''* TBOTH BEFORE FAVO*." PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN. 1 VOL. XIII., NO 650 FLESHERTON, ONT-, THUPfTAI, FEBRUARYS 1804. W. H. THURSTOff, CLOCKS. One of the finest assortments outside of Toronto and at prices to meet every pocket, from $1.25 up. Silverware. A lull stock of beautiful and useful goods in cruets.pickle dishes, preserve dishes, knives, forks, spoons ornamental goods, &c. Jewellery. A magnificent choice in every iine, from watches to collar buttons. - Plesierton Armstrong Bros, ot a ! .iff*... IN BOOTS and SHOES to suit the season. Mcu's ami women's winter wear Mlling off at. mitl l*l< \\' < >~ I to make lootu for spring f ick Oar stock U very large aod complete, and in order to i .> va fir sp-iii< oid, this slock mast be lold regardieM of pricen. Call early iu oi-U-r ujgct firai JOS. SMITH, Flesherton. 1894. PATRONS, PATRONS Cash Versus Credit. The farmers of this province have given no uncertain sound regarding it by forming themselves into societies called Patrons of Industry. Their system is cash or its equivalent at time of purchase (the only system leading to success), 1 beg to say that I have agreed to sell to Patrons for cash and trade which means cheap goods to you and no bad debts for me. Come along, I >vant your custom. To my Old Customers and the Public Generally. Patron or not, 1 want your trade. I shall continue to give you a liberal discount for rash as in the past. Come along and do your shopping with me. My stock is very complete throughout. I have a few snaps in oveicoats.blankets and tweeds, also a few packages ol" salmon trout and herrings. Ljv Bank UcdrhocRf. From sear otrn (."rrttpoiuirttt We are ylaniji 4o hear that His* Mary T.HILL from our <nnt Corrttpandrnt. The Quareriy Communi n sarvi.-e was i A. Robeit* who Vo.- t-een very ill, is re- hold here, in the M. chureh hat Sunday. I > ing under the aki'ful treatment of Mian Lillie Long and Mm Strand, of Dr. Carter. Maxwell, were the quests of Mian 8. Hicks The Salvation Army have opened np a o *r Sunday. barracks ia the Bill Church, We wish Mimed On Wed. ere of last weak, at them snccca*. ' o'clock, at the home of the bride's par- Sacrunetit Service will be held in ent . Mms Edith Cherry and Mr. Clias. ProTideuce chart! .>n Sunday llth. Bror>klebank, of CoHinjrwmJ tp. wero Quite a numLMT f the school children *'iled in wedlock bauds. The bride was gathered at th. home of Mr. George ""aisled by her sister, Miss Josephine. Wyers ono evening lately, where a very * hll tn * CToom was snpporvd by his Midwinter Snaps. t time waapent. brother Johu. The bride receiruU many UolitU /.!-. II. From oiti OMB ton e*pondent. Fine black worsted suit for f 14, regular price $16.50, to clear out balance of that line. No charge for cutting goods. beautiiul present!. A pleasant evening *ag [XT. t, tome of the uueeu remamiiu: over null! to eoort the happy couple on Q. J. L E I T C Ht - * Miss Tillie Taylor has tnUeii a for tbe belter and we bopa soon to see her arounJ attain. Mr. Sheardoww baa also been *uiT. rii.g from the etf.-cts of La Grippe. Mr. Joseph Watson, Jr. has bran feting frm an attack ' f QuiiMjr. , Mies TUli* Watte, of Al.it (.dale, has beea pending a couple of wc-'ks with smceru the m-Trow to their home. Our wih is for their happines*. Miss Mary Wood has returned from tn extended visit to Bame. Mr. and Mr*. T. K. Brown of O. 8., . a.-o the puesU ot Mr. and Mrs. Laughead. Merchant Tailor, the distance, but we will keep yon well Jacob informed on future d.-vel. pements. Mr- Editor. Mr. John Lyns has IT >u_'ht home his bride in the pvnoa of Mu<< Lm.khart of Protou Station. We wish them eviry -.ivi Aunie Lawson went latt week to Some time ago Mr. John Lyons awtt a few week* with her sister, Mrs. ith an accident while chopping wood in Uourke, <>f Parkhead. , the bush, which nearly caused the loes of Miss E'la Wilcux is spending thia week one of Irs eyre. with Mr*. J. Hiukle. The event of the season was the neck- Mr K J. McAfee has been quite indis- tie social at tbe commodious residence of ' Mrs. George Pedlar has been very well for some time but we hope soo to hear of her recovery. Mm. Frances Thompson ia also much i better and is kopwfal f full recovery. pos-d but is on the mend. Bjru Ou Monday 6th, Mrs. Melvin clams, of a dsoshter. Mr. Win. Walter and family, 10th line Jod, spent Saturday and Sund.ty Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Carruthers, and i by the way, be brought 1000 Ibs of oat i meal from Taornbury fur his brother in law, W H. Camtheta : Mr. P. <^uigg, on Feb. 2nd. The evening frier >illc FT"*- ovr mtn cvrrtspendsiU. Jack Frost is payinij us a uice visit now. Fine sleighing. Heaps of snow. Mr. S. Mi-Km-jht is prefiaring to build aii addition to hi< barn iwit summer. Miss r'olly Gilriy has so far recovered froui her recent illness sa to be able to coiue hi>me last week. Mrs. Yeoman i. sightly iudipoed ju.t j wll j meet I usual hour. Miss Enie Black has quite recovered The smaller boys of the village gener- From our OITH Correspotufoit. The regulu quarterly meeting of the Methodist church of this ctrcu.t, will be held in Prioerdle nest Sunday. The Hev. Thumas Legate, of Wnnlford, will was spent in the amusements of plays, etc. Receipts of the enter- f Preabyterian church, Floahertoo. Wonder if one of our lady-admiring vouog men can tell how far it is to Mark- dale T Perhaps the gray hone can. aa.ia ink freswaa oa our pea we, will conclude for this wek. Fleshcrtva afteruooii at the from an attack of inflammation of the i ^ Aj turned out lurgs. Mrs. Dalley s t pceeeat vis:tirg friend* lu.ir the county town. Mr. and Mrs. Frank White have com- fortably tattled in the house lately vacat- d by Mr. Shore Mr C. C Devitt has been again ap- !> intod asttestor. He is preparing build a frame barn next season. Kinbcrlcjr. from ovr otrn Curretpomitnt. Our enterprising mill-man, R. P. Legate, is getting in quite a number of logs. , A number of our yooiiK folks took in .xxuj.y the pulp t. The Quarterly Boaru . ^ the*arul lust Friday evening at Mr. G,u ggs and report having a good time. Mrs. McKenzie, of Fevenham, is spending a few we>ks with her daughter Mrs. S. Hemphill. Mrs. Morgan, of Dundalk, is viaitiu^ her daujihter, Mrs. John Egan, Also Mrs. Black and fvnily . f Own Sound. O'ir merchant. Mr. Cbislett. is attend' ing the fuueral of his father near Dur- ham. A few days ago two of our citizen* un- and cei.Md^rabl quantity of Mr. Jas. Jvhn- Mr. Johbatoii is still ia very low condition of health. A curling match will take place on Tuen.lny of this wevk between Pricevil!e and Durham. Particulars neit week. The S. O. L. ate about teccriug the to Diauifle's church, iu which to hold their The society is buoiuiiig at present Iron drtook to beautify tbe of our it prominent speakers waa accidental/ omit- ted, viz : Mr. Jolin McArthur. wh.su re- mark* were well received by the Patrons Miss S. M. E.tr spent Saturday and Sund.iy visiting friends in Proton. Mrs. W. J. Uiakeston ia ;> n-lin^ a few day at her parental h- me near Scmton P-rk. Proton Mlatioav From our oicn din r-pondnt! . our oirn comtpomimt. J E. Bakervii]e and W. W. Trimble, of Fleshcrnni, called on us Friday even ing. Kev. Mr. M..yer. Methodist Ministet I Walters Fails, visited in town Tliurv d,y. Mr, Alf. Tburston is home now fur a few days. Mr. Jas. ThurVon went to Toronto! Mi-nd:iy to attend the temperance coiiven- ti.n. One of Mr. He ry Hur ,'. h r s dropped dead in front of the gist mil on Friday. The bin social was a SUCCC-MI IKTP on Wrdneiklay and there was lo's of fu-i. Tlie St|uire got his rartner pK-ked out hut slie w*s not as tall a* ho. no, nor as old either, but. she stuck tn him just tt, Mm*. After the contents <f ih boxe< was dinpoeed f, the crowd was eaUed to order by the chairman, Mr. J. R rY.wc -t. The FleHht-rton Bnus Band was pr ami played 1 1>; of nieo inua o, which w greatly ippteviated by the auilieiKY. O i the pla'funu we noticed the foil >wing gentlnmen, vi* : - Squire Stuart. M M.. Ml j Mrs. Allen (J.Kham B r.d Wa- Hamni. nd. Dr. Haktoad, .J \V \V1; tby !.y IX-wny, of Allit -> .. wcro HM guests tt Mr. and Mrs. T.tos. Lockliari. last house by stn^wiag the hair off , It appears the hostler had been in In reporting the pr-K^wd.ng* uf the Pa- 1 4 __ . '. ^ . the habit i-f rubbmg the animal with coal n conceit, tl:e name of one of the most ' oil nd when the hair wan iuiutt.<d it went offlike a flash of gunpowder, but the j flame*) were extinguished by throwing blanket and water over it. We understand the hone if* likely tn rocorsjc under the caivf:il treatment of Dr. Otto- well. Cue of the culprits has cleared to tbe swamps or .someplace else here he has not been heard of since. Our hay business seem* almont at a stand-still. OWIIIL' to the raise i freight, which has taken p'.ice. The railroad com- pany have added fcl.Vp.-r t u : die al- ready liinh ra'e nn ha V K. for The Patrons of Imiust: y are b -a ning to boom in and arouud tk* Slalissv If a mm is no a member ..f s..m^ church he l"l"ient to the did Coui.try. :>ich b is nobody, so by the I'au.. i,s. if j u ie another imp.:tion imp,s--l ..i, ;he far- nt ia with thnu yui i."pe if celestial j >\s OerivvJ from the . rU. t it i all. \ man b<Tn of a woman hath l.ut a few do*, was fully enie,. I'.e d itli ot .Mr. George Willi..m.' i.'a li:;le b.by on the 4th ilut', aged une moi>t!i and seven dys. \lr. Robt. L'K'kli. - u, is at present i-'ij.-ying a 1 :h friends aionnd Prutnii. H . i - 1 . cl Smr's a rvcouinifixi t-.< . t <>ne. wets by tl:<*e great railroad coinpanka. Tl > Th nro*i I h. 's . :i sw ! orrat- 1 larm. .: riobn*of t;i" ^ < - 'inn. .1 .'.. i . i "ln. tbe Jvtoeoutof tbs -r-me Thtfarm Di<i*t lair'Wta*. for ork. Who tlve oin ray ilrileu s on SWMfe, X\'M v.- *.-: lii-O for tbU Wftlt'r. w K;ul (Ml! ) Who ol t" oa-ls thj ' rich Dr. Lane. Rev. E. I 1 .' F.llis and Master T. K ' passed off very sociab'y and all home apparently satisfied. wem Itch, Mange, and Scratches o-. 1, or animals cured in 30 niim:t>>., by v ' ford's Sanitary Lotion Thin never lails. Warranted by Wm. M. Richardson. Miss Maggie Kels-n. >( Ncarboro, i* r lit", U liome visiting !,<-. [mivnts. Mus Mary Shi'rsn. trb h*s been ail Should t : ia fmrtucr ui< n w.i i.p. i< h iatbeu Who ktioWJ w'ottnv'J Jo If : . nto my W must h*p tbvai JOKO. . w*e)thv. Wsmntikwp'ma poor, aotlwx . . n. time to IK' li^lt, Bbonla a third r*.rly riM an<l -jin.l la thoir utof ight aol i.i.tll ' U would iMUirw to one wish < spui/MMM Tbey caa swesst svsrv rsitsoeJ SswM ' t iifl part; ri I .!> a 1.1 1 - :.-.g for the paat week, isn^aui able to be Art t*p farm ;i n..uud as usual . Wedding Bells : w * can hear them in a i ia*, wsj r < s! Wb*n u> t.i"Tr... ,c! *ha.' -y foot Ol IbersJL