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Flesherton Advance, 8 Feb 1894, p. 4

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THB FLESHBRTON ADVANCE Advertising Kates: OnuC'uIuuio, I year, SM ; half cot., 1 yoar. S27 guartcr col., oDe year, f lj. rraonleul a Iverllaeuwnt cbargud at tlia rate g asota per Hun for Brit lumrtiou and 3 ceuta eacb bubsHiutnt iuaeitlou. ft* Another for "True Patron,' Tu tht EJitor of Tin Adianet. Du BIB, In yoar issue of 26th January, "A True (Anti) Pttron" Las discovered remarkable indications of the early collapse of Fatrouiara in Aiteuu'sia, insomuch as wo have a "packed (Patron) council." Neither the fact nor inference can be estab- lished. The council contains ac tiue an Anti-Patron as you can find any- where. It is likely that Mr. Thomp- son would have been elected over Mr. Carr had there boen no Patrons ill existence. Mr. Thompson was evi- dently the choice of the "Million which in wiser than the wisdom of tbe wisest." Mr. Carr'e bringing out was not for municipal, but plebiscite purposes, hence was the accident of an accident, and notwithstanding the rhetorical gush of T. P. If Patrouiem be established we venture to predict Weal and not Woe for Canada. So mote it be. BBC. or MONABCB LODOE, 1C8P, From British Colombia We were planned to receive a viiit from Mr. John Bell, of NoUon, B. C. lst week. Mr. Bell is in the lumber buu- neu out there and U duing well. He ia a sou-iii-law of Mr. U<>l>t. Oliver, of tliu township, and hu been in B. C., orer Uireu yuAn, but for tlio pttt ouuple of week* IIIM been homo on a visit. Duting a half hour'M plaauant couvunatiun thu Advance Itmniod aouio inlcruating facts relative to our tun-net province that aru nortli mi i. tinning. NeU' >M in in ilie KiMiifii.iy country, one of the richett min- ins< iliktnut* on thil emitinei.t. Th Sil- vur Kiux mine, recontly mlU fur on mil- lion ilollan, U six miles from Neliioii. TUeui am nunieruui other iiiinui in the near viciiiiiy that aru proving veritable L. i. >n/.as Being bear the mountains the ilim.iii- in n|iiitiitle and Natuibricua, and thu ruiii H <>f winter are no drawW-k as ili. v Hi- in lh lower diatricU. The tiin- bur i* iniMtly homUick and cedar, with n linl.. pine. HumWk i the most valiuUo I llieni, being as tough and seivicat le as our n ;!<, and in ni-il for like pur- .. Ihe town of Nelson is n placii of about tliu samr propuiLnni as Klesln rl..n but contains thirteen lii|uor <ii.-.pennn; elnblihmentii. The populntinn is to a tar^e. exti-nt-a floating oim, and nmralily, as in nil now mining towns, is at an i x- Iri-inolv loir ebb. Mr. Bull Bays tlintteo- tiuii i! . . miry presents unliinitutl oppnr- tunitii'^ for ,n|>iuihati, and it prtfnssing I U>l n. i. lirM-liipHirent. There ws lUgna n and dopr c itin of valnes liut < hilenee linn lu-en ruoti'iri) an 1 >u 1 '.ell seen great poHttibilitiri for ' . n, | I..VIHIK, m its wealth of mincn, tiiiiLur and n^ricullurul prorluctH. \Vo hi) return* this Weok tn IIIM western IIHIIM- A 4*ooi I .>< ii OHN II MIMIXII*<, or ilr 4NH I -4KI1 TlinBB B .iXCN (IF II.H.I.'M KIHXK-. I'M.I.M, HIIII-II IM BID HIM of KIHNKV Hl.llCAHIC or FOUR ri.iua' STAM'i ... , .V .i.'i'ii MoKee, a Wull known drui/^mt h"fo, (id's of a rr i 'I on. >! Inn I'll lomeis, J..I ii II ii-ri-.>i., l>y iiifAiin of DoiUI's Ki.l any i'.Kn Mr k.iln.-., ase for four y. ;n. uiul oil tlio ruined. u !>. ii ,1 failed. Thron bixo<<>r P K..|'i.'> I'.IN rnutoil tii iliMiitif. Hul Mr. . II J.I I- .M I u .1 .'I I . .,. I' i , (.III* an iiiinii ,i ,i, -. , l|i \ Frurn a iptcial cvrretpoiuletit. \Vu have no great oreiits to chrouic'e thu week, nor would you expect Eugtm- iates to be in one continual round of pleasure; atill there aro two iuteroating eruntg in (tore, viz : the annual Orange /iri'u .in J concert under the au|>tu 8 of thu E. L,. A. ()ur esteemed neighbors, Mr. Wood- burn. Mr. and Mr*. Linton, Mrs. PUntt aud Mrs. McMullen, we rejoice to ssty, are rteiidily recovering from serioua ill- II MJ. Quite an interesting colloipjy took place hero on the main street of our vil- lagti the uthur day. It wm quite a wordy racket of 3 hours duration. Thero WHS some exci lenient and fiiokinew JiKplayud. YYeJiJ not bear the isauu but I believe the m uu r is to be renamed until tiimlly settled. We hope it will bu an amicable and tatisfact >ry sottluineiil u> the parties concerned. Mr. Editor, I bclLie tbe timber-int>n hero are unduly hverinij your bunny vil- lags. I dou'tsee why they should haul the'r timbvr away to your when they could drop it down at the Hoop and Veneer "Perfection" aud gtt cash "on the spot,". There are some people out here, aud very worthy people too, wh>i are clamor- ing fur lyneli law for about three days I expect that it is now an admitted fact that Oliver Mowat does nut conform to that part of the Patron platform which demands that county officials should be employed by the local authority. It hat never been contended, oven by Mr. Mow- at'a apologist*), that the county and town- ship councils were incapable of perfoim- ing to the satisfaction of the electorate, this branch of tne public services. Is it not desirable that every official, especially those receiving Urge remuneration, should be directly responsible to the cle.cora. Can any tenable argument be advanced in su|.|>ort of the present system! Can there be any reasonable ground for the appointment of olucub with whom the government have little and perhaps no acquaintance? Docs not every elector, Patron, Comwnvatite aud Reformer want to bring the men wlicin they pay for pub- lic services into as immediate contact aa possible? To appoint office! t whom the (H-ople cannot reach is a violation of the principle of rupuuibi government. There is no fair mnn who will contend agaiiut the ptincip'ci underlying 'Gov- ernment by the iv.'i 1. ." T I n.i is the only true mode of government. The HI rongest objection Ui iho present nystcin doe* nut lie in the inoie method, hut in its terrible rtnu'.u. Wo aro paying au- nually connideral)ly over ha!f a million of dollars to these irresponsible officials. TJiere are '3 re^iitrnrs in 42 countius aud 5 cities of thin province. We hare not tlir |.iiwer to diminith this) largo retinue f the Mowat government, nor have wu the power to ihia vuoruuins ex penditure. Some lude Ixiund parti a i mi.^hl uy that all these . .Hiciuls urc necus- siry. Avnllu-y? We'll lake a fact or two. Tke our own county ft.r cxamp'e a>..| whit tin wu lin-ii Thero are 2 regis Iran and oon bhuiifl, tluir aalnries ap- pr.iximiitaj,' C ; f*00il. L>,.os not this a- ii ..nut HHMI ti-rriMu to tlino of us who ale ii' I u> furl-mate in occupying such l'ii'i.i:JM! |.i.itiui.,' Does any nne any ll.i-re i* llm nhadiiw of a in ..< s^ay for iwn rt^utiars for tliij t-mntyf l)m-s ].ub- lir i "iivonioiice or Souinl jn'.lilic pol cy de- mai..| I'.\M I If go will souio imo anxious ti do, r ( .iul the cnnt'ii* (ij.sii-iii uiitiuuierate thearxnmenU insuppoitof it? i .1 iio, a i.l i -..'a ii.v nil .1 IT will >>! MI. nil .1 ii. i Ufiy l-i III !> I I'.'k, nl :\ I ,X, ,,.| {. "mi mi S*rui.iijr, I' .X. A., Sin, I 1 Cul , a*^ SinUrs raUrrii K | y U.* thai in.'.li, ma I | ,H <i>r dun d tint | a., ni^ any g,i,,d." Prii' t . Ml .,,(,, HAVE YOU B AC K" AC H E oooo's KIDNEY JM11S, WILL CURE YOU mtini th kid- ntjfi art lit tiauUt. Dodd't "/ fr Pll.'i mpt rtl/if." "76 ptf i*/if. rit Mat. " fry fj Aa/r U'lthout /MI a at ifittattm (annot tlltt */* Kiditiu . . good titalth U'ht.i f An kiiintyt mrt leggtd, thty art Sold byaO diatlamoraaillir mailonra. of r'" l" rent*, itr kvi or aia f. Jok a.M^.Uto.J TaJkl'^* ' tilt / the lytttm. "Dtlay It danyrrnut. Neg- I feted hlintg trout/If t rtiult In Bad Blood, 0y*r>pY(i, Lii/ir Complaint, and tlit matt dun- gorout of ail, Brightt Oman, Diattfttt tnd Dro Pillt or* Assignee's Olf mm m mm EV&ENIA, ONT In tht* m liirr rt ;ir Estate of the IVrlrrlitui H.I>;I & V.-n-< r Co.. of th* <'it> oT Toruii.o. uuO Ku;jrni:i, in the t'ounly of trey. Tho lonpect* nf thn above estate har* In- Htrucieit ICilward Still, Asaicnoe. fr>r Iwnofit it i-ii'l..".-. . .f mi! iou> So otfr for ia!a by pubilo auction by luaarrf. Piclmou A < . I HI their auctlou rooius, W King t. w ( -.1 I'orouto, on WEDNESDAY, FEB. 14,1894, at 2 o'clock iu thti aftornoou llio following vaJu- all proiwrty, eu block or in lot* as i>tl.1a<l: LOT 1. The iutcrert of the aM Perfection Boop * VutKMtr Co. in the will bml tir*. <lam aii(t rtnve nituau. I oriUiill hit No. 4. in the gov- ul nuvoy of the town of Kugelila ID tl:a 'ouut> of (irey under Laaac btaruu data iiuJ Autfuat IBM. I "T -. Tlielntertof the nul.1 ens*p*ny In ali machinery auri plain iu tim M mill or In mJ upon tbe preonm uionti'jiied in tiie Mid leaao.aUo in certain maebioery aud ullivr iroi>- '. thecouipany now lyiugat tlio C 1 P. R. I a''o.i at flvsliirtob. [.<>T.<.~Thiuterea-. of tbo said company In all tbe other pro|>;irt . tharaot.oousituuK chief U .( nater wheel*, heading uiachiue, emery who*', knife grinder, truck), oftco aafe, ttock, boiiui, cutler an i Tbe render menroa the liberty to make one Ml TFKMS One tliirl eaah at time of Balaam! balaucv iu tbirty day from dat* ut aale. Other particular! ami condition* will bo ma I. k:iown at tluieof aaleor may be obtained on phcatL n to the Aulgnee, Edward btiU, No.l oronto it., Toronto Toronto 9Mb Jan. 18M. { HORSEMEN! Pay Attention I Having purchased tlio harness business from Mr. Clayton, I wish to iniimato that my en- deavor will be to please and satisfy customers iu any work which may be entrusted to me. All kinds of horsemen'? re- qnisiu'S kept in Block, at low tales. Good workmanship guaran- teed. Soliciting your orders. 1 rttuuiu rcspccl fully, W.MOORE- ton. Jau.*l. 4 Co. We are receiving daily consign- ments of goods for spring trade bat havo been busy stock taking and find end* of Dress goods, Mantliugs, Tweeds, Suitings, cts., that we do not care to pass into Spring stock, and that we will hare to make a lossou to effect quick sales. Wu Inve also a good assortment of Overcoats aud Suits although they have been selling freely at the cut prices. In order to mliuv nvci coat Block wo will toll them on credit at the cut prices allowing an additional disci. unt of ton per cent, for cash. WOUSTED COATINGS. We de- sire to call special attention to oar stock of black Worsted Coatings, our beit lino. Fur texturo and l>.\\;itiful finish cannot be beat anywhere. \V inviio intrmhng ptiroli&Siiii lo c*il bn fort 1 deciding autl vertify w!mt w sy We havo cheaper line* on our sheiv . but thu K-st is the cheapest. A per- fect, fit guaranteed. TWEEDS. It is well known tlmt we carry the Urgent stock in this eection. In this department wo always l.--l. Our price* clnllcn^oc')::i;i num. Woo- Kivo yo-ia nobby spnug tuit uiaile to oiilrr, fur $10. MKN'S WOOL finir.Tf> and DP.A\\F.US.-8i,ill n f,-w Irfi ami unist begot lid of at any prino. TOWELS. Another Mi: | ilo of the wonderful , towclijiist in-i.Tcd. Ouly 2i o. per pair. JA- Co. It curi-t the hot * Pino ii >M on a guanu>U. Ineip-i'iit l\ni:.ii!ii|ili..n. It is (.Vunh C'nr- - Otilr ne ccnr it ci , !') cU. and $1.00 |xr but- Are You Thinking of buying FURNITURE? OF FLESHERTON, has a big and cheap stock to choose from. Pictures also framed, and furniture repaired. See our organs and parlor suites. /^ I i \*A to NT' MEN, I desire to call your attention to my winter stock of Cutters, which \viil need no -.vords of rec^m.^endation from me, as I will leave the public ' for themselves. I have also on hanJ a stock ol heavy sleign.-, sleighs, market sleighs and -kr.lctcn sleighs. All I ask is a call, and jodge for yourselvc =. Thanking my many friends for their past favor?, I ic- main, yours truly, R. T. WIHTTEN. GENTLEMEN : I DESIRE TO ANNOUNCE that I Lave taken over the Carriage aud Wagon making business Intely carried >:i f-y Mr. Moore, and am now prepared to fill all orders in tny Hue to y >ur entire satisfaction. Having lately added to ray sixteen yc ars' expe- rience iu the business a nine months' trail. in.^ in one o! lur best carriage shops iu tbe city of Detroit, where i succeeded ia cjiT\mg off a first class recommendation, ouglu to be a suCicictit ^narauteo that all work will be don in a first class manner. I inunuf icturo Wagons, Buggies, Cutters. Sleighs ; iu ct ever/tiling iu :iu' car- riage line. Wood and lumber taken iu exchange. Kimily give me a call. D . U I ^ V I U . Fleslierloo. Next door to McTavisb's blacksmith shop. USE THE CELEBRATED B. Laurance Hi't* rv< M.S an d - KYM.I.ASSKS F. Q. Karst^dt, Hole Farm for Sale or Exclaogo, A Rare Chance. fJV)K Sale nr K \ ;'o property In r PI M*\ ; n. v'.R. Kami > in tha l'.v,'r v *' IT- r.t iiMeai- ' tlrlvJ alw a Koi>-l .. aii<l . U aui'plifd ll \>. V IVYM\>. i Flro In- i . .\\ ..:> !' Fails HftrdwarC ~ A*i Now is your t ; mc to get a snap in cross-cut saws as wi- are clviiiin.; rut at roj't. The DianictiJ Sa-..- u.-ually sold at 80 cts now sold at Go ctr Imptovcd Chiiafpion best saw for soft wood former pricj 500 now 350. Don't turret to see them ii you are in need ol one. We have just received a shipnirnt of the l>e>.t (irafcite \\>ue made at very low prices in TCA pots, Sauce | ans, Ket- tk-s, \Yi-h b.isi:;s, CofTec pots, and varioosothor things. Havo you got a good cKttlios wringer? If you have not now i^ your t/me to buy one as prices have pone up, but having a few on hand we will sell thrill oil at $3.00 Ii wliicli is the wholesale price of them. Don't- forget to call. hardware Dcpartii]ei7t Improved Yorkshire Boar for Service baa a ra mpro*> d Tork<hirt boar for .-rvi.' on K lat, tej B ^v^ *VI m*-l . (^- w Ull 1( ( | T. A i. K. bur* atockfitier. Tertua i J. HOLUT. \V A NTKH " flil I I,\J , y ui|ilojmnt with tianaalw- . DO| nima.y. HaadaouM putflt au.l ih. b,-;rtt ol otw Ii y*an OM*W lu ftirniibe.1 eTvry mm. Choice tMcU liur. aud coatrol ot tmtory.-W. hare ow TJO acroa of clicicc >toc.,nJ ran cive you mas* a.lvanla.. Our n:.>! of iwrvnu* ai/J n>ta- iinl Mlnauittobiato-lor. fall for our loriu*. Ti, trial will cot >r u iioiuing WELLIXGTOX,~ lor.. in... Out. WANTED Kuliablo nit n to Mt- onrcnoicv u,l hardy Nan> ck. and S^dPotatotw. fu laiilooni plt llu*. Uaoy Tarwii< cab olr km obtain d throimb in. CfiumiMK.n or salary l*kl psly. Eirluain and rboio* of lerrlton !TO. Ooat May, writ* at ~HT for tat m*. AU.B.X Xi-asEHv i\i., r.H.-htsdr.N. Y. ' NOTICE. J Holies h hrslj givsn thai Ib KIMBERI^EY Roller Flouring Mills are now o/x-n / /- -.s'.v. ,ntt{ i.n ,i;U t >.-cra- i. A t i/.\7 (7//.VN- J/i/- I; > ~ / c /.!/>< u r { i. nn.d 1 ?//.'/ ;. /,////. ;. (i n $A. B.Bell, - Prop. J a^^-%^%% >%. e^^^%%%)) Tho Markets. ( arofull) i'orrertnl Earli Wrek fall i" " . llarlo.- Oali :< ,V to ( 3 30 M c* u to u '1 to H :< to M Butt*. >* IS rreeh M to 14 Vork * ** to U Hay i'r sou. ( > so (00 Hides.; > CO to 1 00 Bheepsklna. 'i> to SO Ureae. T Turk*.-. iar*Taia '^ SO < M) SO SI J t IS

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