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Flesherton Advance, 8 Feb 1894, p. 5

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THE FLESHaRTON ADVANCE QEO. MITCHELL, / :.t-.*iun::T:: A K*-ir ". .unki jj V^i:-ids t a- *>r't - iti ' .T . !-*.. : for fc- ->ste - Orvpr :v> loon north rfH.cliT-;./v Vicinity Chips. Charart Bristles of the I'ast Week tan ru!!> fulled for the <'ariu*. amtnj ~-ait *~ *t ike rate <i{ J--c -per Inte far each iiuertio*. .I rahetim *M bt modi on contract! for I'M line* or wrr. Quar'.erly terriers were held in the Methodic church on Sahbeth last uJ and KubanUon atUrded tde Paiti evticrrt in Tufuutooa ii,.nJay eret.u.g. Mr. J. M. Tliontou, of K and Mr. J wuih Gamey. r ',<** were caller* ou Moudjy. wUIo <m tins r ay to the li({ oojii-.-i.M' n iu Tor M. Ric!ird*>D tenders h.u" al! the fri..d> wh lab.. re I > stteces*! a ; ly in Mriuj lii* premises fruiu tiro uu Tuoiliy inv ruing Ao-nventiou will Uh M .-.t R-cklyn .at \Ve inesday next, tu Appoint a candi- date t contest Kam an I Centre l_rrey in the ccoting Le^iil\ti Issthsx Tbre wi.l be a public sale . f farm stock Lot 45, C..u. 8, Usprey, ou Friday, Feb. 16, the pn-j^rty of Mis M. Bowcu. Sale at 1.30 p m John Spoon. anctionecr. SpringhiU Patron l.xic-, (Wright's Khool house, n*ar Flcshertoii.i wUl K- '! an open meeting on Friday evening, !'' h iosi. Speakers from a distance will bo present to entertain. All are iuyited. Freu u the air. Grvjr County aaaoctauou P. i-f I., hold their annual mooting in MarkJa tnorn.w, rVday. at 10 a. m. The qwea- tion of forming three eoiii.ty aMuciaiioua wil! be distuned, also grants to public Messrs. \V Strain Jk J E Moore ha* formed a partnership and will engage in the furniture and undertaking business. The stock will be pvu\i up u> a few <1.\ a Those eooUmpUtin^ purcliasin^ ih. old retain their older* until ihcy can i-nmiue our stock. Strain A M.<re. To wh<>ai it may concern : Owing to the krge delivery of Ions at oar factory of late, we are orer-stocfced and will hare to stop taking log* on the 10th uf this month, but will continue to take the split bolts. Damuc'e A Wright. Ayer's Cherry Pect.ral is known by it works. The exprrienoe of half a cvutury prrTes that uo other preparation of thr kind stop* couxhinK and allays irritation of the throat and Vn>uchial tubes so promptly snd effW-tuallr M this. The Ejiworth Leaeuo of the Pres!ytr un Church heM a --o ; ' at the handeossa reiiJei^vof Mr. P. Qu ; gg, Back-Lm,-. \Vet. i; Vr-ila) ,n:iux, which was largely aUendtd. thrvo or four thigh ads -. from trwn. Tlio . tair.ment consisted of refreohokrct >ry 'peasant eveuing AS Puntl.tlk ptiors tn hegettius the ban fit uf tlie avH^ii war i -tireoi-. th* y and m* <leiu of Fl-jLvr-nv. the forwMr paying rwrticuLir yttrntum to the he'! * of IhtL-iUlk, :J t>>e latter t.. : A nuii'bvrof FVhcr!.-.uycu:h* t>- ti KH'Uy o.i I'nl ',- rr.vt r letory medicinm the f rtnu'.e of Dr. J. C. Aycr's Sarvi, and otlier prur*ratii>t* are chcerfu!' ti> ar\ |-h>.cuui who applie* f<-r Hence the special favor .vcirde*! theto weU-kuown standard roiiitxiiee by tho World's F iir ruwoi A (fnernl nievtin? of C nRor%'ivoi f UIM towtiship, i called f<r Friday even- in , to morrow, in t>-.. Town Hall. ewe iii'juTtsi't nj<it.-rs, among other* t question of who ska'l receir* u|^v>it t* ii.'Uiii.i* r.t the K. n.-r-\l oouTenticn in Po.-Vlyi; nit weik. ai'd the appointing f .l<-l c -<tte. A L>rg repreaot.U:: <n i* hoped for. A pvhf > ..f tho 6rv on Tiee- day m itnuv ' t< '' i'< the !.>* f a hule pet il i; nil Iriah pii^ bclouvinx to Mr*. Harrison. The >itt!o xi imal gare tlie a'ann by sentchittf and barking at the tedro iu door and afterward* kwt r < ; flame* in aoea* ooaaaotralabU an- er. "Tafwy" wa considered by mauy t be 2 aitrc oniauMit. bat hr ll act M ; n-j tl.-.t wil imuwtrtalize her in the of her m-iiresa, price in cash paid for hidts and *b*pek:ni. \V. P. C tow LIT, FU.h..r- lam, i.B. Luros. barrister. Varktialr haa )<li),OCO private fund* tu les J un farm within the next few n. at k>wcl current ratea, No eiumiaa- . delay*, eipeue* low. Apply a.' othce iu MarkdU durine; the wet-k at D ofic* on Satuniaya. Rora: Black Knights. Please insert the foilowine: in this weeks Ad.-aace acd ohiice nvr.ctfnlly yoors, Tnoa ELLIOTT. Royal Black Kbighta of Ireland, tors Precept* .r>-, S... 288; elrcUd the f< .llowiuit uficwrs f.jr the y. a 199* : Sir K- Jrjnrs Bn-die, W P ; Sir Kt Jas. McM.-Un, D. P ; Sir Kt. John Mc- FaJii- u, (. hi| ::n ; Sir Kt TV*. E: Registrar ; Sir Kt. Jt*. E!H->u, Trra*- artr: Sir Kt. J.*.t>h CMnoo, It Lecturer; Sir Kt Th<. Abbott, 2nd Lecturer; Sir Kt. Th.. Oilray, IM .It. Thi*. Ab^rcrxuUe' lt Stucdard IVan : , S r Kt. J. E. Marab. 2n4 Staud i>J Bvirvr ; Sir Kt. Sir K'. Jas. Kra- kine, I'ar-uiraj.t, Sir K u. JZ.UM* Trickry, J A. H,a : J. R. W Blakeler, J ', Cars, n, Tlioa. J. Lackey aud J. U. C-r- su n, KiniBerley Orange Lodge will hnid iu annual Soiree on Wedunday. Feb. 14th. U. Ikst, of Duncan, cumic singer, i> on tli.- program. The speakers aie Dr. ile. .>f Markdaie, andlUr. J. Wells, . f Kleaherton. See btilft. nia OratiLe Lodue gire their an tea and entertainment on the even- ; Thursday. Feb. 15. Thia event m i..tys looked forward to with great ex- p .xt itioni that are never diaappt tuUd. To.- I'ruton orchestra have bean en^sged aud a specially oood pn gnu i* teiiu< prepared. Bill* hare buen lawwd Th went of the season at Maxwoll will b* a grand Patrou concert un the evenitigW Tueeday, Feb. 13, when the well known comic oleutioa:at aad singer. .' H. Cameron, of Torouto, w.ll ataut in tho piogram. Mr. Cimen u's name il sufficient to sccme an cv> rrt. hooar, Si-c la:j{e bills for particulars. C!tUy fire. S A5D KJkBSTIDT S BLOCK WiriD OCT. Once more haa FWherton had to tasale with the are fiend. Citizens were awak eued about fi>r o'clock on Tuesday morning by the rinsing of the ahum bell *.o and the buun^srt block of R Harrison. tumuure deilcr, and F. G. Kaitt.d*, tia iind hardware, in ftaru<. Th* crowd tJ at gathered in an injrwUiMy sh r- went tu woik aad a<tocvd*d in sav iogtucoiunltc si.<cksof tvah films be- fore 'he Barnes ree^-hed tlient, t!u hv.;i.' >>riiiiuated in a B[>or - Both gaaMeaao h r thu.r ro sueativtf i lacoi of (HIM v <-. In. t i h<jseho J familure and rlot-'.iu-.-. Mr. Kr the b>uldm< was owned bylim*.4f su.i cairi--.! no ; anoe 041 Li. ;.-cV. Mr. Hiniv-n s lose Will ho well onvred l-y inurnce. The buUUuu whio . h o oup'etl wa..<- rd b Mrs. Roger Lever, aud wa* inturvd for 700 in the >V*t*tl .- Mr Harritnu's stock was iasurml f T ?i'',V> i-i the Lmea thirv. an I hii 1 oiuoh 'Id furuitun for 81000 ia the Gor Mutant. Tm |>Tary pn>iaues h l-ovu st\-'.rvd l-y ) th en- tissan to carry on their tusiaewa. Tii* t*u'o of firj U a mystery, au I set- ervl theones hare Knu a<lmu-ed. It ttaitttl in Mr H.xrri* K.'S proiniaoa iu or near the kitchea. Mr. KarsUdt's '> will be hetry. as hi* carried no ii-.sjtmo", an i 1 it hi-t buildup, h'<useb>id fumitu-o, ti_ols two gold & -. Breakfast Cereals. "S >\\ on li :i ii < 1 iccted rolled wh*c Borm. A iytLiag 700 may want in. these lines can be got at Oaruhouae's, Hesherton. rM.i- n Oocx PwOlu ot a tth. UM wUk of *--" v; thr**n-e d Mr. '. u .-vrtou.on Jan. Bet, by R > .u- U.K. ^ .. . I 11. Fluail lufii;, ifTSTT o than M r*b.T.Sn. -.i proaipt c* aolic L ML K. COCrTS, AUCTION SALE ! 111IHIE (ill PBIPEBTIK towaaaipa ta ISM )oj at {,,]. T! re wCl b*oH on Miay Ifcw lith day et ) ea* 'deck ia th* allsiassa UM. at < AT MUNSHAWS HOTEL IN THE TownofFleeherton, lia by rtrtB* of rwOTnof MU monca*M which wUl U* j itav Ijliowiu* STopwtiM : FABCEL. L Lot in ia the 3rd Con S. W.of the Torawa* aad SyUaobam ro*4.'owusLi|>of artentMia. contain ing II) wru*. utor or lw.*xM|>t U *m occupi- ed by Ballwajn Tb tollowtuc nnprumutnu art saU to o on th prvosiMt : about U Lot*, ui th tlhfr. . Tb foll*w in i; . HM-rov*tafiu ri Mid to . |>ro be on ttM pxeai* . about un IK.O fouu- lioc au.!.. Dc.k . Moa* milk m.l ippl boaM, lot ilw- . tow-- 1 : t ^ + \ a. - - ' t to lw ) t*rui< f<Kl ' JOSKS I'.U'K A MV KEN/IK. Qnlfcnil mi T< ront-> - .into. . J SPROULE. AVER'S SARSAPARILLA M'AVE UOLTS WANTED. af&MkT* DolU tka, for whl.k apanUtv j h-h.t D^MCDI A WRIGHT s-lwatMTtM S. P. S-Virn. of T-iwanda. Pa, wboee constitution TT-XS completely bvokra down, is cv.r- ! by Ajar'a Sarsaparilla. He writes: Fbr eight years. I waa, moet ol th tim<, a jrrvat snleivr from coatlpa- tlon, ktJn->y tronblo, and ladlgcs- tioa, so tbat my constitution SMBKH! to be completely broken dowa. I was inUaccd to try Ay*i*s SansawrBla. and took nearly terra bottle*, wilh soca exrelleat reanlta that rar ntcmach. owtla, and ki<lner nr* in perfect <VD> di-ion, and. la all thair function*, as regular aa clock -work. At the time I began taking Ayer's Sar-iaparilta, my weight was only J3> ;vnn J< ; I now ran fcraf ot 133 pounds, snd TTIS cerar la so food Walth. If yoa couM Me Be be- fore and after wine, yon would want me tot a trarrUac adrerUseeaeak I believe this stepatattoa of 9anapariUa to be the best in the market to-day." Ayer's Sarsaparilla rVtpwl by Dr. J. C. A} k Ob^ Lewd. Ifaaa, Cures others.w ill cure you SELLING OFF. In order to reduce our stock we are offerin g a fewhundred of pairs of > Boots and Shoes ^^~ at a very Great Heductioil (for cash) about cost price. Call and see and we will give you good Bargains at Clayton's. m/ THE GREAT SOUTH AMERICAN NERVINE ' TONIC . The CbrwwJc AND and HVKI* Cl'KE. onderful HEALTH BUILDER, t SERVE FOOD. 5fr>e Oalrrs at kase will eaoM UM are *au*U kr sVr; f Bra-n nrre c - meni o-* .' different '! of UM bodj w;.-c'i t!iy tnppl/ with Nun FLLTT or Ni tvi Foacx. The woodorfol sneeeM of SoncL Amrie^u Xe< no* Is dat aloa* to UM f.ct kiatu - VMadot .he foie^oiof p-tDClpl. T^n^o'a tig^'.e bottU of tb-* remedv ; " eonvioe* tb matt oca. '. -rxievd, renuW* Foo. > V'ILL PELIEVE IN USE UA\ i e Tahed forma of u>- eftM aad LATE discoveries ban absolutely proven that the Stomach and Lungs.and indeed ail internal organ* an controlled by UM acrvt centre* at the base of UM brain. The raanu- ufactarer of Soim AwMirt* NBKVIM lias studied this subject clost- IT for more tlian twenit-five rears, and Lai lately demonstrated that two think of onr Chronic Diseases, are due to th in*pricct action of nerre centres, either w-.tliin or at the baM of Uie brain and not from Uie derangement of tie organs tbemselrea : hnee that ib< ordinary nscllioda of treatment are wrong. As all know, a serioas injury to the spinal cord will at one* cans* VAMALY- sis of tlie bodj below the injured part, it therefore will be equally weil under- stood. Low Uie deraugmenu of tLe Tb : s claw o' diseorns. is rapsdly in- ereaN ,- , jj re^r, 01 aeecont of the great we-- OP ukuileoi Knag andlah. , or LU'DOM npoi k be oerroas system. i ot' a" the ailmenu to i ^_ * - v^,i_ ai'tnin , oily is Heir. 4rt impaired dijeauoo. and a issstioiaUi and iaiporenafaed cooJiUoo of ttb blood. TW Smith American NVrrias is a great net-re food aad nerve build- er aad Uus accounts for its marvaloai < power to care the varied forms of nerroos disease, such as Neuralgia, Nrroasoess, Narrow Prostration. Sc i Vitas'* Danes). Serroos efaoking^ierr- oas Pa oxTsms, Twitching of the Mw eles. Hot Flashes. Mental cney. Forgetfalutss. P(ll<seasi, Ner voosnees of Fenislsw. ralpttation of the Heart, & Weakness, etc., etc. yW RirHAKDS >.V HEALTH FOR ALL. Hollo way's Pills and Ointment. THE PIT T.S Purify la* Wood comet all D:sorJ7t of F-ivcr. St^iitiih, Ivit!ny- and Dowelai. tal toFomate* M( *:ia3<n. F Cb.Uroa aa t th a(*d UMJ . SSSovtaea. T H K OINTiV i^N i' aa if*:Ubl tew*!.- for IU . 1... VrsMa*. OM TTowAia. o.tta^l Votrv nislMnoas f iSoctuiUb- rnf theCbMtit ^asnosiiMl. ' so:: r 'i n no n. /> /, ^COUGHS, ' i >s G:J -a: i Sw*UlHn. aaJ all akin PI it kas no ri 1 aaJ tor eeaemssad sad rti J faia'jt to a<.M Ilk* a 2>arm Ua3tt(actarl only M FM4MH> HattoWit Btebiu!ia*nt. 7S >r\v O\forl srrrrl lat* S3S. Oxferd Strrcl 1 . Leads*. *j..l ro. ! t u IJ1.AJ*.. *>*!.. tla..Sk>*>.MChDoio( Tot. aa4 majr b* hd of ewasst i- Ain Ml.SUhilTON lanmg Doors, LOt all ot!i^r Bail diag Supplies at shortest Evory thing at Lowest Rat Tacts taken anl Katimates JUruishe^ fir nil of Buildiitf&. Lum^^r P!int\l auJ Flooring turned out while you wait. '". ->ai Work a Specialty. Gird us ft call. J. E. MOOUE,

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