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Flesherton Advance, 22 Mar 1894, p. 8

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THE FLESHER1ON ADVANCE wen Sound, Ontnrlo, I* The VetV FI.ACB IK CANADA TO CJET A Tkoruuyh Buiineii Education. Take a Round Jrft -- I oHoaee and C iniiiior?Il l>**;rtme'iti* in rnna<l, tlwu vUlt tHj> N.JI .in / ' "llr^D ; *uliie eferjr- ninij 1-lurnuKiily. " v * '*'' '" I'""'"'' the i*ii il: iniiiKii. ooiuj>lto. practical and esten- sKe of : ib b*t oulteae premises l the ' *'* ii 1 'II "it .-i.Mlilfttt. KIII) liloNt HQit- e furniture anil ap|ill*nce. * will KIN'' *"' ill I couro KliKK For Annual Annouoce- ut, jiving (ull particular*, free, addreaa C. A. FLEMING, Principal. To The Public. ^ HaTlnK rented Wbltten'i bUckamlth hou fur a term of jrrarm, I aui now In a poaltioii to caterto all wauu la my llun. HorseslioaiDj a Specialty, Kul Israel !n .uaranl- l JV anythiivj in thr LaclumilMmg line call un F.A.BUHT, { Oppoajt Blcuardson's Hardware tore J Eugenia Mills -A\D- Carriage Works. Carnages rtiado and Repaired, also Placiiit,' ami Matching, Band Saw. 1kg, Wood M'urmug of evry dos- <y iption. Planing and Grain Chop- plug done while you wait, for th* Beaver tiu-dB the wheel. T.W. WILHOSf Manner r A FAMILY GROUP Tin FltW ill. I...&.9 _ PIIOTOfiRAPH re- | fully equipped with quisites for turning out? per- fect class of work. All kinds r pictures taken and finished a style equal to any cit) ^ork, while the prices are ipwer. Picture Framing^. done in all its branches. If you h.ivo shopping to do %n J pictures to get taken on Ue same Jay please attend to the latter first. Careful at- tention will be given to copy- ing other pictures. Mrs. Bulmer. 1* AKKIAOB LICBN8K8. MII-I! day or night at tbe office or residence of the nnderalgned. Dl VISION COUhTCLB K.CO1IUIH8IONEK In II .{'../. Conveyancer, Ac. Notary public. JOHN W. AHUSTitONO, rutuuurrox. U<^L LLOUOH 4 TOUKO, BanVeri, Ilarkdale. do a neneral banklug but- neu. Money luaned at a reasonable rat*. Call on in It. HAUIIOXD. i*oat Muter. Klmberley. Comnilf ilonc r for takiini ABltiavitu etc. Iniurea and loam money at loweet ratea. Execute! Leaatt, Deed*, Wlllt, etc. promptly, cheaply and efflcieotly. T> J. HPltOLLK, Pottmaeter. Fleihertun, Commiuloner In B. K., l;lc ua*d Juetloneer, Conveyancer, A pralwr and Money Lender. Heal Katate and lururanco Aent. Deed*. Mort(ai|ea, I^eaiei, n>i Wille drawn up aud Valuation* made on borteat notice. Auction Halm attend, . I to lu any part of the County. Money to loan at low eat rate* of intereit. Collection attended to lib |>rouitne and despatch Charuoi low. Auuiit for tbe Dominion SteaniiblpCVuipativ. cheap tlckoU from Flrehertou to Liverpool, H'ow, London er any of the UrltUh |.-irtH I'artim intending to Ennlan.l. Bcollaud or Ireland, will pleaae ask ratea before purchasing their tlekete elHwbere. M IKS EIJITH IIIOHAHDBON. Pupil of Bobt. Malir, of Berlin, (iermanv. i violin-; Mm. llradlcy, ofTorontoConierratory llunc. Vnlo culture) ; Prof. KerrUou, late of Toronto, (Plauo) ; will r.', - Ive i.u^iin in blMil.NU, VIUL.IN, l'I- ANU and OhOAN. T\U HUTTON. M.D.C. M.. M.C. P.* S..0nt.. Prioevllle. HeeiOeoce and office ouu door wait of tbe Mth odist Cburob. Kinross bt. Office .la j , Tueeday andHalurria). JJK CARTE*. II. 0. P. * 8., Oat Pbyalclen, sumoon. *te , rteabertoa ofBoe-atraina btook. Keoidenee- Mnnthaw hotel. JOHN A. SCOTT, u. B. Member College Physio, ft Bnrfeone Ontario '.ruluate lu Medie-liie of Toronto l.'nlvariit) KellowaLIp Diploma, Poet Graduate Midloul School and HonpiteJ, Chicago. Dlaoaaw of eve. ar, noteaud tbroat opecially treated. Kml louce Maxwell, vlalta Feverabani Tbarifelaji IS J P.OTrEWELL. Veterinary Burton. Graduate of Ontario Veterinary C'ollrge. Uo.ldonoe Next door th of Moorr piaoing factory. J K. H.U.STKAU. II P . M. C. * B.. Ont., practice at Klin barley. Hbenmatlc dlwauf i peciallty. J P. UA118HALL, L. D.B..M.D. B.. DentUt. VlaiU Uarkdalr the lit and Xrd Weduveday of naoU month Pleaberton-Kaeh trip ou tbe day following. W. FHOBT. Han-Inter, Solicitor, Conveyancer. Etc. Flecherton office Nvxt tbe pmt office Hproule'i building, on Thumdiiya. Owen Bound ofttoe UCA8& WRIGHT, Han-liter*, Ho) lei ton, Conrsyaneen, etc. Owen rtnim.l. On t - Mil kiln Ii.. Ol.t W. H. WIUOHT. I. II. Lcr. N. H.-Fleaherton office, Ifltohell'i Dank very Wedneadajr. SOCIETIES. Wrigh O. U. W. root every Orft and third Mnn (ii> v lit ancli month, in their loil^e rr-rin IbriHoe'i Hloek> i- p m. \v.n ight, >l W ; \v .( llcllair.y, flnapcVr ; W Iteroriler. Vmitinn Ilieibern icvited. KOYAIj TKMPI.ARS CT TEMCKHAM'T Regular Council inceta every flrt and th'rdTiiBulri I'vrnlm tn oarh month In 8|iroule'H blonk at H p. in. Relart flaRfi- ilnmirtiici-i mi rta ' irnthly, the \VudiiamUy n^ I he '.thul ni each mouth. SON9 OF TEMPERANCE. Thl locletv moats In Dr. Chrlitoo' Hall every Wan- nu)lay avenhtg at H p.m. VUltiuff ln t !i -vi-n invltud. Ink-uretot* in connection. .r ".*.. '"*"" "''' hall, (hiUtoei Ulock evert Sra and tblrJThii/wla) In na.-li month. \\tn.Kbarp.Maater. T. Clayton Secretary PTUMCf AUTifrH i.on<i. NO. sm, A. r.* A. M . 1,1. . t in tlio Mn>.i*lr Hall. Htraln'n Hl..rk. t''li<^hrrton. avnry KvlAfcy on 01 before the rail io*n. A. rt. Vuilnun, \\ . M Hi. Hpinulv. Hrarelarf. Us: THE CELEBRATED B.Laurance SPECTACLEH nnd- KYEGLAHNEft F. O. Ka,x*atedt, Hole Agent Orange Grand Ledge- Cm-nun, Out., MareL IS. M lbr o'eluck ibii *(terooon {Tie Uraod O.aogo gu ! -nM'iii-d in th Uraiul Uper* boa**, ['be leuion wt* ooonnd toroaline butaeM d Uil ttp|M,IUtlU' Ut of CuUIUlllttl-ll. lu hi' oveiiiuK the (iinB I Ludgo atlmiiiud Park atreet MitLcidist Cbn-cb and lutt-oed to an iloquout aeruon Ly tbe Uiand cbaplalo. Last uigbt tb Oiand Black Chapter m i aud tiauiueUiU buiiuiii. TLia morning luc octm were t-lrit;<i as follows ; (Jra:j>l maiUr, Mr W. I . lii-ll, Toruuto, reflected ; leprt} i.. M . Mr. Hem; llnrni-l', i!iainp- oii, reflected ; ^ ^ociati- ih-puly, Mr. 8. H. iiinioul, llaiuilton ; |{ruul obaplin, tb Viet. Vi nii.nii Walali, t>reuiptuD ; uVputy U. ;., the RUT. K. Uu,-;hii,UI u., n ; lit- v.H. K. ixioper, UiTvruajr ; tbe Ktv. Alexander San- iou, Toronto ; graud rrgiBtrar, Lieut. Col. Jautrs 11., Kit<cariiuii> ; ilvputy U. R., Mr. W. ii. McAndruwa, liuiuilton ; t:raod trutnuier, Mr. Edward, M<lc*lf ; dvpul>- >rea8nrer Mr. Horace* Hale", London ; loc- tureri, Mr. Jame* Fultou, Turoutu, aud Mr. J. J. McMa'b. Uoderirh ; boarer*. VI r. Jobu Hogg, CollJDgwood ; auJ Mr. Ja. . onur'l, Coukatown ; wuura, Mvaau, T. ;-.:!.. i.r, Torouto, A M. Todd, Clintou ; u r uivaut, Vlr. JameH. Urudie, Vaodxlcur ; (ntud couimiitee. Mi a'r-. Martin Dill, Tor >nto ; F. I'arnell, 81. Catheriuea ; W. U. nuu, Tuniiito ; Jauieii Elliutt, Murnlalo ; M. Mayur, Ixiu<leU>ro ; Tliuiuu Woodi, LJU.U.W! II ; A. Irwm. Uienden. Tke initall- ,tiu wan condncU-d by -J. W. Sir Kuiyht U in. Lee, Toronto. D. O U. Amuri I Wright . Caw. HI WAR A DOVBTISO TiiOMAK lnl> N' T II, INK |.<i|i|.'> KIH.NEV PILM Wi.fLli CUKE Ills BACKACBB, HIT THKT DID. PCNKTANUUIHHEXI, MARCH, 19. If ,ny perwili in thia iifiulilHirliiKul had any .iuhtsiiK t" the cuiacivu |>ro|ieritiua of D.KW'H Kuiiii-j Tills, the cue of Mr. C. K. Wright, the well known 1 utcher hi w >ught tn disprl such doubti. Mr. Wright w.i trubU*l for Home yean witli a cv<-it- pain in tin- lut k ana kidney du- e. ilo w;ts niluc a t to use the pills iut was tinally jaTMiadi-ti to lu o. Tn day he in cured of bin kidney trouble and 11 loudly ain^ini; the pnu of thu ifily that <lid w> much fur him. dU'H Kiiliu \ I'l il> are manufactured I y Dr. L. A. * Co. and aro (old l.y all dealers, or *>ll be mailod on rtK>-']>i >f price ; fifty cents per box, or six K>xu* fur $2 60. Coualy and District. Mr.Spauldijig.bandmaster of Thorn- bury aud Clarksburg bunds, has -. cd his connection therewith. He he- lie ves fruit' raising is more piotitublu. The Mrafo d I on tor is simjl) isllmg with single tax uiul lkn:\ Uooi'gu them) days. The newspaper reports that Mr. John ( oiin. of Heathcote, wus bun- coed out of $75 hy n slick young man of Chicago two weeks BL; ), ure incor- rect. Tl.e facia am that Mr ('.inn was getting a live dollar bill chunked at tiie money clmn^in; office in the Icpol, and he laid Ki> |>iuse containing $76 ou the counter. There, was a bit; crowd in tho place at (he time, at:d someone grabbed the pmite and wus away in tho crowd bef-ire V(r. Conn could turn around. Th. ru mi y Stand arJ. Post-oftice Inspector Spry was sprv enough last week to oato'i an i i o i i t Miss Honghton of Collingwooil for using second class postage vUmps Fine $10 and costs. On Wednesday of last week, while Mr. 1'.. it MM linage, son ol \' i . A Dulnmge, Merchant, of Lakc'el, wus shooting in the woods, his gun dis charged while he was climbing over a log, tho whole charge entering l.i. body. He was taken to the/eHiJonce of Hugh Carson, where all thai wus possible was done to relieve his suf felines but he died on the Friday f 1 lowing the accident. Deceased wan a nephew of Mis Clarke, of this town. Sit. Forest Confederate. A Hog Explodes. St. Cottar* tt Star. To the Editor of the Star A re- markable case of hog explosion occnr- refl on ray farm in J 'el ham last night. I had been using dynamite for tlio pur pose of blowing several ohl stumps out of the giound. The d\naniit wan mixed with sawdust and gave ont a very pleasant odor, which attracted the attention of two of m\ \\^ feed- ing in the vicinity. The stuff wlien eaten by the hog* created, it would seem, a peculiar sensation, winch an- uoyed one of them to such an extent that it iMit.'inl the stable and began rubbing its iiide against a post at tbe month of a mules Mall. Tho ruule annoyed tt the intrusion, gave the hog A terrible kick in the side. A iremcii- iliui-i t'.xplosion followed, and after the smoke anil dnsl had chum! away I ran over and found my hog in detach- ed pirces, while an eiiounons hole iHiki'l the placi 1 win 10 it had stood. Ti,c ninle icon veil n tumendons ohock, but was still iimct and full of life. The other hi.;: M sii.l riuiin^ at large to the terror of lliu mtnc nei^h- borhood. Can any of your readers account for this extraordinary explos- ion, and what am 1 to do with tie other hog? Youri truly, David Jack- Do. I'rultin From uiiruurn Uv*>c*p<mdrt. Once more we are reiuindtxi thatspring u Imif, l>y the cliirping of the robin ai.u 1 10 p.idiutic long of the frugs. Yel whilu wu aro almost loath to |rt with winter yrt fot a while Still we rxtt ml tin Hand of welcome to iu successor, spiing. Airs. K J. ilodxiut is still very low at |.reeiit with that faUl niu'.ady, consuin[i- t on. Mis M.ggie Neilson lias retunu.l to tho city after spending a few weekv i i:l. friendi aud pattnts. A couple of works ago Mr. Ttvrt Thompson, of Toronto university, fi.i- merly paator here, preached n exi < aoruion ia the I' church. As favorite of the people Mr. '1 liouipson u still to the front. Mrs. Sherson is making ] n;'rnti. i;> f >r the erection i>f a brick r^Moiiice the c mnng suinnier. We learn that Mrs. Alex. Stewart, who recently went to one of the huipiUls in T irooto to Diidergo a treatuiuut fora tinior, u recovering undoc the skilful of a specialiot. Messrs. A. Sheraon and J. Boyd paid a liU8iiiif,sJtrip to the city one uay recently. The social held tit Mr. Win. Park*, in aid of the church was a succesa, consider- ing the rouls and unfavorable weather. Mr. A.Neilnon was presented with a b. by boy coe n o. nag rec ntly. i. a fellow who can appn ciatbt g<x-d ^itt. There are a couple of y unu n en Muiid here who, if ycu Here U> a*k, eould tell you any choice in tho ) 1 fi-.'in cig'at o'clock on Suudny i.i^ht (ill four i-li Mmiilny 11:01 ;IIN.V We il know if it is a gift or n<>', but it strango. s> Prirevllle. From or OICH lui-i:-ifKtudfiit. The cattle fair last M. n : .;. was a i.. i- U:e as far SH prio..- ,i. loi.cemetl. There was <t Urge number n." . ..tfl ground*, but the I'tiyvi* v , re not nnxioiia to purchajo, heiico ii'.i ' y sa'cs wero etfocted. ' ASH. mo "f Mr. .Join. "-JV.M l:n. - Uy weiu Uiivin^ houit- fr<.m c!iurch Lint Sunday tho bone slip|.e.l urt' tho nmd mid. frictui-cd his It g just .ito\e tin I., of. The Hinnial was sliot next. iioy. Mr. McAulay, late cf KoUtuin, arrivod here Iut Tliuisil.iy with n [ :irt uf lii* ru| - chmery for ihe woollen f.iotory wl.i.-li 1-e iii'.i riJs having in "|>et IMII l<y th 1 t of May. liefiiles cirduikt uul wi.uin;.., we uii'letstitnd thiit lie il inati ufiict ure 'Hitch cushions, which wi'l he iio-'ly f .r this hitherto ipi ,-t iittld Lin-.-. \\e weloomo Mr. McAulny '" our town, mid trust ihat hi. bu.'iiuB. i.l U) a j.r..-per- OUH one. Tlie interest in this rviv;l mi'i-tiiigs w'.iich are goin^ on in tl.e MeihiJi:-t church are iucixasiiiK. Mr. IXmilil MclAnnl, fontie>Iy .f tie fl -u brigid-J, T. .r. nt >. i:ilii.iii f.nnrni; t.iiyear. t!ie oiil I.. ;no- stead. Mr. Nil McMillan retiin.i-l to M m- tana last wm-k after spvnd.iij: ft w j>l. .M ant ruontlis among fi'enJa in v: u ity. Mesn. D. Mclx-sn, Noinwn Mo- Douipll, I), n-il.l >!.'l>.. ii aid .i:n! I Mclx'iin :ui:\e ! hmiif fioin Uticl* S.n,. s doniains U-t week. Mrs. McKay'* le wa< : ed Moiiilay. >'e.a!y ex-ryhiiij; W s sold, and st a f.ur c..unUiu family inteiui n. > I' . Mich., ina l .oil t;uu-. The S. O. T. pur|M L-IVIDU n:i enti r- tiinmeiit in their I...MI, to ni^Jit ( I'liuradny). If th>> d.T'S.on !->.] b mni'ix vluruig (hu test of tho yuor ih- w.ty it ha< i)<'iia during th |-.. t month*. Sir Oliver Ali.u.n i . -I n, bo'hnr In* ) ei-|il-xed br.tioa aU.ut tin prohib ti.'ii i|u-ati<>u, > f .r > UIM uiunity ia jmi.'- roetl. Uarrlcd. An^m At iho Mi-Hi ii . rieabwtou, by ; . M. A., onTburnday, Mki h IIUIi.U.. U . J Kn,hr to M.H Cathaiicu A .lair, botii . f tU* t^v a<..ii n ol Oaprejr. Public School Iiir'.' i". "Can of South Grey I I- 'lie tl u'! bean cliosen by the Wi'ii ii .1 Ed > cation as one of the Norum! hcl> > examiner*. Mr. Campbell .. pains to efficiently and thonu..hly dis chfirgu ti.e dulits of hia uffi.e ai^i taken *n all round intercut in tl.o vanccmeiit of both tuauhers aud within \-.\3 jurisdiction. His report* to the County Council are always full of uitcn/stiitg statistics and ;;eueral (dutidtional information and ar-> rr* coived wuh pleaaurn hy th it aa art body, the members of which wi u.'d, rO doubt, be deli^'h'cil to tile ! poru from the other Inspectors, who draw their salaries an regularlyNu Mr. Campbell doss. C utsworth News. Mr. John Han'er, for oyjr 50 yens a resident of Owen S .ui,.l, died IVinday. VIGOR or MEN Easjlr, Quickly, Pinnaautlj Rittvi.. Weakness, Nervotuns5, and all the train of evils from early error* or later excesses, tbe result! of overwork, sick- ntss, worry, etc. Full strength, development and tone given to cvrry organ suid portion of the body. Simple, naiural methnJ*. Imme- diate imprr/remtut seen. Failure impouible. 2,000 rrfcrencrv Ikx>k, explanation and proofi mailed iealed) free. ERIE MEDICAL CO,, Buffalo, I, Y. s. j. IT. Roanrran, Ave.. Santa Cruz, Cal., v.-rltcs: " When a ;rirl at ac'.iool, lu ItoatllBj;, trulo, i had a aorere att.-vli of brai-{ f<-T*r. On my recovery, I myself perfectly bald, anil, tor a Inn; time. I feared I should be pcrrrmcently so. Friends r.rgevl me to use Ajor*s TTnir Vigor, and, on doing so, my hair Began to Grow, and I now hove as One a hoa-1 cf hair as one cotiM wish for^M-inj c' inped, how- ever, from blonde to <l<tilc brown." " After a fit of sickness, re y hair ramo oat tn corn!. f- Us. I nsed two bottles of Ayer's Hair Vigor and now my hair Is OTCT a yard lone and Ttry full an.l heavy. I hr.vorocona- nended t!:-< preparation to otbora with like goed efTeet.'" Mrs. Si.'.noy Cart. 1400 ItoKina St., Ilarriabur^, 1'a. "I liavo T-.H.',I Ayer's Hatr Vigor Cue several ye.irs and alw->.r obtained satis- factory remilts. I know it ls the beet preparation fur the hair t hat Is made." C. T. Arnett. Mammoth Spring, Ark. I Ayer's Haii .; o ;: rri^iaibjUr.J.&Aj&Co,I*wU,MB k repeals Oy*tert, I Ki'.b. of all I ' ' , * *k i in Uiese

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