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Flesherton Advance, 22 Mar 1894, p. 1

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^0sftafl/ I TRUTH BEFORE FAYOR." " PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN.' VOL. , NO 655. FLESHERTON, ONT., THURSDAY, MARCH 22 1894. W. H. THURSTON, ETOR CLOCKS. One of the finest assortments outside of Toronto and at prices to meet every pocket, from 1.25 up. Silverware. A full stock of beautiful and useful goods in cruets.pickle dishes, preserve dishes, knives, forks, spoons ornamental goods, &c. Jewellery. A magnificent choice in every .ine, from watches to collar buttons. Armstrong Bros. Flesiierton IN BOOTS and SHOES to suit the season. Men's and women's winter wear selliiij? off at a.n<l below eo*.t 'to niuku room for spring stock Our slock is very large aud complute, and in order to gt room for apnug goods, thi j slock must be sold regardless of prices. Call early in order to gel first choice. JOS. SMITH, - - Flesherton. GENTLEMEN : I DESIRE TO ANNOUNCE that I have taken over tlie Carriage aud Wajjon niaKin-^ business lately carried ou by Mr. Moore, and am now prnparodtn fill all orders in my line to yoor eutire salisfuctiou. Having Ittoly added to my sixteen years' expe- rience in tlio business a nine months' training in on<: of Uie best carriage S'IO^H in tlio city of Detroit, when* I xurueeilcd in earning ofl a first, class recownioiidation, ought to be a Kiifikitut gtiarauN-u that all work will hriiid.' in :t first clas inauner. I iiiaiiiif.ictuie ^ BvniM, CotUra, Slvighs-; iu dot vw/tbiug in tlie car liuc. Wood auJ lumber takeu in exchange. Kindly give me a call. I). U L, <V I . C . Flcbhei-tou Next door to UcTavisIi's blacksmith shop. Cittfs^s ^AENT' EME I desire to call your attention to my l-i w :nter stock of Cutters, which will need no words ol *Jl recjin..iendation from me, as I will leave the public to judo"* for themselves. I have also on hand a stock oi heavy sleigiia, |. l _^sure sleighs, market sleighs and .skeleton sleighs. All I ask is a call, and judge for yourselve-;. Thanking my many friends for their past favors, I u main, yours truly. K. T. WH ITT EN COPYRIGHTS. CAJJ I OBTAIN A PATENT t Fora Monti apner and an bonent nploinn. write to M I S N S <., who bave had nearly Ofty rearm 1 Menw In the patent biulneea, Comniunica- i Mrtctly confident 1*1. A 1 1 n nillinoli of In- I'ateHiK anil bow to ob. formation eonoamloc tain tbem >.-tit tree. A leal and -I'li'iitlUo book Pat.'nu takm thro MciaJ notice In the K. thu> are bmuike wld< a oataloKue of niechan- boolw nont free. -- tbronfrb Mtinn A fn J notlMlntbo K. l.-ntlfi.- Amcrlrnn. and hut are bniuicM widely belrn tho public with- out cot t.> the Inventor, 'rim >i,|i.n.ii.i cnner, Uraed weekly. eleganMy lUnniraied. him hy ttr the lamcM olraulatloa o{ any loiciitiiii! ork in tliu wwlo. #; a year. Buinplo oopiw ent free. Building K.lltlon. monthly, lljOa year. s:nnln s*". ' eenu. every number domains boau- ul plates. In colon, and pbotonraub* of nw . with plaaa, enabllnc builder, to >bw the toontracta. AddreM Farm for Sale or EH A Hare Chance. \ [."Olt Sale or Exchange for Vlllago property In ' gKiiliorton, Kl.wlii.i-toii Station. Maxwell, Sin lmiii|.f,on,or Fo-rh:.. ; a valuable Kami of 1"T ttcreR.on milo north uf Klniberley In thu Hi '.,<r vnl!.:v., Tp. of Kupbraala. Ou tho i>.-< in irton are a w>M frame, barn and drtvo lionaii, aluo a good orchard and well uiiulieo with water, AI>II! 'W. 4 D/aYM 1!V Ay tfor Hydunham Fire ^ tn. Co. .Walter's Falls \\T \ NITli'l^ Kellable men to el- "T * V J i 1 r/1/' ourohoice and hardy Xiirpry ck. and Seed Polntoes, fu'l andeoui plcNi line. Many varieties <*ai. only ba obtain 0.1 through u. Cemmliifilou or nOary poi'l wfi'kl ..-. aud promptly. Rxolnsiv* and choice ..f t-rrit.iry xlvon. Don't delay, wriU) at one* 1118. Ati-KN NCRSBBY Co., Rochester.!*. Y DR. COWAN. OF GALT overniueut Inspector Stock fi'/iin ./ur -i\im curretp<n,,l< nt. of LiC S line uni. rtumito anivcd ;it our vii; i.i, Sunil;iy evening last, and n -_,, i:u for luxurioufl quartiira, put up at Mr. VISITS THIS i>i8TRi(.T AM* PBosouNCBS IT Duck Bt't vacant luuse adjoining tho r.wd. KUlioTUM Ot'H 8TATEMKNTM ALL " V >""ll'd door proved no oblltacle ill his way, and toon b wan t. -mporary landli.rd of tlio placo. More furtumito that he tu whk-h he wa not usually ao- ' I'AHRonoKATBI) A SIMILAK OCTItllKAK Ii* I'KKTH. 1 expected, a stovo w; theru in which he Dr. Cowan, of Gait, 8 ovcn.e,,t l.v ,, , )mlt a Clinlflirta ,,, u flr . , slock inspector, wu in town mi Friday last. Hit busmrsa in thit part WHH tu in- vestigate the outbrenk of I-IVUMH which Tho Advane. has thoroughly ,liussvd :lt once took tcps ti duiin-t the pa* two woek.1. He lirst vis- |lis ll)rU!>li i p- Mffl U|U . kult with f ^ rl()Bl , i-od Markdalo, and afterwards **" LonntanuiM * inl.|ld btWifaf .*, over to Fleshorton, where, m, c,,-,, IUl ny e d u,H,n the nitruder, and si z ing him by m with Dr. Ottewell, ho examined Mr. lihuk's herd. ll> bad no hesitation whatever in agr.wing with the conclusion arrived at, that it U a caj of 01 . poisoning ; ill fact ho arrived at tliu ident- ical conclusions which this paper hiu -ul- vancod with regard to thu origin aud cause of thedweRK", attributing its gon- eral prevalanoe to the liumid waatlier of '>- last spring, winch was Hpoi-i.illy to the. di'velopement of thu fui:gi>id. we said buitweok, it it especially a'..iin dautoii a spacii'sof June ursaa, to which the Ur. gives tho imtne>.f ryt> crrvss, and th *Vrdmg at which to r.iitle appears tu have caused the trouble ii> evory uiNi.anr.'. Low, flat, damp land i most adaptable to its gr iwtbv Dr. Cowan only romain- bur< on* siiuiUr outbreak i.i Ont-irio an 1 that was in the County of Perth, along a low strip of cou.itry. This dtSJMe had li. -ii w r .in:/ : is di.iuily f >r in >nlhs past in thin portion of tho country, without thu cause bc-i'ig tliic.ivercd until Dr. Otteucll I"..U . cam ill hand. Mr. ILay.*, ..I 15,. . c >H afbxitod eteii befotvtliv col. I .1 i pabtuiing where thia gran was ahund&ui. \ Mi . >1< ('nrmii'k and Mr. Hobt. W.ilker, who live near Markdulu, have ,-iU.i b -.-u doctoring animali all wint.-r, without being aMu to y.< at tho so.u of thu disease. Tliure wore other cases of which wu havo hoard whurti uattlu WITH tioubled with sore foot, that arc now believed to have rulti d from the same cuuxe. Dr. Cowan during Ilia visit thu "cull" of tlie neck and one arm, said in a .struloiiun vnice "you are my primm- er and the Queen's," worda, which ac- companied by her fi<ar!e*s attitude, re- duced linn tu juapair. Caught in a lirm u't'.'up and uuable to escape, he resigned Iliinaolf to advci -,r fate, and wunt a ioi.:i d inarjh before our mayintruU-, Mr. R. Mc- I'mdy, who sent him in charge of Mr. L.itiuit r t I'lr lihcrti.u wlioiuhoup* i before Miiguiirato Armstrong and WHH sut'tuiicud to two tin. nibs in Owen'. S.Mind jail. Mm. Duckutt Healed a stone about In r purs, .11, HO it would not have , belligeaent, and sho is to bo congratulat- ed on tliBuc'iv.j and mre un-amir. s taken j and ihu courage shown in securing pub- See our stock and prices. PLE8HEBTON HARDWARE STOVE AND We have on hand the following seasonable goods Tlio Eugenia F. B. team roor_'auixed on thu 17lh inot. Thi-r... was a full attend- ance and all manifested a deposition to pr./mto tin.- iiit-.ii-,i, nf thu tuam. Mr. Ho^g and Mr. Johnston wore ro-oloctud President and Captain respectively, Mr. J, A. Williams Honorary >',i; tuin, and Mr. Walton William-. ... A management u.iliililitti.0 ..f tl'o l.illoWinjJ nu 'in ban w:iH rl.-oLc.l : Messrs. .1. V. Wil- lianm, W. J'edlur, Edward Can and John Gurley. A commitluu c-oiiip'in, <l of Messrs. J. K. HOL'-, W. P.-dlar and W. TKAJ'OTS AT LOWK8T LIV- (jillilund wan iippomi.d to uil;u nu'iuiurea , N(i 8 quart 90e dot 10 i|t. ?! .ai a .Ida p^^^ ^10 per huadrad to il. Milk Coole A LINE OF CHEAP Water Pa,110 10 (|urt piulR 14 contu and u|.i,u 1M oeut* an J ujiwm d Daisy CHurns '"l>Icr Koi!( r . ( oppor Teaket- tles. Mrkel-plalcd .r i n ,', ALL KINDS >,f UKAN1TB and K.NAMMEI.ED WAKE ami tu .secure a good ground Tho tuam has rejolved to not play at a late hour in .rth.-r villages to ita disadviintaye UK hith- erto. Tho member.! wui moot again on nothing now ur m.>r than Tho Advance \|,,,J7 bM already ,,,ad public. He ,Mud Or. Wu ' h , o , h . lt ,| 1B ,, ow c,,,,,,,^ o OttfWfll high U'>ii!plfmi>nt, -' I'ITI^ that _. . hiHtruatm.- f the diieHH* could not be , Fleshertoum.m will K t tho Hoop and improved up. n. ! Veiitn-r mill, as ihu members .are hontsU With tin- openiti!: of gprin-/ and clung.' :raiyhtt.irw ji d and csipablo !,uinetw of food vile di^ea-se will no doubl diiiap m..,, p^-ur for a time. Thanki tu tin thupmuh I t xposu-e civen t: th,' nuiti-r fanners will ! W " h ' ttr O''-"' xI y ' '" wife in ill.) future b ii[x>n t!ie:r uar I, and be hymn'n.k and tho aulob.ogniphy of the enal'l.d to prevent a rvci;rreiic of th author, as it in an opportune time. d:auae xt, nt. oii^ their herds to any serioim To Om B'U<* f Tin AUmttce : DEAR Sin, -- 1 wat much surprised to tee my name mentioned in last work's iatue a* having cattle ilf-nul with m-^ t Km. This, I .am absolutely curtaiu, is uot th case. Since your last week's iMue 1 have t<oiio to .n ir.>ublo to in- viHitigate the ei'xot, winch I wi\v in your office. I have very Juno ftic, but in what I hav,- I found a C"iiiilcralil (jUHiit.ity of ergot, but do nut find any on old buy. I havo .also f..imd it in *.>I>H' of uiy nri){hh,)rs' hay which ihy nr,i f e 1 - in to t.h.fir stock c..,,s :mtly. ;i i.] Captain Swn-iicy, U.S. A., San Diego, Cal., wyH : "Shiloli'H Cattiriah Riinody m the tirst inuUiciuu 1 have ever found tl at do in.' 1'iy goinl." Price oU cent*. From our oiwi evrrftjMrnJmt. Thore m . v.-iy indication dint .spring ia at our i'oo: s. Tbo Flog Hand gave ua some of tboir niid.nliiius music lim ni^ht and we have hoard thrf r..liinH and gnty binls ningiii.; >-ery nicely f..r a fe* weck. Mr. J.Q ievuH his arri u I and it >e dy to make clothes f..r all \v'io may favor ALL TH08B INTRUDING HI H.D nhould call on tlio umlomtgned before purchasing olMwIiere. Prio away down. Met door to Pbotograph nallnrr. CM. is antly. .a i.i thuir cattle do not appear to Ix: the h' a.'lv. I hi n ih the t ..r.i.r, and Wlutliy w 11 ed by it. Thu only Animals 1 liav,. with boot ynu, all unli-r t!i,. siiin.^ ...f. ( 'in stores are stocked with nice sprii g K E Tailor. F. A. B AIK1 lu father's gristmill i i Mul'.iur, is lunie ,,-, ' J ** hurston any Imir oft' tlloir II-IJH IK a coup of calves. Tho cause I attribute t. tin- fnct that thpy are in too close (purit-rs, and I " |s tt " d our merchants 'ire kept vei j think if you would KOHIX!. this d t.ii.-t. bui;y. you would find very few , us ,,f ,-a'iot Mr. Geo. Urahiim is busy fit .na cp wbere some are not ,1,,-litly atle te 1 t'- hJH ^...j.., , fc ^ f , , way, the OAU being ihnt 'lioy uro in located in too (JuM quortM*, h.'r.; tli, "a 80 " 8 cutting. tetnperxc'ire i h it nn.l the air foul. I Mr. \Vi 1 I'l.-wis wlio bn^ been rnnnii g think cattle around ilrs n.'i^lili<n are in a rat dan! bolter coiuliri"ii tiiis spriiiy, and inoiv healthy, than th- v Intvo been for Nome j oars, for us Lug as my ' memory will cany inn !>,u;k 1 d.. n t r f'om Fli*b,rt..n Moii'l ...v a r r t r veiling menibor a sini-le year in w!ii,;b H!O. k of her son, v >.n" time. tome kind woiv not atle-:','d ni>...n.' v.\, ^ l - tuoh as hair comiiiK nit' tlx-.r !.--^. s i.-< Dani'd lit'-. I'r i;irn4n Htnl breaking out, eto.. an.l 1 HHI of the opm- "f 'he Hamburg, Oi.f.., Indepei ion that, thoro in n,,; so imicii of the "' wa !>ufi'urin^ frcin Dv-jn psmond Liv- \l' \\TCI) Knf " dreodcd diaeaw in this |.art. HH it won.d '-r 'u.nMi>, I t,,,,U f.uv Iv.ttlom.f Shiloh'd ,,,,,' K ,},,'(,., appear, for why urn not all caitit' t,'d . n ViUlr'.T m-d i' . ir',1 inn. 1 rnn heartily atnfit aodtb* bwirAI tb'i sumo kind of hny alfei-tvd f Kimily recommci publish this, Mr. Edir,. r . f.,,- n,> 8hilh'^ <' 11 *.ld .,11 a grantee. a I nm confident there is not the Hli-h: Tt euro-. !in:;i>;<>i.t C..i.,i,, It in ejt der of disuaao in my stil.l the '-est Cmii/h Cur .- ( ' nt, e conk a Thankni^ you for \. ur valual lu spnc,., I d,e ; 25 otH., 50 cU. and |1.00 per bot- am yours truly, Wgsi.,v i i SKIN. tie. Makes all garments of Mm's wear in the heat stylo t ; notice All work gntirant' trial solicited. Flannel H j, The nndoniigiUMl i t.rcpm "! Klaiiiiol weaving of all kin, Is mill ioaotiable tertiK. KatUfu Orilnrn aent ill by itosn will tei.r.iuii. Corrpon II-IIKI H. i MISS 1> Feb. 7. fl m. VI.. I n.'tloe itued. i't at- >f OTei fence fnrnmhn.l cvnry man. lln an.| conn-.. I of irit'.i. 700 acr. of eboloe took.jMtd i ailvMito^i.u. InK *l,'sinon i vu|>onii . ('uli . The: .1 will cont )on n.ithini- STOVE &WEMJM; >\. Torvuto. Out. -MI

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