TH1 FLESHfiRTON A DYANCK OFFICE Olf EO. MITCHELL, FLESH RRTON. A ff!B.,rl hanking yt%rti leaned aod chaon !)) always availahle UrprlM. !rio* door aor ed at anna] rataa Vitluiate bUMuou Rloaardsws A Co'. 2 th iimt., the following offiour* were lecterl : President, Dr. Ottewell ; vl38- Jonathan Hiekling , Traa*,, (Jamey ; Sea., D. Grant ; Dtrert- r, R. Fen*ick, John Taylor, Jas. Huck- n^ham, Quo, Miller, R. Y. Burk, John X>uglas, R.T. McGirr ; Auditor*, J. and K.T. McOirr. Vicinity Chips. Cetaraetcrlstle* of the Past Week Carefully Colled for the Canon*. Fergus.. n v. Lover wi an assault can rid before J. P*i Armstrong Sttd flMr ardaon on Saturday last, in which Mr. lalcoliu Ferguson charged Mr. Thos. x;ver with pommeling him. Decision was reserved for a week. n/ttfi among liiralt miil be tkaryed at the rate of lOe per line for rtcA tnaeriiou. A rWtietiaH will be made an contract* for 100 limes or oner. Frwh fish and ovt<in at County Council opened in Owen Sound n Tuesday. Wn.. Lemon, ree*e of lydenharo, was electod Warden. There ero two candidates, Victor T^iiiif and f r Lamon, and the vote stood 44 to 8 in f r. Lemou'i favor. Mr. D. McLeod had a bor*> kicked to death last week by its mate. ~- Mr. Will Armstrong w in Lucknnw this week looking nfter business there. Mr. Jacob Lou^hoti-l, uf Sin;;hampton, wan acallrr on Tuesday. Rhelburno isex'-iu*! over sneak thieves who steal thia^ fr mi vehicles left at the church *hds. Minutes of Nov. session of County Council have been received from the County Clerk. Mrs. UwDuuald, "f Durh.uii, -.pent a few days tl..s week visiting her lister, Mrs. Wilson. Mr. Bunting, uf Pickering, aud Mr. Brady, of Eurihrasu called upon The Advance last Friday. Mr. W k -s. Broen ha* purchased tho 50 aorot known a.< the t'.uupbeil farm, 1$ miles eiut of the village. Sara Lord !' i.lcy is booked for the Town Hall on Tue-day, Fob. 20, under tbe au*piceR uf the I. O. O. f. LiccnwM Inspector Canit.1*;!! waa in town last week. He considers bin in speotorale fairly free irum tr.iusifresaura. "The Oddfellows held an oyster supper in their ball on M< :i<l;;y evening iu honor uf Mr. D. Clayton, who was %uout de parting fur Riverside, California. Mr. J. Smith ia bound to soil cut his stock of winter goods in boots and shoes regardless of cost. Sue his advertise- ment on p&ge one fur full particular*. A few of our young men about the vil- lage tried to enjoy a skate on Floshor's pond oil Sunday, but no doubt the pricks vT conscience t.<A away a Urge portion of the real eujoyiucnt. Re*. S. D, Qaudin, missionary to the Ccee Indians at Nolson House, Hudson Bay district,, is u- jueat of his brother in- law, W. H. Tlmrsi >u, with whom he will aio for some weeks. ROT. Mr. Wells' horse cut an artery while travelling lat week and bled pr< foaely. Tbe animal is laid off work aud ibe rev. geutleiuaii had to engine a livery Aorse for hi* duties on Sunday. Mr. A. Muimhaw left on Monday for Soathcrn Calioru:;>. Mr. D. Claytot left on Tuesday in >rnitig to accompany him. Ddvoaay.s ho nuiy CDIIIO buclt, )>ut will see the blooming country, anyway An auction sole of farm stock, sluiglm wagifons, etc , will bu held at the ptein ines of Mr. Ge<>. McFarlaue, Floalierton Sution, on Friday. Jan. 26, to m-> r-.w D. McConnick, auitio:icr. SCM bilk fo particulani. Head Ayor'n Aiminar,. which you druggist will jilsdly ^irey iu, and uoto thi <mpnderful CUIL-S of rheumutidm, ca'.arr'.i scrofula, dyspi put*., eczenm, debility haiuorn, and soro-*, by the use of Ayer' Sanapkril'a, t!i-; > i'y S inipnnlla ud at the World's Fnir. Ayer'.s Hair Vig-ir is cert-iiii!y a re markablo preporntiou and n-.thin^ lil.o i has ever been produce.]. N > umLter hovi wtry and untnauaguiiblu the litir mny bu under the influence of this inconr,.<Rrab1e dressing, it becomes soft, *il ... , i "1 pli able to the comb and brush. A missionary service was held in tbe Methodist church on Sunday eveiihit! lut when Rev. S. D. Oudin, of Nelwon House, spoke at some length upon hi duties in the fai nuith, and !'-- Mr Edwards, of Markdale, ay a short, bu aloquent appeal for funds to assist in th iteat work. At a meeting of Osprey Agricultural M4 '" Sin y ham yt un on Friday Wilson's dwelling house at Proton itation was burned on Tuesday afternoon, upposetily from a defective flue. The iuilding belonged to.'tho Dominion bank. lr. Wilaon saved all his furniture. A prominent citizen of Markdale took a trip down to Fleaheston station last week and neglected to pay his fare in sot be t<>o<t a bos car where no fans are collected. Brakey discovered him and i>cked the dor, keeping him a prisoner. 'pon reaching thin station the car was hunted, and after an hour or so an out- atidish noise inside the car attracted the attention of a station employe and the unfortunate prisoner waa released. The ;uys and jibcH ho has since undergone lave rendered his life miserable. It is our uul duty thii weak to chronicle he death of Mrs. W. Irwin, wbo passed away at St. John hrmpital, Toronto, on friday but. Tho remains weru brought loa.o and interred iu the cemetery here on Monday &ft;n.aon. The very greatmt sympathy is cipn-ssed by all for the be- reaved husband and three '.ittUt children Mrs Irwiii's death u looked upon by all asa personal bereavincnt, inasmuch HH she was evor ready t > asist wheie she couM n g<x>d work*, and was a general favorite. Tha fu.ieral wat attended by the R. T. of T. and 8umUy S.-h...,l of the Methodist church. The (Incensed lady was an us teemad teacher iu the hitter. During cold wcatln r the crossing at Sproulu's corner is iilways in a more or leas dungerouH condition, but the ice Monday lust uiaJc it doubly dangerous, and ninny m severe tumble was experien- cu.l. Mr. \Vni. Strain hsd a severe fall, Mrs. 12. Richardson fell, spraining her wrat. and others were mure or less dam a^fd. but it fell to the lot of Mr. B. His- lop, barber, to cap the climax by fulling ou bis face and (luanlnng bi nose to a jelly, while-attempting to awtiat another pvdfstrian iu his dilonima. He a!so hac thrue teeth luoteaod. It is a ahamc that this miserable in MI trap has buen al- lowed in exist an long. A petition has been circulated asking the police trust to have this crossing attended to, which will nu doubt be Jo:,e without de L.B. l.nriiN, barrister. Markdale ia* $10.000 private funds to lend ou farm mortuaiifH within the next few months at lowem currant rates. No oommiss- OIM, no delays, expenses low. Apply at aflioe in Markdale during th week or at Xiudalk office oo.Saturdaya. At tho annual meeting of the Ea' Grey Agricultural S->oiety held at Flesh erton, Weduewlay, 17th inat., notwith standing tho unfavorable weather and roads, there was a fair attendance. The treasurer's rt-port ithowod the society to bo in n IiL^thy end llouriulunK condition entirely out of debt and a healthy surplus on hnnd notwithstanding that there hai been made duri::^ the past year, lurgt. and su'-stsntutl iinprovuments on the premise s and grounds by way of fencing repairing tho hail and erecting an excel lent, substantial aud commodious s'.anc for the nceommu'l.-!' -'ii of visitors to tin fair and the bund, with p -rmaneut re froihmeiit bi>th underneath, tha whole having been JOHU without impairing th funds of the society. There appears t be no ijood reason why the society shouU not gi> on prts;>eriiig and to prosper The following officers wero e'ecteU foi the current TCI*, namely : President George Su-wart; lit Vice-Prusidunt Or. Scott, Maxwull ; 2nd Vice-PrWdent John Abb<'tt, Pundalk ; Directors : K.J S|ir<.o!c, J. Hiekling, J. I. Graham, J Btodie, R. Ruthwiii, Jas. Stewart, F Taylor, J<iah Gaiuey and D. W.Clinton Auditors, W. J. Bellamy and W. W Trimble. At a subsequent meeting o the nearly elected board, R. J. Sproule was eleoted Sec. -Xreaurr, and it was decided to hold the Fail Fair on the 27th aud 23th September The linleendent Foresters. * riosFBBooa mtuuui. SOCIKTT. Alsong the many societies that are com- peting for public favor there is prtaM*not i that enjoys the aonndenoe of the public to a greater degree than tha Indepondent Ur- der of Foresters, from information that we havs received from Mr. Jos. Oltewell, the Court Depntv tor the local Court, we evn that the membenhin of the whole Order u 54,000, the net increase for tbe year that cloa*4 on the 3Ut December, was 0,5io, of this large nembcrsuip 23,000 are n Outariol Tbe fneods of the Order claim that it load* all other orders in our great Province. The number of Subordinate rU, in Ontario, is KM. SI of these were nstituted daring the year just closoti. Dur- ug the 19 years of its operations it has Mid to widows and orphans and to distress- ed bretbern about two millions one hundred thousand dollars, and has, at present, a cash surplus, for the bnuwtit of policy hold- ers, of 1868,857.88. A gain in tbe surplus (or one year ot 279,000. Tha. death rate las only reached the remarkably low avorage of 5.38 iu tfitf 1000. The Order has encoun- tered a good <1<-1 of advent* criticism, its rates have b*n poinlod out as beiug too low but Its blends have t'.timouiitrated a(,.a and again their ability to pay all claims and ai the same time to accumulate a bauilx nt-i reserve. ^Ta< j claim that the teaching of cxpericuoe proves tliat their ratvs are umplo> and certainly tbe racord tin- Order has made would tin to Leur out Uiis couUn- titm. In the press, an! on the platform, the ad- vantages of the Order have been set furtb r iih oiarko.1 ability mJ mnderatiun by tbo Supreme Chief Banker, Dr. Oronouyntokhs, tbe High Chief Banyor of Ontario, the Rev. A. Mciiillsrary, and :>.y nu ly other p ..m:i- ent oiBcers and members of tlo Order. Tbe Fraternal fnaturvs sf the Order aie carefully oult.viitud, :ufl many acknowledge gratefully tho kicdnuM reoeivpj at tbe hands of tlirir bruthren. We have pleasure in giving tbt-se fact-, knowing that they will be read with interest not only by our readers, who are members of tbe Ordar, but by others who will be pleiuwd to 1- rn of the continued prox-pviity and growth uf thUTVaiernal Society. SELLING OFF. In order to reduce our stock we are offering a few hundred oi pairs of Boots and Shoes ~S~ at a very Great Reduction (for cash) about cost price. Call and see and we will give you good Bargains at Clayton's, THE GREAT SOUTH AMERICAN NERVINE i TONIC AND STOIVIAOII and LIVER CTJM.E. <T , e Wonderful HE A LTHBU I LDER& NERVE FOOlX. C ro nlc DiaeaMS are e u-wd by Dt-ranued Nerr* Centres at AUCTIOIISALE! V1LIIILE FiB. PRIPEIT1E5 In tliatownsbips of Artmeeia, Eupbrasissud U>|>ry la tu aounty u( (iraf. Tl.i-re will husold on VoiuUy llio l-lli 'l*v uf February, 1K), al oiu o clock In tbo nfteruouo MUHSH1W8 HOTSL K THE Town of Flesherton, by virtue of powers of tale oontained in oruin uirl*w* wii!-h will bo pi-uuuvcd at tbe *< th following l')-o|MjrltvH: Lot ITt in tlio 3rd Con.S.W of the Torantn nr. J Sviti'uhaiu load.tuwithliipor Artmuelii.coiitHiii- iii 48 scry*, inoi a or (essjeisept li&crui uocupi~ ed by Uailway. Tho*,' fitiprovouiuuti* aro Mii'1 to bo on the preinmcs : ab J'jt 15 aero* ell-Hi "1, in 1 ^.iK urw.-L" i ;boruou u liowed lot; bounu. P^UCKL', ! the 4tli|eoncion of *ha mid town' niiip of Eui>h<-a8i%. soutalnuif flMauns, aove et less. Tbe r->il.wii; lnn*ioveme)Bei are Maid to bo ou tlio pi nmises : '.< U Uii acres elaiu-od bnv- inK urerto^ thorwon f auio earn on btoi.o fnun- dniiiin. stahiiug uidarnastli ; atotio uiilk and apple IIOUHO, log dwellinm. r.'.HCEL3. LoU 21 anil 39 Iu the lut cnuceiuiion north of tbo l/urhnni rord, and lot i!i in th 1st au 1 -u-- cons. south of the Durham r<>d of thu talti towtisbip i f Ospre}', co.*ti:iinK tr gotlini- UOU aurrs niom or ICM. The (oiluw.ii.: in:|ov( satJ to be on tno irniui^<-*.> : *b iut 0.1 . ii-:c tia'u.(stabl.jB uiK g b. !. There in an urobard on the pi operty. TRHM 1 * 80 percent, of the pniahme raouny to bepai 1 1 Jjwnnu thu day of aln. li-i l.a'.a .--.- Wraiit wiM bu oiadd k::own at (iuiu of sain. /or f n ihor pa*-ticulai!i aj'piy to JDNIis BROS. & MACKENZIE, Solioitirs, Tnronto Street, Ton.nvo. or toil. J. SniOCLl!, Flojherti'n LI i. lea Wanted. Highwt pries in oash paid for hMes and shoepskins. W. P. CROMJ 8T,.Fl(Jirti--a The Markets.. Carefully Corrected Eueh Week Flour 3 35 to * S H5 Kail Wheat 66 08 8i>riinj Wheat 64 to 69 i.,L, !,-> 30. to :iu OaU 30 to 31 run* 51 M lluttur W to IS Kg. freh 17 to 17 I'otatocs ba# 50 to M Pork -.. 6oO *o 800 Ilav |>rr toil ft 00 to t 26 Bide" 1 00 to S 00 Stx'upfckiiiu ,... It to M (iUH3 - ... 8 tO Turkey* _ 8 o 9 C-hiukeun |>r pal. 89 to SO Ufiki pr pair W to 60 Wool l to 15 Boars For Service. Tas q:nlerlgned has a well bsari Berkuhlre boaritod a Yoikalitre White for arvlan on lot to, eon. T, Artemecla. Terius 1, tttitlj eaab at time of ci ?! LATE discoveries have abi-olntely proven tlmt the Stomach and Lungs,aiid indeed all internal organs are controlled by the u'jfve centres at the base of tho brain. The inanu- ufacturer of SOUTH AMRUICAN NEBVINK has studied this subject closely for mnro than twcuty-livo years, and has lately demonstrated that two- thirds of our Cluunio Diueutis, are due to tlio iirpcrfunt action cf norvo centres, either within or at the base of the bfaiu not from t!ie deranjjemcnt of the organs themselves ; lu-nce thai tho ordinary tuoihudit of treatment are wrong. As all know, a serious injury to tho spinal cord will at once cause PAUALY- sis of tho body below the injured part, it therefore will b equally well miller- stood, how tbe derangements of-tba nerva centres, will cause the deran mi-lit of the different organs of I body which they snpply with Nfw FL-JID or NKBVX FOBCI. The wonderful success of Sont! American Nervine it doe alone to t! fact that it is based in the foregoing principle. The use of a singlo boiilfl of this remedy will convince the iurnj| incredulous. It ia indeed, a voritabQ NERVE FOOD and WILL RELIFA'? IN ONE DAY the Turied forms oj nervous disease and stomach iroubicA This claaa of diseaaea, is rapidly croaaing each year, on account at It great wear oar mode of living and la| or impose upon the nervons systel Nine-tenths of all the ailments $ which the human family is heir, a& dependent upon nervous axhauslioiL impaired digestion, and a doterinrataj and itnpoverinhed oondition of lift blood. The South American Xerviia is a great nerve food aud nerve lmil er and this aeecauta for its mai-vcloo% power to cure the varied forms of nervous disease, mich as NrnralgiB^ Ni-rvousnfiss, Nervous Pmntra'.ion, ^ Vitup's tsBce. Nervous diokli5 nits rRrosysmfl, TwUhing of Ui cles, Ilot Flashes, Mental Dc oncy, Forgotfulness, SlerplesRne I'l'ittlessnosB, Nervonsnt-ss of Palpitation . of the Uoart, Boxoai Weakness, etc., oto. hv WM Rl< II t K' HEALTH FOR ALL. Pi.Ss and THE PILLS I'urify ti.j blootl, corroot all Disorders of Liver, Stomm-h, TCi<inc-.j * and 1 1 <> \> !*. They iuiuorto anil restore to health Oebi'iitatert Conrtitutlone. anil axe InvaJuahlc In com p>aiuts luoiduuUl toFuiotlim of all aspe. KoaCUWreu amt-ttie aged they are pricaluss. T H R I N T M fi N T n lllble remeily for Pn 1 Li;>, Ha-l itroasts.OM Wounds, Bore* aurt Ulcers. It Is fatuous tat Qout oi. .1 i:.-!rn.intiflin. For dlnordora of tb Cbees H bae no For SORE 'I HJW.-I7 JUiO.VCHllS.COUGHS, COLDS. Ulauuular Swolll-.iji, aiul all Skin DlenuwM It ho* no rival , anJ for eontoaoted ail I k'.lsl jcintti it ic'.i iil.o a cbarm- slannfaotiirod ou! y at PrnSmur BOLLOWAT'S Rotablinhmeas, 78 New Oxford Street (!:( S'.Kt, Oxford street), Lwndou. ami are n.!<l at In. lid.. in9d., 4h ikl.. lls., 21i.. aud 34*. eaeh Bos or Pot, and may be bad of all &>4. i.-iae Vrn.lors till ouetiout Ibe wetld. '.-i at the LaM on tnt Pntt <avi Boret. Iftht nd'irrfs it not 53.1, Oxford Street, Ljitdfnt, they are punu|M. FLESIERTtI lanin Doors. Sash, and all other Building Supplies at short notice. Everything at Contracts taken and Estimates flirnlBhed for all klngjT of Buildings. Lumber Planed and Flooring turned out white you walfc Custom Work a Specialty. Give us a call.