THE FLESMERTON ADVANCE we Mound, Ontario, IK CANADA TO 0*T A Fhorotiyk Burineu Education. Take a Round Trip ^-^ ^ ^-^ ^^ Colleqee and domtnerofsl Department* In Canada. tneu vUlt OU* Noribrrn Biitlnefl! College ; examine every- ailnn tlioruuglily. It we fall to produce the to t thorough, aomulete. practical and eiteu- vo course ul study ; tbe bent eoUaue preuili fi t the butt and most ooui|l*te and niot suit* enlefnrnlture and apiillancei, we will give yon a T jl I eonr*e KltKK. For Annual Announce- ffient, giving fall particular!", free, address C A. FLEMING. Principal. f To The Public. Faring rented Wbltten'i hlaekmnltb (hop for a tarni of > cam. I am now in a poeitlou to caterto all wauti In niy line. Horseshoeing a Specialty, Hiuira<-tioii Guaranteed. tor anything in the Iwknnithing lint call on F. A. BUNT, v Oppoalte Blchardaon'i Hardware (tore J 4 OT Eugenia Mills AND Carriage Works. Carriages made and Repaired, also Planing and Matching, Band Sttw. Ing, Wood Turning of every des- MrTptlon. Planing and Orain Chop- plnf done while you wait, for th* Beaver turns tha wheel. T. W. Wf L8ON A FAMILY GROUP PHOTOCRAPH ^ (ally equipped with re auisites for turning out ? pci- rect class of work. All kinds ^f pictures taken and finished > a style equal to any city \fork, while the prices are lower. Picture Framing^ done iu all Its branches. If you have shopping to do gad pictures to get taken on ItVe same day please attend tp the latter first. Careful at- IpntioQ will be given to copy- other pictures. Jklrs, Bulmer. M AKHl.Mil I.ICHNHKH. leaned dv or night at tin om or r**ldne* Of tho nudrlDed. DIVIrHONCOUKTCLfl K.COMMIH8IONB to H.CU. Conrejraneer, *. Notary pvMle. JOHN W. AliMUTRONO, FLMBuroev. UcCULLOl'OH * TOUNO. Be>nVen, Mark. lle. do general banking hue- Ineas. Mouey loaned at t reaeonable rate. Call on tu. U R. HAMMOND. foil Maater, Klmberley. Commit rioue: for taking Affldavlta etc. Iniore* and loani money at lowest rates. KxeonteiLiftases. Deedi, Will*, etc. promptly, cheaply and efficiently. R. J. BPHOULE. Poetmatter, Fleeherton, Commlnloner In B. II . Lie Mint Auctioneer, Conveyancer, A - pralaer and tiontiy Lender, BeeJ Retete au-1 Inearanee Agent. Deedi, Mortgage*, T<ine. and Wills drawn up and Valuation! made on borteet notice. Auction Salee attended to In any part of tbe County. Honey to loan at low- cut rate* of interest. Collection! attended to with promptness and deepatcb Charge* low. Agent for the Dominion bteamehlp Company, cheap ticket* from Flethertou to Liverpool, aKOw, London er any of the Brttlah ports. Partie* luuudiog to vUlt Bniilaud. Scotland or Ireland, will pleaee ak rates before purcbin their ticket! elaewhere. M 188 BUITH KICHAHIWON. Pupil of Kobt. Uahr, of llnrllu, Oermany. (violin) ; Mr*. Ilradley, of Toronto Conservator, Munlc. Voice culture); Prof. KerrlDon, late of Toronto, (Piano) ; will pupils In hIMiINU, VIOLIN, PI- ANO aod OHOAM. r\R. MUTTON. M. D.C. M.. M.C- P.A S.Ont. I-rlcevllle. Realdaoce and office one door weet of tbe Ueth- odlat Church .Kloroa* bt. Office day*, Tuwdavi and Batanlays. )K CABTER. If . C. F. * B., Out Phyiiclau, eurgeon, t.. Fleeherton office Strain! b!ock. Heeideaee afuuibaw'i hotel. JOHN A. SCOTT. II. B. If ember College Pbyilt. A Btrrgeon* Ontario Graduate In lledlolne of Toronto Uulforeity. Fellowihip Diploma, To*t Oradaate Medical Bebool and Hoepital, Chlcaito. UlMaaeeof *ve, ear. nouacd throat ipoclally treated. Beat- dene* Maiwell, vielt* Fefenliam Tburada;* 11 J P. OTTKWBJJU Veterinary Burgeon. Graduate of Ontario Veterinary Collvaje. Beildonee door out I of Moore's pianlng factory. J r. HAL6TEAD, M. I) , U. C. * B., Ont.. practice* at Kiut- twrley. Uhpuuiatle diae*e * >|>eelallty. n MAHT U. ItHANbUR, M. D.O.M.,-M.C.l>.8.,Onl .Phynlelan and Sur- geon. .'tr., Honor Graduate Wumeti'i Medical <'<>ll<-ue, Torout*. Itetldtnce opptwiu lluttvr's HnU-l, Prlcerllle. DUcaaee of Wmui.ii am riitMreuaipecialty. Calliuruuiptly attended nitlit and day. gcntijtvu. J P. M M.ill M.I., I. I" s.u H s I.,,,-, i vtniti alarkdale tha lt au.l .HrJ Wwlucxlay ot each uuiiitb Kleahertou-Kach trip on tue day following. W. liariiitiir. Bolloltur, Conveyancer, ft. Klfixhortonoince Xeit til* poat olflr* Hproule'e bulldluii.ouThnradayi. Owen Bound offloe Front'* bulldliiR. ' 1 UCA8* \VHH1HT, Harrliten, Hollolton, Convyane*n, eto. Own riouii.l. On t tlarkdal*, Out W. H. WHIOHT. I. n. 1.11 i N. B.-KlMherton offlc*, Ultolxll'i Bank ewry Wndueaday. SOCIETIES. AO.UW -meet* corrflrtt and third Mon day In xacti lunntli, In their lotlgn moni ChrMoe'S H.II.UI Win Wrluht, M. W. ; W. .1. Itcllaniy, fiuioc'or ; W Irwin Recorder. Vliitiux Hieibern Inflted. ROYAL TKMPLAR8 OF TEMPfihXXfT? Hxgular Council moot* every flrt aud third Tne* lay OToniiiK In oacb montli In Hprnul* at H u in. Select iltHift (liimiranrri mrt monthly, the Wedaciday un tl> Mitu.l of each innuth. SONS OF TRUPKnANUR. This loiioty mmU li. Dr. Clirli-loo 1 Hall evvry \\ I nmday nveiiliiii nt H p.m. Visitin; brctb> eren iult*d. tn*iiranclu connoctlou. VTM 1' . H.A., HUM-t lu tbelr liall, C ' I Block *rer\ Brit aud tlilnl TlituxU) in e. Ij mouth. \\ m Kbaip, Master. T. Clayton Heoretary. Pll.M K ARTHUR LdllllK. No. SB, A. K. A A. U . nii-et lu tliu Mnnonic Hall. Blraia's Hlork, Plefhnrton, (very Friday nu or before th full moon. A. B, Vanduien, W. M R. J. Sproul*, Secretary. J. 8. SLOAN Kngenit, has on hand, and 1st ed*> sh^nglef, sash, doors and lumber. Turning ml plaloini Uone to aleet. Cboftpinn > County and DUtrlct. Several attempts at incendiarism iiavt; rtcently oceared ai Meaford, and the council and citizen* offer a reward of $600 for the apprehension of the Sre bogs. Klielbm-nc has no one within her txirders who will actasjottiee of the peace or magistrate. Brace has a generous and op- to date county council. It voted a grant of flOO to each Hiding AftricnUnral So- ciety, $60 to each local Agricaltmal Society, $25 to each Farmer's Insti- tute, (10 to each Mechanic's Institute, and the usual grants to the Teacher's Institutes. Captain Sweeney, U. S. A., San Diego, l., saya : "Shiloh's Catarrah Remedy is the first mediciuc I have ever found that ould do uio any good." Price 50 cents. Counterfeit silver dollars made of pure silver, and therefore a better [ualiiy than the genuine, are in circn- ation through Canada. Aside from a Blight daw in the milling, the coin could not be told from the genuine. At the (>i etirnt price of silver, counter- 'eiting with even pure silver gives tli counterfeiter a profit of over forty cents on the dollar. Shilnh's Cure is sold on a guarantee. !t cures Incipient Cormmnptinu, It is ;lie best Cough Curs- Only .in- cent a dose ; 25 eta., 50 cU. and 91.00 prr but- tle. A report 1ms juit been received here of the killing of a huge lizard species iy Indians on the North Shore. It seems that John Murmur-star and sane Deavertrail wcit spearing tront off the mouth of the Moon river when something seized the decoy. It was at once speared aud hauled ont on the ice. It waa left where it was as the Indians were too much terrified to kill t. It soou died after being speared, bowever, when they ventured back and found that it was what appeared to be an immense lizard fully seven feet long. It is quite a curiosity as nothing ot the sort has ever before been srcu in these waters. The Ind- ians refuse to sell it, claiming that it ill bring them good luck as they have had excellent catches liuce, Coldwater New*. Proton ( onurii Proton Council mat in Dundalk on tlie 19th !'! i , when the followiux business was transacted : Watauu La lit: hi in That thr tuxes of Win. Harrison, 91.60, on pt. lot 8, .-in. 10, be erased from defaulter*' mil, bar- intt been paid by llobt Knox. Csrried. Corbet!-- Watson That 8. KeffionU'ii be paid f 1.60, re wheel scraper returned to manufacturer, being one half shipping bill Carried. Watson That the auditor* 'M rvceired aud adopted, 100 cop- ies to bo printed, and the auditorH be paid $8 each. Carried. Mackenzie Corbett That the roeve and clerk Im authorized to prepare a me- morial to tho Provincial Legislalurv t W presented at thy present session, ask- intt attention to the claim of 1'r ton. to which enquiry Las already been tu.tde although not receiving any port'":' in i-,.iiti*(liiuiiction to townships, as com- mon fekiuil lauds, and the Uvevs and Councillor WatMm Ixi ;i dnputstin, itl the iiicinl..T from South Urey, t tho K"Vtrn!n, nt to press the claim fur r dreiw. Watson Corbett That the Clerk lie paid |^<0.00 foi pay of 1st ('s ! y of 18U4. Mackenzie Corbett That 110.00 he |>aid to Ainaworth Jack to !. r the benefit f \Vid..w Sopor ai.d fitim-v bring in pour rircunistancu*. Alsckxuzie -Watsun Tt.nt Win. r>r k.MiH"ii be paid fl.70 for gravfl Div. 1, in 18U3; Jas. McKay 926.00, (grant) as equivalent to gratis work by latcpayers imi;i, in Div. S.i. 8. LauKhlin WatHon That J..lm < : :ir diner be paid $1.!26 for tin box for nl Mackenzie That the Hill of W. K. til.llHl. ItlllllL' for l-lfl'll. II prinliiiK and Htationrry for township amounting to $37. 31, be paid. Wata-ni Corbott That the (.' ll.-i-t. i bo paid fbO.OO PAlary and 910.10 fur [.out age and expenses. Corbett Mackeoiie That the Trta* nror of Dundslk be pnid 91C..'t5, .hnro . I Land Imp. Fund for 18<.)2-3, accotding to basis settlement in 1887. Corbett Watson That }'iot..n iVun- oil psy to Jas. SVAIUISOII $7. ',), half of contract nn townline I 'rot on mid \. m. ml in 18, l.'l. It was moved and seconded, That this Council IM paid 14.00 each for L' .Uys bit ting of CouiiciL t'..r' ,'tt -Mackenzie- That the Coun- cil do now adjourn to met at Ittu's Corners, on March ftfth, for t wimhip luiiim-SH ami a* Court of Keviunn on draiiuga by-law, Twp. CU-rk. Farmers May break the Sabbath An interesting test oase under the Sabbath Observance LAW is furnished by the appeal of JtraeS R. iUrber, of Derby, against a conviction of a local magistrate, which was heard recently before the Common Pleas Division of the fligh Court of Justice. The fade- in this somewhat singular case are about as follows: On Sunday, the llth of Jane last, Mr. Barber tailed to discontinue work ou his farm, but went about his calling as on a week day. On the information of a iieigh- oor he was brought before Jas. Cocb- rane, Esq., J. P., convicted of viola- tion of the law and adjudged to pay a Sue of 9iiO and costs with the option of two months impriaonmcut. Bar- ber's solicitor nuved to quash the conviction, the main ground of appeal ing that a farmer does not come within the provisions of the Sunday Act. This contention the jni}^ea rc- ^ctantly found themselves obliged to uphold, and the conviction <va thete- tore quashed. The appellant, v.->j understand, claims t) ke<*p his Sab- Datb on Saturday, but this would not protect him from the Snmiav law if ne wore a luecliunio or merchant. Mrs. J. oir, <T > < HN-. URIGHT'H MSKASK H n> PRVKLOI-KD AS TBI KEMl-LTur UKR IKN YEAK.S M ITt.HIM) KKi'M K.IHNBY 1>ISKAUE DcDIi'b KlU- !IBT PlLLS AvJAIX HAVaS A Vll TIB FKUM 1UE (iKAVE. BROCEVIU.B, Kt-'n -t'..-- Anyonp who asstTteU a year agn t'uiit liiiglit's diwate capal.le of a cure would have been written down K tit mily fur a lunatic ay- uni. lint it has beon conolumvi.-ly prov- ed that I). i.M's Kiiiiu'V 1'ilU arc a oure f >r hiidistuue, that was w> loui; lo<iked U]MHI as fatal. Mrs. J. Oliver. .,f I'hillipnvilli-, it-sr here, is one of the living wituetecs ho can teat ify to this fact. She auffered roin dtsenaed kidneys for ten years, ;u i {(right's disease had developed when she leard t,f and us>-u Dodd's Kidney 1'ills, which have retor*d her to perfect health. "Only the Scars Remain," Sayi IT EV ISY IlrDoox. of tbe Jamea Smith Woolen Machinery Co^ Philadelphia, Pa., who ccrtU flea as follows: tho many teslimonU aJa which I co In regard to cer> tain mcJIri.jca performing cures, cleansing tho hluutl, eto., none ma more than my own cat*. Twenty years ago, at the ag o{ 18 yean, I bad swelling coma on icy logs, which broke and becamo run- ning goroa. Our family phy- ictnn could do me n j {pod, and it was foar?'l that tho bon. would t aflectod. At Uat. my good old Mother Urged Me to try Ayer* Sonaparill.i. I took threo bottles, tlio sores licalnl, and I have not toon troubled sinoo. Only the scars remain, and tho memory of tb pant, to remind me of tho good Ayer's Sarsnparllla haa done mo. I now weigh two hunc'.rod aud twenty pounds, and am In thn best of health. I have l.< . n on tho road for tho past twelve yoar.i, have noticed Ayert Sar- siinarilla advertised In all partn vt tho United States, and always tako pleas- ure In telling what goo'l It did for me." Ayer's Sarsapariila Prcpanxlby Dr. J.C. Aycr HCo^Lowoll.Mn**. Cures othoro, will euro you a-J t and T|ii un k'rm^-..,!i' in |i --jinm.! - *!' M: u on khort nut wa.'-iMihir. 11 m. Rcjtiaf aolloa nuarautaed, i )>> ttaiitf will i eeelve yrou>|it at tcJ'.trnu. i in 1 1 ;.i'i:U(l c. mi) I.-. JJisa K. tOUrTf*. F L.I,. 7. 6 in. XAXHK; t.. W \.TtTl\ Reliable n.n r. n A JN 1 Ml" oin o!iol,:e ai, N.irs^rt . k, and Seed Potatoe*. full u plftt. i'it> M,.n> va'ietlttf 'aii only bo ubtiin ;:,. u or KaUrv paid a-i-li. i tlv K\ lulv* ant Don t Ji lay, wi Ito at onca fojt t> n.. A LI. us Ni'R.-.gKV Co., H. .cluster, X. Y. \ V 1 V T " I \ V A n I I I ' ' Kii*rRct> Tieiicnn and r.teady . \..,.|i K.\pi'.' iru not .it -CHMI y. lUiili.,uie 'i> . ^in-fit of <-ir y>.an . v, ri .... (hi. p... lal ii of U-. . have <>vei k i- u> give 3 in tuj .t.i . . I 'I .,< uring an.) rutalu , ... , <'iit t *]! fur oar ti iui* The -.rial will < xt vou n. it STO K * \vn,Lm; ro.\.- om. VIGOR or MEN Easty, (.Bleb;, PKMMify Biitarii Weakness, Nervousness, Debility, and all tin train if eib fi-i:. i-:u!y errura or !.Urr excesses, th reu';j of overwork, skk- ticii, wi'nv, t'c. Full strong 1 .!!, development ad tone fci<-n to ecry orran ar..l portion of thebcily. bunplt, na'ural metliiv's. Imme- diate improvement seen. J'ai'ur- im;xmible. 2,000 ri-lrrencr*. Book, ml ptuc& muled (lealcd) lioc. ERIE MEDICAL CO., Boffalo, R.Y. HORSEMEN ! Pay Attention I Having purchased the harness business from Mr. Clayton, I wioli to intimate that my en- deavor will be to please and satisfy customers in any work which may bo entrusted to me. All kinds of horsemen') re- quisites kept in stock, at low rates. Oood workmanship guaran- teed. Soliciting yonr orders, I remain respectfully, W. MOORE- , Jan. 24, 1893. ( ' ( ' I I Breakfast X <>\v OH Deaicated rolled wbeat, oat>, I Kreoh Oynten, lluckwlieat flour I KUh. l-.K'akiaitt boiuiuy, I Hollod liaoon. Piopand PM flour, raniinu or norm uiaal Try IOUM ot tbe abure. . (irocerioa of all ktydi. Klour. Anything you may want iujthcao Itea can be- got at 13ttrukoUM', Fleshcrton. Usz THE CELF.HRATJ2D B.Laurance SPE4TACLES -and G. Karstod Hole ,ts nt THE Tailor. Makes al! garments of men's wetu ID tbe befit style at short notio*. All work goaraotecd. A trial solicited. P. A. BAKER, FLBSHERTOI,