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Flesherton Advance, 1 Feb 1894, p. 5

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THE FLESHfiRTON ADVANCE tJ ANKENG GFFIC3 O QJSO. MITCHELL, A fca*r 1 banking business t nn'tctud. Dr*:t ,; 10 I in^ch nuec*h1-M."uI IM. nu bla , . > ? tv labla for o.r OFFIC-K two doors north cf K;<-!iardw>n *Co's. Vicinity Chips. Character!*!) of the Past Week Carefully Culled for the runout. notice* among local* will he ch-tryed at the rate of lOe per line fr tadl imrti.m. .4 reduction will be mock cm <Wr.i.-fi fur 100 line* or over. Fresh fish and oyster* at Barnhooae's. Eugenia L.O^g^nll hold their annnnl aoirce on Friday. Feb. 16, in their l.all. Dr. Dixon, nf Dui.dalk, visited in town on Sunday. Tho Patron wholesale supply Co., of Toronto, have Mii Lizzie S:uith, of Calodon East, ia viniting with relvivi-* in Flcsherton. Edith IiiTTi'-ii.of L>nnil.tlk.wanlhe "f her sUtur, Mrs. \T. Armstrong f.* a few dayi th post week. Mr. Fetch, -if Hriu|,t..n, 1 minor "f our townsman. Sir W. Patch, ia spend- IM.; .1 c .uple of days in town. Tho Liberals of North Orey hare again elected Jan. Cleland as their candidate > Local LeKi*latuni. Tell your neighbor that he may hare The Advance the balance of thia ytar for un'.y 75 cents. Miss folia Christoe, and Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Jriuible visitoJ friend* at Horn- ing* Mills this v. An import uit S*!L of the asfleta of the Per'> ii"ii I' 1 ; <: '. V,-:,.<-r ('>. "f Eu Keoia iaadvertm. d in thu i<sue. Rev. 8. D. Gttudin is visiting thu wek with huswU-r, Mrs U. J. Unurn, Owen Sound. Dr. \.V. l>ix "ii, "f Dundalk, ha Iwen fined 91D aud c<*t for a breach of the Medical act. Prof. Rardn t.i-i levered, his eonnec tion with the Flfsls. rton band, and loft the latter part of laat week for Toronto. Large quartitics of logs are now arriv ing f M--X Dauiuile Jt Wryhl. Still they wunt m.Te. Farmer* having elm tiiubt-r khuuld Uk' of this iu- T!-- !.'. T T. i-h.ii>..j. ! tlu-ir niglitw uf nie<'t'i>_- In-U:\d of nifv'i very week aa heretofore, it will beeverj other week, the first and third Tih*d:ij 111 ! . 'l li:ol:tll. A luslv i: -i .vV under tlio -'.is,.;co ..f tbr V 1' S C. K. will bo hdJ at tin. r*i''. '., I'. (Jui^ 1 :, "ti t'.o iiiU of Friday tirt. t'miie o>i-. (' .m- all unil '.nvc a C' t tin.-, r.nivi-y u.'-vs wil bv j'l.ivi'U-l f.T t!i-.>; iiilenU.ii,: U> . Kmi!.crley L. i >. L. wi.l give thtii .mnu:d Si'itre mi V. . I <!>. llrh when .1 ^raiul r test an I ;iu excellent entvrtauuMni \a guaranteed ^ b issued thi week fur full pu-tieulsrs. Don t worry. l)..:i't run in del.- trifle with yui i>.m', try* nir"' " n't watte lirr an<l i;:oi.ry n wortlikss omr > take n for Aver i - .>*. It is tho 1" bl-<l i-iii i ." i>ys Agiia A. Ltwis Iticai-'t, y. Y., "I I'.H.l a constant ni^'it <>veats w.n ;^rMt'y rviluced in tl, and li nl bren tivcn . ians I '.I.'..-: II I : ;H1,1 .1 IT ,1-!.: . f.*l> HllttleS WrUI COT; ly Curi ;1. V.\ have learned thst a sUwht mi.i !> was i- n!o in l:ist week's Sii'.ti.>n it^ms ii the item n-Utini} to t'no hay proMuU a Mr. MniiV Mr. C. Kkim pressed 25 bales rf hay I'trhmir instead of a day which mad* a ti>tai of 3,696 IU. pi r hour We have orr lliree hundrtxl subscrib- crs on our lift who should si-nd in LII dollar, dm inir thia month, and M ih money is needed by iis we trust thoy wi comply. It is fk sniill item for each on bat the aggregate is a sum that occasion ua considerable inoonreiiieuce to do with nut. ii'; men of Fit-si. erton. The form.-r -lalm that they are sadly neglected l>y he laf. r, and are abnut forming a *;>in- tet society in opposition to the liach- lora' club. Laat week a system of boy <>ttiui( was in&tituted by the girls t:eu lot of them engngod a livery rig, and irore drwii t.> iMmdalli, whera the youcg uii-n uf town did the hon^n in graud styled Tlie girls came homo v ,.*- ng at ill i; i eater vengeati.^ and bum'lia- ion for tho bachelors. We await with merest the further manu-uvres in this nfi-rejting warfare. There ca b no earthly doubt as to who will come out of he ordeal with flying colors, bncausc "He U t foo! who think* by force 01 Tj turn the current of a womso's will." OvereoatS can be bonjbt it marrel- ualy li>u- prices at RicLnrds-m J( Co a, and on terms to suit purchaser 's n- TBiiience. A few fur coats left will be old at auction terms for what il*ey will >riup. ilidea Wanted. Highest price iu eaah paid for hid*** and heepskm*. W. P. C&OMLXY.F'i -herUu A Pfuny Letter. The following letter n rece his office la*t week. If any >f the gen- ii whose names are mentioned ' ui Jes:rj to learn who the writer is in or- r 'i challenge him to ueadry r >mlmt, we will be haopy to lup^ly the ame, uid act aa second : Edditvir Ad'lvan*. Dere Sur : i ;iss bi t:.. i- hjgurs onn mi pnapaie 1 JAN* 4 t!ia;it y.-w want sum munney or yew naa Phiirj.-it tew ra.ile the papyre whuch wud bee :t IOH i wud knot lik ti'W suxtain *ew i iukloaM man _'ii,l nit-iix-tn iller j)hor knyiitiphour an \ho[x itt wil r. i-che yaw .utf i i^ett lotts ov entn-sten BOS inn yewr kollumz uir mi cind rog- ttardz te* gim Phiaher an tel hym i wad lik h} m an iph liee dowut Bleeve tt i d*r !iyni h.-if waa mi t:iiil\ k.vhun witth hym onn s| rymj hie dun mee lotz nv gud but nwr mewtewl freend joti rile saad alwau that jim Pbisher & meary Ouierly an ftlph rite wus thee tlire wust Ixiij inn i- -,u , whoch woa injuHtis tew nie< butt i Ilioruuv liym liutt i doant Phop^iv Jack (!.>.) 'nv iuterphered inn mi Pliurst luv stf.irv inn ati en liuiiiiinl .V ''ty. Ye* en c;l J.mry ouct a'cnkumetykhyue. Somr La !!<V FnrsMt io Kichard son A k, aod some of the best waiting fur any offer. Now U the season to pick up bargains. See them. farmer coulJ bare if he ouly supported tl'.f Pii'i-i-n cndiil.ilo at the uext elecuon. There wiw a very plt-anutt gatherinj; of jouny people at Dr. Button's lat Thurs- day evening. On 1! BTening a company of youuic j-.- '.le from Priccviile and kuburta gr.thered at 'he home of W. J. Ulukestcn y iper.t a most enjoyable even iiig playing games and singing songs. Ti ey left in the we sma' 'ours highly .'oil with their entertainment. Mr. Can- from Eugenia preached in the Mutli-Hii't churah hint Sabbath. v, Oeorge Hartley is very much bet ter and hopes to preach at his various station* the coming Sabbath . Mimed. M. Fergusoa, A. Paralow and M. Partdow from Swiuton Park, E. Bouth i~>th*iile, K. Lavrencu from Dur- liai-i. and Mr. J. Parslow from Swinton t'urti. viaiced friends in town one day this -k Mir-sea S. E. P.i'-.low and M. McMillan are if. - ^'. J. BlakeanD. Miss Gertie McL"jd from Ventry spent hut Sabbath with her father, Rar. D. Me- McLeuu. Mrs. Win. Watson, sr., is convalescent dor the skilful trcaoient of Dr. Bran- d, ; r. Mrs. Mi-Kinn^n, mother of our popular merchant, Mr. W. McKinnon, fell ono day Ust week and wait seriously injurud ut u reO I.B. 1-nras, barrister. Harkdale ha* .flO.UCO private funds to lend on farm n' ri __ within the next few months at lowest current rates. No comuii it. no dflays, expenses low. Apiply at ottice in Mark dale during thu week or st Dttndalk office on Saturdays. Dundalk otm co The I,.-.-:uro delivered by Rev. E. B. Service, S-j'ijoct, " fbo open Switi-h," w:u in every way satisfactory. . .; > " ' congratulated on ing uch a course of Lectures. Rev. Ser rue also renderixl, t> the pi -asur-! of the audumv, tho "dee.l of the P., IV Dr. ' : present pastor, made some ai>i>mi>i it r. mark*. an>l the cli> i gave . T;.-krts foe the l*liui. . .."i o-ntj4. Tlie n< xt Ici-tuio wid l.e o't Keo. 13kh by llev. \V F. r..m/., II, Pli. D. Subject, "The I !): :-r,l by ft sermon by the l;<:v. Mi;;, i M S.-und, in the .Vitln ii:>i I'liiixh on Sunday evening lait. Ai'hou<.>.h tbe seniiou WHS very 1 >iii it w.i l<.ttened to very attentively by a In L''- . Il wait the Mis- v Ai;i.i>nsry. Hev. J. \\ . JoDcx, we regrvt to say, ike a cmi'i. itiou of the rcitorahi;.- in Si Jol n's huoh, hi-io, to take I'l'ee! at the rli.l of presv March 81st, '04. It is -. iiicli cii.-iri'd that matters maybe aoarranm-d that he may reUuu the Kec- t >r-.hi;>. English Spavin Liniment removes a! lafd, 'ift or calloused LIIII.I-S ai d Bnjinlies from hones. Blood Spavin rbK, Splint.-.. H.n^' Hone. So-.- nry. ?tille.Sprniu8, Son- slid Swollen Throat, ~ ut*hs, etc. Save ^50 by u* of one jottle. W*rrantel the moat wonderful Klemish Cure ever known. Warrant! d >y Richardinn & Co. Assiraoe's^ale SELLING OFF. In order to reduce our stock we are offering a few hundred of pairs of Boots and Shoes ^j^ at a very Great Reduction (for cash) about cost price. Call and see and we will give you good Bargains at Clayton's. THE GREAT SOUTH AMERICAN NERVINE i TONIC AXD P-TOMA-CH ana H"VKI? C7TJKE. Th Wonderful HEALTH BUILDER & NERVE FOOD. C'bronie Diseases are caused by Derated Jterre Centres nt Laee or Brain. ONT In thr matter ofthe Es'ate of tbe IVrU-etton Hoop & V<*ur< r Co.. uf the i'iir of Torn:o. aud Lu^esiio, in the Coiiutj of trey- Tho iopcton of tha sbove sate ha in- tru.-it Kttwanl Still, AMi^uxr. fr boooflt of creditors of 9*1J company, to olT.!r for nrnltf by public atiotiou by Mwatm. Dickflon A tl ti,HH ii.-Mon roomi, ii King St. WEDNESDAY, FEB. 14,1394, at 9 o'clock in the afternoon the followlitii valu- aLl pru^rty. n block or ID lota a* pf iflol: LOT l.-Tbe inwrt.t of the laid !' . ' t Vuiioer t'u. In the nail buihhug, >lam tui.i ui r.i- Hituixtud oo mill l<it No. i. 1:1 : '!- .; -- rsuasat survey of the town of BuRvnia iu tlio i ey under L<:* It tar ; :ig date Bad IT In ivll inii'iii '! .t in the MI . liavs tutfiitiofitfd in '1.0 winl y au.i uthtf.- u.op- N it tl.u C. r K a u: l.OT !. Tuo iiit.ire of thu said w.:>; . ' , ,f v whve , knifi- T!io v, u.lor rewrras t'jo !i'--:rty to uaito one '.ii-rt ortit tijio nf .i:.!o and balaaco 1:1 thirty iny* Irolu datu of aaiu. < r | articulari* *nj cj'i.ii-ion* ;.. b tuadti ' eMpMckU u to lb AoigiM*, ii-.wjoi MUi.Nu.i ,.1 i '.l . lo.UULU T-..UV JKl< Jar. 18.M. A T JCTI01SALE ! There are at pruaeat strained relations between the pretty spinsten and nice From or to tlic late f.i!l of snow, whic'i h%s n:ado tho r-nds pKid, o-ir town pr 1 - eiita a very bunineai-like a|>pe:ira;i v .8 f innernsro busy bringing grwti aud saw logs to 'l.o :. Tlie Pr.troni of Induntry held a free en- te-iainnu-ot in Holder's hall last Krid. y evening, the progranimo consiatimt of c>nnc dialogues, recitations and song-, while the followini; gentlemen delire'ed speeches : Messrs. W. J Rlakeston.Pnoe- ville ; Thorp Wright, Floshertmi ; and N. Mci-'onn^l Boothxille. MrTWriitht aa usual held the attention of tLe audience by his lucid and pointed remarks on tho Plebiscite and Patron platform while the latter gentleman gave a reiy able tddreM in the cause and rise Patriotism, placing special emphasis on the power that th* KILDIBIE FJ!S PEIIPE8TIES Iu thotfwmiilrs M Arteine*! i.Kui>) O^TOy iu ti. j cjunlj of (.; : ia will bii.,-1.1 an ''. "i'i t . ; ; FebruA* ., . JMU4, * :.. A ; k in il:* &i. MUNSHAW'3 HOTEL IN I Town of Flesherton, by virtue of i-nwortof ule containwl in certi.i i ttt tl.J Id lb following pruprUa: / ftia, contain art* ni l t.> i . -MI ih t; apt. ' s ifccri^ 1'AKCEL, 9 . r thn isaiil town Ship of I- .it'll nt. i H. nit, iJH.i rch. iiinr- i-r .;,| liuprovaoktsMs r MiiJ lo I ha. * 'UT fo-Ml- n.Uruwitb ; stuaa milk and apple bouM, lun a . PABCtta. Lt d and M in t lit C'lnremion nonh I tli- I liihaiii r-i I .11. I l"t ."i iit t!',. N; K . south of tb Uwbihin r<nul of til* ft&ld -Inii i.f O>r7, .- . -. ,r TO , acres lucre 01 '. *. . <r iwiil to bo on the pronilie* : i i acrvioleared,bBTini|racla<i tberroo l.v Trams klU'h.-o. fi .ue barn.lstHblno iilulerlitiathl lox barn. Theru i* SD orcbiird on the property. TRRM*- 8U puu^ent. of tho pincbsae money wiiCu thuday of alu. f.T l<a'.a:icp fcerufl wi.l be matlti kuuwu at time of nalu. r"or f urtbor pat ticuiar-^ appTy to .lnNKS lUiOS. A M U'KEXZIK. n, Toronto Streot, Tnint. ortoR. J. Sl'RorUt. Flesh erton LA In i i^o.iv, rics Lave abn ilntoly provuu that tbe Stouiach and Luog!>,aud indeed all internal organs are controlled by the nerve ctnlrosat tho basu of the bruin. TLo luanu- ufacturcr of ijorru .\MKIUCA.N XK-. has studifd this subject clost.-ly for more than twenty-five y?arg, and Las lately ileuiou.--LriiU;d that two-thirds of our C'htonic niscaees, are due to tbo perfect action ot" m-:-ve centres, r wit). iu or at the base of the brain and not from the dciau^ernent of tho organs ; ; hnuce iij;it the ordiutu-y methods of trcattueut are wroug. As all know, a serious injury to the spinal cord will at once cause FAKALV- * tho injured [ irt, il t'lei-ffore will he -i[iially wctl n:nlor- >tOO:i. ,llr[)l8 of tbe nerve centres, will canso tbe demn,'% mcnt of tbo different organs of U]f boly wbich they supply with FLI-ID or N"ERV Foit. Tbe woMdcrful success of Soul American Nervine is due aloue to ti; fact that it id baaed eu tho foregoin ; principle. The oae of a single bolt! of this remedy will convince the moi . iucredu'.oos. It ia iudeed, a v. ntab' t NKRVK FOOD and WILL REL1EV! IN ONE DAT the vhed forma nervous Jisoase and stomach This class of diseases, ia rapidly *(> crea^in)K each year, on account of t.tft . wear our mode of living and la .ir impose upon thu nervous gv^tc Nine tsnths of all the ail: .v r.ioit the human family is heir, a dependent npoa nervous exhan iiupti -lion, an.l a Jotu;-i'rate4 and iinpovtrishr-d condition of ttsfc blood. Tbo South American Ncrvigi) " food aud ncrvo uuilJk. T uud this accounts for its marvelous power to cure the varied fort:: 3 a! | nervous disease, such an N Nervousness, Nervous Prostration, Virus's DaiiL-o, Nervous cl^k I oos ParozTtnu, TvibtiiJ Mnav cles, Hot Flashes, Mental Dcspono%- mcy, Forgetfulness, E ue8s\ Krsi'oasness, Ncrvonaness cf Feuialet; Palpikmtiaa of the Heart, Sexual \Vi.:il;ii. s.i, etc., etc. sid by W.M. RK n;ai).s >x. HEALTH FOR ALL. ilcifoway's Piils and Ointment. THE TI r LS 1 nrif- - Treot !l D sordere of !! .ivc-r, Stomach, Ivilii y 4 and Do-vveli*. ' liiorMt ;>! r.' to- 1- t... !io Itit UobiMt.itoil Coi.ntiturions, an-I aro lrjlaa')l.: ia aoa- p .iintn .;., i .,:.:: :, Iron an I th>< MRO<| they a>e iiriuulow. T !! K OINT.t' iw\ Y an Infallible reoni J. '.>. ''..i 1 IMI*. I'.,\ l iiiot.ta, Ol '. \V"iin '. . >.>. > < an 1 U.avn. It I* f\.n jji f n- i -li or Icr-i of the fin-it il has no iu.i! . ror SOUK if! ."^airiis.rour.ns, COLDS Qlau^uUro.v ',;.n;j, :i.l all Skiti DUw< U hui no rivl ; and for sontct<- I . i r i-.-M lili" a elinrin. mr HOI.LOWAI B^tablUhraoot, 7H \en O\rr>l stroet (late 5*3. Oxford Streeti, London. ml aro sol.l atl. IJil.. -J I . :'J-<.. ami t;. ech Dos or Pot, au<l iuy be b .J of t'te P*>t* tiu I !'-'tft. If tht & i. -.../ 'n, (.'i'-y are tpttrtotu. !aning Doors, Sash, and all oth9r_jaild{ng Suppliea at r.otice. Everything at Lowest Rates. Contracts taken and Estimates famished for all kinl of Buildings. Lumber Planed and Flooring turned out while you waifc Custom Work a Specialty. Give us t call. J. E. MOOP-E Pwpristof,

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