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Flesherton Advance, 1 Mar 1894, p. 4

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TH1 FLESH 1R TON ADVANCE EtiTAUMMlhD 1881 g WEIKLY AT me. omm, YT>- sigjtrr, ruwnuroM, ONT., BT W. H. tl per aimu IH,*I r iril * In advance Advertising Rato* : One Column. 1 yiwr, M ; half ooU 1 >. MT quarter coL, ono year, SIS. Traunian t nJvartUaiucnt charged the rat* e( 8 c*ut* porlloclor ilrit Inecri. :i and 3 eeoti ell iub<MM4iient iLtcrtlou. MB. GAMEY'8 POSITION. Mr. TLos. Gsm T, tbe Patron can- didate for this riding, for tbo Legisla- ture, feels that be Las been placed ina wrong position by the action taken at .tbe late Cotiseryative convention hel'l at Rocklyn. He informs ua that be never authorized bis name to be pro- posed at the convention, nor was be present at that date. While we can readily recognize tie false light in which be has been placad by tbe pro- posal of bis name, still we believe tlioae who look upon it in that light are simply laboring under a misun- derstanding through want of informa- tion. Mr. Oamey's name was pro- posed by Dr. Scott in order to test the feeling of the meeting as to wheth- er it was advisable to refrain from placing anyone in the field in opposi- tion to him. The feeling of the meet- ing was totally opposed to this move, therefore the Dr. withdrew Mr. (iniu- ey's name. With this explanation and without further comment, we be- lieve our readers will nnderataud the position of affiairs and not for a mo- ment charge Mr. Gamey with wire- pulling in order to gain the Conserva- tive electors to his cause. For our- eelvci, wo credit th gentleman with being utterly opposed to such tactics. \\t-wuuiua! emphatically endorse tbe motive which brought Mr. Oam- ey's name before the convention, be- lieving that under tbe circumstances it was absolutely necessary in order to Mtiafy all sonoerned ; and in thin connection we would also heartily de- nounce the action of those who have been circulating the false report that tbo Patron candidate attended the invention, in order to injure bis pros.. pects. Let all be fair and above board. D'Alton McCarthy held a "demon- stration" in Collingwoo'l yesterday. It was a sort of consolation meeting among his own constituents, a time of mourning and riving stomachs, for tbe great McCarthy has recently been deprived of his nourishment. His platform liaa been knocked from under bis feet M clean Ma whistle, all that ii left being the trade question, and as the World remarks, "He don't under- stand that very well." McCarthy ism w now practically a dead letter, and the great exponent thereof is welcome to all the consolation his family can pour out upon him. Krastus Wimau, the well-known Canadian financier resident in New York, who recently became a bank- rupt, is now in the toils charged by kis former partners, Dun A Co., with extensive forgeries. Mr. Wiman has made many political enemies by his anti-Canadian utterances and annex- ation sentiment, but it is to be hoped that none will carry their animosity o far M to prftveut them from hoping that he will be able to e)ear h ims. If ol this criminal charge. He is a ruin- ad man financially we would hope that morally he nfay justify himself and retain the integrity which both friend and foe have always credited with po88ssmj{. The Walkerton Herald complain! of the Grand Trunk train service at that poiut. Durham is in a like pre- dicament, ai also ia Thornbnry, and this district would like connection with tbe Grand T-uuk at all the points named. Theu, under these circumstances, why not renew the agitation for the Kincardine, Walker- ton, Durham and Flsslierton lino? The people are suffering for such a cross- country connection, and we be- leive it will eventually come, bat it ia evident from the position of the two companies that the people would have to build the line. Thii they could do, however, if they were so disposed. There is a bill before the House now, dealing with the law of distraint, which grants exemptions fromseizme of household and other effects to tbo value of 1500, tlie limit now being $11)0. It exempts household goods such as beds, stoves, dishes, sewing machines, provisions, etc., tools, a team of horses or oxen, necessary ag- ricultural implements and standing crops, so that if it pass the occupation of tbe bailiff will be largely gone. But where the creditors catch tbe un- earned increment and everything else in sight is under tbe chattel mortgage. Empire. The Fee System, etc. To The Kditor of The Adtauet. l>K.iuHtn: The abuse of political power under the Mowat administra- tion has became a huge evil. Only a few facts has sufficed to show that the fee g) stein is oppressive in the extreme and yet we find many hide-bound par- tisans defend it with some ardor and a frequent display of temper. The staple argument (if such it may be called) of its defenders, ia that simi- lar abuses exist in other governments, namely the Conservative Government at Ottawa. To my mind this is not an argument, but an excuse which amounts to a confession. Other gov- ernments shall be weighed in the scales in due time, but it is upon the doings of the local government of Ontario that we art) HOOU to pronoun- ce our judgement, and it behooves every elector to vote in the light of the facts. It has foolishly been said th\t iu our endeavor totxpomj tho indigni- ties of the fee system, that we are at- tacking these reyi.-unux. sheriffs, etc. We have nothing to say that is not warranted, regarding the private character of these gentlemen. No doubt many of them are estimable men in a private capacity aud pel-form their service* faithfully and well, but that has no bearing ou the mutter un- der consideration, There is a reason for everything done by the Monrat gov- ernment that is not always suggested by the wants of the poople. Ia years gone by rulers gathered arouud them an immense army of wealthy aud slavish adherents, who stood by their sovereign through good aud bad re- port and opprt-sion of all kinds. The more faithful they wuie to their HOV- ereigu's imcrcslH.the greater would be then personal ag^raiuli/.cinciit. By such methods the sovereign WAI en- abled to resist tbe will of the people. This perhaps was t!ic greatest power the people had to contend against iu former times. It is said that history repeats itself, and this is precisely what is being done iu the province of Ontario. By such "ways aud means" our good sovereign fttowat ban en- trenched himself behind a breastwork composed of officials and fo/ourited of all kinds. This centralization of power in himself and his favorues has continued until he can almost muzile tbe electorate. He even now pretend* that this immense patronage is of no, political service to him, in other words Leooiitc-nds that his largo election fund, the laborious services of a luo-o number of workers in each county, the influence which these men cun bring to bear on the electorate, the piomiaes which they are authorized to make, will be of no service to h'm, Will anyone be so utterly brainless as to Ivlicve that? It is certainly Mr. Mowat and his confodeiation mid not tbe public that derive advuiiUiue from this policy which is now almost unan- imously admitted to be Well then, ought we to sii(>|il^ a nio- i 11 for its existence? 1 think Mr. Mowat will admit to his owu uiiud and conscience, but of course n.a to iiif public, that this system and its immense patronage hich aocoinimn- i : it. IK a powerful lever in prying him into office. Oettl the imagination of Mr. Mowat or any other man conjure up any other tenable reason for main tinning it ? No other reason even by Sir Oliver or any of the smart men around him has been advanced worthy of discussion, He is now a boot to increase his faithful army in a small degree by appointing a commit- fiou which shall be well paid to in vesligate the evils of his system ol which he is blissfully ignorant. This matter requires no investigation. It is patent to every man at all acquaint- ed with the system, that is burden some aud oppressive in all its phases. This last move of Mr. Mowat is mere ruse te blind the people, besides being an excessive waste of public money. PUBLIC OPINIOM. That Wholesaler's Letter. Tn On SJitor of TKt Advance. DBAS SIB : A few remark* referring to the letter given you by a well-known merchant for publication, may uot be niiss. Firat, it u n intuit to intell- igence and judgement of the i*tn>na nf tbii community, by telling us that we may be charged 16 to 20 per ceut more than wn should be charged for the goods pur- chitted and we out know it He aUo trjB tn throw disboueety at the merchant who deal* with ua. I fail to aee that this letter of wholesaler's whether real or written by a disturbed merchant haa any meaning, more than it is dishonent in itself, and should havo been returned, declining their offer. But po, the well- known merchant chooaea to be duhoneat himself by trying to convey to the public that the merchants doing business with the patroua ire dishonest. It U very easily seen that a disturbed mind ia the trouble, and we treat it ai each. PATKOV. [The letter referred to by "Patron" was not hown us with a view to getting it published. We were entirely respon- sible for iU appearance. It was not pub- lished with a view t injuring any indiv- idual merchant who (toll* to the Patron*, nor do we believe any merchant iu this vicinity u guilty of tbe duplicity indi- cated by the letter quoted last week. At the tame time we cannot think any Pa- tron could feel himalf insulted by the publication of the manuticript, which prored by the firm's owu typewritten let tor that the scheme "work* admirably with our customer* who have made con- tract* with tbe Patroos in otlur placet." Ed. Advance.] WUson'x Pinning Mills and Car- riage Works Eugenia- miCBS FOB FLANLNU LUMBIE, PBB M. Hipping. planing ami matching Maple Floor- ii)K,*4.aO; ripping, planing aud watching vltu n.l all aft wood, #3.X>, rtpfing, planlug ami making Mius; v hooting joint. 63.30 ; plaiuiuc one tide J both ildea, .i u) riauiug aixl ijtaiu rli"i>i<iuK <lnue every day. Fwilory at old griit uiilli. Kufnula. Osprej Council Osprry council met in the Orange hall, Fuvuralmm, on Monday, Feb. 19, accord- ing to adjournment front Jan. 16 last. Mnubvrs nil prt-ni-nl, the reeve in the clmir. Communications were read from Itolit. riuatty, indigent, re aid , from County Treasurer, list of land* liable to be sold for arruar* of taxe* in 1894 ; from the auditors, detailed (Utement of re- ceipts and payment* in Itttt3. Preston CUrk That Robt. Bearty be granted f2 a* charity, aud that W. .1. Mnnaxhan eipend the sam<i for him Carried. Preaton Clark That the tax* nf Win. II in, II,., par: lot 26, con. 12, unit. 2.76 ; Kdward lUynxr, for 20, con. 13, ami. 92 ; and Flora Mil^u-eii, lot 20, con. 7. *iut. $4.70, be remitted for the year 1893. Carried. Praaion Clark --That the report of committee on treasurer'^ luratiea bo opted and *ngro*Hd on the minute*. Cairiad. lit)* ir t of Commit tre ui Treasurer' i Sure- tiet : To th.t Council of O'prtf : ( KNTI.KMIS : Tour committee beg leave to rep TI that w find treasurer'* bond* n follow* : JoaiaJi t j.inn-y, Jarvis H. llul!, .liilm Crawford mid Win Sproulf in * Ix'iitl jointly fur 8lfJ,000,ml anotliur bond with Josiah Unniey for* $J,0K), Hiid Hugh Wright and Jaiur* twfoiil for 91.6'K) each, which we con- titlor aui|t|y lutHcivnt to secure the wu- mcipHliiy ngnin^l ptuwiblo IOM. AH nf which 11 reapewtfulry aubuiitted. W. J. MONAOUAN, Chitiriiinii. Monauhan Tny lor That the auditor*' report HH Knally auditvd be adopted and printed with the minutr* of 1893. Car- nv\. Taylor Mnnghan That OeorgeSun- iln 1 unl It- |viid flH, being part of <>- |ni>'i< i>. rtioii of contract on townline Mi Uncthon and ()*prey, nupo*it lot* 66, 60 and 67. -Carried. Preston Clark That the collector* receive the Uxr, lea* $1.80, on lot 2. con. 14, being crmr nf that amount in aaitoaaiiifnt. Carried. Mn motion by MeMt*. Prenton and Monaghan, hylaw No. 317, to appoint path must er, po.umikiiUr* at id fi- viewer* wa* read a Crat, second and third time ul paaaod in comnnttoo of the whole and wa* ordered to b entered in th* bylaw book. Taylor Monaghan That Jaa. Pott* and Robt. H*ron b paid tlO each a* auditor* on account* of 1893. Carried. Taylor Pmtou That J.mes Elliott and D. Mclnna* be paid $50 each a* sal- ary, and 96 *ch a* pottage, for tbe year 1893. Carried. Taylor Clark Thai thw Council do nw adjourn to meet at Mclntyre on March 2G next. Carried. Council adjourned. Daniel Ritz, Proprietor and Publisher of the Hamburg, Out., Independent say* : "I wa* suffering frcni Dysprpua and Liv- er trouble. I took a few bottle* of Shiloh's Vitalmr and it cared rue. lean heartily reciimmwnd it." The Markets. Carefully Corrected Each Week Floor Kail Wbet. K|irinK \VtMl.. Harl> > 3 JO to * M M to 31 to 31 lo Buttor BgB,frMb Potato** b*> ........ . Port Hay per ton. Hiilen Oxen* ... Tarknyi. ......................... _ Chickona per pair .......... ...... F>uck par pair ..... _ ............. Wool ............. _ ............... _._ 1 14 90 5 00 6 Ou * 00 tt B V IS 6O to to to to to to to to to to to :o S2J 6 OU a (0 90 T 10 19 Notice. Ia tbe natter of Frank than Bruce.of the Village of Fevrr- Nhnm, County ol tirey, Mcr- ehaut. Insolvent The InaolTwit liaa luxU an aoigaroeDt of bin Mtattt to the uiulri(ii*d in |>>iruant of au act respecting aiuiiiniiiehtt for the beoent of orodl- ton. UvTlHtl Statute*. Ontario, ebap 1*4. and amending act .ud th* cr~lit.>r ar in I Bed to mt at mjr ojlce iu the tillage nf Fit eliurtou lor aod loeertlftiH] c aiini on TliiirmUy.tho Mil lav of March at I u clock in the afternoon to r ceivea statement erf a'aln appoint intpectora, and for theorizing of the votatv Run* ally And notice u hereby gi VFU tbat at t-r tU3tl> Jj of April the ani.l Trutta* wll proooo.1 t > <1i*lri but* tliea.ixiU of Ilia lai 1 il.ilil >r a>n M gu til* partion untitl.'d thereto, havlUK roKard unlv to the claim* of wblch notice hall h*re N i giv- en and that ho will uot Iw li*lil'- for tbo asart. or any part thereof ao diitrib'itad to any per- son or paraun* of whoa, debt or claim duly proved he bail not then have bad Botice. il.klCIIARDH'IS. Fletherton, reb 9TUi Dl. AHlcnoe in trust. Co. Midwinter Hearing Sail [ooliDoe., Our heavy pile* of OvfrcOBta havu been owing la** dvery d*y, but we have *unie of the nicoat stock left, *ud a fair aiisort- meut of aiie*. Cheap giHxli, terms easy. F'nrw I ..-I i . Only one fur Overcoat left, ooon. was MO, now 8^5. Only two fur Mantles, a vw fur sots and a half dxn men's fur . 'I'S. All t i bo cleared uut this week. We have a special nffrriuu in IMack Wora'ed Suitings. See uur prices : A Klac-k Wnntted suit mile to order, 111.75 ; 1 Slack Wonted curksciew arder, $12.50 ; Black Worsted Soft Yon- etian finUh, 916.00 ; Black Wonted Sup er, 917.00; BUck Worsted, Kitrt Super, Mii We furnish a fine liua of trimniin(iB,*nd ^uaraiiWo satiafactiou. We hare just received a iplendid range >f new |nting fur aprinx lrde, the tin t value* we have ever had. See them. In Boot and Sh-o departmmit we hare ovrr 900 |ir* to clvar nut at lea* than the nutiiufaclurer'* co*t. AUn a few mena' and buy*' Gum Hubbem, Sock* and Ovrr h<>e*. . Cardigan Ovenhoo* and Stook- g. Ckfrooeries. A new lot of 15 cent Tea. Custoioen luiy 11 and cunie again. They wy it'* good. We rocommoud our 25 cent tea,aud wi'l draw it iu;uii,at any other t at t'utt ti^- . Get Hample. Wn are reoeivln; |>ile* of Spring GIMH]* in Prints, MuitHn*, Shirting*, Cottonados, Droas (IIKM!*, &c. , but we have over a liuiiilrccl ruiinanl , which we want oleari'd if lhi uioiith, in Drew O<Mida, Twenis, Cnttonmleit, Mantlinga, Ac., Au , for which no roasoiiable offer will be refused. M & Co Have You a Daisy Churn ?. If you have not you ought to have, as it will save you money and labor, and will make butter quicker and better than any ether churn on the market. Don't forget to call and see them and get prices. We have 3 good stock of Milk Pans, Pails, Creamery Cans and everything else in Tinware line. Remember only IDC. for a 12 quart Sap Bucket and a Spout. SAVE YOUR TEETH by using a little Giant Minc- ing Machine which will mince 2 IDS. of meat in a minute and only costs 2. M. RICHARDSON iGO'S hardware Dcpartnient HAVE YOU BACK-ACHE 00005 KIDNEY PILLS WILL CURE YOU "Backat he meant the kid- ntyt art In trouble. Dodd't Kidney Pillt glut prompt relief. ''/6 per tent, diteatt It , t touted ditordered ncyi. Might at well try to healthy oity without ttwer* O'/t, at good health when th liidntyt art tloygtd, they art the "oautngtrt / the tystem. "Delay It dangerout. Neg- lected kidney troublet retult in Bad Blood, Dytpeptia, Liver Complaint, and tkt matt gerout of all, Briyhtt Diteatt, Dlabetet and Dropsy. " /'The above disease* cannot txltt Where Dodd't Kidney fillt art utud. Sold by all deaJen or aanl by auil on receipt Of price i'> cent*, per box or eix fuc $a.te i Dr. L. A. Smih & Co. Tacooto. Wnie iCc i book called kaiuay Talk, D. McTavish, UORSESUOER AND GENERAL BLACKSMITH. Collingwood Street, FLESHERTON, - ONT^ Manufacturing of Waggona, Hlviglm. Hvc(i*e Democrat*. Ktc. Rorw ulioeinn pionipt)) ak- Wndeil lo. Special attention given to contract 4 or tender fet. Logging and Plow Chains eon- taiiily bn tl. NOTICE. NsliGt is kerek; given tiiat tki' KIlYIBHRljEY Roller Flouring Mills are now open for busi- ness, and in full opera- tion- A first Class Mil- ler has been employed, and 1 will guarantee satisfaction- Bring a long yaur custom work. i at all tl K.B. Bell, - Prop. \ %.%%%%%%*

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