Ustjcrtim JUUrtntce "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR " - PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN. 1 VOL. XI1L, NO 642 FLESHERTON, OBTY, THEREAT, NOVEMBER 23. 88. W. H. THURSTOff, EOI P T " P * R , PROPRIETOR NEW WATCHES AND CLOCKS designs. Enaietlrnic new and beautiful. NEW SlLVERWARt i D^ ri,''"v n i"?.'. ! " "" '" "'* pl'ndld decti..t, of LARGER, M\M< ( ill Ar U -.)., < all in ...del-mine, -hethrr v.iu ... pro- l>Mod t. purcl.nae , r ,., ... We are always h,^>y to show p.od,.nd ,,uote prices.- WATCH REPAIRING, A? USUAL, A SPECIALTY. Armstrong Bros, LADIES and Gentlemen ! Get your supply of BOOTS and SHOES from the undersigned. New goods just imported from which to choose. A LARGE STOCK, A GOOD STOCK, A CHEAP STOCK. Thuuksttiviiig Hymn.. Thou, Lord, nrt mir life mid the length of our days : Our vouM'H to Thee in Be sure to call nn<l examine. Custom work as usual on short notice and in a neat manner. done JOS. SMITH, Flesherton. I). MeTwtefc, Ho;:srsiicr.!i AND GENERAL BLACKSMITH. (V.liiti^tvooil Street, FLESHICRTON, - ONT. Mnn'i's. : Sloialin, I), .,.!,.,- I tly *t- tMud- .1 > - ; attention gion to cuatmct- el or t. LoxKit-2 "J CloTF Chains OBI*. VIGOR or MEN Eull/, Quickly, Peraaosotly Ristint i Oor lii.'ld and our bulkier, <wrr- fill;.* and tower, We trust in Thy faithfu'nrss, mercy, and powr. W thrtuk Thee, we praise Thee, for siinnhiru mid rain, For aliii i;cl trmpeet, fur pleasure and pain ; Thy love HI,.; Thy wiadntn our tongues diHll employ, lu Lght ninl in darkuess, in sorrow and joy. Tho summer ami autumn, the winter mul sprint;, To Die* Mini! thoir tribute -f tiido bring ; The sea nn.l itn full ne*, tho earth and the aii\ All tell ..f Thy K o.,diiu*i., Tliy glory declare. We thnnk Thee, wo praie Tli*,f.>r beauty and youth, Pur justice mid freedom, for honor mid truth : For tliB wualth of the ocean, the fur- e*t and field, And all the reward* that our indus- tries yield. We thank Tie. , we prmino Thee, for |.l-:ity and peace, F"r tliy full d.iwuii; bounty that duih For the Church and tho Sabbath, the in.- end the School ; For a lard which rule. niurcy and NOTICE. Iitisa is b.K.) given that th We thank Thee and prais* The*, uur Father a IN re, For all the dear toketia of kimln* M. 1 l-'ve Tb >u ceiuleat to greet <u, aa day l".l -w.s dy, T.I !u'lit,:ii uur l.ur-}in and (jladdon u:n way. Wo thank The* fur life with it* hleea- inn ao frro, And fur tin- t'lx.l hope which we have, Lord, in Thee, That Tli"U wilt ruceire im in peace tit Thy re-r, T'>.'rv.' Thue on high with the (arm ami t!iH Most. wro wondering if the business men of our village W.TJ uoing to follow the ex- ample of other towns by do>ini; ell places of Ktiiiness on that Jay. W,' do not hear much about tho muni cipnl dictions aa yet. Our two mill* are kept very busy now, running afcuinjt night ami day. Mount Zioii. From tnu oirn ('orrritjxmdfnt Mr*. Wiilio Reud who baa been very sick for some time past, is new wu ana pleased to say, recovering. There will lie .1 temperance meeting in (he O-nnge Hull, 4th line, on Thursday' evening of this week. -A fr " r concert under the auspices of Wan ham pattnn lodye, wa* given laat Friday evening, when an enjoyable even- ing was spent by thoau proaent. Mr. and Mrs. Percy and family, of Wareham, will start lor the Santa Clara : 6 KT YOTJR C. J. LEITCH, Merchant Tailor, WHICH MEANS THE BEST Consequently tlie cli upest They brought four fine deer with valley, Californ,a.on Friday of this week. Altho Joiin McDonald and Duncan- ough they, ,11 b.. much mi,l and , ' ^ed horn* fn,m the O 1d , , settlement, where they haw nut in th* recited by their numer..u friends here, we wish them continued health and Uap- pineai in their now home. Mr*. Mortun summer. The pupils of the Presbyterian S. 8. ,e. r.m. 3,. . are preparing for their annivewary will accompany them as far a. Tonmto, ] M w . where Hhe will remain for a time. Mrs. Crawford .tn.l Mra. Culcjuett, of Fuvttratiam, paid a visit here at their par- ,, , .. , Walter N.chol returr.ed home ill last week from Owen Sound, wl.or. he wa atUtiidin^ the Coll. Inst. .re sorry to learn that Mr. .Malcolm.. ental home. Mr*. .In,, Love's, while on ,, n .:k fro, , WorM'. IT,,, McK * y " " er '" U ' l y '" * P"*"- their way l-nck from the World's Fair and a trip into Michigan, whither they went to vmit their niatvr. They report A meeting qf th Uiblu Society and Tract couimitte* waa held laat Monday in*; tune. John Jumieaon is at prevent very ill fr in tint effects of a cold taken after the me.isu'H. bu we trust wxm to see him fully recovered. distributors were appointed for each section. We oopie.1 the following from the Van- couvor Daily News: - "On Fnday .,...mi.i;j, jou, inst.,Mra. AHUM Robert. Webster, wife of Mr. Alex. C. Weber, died suddenly at the- family nmidence. Til.' K.di^ street, from oir oiou ('orrtfvoiKlnit. The di-cwwed lady wont to I.,,) i,, Another fum-ial took place last Satur- Ul ''t'> t ( 'u ni^'ht before, and .11 she no! in Roller Flouring Mills are no n. fur busi- ness, an<i in full ori.'ra tion- A / irst Class Mil- ler J*HM ClU]:l<-Tje(l, fi.*> ' 1 trill giiartmlee s<i1ii.;raction- Bring a- Ion* ijaur custom work. Chop;viiK dour a! all tlrara- A . Weakness, Nervousness, Pcblllty, and all tb* traia of evils fioni early errors or later excenes, the remits of overwork, sick- ness, worry, etc. lull Mrrnp^h, development and tone given to rcry ortn and portion of the body, bimpl*. natural ciclhocl*. Irame- diata improvement sum. Failure irapos&ible. 2,000 reference*. Ixx>V, cxplanatioo and proof* mailed (Moled) l/ca. ' ERIE MEDICAL CO,, Buffalo, H,Y. FI<>Hhcrta Station fill <)nr ttejtfirirr. Ouri-ta'ion Iman^aim renunii'd ila bun; nesa spirb. Tho yrain market, althoiul <|uite lively all fn'l, nevimi to hare take] a fr.-h!i iinp.-lns u-itli tin- l;^hint{. Mr. T. Wii^ht m tiuoy thin week ])rt> ing hay. 11- !.. . uliippil two car loads from here tliia p^ut week. There has alo IXXMI a rery larire am ountofs'ock shipped from this slatioi during the 1 >HI c. .np!i>of ni"iithN. JJr. MoDon^al.of ( >rr Lake, hns movoi Ui our Tiu-i<:t>, and op rniog up lemplMiucu and boarding liouse. \Vu winli him iu. Jiiin.'K \ViliM, who lina hc<>n drivin at.ige for Mr. Go. McF*r;.inu, in now tlii!i>; ch.-tr.'i of Mr. Crossloy's bus. Miss. McV'ail hn ruturcod froni Owen Soiiinl, nft-r :i pleaaa'.t viait iriih her sin- ter. Qui'o a n"rnl>ei of our citizens have thechani/o from the lieauti- ful t'a!l wt ilhcr. Mrs. K. Cook has boeu vety ill during i hi- past week. V.n A. McMulluii is aJso anff. ' Sth.u-1 H-.VI !.<jru Wt Monday in W \ V T I- 1 1 "I *"' (%hl< ' ">" ' Vr r\ a> ! f I/- , , . HUM* < in-] H*d PoUt<,i>n. f>ill nn.l , p]*lp '^Uoii cab o:ily be (.htai.t *d throu. . ,Iilnu or salary paid we^klj. t..l pi. , .-..tlv Kiolitsivo and chiiire of terrlwry Klvi.'i. Don't M7. writo at onc for t n>*. Co., ft *hecjr,ll. Y. f thu texcher, Bliiw Jnhnntoii. A r. A. ilaun.-ih i- aluo'."l ni'Ji i i.i"Mi, tu.d ni'i). r ihc cure- of Dr. HuMon Mr". A Wet-Ht r, f..ri!i.-rly .,f I'ri.-.- viliu, d..'.| v.'i y MI:.! !ci,ly in v'aii,'...ivur a !v.-at'i* IIUH I .!\tnl ai.J unite a hir^c family ha mourn KfMbcrtcy. day in jhi r'rii-ijville cemetery. Tlii* iti hotli ;,| n.oiiiiifiil ta'h-r:'ngatthecityof tin- .lend iu wci li. \Ve ai-e uontiniially ronii:iiieJ of the evanescence of human lit... Tho Rv. Mr S..rvice, of Curbett.m, 'i n M-ry c'fcciive minsi. nary 8T iialnt of urisinu * early as the other mem barn of tho family, thev !i i not tliii.k anything w.n am:s. On ^,n, her riKiui, huwdver, they foun I tlm* ? rs dead, heart failure bein t.b' -au*s." Tin; forf-,oiiii{ paragraph > ,il 1... read with n. rrow hy many in i], , , .,:,!.. m. .n lnt . Suiulny iu thn Metliudiat olui'cb. | l; ""''. Ibe deceased wiut w.-:i known : ""' "'thly esteemed in UH'H \\ ijiity. hav- I ' imule some startling stutenif nt. of the most astonishing waa that tho am- ount of m/ nny contribu'ed by England for purposes would only pay thu ..'rink liiil ..f tlmt country for neve n daya. \\V pro M.rry to learu that Mrs. Wm. Watson, sr, ia ill at ptosont. A iiumbor of huntors from O. S. struck our burg one diy this week. They made rnbbiia scaj-oo. The party wa composed of the following gentleWKii : Meosrs. Fv.-li.-, II irr-aon, Mauon, Hyde, Svau. A f.'W of our local sports accuni|>auiud tho vmit..r in t!n!ir cxcurainn to tlie wa:np. Mr. M. Itcil.-y's mansion is approsching C3i!ip!e'.ioii. It ia a tasty Rtrnoture and .1:1 i i,nH'nt to the village. Mr. R. is alxo building a aUhle for the oomfort of lii blood* and Jora-.y during the coming wintar. F.. i- m>me time lately Mr. U. Tucker tlmt one i.f hi* homo* WHH liune, and without any ap|>arunt eaiMo. Hu I csl!il in veterinary surgeon Mclntyre, wi:u upon u.vunining the animal found a >.' a f..rk prong over 2 in loug llrm- ly emliu.'d.'d in tlir (lull. [Tho above. .Uuus tamo to., lolo f. T last elf* J-SIIM. This week's budget is aa rs. En.] Cm.le Hill was in danger of being I into n lead minu one day list work. Tho (>. S. Niinro.1* purchnnod i.i'f ft <!ozeu lucku and plauud thorn MI ho l.ills'do for larpot practice. Thu in the villnuo for a i She was a ainlrr .,f ih.. |,,t.. I{ol>t. i n go at nil,' yosis. H'iberKon, who diel Flesherton Station. The bo.cavnl family have thuiympatliy of the comnminty. Last Thursday the remains of Uio lato John Henry were bmuglit honi.- from Tonnito, nnd ntred in the R. ('. oeme- ti-iy in <;iei!.'l'.', th^ following d-iy. The deaied was a son of Mr. .Inm, 4 l|.. Iir y and a broth-i-iu lair of Mr. Jos. Mcl> .11- aid of thin v From mi- i. n I'm-: After a li.n spoil of fin. R w - tn , tar no* IVCIIIK to intiiiul , the pr.^raninio, a we have hvl rw-. good mow st.rms in less than one . i i n Sunday i)Jt;ht tvr-lvo inches ,,.[1. Pre tygool that for Xovcii; WiUou ai< Mre> of our t ,. T . corainl w. O ur become tend thrin i. (mr nirn (': , , , . Thcre.waa quitu a fall of the Iswnt.ifn) /Or Clubbing arrangements Sunday, and themuno ,.f HU-igh bc-lls with ;iny foreign weekly ap> ' U wtinding utv*ur w*Vt t*>fi.b*f . I ly at this office. Most news-! JtM - Bank.-rvill*. of FlrHlierlon, and papers for tho balance ot this Mr (:m "'- f Mmk.iaJe. ewing machine year free. Call cariy and get , ***"'*' ?* "' *"*" T" Kri<l * y - the greater value for nnr' Mr "- Mc1l t- r I rt ." f / irnna BU " c - Micl1 tne greact-i s -aiuc I,T yjur , 8 Ti , itin({ hor brotha i Mr JftR . T ,, lir , ron mo * e y> j AsThar*day is^ d^y w u ' amount of rufiiii'd that wa.s poured The Kev. Mr. Hudson, proiichud in tho H lust, Mr. Wolls being at M Carr lillol tho pulpit in church, Mr. Perry being at !' The Itev. Mr. Rupert, intu thnthiHt rictl un:iiiooc bcggnr.s .) ..ri,it;,,n. .luri t .:!i!{ fr.mi tiie n,,,ui;ty of """ : ' I.MM .lis.;haa'.,i one noul.l think the unt r.; " f " llr " 1 "' t -'wn.- h.ini'et T, .; t ,n: ;1 i{-d in a nliaiu light or ! Af^r th ::ev.irno:iy the pi iH a ma<l \V n:,-iti..n in leasing that the ducks wcru Rcri.-innly '" wounded, as wits evident by t,li ruddy * J ''"'' " ! bath 1. Mr. , 'xlist oat rton, .ny at us on to Mi X Ur^'e supper t'i win nl'i did jiisti.-o. The evening was *p.-i porformed a very interest j. iho reHidcnri- ..! Mr. U:I|H-: afternoon last, i marriage of >ljh SUB.U H ');.... ,,f .!turc<! npi>o.\rnncv of the nor. M nr-N. \V'm. Paikor, J. D. BMWH and or aii!iimt.~ Da^c Orown arrived homo last weo!< f r >mi f , r ,| : , s*n huntin.{ tour in the Br.ict ponin Wiri-.n-ttd urnati Wool, itn..i. i . ,T fail*. a. M. Rkhardaon 3^*