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Flesherton Advance, 25 Jan 1894, p. 7

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T38 I121HLE CAMPAIGN- Incident? Deioribed by an Aotire Partioi- I** - Werfc *r lh In a Dtmrnlt Cesmiry. Mr. Gerald Pafet h ha* jntt returned to Raglan 1 from te Cap.!, supplies the fol- lowing interest ing account of tome incident* of the campaign - '^ found that aewi had been heard of the Victoria column, and after break fact we went to meet their scouts, from whom we learned that the ?o!uiuu i tee It' wai only five mile* off. It was anon evident that we were at last in touch with the Large scattered parties of them Malabele. began to appear smong the bill* on our right, and it was hen that poor Captain Campbell fell in the very tint skirmish. We were chasing a party of Matabele among come rocks, and, one of them ran off to the right, CanvinsU rode out to the left, with the idea of cutting him oft The native instead of running round the rook as be had expected, rail in among them, and eneconced himself on the top of the highest. From this point of vantage he took aim at Campbell who fell with a ter- rible wound in the thigh close to the groin. ' iourley got him on hi* horee and took him back about four miles to camp, where Dr. Jameson hiruelf amputated the leg at the hip; hat he gradually sank, snd died early the next day. After this skirmish we joined the Vic- toria scouts under Captain White, aud for the next three day* we scouted in touch with each other some live milee ahead of the column. The Matabele kept at a eafe dutanoe ; we ocoaiionally came in sight of them, and once nearly surprised a email party which had come down on a Maahona village and left the usual ghastly evidence of their visit behind them IX IirTII.ATID r.ODIES, but they invariably bolted befotwwe could bring them to close quarters. On the even- ing of the 18th of October we rejoined the column and received orders for the future to oome back to camp every night. The two column* by this time had effected a junction at Ironstone Mountain, as had betjn originally planned, and a description of the order of marching which was then adopted may be of interest. Kaon column consisted ef about sixteen waggons, and marched in a double line of two waggons abreast. The Salisbury column kept on the right of the inarch, the Victoria column keeping its position abreast at a distance <>f 1.TO yards. Scrupulous care was taken to preserve this order, and if a single wag- gon in either column was delayed by a hot axle or a refractory ox, the whole force halted or ala -kene-l speed so aa to keep it* formation unbroken. Eetween the two double lines of waggons the native contin- gent of 500 Mashonas which cam* up with the Victoria column marched on foot, to- gether with y dismounted burghers from either of the furces. There was an advance guard of 40 men a mil* ahead, a rearguard of the same number the same distoace in On Octobet 24 th* columns Had trekl-d to the .Shangani river without meeting any res-stance from the enemy, and w were beginning to wonder when the long e.xpe t- I stand would be made. Since Burnett i <2eath order* were given to burn kraals on the line of march, aid in scouting ahead on this day across the river to look for a good camping place, we saw Borrow a good dis- tance on our left setting fire to several groups ef huts and driving m large uum- bers of cattle. The caul* were going in the wrong direction, so Swi liuirne aaafuiyself rode across to help to drive them, and we succeeded in galling 800 head into camp late at night, Major Forbes HAVING KENT UP ROCK! T* to let us know ths spot wa were to maks for. The scouts had had a hard day, and I for one slept soundly. I was iwakened by the Maxim. It was pitch dark, bnt I di 1 not lake long to realizn that the Matabele were on us at last, for the bullets were whistling ovsr us like hail I jumped up to the top of the staff waggon to which I hid bean told off, and although nothing oould be seen of the enemy except the flash of their nfl, thoy were around us in great force, , n a wire rapidly closing with their peculiar war cry, a low buzzing sound whi^h Can bt heard from soms distance. There nothing for it but to fire where we '' fUsh, and wait for daylight. sw a Tha gamp was en the alrrt after th first hot ef the pickets had been heard, and the firing from the beginning was general, after the pickets had reached the camp. Al- though little coald been seen of the enemy, the machine-gun fir* at once began to toll, and the attack was perceptibly steadied. Suddenly we sa a huge black mass moving straight down on the laager, and recognized ike great herd of cattle which we had driven in the previous day. We thought thi* was a ruse of the enemy, and that they ware driving the beasts on the laager with tbe hope of breaking it up and iing in behind the cattle. Fortunately this was a mistake. It seems the Matabe.e could not bear to see thnir cattle drop under our fire and were trying to lead them away. The attack had by this tim* first slackened, and Ihen ceased. It was now getting light, and we saw massrs ot blacks coming down the hill at a steady trot and heading straight for tha camp. Major Kirbes gave th* orJer to sound ceas* firing, and I heard him call i.ut " Don't tire, they are frisndlies ;" so we sat and watched them, aud smoked. They came nearer and nearer until within a couple of hundred yard* of the waggon*, when they luddenly squatted dow.i and opened lire at us. "Fnsndhe* be d d wa* growled out all along the line, snd bf fore the trumpeter had timn to sound " begin firing " the Max- ims and every rifle in the column were playing on the Matabele. It was getting light by this timn, and we could sie te aim well enough. Th* natives stood our fire bravely for a bit, but they soon wavered, and finally retreated. TM >! * r IVDla. ew It Was Taken. Commenting on a report just isiutd on the Indian consul, the "Times ef India" ay* that the centos was taken by moon- light on the -litu of tiie month, and 217 million* of people were auauierated w.thm four hours. The home authorities, with thbt knowledge of the conditions of Orient- al life which IMS always oharaotanxed them, were anxiou* that the census sheule" be taken synchronously with thai ef the Moth- er Country early in April. But moonlight TBVTBIMBMMTV in tt Wo. i .tiwari e far. ! the IsseklMs; nd oug anil high As the tralu emerged from a deep roeky cnt it glided ent upon a lou|_ trestle Hoik which carried the tracks over two ravines and a swamp. The man whom we all took to lie a drummer for a sarsapar- ilia factory looked eut and down and shud- dered. Then he drew three or four whin's OB his cigar and shuddered some more. "A litU* nervous, eh?" queried on* of the crowd. THE WEEK'S NEWS was one of the primary conditions of sue- I " Y ' * B<1 I n * T to be," was the cess, snd a particular kind of moonlight at re P'V- that, namely. of ths third night after __* y u>r besn over this place be- lli c fulling of tbe noon, when the chanda feast are over, and pilgrims and w.irslnp- ers at ths shrines and temples, and sath- irg n.a.:c-s have got back to their homes. Hw vast was ths task of enumerating the individual unite in this extraordinary con- geries of nations one begins M realize, albeit at first dimly, in tbe light of the report ; and that the percentage ef possible error should \tt so slight is one of the most remarkable circumstances connected ith it. Th* absence ot anything like cohesive element gen- erslly understood cohesive element gen- ality, no doubt constitutes une of the most fornudaole difficulties in the wsy of an Indian census. We hear a good deal of somewhat turgid talk at home from tire to time about the " Indian nation," but if there are still any otherwiss well- informed people who believe su.-li a bsdy exists, a very cursory glance at th* report will serve to dissipate ths illusion. The most characteristic influence peculiar to the country is altogether adverse even to the sentiment of nationality. The tendency ef the caste spirit is in tha direction of inei- vijnalism or perhaps raUier in that of detachment. Subtle and all pervading, so social institution has been aHle to complete- ly withstand it. It is "an excessive devotion to heredity and custom, manifest- ed in the inclination to exalt the small over the great, tad to exaggerate the mi- pnrtauce of minor consideration* and thus fore?" "Yes, two yean ago. I feel as weak as a woman. Gentlemen, excuse me while I t*ke a nip of brandy." "Did the train break through V asked one of the group, after he bad " nipped " and restored the bottle. "No. Ah! thank heaven, we are over at ast ! All of yon please take notice ef that house among the trees, and also remember the little town we passed through about a milo back. My uncle Reuben lives there in that home. I was her* on a visit to him and went over to the postoffice after my mail. I took the high way in going, but to make a short cut 1 took tho track on my return. I hesitated some time at the trestle, but finally started to cross. Just wait a minute. I have it all down her* in my note-book. When I toll a thing for a fact I like to have the proofs. The trestle is eighty-eight feet high in the center. I had just reached the center when * ' When you mw a trail ?" " Yes ; 1 had reached th* centre of the treetie when I heard tke whistle of a loco- molive, and a moment later caught sight of freight train rounding the anrve ; there was just one possible way of escstpe." "It waj a terrible situation. " "It was. I find I have it down here ia my book as 'T. A , ' which staitds for terrible situation. Thank von sir for rerar appro- ciation !" You did not leap to the ground below?' obscure that of the more vital.'' Thus the ' "" *' r - " I had it would have been crystallisation of rank and occupation into J ott d down here, which it isn't. 1 did not hereditary attributes make* incessantly for , '" mv presence of micd. Dropping down the formation of self-centered and mutually between the creos pieces, I swung with my M WFOI tni i\i I I.HKKICV the rear, and flanking parties of 40 men ] Last Heasein's Csilek Dlseenraslnxly Bam thrown out about a mile on each side of the line of march, the Salisbury column -apply- ing the troop on the right, the Victoria column that on the left. The scnute of both columns wore sent on some five miles ahead. When a halt was called, either by day or by night, the whole force immediately WKTT INTO I.AA.iKK. This was effected by each of the two lead- ing wagon* on both double lino* lurninir in toward* each other, the two rearmost wag- gons of each column making the movement. Tbe intervening waggon* in each column then widened ont right and left- so as u. form the double line of wag- gons, into MI oval. The machine guns were at once pla d in position between the wag- gons on the outer face of each oval, and the horses of each column tied to three or four parallel line* of cord running the long way of the oval. Th* oxen were taken between the two ovals and tethered to iron tout peg* in parallel line* together with th* gun mules, and at each halt the natives at once cut branches of prickly pear and formed a thick abatis connecting the narrow end* of the two ovals both in front and rear. When halted at uight picket* were thrown out all around at a distance of ~~ yard*, with orders to run back to camp at the sound of the first shot fired. The con- tinual practice on the inarch enabled the laagering to be done in an incredibly short space of time, and the operation was com- njcted as a rule in lets than six minutes. On the 23rd of October the scouts receiv- ed orders to look for kraals on the Sbangani River, and we accordingly started in a thick fog, taking with us a heliographer. We b.v i the uiual instructions to gain what in- formation we could from the natives and to avoid righting if possible. The fog cleared as the day wore on ; we communicated by heliograph with* Major Forbes as t* our whereabouts, and in tha afternoon reached the kraal* among the hills on the welt lido of the river. We found oitensibly peaceful natives in the first two kraals, who aaid they were Makalakus, but, a* we found also a Matabele shield and spear for each man, I have my doubt* on the point (till. The native* explaiue/i the presence of the wea- pon* BY A fOCK-AXD-BfLI. WTORY about some Matalmle having gone away a day before and left them there. However, we met with no resistance, and moved on to a kraal higher up the hill side. We dis- mounted at the gate, left our horses out- uli-. and went in. Burnett look ihe r.ut nearest on the left, and I crawled into that on the right of the gate. I had just got inside when I heard a *hot, and scrambling A St. John's, Nfld., special says : The past month witnessed tha winding up of the year's fishery nusinees and to tLe major portion of our people the next four or five month* represent a pariod of enforced idle- ness, which no ingenuity or enterprise on our part can overcome. Th* St. John'* Chamlier of Commerce has recently prevent ed it* annual report, summing ap reaulls o Uie year'* operation*. The report is uot . very encouraging one, but the naturally hopeful disposition of our people will ro same \ quire more than one bad year to dispiri renellant groups, cramping to the sympath- ies ant to the capacity for thought and action, originality and invention, audabeo- In i -I V fatal to the possibility of any homes geneity of structure. Plainly, out of tbss, inoongunns and antagonist!. elemento speaking "many hundreds'* of tongues, on " nation" cn ev*r grow. Tke ' An *xten*iv* series made m 1SS!I upon BI.C.O. r of observations was the planet Victoria out as Quickly as I could I saw nett rolling on the ground in agony. poor Bur ony. At the same moment a Matabele oamo out of the hut and look up Burnett's rifle, which ha had left leaning against the wall out- side. We all rushed to our rifles and fired at tho native, but missed him. In the meantime he flrod two more shots from one grazing Swinburne's Burnett's rifle, left side. He was then killed. It appears hu was the only Matabele in the vilKge, all the other natives we found being wom- en. \ve put poor Burnett on his horse, but it was ovidont that be could not live long, as the ball had gone through his lungs and out of his back, making a ghast- ly wound. Clifford rode off to camp for a stretcher, but Burnett died on his horsa Within sn hour, and was taken into oamp wrapped in his own blanket and buried the same evening. them. It opens with a reference to the sea fishery of last spring which wa* the wors' evsr experienced since the introduction o steamer* into the industry. Last year ai the steamers sailed from a port 150 milei north of St. John's, and missel the great body of seals. As a consequence the tot* catch wasonly 129,160 seals against 348,(KX> tbe year before. In addition to this the price of oil and skins was Tory low and the poor catch was rendered doubly unproduc- tive on this account. The Labrador cod fishery was the only one really productive. The catch wan very good and the cure equally so, with the ex- ception of a small quantity taken at the latter part of the season and which unfav- orable weather prevented being properly dried. The shore fishery was only fairly productive and the bank fishery was very poor, so much so indeed, that the Chamber fears its early extinguishment, for the return i* not by any moans commensurate with the capital invested. The catch of pickled fish is indifferent and unsatisfac- tory. the take of salmon is only fair, anl the herring fishery is also poor, especially frooru herring, the unusually mild weather experi enced last winter preventing tliat industry being entered into with the usual vigor. The chamber puts itself on record as em- phatically as ever in support of the Bait Act, or the policy of preventing the French from obtaining bait fishes along our ooaats. Everyone is more or IM familiar will? our VKXBD BAIT yLl.sTIO.NH. Our great rivali in the sale of codfish in the Mediterranean are the French, who undersoil us by means of a large bounty given by the Government on every quintal of fish exported, the object being to make their rUhing fleet on the ciraml Ranks, , nursery for seamen to recruit their navy. These fi-hing vessels are, however, depend- ent on our people for the bait they supply. The Thiirbiirn Government (1KS5-SI<) pass- ed an act prohibiting the skle of bait Danes to the French. Several steamers wore hired to enforce it and tho result was the crippling of the French tishery. But the people on our southern coast, whose chief ijusiuoss was the supplying of this bait, raised an outcry at bring deprived of this income, and the White way party in ISSO made the repeal of the bait act one of its most vigorous party cries. All its candi- date* in the districts affected were triumph- antly elected, but the bait act was not re- pealed. For three years the Whiteway Government en forced it, and last year, though being compelled by the impending election to make a chang>*, only suspended its oper- ation, holding it over the heads of the French for use whi n required. The Cham- ber of commerce protests against it* non- enforcement, believing it would grea'ly beuefU tbe colony and materially assist the Colonial Office iu the solution of a dnlii-nit. problem. The Chamberaupplies legislation in favor of restrict ing an<l regula'.ini; the meth- ods of lobster fiihtng and hopes for success- ful trade tmtyoar. (asteroid No. l'_>) for the purpose of ascsr taming the distance of tha sun, and inci- dental, y also the mas* oi the moon quau- tities which to the uninitiated would stem to bear no obvious relation to tho motions of the little asteroid, though, in fact, the connection is close and positive. The work was very thoroughgoing, in- rolving the co-operation of no less than twenty one different observatories in ds- ternuning with their meridian circles ths places of the stars which were used as reference points along the planet's track. Then all through the summer the position of the planet itself, with reference to these stars was assiduously observed ty (Jill snd Anwe s at ths Caps ofiiood Hope ; by K.kiu and Hall at New Havnn, and in (ier- many by Hartwig at Gotlingen, and by Suhur at Bamberg. The instruments em- ployed in their observations were hello- meters of the most perfect construction, and measurements made with them rank among the most accurate and refined kno iu astrouomv. Although, between June and AugiHt '2~, while the planet was near its opposition and for a time at a distance from the earth less than four-fifths the distance af the sun, over HOI) complete sets of measures were secured, and only six nights were wholly missed. The reduction of this mass of materia has occupied nearly three years, and the result hat only been published. Dr. Gill, who originated the campaign and has re- duced the observations, finds for the paral- lax of the sun S' . "(I 3 , corresponding tea distance of i,80<),( 00 miles; and be further find* that the hitherto accepted mass of the moon must be reduoed somewhat more than I per cent, to satisfy th* observation* ; in other words, the earth's monthly -wing due to her motion around the common center of gravity of earth and moon, was foVswi M be about 1 per cent, less than had been as- sumed. It is interesting to note that this newest value of the solar parallax agrres to the very last decimal with that deduced two years ago by Prof. Harknees in his elaborate "laaaUsquare" discussion of all the then available data relating to the en- stants of the solar system ; the si ill out- standing error is our knowledge cf the astronomical unit can hardly be as great as one part in a thousand. UITI STAB feet and hung on with my hands. You can judgs of a man'* feelings with almost a I hundred feet of spa.* between his feet and * great mass of jagged rock. " " Ureat spoons I but you must have suf- ferod a thousand deaths. ' " Let ms see. No, I did not. I have it down here, and I only suffered 780 deal ha. I don't want to lay olaim to v!Vi deaths to whioh I have no legal right. When I toll a story, I tell it exactly as things happened. I hung there sway ing te aud fro." " And the train pasted over you ?" " Wall, no it didn't. I should liar, mads a not* of it if such had been the case. I ong minutes bung there for seventeen minutes which seemed never-ending to me." " You lived a month in those) few min- " Net quits a month. I have it down that I lived only twenty-six days, and I ' , don't want anything that doesn't belong to j <>U- OASADUJf. A 10 per cent, reduction in th* warn of IhsG.T. R. trackmen west of Toronto has gone intoeffeut, It is reported that a company is being organited in Vancouver, B.C., to eater the service of Queen laliunkalani at Hawaii. The Caledonian Society of Montreal has decided to admit ladies who are Sostch or of .Scottish desosnt at associate members. There is a great deal of UtAtheria [lu Quebec, and the Provincial Board of Health is taking stops to prevent the spread of the disease. Two small boys, tbs youngest sons of Mr. Robert Stevenson and Mi. Joseph Cham- bers, of Port Robinson, Ont., were drowned in the Welland river at that place. The Canadian Exhibition car has started on a three- months' tour in tha U LI led -S at**. Ex-Mayor Beaugrand has been asksd to represent the French element in ths elec- toral contest for ths Mayor's chair. A local branch of the National Council uf tbs Women of ( .aaaoU has been in formed Ottawa, and Lady Ritchie was elected preidenU Monday Mr. W. Mclaughlin, of Norval Ont., while sawing a tree which had lodged between two ethers, was struck on the temple by it iprtnging back, and wa* in- stantly killed. Tbe local Christian Endeavour Union of Kingston held an enthusiastic meeting oa Mom' ., night. After electing officers, prep- arations were mads te give the provincial convention this years hearty reception. Adolphe MarUn, one of tbe best known and wealthiest fanners in Kssex county, was arrested at bis hone at Maidsteae, on the charge of being implicated in setting fire to his barns in order to secure the in- surance. Seven hundred yards of new carpeting are being laid down in Parliament betiding, and the chamber of the House ef Commons is being put in readissss for the session, al- though it is not expected that the House will be callxd before eight or nine weeks. The wholesale woollen men of Montreal have a grievance owing to the flooding ef the market with imitation melton over- coats, which are really made of felt. Mr. N. Clarke Walinoe, the Control Ier of Cns- torn*, has been requested to increase tho duty on felt. mmrraH. Ths Princess of Wales It recovering from her recent severe illness, but she is still very weak. The Queen has mads a formal grant ef Clarence house to ths Duke and Duchess of Connaughu It is announced that, experience having taught the Irish National League in Lon- don to be suspicious, they intend eliciting pledges in writing from the candidates of the House of Common* for whom they will take the over you ' train seventeen " persisted the nr er Thmi Ike "Ccvir. A.M I* e Ik Uinrosi Prvl :ki Vessel .mf A New York despatch says : II. Mitit- and Kersey, agent of the White Star Steamship Line, who arrived in this city on the steamsnip "Teutonic," described the .wo new steamship* the "Cevio" and the Gothic," the former to sail on Thursda. rom Liverpool for this port, and the latte laving sailed on Decomber '.!. for N.-- r Xi-aland. The "Gothic'' is to circumnavie gate the globe anil end her voyage at this rart. The "Cevic's" dimensions are five him- Ired feet in lungth.OO feet beam and thirty- cur feet depth of hold. She was made by .he HurUii ft Wolff Company in Belfast, [rrland, and is HoCO tons gross. It is claim- ed that she ia the largest freight steamship -float. She has twin screws. Tho "Gothic" is a passenger and freight steamship of 7500 tons burden. She has a capacity of several thousand barrels of dairy products and 75,000 oaroasses of mut- ton in her refrigerating chamber. Her course s to be eastward around the Cape of Uoo.l lope to New Zealand, aud she will return by way of Cape Horn with New Zealand products. Altogether the " Gothic " will uil about twenty-five thousand milts, before reaching this port. Mrs, Wo Ide " Sc you are to be mar- ried" Miss Unwedde " You and I want ran to toll me which i* the luckiest month o be marriol in." Mrs. W. " The thir- Icentb, my dear." " Bnt did It minutes to pass inquirer. " Oh, so," "Then how was it?" "Why, ths train side-tracked at tho other aid*, yen see, and I hung on until one of the brakemen walked ont U, -no and aainl if I wasn't in the cirons business) to stay, I'd better get out of that." " But 1 don't exactly see.' 1 ' Oh, there is nothing to see. I got eff the bridge all right, with three hours to spare before another train came At a meeting of the Imperial Institute on Monday evening the Marquis of Lome pointed out the importance of an independ- ent telegraph service between England and her colonies. It is stated that the naval programme to be submitted to the British Parliament next session will involve an expenditure of seven million pounds more than the uiual outlay. DXITBD 8TATB. Eleven cases of smallpox have been re- ported in Chicago within -4 hours. A remarkable strike ef gold and silver or along. I very much obliged to the braknmen > U remrted~in~the Kast Argentine distn'cto 1 very ranch. I might bar* hung there all Clear Creek Col. day, yon know yes, I have it down here in my book thut I was V. M. (>., which means very much obliged. I am not a nervous man by nature,but can you wondar that I *hudder and grow weak in th* knees whenever I pass over thii trestle?' No one said a word for a long minute. Then the qnestionsr softly queried : 1 That was a trne story, wasn't it?" " As true as truth itself." was the solemn reply. " Well, it was a mighty poor story, and this crowd doesn't want any more like it. If you can't tell a lip, get out o' here and give your room to a man who can." Three thousand employees of the ianfunl carpet mills, Amsterdam, N. Y., who had been idls for six months, have resumed work. Harry J. Wooley, tngine-driver, of the Grand Trunk railway, who disobeyed or- der* at Battle Creek, Mich., causing the death of more thau a score of persons, and who was arrested on a charge of man* slaughter, has been discharged by the judge. Another big exodus of negroes from the Southern .Stales to Africa is in progress, The majority are from Arkansas. Cuban cigar leaf tobacco is now being successfully grown in the southern and OriKi ef Craln and ft nin Ihe origin of the grain* and fruits which '> portions of Kan are used by man as food is an interfiling study. Of course ihey all first existed in a ild state, and a* they became improved they were distributed in different countries according to their utility. Th* first gradual change from a wild to a cultivated state took place in warm countries. For example, the grape grew on this continent, in a wild state, long before the days of Columbus, but it was first put to practical use in Kgypt and Central Asia. Nearly all the grain* now in use are of unknown antiquity. Wheat and barley were used everywhere in the most ancient time*. Indian corn was known in India and China centuries before ihe discovery of America. Cotton was used for making garments in India at a most remote date. and the use of Max for making clothing, is nearly as ancient as that of cotton. The orange i* thought to have been tiist known in Burmali, and the peach is accredi- ted to Persia. The pear and the plum, it Oxen drawing plows i* a light familiar is believed, were improved from wild shrubs enough on our Sussex downs, says the Lon- growing in tho west of France. The cherry ! don Daily News, but camels employed in is ot Persian descent. The apple has been this way would be decidedly a novelty, known from time immemorial. It likes The experiment, however, is being tried in the cold, and loes it* fineness of taste as it Train robbers made an nntuoueufnl at- tempt to wreck a Baltimore ft Ohio train near Bremen, Ind. The engineer managed to stop the train in time. As an engine of the North Pacific Coast Railroad was crossing Austin Creek near C 'azadero, Cat. , the bridgn gave way and the engine rolled into the stream below, a distance of 40 feet, drowning seven men. OE.NXRAJ. The Shah of Persia is very ill with in- fluenza. Kuiperor William has invited the Duke of York to visit Berlin to attend the annual banquet ol the Knights of the Black Kagle. It is reported that the Brazil insurgents have abandoned the siege of Bage and have suffered a severe defeat, Oa mall Drawing Flow* in Buna. approaches the squalor. It could not be expected that America, nth it* late civilization, should have ble to furnish the world with that could not be perfectly developed ex cept after thousands of years of oare and culture. But il gave the potato to the Old World. It has long been claimed that Raleigh and Hawkins took the potato to Ireland and Kugland iu the seventeenth century, , but, it wa* found in Chile and 1'nru, and tho seeds ware sent to Spain and Italy, nearly a hundred yean before Hawkins and Hal- eigli crossed the Atlantic. Humboldt asserts, further, that it bad been cultivated all over South, and In a considerable part of North America, cen- turies before the voyage* of Columbus. Of 15,000 persons one arrives at the age southern Russia, and, it is said, with re- markable success. Vice Consul Smith states that tho bad harvest* of the last two ive been ' year*, together with the low prices of grain, product*, having forced most agriculturist* to look into the question of reducing expenses, and one great difficulty being to obtain animal power which would cost less for feeding than horses and yet be able to do the vary- ing work of a farm, camels have been in troduced upon ivn estate not far from Kieff. At present eighteen camels are at work and their keep i* found to cost much leu than that of horses, owing to oate being dispen- sed with in their feeding. The price runs between Ot and 7 per head, inclusive of transport from tho government of Orenburg to Kielf. of 100 years, of SOO one attains 'he ge XJ. and one in 100 lives to the ago fe 60. of "Is it t.rue that a woman always has the lact word in a quarrel?" "My wi always) has it ; but than there is nothing mean about her. She is always willing to girs it to me."

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