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Flesherton Advance, 23 Nov 1893, p. 8

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THE FLKSHERTON ADVANCE TS3 GALL, 1 Is fully equipped with re- quisites for turning out > per- tpct class of work. All kinds gf pictures taken and finished 4p a style equal to any city ijork, while the prices are lower. Picture Framing d< lie ID all its branches. If you have shopping to do ajo;l pictures to get taken on Uie same day please attend to the latter first. Careful at- tsntion will be given to copy- Jo^ other pictures. Mrs. Bulmer. HAVE YOU BACK- ACHE WILL CURE YOU Backache the kid- reyi art In trouble. Dorfrt'i Kidney Pllli eiut f.rompt ////" "76 par cnf. of diirnut It fit C'.(.'irf / / ditordirtd hld- ntyt. " Might nitutll try to hav a healthy city without twer- ng, al good h-ilth U'litn tlta kidney* art clogyjd, t'trtj art tht -tauengtrt of the nyittm. "Delay It dnngtrout. Ntg- lacttd kidney trouble! fteult In Bad Blood, Dyipepila, Uver C-implaint, and tht moit dan- gerout of all, Hrighti Dlstatt, Dlabtttt and Dropiy." 'Tht abovt distant cannot fif when Dodd'B Kidney Pi /It art uted. SoU by all dralere or eent by mail on rereipt of price 50 ri-iUn. prr box or six f.x- |..^a. Dr. L. A. Sii.i.h 4: i .,. Tuntuo. Wriut tat k<uk oalled kidi^y 1 alk. j . MY LIFE tt rrrwlv/r-rr. 'i - -""I?' ' . irJ v r. _- tr UouV'4 1: : t joit. V * ' l :?<. i Proton Council. J ft! rf*V./ to flv To The Public. ! Having ranted Whlttou's bltckimlth hop for a term of yuan, I aiu DOW In a poiitiou to ctrto all wauta iu taf lino. a Specialtj, ; iatlsfactUn Voaranteed. For anything in iht batktmitking lint call on F. A. BUNT, Oppoilto HlebardaoD'a Hardware itore THE; Tailor, Uakei all garincntu of lueu'i wcav tlii- best Btj l.i at short notice. All woi'k giiHianterd. A ti-iitl solieitcrl. F. A. BAKER, FLESHERTON. II) Minnies of meeting of Nov. 4, 1833. Curbett Watacm That bylaw N... 33, for appointment of deputy returning offi- cer* and polling for municipal election* for 18'J4 be aa f..llow : I'ollii'g ub-dirision S>. 1, Iti'lwrt FtowelU ; No. 2, Rusacll ; N... 3, Jaa. McDonald ; No. 4. Cbas. Cavanaxli ; No. 6, Alex AclK-8-.n ; No. 6, -Ins Buckli-y. No. 1, House T.f Jacob Hopf ; No. 2, houao of Jui, A. Soailet ; No. S.Housc <if I> -niM Feiguson ; No, 4 II.IUBJ of Jii". T. Joliu- aon ; No. 5, John- Allen ; No. C, Separate sch.'dl. Lauiihlin Shaw That the f..lli.winx be paid for w.rX, div. 4 ; Wm. Brown, $18 ; Peter Smith, 17 50 ; G. \\oley, |10 ; Win. Bryce, 8C ;* Abbot t, $3 ; T. Patternon, 90 cU. ; Ben j. Arias. $1.20 ; Tho*. Wikliiic, $2 ; Alex. Wil'.i.m* - $11. Wataon Laugiilin That the foll-.w- in; b pnid for wo:k div.H: Jim. Ku >i,$l; Jos. Philips, work mi town line Arteme- via and Proton, $82 50 ; Jno. A. Scarlet, $2.50 ; Albert Haw, $1 60 ; J. MeNally, $7 ; W. Renwick, $3 ; Janet Ferguson forgravttl, $1.60. C.irbett Watson That the Mlowmg be paid for work, div. 5 : Joe. Bowler 830, townline Melancthon aud Proton Th.-s. LockhAH, $11, lowi.lme Artemeaia and Proton ; Jno Rutherf..rd, $7 ; Jn- AblK-tt, $3 ; Ag.iew, $1 ; D. Mc- Donald, DO eta. Divibiou 2, : J. Biltorf. $6.50 ; J. Dez II, f ; JOB. E11U $15 ; T.MoUr t . n ,$24 63 ; Ort. Stubbe, $10 50 ; L.Vett,$6.40 G. Smith. $1 ; J*. Smith. 4 Div. 1 : Ja Bentley, $20.30, townline Kgrciiiii t ami Proton; Ja. McKay, $9.70, ti.wi.line Egremont and I'.oton ; DunaH McFaydmi.10.a6 ; G. Y., $4.60 David Thorp, grarel,$2 50 ; T. McLftrun, 813.12. CiirU-tl Laugiilin That the wdector* "f .lurora be paul as follow* : S. Rogoia, $4 ; A. Jack. $4 ; Jaa Cav*mgh,9&, and $10 for copy of assessment rill for county (oancil. Corbott Shaw That Jo. Eaeei lo paid $347 23, under drainage l.y law IT., fin il |>ayui---nt under contract Gtrbott Watenn That Jos. Euaex paid f I'J.'i under drain me by-law No 3J, rurtitied by township engineer. Lanithhn- Sliaw-^Tliat Mtlcohn Sin- clair bo j.aid $85, uiaier drainage- by-lnw N... L"), ceitified by wiiuineor. tlie fo'lowuiK IIP pa il f"r work, div. 2 : T. Mcl-ren, L':5.:iT ; Joe. Eili. $4.60 ; Jan Difim, $1 ; Cha. Cavanaiili, $15 ; Win. AndurM.n 811.SO,uuiUr d^ni..- hge liy-'w N". liO, ci rt (ieil by enuinecr. Lnughlin C-iiU'lt That IMUIO Tiaj- ii. -r, t"Wi'hhip e^gii.evr, l>e ]*iil $1" '' r ilrr;ni, and $11 f"i exaiiiinin ad Ov. ivi Monn1. Ontario. l^i The Very IM.ACI.; l!i PANAIIA TO (IKT A 7"/."r'i./i//i Ilniinru Kdnnilitm. a Hound Trip ^ T B f, .... t ril (*', in and :, ! ii.. . i. . i 111 Canada, tbeo llt ': . i \nitiliii- nvery. f \. r , , i -i prod :''o the l an.1 \t,.ji ' hn In t i-iillnii.' I" ' ..-i r.iin;.l''l.' '-! I n. ^i Mini ~*T HORSUMEN! Pay AtteDtion ! Having pnrelmsed thn harness IMI liiiess from Mr. Clayton, I wish to intimate tlmt tny eu- deityor will be to please and satisfy customers in any work which may be entrusted to me. All kinds of horsemen 1 ! ir- quiftiU-s kept in stock, at low rates. (lood workmanship guaran- teed. your orders, j> J remain respectfully, W.MOORE- * fr'leclicitou. Jan. it. 1693. and awunls under diU-be* anil witter c.iurie acct Curbett Shaw That the council journ to nu-ot in H >pville, Dec. 15. JAB. CAVASAOB, Twp. Clerk. Pal oi time aud labor iu earijiog lo.l uce to luarkcts aud tail ways, all f which ia to much money ia tb ocket of me producer. Mr. I'M- uho's Hnggemiou onght to result in a ary interesting meeting, which would ive a new impetus to the work of roaa reform. Globe. A few weeks ago a party of rportg- men f.oia Do'.ton and \Voodbri<l^" nade tlieir lioadqttarters at Mead's ako, 14 miles from liusc.iu, Mnskoka. cy are rayerted to have seen several uaooao nl to l;u\\' siiot tha largest ine. AlioiU two weeks ago a p<-rsnn supposed to have i.. en oue of the virty proceeJetl to Rosseno and laid nfonnatinn. wh.-:i arint!i>r one of 'in, i.niijcJ Kliiolt, of l!olton, was iin u C-'U ;.ii'l i-iists by a 15rac(-bridge I. 1'.. the infui iiJ'-r K'-ttinj half tii>- inn. Ttie other f 10 and costs trey liviiled. The lu.ijrirny of them then jroceedfil homo, and Saturday ni'irt:- \I\K, Ohiistophcr A. Strong, of Wood- jridge, 1^-ft KoKoan per hteamer K>-i.- ozh%, having with him Hie balance of ;lic luLrgaw. At Beanrnaris, (.aitif Warden VVillmott iii8[cted btron^'s ag^agn. At tiio bottom of a ti mi!; he r onnd the foot of a moose and another li.ltlon in au old hoot. It ia supposed that this is part of the same moose for which Elliott had been fined. Will- molt arrested Strong, who was fined $0 and costs, in all $54 50, or three months in d' fiult. lie is now in jail, wailing for bis friends to get him oat. M . .,|.!>ltiii''<'. wti will give you s full Min.ial Ahitounoe- uj ml. <i vi it/ PI' I i'rlloiilan, fr.'o, addreM C. A. SHOEMAKER. f h i '..I'M I th t i l ', -. -i ' i. -.1 r ilioe 'h.ip sn 1 I am n*- |"-e l I ' .l'i s'i I in Nnf irk In '.I. Is Ian*, ;ir> . . - ' M'l . ,4* -... .. J etio>sawl <!< l -i ' r.Vi e erery ilaf. a,lo eswee < . n . i i iiraiii.iiir's oJ4 saa<4 a*4 l *Hi IM Ind o> at herne. , Elmaerarf. WEAVHTG. Barrlav n tun-lav, tlie w'ftvi.--. lm removed from Klt*h lii>iliii hi l*rir>\ illi- npsr Hi" I'l - M I.M Inn .-liurcli. Hi- M p. tn .l.i all r.iml nf wi.uvii.K.'iueli an I'liiniu ', Linn kills, fun cloth slid twcoils. Carpets a Specialty. Any work Ir.fl t Hrt Win. WrlKlit' . fl.-l.n ton. will rmeli me an I IHI rx'.iirne.l li iue ufte wofes All vorkk'iarantteil. a JOHN BARCLAY hard, Hpafin Liniiiicnt rcnmvcs al soft '-r ortllnuied Luni|>a and from lumra, Spavin Curbs, S|ilintn, Rin How, Hn-rcin-y, MtlfloK. Sprnin*, 8"r and Kwnllen Thmal, C..iiwli, rt.- Save 950 )<y uae of <>n imttl.'. WarrmiinJ th otoat wonderful IllrmUli Cur* r>rr krx.^jj. Warrantee! by Aiolurdaou * Uu. Improvement f Roads. Mr. Andrew 1'attiillo.of Woodstock MIS, bub personally and through Tin .viitini-l Hi-view, takeu n very nctiv pnrl in the agitation lor the im.irov.- mi nt of tin- cjuntry roads. He now nuHgesU that a convention bo hel ..tily nexl jear in Toronto, with ft \iew to organizing a Good . Association t')i Ontario. Mr. tullo ays tbbl in ttic I'niled i! i emtiide for reform carried ou b ihe |>i . HS, and in inanv p-u ts I aticully on the platform, hi>s been fo! lowed by oi'-jain:'. Uion, both naliona tuxl local ; BO that road reform i;my b said to bn u live public question am: is cvi'i-ywhciT lliron.'lioot the Slates. In Ontario t'le question \\M bfli'ii much din-Missed of Ut mid, as Mr. 1'attullo observe*, ill necrfisity f >r tfood roads i now r, v, , nixed lunong the finning eornmunit as il never was bel ire, and c.e;m ideas are pic-vulent, not only us to th IORR and incoiivuiiiyiee of Mich road BB exist at J'H * ".i.Vut us to the ou which leforin un.t improveuit CHU bo brought nbout. Org.ursuiou minis tu I'i' \vhal i require. I to I- the ni.-\. M.'': i in OuUii 10 abreast wuu Iluvt in Ki-.ino (if the IStuteg. A f;eiiernl impr. '\einent in the con- dition of tlie common toads would be of move bent fit to tlic-(fountiy than moii) costly and ambitious pro- jtfols. Tho rouds arc pulilic prf>;> iiiul every bid rf good woikdonc upon them is work (lone for the public. To t!:o fun.ieiK. us we linvo often pomti I out, u im-iiiii. e;tit<r access to MM. cl.nrelies and neighbors' dwellings, nn.l tlierefore improved means of education and oocial ititeicoui**, tod a gtnural beltortucnt i>f tie condition! of country It ineanralso luon-ul wwi Dear Deer- VI AKUIAUE LKXMBI Issued dair or ulclitatth rssldsv of the andcnjovi. r *ivi.HUst iii Aft :.-:i:K ' *r In K.C...'. CoiiTeyat.cer, /.e. Notary pubile. JOHN W. AKXBTHONU. - fi M KauVen, klarkrlale. d* a gDra laea*. ICoaej loaned al a reasonable rate. (eJt ou us. M. E.IIAMMONU I'xt Muter, lioiborley Cornmloloner for arUe elc Insures and loans rvoey al lowens i t'.oa Executes Leaas,.l>e<is. Wllta, R J. hPBOCLK, Rliriiiii.-ii-.iii t'urrd la a day. viuth American Khiunntic Cure fo iiMimitmu i.'l Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 day*. Itn action upoa y strm ii remarkable and mysterious. It remove* at once the cauae and t!i Ji*ean immediately diiappeara. Th lirnt doae er atlv kene6ti. 76 ent . Warranted by Richardnn A Co. Groceries' AND Provisions. rosVusfter, rieebertou. Coimlsiioi:sT tn . R., I,:ec:id >nctioneer, Cc-nTsvs-.ser. Ap- praiser ao.-i MJD.J. I^u.Ur." lieal Ei'aU e<t ruicrnr. Ajeut. rd. Mort(aM. Lieeey and Willi J.HWQ op a.- J Valuations icaAa oai bo.-test notice. Aj-:i.-3 Salon a;ter-!d t* In ii part of the Count/. Monj to ic" at lw Ml rat< of iutereit. Ooliecii-i'is ittoAed tt with prom tnee a:ij datpstch Cl.r{ee lew. aieiu for tlit Dominion t-teawsbifiOoaipaa/, eheap li.-kttt from F.>hui;. :i to LUervoeJ, illugow.l/ r any of tbe Britiih erte. I'artie* iuteitJing to Tin; Kugian j. Sm!a4 or Ire!ar..l. will p easea.k rat*, be? .t their*.-j luewhrrp. D R. BUTTON. M. D.C. M. M.C. P.* 8.. Oct.. rrleerltkt. RmiJeiice aud oXae oce 4oor wert of ta Walk- odlat Church, KJoroe. St. aad ITJll CAKTKR. at C. P A 8.. Ont 1'i.TSicIan. surgeon, eae . Fleeberton oOliw Strains b'.oek. Llttls'ie.ea Uunsbtw's hotel. m)>c undenl^nei) dt->irei to Inform the people () *hat be k.wpt on band a full ttuek of frnrer iei and pror'tlou*, ii:clu IKIK mrvl lueata. Ko. I Flour ax lov as the '.owrst- I'lour and c\--l. (I <.<><! . Co-.iirrilonrry Hrlni; along yo for w!iih I... l|.iw...l. T a"1 efre ar.<l oi'i.r teat market prloowll! W. Baruhousa, - FloshertoD Farm for Sale or A tiare Chance. >OR Sale or F.Xi-liitvo for Vlllaae i>rorvert In ton. l>'l..irtrtn ittatmn. \le\vell, JOHS A. 8COTT M. R kleiuber College A Bargeoo*. Ook aradoate to aledloioe of To.-onW Cnirimiv. Fellowship riploroa. Pott Graloate Media*! School and Ho|.ttal,Cbl<iafo. Cieeaeaeef ere. ar. nesraud throat eperiall? treated Bet4- deoce Maxwell. .Uiu Tboradaji 1 1 J^ P.OTTKWBLU Vete.luarr K',ron. Oradnate of Oot Teteririary Collofe. Ko.iit.uce Hocie lately occupied b; \\ m. Bradley at tbe Drill J. f. HALSTEAU. MI<.M. >\ A S..Cn!.. practices at rli-r. Rheumatic tiii Eta- M.U;Y u. M. D. O.M.. M.C.P. S.,0a*. .Phynlalan and Sr- j..- liit.liiato Women'! Me.'Jtal Collet- KooUence oj'peeiie T) jtt' ii.-r 1 !'i-,-. i: .. : ue> of Womeu and rvn ai>;>voialt>. Ca.'lipu i.ii-Uy atlea <>! audday. J < P. M AKaUALJ., L D.S..M D. S. rn:iit Viilte K.rkda'e the lit and !trd Wedumday of eah nioakh. Kleaherton-Kacb trip on tbe day following. r Fo\'11 ; valuable K*rui .... U'irIM if Rin-t>i 1'y in tile . vull.M-. Tp .>f :;.it. ir^i* iin t; lt , ),i t ,n- Ur^araax .u's,.. and >ln lx> a RCU.I i.; and well tuiii'ile.1 with water. Apfly t-> M. A UAYn*^(. A^; t !. > . F1r tui. Co.Waitw'* ratal A Great Offer ! lilf. of lioiM -d an CiUEAT I'APEUS - nod We ar In a rwwiii MI t(% oflter The Adrauce a.i< the Family n-.!J *iul \V,.*kly Htar. of Mont- real, for one year for ! m Thli <.Tr eutltle* *ubeorlbr to a eboloe c( tbe two great premiums KlTo-i by ttu> |Mibll>)ierii of tbe Fum- ily Herald Tbo>e proii.inmi are tbe "Star'. Aluiauac for 1AM. a : :I|H'> ' l>wk of 4.V) pscer. or If |irefrrwl a cj(.y of i>io Kreat Kawlly HenJd S iiivpiiir riotnr,. which retails at twenty dol- lars Tito 1'rctr.iuina Aluianao unl I u-tvro- H1 be ready abont tlie in, I o( N*.Teml<r. auj will bu foi -war.u'J l:i l!io onlr iu wlilob the - n.i: are rvrvi\,M. S.r . to tie |>a|Min.iavK>R<iitoiu<e. lluin. i .1 . the offer of a choice of premiums boldi i;oo<t only tu |>eo- |>le wboMilwrribe .!nrliiii tbr antumn. A(tr. wants tbe obolee will iniitlrolr be wltbdrawu j. W. KKOT, XanrUter. Solfcltor. C >rTanor. f%e. Ion ofBce -Neit the poet office 6p:oule biiiMli.c. on TliuraJays. Oven Socnd offlo* Froct't I IVAHJk WKUiHT, ^t So'lclton, Connyancen, Owi-n ."nun i. On. I - - alarkriaU, W. H. \Vni I. n. 1 . . N. B.-Fleahi>rtaa offoe. atltrhelfi Back. eTery Wednceday. J * K Qt'UlO, Prociiuiakers.Claytnu'* n Coat* mill all kinds of .-'i; 1 Irrns' clo'.hloc madt* to ordrr. C'nttlud <lon by dressmaker's seal.'. Tstronaae sollcKr.l. SOCIETIES. A O.l'.W. meets every nmt anil thlrJ l\ in ear-ti vinntli, In their Icwlije M \V.; W .1 riellan:. fnsi-c'er; Lwln Ktontder. \ . < stlieru tvvtwssV I>nY>t T!^M-TM:^ OF TKMI'l'llA>'i:K . ir l . . if i v Tuoefta-. ..le's l-l.x-k al H p u. \Vp l-i rl'thlT. tl f each i Us- THE CELEBRATED B. Lfiurance F. O. * EYECL488BS *lr Agrut- SThis soclclv 11*11 rrery \\>il <i rvenlni- at S ;> m. Vl.itti ( b;41i- . rat-re Iu eonurctii n. . r \ M . r-.-.-t in tltoATajuviM- nall.fitrmli.'x IN, I-TCI v Friday on ->i i W -^c Hi.- fill A B. Van.luwn.W M ll.J. M . sry. \ .need lj thWr hall ( brlsV> blook Ter> Br -l btid hirafl.?!" tbemontli. V, ., M. - T r.Ci*ytB,*t J. B. SLOAN Kugenia, La* ou ti>nd, and fUt hlnglet, aaab . (iuors ind lu:nbi. and plaiuing don* to cr<i*r. tn eonnectiOB. Torotaf ill

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