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Flesherton Advance, 26 Oct 1893, p. 7

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TEE WEEK'S NEWS Archduke Francis Ferdinand, who U ex- ' 1 to airive in Kill-land next wrik, will pay a flyini; visit t., ihx Vneen at llr.1- moral. It it expected that he will be j;iveu the Grand CroMof (lie l:> A lest cuse, wbiuh caused much exoito- ment amon^ the Hebrews of ill ioin, was ended Monday at Al>cr t . , i >.* WWM t torui^v. IUC4 u where two rabbi, wore charged with cruelly , p.. oportion . cllulU . r |bleh| ovef i - malt for *lauahterinrr a hnltocK m it. . . . cjniaiice with their ancient cu-tom. The London Times, commening on ihe * .DM*. Mr. R -,ert McTireevy, w'lo lim been in tho O'.uwa gaol for aome time, ha* been liberated on bail. The. mate of the steamer Omaha, which was piling into Port l)a:|ioiisie, had both leg* broken by being hurle.1 ayuinsl the bulwarks during the storm ou Friday night. The Province of Manitoba has issued two hundred and five thousand pounds SUM im ; four per cent, debentures at rr in: the National Bank of Scotland lor public work*. It is rumoured in Hamilton that a liil' will b> niroduccd next session in the On- tario Legislaluie providing for the diviuon of the city into two electoral districts. A farmer named Mr. John A. Crawford, of Berridale, near Uurk i Fall*. OnU. wa* caught in a threshing machine and fatally huru A -laring but unsuccessful attempt at highway robbery was made on Mr. Lewis Clow, of Kingston, Ont., on Monday while driving into the city. The early-clocing by-law which was pas*, ed in Ottawa on tho Olh inst. i* particularly objectionable to the city milliner*, who say that, law or no law, they mfnd to remain open after the hour named. n-y r.lliott, stewaid of the steamer City of N.inaimo, was drowned at Vu; B.C.. on Tue*dy. Th* deceased wa* formerly of Toronto, where his n. other and sister still reside. Two of the British farmer dnlegatea hav e rrtiirneil to Ottawa from ihi-ir trip throm; h Manitoba and the North-West, sndw.-ie The enortrous amount of travel brought greatly struck by the agricultural capabili- on by the one per cent, mile rate for lie. of the country. They will present a : Chicago Day at the Fair lias been without favourable report to those intending to emigrr.le. Professor Wallace, of Kninl.iirgli Um verily, wss in Ottawa the other day, o h'ii way home from a visit to th* crofters t .illarnev an! Saltooau, in th> North- "HOLI Ml I l:nr< U1N4I. UI lOstM. llevr un 10 a n. I Its Ike He a ef Ja|tms Turned Over a \tw t>afans1 l > roprrel. lu the northern part of the Sea. of Japan, . some forl, miles distant from the lar^e is!- '; of K ., : .-) a tiny called Oku*- Inn. Its soil is fertile. Trees of -__ |. , , ins rf r* "K*" *.ni (.tuniyvri i-iiiCKiy u> ?r it-** *>ui mvc. ,ri" ! ,!".! L." ;i aU 8 llter "'< r . " lmll " ck '" ac - ! 1'h* agriculturist and the lumberman might Aft r ,,,! proflt.ui,, occupation there. But the .ring much expm evidence, the Mag,. | ch , e f pursui. of the faopU is ii,h'ini{. Kv, ,'v d.,mis*ed the case. . pr|u| { gMM ,,.,. JTS^ ^.p'oach the . Drll)) grM 'coast, and the lih are easily captured in (WLUDIO.Vi SI i:u .H MX. II. \OI l> <\ M II ,< i: l\ I. Mill rTKT. >tui>rr-ililna latcnx .,,,.. rs aedoiker stMllnay Hen The processes commonly resorted to for Of the superstition of sailors, tuherfolk I imparting a waterproof ijuality to cotton hers we have all l:e*rd, hut that such ' cloln " ve proved only measurably .uc.-ess- a 'lutiuumshed characteristic -should have j '"' beside* being somewhat complicated attached itself '.o railway men would not ' " d troublesome. The latest and nost appear to be generally known. U sivirs .effective met ho, I, a* recently described, i* somewhat of th" anomalous tfat such apre- "burned to be free from the objections here- eminently practical class of men should be : '"'we encountered, and consists, mainly, in the victims of credulity regariing the super- " r8> - drying the fabric thoroughly in a dry natural. Such, however, is the case, says a | beat and then spreading it lightly over a writer in London IV Kits. I smooth surface. With a brush this is paint- I rei-einiy ha 1 occasion to interview a cd over with a thin coat of boiled oil.wiiieh, ......... f ____ ____ , ___ . . ... . ...... ______ _________________________ at tioiioltheOpposition in the Unite. I Siwits Mich. |uantititi that this one bountiful dis- I prominent railway otlicial, ,111.1 m the ''' having become perfectly dry, is Senate to prevent, the repeal of the silver I pen vu ion of nature nuttices to feed and bill by a report to continuous Missions, s\ys clothe the iuhabitautb from year's end to that the determining of un economic ques- i year's .-n.i. tion by an appeal to physio il endurance i* I Living thus in ease and plenty the peo- ttle removed from th. pic might. b* expected to develop qualities lltle, and tho Dally Chronicle my* that i usually incidental to such circumstances. ."immuniiirg nius: hasten to get themselve* ' represented by athlete*. l-SITII) STATICS. A court--i artial has ' -. nl-red to con- | vene at Annapolis, Aid., to investigate charges of hsr.iuv against i>f veral cadets. Kmma Go) linan, the New York Anatih- ist, has b'en sentenced to one y.-ir'a im- prisonment in the penitential y. Word ha* bsen received at Tutkaho-na, I. T , of a terrible triple murder which wa* committed <i>xmt forty iml west of there. The victims weieCiioctaw*. There were sixteen* of smallpox re- ported in N'ew Vork during the week eudeti at noon on Saturday. and they app-ar to have fallen pretty rreely into thu vice of drunkenness. In ISSj there were some '.TiO soul* in the island. They possessed only four fixed net*. They lived m nouses th/.iched with coarse grass ; they ii id scarcely any roado, --nd they could boast only a singln school. Vei they con , course of the conversation thai ensued that treated to a second coat and a third ii nee- Keutleinun incidentally alluded to two col- , essary plenty ot tune being allowed be- luions which had lately occurred iu the lw ' en eacl ' tor the effect of the operation neighborhood, following up his remarks on tne fabrio to become perfect. After the wan the announcement that the men would be iu a state of mibdued excitement last coat his been remains sticky, pplied, it the surface mixture of one-fourth sumed annuaily I worth of sake in ad- , dition to shochu and other strung Brinks. i > Iu thoit, these comrnnn risiier folks sp-nt A verdict of criminal neglect has -been brought in by the jury that mvoitiat-.i the Uanilield mine disaster at Mu-'n- '.4 beverages more than ptr month for everyiiuit of their iiumlwr, including women and chiMreu. The same ratio of intcinperMicu applied to the whole of .lptn wim: i ,1/nity an anaual exp -ndi lure : in i ., intoxicating ages alone. In the fart, of this reck it outlay for liqujr t!ie people often snilered severely from Hunger and euld during the winter, the price ol r.cj rui^in< very high parallel in the history of railroading. The roads will now adopt a one-cent -a-mile rate tor the rest of the Fair. The special corn-nil tee of the World's Fair Management. re-fntly appointed, his , , Decided to keep open I ho Fair !*-v U ju. He say* there is no truth in the j uud of the month, as long us tho w will permit and the pei.plo attend in suffici- ent numbers to make it profitable. There was a very serious fire in !:.! rep.rt lh*t tho cmfters are in a starving oond tion, and h will recommend the Im- Covur.iment to continue the crofter emigration system, with some alight chances, which time has shown would be desirable. Three men who were at wrrk on Thursday in a confectionery store in Hamilton were severely burnt by the explonioifof a soda- watt-.- generator. Mr. Alexander Smith, manager of the Merchant*' Bank, Napanee, has been super- annuated, and will be sucneeded by Mr. T. K. Merrelt, formerly of Kingston. A movement is on foot among leading Canadian Catholics to luve an apnitoliu delegate appointed, with juriarlioUou orer the whole Oii.niniciii.towhnm all (|uest dispute between Catholics may be leferred. ' 1 'heComtitutional Leacuohel.l a conven- tion at Kamloops, U. C.' on Tuestiay. at whiah deleuate* from it do/on mainland dis- trict* were presetU The majority was adverse to the separation of the mainland from Vancouver island. The officials of the London Any lum Hoards report that the hospitals are sliil quite full, and tho applications lot admission far ex- ceed the number of beds rendered vacant by 1'ie discharge of cured patients. Two Crand Trunk railway train* collided at Woodstock doing great damage to the rolling iitock, but no ono was injured. The brakes on ono of the train* would not act i-n account of a Bunting of slost oa the rail*. timore, Md., on Friday night, by which the Hrush Hltc'ii.- Light plant was totally des- troyed. The tire extended to tho penitenti- ary, and the turnkeys refusing to unlo. the cells, fearing au eacape, until they w >n prevented going to the rescue on account o the flames, many of the prisoners, befor l>eing set free by the firemen, were serious ly, if not fatally, injured. Kight thousand striking miner* in th Chnrleroi district, Belgium, resumed wor on Wednes 'ay. A hurricane is prevailing in the B\lti sjea, and it is feared that damage will be done to shipping. Ihe insurgents in Ilio Urande do Su surprised and defeate I the troops of thi Brazilian (loverninent "ii Thursday. Field- Marshal MacMahon. Duke o i. tho celebrated French General died Tuesday in Part*, U the age of eighty five year*. Count Blucher, while wrlking in hit Wnrl/ow estate, was shot dead by a dis charged gardener, who then oommitlet suicide. A telegram recei vo.l j,, London says that everything in Itio Janeiro tends to thu res- toration of monarchy, and it i* now virt- ami "flurry " till a third mishap look pi ice. Puud of shellac to a pint of water gently Such is the supervision of the railway heted until near the lulling point, adding man. Cpon expressing considerable asioii- 10 this a small ijuaulily of liquid ammonia, isbment 1 was "assured that this kind of ' '* Pointed over th* surface. For a yellow thing was notorious among railway men m waterproof, yellow ochre is employed, and general, ana in this particular instance it ' ur * black cloth, lampblack is found serf- was known tint the circumilam r of the liable. Th* coloring matter, it is said, two previous accident i were the chief topics : can * U **A in mixture with the shellac. among the workmen in all departments, The preservation of pictures has now be- who were alsi counting on the possibilities) come in London, it would seem, a* the re- of a third disostur. Curiously enough a ia ' 1 ' some very ingenious experiments, a touch of realism r;as lent to Hie informa- re Rular scientiho proceeding, if the account* tion juit imparted bjf the explanation that K |ven are to be relied upon. It is simply the second ai the two collisions referred to Pacing the surface of the picture, be it of was due to the driver of one of tLe en- { canvas or paper, in a vacuum, thus proteet- gine* a reliable servant, with an honorable! ' D 8 ll ' rora ln usul atmospheric action recird with some forty years' service who which isso deteriorating. In carrying out being, it was believed, o disturbed over ' tni< i' 1 *" '" picture i* eoeloeed in a metal the "omens" of the first occurrence and so fr "' e or vase, covering the back and aid**, engrossed with what he felt would be two *"'' P'ojectini; from the sides like an ordin- other catastrophes lht he committed the j "7 < In the edges of thi* oaae a plate slight error ol judgment which caused his ' 8 1 "' ' inerted, just as in au ordiuary upward of a quarter of a century among i '"d thus the picture is in a vacuum. It i* men of all classes, and who has known the "serted that the effect of thi* plan is to driver alluded to for a long period of year*. ' completely protect pictures from the action iu the midwinter months and dwelling hoiiies beinx ill adapted to exclude the i . .... i element atmosphere. The local authori- i lojomoiive to crash, in to another coming in ' rA ' ne . ami hermetically sealed to the metal, tie* prevailed upon them to adopt a system i an opposite direction. The statement is Tne lr ' tn n withdrawn from between in;; provisions against time* ofigireuas the conviction of one who spent lne surface of the picture and the glass, scarcity, but their source*, reduced by pay- ' mi ins on account of sake, were msiil to accompiish iuiylhli<y effective in that line. Theso circumstance* indiiceil some bold mia among them to openly denounce the excessive use of alcoholic beverages as the According to the Confederation Act, when a^.overnor-Ueneral leaven the ooiinu Commander nf the Forces in British North Ameiica must be sworn in a* .i.ln-.inisirato-. anil a proclamation forthwith issued. It appear* thnt on the dc|wri lire .if Lord Aber- deen for the World's Fur C.-n. Moore wa* duly sworn in, but. by i mini Miindoiing m the departments at Ottawa, no proclama- tion was issued. The (Jneen has approved the appointment of the Karl of Klgin as Viceroy of India. The Infant* Kululia of Spain, wno recent- ly vi.ited the United >tale*, i* uow i London. The bullion in the Bwik of England deeieased t3!,0IO during the past week. Tho proportion of the batik rewrve to liabil- ity, which last week wai 4\52 per cent is now t.'i.iiM per cent. Clmrle* Jenner, F.P.S., ha* ijiven to the Tennyson family a bu*t of thu lute poet laureate, executed by Mr. Thomas Woolner whirh will be placed in Westminster Abbey. The .Socialist Williams, who led a num- ber of unemployed work m -'inn to .he London Manaion house on Friday and saim with them the Marseillaise, wo fined Eve shillings in the Police Court on Satunlnv morning. Fully twenty thousand miners an now at work m Nouiii({liamthiro n,! Warwick- shire and the situation in thu uoal .iitlriote of those two (oun'ies Ima resumed its normal condition. The practically religious marriage betwxnn Lord Terence Blaokwood, son of the Mnrqui* of Dullorin, and Mil* Flora lavi. .iaui;.,:,^ of Mr. John Davis, of New Vorl., wi oelebra'eil Monday in tho Knglish (hurt h of the Holy Trinity m Puna. It m announced that the C'/.arcwitch wo* f.Tiiially l>etrothetl on Sunduy livening to Prince*! \ ,,-'., ria, the second unughttr of UsFl -vies. Mr. VnnHorne, who is at present in I ondon, say* that the surct-a* of (| le Ails- :rlin line of iteamers emphasizes the necessity of an improved A 1 Untie lint). The Prince of Wales haa sold soveral hitokney stallions, bred in tho Uojml stablns o*ar S.uitlringham, to the Indian Govern- uu-nt. Hit Bonn-ally thonght in Ireland that tho I'arnollito*, who have shown fieir power in n, will win several seats at the next elections. The Quettn will leave Balmoral about the mitidlo of November anil rc*ide in Windsor L'astle until the latter part of December, when tho Court will proceed to Osborne for two month*. I Mce* received at Johannesburg show : Khanm, who i* auisling tho ^>tit>i Africa Company's ( . :vlio!ns, ha* arrived at Tali :ua Uuaittiod follow*!* | ually only a question of terms. During a Mahometan fsstivxl in Morocco, a few days ngo, several Kuropeans were assaulted and seriously injured by tho fanatical Moor*. A pniiion of the British Mediterranean visited Taranto yenterday, and were : v \iiniual I'.irsi, in' the name of King Humbert and the Italian navy. Thi) Brazilian armed Tinser Seto do Set- embio, which was bound for Uio to join Admiral Mello's force, ran ashore near Praia (iramle and all tho crew were cap. tured by (loverninent troop*. Tho Bra/.ilian liovernment has agreed to withdraw all the g':ns from certain fort* in Hio Janeiro on the assurance of the repre- sentative* of the foreign power* that they will not permit the bomSardmont of the city. Admiral Avelan commander of the Rus- sian squadron visiting Toulon, ami the fifty ollicers of tho fleet accompany! na him, arrived in Paris Monday morning ami wore receive, 1 with frantic enthusiasm by the populace. Punng tho recent h.-vnlurdment of R io Janeiro by Admiral Mello tho tirn was di- rected toward thu heart of the city, and many persona ware killed and wounded. A panic prevailed, anil huiinest house* were cloeed for two days. Advit-Ks rot-eivrd in Berlin allude to the Cxar's determination to piraervu th peavo of Kunqie, ami siiagoata that th ..'/re-r witch is about to visit London nntl Berlin fo the exprcM purpose of convincing the ' -h ami i.i.ini,.n linvrriiment* that Kunsia's policy will remain permanently peaceful. cause of all the people's sufferings, aud to prei -h the necessity of applying to purposes the fund* thus squandered, crusade provoked violent opposition, but in 1SS4 the inhabitants were induced to enter into the following agreement : " Covenant made by the people of Okushiri Island concerning the sale and pur- chase of alcoholic beverage* and the use of So came about a second collision. Surely ' dampness, air, gases, and other superstition could 150 no further than this. ; tuat Prt* to destroy painting* exp But here is a tiagiotequel a sequel which, i or framed in the ordinary way. unfortunately, will in all probability do An interesting departure in engineering engines for commended . , , _ - , igeof SteeL minutes drive from the noeiie of the s-coad Une ol the great electric illummtting com- .oiiision, a:i express mail failed to take the j panics, it appear*, has adopted them in its aud to mu?h to strengthen the reprehensible lie- is the introluction of marine engines useful | iiets of the** men. Two days after the in- land service, and the plau is commea i. The terview abo.e mentioned, within fifteen ; by so good au authority as the AK .but in minutes' drive from the noeu* of the s-comi Une o| the ureat electric illuminitiu? o point*, a portion of the train with the ten- der of the engine was violently thrown across the rails and one stoker killed. This is what the rail* "third mishap. ' work, and concerning their economy in respect to spue and power it is reported that the land engine take* up some ten -n will term their time* as much spaoe as a marine engine "There's the third," they and the marine quadruple-expansion engine say, and now perhaps they will breath* freely for a season. has ten times the healing lurface of the laud engine. Further, th* new quadruple! two-crank expansion engine is twice a* powerful a* the triple expansion three- le popular literature of to-day contains > crank engine, occupies ako 'M per cent. FlrilM Its Ulrr.itnrr. Thi the cam* in tho island of bkusniri. " This laud which we inhabit is a lonely island iu the Pacific Ocean. Its inhabit- ant*, numbering ninety familiea,tind almoit their only means ot amusement in dtinking alcohol. Nine out of every ten are addict- - . ed to sake, the sums annually tpem upon lo ma >' love tone* of aoertam .crt, which agreaate a heavy amount. utnal attraction of the sexc* is th* sole O f .team; the land engine can ie* only 80 " Debtor, are unable to meet their ,-n- Bma , of * lar e majority of the heok* that or '.W pound* of steam, sud gels one burse- garments, aud some are even compelled to f olne ' ro , ln " ur P r 'n""K presses. The book* power out of from four to ten pounds of refer are not those which anthracite coal, while the quadrujjle-expan- are distinctly immoral in tone and impure siou marine engine develops one nurse in siiKgcction. They are novels in which , power out of one and a quarter pounds of t he love of men for >s omen and women for Welh coal, that is, ace.-rdin* to these |*M room, and carrie* regularly '-MO pounds depend on official aid for supplies of food. We are threatened with misery and some extraordinary measure isnecasssry to save us. Frugality must be the rule of our con- t Madman Creak. The excitement in Paris over the con im; visit of the Kuuiiiu squadron has din leant one man mad. On .Monday morn in.; the policeman on duty at the gate of ( nir- celles Levallois oliterved a gentleman tak- ing a promenade upon the old fortiliiaiion*. duct, and every kind of e<c*M must be avoidid. \V.-. therefore, hereby resolve to abstain from the luxury which we relish above all others, namely, sake, so a* to ter- minate the importation of tne liqntr into the island. The money hitherto demoted to the purchase of sake shall be applied to ay in stocks of rice and other grain as a provision against future want, 011 the one uand, m.i to increase th* capital available lor fishery purpose* on the other. MO/rr.RS.] " Dutod July. 1SS4. " \rticle I. We. the inhabitant* of Oknshih Island, jointly and severally, in accordance with the covenant hereby sign- I. do pledge ourselves to abandon wh".ly the sale, purchase, and use of alcoholic bev- erages. ied) 117 OKfqilfil Nl \\HM:. The c..nse<|uences of this covmaut were ery marked. I: was rigorously observed. )\ en (iovernment otiicials, whatever their rank, had to give up sake driuKing n -m -n hey visited the island, and, a* a matter of -^jurse, every dramster who could natreform wa* compelled to take his departure. Order henceforth reiirned complexly, and pro*- jerity came with rapid strides. The Mtpiilation increaaed five fold in five year* ud the capital invested in IMC tishing intlus- ry ten fold. Rceil thatches were replaced y shingles. Four large granaries were pt full of rice, and, in addition, each oue had a store of its own. It i* stated Hat there is now stored in th) island rice n.ti'-n nt to support the people for three or >ur years, even though tiie herring fishery Itl fail entirely. Koads have been con- tended in place* whciv nothing of the kind xisted before. T" principal school ha* >eon greatly improved, aud several branch chools have been established. Now lands have been brought into cul- nt on, and lifinp to the value of < ui own annually for the manufacture, of shing nets, which, liefore the signing of milt, had to l.o importetl entirely om the mainland. Statistic* alto show a larkrd decrease of crime, and so famous id th* succew of the experiment I hat a large community of settlorn in the eighboring island of Rr.u pletlged 'hem live* to a covenant similar to that of Oku- liri, autl with similarly happy result*. :\, we may add that when the five year* originally contemplated by the <-ov- enanl ti-cjnr d it wa* renewed for another if five years, despite the opposition of sn influential local official. L. Japan Mail. men is treated as tiiough it constituted the j data, the land engine requires from two to inly element of interest in human life, four times a* much coal a* the inarms There can be no objection to the portrayal j engine to produce vim same power. of love between the *exe* when it is done , i he latest reported improvement in lamp ith reasonable fidelity to the fact*. But is a device intended to obviate the objeu* the novels that disregard the wide diversity of element* which go to make up human life, and dwell on iove and marriage alone. dow thrown on the ceiling by regenerative lamps, and to overcame other feature* which detract from the fill the minds of young girl* will, a set of j value of the principle. The difficulty of false ideal* that frequently do infinite harm th* shade thrown upward is met by forming . ., )_.. Ii _ IP; _ i _ I in later life Fiction has au important ' place in literature, and must continue to I hold it. Hut the young folks should read more h.-*lihy lictton ami leas morhidneu and mawkiihnees. Young women whose pir- enU and guardian* keep them well sup- plied with wholeeome novels are not likely to cultivate an appetite for traah. Novels of action or of character, filled with th" brer/e of healthful human nature, are plentiful, if one will but choose them. The master storytellers, whose eminence the present generation of novelist*, fertile though it he, inuot hope to equal, wrote *uc'i laic* in abundance. There are mauy writers of to-day who, though they cannot the upper part of '.he lamp ol etched orna- mental glass instead of having * metallic dome, a* ii ordinarily the caee. A good illumination is thus obtained without th* loss of any downward light two stream* of hot air are supplied to the burner*, on* being heated by means of the regenerator, which is of cast irou, the other being warm- ed in it* passage through the lamp casing. Another point dealt with, m this construc- tion, i* the depoeit of carbon on the ceiling, which n usual with such lamp* ; this is piaolically reduced to nothing, firsi by the small ainuunt of ^a* burned per hour and the perfect combiutiun obtained, aud next by the proJucts of con.oustion being emit- *PP ro " ' '" l>icken*,scott, Thack- ted from the lamp laterally instead of b*mg eray, Balzac, Hugo, Hawthorne and (ieorge | projected upwara towarl the ceiling. Thi* Kliot. are yet producing book* of absorbing arrangement ha* the merit of <imphcity,aud HV was ...jinpletely naked and gesticulating occurred it the commencement of the wildly. Ihe olh rs asked him to A Mewawny nn a Tr.ii>p,lil|i. Tho rare incident of a atowaway being discovered on one of Her Majesty'* ship* pre*. ' t ; books in which iove plays Us rightful part ami does not usurp sole tlomi- nance; book* which picture life in its varied phase*, with a hundred time* greater truth and charm than the silly and sentimen- tal love story. TheHe are tho novels that are worth reading. There it no ^nod reason why American young women should read rubbish. the effect is very satisJactory. t \ew Kleptomania An amusing case of " Kleptomania in th* Censulting Bom ' is related by a rorre- s|K>ndent of the Lancet. Some days ago, in Palermo, a well-dressed, pleisant-man- nered young man who wa* ushered into the preseui.0 of one of the leading specialists in mental disease, explained that his 'dear wife " had during t he few months since their marriage developed au incorrigible habit of kleptomania. After listening to tho dis- tressing details, the doctor requested the visitor to bring the patient. During th* interview she conducted herself like a In^li- toman of the world, except for the unfortunate failing she laboured under pocketing article* of value when she thought she wa* unobserved. Amongst these wa* a photograph framed in brilliant*, and a statuette iu gold. The doctor a'*o remark- ed that just at the moment nf bidding him good-day, the sufferer relieved him of a valuable cravat-pin. "You see yourself," groaned the unhappy husband, in an aside, " how po**e*sed she is with the tlnt-vint; in- stinct. Oh, my poor unfortunate wife, I will bring you back .'til the mining article* to morrow at any hour you may appoint, come e nt In.iuui Hooping season. when you will kindly give me your opinion from an) body, much !es* n policeman. His' WM f oun ,l that there" was a lad on board name, he continued, was St, (Jororne, anil w |,o apparently belonged to nobody. On no was Miia-ter mason, jiiitaa St. Jo?sph ' being questioned ho stated that he had was a master cr.rpcntcr. Hi* misiion thora ' smuggled himself on the ship at Portsmouth coming of the Russian I M1 ,i wl l, e d logo to India for the winter a* was to wait the squadron, which according to the Die* of Linden Bark in Russiv The bark of the linden tre play* a singu- larly important, part in the domestic econ- omy of the Uiissian peasant. It U made into a sort of matttnff which i* usctl for ltest; Knorand was too cold. He gave Ins name ,..., wl , , .., programme as i f .ued by the Council of Mm- M .u, nc , Sullivan, of Liverpool, and his bags of all kinds, lheW:> ..ur.. was timed toarriv. ,n ..he dyke unde | age M nn ,,er l.'J. At Malta, on tho 13h, ,ng reeved to conUu, .lour and also m the great wall that morning. 1 ho hour, in ; ) 10 WM S e llt ashore and placed in the care of winl to4)ej Uie military authoritie* with view to his , each year. For sandal-making strips of the bark of saplings are employed, and at . the military authorities with a view to his amciit-st tho hrst to give Admiral Avelnn.. i H , t)1{ sent back 1.1 P .n :.<moulli by the first a warm and a patriotic welcome. Tho two i* had by this timo succeeded in reach- ing tho nukrtl g-Miticman, anil, throwing a oape nver him, Miry cnnduct>>il him bjforo the uiinniuary, who in MI n .<cnt 'mm to tin infirmary. ret nrning troopship. quaintances amongst He the soon made ac- soldier*, who listened eagerly to hi* exploits, for he )>oastcd of having (routed tho Atlantic many times in a sum ]>titinus manner, and having visited Australia once. it inke.s the hark of about four saplings to |uir,Uiedeslruction wrought '.hut one industry can eamly !>e The young tree* are stripped in sprniK or early summer when they are full of sap. Jfr*. Mary E. O'Jtolior* of Pltina, O, sars th Phr- steiaar sure AilouUhod and look n; hr lii.o on* Raised from the Dead Long an Tvrrible Illness from Blood Poisoning Compirrrti; <;urrcJ oy Jfootl'e Mrs. Msjry K. <rKallon. a very liitfl!lnen ly of Viiiu.i. ilii^.. ; poHt.n. .1 wlill* slsUng phytlciani ut r.n autopsy r, year* ago n terrible ulrrrs l.r.-ke out on he- head, arms, tonpie nnd throat. Her I-^ir M! came out. Sh,- . i-hctl bul 78 It*.. yiU M t no pr..snet-r o( lulp. At last she bejuv t* Hiu>a|uuilla and at ot:r* Im- r..uM foau get nut o( hetl anil walk. She says: I became perfectly t-m.v !> Hood's Sarsaparilla and am now a well woman. 1 ttcich :iit well and ilo the T.oik for a lar^o (.nuilv. ' ' e<-mi a womlerliil and ii I.Kik nt me In i-i ' a* almost like iHi>rd rrwss the rfei." -I a*- HOOD'8 PlLLS bvuld b I* nedstla* UKII. Otx uwd, ! o

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