THE FLESH BRTOt) ADVANCE < ouuty and litrlct. PHOTOGRAPH |f fully equipped with re- quisites for taming out ? per |pct class of work. All kinds qf pictures taken and finished %1 a style equal to any city ^ork, while the prices are lower. Picture Framing done In all its branches. If you have shopping to do pj pictures to get taken on tiie same day please attend to the latter first. Careful at- tention will be given to copy- other pictures. Mrs. Buhner. HAVE YOU BACK-ACHE pooos KIDNEY P.I 1 1 5 I WILL CURE YOU >, "Baakaihe w meant tkt kid- neyt art In trouble. Doddt Kidney Plllt mi [.rompt relief." ''76 per- rtt oauiid I a ditordtrtd Ha- MML try to han a lita/thy /fy Without ttti'tr- O'ii, at good health ivtitn tht kldnt\i art tloygtd, they art / f tystem. "Dtlay It ttangtroui. Ng- loottd kidney troubltt rttult In Bad Blood, Dytptptla, Liver Complaint, ar.d tht moit dan- atrout of all, Bright! Dittase, Dlabtttt and Droptu." "The abopt dltmut i an not txltt Where Dodd't Kidney f-illt art uied. S.U by aQ tfWler* <veent by awflon receipt i of price go cenu. per bos or aU IT Se.eo* IV. L. A. Xm.ih ft la. Twruaio. Write Lx Suue. called kUlaev Talk. Owrn toand, Outarlo, ^he Vci'y Pl.ACB CANADA TO OET A K<ln<-<iti,n a Round Trip St* So*:.. Ooui'iinrclal [)cprt.ii<>nt in Ctna Iv ' ;. tae Northorn Imatoea* Collei(e j nainln* ever) UAnit th iriniiilil). If wo lull to mixture th iir>Ht tli<ii on r... |i, n.-tii nl anil i ( on 4r c.iur* <if .ti^ly , tliu I'-'ft colU^ie |H>IM av I Hie bett fttnt uiOMt coniplrt-- Mi'l IIIOHI mil aiglefnniltaraandappllanaet. we will Rlye yo t rill nourfK KIIKK. Kr Ami'ial Aiinoniice w..t,(l*lug full p*rtl*ala*e, fre, adilrea C. A. FLEMING, Principal 5HOEMAKEE. latlmate eo the inln'.!'jit tu an I have f<Ml1 a tlioc hnp n-il I r.m |>re l to dn >') (Indent w .rk I* t>il> < . 'i 1 IhnM tT*e to nnlor !>lirt>'i Cc .,?. n ilune every .Ur, aio lianio CM 1 a>>)iln4 ne at h I bar* . bom Inn* f I'etftctfou, In . . it n t lime You'll n- 1.! it at tha hotm, ID a i. minion si tltw "Kluin. " ID shell ef Hoop Vmnxr. It w*a* a ai>, iutw4j fitoe, an-1 KtruU with niatcly grace, Whoiu It an. It will be found no uiurk, AI..IIR the HMror etioru. No* Uio >uaur It IIM ebanKd Ite Rpiici of aoliofe. i.-d it attraction To Anlibi nine llay. I.lkc a fsmlu*. Ito dvMrtaC Auil Its . ir'"n are deeo tad. Hurrah i..<uia. It cn preaeli with grtrat cdecl, Tu ihuMi v.'lx''r uot !et ( Foi a wnil U eete a ROu.l exauiple, If If tnngnu in u eauiple. To tUa vile. It call* tu frlanda all np, r.xcc| tliuotiiat are' auue up," Oaeea>oar. To Rrnat ilcliliaxzar faait, At tUu oo.t jt tUuMi who woep a tuar. Its wordiare all rea'Iy-nia>le, Tu >! > >iiui inawiueraile, Wliat a n.arvel! Wbat wonla Ue can couitrue. When h' lian-li"! an 1.0. U . Wbo'll unravui 'f Its uut like the I'barisee, Ite M good a" It ce>u bo. \\ hu it luitn. Tu roii tlit uuusi>ctii-g In. And Ji>rlv tbvm f Uir tin," To boy boot*. On Buuday lt> on top "with care." And xliuwr in (iuuur Low to fare, Tliu work! u'ar. Uu M i aicla v U coca on the round, To catch tbe fullowe tbat it fuoud. Tbe day before. I vblnk I'r* got them In my olutoh, llecaaee I U>Td tbeui all so much, Of tbe Scrip. If they fall uot In tba lap, It's became tb*y bave uad a slap Uf my -*Mv ' Dlia>ppolnted It baa twee, Iu it* racn alter uu." But ou the wbola, It lia fai.l lmiw1 iuot men, And tia |.lMx1. I'll ouijUnd, A slick 'role." It oan wotk rsllglou* ait, And all the itl.ile, the comets part, Of tbe "deal," It can move In circle high, While i ho poor man has a try, Fur a meal. To wealth I '!' not object, I'nlr-u. wnrii I ifdeot, Hi .w It* iiivle, Whon tln'i-NT III.AH' Uu a i-munrc left to bliu, By a fake. My friends If yon would have wealth, lok out fur (r.ifoao<l stealth, And plsy your |MtrV %*Ttli an M i" n > \, rv fakir, And lilnichiiinr.' for ftl toy laere, Ami hi<tinart. An.l If ".ir in. u>l" you should uieot, Jut Klvflii.ii kindly greet, A> you i aware That >i i-'r ir ue ! bbeatepaw, . IK- (. ii clutoliee ol iiu> law, AM but Iliv hair. "DOMBET." Kni;eula, Jsii U.M. Uwrn, Otrnx.-OntheOth Port Waablngton, <ouc Ulaiid, u.ti wife uf H. V. Oaudiu of a son I5lrd Iuvri In Toronto, nn Pri lay Jan.Utb.OeorK- us. I-. In 1 !.:? nf \V'u Irwln, ad Si years luoa. Wim i. i :; I v At th* rt-<u!ense of tbo brldo'i I". .i|ih>uia. oa Woilnooday, 17th lust., by Bev. llrowa. of MeeJord, trances White, to Sarah Jaue Onla. Hooper has breU found not guilty of wife murder. Tbe Magisterial inquiry into the Wil- liams murder closed Friday afternoon, and MacWherrell and Walkxr were com- mitted for ' at the Asaizes opening March liith, before Judce Fercuson. Butcher ws discharged, but immediately rearesU-d for receiving stolen property. Mrs. John Simpson, of Doruock, while burning some refuse happened to hurt into the stove one or two packages of bIatitiK powder. An instant explosion Kx.k place. The lids of the stove were scattered here and there. Her counten- ance unfortunately happened to be verti- cally above the flame and thereby reciev- ed terrible injuries. Her hands were hun.t to the bone. Dr. Smith has the caae in band and the wish of all is that she will soon recover. fa plain Sweeney, U. 8. A., San Diego, Cal.. says : "Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy is the first medicine I l.sve ever found that would do me sny good." Price 60 cents. A quiet but pleasant eveut took place on Tuesday last at tbe residence of Th'*. Rorku, Esq., our genial postmaster and Division Court Clerk, the occasion being the marriage of their daughter Marion to Mr. Mark Armstrong, of Markdale. The Rev. Mr. Bedford performed tbe cere roony. The bride wag highly thought of by all who were fortunate enough to have made her acquaintance and she will be greatly missed by her many friendaiu this neighborhood. We e- ti-inl congratulations and wish the newly wedded couple a pleasant and happy voy- age through life. Herald, Heathcotu Cor. English Spavin Liniment removes al hard, soft or calloused Lumps and Blemishes from horses, Blood Spavin Curbs, Splints, Ring Hone, Sweeney, Stilloa.Sprains, Sore and Swollen Throat, OuBgles, etc. Save *50 by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known. Warranted by Richardson & Co. The county of Wellington boose of in- dustry cared for an average of 40 inmates during the eleven months ending :< " ln of Novcinbfi, 1*13, at the cost of $1.27- P*r week. The farm is in a high state of cultivation, the surplus products during that period having sold tor friflC. The iiiHtitut'on i situated adjoining the town of \V (-ILiiid, mid prixou labor in ntili/.-<i in tile draining thv fttrin ittnl oth-r J>er man. 'lit impiovumentM. The employmont of ]>rinou lubor is worthy of coiiKidomtion by iuuuicipaliti propiiiinj ta cstaUish similar iiutilutioiks. Municipal World. Daniel liitf. Proprivtur and PuliiUhcr of theHainliurg, Out , In i. , , n,Unt .\s "I was suffering fr< in Dyspi |>ia an<l Liv- er Trouble, 1 took a few hoUlus of Shi|h's Vitalizer and it cured me. 1 can heartily recommend it." u*iw* V| AKBLAUB LIOBMUB. Isfae4e>v or nlgbtaeth* offlner f tli n ndartlf oJ D!VI810 OOUHT ULIHK .COM U IHSIoim in II UJ. Convejsncer.Ac. Ho tar; pnMte. JOBS W. ABMHTKONO, If iVUU/OUaH A TOUHO, Bankers, Markdale. de * general banking bo- Iness. afon.y lon,l it reeonb]e rate Gej) 1 OHM. H B. HAMMOND. /oel Master Klmberley. Commltslonvr fo> taking Afflilevlu tc. luiurea and loans oxnWy at lowest rates. Kxecutas Leases, Deeds, YtUJe, to. promptly, euatply and e3>eiear>)>. R. J.HPBOULE, Postmaster, Plesberton, CottunlMtoner In B. K., Lie DMd Auctioneer, Conveyancer, A pralser Mid If cney LeniMr, Heal Bstete an* Inursnee Anonl IMM, Uorttjetfira Lueea. and Will! drawn up sn4 Valuation! made oa hottest notice. Auction HU. attended to In any pert of MM CooirtT Money to loan at le-w Ml rates of tatersst. Collection* attended le ill: |ir>tnaw and ,leptcu Charges h>w. Agent for tbe Domtnlon f>te>sashlp Company, cheap tiebuts from Kleahertou to Liverpool, Glangow, London *r any of the British porM. Parties Intending to vuit Kngland. Benilaod or Ireland, will pleane aik ratea before pnrchaalos thefr tletotta elsewhere. M UM RDITU HICBABDHON. Pupil of Mahr, of Berlin, Oerirtsny, fvtollnj Mrs. Hradley, of Toronto Conservatory T' (Voice culture); Prof. Kerrison, late of Toronto, (Piano) i 111 receive pupils AND and UBOAN. ro. um nou, ate of Toronto, (Piano) j will receive pupils In SINGING, VIOLJJf pi. J)n. HUTTOH. M.D.C. M., M.C. P.* B.Onl, PrlewvlUe Beeldenee and office one door wett of the Meth odlit Cburcli. Kinross St. OfOee days, Tneedars and Hatarrtaye. TjB. CABTKK. M. C. P. * &.. Oat. Physician, sorgeon. to, Flesbertoa office- Strain* b'ock. BealdMMe Mnnihaw'a hotel. JOHN A SCOTT. M B. Member CoHeg-Phyrt..* 8urRiae Onta/io Oradaate In llediolne of Toroulo l'nlnlr. FclloVihip Diploma, Poet Oradnate kledioaj Bcbool ami Hoapital. CbicafO. OucaMeof er*. *ar, no*eand throat i^ciajljr tnatcd. Bel <leuce itaiwell. tUit. teTennamTburadara M "Whan I was a Boy," Writes Postmaster J. C. WOODSON, Forest Hill. W. Va.. "I had a bron- chial trouble of such a persistent and stubborn character, that tlm doctor pronounced It incurable with ordinary medicines, and aclvlsrd mo to try Ayor'a Cherry Pectoral. I did so, and ono bottle cured mo. Tor the last fifteen years, I l:a\o used this preparation with good effect whenever 1 take A Bad Cold, and I know of numbers of people vliokeepitin tlio house nllthc (....<. nut considering it safo to b with- out it." " I have bD ruin;* Ayor* Clicrry Pcrroral In my (aini!y for 80 yean, wiiii llio niont tntinfaclory rrnults, and (".a cheerfully rccoiiiincnd It as bt-lng eipp- c'.ally oiliplml to nil pnlmounry roiti- pUiiutH, 1 liuvn, for many yoais, nimle >i. i-hmlon !:. r , nn. Ayer' ('lurry I'crlonil .t |>tr-<Tn!nriit <ivcr < i f I ho cliMn." > Tho attendance at the (JK'tielg Agricul- tural Society's annual meetini; on Tbura- day laitwai much largar than usual, and wa thoroughly rvpreacntaliva of our lending and pn>gie*8ive agriculturist*. \Yholeaome disciusionB took place on im- portant mat teni be*rini{ on t ha well being of the Miciety. The auditor*' report ahowad a meioherahip of 81 for the en- suiiiK year, bcin? an ailranoe on f.>rmcr yarH, alao a payment of principal on e*- hiliitioii groundH. The ofticeri for the current year, re : Pre8i<let, W. G Pickull ; Vice President, Win. Doagla*8 ; Director!) : Ueo. Ltmh, JM. IMils, ! anc Klder, Jaa. Bell, A. Plowea, JM. M.-rwuod, W. J. Purvis, E. Ewrt and J. M D.ivis ; Auditors, C. W. UutleiUje and W. A. Drown. The meeting decided to lurlil tti fa'l exliihiiion fur 1894 uu the . S:h ,ii>d L'.' Sfptfinbor. At a ni<- iiini; of tliu uireclort which follovxl, Win. N. li.vikftt waa ru-ulevtod 8t. -Treasurer. J P. OTTKWKM,, Veterinary Burgeon. Graduate of Ontario Vetrrlnary College. Reiidence-Nozt door outh of Monrt'i pinning factorj. , Nervp*ncs, and a!l tli train of tvilg ftrrj rx if erects e* later ciccsae*, the result* of overwctk, sick- ness, w airy , el c. Full atrenft l j, dvt icfjowne and t'jna g.vcn to every o-g..n anil portion (A thebodr. Wrap!*, natural methods. Imme- diate unrirormcnt se*o. Failure impossible. 1 000 references. Book, explanauoa anil proofl mailed (sealed) free. ERIE UltDiCAL CO,, lattalfl, H,Y. To The Public. ' : navirgrcntwl Whlrten's blackumttn n'lop for a Una of >. 1 am im in a pusitiou tu caterto all wauW in luy line. a Specialty, atisfV.rtlon ?ar anvl/unj in iw enU <t* F, A. BUNT, Opposite RlcbudiOD'i Hardware itore J F. HALSTEAD, M. I) , U. i\ A S., Out ., practiooe at Ktin bnrloy. Kbeuutatlc diieain a i J)K. M a aM,^l,CJ.8..0t .Phnlclan and Snr- goon. etc.. Hciior (i.a,iu* Women . Mtdical ColUue, Toronto Borldune c^potlta Butter 1 ! Howl, Prioertlle, Plioaaee ef. Women and Cblldrao ai|MM!lalt7. nigbt ud dajr, i .r, N*. J. Aycr'rj Cherry Pectoral Prepared by Dr. J. C. ArorftCi., I ot.rll, Mui. Protn?ttonct,8uretocur8 On Thursday afturnoon laatnbout throe "', i ,-'K H nr.M < \v iumifiit wa IMII ud in (,' urk.l.urg by thtt ariOHt of Mr. 11 .1>(. Mr .Imll, Uit 12, C'n 7, of this town- fl.ip. Tho urrest was mft''e in the Iwnk- inn oftico i.f lUrtiuiin t Wil^rosH l-y Ooiis-iililo IVtt%ti >u, nf Dund ilk, awisted by Chsrf PHMIH, of Thorubury. For the paul few yi-nri Mrn. llndt. MarHhall lian not lived with lu>r liUHlmnd, but Ima re- 1:1 1'iiiuUlk with hia brother mid inliT. Mrs. M:nli,l! s;;ud her hualwtnd f(.r u'.iujony wilh the rvtult th-it on Tiu-s- , -'ii.' !Hh ins<. Q'|:nl.Al.lo Paarce, of |,j, s. ui'.,l. f.-i/iu] ij^-ht head of cattlo, ''!), .-vii'l tw:> hnws. It was to rm ni > 'ii yr4jU!in those animitls t' > .i 1 In : li.i hank in Clarks- ' .h 'ktn into cimrndy. .! nt the rpi|im.t <.f s ' in 1 .w in Dundulk 1 Ix'ing incitpabl<*r>f t 'ik ( , .,'. i -AMI if ,'j ; ,, . j) f | .ropgrly .- -Rclhvt J_ P. MARSHALL, L D.B..M.D.B.. DentUI. TikHn MarMalr the lit and Snl Wwlnnaday of eack ovoitti rVaberton-Kaok trip on tbe day following J W FH08T. THE Tailo r. Makes all garments of men's wear in tbe best style at short notion All work guaranteed. A trial solicited. e r. Solicitor, Conrerancer. Kte f'l. ,l,rton offlc-Nit tbe poe, office Bpronle't bullJli.B.onThnrda/. Owen Sound oOoe- Frot' Oulldlng. t UCA8 * WB1OHT, A. BAKER, FLESHERTON. narrlFton, Solicitore, ConrcTaneert, etc Owfu 8ouud. On.t - - Markdale, Ont W. H. WiiMiir. I. n. Lecia. K. B. Fleabci-ton offleo, Mitchell'* Itenk, rery WMnaaday. J A K Ql'KHI, I'rniakers.riajtou's nwbiock.richertv.n. Coal* an.l all kiu.U of children.' clothlns to order. Cutting rtoce by dreumaker's ctlt. P&truuafie oiicit4. SOCIETIES. AO.r.W.-meeU every flnt and tMnl Mon- ", '^ ,',',""i'VV i " t!leil ""'IK' i"w e ' <1 ', k V C *' 1<r4 " "'"1"" V ""- ' , . . . \V .1. l.eilainv, Bnai-.-'.-r ; \V. Irwlu lU-conlwr. Visiting HinLviu li \ 80.MM <-K TKMPHH \NCR.-Tbls meet.lnPr.lh.i.tce H.ll . liayrveoing K! N pjn, Vilth.< bMth i ..M luTlUd. lokuraiiue iu conueetlon IJMIVi.'K AHTHl K Ll'l-OB NVtt. I A.M., mo*! In t,o Matoale BaM*tflf s Jlloc*. llnlinrtou, every Pridav on or - 8 - Eugenia Mills . AND Carriage Works. Carriages inado ar.rt Repaired, alao Placing and Matching, Band SAW. ing, "Wood Turning of every des- cription. Planing and Gram Chop- pi" " ..tie while you wait, for tb<* Baaver torne the wheel. T. W. W I I.SOV . nfmc-T D. McTavish, ** Colling.v7ood Street,, FLESHERTOii, -. ON1\ al. f. H A 'n(,e-. In their hall *Try flrtt and IhlrJ |Thurad,T U hSeDti. W. iiMof Wassjous. Sli-lnhs, l;i)j>., . V.t.-. H, w .. kh.iv, i- ; i, t)y at lo.i t.v npeaial atteatiou given tg >>oiitravt nr tDuJor let. tomlo.i t.v nit and Plow Rtantly haln.