Carpets and at right prices, CLOTHINU. Ready msxle stacks of new goods for all ages. M.RHWCO. i tt "When I was a Boy. \Vritca Postmaster J. C. WOODSOK, Forest Hill, W. Va.. "I had a bron- chial trouble of such a persistent and stubborn character, that the doctor pronounced it incurable with Ordinary medicines, and advi-ud me to try Aycr's Chrrry Pectoral. I did so, and one bottle cured me. For the last fifteen years, I havo s:srd this preparation with good effect whenever 1 take A Bad Cold. and I know of numbers of people who keep it in the house all the time, not considering It safe to bo with- out it." "I hare been nln(f Ayer's Chorry Pectoral In my family (or 20 yeari, with the moot n^Mi(actory rraulu, and con phitrrfuiiy njrommrnd It rw bolng eiir>- cialty adapted to kit pulmonary com- [ilainti. I have, for m.iny ynarfcmai'.e pulmonary and other iac<tirlne*aipclal Kt' I hav come to the conclnilon that Aycr'a Ckorry Pectoral oernpln a position prrv-eniin.'nt orcr othw meilW clnea of the rUai." Cha>. DaTMiorl, DoTr, N. J. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral PrapwtdkrDr. J. O. ATerfca !, M.H. Prompt to act, aur teour* OF- Furniture Peoplo Bay that times are hard, and probauly tuey art' Now, na a *[><; k l inducement to buy now, 1 aiu IK.!!:::/ lur- nit.ure at Hard Time Prices If yr>n have a dollar to npeud in fnruitnrc try tue, UL.l 3eo how far your dollar will go. J>on't forget it t We Vill Hot .3 IitesoU We have a big stock to choose from and will yive yon '", biggest dollar'* worth you ever {jot. Out parlor suit left al 120. WLo gtUlt? - Cheap Ti, "ip Man. i H RESIDENCE OVER S Having decided to open a millinery in connection with my general store, which will be OPENED FOR BUSINESS ABOUT APRIL 1st NEXT I would take this opportunity of respectfully asking the ladies to withhold orders until they can inspect my itock, which will be under the charge of Miss Bcccroft, an experi- enced milliner. My stock will be found complete and terms " 8ht - T.y ILL, JMUt. General IVI enchant, FLESHERTON, - - Notice, BOI.L.KK I FLOURING HILLS Mnultoba I'lonr nlway on band. Buck whfat ground and bo'ted. The only mill in thu section of country that due* this class of work. Ch<>i>pin|>f clone fat -I . timo. A.F5. Bell - D. McTavisli, 110RSESHOER AND GENERAL BLACKSMITH, Colling wood Street, FLESHERTON, - ONT. MftnufacturtnK of Waggon*. Sleitfh*. HiiKiflej* Democrats, Ktc. Uor^vhoeiliK |'r.'Uij-tl v aA- (ttiulod to. hiiecial attvutlou giveu to eoutiacV 1 or leevler fet. aud Plow Chains cun- stantly OB band. HAVE YOU BACK- AC HE 00 DOS KIDNEY DRILLS ' WILL CURE YOU "taokao he meant th kid- niyt art la troublt. Dodd't Kidney Pills givi prompt ntitj," "76 pr #. of ciiteass ft frit caused t d.iordorvd fleya. ' try to havt a without ttwtr- 9*V at good Mu/tA whtn tht liidntyt art tioggtd. titty art tht of tht tytttm. "Delay It dangerous. Neg- lected kidntu trouble* rtlult In Bad Blood, Dyipepsh, Uvtr Complaint, and the mott dan- qtrout of all, Brightt Ditttut, Diabetes anil Dropsy. " /* about drteaset tannot txltt tuhtrt ( Dodd't Kidntu < Hll art "* * ' I

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