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Flesherton Advance, 22 Mar 1894, p. 4

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THE FLE3H1RTON ADVANCE E8TABIJ8HKD 1881 wr-'LY AT THI OIWCB, BYD- KKIIAM nraiir, FLBHRIRTOH, OUT., BT W. II. THVERTOM. 1 |r ait>iM,Hlrictly In advance Advertising Kates: Oe Column, 1 juur. SO ; htlfeol.,1 yen-, T quarUr col., one jrr, SIS. Trtnlont -''.-ertl<Mnent cbtrjed t the rte of tr-uM. -line for tint iDMiflon and 3 ceuts each iubi*queut >?ATEBWOKKB. question of waterworks for Fleflliortr-n has been talked over among villagers to a considerable de- gree during the past week or two. Bhould the talk continue long onougb there will no doubt be a result, but judging by the policy of the past the ta'k will cud only in masterly inacs tivity. There is absolutely no satis- factory reason why this town should be left at the neroy of the devouring element any longer, with water in abundance for fire purposes at our very door, and only a system of rais- ing and distributing it required. The Advance has been Landed t dcsciip- lion of Clarksburg's waterworks, v,i,n-h appear to be very complete, very sat- isfactory, and cheap, considering the service rendered. Tho complete cost of mains, hydrant and hose amounted to only eleven hundred dollars. Of HIM neveu hundred dollars wit nised by debentures cOTering tea years, and the balance was raised by private sub- scription. Clarksburg is an unincor- porated village like our own.yet it has a complete system of waterworks which will throw an inch itream of water 100 feet borizontaly and far m r any building in tho place. Its stivt'ts ate kept fin- from dust in summer time, it> rate of insurance is lai -gt ly decreased, and its citizens can slerp without the helpless feeling found i>i tho breast of those who are without protection of this kind. This boon, too, has been secured at the nominal cost of less than 81200. Think of i'. Ono of the fires which have occurred ! during tho past year has swopt away many tunes the coil of putting in thin system. We have all the fa- ciliticu for adopting it, and wish our rate of insurance lowered aa sn.ccn ly s the next town. We have the abiU ity here to conduct tho matter to a in 'ccssfnl issue if our business nu'ii will only pnt their shoulders to it. H is a orying disgrace and draw buck to the place that we have not an ado- quite fire proiectio i. We would sug- gcnt that a public meeting be called to have the matter talked over and a committee appointed to examine fur- ilitr into the question with a view to g)-uing all information possible to eet h f -in the ratepayers of the village. The guiuiut T tinn ia the titno to act. June 1 than some of those present. Those who have followed the evi- dence cauiiot hut think that the ver- dict U a just one. The lies which lave been told by MacWiiertel siuce Lia arrest are only equalled by those of Birchall three ye-ua ago. There are some pecu'anties about tho case, h >we /er, which ma} possibly rcsu t in a modification of the sentence. MacWneii-L-l Una fVulki-r, chargtd with the mnrd'.'i of an ol<l man u.iii.til \\illiania, who hvod about twenty s went of Toronto, ou the 14 Mi of bi -plumber lai, v.. i f.n the Ciltni! at liriiini ton List \\MK. M i. - Vluiirl win loiin.i'v IUH! sn- .I '11 hi. ljungi d on l'.ul;i_v . 1. Walker wus noun. i isted to stand Ins trial > the, ii.imler of Mis. S\ illniin MM Most of oui i. . it<il wuh ilio - of 1 . *e. After tlu- \, llU.L-ll >ll- A'lil-ll . I ' HI II l.lllllillll^ | O. !' 'inn, itunii- win,- , i n,e jiny IIIH mtirderui.-i, and expieHHed tin that he %"i\M bj "livH (n , ,i . ,. ' n i REFORM CONVENTION C. W. r:;irtnian, of Clarksburg. CkMMk I-KOM I >K.VT MK.1 WBO WBRB PKBHBIIT ALL WAS HAKMONY AKI> NO BALLOT TAKKN A PKO.VIMKMT PATHo.N PBB8BMT,OTH- t KM NOT PHB8BNT. Th j Reform convention held iu Flesh- erton on Thursday wmj jioorly advertised, the weather was bad and consequently the gathering WM not a large ono. It made up in quality, however, what it lacked in quantity. Mr. Frank Pedley, pre.ttidt.nt of thu Tor n'o Y. M. L.C., t>at pri.-m.-nt, and gave the speech of the day Mr. IVclley is a fluent and iiiUircating |Rjker,nd hm speech of about an hour's duration was listened to with great alien lion throughout.. The oilier tipeaken weru Mr. Cha*. Pye, Clarsl>u--g ; Mr. E. Raymond, Thorubury ; Mr. P. McCull- ough, Markdaki ; Mr. W. H. Wright, KU-Mit 1 1 .n ; and 0. W. Hart man, Clarks- buiy, all iioiniiii-e.i of tho convention. Mr. Jan. Cleland, M. P. P , Mnaford.and Mr. Siiiith. provincial organizer, .f Tor- onto, als i addressed the convention. The ch .it W..B occupied by Prt.iiide.iit C. Gra- ham, of bund*lk. The uld officers were all re el. i ted, with the exception of thu office of secretary, where Mr. C. Pye|va* elected in place of Mr. Hartnian. The five gentlemen whose names are given above made short Hpcechea, but Mr. Hart- man had the rt ougett pull and the result was that he ru.-eivoil tha nomination, Meswrs M.-Cull>.>U)ih, Pyo, Wright und liny in. ml retiring without the matter coming to a ballot. At le.-t.-r. one of the i .imlid.ites was ready am! willing to enter the arcn.% ; ho had plenty <,f money, and told the convention so, 'I nt that ottnlo loily euili-nlly thought oilier qui litica- tionn were ncceMury. bt-giJui "sjiondul'cv" A li'llu tilt took place between Barrister M l"i;h, of Markdale, and Uaiiiater Wn.'.it, ot KifHlu r onduri .g which tin wm aoinu rather tlnvrp shooting, but mat- ters weru Kiiaighteni-d out. Mr. Mclwtughlu:i,of U;trkaw;ty, Holl- and towu.hip, an astute and wull-iufur- nied farmer, moved a note of Cotilidence in tho Mowat government, which was Buconded l>y Mr. Pyo, of Clarksburg, and cairied untnimouHly. There in an inter- eating feature in thia count giimi Mr. M Ijin.luan i* a pioniiuent l'..tioii in his own neighbor)!. H>.(, lint does nol pro 'o sink his politic* iu tl.c coin n; oiite t He plefoiii to be a "free nt in" aa ho exprvnaed it in conference wuh the A Ivance after tho convention Invd ftd- journud. Asked hy the Advance; if it tvaa tii: that he was a munibor of the or dor, l.i fuel-in. iihly remarked' "yes, if they l.itve not turned mo out bincu I loft liouie," which, he adimlluJ, In liimlly iliongl .t they would d i. In e-intr.i.t t> Mr. Mclaughlin's frank mliirHnion, it is notovmthy tin two of the be:ut -f irn strongest party w nk, n in thia t.ini!ii;> wore rviiHjiieii- ous l>y their absenee Tli.-ui ;ip. i- . t bj a f .iirta-tinii of o| -iuioii a to whai th 1 really porU'nds. With Mr. II in in in the Held th co icensu . of opin i n .ipjii uri to lie .Mr. tiuiiiey'M cli.uir s are we.tkoiiBl, and the L b a . 'e 1 o> ti'l"Mi tint in tin- t!:ivi- corneied light in get their IUHH eloi-'e I. I'njUHt l ;\\\.-. TH the Editor of The A<lninc*. - Mu KIMIOK, It is sti-an^- t'.ut in this pictnri' cnluh o e I :i liilscMiii: i-nloi'ii'K me l'i ,ii_; f. i-ijncnl- iy paid to supposed tfc.i' lawyeia.lbat injn-iici- Kill iiiiii^ii'iiiiuii of our law*, mid in ninny instances are seeiuii <-iv I-MUI^I in . . , i I Wot l!n-r tin' i I'll tin' p.. ii, .1 iin.l In . ' .1- i^niiiL; .Hid llie tin ^iriin,' r. 1-1 .M- h' e l.i-.illilell' t llic iiiii'l.S of tl-n Irtv. HHH i. not lii-cii il- .0 >n>iiu'i il in H- UH--I BTJ i- Miiii; .mil) MI. it, some rf nil) nni.i i I'rct in tlieni rtrlVl 1 ;-, rtlill Ir0'|i|rlill\ I'.UJlMl 111 t'.cir 1 1 ion ? Has not tin' law in ninny nisiaiu-i -i, been 'i.l v i , : i -i ut in |t)fl ii-i|ni.i-iui iii" of jiihtici> i iin.l l-.ii pl'iv ? In many ii-tarees ; it 'i m proven a long and ag- I gravatins? proccsi through wliich the 'itigant must pass, possibly to linau- oial ruin. Caata will pac s iuto litiga- tion, with apparent, if not r -a!, riylit ou one ida, and pass through several stages of the process and land the lit'- gdiil , much depleted iu their purses, their position reversed. Appeals are resorted to on the basis of quibbles or trilling technicalities of law, thus keeping the litigant in a state of sus- pense and aggravation and resulting in largo depict on of their means. Fre- quently what ia sought after is dfcti ptted m IH.V expense* Cauoot thtae coiuitant appeal* from court to court, canning large losaea and necenanrily fre- quent injustice, be dispeuaed with and t. 11, have at le-t, as great a measi re of justice t Should not the power* of each court be so accuratly and clearly defined , and the Isw so ex/l.cit in it> dfclaratioiin that a final decision could be rendered I Even to a layiuau this doea uot seem an imp. task. A poor man will bo anmewhat veutureconib if he goes into court with a cane that IB at all Hurrounded with <lithcul y,Mi<l eHpecially if he lisa a rich litigant to c<mU-i.d HK^HII. Thrir po.sitions are unequal from the U-^IIIIHII^ In the first pUce he i* m -re suixious of a speedy settlement, his IDMIIIB not allow- ing protracted litigation. In the second place, be in pitted a -ainit a lawyer of un- questionable ability and vipe.i DC>-, who avails himself of all the "loopholes" af- forded by law to he ure an appral. Eventually he may win, but ''Ins last tnte is worse than his find" aa his KHIII may not cover his lots. Then, in every appeal there ia a wronx done to HOUWOIIU as he is reluctantly brought to nerdleu and niaybe heavy expenditure, \\nhn proper di-Hnition of the powers of the separate courts, and a law, the meaning of which cannot be doubted, and juat. able and honorable jutlgea, Ibis rvil would be remedied, if not totally eradi cated. LATMAX. FcTenkuiHa. From our own Com*poiidet. Mr. E. Hortou is moving to the valley thia week, and W. ScQley in moving to the farm Mr. Hurt on i* leaving. Mr. J. Paul has commenced the erection of a large implement ehed wilh a large hall uj-i-air-i. It will fill a felt want Mr. Sherman C.<h|iiet ia visiting his mother in the village fur a few days. Mr. Ge. i. Finloy has opened up busi- nesa in the harness making. This it a branch of bushieae F*orhani has L.IU felt the want of. Woik is so brink with him already that he iuteuda putting on in. ire In l|i to atiuply tint iliuud. The S. A. held a big "g.. " her* lam week. They had a lot of outside help. The meeting was a snocesa a* rvgmda numb -rs :iu 1 iiiiorett taken. The mu i .ally wu much admired. Ira has got Htarted on the annual eut f lumber. Them is a large ntock of Ingg o-i hand. At Tiverton on Friday evening Mr. Dan McKi'iiiie.. tued 46, and the fath. r of a family, wfi<t nut and ltavog>-d Inn - elf. He left a note saying he had lived t'0 " _ AVER'S SARSAPARILLA P. SMITH, of Towanda, Pa., e constitution was completely broken down, is cured by Aycr'a Barsaparilla. IIo writes: " Far oinlit year*. I was, moat of th* time, n frrr.-.t snfTrrcr from constipa- tion, klilncy trouble, ami Indiges- tion, no that my constitution s. to bo completely hrukm down. I WM lii.lnril to try Ayer'i SarsaparllU, and took nearly seven bottlns, with such excellent raulta that my stomach, bowels, am! klilnys nro In p-rfect con. ditlon, and, In nit their functions, aa regular M clock-work. At the time 1 began taking Ayer's Barsaparllla, my weight was only 129 pounds j I now can brag of 1M) pounds, and waa never In so (food health. If yon could cc me be- fore and after uslnfr, yon would want me for a traveling advertisement. I believe this preparation of Sarsaparllla to be the best In the market to-day." Ayer's Sarsaparilla Praiwred bj Dr. J. O. A >-.r * Co.. Lowell, Mssa, Cure* other,wlll cure you M. EICHARDiON & CO- Kev Prints, lev htts, Piles of new Prints just opened. Mnalins. Verona Cor^s. De- Laineg and newest things in Dress goods. \Vliy wait lili the pret- tiest patterns are picked ^m? Tlie choicest designs of this year cm be Lad NOW nd at lowest prices. U'e Lave New Tweeds, New Suitings, New Pantings, and they are marked at quick sellings prices. \ very Ur^'e con-i<>iiruent of Cottonades, Ginghams and bnii't- inga just put into stock, an>l selling at prices lower limn ever. New Carpets, New Curtains and an immense range of Wall Pip- ers just opened. Our bonse furnishing stock is the most complete we Lave ever shown. We open in a f -w days very large deliveries of Boots ar.d Si>ues, Hats. Clothing, Mantles arid Millinery. Juct arrived, nuo c\c I >i 1 of Su^ar direct from refinery, and an- other consignment of cheap Teas. (>r 80 Ih. fimily packu^ of choice Jupan Tea at 22| ec -ts. Direct import ebftttragM keenest eompeiition. M. RICH ARPS01T & CO. NEW Having decided to open a millinery in connection with my general store, which will be OPENED FOR BUSINESS ABOUT APEIL 1st NEXT I v/ould lake this opportunity c f respectfully asking the ladies to withhold ort'ers until they can inspect BtJ ItOcV, v/hich will be under the charge of Miss Bcecroft, an experi- enced milliuer. My stock will be found complete and terms right. T.H i LL, Oenopcil Mer-elTririt, - - ONT. Notice, NOTICE IS 11KKK1IV UIVKN THAT THE BOLLKR FiOURIN& MILLS are now open for business, and iu full operation. A FIKST CLASS Niii.t.- ER haa been employed, and I will guarantee satisfaction. Bring along your custom work. Chopping <lono nt A.I A y.u BittiJ. I DIP ninttrr of tho kJUIT l.r t IT. 1.1M- Of HI.' IHUC of He*hi':-ttii. Iti 4'uunt v of .r?y, of VII- the I* ii<u:tnt to tha |>rrv>lo!!3 --f t'i I'.i-vit t KtlMt.'H Ot l>llt*t ' < a that all > . . kvin,< i ll|t.'ll ')| R ! lh > . . in tltu < >i' < i ubuut thtf t 't-l by |ioMt i far Ap.ll A 1> , : M an I ft-Ulre i of iluur D. RIcTavisli, HOUSESMOKU AND GENERAL BLACKSMITH, Collingwood Street, FLESHEKTON, - ONT. Manufacturing of \VaKK"i>", 81eit;l)A. Hiiflglvs IH-I.IOCI^tK, I ;. -. ll,ir~.> si, ,1,11)^ |.;i ; l| lly (4. tt-ii.'r.i attDtiuu givei; to cuuiiac^- e 1 or tvuder leek. aud Plow Clinins rou- ulantly t!io ">y o( l.hulr ftrtiou- (If ttiiv.i lii-lil I'v thoin. 4uanoth ! further R i a&ld Twentloth rty of Ai^rll. 16U4, th naid Kii'cutuni \-ill|i iribuu. HIM (.( th Buin tteeeftseo among %lie pernons i,ti%lil lliereto, .tnfl tli< ilie Id awrU or any part tli HI or t vh-M claim 01 c!i. --hall in.- IIM u "'i-ii i '..Li'ivn.1 li, tU'iui or ttioir nulici- tors .it th tint l,fi i.-.* WHIUKT. ()wi- Si. ii u. I, Out. Solicitors 'in the aald Ksm,utor9. Dated tho lit dH> of Mar.-li, \ u , tHjl. HAVE YOU BACK~ ACH E OODD5 KIDNEY WILL CURE YOU "Backache meant the kid- neyt art In trouble. Dodd't Kidney Pills giue prompt re/iejL" "/5 par cent of disease It fret caused bu disordered kid- ney*. "Might as well try to hdue a healthy city Without tewvr- agt, at good health when th art I, they are the ''Mvengert of the si/stem. "Delay It dangerous. Neg- lected l.:iney troubles result in bad Blood, OytpcpaJa, Liuer Com plu i nt, and the most dan- geroua of alt. Bright* Diseaae, Diabetoa anrf Dropsy. " "The a'-out diseases < annot txist where DodJ'a Kidney ara uavd. .. .-y w of price ji> ctnrm. per o Nx <r .m. IV. I, A/Vmi-h * lo. Toronto. W ,, vr. L.. A. ^M^^ * bywk cuW tkd|

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