THE FLBSBBRTON ADVANCE wen Hound, OnUrlo, Itf The Very PUaCB IK TANAUA TO OKT A Thorough BuiincM Education. Take a Round Trl; ',V rt V,a.i'I i CollciM an<l UOIBH * 'ana^ta. tliosi vitit Wine thnroti^lily If we fall In pr.. luce the lb*rouch, complete, praottcal aud eitun- lv* oour> o(.'U'l) ; llio t>e>t collouti |-roiul-i mi I 1 1| bot mi- 1 ni.i.l . .nii'U-t. anil un.-t Milt Mafuriiitiir.. an, I |.|ilimi. i-s. wo Kill clve you a ful I anune KKKK. Fur Annual Anuouuuo partloularn.frtie, a.l.lrem C. A. FLKMIXC., Priuripal. To The Public. Harlnerf-nl. 1 \\/.itun' Markioilth bop fnr a term <it yrarx, I am now in a petition to caturto all wauu iu luy line. ing a Specialty, 4>iinrnntrrd- Vor uMiilhiiij in ttit Itut cull ..n F. A. BUNT, ? Oppoalte Ulcliardaoo's Hardwar* (tor* *' 4/%%^*%*% *%%%***% %^i Eugenia Mills Carriage Works. Carriages made psd Repaired. Placing and Match ing, Band Saw. ing, Vr\ood Turning i.f every des- cription. Planing and Grain Cbop t>t" . ne while you wait, for tho Beaver turns t lie wueei. T. W. WILHON A FAMILY GROUP PIIOTOfillAIMI ' I,I:I* Y |p fully equipped witn re ^uisites for turning out pe r fcct class of work. All kind? gf pictures taken and finished %i a style equal to any cit) ^rork, while the prices are Ipwcr. Pictare doue ID all Its branches. If you have shopping to do yul pictures to gel taken on ifcc snme day please attend ID t lie latter first. Careful at- tention will be Riven to copy Ing other pictures. Mrs. Bulmer. STAVE BOLTS WANTED- Aa> inaatltvsfmav Kelts taken, tar whi.i we v iiiiit in in. UAUUDl a WKH1HT V rllllB A Little Daughter Of a Church of England minister cured of a diatreMing rash, by Ayer'c Sarsapnrilla. Mr. RICHARD o wi-ll-known Druggist, 207 ., Montreal, R. Q., says: I hare Bold Ayer's Family Medicines for 40 years, and liavr heard nothing but good said of them. I know of man r Wonderful Cures performed l>y Ayer's SarsaporUIa, one In particular being tliut of a little daughter of a Church of England mlnln- ter. Tlio child was lilt-rally covered from head to foot with a red and ez- ceodincly trouhlesomu rash, from which she had uffurd for two or three years, In splto of the brat medical treatment available. Her father was ID great dtstresi about the cose, and, at my recommendation, at last brgnn to atl- mlnUter Ayer'a Sarsaparllln, two ! t- tlei of r-hich cdectt-d ft complete cure, much to ln-r n-iiif anil her fatlirr's delight. I amBOrc.wero he here to-day, he would testify In '-he strong. t u-rins as to the meriu of Ayer's Sarsaparilla Prapand by Dr. J C. Afr k Oo.,U>mll.l Cure* others, will cure you HORSEMEN ! Pay Attention I O H i MI, i- I.IHI-II.I-. 1 the Imrucu butinesa from Mr. Clayton, I wi*h to intimate that my en- deavor will be to pleaie and Mlitfy cnitomers in any work wliu-h may be enti usted to roe. All kinds of liorncmen'i re- qniHItt-b kfpt III Block, Ml low rales. Ouod workmanship guaran- teed. Soliciting your order* 1 , 1 remaiu renpecl fully, WJOORE- Fl ahc.t.n. Jan. 24,1893. Breakfast Cereals. IVow <n li:t ml D*icfttoil rollt-du " oatn. H i kwlioat flou ,lr.uklat II....IM y. I'lfpin.-! i " rmiii.iM} >. y.'rni Try ouit> ol tlio ii.-v, | (lvtra, KM..II I ltolln.1 lUoon, '. i.u <u. of all riour. .Vnj tiling yon may want in UICRC I cm In- got at I <:t ri I)K >i i * Uss THE CELEUKATEU B.Laurance SPK4 IH I.I.S - a u d KYKVLAMNKH F. O. Karstiidt, Hol*> Agent- Carpet an. Flannsl leaving, Tin. umlonlgnBil l> uropareU todoOarpklanil FUiiii.'l wiavinu i>( all on liort notice ami fit-..>fi> .. i.-i ..- Satisfaction maraul**rt . it, i,<i r* btii 111 uy .tattu will i*o*lve prompt t- t*ni lot. Cuirvtuouuattoe: i,.)lol*d. MIS. E. COUTTt, in. ld* wan. C'oantr C'onncIL Ill committee of llio whole iho report of he rniinuittw un Coininunicalioiis unil Munioruil* WM dfeattl by a vote of 31 o20. The i|X2ial emiiiuitlau'areprrt re tituw- oivr's suri'iea paatted ami lliocouiM-il want nti coiiMiullue un the various a|>ixnut- went hy-lawi. Mr. I^nu in the chair. Tho VVaith-n named Mr. K"*'t. Edjsr hid choice for Auditur, and the council i.* i-i'clutl to cliootio iu man from >i li~t <f l;i unuiiiii'f.s. Mi- tar-. K"iU. .1. uk n-. 'iiui|iti-ll. Strjilieiis, McKrlii.y, Mort.i.. Atkey, Hi.r, S|>rnule, Wardrll, L>uiifbmn, Albcry and Ltnxl.f. After Dearly a <!"/. eii hallota Mr. Jenkins wss elected, Mr S|iioule ci pining Hocond. The salary via* luc.l HI $40. Me^m-a. Brown, L.IHK (J.tniey. King and ilow.- wei iiuunnuti-il fi>r tlie 1!. xinl of luduml .tud'.t niul Mr. Brovn win oU-cttil >n tJui thiid balli-t. K. r llisi i-iiliudd iu in V-r th iiuiiiiuces wi-re Mear. Cue!.- im.e un. I binelatrr, and Mr. C >chram- n - ceiv-d thu ajM ..iiitiin-iit. Mr. .I'.lin ( liisholin was ||H.iuti-l uanty dirrt-t"r on tin- i^uardnf tl.i-T'.i ml.', <ir<-y & Bruce Kuilwny c<mi|>any. Mr Untlinin repreeiitcd re|-<.rt No. 1 )f the Railway C.mimiitcv, rerniniiiriidi-il lint i In- ciurk corre[x>i>d with tin; var- utu vouniy council* in ilu- Croviuc ak- :>.' ' Ii. in 'o take into cmisiJfali m at .huir June aea*in tho adviiuliility of .ip ii. iiiting a deputation t-i prea* thu qu .'on uf ivdu-lioii ill 'railway |i;iKcu.'rr trern t<fore tlic IXiininton H.UHU. ad- ,] .1 . -i I . The by-law* of the scstiini were then ut tliroUKli llivr linal staiim, mi 1 a I.HIJ{ li>cumioii ti'ok (I. HI- mi Mi. I.MIII; I5y- tw a|i|'iniitii'^ ooiiiiiitMii-nura to rect-ire : roin tlie I'oiinty 'Iri-asiirL-r the money under by-law 47^1. Mr. i'hih.'hn iitt-nilud that the inoiify ahould be paid over to tlic tn-.wur.-rV of the local mui.i ipjtliiiea, while other member* conteiid- e<l that tlie n-evitt haviUK alteady I.f 11 ippoiuteil c.niiiiiiMHioiien to .-VI-IN.-I- ili. \ | i iitiiture of the money should be fit and proper persons to (Irsw the fun.U 'rom the county, and deposit them with tin- towiiilup treasurers. Tlie by-law was illol ill moHt caavs with the naiiio of tho reeve, and in om> or two t"wn with that if the treasurer, at.d wan carried in Conn cil, a in. .lion Inlay it over beinu voted down ; and also one by Mr Stuait I" iub- Rlilutu "reve ' for roeve a* comniistiuit- ers on th ei|ienditur. A motion by Meaars. Kerr and Me for the sending of an enuinscr to examine the Durham bridge and report next senaion, wan, lost. A resolution by Measrs. Brown snd Orahnin was also punned requiring the various twevea to submit a staUainent of tin-it xpeiidituro ou brulges for the |>a>t rear at the June session. 'The Council sdjournsd till Monday, June 18th, at 7.30 p nt. An AKC<| I i<ly Mxa KIVUWTONE'M SinrrKUNOH FROM KlIINIT DlSKASB CfRBll BY Dol)I>'n KIHNKT I'll i^. -A MEDICINE THAT I'HOIII I-RK (]<H>II Rsm-LT* roa Brru OU> AMi Yol'HO. ST OATHAKIXB*. Feb. 5. alia. F. K t.-in-, ai{<Ml tin, n well known rNi- dtint of tin* any, ha* fnr S.MII* time beeu with kidney d.aeiite, the H)iup- toius < -f which were severe |utiiis in the unutll ol her back . SI,.- in now perfectly cured. Thin happy result is due to the UMO of Uodd'N Kiilncy IM1, the faumi a and nifallilile> for all kidney ditor- den. Mrs. Ecvlet. ne says tho pain* ha-o never rt-turi.od mnce li.-r recovery and her hspninuaa over her reaUiralion to soiiiiil hc.ilth ia in.lrwrii able. Tht-ae pill-, are iiianufucturi-d liy Dr. L. A.Snnih ,V t'..., Torouto, and are sold by all deal- em, or will lie mailed n n-.-niit <if price; fifty i-, nUjHir U'X, or >ix Un. M for |i. 5(1. Vi RIAU L-ICMM8IHJ. linurd rtv or niht at th offlm or r*idn<. of tho undarntyued. DIVISION COUHTCI,*. KK.COmilBBlOBMI in H.C. '. Contnyancer.Ac. Notary paMio. \r. AHMHTKONO. M cCUUX>UOH A YOUNG, Hauleri. Uarkdal*. do a general bwtkiof boa- ine. yojr kxuioJ at a reaeomabU rat*. Call OD Ul. Tin- SootHah- American |ul Imhc-i the follow ing nil! joko : LOIIK yritr* it.'", in liin > loiuotu that l.isiory d-.i 1 * ""t h the -, ocli, n dreiulful war ..< ;> I I > til.- Kli.i- i.f S.-..ilm >l Soitll-h i itli > uiu\ nilid, mill tho kinK, eluv.ttoil liy h:x . -., Mtni for In* mnriitur, L<>nl Al.-x- andiT. "\Vfll, Sandy," tttlll he, 'iNtllvro ne't>r king we CIIIIM i-ii.|in-r nmil "An' it ii|on-i> your nmjoaly, 1 ken (>' a knii; tlmi jour inujwiy cniuia vanquinh." "An" who ji li>-, Sninlyf Lunl Airxin- tier levemitly I'H.kini; up, iwid, ' T1i> KIIIJJ i> ll.;i\.-n " " I'lie Kintf u' wi.aur, Su,.ijT "Tim Kii r ' ' Hmv^n." The I .all king ilni uut uiulemtiuul, but wn unwilling In fxhttiit any ignuiHine. "Jut t'ltlig yur >. Ktntly, and toll the Kii-n M. veii t.. gu- ii|, a.Hiii.uoiiH uf 1' 1 om>) inyivlf aud ilinu hint imt u' tht in ; MI' iiiiinl, yu dinna o-nne Ixick to tia until v liHodiino our I i.ldin'." L>nt Alpxniiilir muri'il Aiucli |'t-i |>1< xixl, but it piii'V, HI., I, rti-HNHiir. il, r.-Uirne.l, an.l |>r>'Hi-ia.-d hiiMtdf. "\V11, Siuly," !iucl the l,in<, "hea y MWII tho Kni){ i>' n, nn' what Mi>ihi< t.> in>r bidilin'/" "Alt' it ploiuvs your in* jt'Hty, I ha iH>n anu ' hi8 i-on>cli(iHl inniwttira?" "Wed, Mid what Hiiyi he?" "Ue saya your m- jMiy may u'rii hau hia kin^ilmii ! i tin- a*kin' <>' it." Wiwhe a civil)" aaid ili.- kinu, wiii-iiiiti^ to magnanimity. "Jnsi vaup your way* hack, Sandy, an' toll the KIKI; i>' Hav thf.t fur Ins mil it) i In- ilcil a Hootoliman thai) wt fout in hut kingdom." V B. HAMMOND rt Manter . Kiiuborl*y. Cornmiwioor: for taking An laviu etc. Initire* anil lont at lowMt r*t*e. Ex*eat**Lea*.*. Dved*. WuK etc. promptly, cheaply and *!HelOtlr. T> J.bTBOCLJ'., runtmaaii-r. Klirn'.iuitnn. CcmmrMieaer in I. H , Lie nr-l >uctiouvr, Coaveyanecr, A praiMr and Moi.ry lnder, IUJ l:ouranc> A^nnl. D*rdi, Mortca*. <l>awu up ud Valuation! tna.ii> ou liort*t iiotii-o. Auction Sale* attended to la art of tli County. Mouey to loau . oil rat< of lutereit. Collations tl<-. !! V> with I'romotnou au>l deepaK-a Cli%r,,-e l*w. Alton! for the Dominion Sloarmhlii Coimiiif cheap tkket* from Floli.-i tou Wi l.i Ulaa^uw, Loodou or any of the BrltUb Partiei tuteudlue; to EnftlanJ. Scotland or Irulanil, will |i:a*4e -k ratoa before |irc:>uw tlioir uck.-u eleawher*. lMnii-1 Rits, Pniprietor and Poblwhw of the Hamhurg, Out., Independent aan : "I WM luifeiing frcia Dyi|>[iata and Liv- i-r Troubl,I tuok fw bottlM of 8hik<h'a ViUliaar and it cured me. I o*n heartily rec< minion il it." M US EDITH Pupil of Rott. Uahr. of Itailiu. UuriuaoT. (violin) , Mm. llradl*). of TorouwCouawTatory Uuite. i iilturi , I i.-r. Kvrrixni, lat of Toronto, (Pianni will rareiv* pu|.il> In HINULNU. VIOLIN. PI- ANO aud UKCA.N. HUTTOH. M. D.C. M.. M.C.P.* 8..0nt.. Ra*id*nc* and office on* oor weat ot tke Ue*h odiat Cbureb.Ktoroe* Ht. Offleeday>.Ta**dai and Hatur.laya. T\R. I'AKTtB M C. P. A K . Oat Fbytieten. eort^n. *e . Fleeherton offlc* Strain* b'ock. Bllllaan afnntbaw-ibourt. JOH.1 A. BCOTT. M. a Member Collee Pbyak. * Sonwoa* nntarlo Qraduat* In Medleia* ol Toronto r-jitenity. r*llowiblu Diploma, Poit OradBat* M*dioa4 School and Uoapltal. Cblaafe. DtaeaeMof *v. *>r. ooaeabd tbroal specially treated. Iteet dene* Maiwvll. vlamrevwabasaTbaraday* L4 J^ P.OTTBWRU^ Vatarlaary Bargtoo. (ira.toato of Outwto Veterinary C.-He-ne teov aouth of Moor* | H aul*| factory. J F. BALHTKAD. M D.U. C. *S..Oot,prmetic*.at Kha- bvrley. Hbeamatle iUa*a*> a ap*lallty. J)t. MART M. ItlUNDKK. II. D. O.M,-M.CJ.8.,OBt. ^hyaiclaii anil Srr- eon. *t . Hcnor (Iradaat* Wonan'i Medical Collcg*. Torvaio. IUid*ao oppoait* HuUnr'. Hotel, Prie**!!!*. Olaaaaaa ot Wouma aod ( luldr.D .pci*Jty. CalUprompily at**od night and day. J P MA1U.H \1.U L. D.8..M D. a. Dcatlat. Vlslti Markflal* tli. I.I and .V.I Wedneaday of each month. Kloubnrloa Kach trip on the day tollowu^. J W. PHU8T. llanliler. BolloUo*. Coavwyanccr. Kt Fleabertou offloa N*xl th* |M<*tolBc hpr>.ni> . l.'ill.Iu.K, nil Thuriklay*. Ow.ll Hounil ol Kroit'i buildiiik-. 1 L'fAS A WltlUHT, Hrri.t-r. Ho io I tor*, Coo*eyat>r*r*. t. Own onuu.l. On. | . Maikilal*. Unt \V. H Wm |. u 1,1, , N B.-PlaAorton offlc*. Ultab.u* fWak vary SOCIETIES. An I \x nu-tiiv*rt Qnt anil Iblr.l dar in i>arh nimilh, l-i llntr !<'. -.- room ' - I ti.Kli-l . il<-n 1.1 C.| \\lii Wrujhi.M. W . \\. I llellan.v. Bi....-.-; \\ Iiwlu Recorder. YltltlrtD lln-l) . i n n . U"X XI. Ti-Ml'LABR OF TK\'l'VI!\-< T- - Kmnlar Couiirll mot* eviry I Tue* In* eV'-niiiK in --..I : mi',. * M... I > h |, ui. S!m | , ui.oti uonihly. tin- \\..,;iu luy * ittail of each uioiilh. TIII: Triumph of Love A Happy, Fruitful Marriage. SUNS (IK TEMPBBANCB. Tbli KHIalv i..f.-t if 1>: -.ChtUto*' Hull iv.-ly \\..| nextay vvuning at 8 p.ui Vi itii.t; brvth- i-r*u InvlleU. Iutur*uc in e*ULVciii>n YU P. B.A.. niMtio b.ll. chil.toes Block *T*r\ Brit aad tblr\l Thunua> In acb mouth. V u. Shu-p. Maatar. Tin Secretary. IJKlSCK ARTHUR I.PDOF. >'o. .iris. A K < I A.M. PI. ft In the Maaonic 1UII. Strain 1 * Hliira. Kli.pbritpn. ev.-ry Krlilay mi or hfor* th full moen. A. S. Vanduteu. \V. M, U .1. H|uoul*. s.-.-i.-uu J. B. SLOAN agent*, bss on band, and l<* **l. shingles, aash, doori and lumber. I and pUiniog oa* te or4*. Ct*pp*n mil i CUTiD AJID KVEEV ifAX WHO Worun a*OW THE CUAVK THVTU.-* i THii I'LAIX FA<'T ; THK Ii TiiF. >C. LIUKS *cir.^cr A -i APPLIED TO a.ut- I.IKIi UKC, HUr W(;t U) aTUNK Foil PAST .S AND AVOH> rUTCHB PITFALL* ..! i.l) >k.^LE TUB WONbKar I AI.LID . ':iij!rlr anboo!. and liuw to Attain il. ' A man who sent for it and followed e sinu'le instrti.-Moiis. wriffs thus W, U. I tell you that first day u< one I'll never forget. I just bubbled with joy. I wai.tid to hii) everybody atrl tt-ll them my old B*lf hud died yesterday and my new self was born ,o-day. Why didn't you tell me when [ first wrtto that 1 would h'ml it tin? way? " Mere at last i-J a soeret fnmi a 1 uu-dical source that mnst w, k wou- tlerg with this ^1'iitration of men ! The bok fulty rzpi'aiM kow all pkyti <<(/ tl'f'rrti intrr/eriny nth kuppy tttil- ded life may be overcome. It le'.lu how to becuru complete vig- or and manly power. It tells iiow lo atop all unuatuial diaius aud losses. It tells how to enlarge and streng- then sinail weak organs aud parts uf tho body. It tells how to cure nervousness. lack of lf control. It telU how to exchange a jaded am) worn nature for one of buoyancy. strength and brightnesa. It tolls, in short, all those ihinga you want to km w, ought to know, but navon't beeu able to find out. This book is worthless to mere curi- osity-sefkers, being pnrrly mttiiailami ttinttijic ; but iii valuable beyond all imitie to the man who *ttiti it. \\iite to the Erie Medical Co.. Buffalo. N. Y., and ask for a copy of [he remarkabl? book "Complete Ms.ii liood." They will seud it sealed en- tirely free, for a short time. THiJ Tail o r. Makes all o.irnients of men's wear iu iLe best stylf at sLori ivitice. All wnik i;iiarui,li-'l. A tiial solicited. P. A. BAKER, FLSSHFRTON. D. HORSESIICKR AXD GENERAL BLACKSMITH. Collingwcoil Strot-t, FLESHKKTON, - OlfT. i. 8!. Oemocrata, Ktc. Hon.- - ' i i rnm teiulnd to. S(..-. lal atu-utiuu ( ivu lo I or tender I.-, i nl IMw BUuiUy om haad.