THE FLBSM ER1 ON ADVANCE County Cvnnrll. From the Adtertitrr. With respect t<> the cornmunication frmn the County of Fronteitac asking co- operation in putitioiiin", the Local Legis- l.ture that c-iiinty councils xfiall have power to appoint all officers |wid by them the coniiniltee recommended that the council co-operate with FronteMC as re- quested. In reference to the request from (lie Counties of Storinont, Dundas and (fle.ii garry asking aid in petitioning the Login- l.-ituri! In reduce the fees under contiol of kll CM-jnly otticUls appointed liy them (the Legislature) the report recommended that a memorial be prepared aud forwarded, proving that such reduction be made. Havinir also considered the letter frn: the county of Citrleton aiding co-opeiation in seeking various amendment* to tho Assessment Act the committee pronoun > td as follows : As to the anieiidiiteut for extending to county coiiucil* the powers conferred on cities, towns and iner;- r iti-l villiiKc* by Section 52 of the Act, they could not (bcommend co-operations. As to having aiHesninenu nmde iriennially instead of annually by township asRe.-s.iiH, and that courU of revision havs power to make annually such alterations in the roll* as tliu aH*e*mnent may require, they re- commended that tlie Council join with that of Carleton in asking thisamendment. As to giving municipal councils power to unite the otlire. of treiisurer and roll ctor of low IIM!II|, they lieln-v.-d thai the union of these office* would be inconvenient and expensive, and therefore would not re- commend oo-operation. Mr. Campbell occupied the Chair in committee on this report. The Council resuming, the report was adopted ss presented. A number of by-lswg were then in I ro- ll need and given a tint rending. Tho Council then adiourued till 7 30 on Thurs- day eveniiiL', Thursday nniriani< being necessary for comniitlee work, and a iiHinlii r of the ineniU M l>eiiu{ dcsi"oun i f payin.- a hut triliute of respect by attend inn tliH funeral of the late Mrs. (iordon, wife of the esteemed iiupectnr of >ch<K>la for West drey, which took place in the afternoon. THVMDAT BVININO. Among the communications presented wer-> su application from tliu Meuford High School I '.o.i n I fr a further irrsnt under section G2 nf the Act of IS'.il, as tho Lit three yeara arrangement had ex - pired, nnd the report of the county eU-rk as) tlie despatch of business left in In- hand* at the close of the last aension. Mi Sing presented a petition signed liy s .me 6fty ratepayers nf Mesford for tho Hp|ioiiitm.iit of Mr Htcwart * Huh School Trustee for that town. Mr. Ijaiiir preset, lul rt'|x>it No. 1 of Fi nance and Assessment, i> commondinv' (1) email accounts amount. UK to fM Mi ; (!2) that the treasurer pity the bnrwir of the Victoria IndiiHtrial _' per week for miiiutuiianci- of Arthur IWhar.l ; (3) that Ml. Adam mi N peddlsr'a lioi IIM- be continue 1 ; (4) a to the report i-f Snrth Ofey I'lriii-in' InatitntH the ci'immtti-o We.r p 1 eased lo taim of the mnml-le informal inn uiven l.y the dele k'atcM from the Ontsrio Colleue, and re- commended that tin- request for s urunt he hid over till next cti >u ; (5)t1mt t!,, rep it of th* S.HI-II (Jruy Agricirtnutl Huciuty ho fyled ; ((i) that the ireaNiiii-r s stalenient of nour.-sidi-nt l.-u .1 fund i .- il in ill-- imnii'iM ; (7) thu oo n- t wutln-'l '" < ill I lie ntien'ion of the couatry olh'eriU to whom by atnine certain stationery is t<> lie Hiippiied lo tin i \ t tlm' ft full snpplv of si stion.'rv was kopt in the treasurer* i Hi -e, and if not in st.', k the nqmr.-d IMM.IC or mtu-lo e nil 1 e procured on .ippii-nrion t.. the Chnir limn of Kiiiiui. i- Mr Allnn pri- i ni ! i.-jirt No. 1. of Ctiimly I'ropfity dealing with a muni n- of a c nuts. I :ii them- rr|>niU worn |m.i]. Mr. ({Mm > |n -. n'eil ihu n<|H>rt of the Boird of .lui(it..'tl Audit, stating, that at tin' tour S'lilitH held ililrin, the ve-tr vsr- (OIM ilniliicLlOiiiih'id Icen inaii.' fruin tlu> ac'-oiinta pret,i-nii'd by tin- HheritT, Clerk of t .11 IV-jh -o, >l nl S i r Lj -on an I c in <l i lile r. .-.lively, "mounting in nil lo$4'''.l lit , an 1 iid'linu' thnt in tl|.-..i<i- ot l', Shenll' tl," ileiln.-li.'iii ui le ilii" to rertiiin chari-tw which he was entitled l mnke this year for the til-it linn- under tlm Htntute, and wliirh on invei.lii;:ilioii were foiniil lo lie pnynlilii liy ih-) K vriiinin' insteud <>f the county. The report slso SUIrd Hint tl.i'i'u WITH no irir^ uln ituM iMpiiiin! inun'ion in snyi-f tli.i n unit ju-i M-.itinl, ii-nl H'-! |. d B-l tlni \itlualil-i His!iim-i> n-tem-'l f r m Totten's Mnniiii! of T.iriirs. Thu di> iiuieiit wim ref. -rnid liai'k for fui-tln-r ii.'..iin.itioii Mr. li.i'io-y n plied that he . .! tlie o\Y uuli were t.i ily Mell sut- lit I. 1 1," l\r>it nnd wi-oiul read'iitr of by laws ith. Mi HUTS. Howe and I, win nun nl to introduce t by law to leprr.l l>\ law -Ui.'l (nullioi i/.in u . the fliO, Dim I" an, of wliirli fl4,(Hl uoea to the inii'ii i| ilitu ^ for tin' ainendliii'nt of tin n i... I- ) M' ll'iwo claiineil iliit tlie by- Iu >. .s most of thu municipal! tiea lin<l n >t ;iAil for this money, and uuili t iln St .nil,- Riicb gntntN iiiuitt be applii'il foi liefoio they could ) given. .Ur. Howe'a million was luat. I-KMHY AITBHNOON. The seaaion bepan at 9 o'clock. Ki-|'iti wiiri- preii-ntuil by the Chair- man of Kit'nce,lko*da and BrMsTwS.OottO ty Hropet ty, Kduration, and the special oommittex on T.easurvr's securities Tlie !- iiimii-e teport waa carried, rocoro- nil iid-iiy no action in reference lo Dr. Mn.'Vv r n'lif-t for reronsiileration of ' ' in- > | dl<m lii-onsf* Iw be taken at piesent in regard to t'rai.l to Childmi'a Aid Son.-ty. The Report of Uo<ls ski bridge* re- coinmiidid that Mrs. McArthur's offer of right of way on thu deviation road in Oluuelx be accepted, and that she be |>a d 944-60, upon giving a proper title U> the foal. The County Properly repwt u>a)d wi k a number of minor account*, and requen - nl that the chainmn be authorized to have any necfcsaary repairs attended to about the court hnuMe. Mr Davia delved into tlim ropxirt and discovered an extravag.tncu in connection with the courthouse grounds S.'n for the county flower ir.inlt-u in one season IIM pretty expensive. Mr. Allan -thought the contention a pietty Kinxl. one. None of the luombera would want toaoe the grounds left a bar- r n waste. Mr. I.-.n,' wc inclined to object to in v- ing achaiinian uiilniutd authority in the matter of'l proponed an ntnt-nd- iir nt that 9-JOU be *et a*ide for that pur- p-'SO. After considerable riucu-ision n t!.. point the report pused without mi>nd- inent. The order nf businoiw was suspended in onli r to lu-.-ir a deputation frmn the Owen Sound MiiiisUrial Axanciation eoin- prisod of Kev. Musirs. Norton, Soincr- villu, Hoeers, \Vaiu, Lediard ami Mu^. f. Ki-v. Mr. Norton w.i.- I he tirnl p..,ki-r, tid addressed the council at some length, re.-rivinii the closest atteu>tioii through- out. Tlie otiji-cl of iho depntatii.n I' p'ained, wan to place l.i-f.m- the i ',,,,,,. il three refoi-uis in connuction w ih ur pn-i n syntuni winch Were I'ei.'ir i-arnrttly advocated by the Prison Reform ABS<HMI- tion slid which the minister* of the town wore unitedly desirous of s>-eing brought i.ito force. The fiist of the< was the supply of s small, suitable lihnry for the tue of pr tuner* in the county jail. Thoe who wi-re cent ti.ire on cr iniiml charge* pent the r time cither alone in iilh'ii. s. or in as ooiati"U with other ;-riiuinls, which (in the case of young offeiiilen) would t-'inl t > make them ,, nut worm- than t'loy came in. They Mked the t'oune 1 to jt aside a imull amount of money for books, so that the young me. hy their iuiluenne might I ave a chance tc g) out with new restitutions and new nn pu'ses. The second m [in -t was in n> gard to juvenile offenders. To iinpi iwn a boy ainonj criminsls wai a serious mis take. The deputation had had a c stn.n on this subieot with Mr. Miller, it whose expei ienced jurl^rment they placet gieat reliancu. and h had sUted positi* ly that 24 hours conuu alone was a greater pi.ui h in. -tit to a boy than a week or so in company with other offender* and would do him more good. TI Association thurvfore asked the council ti ro iifrute w.lh other county conncii* in inuiiioriulisiiig the Ooveriiiuent for l.-f- I tin .I! lo.ikin^ lo short si-nteuctw ni|<l noli t.iy conhnemeut for this class. Thethirc mutter WHS the esinliliHUiiient nf a H .n- of Kefujte in this county for the cnic the ai/ud, inKnn ami su k. Hr hd i . iho rr(M.rt issued liy the I'oun il n r. H-n-.-t to the cost and w.'t-kiiiK of them etalili>hnn tit*, -iiul roul I not undenMiu liow ill. y could hsve that re|nut U-fon Hum without conli nip'uHni; the en-i-i ofsiKh rt linihiiny. If the Council WHS not prepared to iindei t:ik.- the n nstiu t on of House of Itofu-. t> this year, the \s- n i it]-. n aked nubinil t ijiieHiion to the county |>'ebis^itu ni-xl ,J*nu:iry. lli-v. Mr. Someivilli-, !i.. follower with n I rief speech rail, the Ats<iation *ii I'l-aMil with liu- report, hut would like 10 seo aoiue further inf'.rinition aild- .1, namely, a stnti'inuiii of the iininber of (urs'iim no l-eng i> in ih muni. Valitiei l>y the county, and the c i~t ot their support , a!no thu number thnt o I'jht to be snp|ioi li <l. K.v. Dr WuiULinl tin- M niilerihl As- H.oi.|j.i:i wan* unit in ilc-irinif theclitii.j,- .-il lor, i n I K.--.-Y Mincks and Ar- dill w it'll haM! Iwiin p,03. ntalKj if thnr .iiifn-H h.ul |.< i iiiill.'il A ti.f of til uiVn to ihn'es wn psuhe.l, Mul Mr. Chtohol-!! \U'got -ul tlutt they imbody their ri-nni'Stn in uirm. and K<a\e it with the Counoil. This as tccoidingly done. Tin' Koitcaiion report wa adopted. It r.icoiiinieii'led thnt tin- r port* of I'.S ln- s;n-.-l..r of South klld I'.n.t (in-y U<plint ml in lie miiiutt-s. nnd .hat tie Mr,.f..nt HI- n Si hi'i.l |l".-i il Imping Kuhinittfil a iletnihd Ntnle.iiiviit of ihotr oxpondilurv, for lli.llnt iiiinn- for tin-* tin . yoail (.niiounlinj; to $:i..Vii!,7I ; iiv-c v.- :(');. f, r niainti.-iinn.o over and alMivu tlm coun'T i| u\ n'cnt. The cominiilo,! Iiul u -tilita the K. t-retnry of the Ocu S.niinl Hi k h Scliool I'."., nl, to fuiii'sli a stn'oini'iit nf t .- .-..I of in i'uti n:iiui- for tlie p-isi thr e y MIO, with a view to re arinnjjiiiif tl iwtis, but had not yi t IIII-.M! fioni the lio.,,,1 Thr coiini'il wont into Conimittneof the wholo. on the ('.unniuuicatiims ninl Mt- iii it nils Itiport, Mr. liwin in tliu chnii . The coiinnittfo hn.l i-oiiHidcied the ini-- iii'innl "f the u Micd i"Uiiii,-< of l>undnn, Storiinuit. and lileiivarry, aakiiig the L--.V eminent Ui ciuti't thnt Mi') leclors ahall ! reipiireil to entilh- n niiiiiiri|wli(y to a dnpuiy rm-vu nuil 1,'xKI tu a wr .ml ill - puty and liny IIH'<UU<IIIIII<| thnt tin- com . oil oo-operate in nv\<kini{ this n-forui. aBBUUIUOaWKM. .'si-i .':. or eight sltk* etB*or vf 1'.- IIi.Vr- Urkd>l <lf ..... bmnMuf S- IDCM. llonylocsd st sr*Meas'.s rsU. Csjll on ui. g .\ al lo- *. promptly, vbu;4]r a*d C Poiinsalcr, riesbrt. Rrllof III Mix Hour, ' -T, v. Ki'lnpj and ItUoil.-r , relicvril in sit hours by the "tlruat South Amuricn Kidney t'nr*." This new remedy is* groat surprise and delight to physician* mi account of its 1,-rwliiiu promptnvsB in relieving pain in the bladder, kidneysj hack and aterv part of the urinary psjav sate* i> rasls or fm*lc. It relieves r *entiou of waUr and pain in passing it s4 most inresdiaielT. If you want (juisst relief an4 oir* this ta rour rvmtdj . M|A k; tv-si. &xl-.-ss*MM, Onen Booad, Very Pl.ACB IM CANADA TO GET A TLoronyk Butinru Etlvnti^n Tako a f{ound Trip Coiiimcroial U|>rtMient in Can* -la. tl.un mi tk Nurtbenrn Hutiue^a Collojf" ; einiiu arery Miln^ tli.iri'URbly. II we fail to nrndnae t'. ijot tBoroafb, coinplute, practical aud exton Slvacooraoii.tudy ; (tie ltt collece prstuj. i sfd the IIB^I and nmt cnta|>lt an. I n.ot uit- SBIafuroiturc and appliance. w will give you a Toll coarse FBKK. Annual Aunouace oatut giving full, , C. A. FLEMINO, Principal. A Racking Cough Cured by Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Mrs. P. D. HALL, 217 Genessee St, Lock port, N. Y., says : "Over thirty years ago, I remember li .-.iriiiu my father describe the wonder- 1 1 oi'aiive effects ot Ayer's Cherry Pi . . . .il. Pnrig a rrceot attack ol La Ciippo, whkb assunteU the lorm oC a i itiu rh, sot ehes f ttie luugg, accom. i.':i:.U by an apfrravating conch, I rued various remedies and prescriptions. While some al these nsedirlDss partially alleviated the coughing during the day, mine of them afforded me sny relief from t puiuigdic action of tha lungs which would selie me the moment I attempted I" li.- down at night. After ten or twelve such night*, I was Nearly in Despair, and had about decided to sit up all night In my easy chair, and procure what sleep I enuld in that way. It then oc- curred to me that I liaj a bottle of Ajfr'a CheVry Pectoral. I took a spoonful of this preparation in a little water, and was able to lls down without roughing. lo a few- momenta, I fell s*lep. and awoke in the morning nr.-uily refreshes) and fveliug much better. I took a teaapooojut of the Pec- toral every night for a week, then grad- ually decreased the dose, and in two wik.H my cough was cured." Aycr 1 s Cherry Pectoral Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayr ft Co., I.ow.ll. Mass. Prompttocct, sure to cure PHOTOGRAPH - M AI^I^KU V is fully equipped with re- quisites for turning out y per ix t class of work. All kind;- pictures taken and finislicil to a style ciinal to any cit) vork, while the prices ate owcr. Phlorc iu all its branches. If you h.ivr shopping to do and pictures to get taken on (be same day please attend to the latter first. Careful at- tgntion will be given to copy- ng other pictures. Mrs. Buhner. pralnrsad Inturaoc* aud Wills c!:awu ayn.d Vi shortest notice. Auction Sr.'.a* te:..1l 'i) I'Mtof iho County. ii...,. T ;o | ,, , e rat of lutvrnt. r ' . I n th pronriiicm od dw|Mtcb O!)r ( -i Hw ent for th DeiQ.nion h'x-anm cliap IlL-keu from Flnl.rit.-n to f.ixrpool (Jlat(0i>. Uoodoa r nj of the Ilritub p. ri. Ireland, will p rv ir tickaU :ar 4 j| rato4 bf -r* purcliaaui. lusic. \l IS9 EDITH bit 1 ^ S **-.. 11 * 1 *"-. of Bawfln. 0rmDT, '>.ol,n ;; 1'rof. Ka will r*o A NO n.Ialanf To'o:no, Sdokjasi! 1 ln s; *iouvi.M. glrdiral. of Body sjid Mind, ] Errors or Excesxs io OU or Ynng. MobU Manhood fu'ly Restored. How fa Knlarge sod Strtngthtn Wtak, Vnderelopsjl Orjsni and Parts of Bodj. Absolmel/ B fciliog Horn*) TrestBsnt Beoefiu in a 4a> Men taatify from 60 States and Foreign Coo> tie*. Writs them. DescriptiT* Book, e> alanstion and proofs mailed (icalcd) frc*k ERIE MEDICAL CO., Buffjlo, (.Y; r *To The FuWic. J)lt BUTTON. M I.D.C. U., MC.P.* s.o.,1. R*)Jjic. stut offlc. oo door M t of ta. M. bock. JjK. CAKTE. M C.P AS.. 0.1 FTMl.eitju i I inUiaw-k bot). JOHN A. SCOTT. II. ] sl.uibor CoII;.p hyric a Sariaoos CraHu I. in ||ii cin . of Torouto rol ,J.,,r Follow.!. ip Diploma, Poal ' od RoipMal. Ch thro.1 00.1IM..II. M*dM icago. P. OTTKWELL, Veterinary Barg.on Ora.l-j.u of \eurln.ry Coll,-,.. ItatMene^-R.,! outb of llocr>-s pianlng f| ry. J r. HALSTEAD. " * D . M. C. * 8.. Oat . prvrtica* al rly. Mxanatie dtsMaa* a ap*cij|iy JJU. M.iBY II. IH. ~ at D. C.J1..-1I.C.P.M ,0ot ,rhy.ttl,, n. .tc.. HoDor Oradnat. Woman s al.dtc.1 Tvi"'* - 1Uii '"" M>0 ' iu Uu "^ ll, rt lc . T ni.. D ia. of W ni. .r-i IMr.,,.,p <K . W y . iiikhi ami .laj-. t D.8.M.D R. l)ti.. visits Ib.lrt ..! ,i,J W>,ln..ia. of ,i trip on Ib. J. y following J W. FhOST. HurUtur. Ro'Uitor. ConnjatieM offlc^-X.u Hi. !-,.! >,.. pp buildli.g.ouThuivlaya. Ow.n Frost's buiMini; KM LVCAB*\\KI<;UT, nrritcr, S..'lcUot, Own .-ionn I. on. | N H.-Flm.|i..rU.n CoBrarn..n. i- Mark.,.!.. c ta , , ,, , Ail , Mlteiwll * B.-vk Dresaiuaker.Clytr.ti-, n. w |,!, H k. Oot. aii.lallkii: ..,;,. ti,,,, to order c -., by dressiuakWi teal*. I lroim k -.. o;ii-iM. SOCIETIES. Ln > ll.V II "l'i H. W H iioiillily. ON U. TI-M li," t " inaurain-i-i >rK-.linu (he Bu ' SON'S OK nraday v' n Pai.srK \uriit IL A M . ..... I in tli" III... k. I- |.,.h,.,i naTiBs'nt<V, i. shcj> (or a 'tfo- : ,.- { t'*r onytkinj in fkt Wl ;/,' t call ok F. A. BUNT OppouU It.rlia . o* ttor* THE T a i J o r. Uakei all garments of iticu's wcr tb best stjlo at short notie*). Ail work ijnaranteoJ. A trial solicited. F. A. BAKER, FLESHERTON. Eugenia Mills Carriage Works. 'red alto n<l Saw. rp. Woud 'riiniiuir . f rverv d-i __.,..;_.. .,. 'i \.f j U W~ ton. J laiiinp and c tain Chcr>- v l'i> 3,.., van f or th< . Beaver tut us * - T W WILSOX . . fin 1'noon. A. B. Vudu*u,\\ K.J.Sproul, sor.lar>. Y*t.r. n A mati In thalr hall blMk ! , >.,..! third |Tbur . tu's i or D. JtlcTamh, BORSrSBOKB AND GENERAL BLACKSMITH. Collinxwoxl Street, FLESHERTON. - OltT. Manulai Intuit; ot W DoniiH'ra!, I i ' t-ikl alt n o'l or lu 1*1 Ltclnff "> d.