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Flesherton Advance, 11 Jan 1894, p. 4

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THE FLESH1RTON ADVANC Advertising Rates: OlVColiimo. 1 year. v, ; balf col.. 1 year, quarter col., one year, el. tlT ranslent advertisement charged al She rat* ,OODV per line for first Innrrtion and ( cents uiwrllueor int, imrriou eecb inbaequent liinurtiou. THE PROHIBITION QUESTION, t Many people living outuide of On- laiio appear to harbor the idea that the late plebiscite vote was a direct prohibition victory. While a victory iu one sens* of the term it does not follow that prohibition is insoicd. There is a large amount of fighting yet to be done, and if, as some think, it will become a game of football be- tween tbe Dominion and Local houses, prohibition may be a long way off. But it is bound to come iu time be- cause the peopfcj have said they want it, and the people govern this country. In this connection we quote from a private letter received from a Cana- dian, now resident in Chicago, who appears to be laboring under the mis- apprehension referred to, but whose letter is uono tlio less interesting on that account : Chicago. Jan. Sud , 1WI. I feel that congratulation! are In order tbli morning for tbe sucoeees which >ou and other temperance workers bvn accomplished in O ti i<>. No victory or fought and won at the polli eter (' "* ua>> leellnfi of gratitude to u aren ai thu victory Rained yesterday l which Ontario baa commenced ibo year 1604, bv nhaklnu Iroui licr.lf the groatett curae whl. h humanity ever groaned under. I am ' proud ot the land of my nativity and of the yll. laije In wblcb I wae born, wbloli tliotmli it may not be one of the uiou i'u>uiim-ni I. ..(ore the yee of the public, ii one of Ood oaulJ >poti In the great world deeert of liiteuiyareuov. Yoa know that Iu Uoutaua more are large desert tracta which wun> barren anil ueuleea. where If seed were planted tho auu would aoorcli ami ile- atruy. Mo inolnture oould be uxtraotad froul tbe loll to keep life in tbu plant. l-cauae the auu had already aappvd tbat vital principal from It 1'eoplegaind on It aud aighod to think of auoh grauil poi>ll>llltlrH Ijlnjf Idlu. They ap- plied theiouilvea to the talk of deviling tome liieaua whereby it uiigbt be rendered fertllu. They dug trtuclien tliro-igh it to inountalu atreama an.) b> the procon of ii i it;aiiou have created greun |**tuit-a whure houioB aru built and the lulmlulunU proipcr end where aboop aud oattlegraiu iu pleuty. Outarlu'i iHwitimi to-day reulud. uie of tboM Irrigated Ouocioorabeti by tliu wlthurliig iaj< of Intern- peranoe, good aad wherein sown wan aub)ot to tbe blight. Owniug Ita work to IHJ wrong ye* determined to 01 ub tbe continually |>rowbeat the earneat worker aud tore down tUefrulU of bla efforte. Venter Jay Ontaiio oompletwl l.ur ayjtoiu of Irrigation, attached the laaturual well n of hnr iluloa pipe to tlie fountlon of !uKmlaiin andean now reeulato tbe uiolnturu to tbe Deed of tbe land. The exact figures in the prohibition vote have not yet been made public, but they will amount to about two to ouu in favor of prohibition. I :irturrV Arrim.VOO.X MCKTINO. The director* HUctod tho following p.iriies to introduce tho sul.j.-ctH which wr nn III'' "I'ler paper to l. discussed t the Centrnl Inntituto : Mr. Ueol Stewart, "The D..iry inir.-sis of . county ami its fuiin* proepectit." Front the position hu IK-. n|,-"d ax a maker clii-esahesaid ho felt a liflo dilatory lit pushing on tint Htihject assigned him. ,,11,1., , - ' Igu of thu ubject h full . i. to urge the farmer* to turn th.iir ooarsu drain into dairy product*. Ilu need only nient inn the Inw'li position wo had mvupiod at thu Wm til's f iir as H pr.i-ifof t.'i" bright prospect* fin the fu- ture. The President. -'The future wrk thu Iiutitutu," reriewed the past work tit the Instituted, the good work bein^ cluiii) hy the Central Institute aod it* use- fulneaH in hrin.-inv Wore the (lovi'm n. < nts legislation ri-i|ini<-il t>y the far- mer*, *ml as an educator in thu future. .Inlui I'... Ian.!, reeve of Artuinusu, ainl T. (i.uii. v, rc'-ve of fispri-y, intrortu.-i -d the suhjrft-U "11. n can Kovcinmunt* Inwt ini-rtiur ih* iiiU-i-i-hts of the Agricultur- ist* '" Mr. lln Ian. I gave thu KOVV.II merits iiiin-h nvilil fr the assistance thuy hail ruiuli red tho agricultural prixliii < < of the dominion U-f >m thu w..rlil at il Columbian exhibit! >n He thought tint got ITIIII 1 1 I coulil il'i inui'li to further otir inttin-it h \ luting lh rail r*d and sUuun boat raiu*. Whenever our product* went up in value these companies increased their rsti-iRinl derived the profits. Thuy ould also assist us in freer trade relations with the world. Mr. Uam*y thought they could ansiitt us wry much Irjr n-iluc ing our m-s, but hu thought eie long; there would be plenty of faiuier* there to aumt the guvermenl* to furthur uur interests. Mr. D. K. K'lis wu call.-.l on to intro- duce the ubjeet, "The improvement of ur Public Roiids." Heiwi'l, although it was a vory important subject he would lot attempt to Bpuak upon it, but would ;ie Way to hear the prufuaxor. Mr. McNish being introduced, said he wn from the county of l.o-ds. His sub- 'oct was, ''l!n dinif, feeding and traili- ng of cattle intended for dairy puqtoaes." Ha said other countries mi^ht defeat u* n buttrr, but wu could lead the world with our cheeat). The first object was tn select the ai.iiiial with a UO.H! milking record snd IT ml with annual* of tha line, and feed with that object in view ; keep .lie young anirnuls growing but never fat; breed when from two to two and a half roars old. His ruiuark* on milking and Kher thin-- have b-nn gone over recent- ly at the tritvullilig dairy meeting*, lie roxmimendcd for cracked teats to use sweet oil ai:d caraboliu acid ; for lacerated one* use aviphon. Being asked if he ".iked the silo, he said he thought it Was food but it had beon boomed tix> much. J. Hugh Reid, V. S-, was called nn to spaak on "The ordinary diseases of tlm stomach of the Uz." Th* <>x is usually id t contain four st machs, the first :hree prepare the finxl, the fourth digests t Bloat is a frequent ailment and one which requires treatment, cften before veterinary surgeon can be procured. They nfU'ii succumb either from the ef- its of the stomach preNsint; upon the diaphragm, thus iDterforini{ with rvtpir- ation, or from the absorption into the system of the poiaonous L;.IM s evolved. Thodiitundcd paunch, the labored bruath ng, the belcliinp and dripping of Mtliva from the mouth, as well UK tho uneasiness >f ni'ivi mi-lit and tin- prominence and wild t-ij.u-.-v~i. HI of the eye* are symptom* of tho trouble. Linseed oil and turpen- tine nfii-n giva relief. Another goud rvmedy is to Kivefroiu thrco Ui four oun- i of bacsrbonate of soda, or i ven tie a two inch round piece of wood like a bit in the mouth, in urgent cantH the trocar and cnuula should b- umil ; if this it not at hand a knife blade will do. He had known an axe to bo utud. There is no danger in pel forming this operation, lolhur fie<|Uent ailment is infiaction of the stotnach, which i* often causod by aninmU i;ettii'^' nt urain or chop, (live a good purgative salts, from one to four pounds. This should bu given as soon as U i* known that they have esten too ucli. If purgation cannot be had, rumeiiotoiny must be rusorted to. Tin* implies making a Urge inc.sion in the side and reinovini> the f(Hid. He hsd taken as inn. I- an u tub full from a large animal. This, hoMover, should only be dune by a hkillful operator, snd unleat done sy 'h theHiuniitl is likely to dit% from the ail- ni'.'iit .i'i.l operation. There is what is Ino i-illi'd farrell bound ur infraction of the tliiril st'iniarh. Thi.H ii treated in tho sarn way, hut add from 8 U) 10 drauhnm of aloes with thu salt when giving. Al- WK\ayiM- (Miiyii ; it |IH-VI-II!H griping. Bein^HAk^u for * t-nre for milk fever, hu said while it wan called that, there wa* seldom nny fever. The bent thing to do w ,> to IIKI- pi-evrntiros. Keep fmid from iii !i nn animal ; |{ivo physic to reduce the Coinlitn.ns. Kr mi fifty to ninety pr cent, died with it. The bust thing to do was to bloetl well in its first ststre, keep the animal w.irin ; pro-luoe BvreAliug and ni vi. Uxiti\ei. Mr. Itayitorbeini; introdii<-d, nd he would aprak on "Srlrction and croso MMBMSJ <>f unmiiiN." The tin i pnnciiial is t<> procure aninml* that are most auit-d to your soil. Heavy animals du beat on a ili-.-|., rich toil, and Imht animaU nn light Miul. Havo a well defined object in \iewr, iiiiikult yaur t%ste, for the mnn who in fond of (W. In.raes is nut likely to succuud well with cattle. Thun surronnd them uit h their usual conditioii*. One mlil nut think nf i-fiiioviinf troo* fr<-m ;.! in b anil and plant them on poor MM!, and tlm sainu IB truo of animals. KIT the heavy breed select n animal with H broad fon i mil, wavy horns, a OQtfMM sborl neck, prominent hmom, I'l-nihiii'ly liul ahouldor, capNci^ua, *lirt r:lip', well Bjirtin^ from hack; atraitfhl >i'"\ n mill Vx'iiei!i, thick loins ami well tiilod up quarters ; hotly all eipially cov- vi-r iih in i.y tles'u and plenty of I .'! !ia;r and short legs. Lovnl Uiitlwn It 1axen. Tha idea of i;ivintf munici|*ilities a Kii-.ti.-i Intitndu in dm matter of taxation i beint,' ui-yud in variou* quarters, and has buen o.irriud into law in somo Prov- inces of the Domini, MI, with '{.lo.l results. The matter i being taken up in tho I', m in.-, "f Ontario in an organized way. A form of p.jtrt.oii ha* been ]>rt'pnred, iwtktiii; th Ontario Government for Ix>ual Option in Taxation. A copy of this is being stint tn every municipality, accom- panied I y a circular which sets forth re.t. nuns in favnr of tlio petition. Fnlluwiny is an ev' met f i mil the cireu'.jr : "We I eliriv* thi're In a utri-ni; fsrlin ;.iiiniii{- 1 the | "|>li > that a m*u < u.'l.l have t\fs inet*.od bpeanne hn builds a houso. oi puts up barn, or plant* sn or- ehar.1, or trin iu othr way 1.1 t.Kl to the wrtlth iiil proiporlt.r of th country. \\ loli-t on ill < one baud those who Improve thi'.r fuitis nt* rcward'-tl hv ivernm nt prrtiiiiuiH. '.n l!ic other li:in i tt.ey lire puu- Uhd by an in"r,,u of taxation. UH pi. -lit by the xpi<rl*ua of othei snojoets in thi* matter. "Tb.3 colony of Now Zealand has within 'be last few jea'i gieally rcdnoo-l lax* tioo on buildii g and pn uthir inipn.vHiuenU ; nd the result it that tin colony is DOW vtrv prosperous, having escaped the fluan- eial disasters which overtook It* neighbor* tbn colonies nf Anstialta. Tim law of Manitoba rxpreisly forbids the taxation of improvements OD farms and gardens. The Manitoba firmer* have found tbe benefit of this, sod would not go baek t'j the old syttetn on any account. Tbe only people wlie object are tbe land specu- lators. "The ordinance* of our North -west Ter- ritories also forbid the fixation of buildings, improvements or personal property, In any uiuDiciiMilitT that so decide*. "In Btitith Uilnmbia, all municipalities have tbe power* we are now asking fnr. Tbry ba*e the option of nleiving i jipr.ive ments partly or v holly from taxation ; and many municipalities have availed them- (We* ot this poWer. 80 Mtisiactory has the measure proved to b, that the Legitlature ol llniiah Columbia have goar ".- ther, tD I last year placed an aet which prohibit* all municipalities from aseetslHg improvement* at more than fifty e*oU on tbe dollar, whilst pr-'Vidiaj that the land must be ae- leased at it* full Tain... "W* desire in conclusion to 0*11 yam at- tention to the modrrale character of the p*- ttiion w* are asking voor Council to ap- prove. It merely pray* that nsanwipsliiic* may have the optieu of re'i viag Improre- ments if thvy wish. Sarcly Ontario sboald have th<> liberty of trying a nlan whieh has proved so successful elsewhere. Itch, Manse, and Scratches n human or animals cured in 30 minute* by Wi.. '. ford'* Sanitary Lotion. This never fail* Warranted by Win. M. Richardson. RheBHitUlteB < Hrr d IN 4y. South American Khrumatio Cure fo Kheumatiim and Newralgia radically r,-i in 1 to S day*. IU action upon the eynteai i* remarkable and *rrfterioae. It remove* at otiee the oave* and the disease nnnediat)y disappears. Tbr first dose ur atlv benefits. 76 oenr. . Warranted by Richardson A Ce. The Markets. Cnrefnlly Corrected Each Week Flour Fall Wheat. Spring Wheat Harler Data Huttar. Kgvt.freah PotAtOOft t*^. ........ ... .. Pork - Hay por ton Hide* '.. Htoeepakins. Turkey* Chiokena i DM** per pair ....__... Wool S3S * t 6i to SO to SO i. IS te 11 00 to SI to e M to S 00 to 11 t.J 6 to 8 * IB to 40 te U W *> 17 M 8 45 S U S 00 so B K M t .'1 TTTT7 CO MMENCE THIS VV 1 \V L E Kouraunaal Win- ter Cleariug Bal of Dry Goods, Cloth- ing, Manilas aud fins. Already we are receiving consignments of Spring goods and room must be mads for tin-in ; oar surplus of winter goods nm .t. go. Uur stock of OVERCOATS was large, and wo have a good asuortuient still unsold. Tin's.- we will offer on I'berttl term* of credit, at discounted puces, with further discount fur cash imrcluji r* who can tluis secure whole- sale rutet for single gafmo.-iis. 1-TUS. We have had a good sea- son's trade for Furs aud all that re- ruaiiis will be sold without respect to cost. Men's Persian Lamb Caps, prices $8. 50, roduceH to $2.75. Men s L'oraian Lamb C%ps, No. 1 , $6.00, reduced to $-1 75. Muu's Persian Lamb Cups, extra, tG .V), reduced to |5 25. N utticd luunitiitiDii Besrer fur, S4.60. red uco to |3.60. Nutrie Imitaliou ikaver for, $JJ.76 reduced to f-^.76. Latlifs' Fur Storm Collars, 12.00, $8.76, 61.50 and $5.25. Ladies' Fnr Mutfs, 50 cts., $1.00 $1.50. $2.c U. 92.&Uand $3.50. Ladies' Fur MvuliM. satin lint-dj $22.00, $25 I aud $27.5L>. MANTLKS. At still further re- ducticns aud Mantio Cloths. uut many left, but at temptiug prioes. GUEY FLANNKLS at clearing prices, from 10 tftsi. i>n yatd. HEAVY FACTUKY FLANNELS at 20 cts , 2-J ota. and 25 cts MEN'S WOOL 8HIKT8 and Unt\vei!i reduced to 45 cts. MEN'S UNION Shirts aud Draw- ers, rc-duced to '25 ivnU uaoli. HOOTS, SHOES ANOKl'BUKUS .Mtn'daud ll.iv'i (inn' Habbt-r's and Sni-k.i. Tho assortiaeut of ,-i..r t is somewhat broken, but we i<i-,)lahl; havejiul the siiu you want aod at pi ico-: to clear, as we buy no luuro this season. We have a full lino of comfortable Felt r>i.>ol3 for old ladiv*., cusy, ilur- abie a i ul \v:t,i i. FLANNELKTTS; Another large oouKigiiuicnt JUKI o^ieucd up 6J cents, HJ CIS., 82 illOll ;,vmlH 10 cts., 84 hich govxla only 14 cts. Extra VulllD. Are You Thinking of buying FURNITURE? iiuuifoox OF FLESH ERTON, has a big and cheap stock to choose from. Pictures also framed, and furniture repaired. See our organs and parlor suits. ! EM EN, I desire to call your attention to my winter stock of Cutters, which will need no words of recommendation from me, as I will leave the public to judp- (or themselves. I have also on hanJ a stock ot heavy sleigns,, ,, insure sleighs, market sleighs and skeleton sleighs. All I ask is a call, and jodge for yourselves. Thanking my many friends for their past favors, I ic- main, yours truly. R. T. WHITTEN. ^ GENTLEMEN : I DESIRE TO ANNOUNCE that I have taken over th Carriage and Wagon-making business lately carried on by Mr. Moore, and am now prepared to fill all orders iu mv line to your entire satisfaction. Having lately added to mjr sixteen years' expe- rience in the business a nine mouths' training in on of the best carriage shops iu the city of Detr<-it, where I sucee*.leJ iu carrying off a first class recommendation, ought to be a sufficient guarantee that all work will be done in a first class manner. I manufacture Wagons, Buggies. Cutters, Sleighs ; iu fact everything iu the car- riage line. Wood and lumber taken in exchange. Kindly give me call. ^ . L , L , , ., D - Next door to McTavisn s blacksmith shop. NOTICE. is hereby gives Hal lie' KIlVIBE,RIfEY Roller Flouring Mills are now open for busi- ness, and in full opera tion- A Urst Class Mil- ler has been employed, and 1 will guarantee satisfaction- Bring a long your custom, work. done t all tl Improved Yorkshire Boar for Service The nn<1.r,lneJ baa a thoroughbred troprov- ?I K "2 bo * r '1L "* rvict " '' '* 55 ^ T. * H. U. Hun atockKL-ur. Terms SI. . __^ J. HOLLBT. W A \ T K I) K '"' et "'" c niirtsteady " i' I *tV euiplojniBut with naaaaaUa outfit and tb* benefit of over >SS yeara exper- ience furmtie<l every man Cbolt Uneand control of territory -We bar. .. Op at ra of choice atook.anu can lve you niauv ^,..,,^ r Our .node of ..curi,^ ae-TSata? STOXE A HJ.I I. ! \; i o\.~ Toronto. OIK. 1C*. A. B. Bell, - Prop. D. JHcTavisli, 110R8KSHORR AND GENERAL BLACKSMITH, Colling wood Street, FLESHERTON, - ONT. Manufacturing' Waggona, Rleicba, tiuffin liuiuocrati. Kit. Horae hoeiu,; svooiruj at tBurtinl t" Special attention jlren to eoutravt- e4 or tender feet. LogKlntt and Plow t hainn COD- tinni 1> on baud. for clubbing arrangements with any foreign wcekiy ap- ply at this office. W A M T F I IU1UbI o eel- T X\Jl 1 KilJ- ourcboice and Nuraery ck, an 1 Heed Potato^ full and COD, plete line Vlauy varieties rau onlj be obtaiu ed throub a*. Cenuoiaaion or salary pal.) weekly, aod iirompkly. Rzclualv* and choice uf turritory uiTeu. Don't delay, write at oucj for tei m*. VI-KKUY Co., Rooheeier.N. Y. Boars Por Service. The nnil.r.igne.1 has a well kred boar and. Yo, fcahii-. Wblt. for fttim. It iEST"- '*"" No - J. Tenders Por Wood. Tenders wanted for oattinf throe or font honrtrd cord, of .00,1. i and i*, "" T ' n ! Nor.U. . T. Carr. Poland China Boar for Service. The utdsnlrriMdkaik pore t)re<1 ' hoar 'ra.rvioe on I ; t - .4 Jl i-. , . . JernieSlL I l.ave al~i .in, in ,. a i Poland Chin* and bu^ Vandol.ur P. THOMOUOHl'.KED BOll FOB SEiilf I, on lot W. lat N. 1). H. 'Shining Light" PKDJORRP! -Farrowod iulv r,l. | W hv w-.JJMieyhwdeoa. Walter'* Kalli i> owner. Wm. Mead., Prlcerille. out ilr. Ternia,-*! a4 loj, of lervice. WM. Ml-- ADA. Prop. To Rentx odea O't it*n<\. poet nee. Apply XCT 81

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