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Flesherton Advance, 11 Jan 1894, p. 1

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TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN. 1 70L. XIIL, HO 648. FLE8HERTON, OUT., THURSDAY, JANUARY 11 1894. W. H. THURSTON, EO ' P T S C %* (f0>>R*TOII Christmas Goods. 7* Jewellnry, Silverware, and Fancy Goods. A large quantity just opened up. A new line of Nickel Clocks, with eecond Jiands, only $1.25, The cheapest and best goods ever vffered. f II 1L 1 ~l Ui L ' ft I [all on thi iitagnd Mori iirdisiii yiir Clristias ' J ' FleshertoB Stall From our own Corrajondsnt. Our achool opened again on Jan. 3rd. , Ml** Job ii* ton being re-engaged fot this year. The school Ututoea for this year are Mr. McGill, Mr. Jae. Mokfullen and Mr. Rose, Mr. HcGiD beiug newly el- ected thi* year. Uev. Mr. Ropert will preach here next Sunday at 10 30 a. in. Quite a number of our citizen* have been attacked with La Grippe Jane Warliug ha* been very ill for tho pa*t week. Mr*. S. Hemphill and her sister, Misa McKeuiie, also Mi* Minnie Lawrence, Armstrong Bros. Flesierton LADIES and Gentlemen! Get your supply of BOOTS and SHOES from the undersigned. New goods just imported from which to choose. A LARGE STOCK, A GOOD STOCK, A CHEAP STOCK. Be sure to call and examine. Custom work as usual done on short notice and in a neat manner. Mrs. Down spent Nw Years with her daughter, Mrs. ChisJwt, of thia villaije. Mr. T. Egan of Kri*. Pa., alo N. P. Egan, of Hamilton, paid a vi*it la*t week to their brother J. Egan, of thi* place. Mia* Hemphill, of DunJalk, spent the last few days with her frieuds here. Mrs. 8. Thompson and family are vis- iting with Mrs. G. Lawrence in Kimber- JOS. SMITH, Flesherton. Groceries' AND Provisions. mh uadtnlROxl OMlrci to Inform tha pcopl* (*) thtl be kiwpi on hand a full itock of |rocr- i ao<l proviuoiu, tuolauiug eared m'- N 1 near. Tea*, a* low as the lowest. ditto. LOGS_WANTED. Aay quantlt? of ioft elm lomi. Muitbosoand and clr of knota, aad cat into leotfths to work Into it" two fuel icbt iachM IOIIK and ifi^jii iucb8 la diamtr. Th tnjaJlvnt lof takn W want )! tin' Hilit bolu w can get. kjn bidxaud ikioi. OAstUDB * WRIOHT FlMDertoo I lour and !'. t Fruits in Season, Vegetables. Conrrcttouery etc. *. n.*-*. long ro.t.* and *g^ and otbr tor wNoh. ( lest market price wlil bo allbwud. W. Bariihcuse, - Flesiiertoo HORSEMEN! Pay Attention 1 Having purclied tlie harness business from Mr. Clayton, I wish to intimate that my en- deavor will be to ph-nso and satisfy customers iu any work which may be entrusted to me. All kinds of Lorsemcn'i re- quisites kept in stock, at low rates. Good workmanship guaran- teed. Soliciting yonr orders, I iciuain respectfully, W.MOORE- FIcsLctton. Jan. 24, 1893. J. B. SLOAN has on hart), and fot wtle h. Joors sn<i lumber. Ternin^ u<l pluiniiiK don to orjr. ObupplnK mi- iu cnuui otion. Mw From onrovm Corrtipo*dt*t. A happy New Year to all the readers of the Advance. A the election* are over and the ex- citemeut abating, w feel a little more conpoeed and we willetrivu to send you ill "r usual btwigwt. Mr John McCoDoea came to the oon- elusion that two w better than one and took unto himself partner fof lu'e, in the poieoa of Mies Iolins.m, fr-jm near Muaford. May hpptness follow them ail through the juu^ rf life i the i*h of your c..r. Born, in Kimberfejr. Tlie wife of Rev. W. J. Waddell el a daughter on Jan. 4th Mr. Donald Wallace was elected school trusMNJ at the annual meeting iu tha placo of Mr. McConuell retiring. There are lots of U>e coming into the sawmill here and we expect tho mill will b very busy as usual this coming sum Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Walter took theit New Year's dmner (u Wnltm's F-ulti. And oit i.wn J. R., * succewful at the poll* this year. Congratulations J. R. A Racking Cough Cured by Ayer'. Cherry Pectoral. I.Irs. P. D. HALL, 217 Genesaee St., Lockport, K. Y., says : "Over thirty yean ago, I remember In arin^ my father describe the wondur- ful curntive effect, of Ayer*. Cherry Pectural. Daring a recent attack of La Grippe, which assumed ibo form of a cturrb,soreneuof the lunga, aocom- p.i. ii-J by an aggravating cough, I usrtl various remedies and prescriptions. Whilo some of these medicines partially alleviated the coughing during tha day, none of them afforded me any relief from that spaxmodic action of the lungs which would seize me the moment I attempted to lie down at night. After ten or twelve such niKhts, I was Nearly in Despair, and had about decided to sit up all night In my easy chair, and procure what sleep I could in that way. It then oc- curred to me that I had a bottle of Ayer. Cherry Pectoral. I took a spoonful of this preparation in a little water, and was able to lie down without roiiKliing. In a few momenta, I fell H-il. ]!. and awoke in tho morning greatly refreshed and fooling much better. I took teaspoonful of the Pec- ' tl every ri)ilit for a week, then grad- ually decreased the dose, and in two weeks my couch was cured." Ayer's Cherry Pectoral 1 "pnrObyDr.J.C.AycrkOo.,Ix>wll,)fiM, ^' tj net, sure to cure I From our i>.ra C'-.rrespeiufc'. t. We have been taking holidays lately Mr. Bditor, but mus-t settle down to busi- na* auain. Klection* aie over without much excitement. Winter hi* retunn-T wi 'i pWnly of now. Oliristnris i-. o\i r i ..-I we have onired upon snotaer year. May it be a* proH.ieroim us i:..- .asf. Mr. Italic CleiT'i'ii wholiiw been absent in B. C., f< r i In- (<t t to yf .!. i* now home on H Mis* Minnie Yoem-na who h*H been in the city for i.i'i? crime home for the Chrir-t-ms iio'iiiaN". Miss Polly iili-ay. who h been ill in M-iford w lon^, is s -II very low Mr*. 8. J"Hl ii l't Monday for Oan- geville, where she will in future rrs.i'e. Mr. W J. Shore llftH InUen up hmiuni deuce in hi* new | r.-m e. Mr. Huyh Mathewson is moving into hitt new house <>n the Sparling pr..|>.M:v thi^ week. Mr. John Eaton is ill witii La Orip.-. Mis Maoiiie Black of Mcai'oid school spent her holidays at home. Frvrrshum. frm unroHtt (.'orrenponu 1 * nt. Mr. J"hn Parks ha returned to To- ronto to resume his studies in theMed'Oil C,.l I, %<-. Kil.he Piml lia roUirned to resume IIIH studios at Gil inuwo >d hih ch""l. One evening late'y *>nie<t' lh sc! wort) itlidiiii; <<n t'i crust, mi the - wlu'ii litiln Sii.T'l Cli|Uvtt sliil ovi>r the ^ck bi'hiinl t!i.- . ..'t:Mn1 mill ;i:n! istance of *b.'Ut tw^nty-lixe feet auJ lit in t he middle of the river, but he scram- /^t p/P Y()TT R bled outand up theothor bank, very little \J ^^> Mk the worse for hi.s winter bath. The wedding bells have been kept ringing here lately. Mr. Qeo. Julieii was joined in wedlock's bond* to Mia* E. Hudson, and Mr. Will Hudson to MIIM L>mie Kemishan, and Mr. John Griffin to Mu Robert*. The latter couple started for a week's visit to friends in Lutowtd. May their sail in life's boat be tended by fair winds and a clear sky. Miss Emma and Srh Perigo visited friends in and around Fleaherton last week. Mrs. A. McGirr is vsitinir friend* in Flesherbm. Ueo. Burk is visiting friends in Buffido just now. Will Davidson baa been home for the hut two i-i-ks. Mr. Hamilton, our school teacher, has hskeii uemiol of the bir.-h for thin year. Mr. J 1m has bought E. Uortou's firm and stuck, and Mr. Horton has bought land and is erecting a saw-mill in the valley. Prirevtlle. C. J. LEITCH, Merchant Tailor, WHICH MEANS THE BIST Consequently tlie che From r own Corrttptnuirnt. Thu S. <). T. are booming again. At the meeting last Thursday evening 3 new members were initiated and one re- in staled. The following officers were elect- ed for the ensuinu quarter : P. W. P., Alex. Jauies ; \V. P., Rbt. McLachlan ; F. 8., Thus. Nichul; Tread.. Lizzie Co- bourn ; R. S.. John MoLeod ; awi't R.S., Rebecca Nichol , Chap. John Mckechuie ; Con., Donald McPliail ; aai't con., Mag- gie iK-Krchnie ; I. S., Kuby Rn *> ; O. S., Jnu. Nichul. Tbe annual coi.jjrvgaition*! meUnt( of U> IVnanyVtn.ui church was held on Jan. 2nd. The atmnoe* were f.wad to be in a very satUfnetory state owing 'o the char- acteristic enrrvyr of insnuuer*. The build- ing of it was or.k< hcil hut nothing <leluiKu was .vcjmpliahcd. We trust the congrtwatijii will see their way clear f >r tlir *|M.'r<ly i-ri"-tion uf a suitable resi- dence tor their minister. The Uev. Mr. Ottewell occupied the jmlpit of the Methodist church in the morning anu Mr. Win. Henderson uf >". York in the evening. The RUT. Mr. Hartley is quite ill at present. Died Wu Thursday Jan. ith, Mr.Mnl- coini McKay. The deceased has been a ICM.I -lit uf our village for a number of yean. M.Eiciiajdson&Co Hardware Depot. Our Stock of cross-cut saws and axes is ful! and we wonld . ask anyone m need of either to give us a call. Another shipment ot Maple Leaf Rac- er saws 10 be in this week. CROCKERY :-*P~- \Ve have 6 doz vegetable ; and pudding dishes to be .cleared off at less than half : price, from 5 to 20 cts. each. Our stock of tinware, lan- terns and wall paper is full. Watch next advertisement i for barfjam* ia wa,l hardware Department. Uss THE CELEBRATED B. Laurance SPEITAC'LES -nd Tlio extrvmely cold weather iu Europe continues, in England mnny roads have 1 . -I-II ni.i.lo impassable by snow drifts. Many shipwrecks are reported. "1 ratiicr vi.t* for a h>n^-vi>ri-.i donk.-y than f.iryou," said *n ii-d.-p.-n- J^ a Q B BlaZ'S'tOClt* drill voter 1. 1 acMidid.ite fertile l'..u 1110 otli.-r day. "Oh, come now, you o.i_..r not to allow yourself to be in!' col by family ties," responded t'ie il.itu. Tlie voter ha* beuu puz/.liiu In* hi'. nl ever since to tim' out why the crowd 1 i -I-,, nl. Shelbivrne fccocc. A n<iii.irka--h' and valual>)e lirulto and riding whi;< have bui>n on exhibition at the store 'f Mr. T. W. Doitnlas during tiif ist c -uple of weeks, wovmi entirely ofh' ill- hair !>y oiu- Mi-MiHan, a convict in the sti'.te prison at Buttf. .Montana, lust sn miner. The) articled are of very tine design and workmanship and have been greatly admired by all who have ex- miii ted ih-in. They were hrouvht fr->m Cii i .o liy Mr. I'.d. \V,j!rich a couple of works ago. O. S. Time*. Th-r< ' rot much "holiday" for coun tiv n-wspaper publisher* for a little time hefora and after Ui Chrin f tnas holitiyiiT Tliere ar>- so many entertair.tnei'ts of one kind ml another to be looked after mui:ici|wl elections t.. be attended to .fid tnunv.pal print iric wanted ins hurry in \.lditi. >n to many vill.T pressing bu- Farm for Sale or Exciango, A Kare Chance. I ^ H Sulo or Exobanue for VUIaa> pn^perty io *'*: , Maxwell . "i. .r KtfYtTMU't . v;!i(ilJi Kartu li*y ill Ul* BmkwrvalU^ rp . rynv iMrii ar ii : - "I fr-v MM>I 'lriv rtltio a gootl ort Itard n.i.i ->ni nu;>pii*x1 vitn \ui*-or. Apply to W. A 1>I YM ^^J. A ' 'rtlli F** Inf. i Hotel Property For Sale* HE iMiIi-nidneJ nffoni Tnr ' pro- ivat Knt|Di. Tliis in kKixnl i-i i nt. ami the t is 10 a HOO! itn^i: inii \ pln4td^iun- nrbii>iuM e*|WCiKllv. nu.i 'n-l to ywell. Will IH> w>M on liborsl Vcnas. For i particulars at>ply to tno , JnUN fhr" i^nit much f:in Tor the 'h th .mploTe---ep>K;ial!y wlnn la is l<ii*v trying to if*t in aoiMof it" wrk. And extra "band." ro wanted lm . i it 'irou-irsbla. Act n Frc Tn-w. Keller iaSK Hours I 'i*,trnsin Kidney and Bladder diseases n-li-vod in 8ii hoars by the "Ornt So,;, i Vmt-ncan Kidney Cure. " This now mm-dy IB a yn>t surprise and ilr!i,.lit tn p 'VsioianB on account of us .iciWn: tnea* in nOicving pain in tho blnjiler. kidney* Iwck and everv part of th<.> uri'i iry pea- Me* iu male or female. 1 r. 'ii-vg rJ eiitii-ii "f water snd pnln in p M nt it al most. inimediMoly. If yri w -t qulek ii'ii.-f mid cure Mils U yourn 'tifly. \'j Wm. Richarvlson, rl

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