THE FESHERTON ADVAMCI mm mm ICY It lully equipped with re- quisites for turning out a per- (pct class of work. All kinds <|f pictures taken and finished Hu a style equal to any city , while the prices are lower. Picture Framing in all Its branches. If you have shopping to do qpd pictures to get taken on the same day please attend tto the latter first. Careful at- tention will be given to copy- other pictures. Mrs. Bulmer. HAVE YOU BACK- ACHE , oooos KIDNEY PIUS WILL CURE YOU "BuokacHi meant (A* hid- nty art In trouble Dodd'i Kidney Pi/It /(/ prompt nlltf." "76 ftr tint. of dlta9 It fret oauttdJ 67 try to tiav* a healthy city without ttwtr- a'i, at good t-'ilth whin the kldntyt art (to e/ tht Byiiem. "Dt/ay It d'wyiroui. Neg- lected kidney troubles rtlult In Bad Blood, Dyapepela, Liver Complaint, and tht moat den- porous of all, Bri'jhta Disease, Dlabttaa and Dropsy. " ''Tha about ditensoo cannot exiat where Dodd's Kidney Dil'tt rm~e* t., 1 " 1, thty ore Pi/is aro need. ' S.Ui by nil daalara or *nt |.y mail CHI rernpt of rnc* c<> cm.'*. r*r l-'x >r nix l.v Jt.vx l>r. I.. A. Stm.hfc <.... J*rvH.uj. Wril*(o UwaoOWJ kida*/ '1..L. <0y Owen Kouod. Outario, Ver that in- PL.ACB IK PAXAIiA TO (iRT A -itt'ik Hutinru Take a Round Trip "* Hu.ine'.. Catii'iierolal Department, in I'anada, then vlall :- .rlliern Battnesa Oollagi . rxini-n. vury tUt-iii iln>rouKhly. If w> i*.i to nnxlucr tin u Ml i li'irouali, L-oniplM, nii. ll.-l n., I oiteu af ? ".i' * t.i *tul> . ih in . i oellf^it I'^nii t- *|| t ' 'u. ii^iit and ui'iHi ''.it.i|.i^in anti t.nmt Milt Sap* 'trailers and appliance*, w* will uive yoi lull .: .tine KHK1-: Kor Annual A inouuea <a*nt, giving full partloalar>. fiae. ulili-em 0. A. FLEMING, 1'rlurlpnl MyynoiiiUN fa I.IM-..U Thr nliiel ai>;uinen' nx><i the rlnply;-- ' it. of liyj uotiliu iu di- M>ae aro. tim, ttial it and eniTvutts the Mill; neoooJ, It r> '.arts i. it- nersuii liable lo bo UueDce.'. ti> person* of *>vil and, tdird, tlit on!y nervoat or I. .iril .(/nous are unbjtct 10 its pu My own fxpt'i-ienc* 1 in thnt it may !> nveil wiibotlt injuiioui erTeois, aii'l, ulsci, inai il tna take lh pl.vt. of narcotic in a Ur?e uarnber of cttaea iu wliieli '.." are now ur-d. I liave mynclf n3rtl it with i.,lnuitage in de- lirium, iu iur i .it>, aud in chronic al- ooboliitD. I have 8uucsfully treated one case uf kleptmuaiiiit and two cases of exceaaivi- irritability of temper. At the same time hypnotism is a two- edi-ed sword. Wielded bvan uof>kill- ed hand, it ma; cut both ways deep into the facilities of luiellectiou and into the nervous system generally. AN';, it should never . used save by a skilled imiul upon ptttieots of an mi- balanctid niiud accompanied b* what i) known in medical parlance asjMru' noi'.i. In my treatment of a perfectly .iltliT, calm, intelligent, nnima^iua- live man, whom I opratd ou lifty- ouu times, I lound that a diapason of iis whole mental aud emotional sys- tem would give forth ooncordant seu- sations of pleasure, or discordant sen- sations of pain, at the will of tbe op- erator. Summing up, I would say that hyp- notism, us with every other new rein- <ly , there is a great danger that, ou the oue hand, it may be used indis- criminately, or, on the other hand, >< scouted by a senseless skepticism. [t has, beyond doubt, its definite lim- uiit of usefulness, and the medical man of the present day. realizing the futility of many of the old methods of treating disease, should keep his mind open to the reception of every oew discovery. Jame* R. t'ovke, M. D., in (Af Artna, Jioiton. Her Kldneya the !'. FOR IVKN TK.r.M yCARS Miw. RKASY WAS TRKATBU ruK I.I WU, LIVIt, STOMAt'H AMI) fKMAI.K TBorBLR, WITHOUT BEN- r.rir !><IOI>'H KIHIKY PILLS cvmiit I1CU IN I-KVMTEBH PATH. SHELBI-RSK, Jin. lat, 18M. Mra.Qeo. Iteany.ot 2111 Ejst Tliird St., Aihlaml, ,, writea mi intei-eating itory to the K n-r l'rf.. She aaya ihe hat btx-n nek for veiiteon yeitin , (hat the phyiiicaiis ahe .iifiiilinl in ilitt.-n in |ilitcM in tbe United sUU-a ami Canada MKiilxKi her lilneas to he IUHKI, ln'Hit. liver, Htmimoli or feiualu \<ut none evr auggcated the I j. All tlic plis nil-Ana prvacnptioni nl jiMiiMii nieiiivinei aha took failed tn i P her, and khe ke|>t growing worap. lH.iit two iDonthiaui'iihtt rvad of D.nlil - Kulney I'llii in the Frvo i'reaa and aci.t t.i Tiir> fur aoine. Now ahe ucur<l. Douhili-i there are roatiy ntlion tutforing from kidney diaeaav, but like Mrs.IUany, do not know what is the matter with Mr. S. W. Cniaa baa sold the Wiarton ;,!,.. u. Mr. .?. M. K Anderson. "Only the Scars Remain," Bays ^JENTIY HUKSOX, of the .Tamos Smith Woi.lrn Machinery Co^ Pliilatlelplii.t, P;u, who ct-rtU fles as follows: " Among tlio many te^timonU nli whli-li I ce In rogaril to i r- tain miKllclnei performing ciin i, rluaDHing ill.- I !...], etc., M >u.' imjirasstno rn.irn tban my own c.o. SHOBMAEEH. I i..> to lutlmat* ..I th* Inbal'lianU tn aul I ,*t I 'ia <mtt- I a . I . 4in |w- . i ;.. I !! kl |tU( ' * *c i- l ti -Ilia. .tuoti a'i.1 Shofta u>< t .: i . o Ji,-rt*l .1 iiwii.. . a nit mta. u.- .W&itby, - Kimterlcy n my wlilohbrol.i uiul i'i'nui" run- I n I -i i; sores. _ Our (auiily iliy- ___ <ii. rm coulil ilo we no good, and Jt WBI Jcured that the 1 ..HIM would be affected. At latt, my gOOll I 1(1 Mother Urged Me to try Ayer'i Sartopsrill^. I took threo Itittli'K, tlio mirH liciilfil.iiiulT Imve not l.n.-n troiihli'd Hinro. Only the soar*, reninln, and tlin memory of llis (nut, to reir.hul mo of th4 xonil Ayi-r's s irsi'i/.i -ill.i I-.IH done no. I now wi 'in'ii two lin i.::nl null twi-iily poiiinN, nm In tiui liPFt of hoiilili. I li,iv lid n on il..) n.n.l for t'.. twrlvn >!:>., linvi; ivit.rml Ayer'a Si> miirnillii ail vi-: 1 1- ,-ii in all piuiJt of Uio i'ii, Kril always Mke plfliiv \in: lu i .'1 it iliil ft r mo." Ayer's Saroaparilla Hint) and Ulatrlet Csplsin Sweeney, U. H. A., Ban Diayo, Cal.. i,iys : "Shiloh's Catarrh Huiedy n the first modicine I l.ave over found that would do me any K<*>d." I'riow BOflOhts. Prter H pe, a nrtired farmer living near Chealey, was found dead in hii IUUKU mi WudnoaJay. lluari failure was On Jan. 1 Hurun Count/ voted on the (ueatinn of establishing s Mouse of He* fuge There WSM a majority of 000 in favor of the by-Is w. Last year the by- aw was defeated by a substantial major- ly. Hhilub's Cnre Is sold on s guarantee. [t cures Incipient Ot>nsumptn>n, It is tlio best Cuui(h Cure- Only une cent s J't.u ; 25 eta., 50 ou. and fl.OO pt- r bot- tle. Mr. W. L. Smith's wonderful horse died a week ago at the remarkable age of J9 yean, It was one of the bust pieces if Imrm-nVtth known in these parts, beinc jorfoctly Bound aud free from bltsmlahea. It vtaa s splendid, speudy.driver all iu ife and uiade a trip with wonderf ul ac- ivity a week or two bufur* it disxi. Ml. Forvt Rep. On Tuesday a little boy about three years old, son of C. T. Kellcrby, ol the townline of Mulmer and Molaucthon, wan playing with a cedar slick about six nolies long aud half an inch iu diameter, tie had the stick in his mouth and fell on t causing it to penetrate the rouf of his mouth, inflicting a dangerous wound. Shelburne Free Press. The Orillis Packett says: A remarkable light i* to be seen about two miles pait Brechin. A piece of loamy <-r msnhy lanu about five scros in extent and cov- ered with second poplar, caught fire last autumn. It still burn* snd up through the snow, like jeU bursting from the lavs lx>d near the crater of a volcano, come little pufla of steam and amok*. As the eartb burns sway from, their roots the topple over and add to the strange - ness of the scene. Daniel Bits, Proprietor and Poblishsr of the Hamburg, Ont., Independent saya : "I was suffering frtm Dyspepsia and Liv- er Trouble,! took a few bottles of Sbiluh's Viulizer and it cured me. I can heartily recommend it." Mr. James Moore, son of Mr. Oeo. Moore of Oaprey Tow*, Line, btiKan the Nsw Year *ry ufrtuliatly. n New V-ar'i Day he was brtolginit a losxi of saw logs down Uie Ktli C.M.afinl walking alnnK- i If the load.- Wlitti Mr. Jno. Unerson's, he drove; slightly to uu side to got the bwietit of some aunw. He tlioii the load come tnwardn him and put up his hand against it. Thun the hole load fall, Hiiuuhing Mr. Mount'* left X so that the bono protrudad and twiat- ing In* right lug luvently. He was ukun home by Chas. and Robt. Gardner. Dr. W. R. Hunter was summoned and im- nit-dial i- lv haateiiod to the iojured man's aid. Reflector. English Spavin Liniment remoTe* a' hard, aoft nr calloused Lumps and Rlemialies from hurst-*, Blood Spaviu Curbs, Splints, Uiii|r Hone, Sweeney, Stiflea.Sprsina, Suro and S..|len, Cuuuhs, etc. Ssve *50 hy u-.- of one battle. Warranted th* mitat wunilerful Klsmiah Cure ever known. Warranted b; RiehardioD 4 Co. The Kritdimt on the Park Head Branch from Shsllnwljakv in. is now completed to about tlio top uf tlui lull at Munro'a, which is ftiur nuli-a from the station MU- at Owuit Sound. Tba work of grading IIHK not U-en much interrupted by the wvuthur so lar, and Mr. will have a Hlatf uf niun ut wurk at th nick jul tings all winter. In order to punli ilni.' v in lliti xpnui; nil the rails havu l)i-un li'tnylii In ( i .1 . TnJale mill lirought up In tl.e c<.iii|tlettl enil of tlio line, and ipiite a ({imii'ity aro alronly ilistril.uti-tl ultiiii; llie il in.pi If the H;>riug tmiu* ro eipocteJ '.. run li 1'nrli I! -i. I b.-fiiro the end of July. O. S. Advertiser. [)B HUTTOK. M.D.O. M.. M.O.P.* B..0nt.. PriMrllU R*id*uc* and offlo* on* door w**t of ta* al*th- odlit Church. KinroM hi. uffle* taira, Tu**tavi and Saturdafa. H CAHTKIl M. C. r A s.. Ool PbjdaUn. rarfcon, te.. ri**bartoa offio* Strain* block Knlilaaa* Miinaliaw'i hot*l. JOHN 1. BCOTT, sf. B. af.uiUr Colla*PbTii*.* 8ar ( *on. Ontario Oradaat* la U*dlclu* ol Toronto fnl?.r.ity. >llowbl Diploma. !',, Urailaat* at*dicl School aad Ho*|.|tal Chicago. Dlwaaaaol r, T, no**and tbroat ipcciallj tr*at*d. Baal (l*no*ataiw*ll, viilu r*T*rtnajnTbur*dara 14 i ( Curesothors, whl euro you pci.p'e :iu- very iinitin<i and very iin. l-iiiiniluil. They tliinV they cAn 'v< i'vi-it witli the iu-*pn|H)r by rel"u>iui{ to >nkr it whicll iiiimna a illlt'ereiiott of $1 per ynnr in I!IK tiimnre* of the publisher. Kvi'i-y rum. nullity has a ft-W of them ,. in- p.ii'rr" gntry . Tlioy r tin .. ' e pound keeper in a HWRH>| : .-.- ' . In tin* a j.'oin M of Hi.rxcu (irvoly, tin- arent A. o . .111 (il.ii. -iiilirupiM nud t-di "f '.i . MI! M-i I!MMH didn't like th i ii;i ', l.i un hayiiiK in the columns > '.. lv I'liliune, Mini olio > . '1 "\\v liv ili. . K i--r fr .n> an iinfrit sub j'.iji i. ly g d, 1 :i i.. i l.dllH." Til . n .-|..]> : .e I. argil ruii' ll'll l wli If ABBUOB LICENSES. Isasad sav or Bight at tb* offle* Sr ratidtoea 1 t h* undtrrlf tied. DIVWIOMCOUltTCLBBK.COUa1IB8IOISF o H.C J. Conv*raco*r, 4c. Kotrr i-urrllo OI1X W. ARMHTKONI i. - FlJllMiavj* tfcCULLOCOH * TOUMO^ Bank*n, Ilarkdal*. do a gan*rl banklnf - n***. MOD*y loa,n*d at a r*a*oabl* rat*. Cell B. HAMMOND. fott Mait*r, K loiNnlujr. CommlMtomr tor aaiuf AflM**iu *tc. loiorei and loao* money a lowMt rataa. KicoutmUia***. DMda, Will*, t promptly, cheap!; aud *iftei*atlr. D J. SPBOULB, ro*tn IMir.riMiiarton. Co:uiulMl*ti*r IB B. . La<Mi*d 4ncliun*vr, Cont*}aoe*r, A prala*r aud Mon.y Lander, KM! Bflat* aw* oauraoe* Aieut D**d*. Mm-******. Lawa*. and Willi drawn ap and Valuatloni mad* OB hortMl notice. Auotiou 8l* a(tnd*d t* In an; part of tb* County Moo*? to loau at low- vat rat of luterant. Oollactioaa attended to With promuta*** aud dMpatch Obari** low. ASent for tb* Dominion htau>aiil|>Coinpanj. el.*a ticket* frm Hlthrtoo to Llnrpool. Ulaa0tt, London *r any ol th* Hriti.b port*! "'a,rtl*a Intending to viilt England, HoolUud or, will piraa* aik rate! b*for* purobacioc tb*lr tlek*U *laewbw*. MIS" EDITH BICUAKRSON. Pupil of Robt. Mahr, of H*rlln, OcrmaoT. (rlollnl Mn. Bradlujr, of Torouto Conservatory ataulo' Voice culture); Prof. K.rrinoii. late of Toronto, (Piano) ; will r*c*iv* uupiiH in BtNUlNO. VIUUN, PI- ArsO and GBGAN. ^ P. OTT1WKLU V*t*rinarjr Burton. Oradoata of Onta*k> V**Tliiary Coll*c*. K.<d*no*-Nt uoor aoutk of Moorv'* pmnlDg factory. J r. UAUtTBAD. at D , M. C. A 8., On., practice! at Ktm- **ar1*y^Mh*uznatle dlMaaat a apwiallty. PAR. MAHT M. HRA.NDEU, M. D.O.M..-M.C.I'.8.,Ont.,Vhv.lcian and 9ur- r*on. *.. Huuur Oraduat* Women* Uedloal Collage. Toronto. IlMldano** llutUr'i Hotel, Prlcerlll*. Diwaaaa of Women and Children atpuclaJty. Call* promptly atSfm :d attjbtaadday. J P HAUSH M I L. D 8 , M. D. 8., Dratlrt. Vliltt klarlMale tb* lit ana :ird \Vednoiday of each month Kloihvrton- -Kach trip on tbe limy following. W. FK08T. Harrliter. Rolloltor, ConT*ranc*r, K*. Fle*hnrtou offlcv Nit tb* pol offic* Sproiil' bulldliiK, on TlmrndaV*. Ow*n Hound Front'* huililuiK. t L'CAS AWUKilll Harrintcr*. Kolioltora, Conreyancor*. oc, ()wn itoiuiil. l>n. l - - l<a<k<la)n. Ont. W. H. Will. .HI. I. |. IrtH-AK N. H.- Kiuslu-rtno office, UiU-hell i Uank. Tory Wtd J AK (Jl'lUU, Preiiiikorn.(-laytoiri n . .won Cnataaad all kiinlf if oblldrem' rlot)Ung made toor.ler. Cuttiug done bv dreaamakvr't scale. Patronatin iniicited. SOCIETIES. AO.U.W. tnet every fl^t and third on rtnv in cnrli month. In heir U>ilg room i liiutoe's K.IMM Wrltfhl, M. W . \\ J. Hollaniy. nii.n.- ..i ; \V Irwin Uocordwr. VliiUliig lliettieru lnvili!. ROY VI. TKMM.AHH OF l'<'t;iilar ( "uiu-il mtft *verv Ttif- In evuiiiiiK In Sprotilv'ft block t f ir S*li>ridivrM 'l'i"laiica) mtwtn lunntlilt. t>i \Vi .li.eily iirvce;lint; th* 9nd of racb month So-;* I>K TKMrKRAKCB. Thin aotiet 4 lit lir. I lirUtoe' Hall i-viy < .. .-M-iniig at Victim bnab ren invitc'l Inkiinnce In couuvctlou. Iynsr;: \u MIIK I.ODI.C v M . . i in thv Manonic Hall.fitraiL linrton, rvfiy F.i'Iav ou c bWore tin- fill A. B. Vanriuten.W M K. J. Sor*taTT. VIGOR or MEN Eullj, Qoleklj, Piraanitlj Bestwat \VeaVne5*. Nervou*ns*, , and all tli* tnin cf evils frosi nr!j crron o later excesses, the remits of overwork, ficli- nm, worry, etc. Full nrrn^th, development r. J tone given to *Trry orrj-n and portion cf the body. Simple, natural nirth.*!*. Irame- diats improvement leen. Failure impouibl*. 2,000 rel-rrnr.-t. Book, explanulJua and proofe mailed (M*lad) fra. ERIE MEDICAL CO,, Buffalo, H.Y, Cm*m Oaaasa >, OwCflk*, tt tin-***. M14 W all Draorian oa a f La*M Side, Baak *r CWl Jkflob'e CHILOM 8 VITALIZIK. Mrs. T. ^ l!wklna. Clttonooc,Twr.,a^l an*ld*rmtAiM( /vartmd. trouble 111 ori .UTsrorKatasgr LOH% _ ^HEMa-tir. T tiytbalE*n*<lr. I twin Harevou oriumjr raiter* aad Cura you. PnoeHcaa, Tbi* Inj*c%or lor Its sanaaifol traatmntt Is furelahedfiM. Beowmber, Saltah'a Bn *J To The Public. HaTlngroptol WnHt*n'i hlackimltb hop fur a term of >f art. 1 anj now in a poutiou to caterto all wauti lu u.jr Hu*. J ioj a Specialty, Sali>fir t ion (. unrau trrd for anything in Uu lint call i-n F. A. BUNT, Oppoilt* Ulcbardton'n Budvare (tor* THE T a i J o r. slakes all garments of men's wear in the best gtvlo at short notice. All work guaranteed* A trial dolicilixl. P. A. BAKER, FLESHER1W- Eugenia Mills AM>- Carriage Works. YM T H.4 . niMti In th*ir hail I hrttv** bltx I;. *vrr Drat aod third |Thur< . . t' ie m-jth. W. iharp.Mt*r. C'ivu. made ar.fl RfcrsUre'V and Mat< i md Saw mg, Wood TurniPij of every les lott. PlanMi,: mid Orain'Chop- '" je vhiU> you vajt, for tnrr.B ti-.e T.W. WILS05I