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Flesherton Advance, 30 Nov 1893, p. 3

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THEWEEKVS NEWS Tbe German {raveraatent has decided to eatab.Ub a permanent mi'.iuary cmanp at Ualmrdy m Rbeeiah rYusi M aa o<bet to the stroa earthworks Frasv* ha* con- VAK Elf* T AC tTlvT arerycloas watch upon The police *f each country will arrc for- (. Anarch*:* aad aead them back to their own couatriea. J* l * * '"'* - m*rl Ttaae* ! MM M.I.-.. CAXAMA*. Troop t Sea. the sbipbrokersef St. JUha. W.B., toe* failed with Imbilitie* of V re than *900,OW. Dominion Ooveraannt officials seized tbe tog B. C. Ogg lea, and about four miles of ill net, the propetty of tbe Saadnsky Fun Company. The; were caught fiahiag Bear Fele Islaad in Canadian water*. A cargo of sraaia has arrive 1 in Montreal from Chins g* ia eigat day*, which is said te be tbe qaickeai time ua record. The Arehbiahop of Oalano baa withdrawn u aame aa oa* of the vice-presidents of th* English Church Union. Tbe poli:e eeaans of th* city of Toronto baa been eompieted, and shows that on the night of November ~>:t>. the popalation was 18S.333L So satisfactory is th* financial state of to do with him. Sooaer or later or Ijoth ! affairs of th* John H. Stratford bpitl at j they strike bis comfort or his life in a ' Braatford, Out., that the ci:y grant ef $-J, direct way that few of th* flasssisT kiage " ~* ) i* not needed, and tbe Cooncil will be know. What u a il-Tal cnsu oa Wall notified to that effect. (street is apt to bs a food rriaia ia the teoe- John Mc.Vabb, aa old maa, who wu{ BMat - The New York Mail and Kiprea* found unconscious in Sylveater Bros. ' eJe- "* **" investigating tha state ef aanisrs I vator Toronto, OB Thuraday last, died at ; iu * Yk city, ia.l thing* do not look ' immensely better tbaa they did a few I weeks ago wbea the World was diatribnt- ' ing bread to knarry applicants. One new* - item reads : - A womaa killed herself in aa Bast side tenement b*ca* not lo*g ago i -?* * *" Tbe stringency ia rommsrritl aSairs in the .tuuee, thcngb perhaps eased to soat* extent by recent legislation e* the aswtioo, is still severely felt, especially in BBBahiee. In Xew Y-ri, aocor<i:n< to the I , :.; ^ d^^^rE't. line aabarn hair ; I whs; beat, with < zrowiag thin. "H sap set gray eyes. th* pine of twilight eon* he took it out aad hud it -m ti sw)e him, uarmeaag hia leg* i " hisseelf with the sir of a face and aasooth e waa spare aad an ate iriy iron-gray locks, crow's-feet absat Bra He fcii IIISB sn ling , bat BOW beach be- i *tr w to w . i.i tak= seeael tbe eiear, iee-euU water at horn*, which ud aever been shut oat by aama from as tt i U look- Its a te 11.:.* er. I duaao's I care aoou: gate A her yea've aauaraapr4sp. " 7 " We:V - and all .< Yea moat . tbe Gwmal hoepita! oa Satirfay. A port aurtasa examiaftiioa disTloeed the fact that bis apiae had be*o fractured. The ctrcnni- etaaces coaaeetcd with h<s death an rather suspicion*. Several people on the Chicago eipreas of the Michigan Central railwai which arrived * at Niagara Falls oa SUturday afternoon at "" '~- I BOW !" F. ** tabby rose aa her hind lags in parria* easte, aad hit her aeae agaiast the I saucer. Mrs. Piket eecaujc she could not provide food to, ^batv L_T ' " *.!/ r..l k. kilJ UV_ ,.__<- 1 ._! * <1 *S*BBaj| -day nre oek. aw a boa: with tw. trureling in the Canadian rapid*. boat ai*a|ipeare<i l aad is supposed gone over the Horse .Shoe fal self and her child. She prefeired poison te She was a yoang wile with a I fi I that haageaf >f OB* grown flashy aot ia the least |>r>n rheum ilio. aboat He waa a gentle soul. a.rb ia the audit a/ the o "bsV ' Tke German steamer Mark oroaania, which j eoald get n* work, hi sae* she waala raja bj * arrived at Halifax oa Saturday night from j and ill, and she knew no on* to leave hi r ! t *** f s * Hamburg, report* that on the Uth iaat. haby with. She triad employment aaaaaia* I ~' ahe fell ia with the lUimer Bom in MB. of and raady-niade *lsbaBi saareaz aael BBBBI the Dominion line, on tire. Sh* lay by until tbe following day, when the fire was considered to be under control. Th Domin- ion was seriously damaged, and eae hundred and eighty head of cattle wet* baraeJ, aad their remains thrown overboard. Tb* stockholders ef tbe XUara Tails aad Clifton Suspension Brute* Compaaie* intend to petition tbe IXievaioa Parliament for th* priv iege te lay tracks on their pna- nt tractor*, immediately below the I American Falls, for tbe purpoe* of running statute, cable, or horse car*. Mr. R. \V. Webb, the Moatreal dia*gia I who sold Hooper the pruasic actd with which the latter is said to have killed hia died suddenly ia Montreal ea Sca- :-. hero w- caooa^g. Mora lh " r**""* *'"*" 1 * "* *~ tr ^ she (fare up the city of Xew York. _ _ . . w -,, tery instance. Tb* Jfctf a* rar>W r*' ! ^* *"- Swete dty k* ptsas ills -.lie went totbe InielIiir*ao*OfficeJ tho " <1 **' OB| **** f-r ' ""** and found there freak evidence of ,^ I a kJsetorrejdlB*m*SBB,was like * pinching hardness of the time*. On* of tbe woman clerka hs saw satd that ahe had Bsvar seen such bard time* haters. Last year at ihis tisja.- ah* alaced BMC* serraats ia sometiaee tbaa we do An I ef the Acropolis to aa ar ! ar as mountain outlines to th* lonely plain. Bat th* Tbia. > the pan/ring airs of heaven, bat lay where the anmabiag buck** aad ahaia hreke every day tb ir.ajp o! fern and moss Ha threat grew parched aid dry wuhWagiac. When they were within ihre* nail*, sf the sea, it aaswjsd te tham that tbey onild tasto the eitoees of the mcosoia*; trees* ; tbe raad wa. aakledeep iadast ; th* aardea flowers ware r, .inng IB teeir bri)r>ta**s. It was a new world. Ana whea at last the* edfromth* marsh-bordered lead r4*Wsead.andsnv.*dasnd*Wi> eeraar. Mra. Hka faced bar ausbaad ta triumph. "Thar*, lather " ah* ariad. -There But Bu e eye. wen need on the dash- board in treat of him. H* locked pale. - Why father." said she. impatiently . "aia t yeagcta* tokwk? It's the S** r "Yea. '**" ** Hi. asawdy; "bytne-by. I m ' te put the haras* up fast," " WeU. I never !" sail Mr*. Pike ; sad as they drew up ** to* aaady tract where Sereao bad preTiouely arranged a pUe* for their teaca, a added s ha set fretfnlly, turai B * M **> "I daaao what'. ***** ov 1 There*! the water, aad b* wosi't evea e*at hi* eye* at it." But aiisnluia 1 bar "'Tr. by itmi JTilT-J- love. th*a*> not of Ukeaeea. " Doa't ather him. us*.' aba aud. " Hell f * ' to it preuy soon. Hera, let's h out the** littl* thinga, whik they're . so tbey can get at the teata.' Mrs. Pike's miad waa divwrted by the eii**acM* of labor, and she said ao mere bat after th* bone* bad beea pat up at a IfjawamV bar ana threagh bar mthersand lad Urn away. " Come pa," ah* said ia a wawper. " W 's you aad me Keat, aad Tbe by cable naeumg *. tL tef England was well smoeg heavealy bodiM. so - o. i -~i;. o: - r>.awaaU rei avrthode aad atabflltj That Mr. Frederick May, the trwated *-~ of u:a aa laauut uo&. shoald have, ae hi* saim ef d-Ty et cheek from the direetarate ' waraiag that in each affairs sleiaal aaee * the price of safety. tbe cieimi.'.ial werU for igil- Tbe hiatery af the km -are. added. a siaci* we *. day ' " There were BOW ia a w*e. bar* y a TOUBg rnilBBB are hungry. fainted oa th* fleer. Site 'had been sitting here all fie foresaoa. After ah* nuns to, ' we asked her what was the Batter, and ; what do yoa *.ippeae? Th* laolisb thing | hid had nothing toeat for a day aad a half" Just think of thai.* - ular testimony is girsaxby thscolu-nn- I faL It cover* all etasaea af workers wb* N'o less than sev*a distinct attempts te wreck Canadian Pacid< railway traini have b**n made lately, aad the railway aothori- ** " t preeaat invntiga:iag in* matter. Jndge Gill, in the Meatreal Superior ' *" >J ^ B <l" t Pa gettiae; carpievBMat if Court. ooadimasJ th* Windsor Hotel Com- " J * r * * This eae iareeti P*"T te pay fifteen hundred doHars rtsms*** ! ** ! "" referrei' to Mr*. Wtliiama. the widow of a railway Mr nr r>*r porter, wbo was killed by ttt* hotel elevator I * clor . * et ~ * 1 baying, aad haireaUng gas aimiUr * llko ^ h "f "* Uj - --(- ts.. . cnraiOB* were toreajB to hia - 'I Ma. Bat at UsthL wife had stepped tb* vaa. and iriaisi< aa eiped.uoo. with all th* valor of a Sir Fraa.-is Drake. " Xow. daa't yoa my an* word, father."* ah* bad said. " W e r* gain' **WB to tb* Hattie and TO* Bad me, to camp out. Iilldousaii thrre ja> t ago. .t ion. ralminJ to, toacbed servaaU. clerk*, ee, fancy cook*, butlers, school .taacaen, prirate ' tatora, earl*, , ""7<Uy. Fot day* before the d.te of tbe Eli bed bee* solemn aad treeaa'eas, aa with joy ; but BOW oa th* eve ef the great event. he shrank back from it with aa uaiiiml attoa that it was lik* death, aad that b* w* ae* prepared. N'eit moraiag. however, ham they all rose ana *alv s tbeu> early breakfast preparatory to start . " bowed no s:gB of ineWssjaw, aad *v*n want aboat bis outdoor tasks with an alacrity 'tod, a* hie wife approvingly remark " fer'ard theT'y'j*. 1 * He ha-1 at last aad poet* to ** to their feet, b* tamed and lisksi attheeea. H* mead it ee a soul might Almighty Or* i re ass, only to be suit blind thereafter ; far km *yws fifed psmwally with slow, bat teen. Hattie did aot look at ban, but after a while aba shouted infcs ear. abov* th* eatery ef the sari : " Bar*, pa, take my baadkorcbsat I daa*t kaow bow't BJ absat yea. bat tbia spray gsto ia my eyea." Eli took it bsdksatly. but be did not ipeak ; be aat* looked at tbe ass. The tw* sat there. ebOmd aad cewteat. aatil ecraeignbors as slow, bat the feauuar proverb - that slow aad atoady wiae the race. We have beea leaaswthat theevwset rtbatth**vileat rag have aot svaded ew bust Theald bnemef trad*, aemery stto a*> iiisilsia, thatpeepU i atsHth* ] e/eaTte. S aad that it baa beea mm* is tseiified to by to* fact ataraial warns! in allovwr the world ear > corner *f it ha* been sabjec:*J MB* Tb* Britiab Beard ef trade has joet iasaed imaam*^ blw>.bookeoaMaiamgstoti*ies of > yta-whtea ended Ja Bgvreean a*-, a l:u fsstatbB*,~ " WeO, bOher. what d* yi think?" *be said, smiliag exmbaraaUy aa his saag af tea. - Does it < total wrists, which m Ml far a* \: ef th* agures are net n kmte startl:aa> It appears, far iaatsaos. that ia th* period 4710 leaisilii** to avi. . er M2 BMTS thaa m the prseediag vear. Of to Mop Aelverttolac. An Ragllsh trade journal once riqn**ted number of its largest adverueera te giv* their epiBieos coocarnlng tbe beet time to rertietng, and the follow i*g wall wbea an daoghler Bailie, bar hasbaad. drove iato th* yar.1 m a wacoa chasrfnUr aewawstiv* et a waaderiag Uie. The tenta asxi a nmall hair trwak were stared m the back, and tb* bone's pail wwa>g below. " \\ eil, father." called RaitM. her rssy face like a flwaw UBUT the large shade-hut she had trimmed tbe population generatione that " Heard of yoa. step eaaataa j for the neaasloB. "guess we're coin to " day. as there ar* strong hint* of foul play- M ; J-k .* Saa*dt, a Belgian, lately ar- rived m Montreal, has submitted to Mayor Desjerdins sn eUborate scheme regarding a co-oporatire bread company. H propoeea to et art a company with a capital of sercaty - Be thomand dollar*, m shares of five dollars '' 'P eaeb, payable in fir^ iastolmente of on* I * dolUr each, eitendia^ erer the fire ai.-nth* ' When from December ta AprU. u*l the Tb* Catholic Church antbemies of V'oat- J** rj*' * rjfueed te allow tb. remains of ' * Mr ( 'n : oorlv. formerly of Boston ! Wbea ytM have Maviac*! everybody "f^ 4 *"*! "uakily with hast, x : *' , 'v i^ raeeBt'y .1 Medi- ; whoee life will touch your* th.t rea have ****** P" " IIar. "Y*a com* to. cn:e 1',N W. T., to b* interred IB tb* better goods and lower nrieu tbaa tl>*v can Uatue, and help pack th* dougliaau tate liriolio c-meterv. oa the *v. n T I get aaywb*.-* else. ) *" lard-pail^ oa the teble." she called. to take two paila. te maltiply crow,! on after ' He >i !e i tro-n the window whr* he ._ as patieatly hWu,g bis bead bijk aod ;'.,. isrgiias; steasrulatina. while his wile, | ^^^ J^ ^^ for am* ap to what you expected r Ki tarwad pea her bm mild, daasd eyea. -I g*eas it dee*," be said geatly. TAU aifht they eat upon th* shore while th* moo* rue* sad laid ia tbe water her IgVrtie pathway af lighv Eii was th* ' Wst^1a.ITta. recka. ami he lay down bis bard conowiotae teat witbeat rpeeking " I wouldn't eayaV^ to father." waJaaar- ed Hattie te her ssetaV.a* they parted tar the Bight. " He feel* il^.*. good deal." - \V!1. I s'peee he H sna^s tired.- said Mrs. Pike. iD|siiiitBg, after * brief ef surense. " If* a good *V Wt I daano bat I feel paid a 1 you take your hairpin* wst. Hat 8h* atant soaasly nad vocally, besbead did aot ctete hia eyea. be abeagb b* eeU see aemmi opening in tb* tent in tb* lay the asa. silsssaly all " a-^tC a leas of !ij* ssmsl*i|. on the ground thai h* marned a second wife, after obtain- **?, ***a7""l l ***" '" fif "- T"' "-* will Uksly b* broatjM tofor* *tl>* civil Th grsa Kn s lih coal strike b me* si. and wor* was generally resumed at the cal' lien-* yesterday moraing. la an editorial dealing witb aiattwrs. the UeMie. Times sa timothy hay U cow recoguis*d as beme- a. toed a* the bast available bay of natural home growth. The Leadea Tisaee, in aa article oa the colonies, says that oa of the fir result, of the re-election of S.r \ViUiam Whitewa When men stop making faunas* right ia the discreet as* your sight solely ibisagb. ef tbe aughty ag*at, Whan you can far^vt th* wards of ih* shrewdest aad most saaceaafnl husines* ( oacerning the main ca*e of their pree- his tewering mate. TKe hired man stood Waaiag ea the paaap, obawmw a bit oi stra w, and the cats rubbed araiaM bis leg*, with iniMwaym I will be a demand nnon Km* land to fulfil tb* pledma mad* te the r^ ih* Franck^hor*. rKITlfcl* 9TATCS. fll* n.Anci.1 ooaditioa of tb* city of Chioago vwy distrfwieg. Sh* will b*. pn n*it year currmt li.Wi.tMt of one Bullion three hundred thouaaad dollar*. Cwavkts ..ployd i. tKe r>*tt (.., near B.revnthMn. Ala., MI fir, to the bath houa on FnJaT mornigg ia tb.K*pes of When erery maa has bsonms s* tber- ugaly a ereature of habit that b* will certainly buy this year where he bought last yesr. Whea younger aad fresher house., ia yo*r lias c*a*e starting up and using tb* news- paper* m telling th* people bow much Ut- ter they can d* for team than ye* oaa. Wbea you wouM rather have roar own way and fail tbaa take advice aad win. ared up tbe rwina, and drove oat of the the gate he pulled up. ing ia sharp sarpia**, with a faint bop* that to* light aught briag re- lief. Jaatas the stars faded *atea* buaio- ua line pa* ailed tbe East, b* reee, smaeth- *d bar beer, aad stepped softly out ana* th* bserh There be saw tw* sbaslswy Bgurea, ;'stsai sail Hattie. She hurried forward to sseet him. " Yeu g*in' to ate the swarm*, too, father r she .aid. I made 8 si BBS ceme. He's awful mad at bang waked up. Eh grasped her arm. Hatti*? b* said m a " doa't you tell. I juateome eat te waa her* before I g*. I'm gwm' goin'aow! '--why, fatherfaaid Hattis t bat ah* pi stud his face, aad her peered mar* else sty into ' tna*ehnng*d. "AUrigu- When cobedy em* thinks it pays to ad- vents*. The Urfeet lMO.Bftbnedimat.ra. Of gurimg in th* iwaor*, were eiihar British *r eotoasat Th* Is fl ollsi I wad east oaawt *f Iremnd. 131; D onhc*a*t*fSartlaad. tt; east coast ef Scotland. Ma ; sad atbar part*. Js3 ; tetei. Slid, er 40C merethaa ia th* prevae year. It ha* been tsusJ. a* a rule, that th* *a*t tb* last thrw year* a Hlang* has occurred, ead th* west cjeat haaptwveti me** dmnaowas taaa any other. Tb* total loss ef life was 5*3. Tb* following flfwres show tb* aanbwr *f wreck* oa the coast *f th* Carted Kmg- *4em for the last twenty rear* : I ~ iltt: -C5-7. __ 3017 : HT77-78, 44M t IJ7S- T, 37I :^g2Ma. 31 : IS8M. 4A7 ; ISO-8*.w*Si au ; Km moaat a>ata ::.eee Fee*. Dr. J. W. Gregory. *f tb* Geo 1 partaMat af th* Bnueh Ma History, baa ree.ksd ~ M< ditieaa. ba For the firs* ton mile* of tb* way. fami- i ... liar in being the road te saarkst, Eli was i ' placidly ckeerfu*. The sen** that be wae ! . , U goiagto do som* itraage Ueej. te etp f" ' into aa unknown country, dropped away thie they failed, bat two white wh.werea.Wp i. tbe bath botoe. were burned todcatH. .porttotb, 8t*to. -xtaU Departmeat d*Ur* that Mmister Stsreas was directly responsibl* for the overthrow at the Q.*n of Hawaii and that without his intervention the provisional Unrernmat coold not have been eetablisbed. tUNIBAL. Tt is staled m S*. PMerswarg that ne- atiatioB* are in prepress for a *Mi ^ Ue ian Mediterranean Beet t* Coaeunti- Tb* Madrid nsweptpers ratje tb* paWia tlamour to thrash tb* Kabyle,., sta thw *toosl, embarrato th* OoTewuMnt, who fear that they will b* compiled to - tb* impertent (own of Kaoban, in Kbormafan, was dntror*,? by aneartbtixak*. and it ia feared that the lees of life is *ry heavy. An attempt wa* snad* in Mane.ll,, . WedMaday aigbi to blow up th* reaideac* fO^bfatbaSn with dynamite, A breach w**sawdei*tB*nmUr We orderly -room, bat D* eas was injure from him, and be chatted, ia bis" intermit- I * *!"J*^ tent. s*r.o-j wv. of th* crepe aad the lay I J*** * of th* land. - Pretty bad }ob up ntong ! "* ' TB* largest gasMtetor m tbe wV.d is at bar*, sin't it. faJwr r caJUd Sereno. a* ,**" ~ revnwtch, Bag. W hen f jll it con tains ! they passed a *toril* paetar* which two 1 ' - < cfeetnfgaa. It weigh* ^.- j plodding mn and a yoke of oxen were r -t):0ua,is ISOUel bigh, a30f*t m dia- oVtsniac from it* rockv fettera. " TV met.t. requires l^ ton* of coal t* fill it ; a ge.l deal of paetura^ in assn* place with gas. aad oott *.WO,0(. I aiat fit for acthin' but to bald tT TV* navigalioa of tb* D*id ** is the Ut ! tog*tb*r, " returned Eli ; aad UK t stepia ori*n ml progreea. The Sultan has ll*at, hi* ey fixed on D*U'- seat two >ailiog basts there, one for freight j Mn > atoutb workiac a lit and an* I or patecaitera. AJbul Hamid is pmgtssa threugb a l*sdwair' hf eaassd him to cast a kr gciag te try te make money oat of th* salt, bitumen aad sulphur of th* lake. Th* boatfly passe* tbe greater part ef its lite twiirming aa-t dinag in tbe water. It i* the terror of all other aquatic iasecta and has been known t* kill those that are five aad six times itstis*. Sow>l.,:i, in Not A Wale*, i* tbe higneat mountia south of the Tweed, aad S---aw Fell Pike* in Cumberland, the summit of -' . !i w 3.14M feet above tb* sea Urel. tbe greatest elevation ia England. Th* beat way to ascertain whether or not eofTee has been adulterated is te pour c*M waier oa it If pur* it will color th* water vary slightly: if mixed with ebicory tb* water will tike a browaiah hae, "TV A gro ia Floyd County, Georgia dr*a- e4 htmtelf ia a *b*et a few day* ag* and itarted aut at dusk te "sorr* over hie own smooth, BI We've prospered, aia' said at rast : aad ba w followiBgbis tbooghts. teas* who have lived ! e,f her black 'silk vi with a w*r>Mmfl*i' aia't got no aaaa* to Bat Fli ate spari anted and solemn said his wit*. Andb*c over to that well I dnnk awre'n t But when b* cat a pail brimminj laps rprsssia i hssusaikiuaw Oat water '" h- ' oit o* the rate find BO fault w>- pniL " Pretty r-. the life out . f " a white w*ani. against when he bad a Mrs. Pike rejoiaed . grievance. He intercepted her a* the was p^tty particular aboat retutaiag to the bouse from tbe well and , n . { hmt Ky >ia , ^.^ - near

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