THE FLHSHER1 GA.L..L.12UY Is fully equipped with re- quisites for turning out a per- lect class of work. All kinds Csf pictures taken and finished i<i a style equal to any city work, while the prices are lower. Picture Framing do lib in all Its branches. If you have shopping to do &od pictures to get taken on the same day please attend to the latter first. Careful at tent ion will be given to copy- ing other pictures. Mrs. Bulmer. HAVE YOU BACK- AC HE 00005 KIDNEY JM.LI ^ WILL CURE YOU " /' ac li ao he mnt tht kiJ- y* art In tub/* Dodd t \dntK Pilli glut 'ompt rtlitf." "75 fur ewif. diteatt is cnuitd t>ii . Miffhtniwcft try to timi a Ittnillhy city ' tht ^xwtngtrt of tht ayitim. "0,/ny / dtn-itrttui. Nty- loettd kldntu troublit rttult In tad Blood, Dysptpla, LJvtr Complaint, and tht mott dan- gtrout of all, Bri(/hti D/ttatt. Oiabtttt anil Droptu. " tvi'hout ttwvr' at good uihtn tht hi dn ttj t art tloggtd, they art S.J.I l<y>Ui1ralgnor>mlbrDiiulonrerelf4 i of I'i'.c . c. ni.. p<-r I'.'i or sis fur .*, i Hi I A Smith ft l ,v Tonlo. Wrvefae , buue.i.u^ K :.../ 'i^k. I ho about cliteattt tannot tJtlt whert t Dodd't Kldiity Pill art uttd. Ownt Hoond. Ontario. *r\\e Vety n.ACE IS CANAI'A TO OKT A i Education Tako a Hound . -~ r..llwM an D i i nl l>,!|iitrtiiinti< In I'auaila. tlien vl> t ,. \ ':' , I'Xaiiilne ev.r; t . If w* lull tu priMluoe tli ,,,,, .icii. l an. I mt. i , V . M '.,.. li.nt <"illnu prniuUn ao I Hi < I ' ""'I in o.i .. .. I,]. I. iln ami nui.1 >u. ^-J.' n i.t . *n.i apvllaness, ws will ulre yo . I , i , < tn i.i.i Aniiounee iflyut 'ii"j lull |iartloulsrs,liee. a.ldreea C. A. FLEMING, Prlnrlpal SHOEMAKER. I l>< to IntluiaU to tbtt lubaW 1 ki an KIMDERLiEY its. i- 1 a shoe sbnp and I am | 1.1 all kinds of work lu IhU Ian* Moots ani sii. .. i. ina4s M orda* sja icilre. li|S'rlir'l'iiir < 'af CADI* to lira.lliury'i oiti m SHILO CURS Cut soCusaomptlon, Cocctr. Croip, Sore ItuPDAt. Sola br sll Dratjf.i ci a Gu.<naiee. fora Lame Side, Backer LXett 3 li i. oh 'a Pi Plaster will live frtit attUfjcnou.- -.; MI.U. CHILOH'S r. T. 8. Hawl- ins, <" Mr. T. 8. Hawl- ins, <"".:< fm<v.-.-.. ; . "SM'A't Fifc/f:rr .-(.) VX'.J Jf jr" . . /Mr-weed." Forl). trouble It cxf.!:.. : pOsl Ttoll toll ll.J.XM l m ackl oft a (UARi.-'f^-j i To TJie Public. llarlmr rented \Vliltcn' Mack imlth eboii (or a tnn of yi are, I an> now In a puiitiou to caturto all waDtn la my Hue. a Specialty, <.u;ir;,i:i . il Aor >iniithiiig in Me /in caU un F. A. BUNT, Oppoalt* KIcbardeoD'a Hardnar* itoro t THE Tailor, YUkci all garments of mm' s wear (be bent Rtyln at whorl notice. All work giutractecd. A trial solicited. F. A. BAKER, FLESHERTON. 1IOKSKMKN! Pay Atteotioa 1 a Having piircliHsi-il tin- Imiucss bniii"B8 fnini Mr. Cluvtou, 1 WIH)I to intimate tint my i :i- diavor will be to plrusu and Mtiafy ciiHtonit-rd in any work which limy hi; cntMtati'd tu luc. All Lnidn of lioi-Rerucii'i tv- quiHiltB kept lu tlock, tit low rates. Good workmanship guarau- t.-.d. UoliriliiiK J'fiur cnlcru, 1 itinaiii riain'cl fully, W.MOORE- FlesLciton, Jan. 21, 1893. Hello! Central ! ar i L OHITICAI rimona tin Sold byalintWliaia,BI cniiii, m i v BO. . Oat. CMK or *il |.ru- BO Tlie CaiM* rill WEAVING. BarrUv. tli.t wapr, li rnniornd frnm Plonk urton 'id pni'.l up I'iKliiuin In I'lli'i'vllln mar thi- Pronhvtortan ehiireh. H nXprepaxetl .. .'.< All kin.' ' ..f ii*i inn i i'li m danueln, blau keu, full rli.tli an.) twt-eiU. Garpett a Specialty. An wo-k Iflft at Mri Win. Wrl|thl>, Flea lier nn, will ruanli me anil 'in irMiru.d huiue aft* of ail work guaranteed. 1 JM*. JOHN B ARCLi Y Hell U.K., ! Give me Markdale please ? 11, 11... U that Markdale ? Yc.. I waul to iuk if you know that great pump ninki r tht-re f O yua, everybudy knows Artier, the pun p milker, fur milea around here. la that the fellow who drives the mules ? Yet, he drive* fl ap*n of mules 80 people will kunw liiia better. Whon they aoe the nnilt-N tlioy aay, there 'a tha n<^d pump maker cordflig. Exactly ; we aee him driving paat here two or three times a week, with pump*, and would like to kuow whore he takes thum all to i Wi-ll, you see it is just thin way, Art- l.-y's | 'iiu;ia hare uainoil an e:iviiilo re pututini:. \Vhtreoiie ues ntht-n ari to fi'llonr. They are HDW acatlcrnl thmugh the aix townshipa viz : Euphra-ia, i.ilUtnl, Oleneli(, Arteuiesia, Pmton,aiid 1 y, v.-ith a few even b>yi nd that. Well tell me, why are his pumps s- iiiivi-isnlly pra-strd (inii a^inired ? that i* easily explaii.ed. Y- u see . is a iiHiuml ^t-niua, as well u a practical uiechanic, conso([uently hia n^.i ;;ru iimil.- in a auptrii/r workman like :!Minn-r. Siiine j > "p'e h&v-j ;in idea that iiii\l.oily can uutko a |iuutp. In a iiv that may he true. You cnn makp a pump liy nailing a few boartla togvther, but it is another think- to innke a pump to work eaay and bo durablo. 1 notice in ll ireek'a pi;|-r tliat le ha* been making some iinpr.'v ."ii-nts in h'.a pump*. Can you toll m* s>iaituin| about tin in ? Well, I haven't time 1. 1 explain it all to yon here You will understand tha the head and the cylinder are tho two princi- ple |iat in a pump. He ha* made some important impr ivoments in the head whicb you shrtuld see for yourself. He now lines the cylinder of his wm J pumps with a ITIUM shel , which makes them great deal eaaiur to work. They will alto Ust much longer, as the cylinder is goner- ally the first part to t>ivo out in a pump. la there mi) tiling more you want to ask 1 N .., thnt will do this time. Thaiiks. bye. Pr.itoii 4'uunril. 1'r t in Council met at DutuLilk on Kt- . ,i,l, l.S'.Ki. t'orU't;- Waiaon That tho following IM |iil for work : div. 5, il v. ni .lulin Allan, oulvurt and grate', f I 1 ' !". 'he reuve to msue oiiliTs ; div. It, U-.tit. Porter, for u-iavel. 12.60 , Mrt. Leu, for iliiihu g.vll.OO : D.MuMulliin.S^.emnth; ihv. I, Them. O'Louxhlin. fJJfi -J:>. town ine \\"t Luther and l'r.,i"ii ; uraut, .l.ii .1, M.-Ki-niji r, (13, a|.| ortioiimetit ; That the cominianiniier, div. 2, be in tnu't"l to have h:ilniice of ditch on T Hide r .i..|, 11. n. I). iliiLj. about 90 rud*,ala<i '-' i-iiKerta on snn-.e j>'b. SliH-. Corheit Tlmt the following I* ;n"l i..: V'i>.k : div. 1.'. .I<>. KlLa, grant, ^11 :! i. I'IVMIOII niou-*y, (.70 , Th<*. Mc- I.->:i-n. ilitihinK 7 a il- mad, con. 9, 920, From HUT OITK Corrnixntdrnt. The fine weHthor of late has been uti- Ibul for tlirf.'ihiuij, pitat>-digging and at- : -nding the fairs. The Mrs. Her m, Winder and Guy luvo bton iniwcll, but w are ploamd fj know ih.-y are anle to U an>un-l >-. Mr. flalbraifh ig lUij-iii^ a well f..r M'. John M.ulill. The Prrr>ytcnans have some of the brick on tho ground for their i.ew c'. Mi. n Annie Si-heniman has U;en holi- daying at home fr -t tune. Mr. Schenimaii is painting Dr. Kcolt's houae. Miu Strjchiin to her 1. ;..< in Alliston last week. * Mr. Alex. McEachnie ha> very sore eye lately .tuJ thus has not been able tu work. Mr. Richard Heron a id family have moved to ah. nine near the woollen mil 1 . The Rev. Mr.ciiaii will <HXUp> pulpit of tlie Jlctl.u li! church neit Sl> bith. Tlie hnxveit T!i.-u.ks.ivin: s>.rvico was held in S-. >!!> - i'- i I-ILHI.M. Sun I AKKIAUE UCKNBES. av or nifhl atthsofteeor h e DI VISION COt'hTOI.ERK. COM* 1S8IO! in li i' >. ' iiTeraaror.fte. Notary pr.blls. JOHN '*'. AHMSTBOMJ, M < 'I -LIOL-IH ATOCHG. H n'ior, Mirk !!). de g-neral ba'.klng bs loess. Vlcuny loaned a.1 a rea3nab!e rale. CaTI >' .' Tho Council be paid l.iu- :,! n S'.i v following IH- p.i I ;. i \vurk : tlit 4, (. Leppanl.t^', ;i.tnt , I., ll'iln.'ii. i'iil' . i- :!., $1.87 I'lul. Murphy, $8 (.' it \V.iu..ii That thvUHuaal law. IIK II.-IL-V li> !>> f"r | rinrijHil I i p.y dvhruturva, I'U p! ie! l.y twp. n MI.!.HII'N |!.ii:k, ditrn Sountl, at I iter.-xt,'"or U'lielil ..f pi-'.ei ats:>fttt>d for -..t ii '. Tin.! :li.i i Ivutc Tmy 1 W.lll'l : and adopted, i'o|iv' o, iiw.tnl sent to the pnrti.'H, the \\ its ;i Oorbttl Th.t the 'IK' pin! f..| work : Jiv. 1, (! 1 w.\,ii3; I A I . Miii{liiri-, op. n- inj nail 4J. ,-, n. ft, *' i I .n Jili i J r il..-f Tlie bill if II. K. (i.euili in.iii -, Ui |ul, for punt. u >' "I I " ' <, "ml. r ilininn^o li>-la* 32, U r,:, II,,- Ci ik ?u). f.,r aniary to t >. t 1. A i'oniiiuitf -, the He-ve, D| u y ,: .. ' uiu i l-.r Laughlin, ttt g >i inspect water r<iune obstiuctd ou lot 8. o n. 15, ami if iitv.'-a.iry pr r -.- 1 with work' Tho li l..f Dr. Mitchell foi attruci n. T no late Oeoruu (lanlmer,fO,b the reeve to iwtii.i order for same. 1'. Shaw T. Lauglihn This counc 1 alj.-iirn to me. t at J. A. Soarlutt'a.Hope villn, on SB urday, Nov. 4, 1893, at 10 a. in. JAS. CATANAOH, Tp. Clerk. IMUr lit Nix "llourt IMstreswug Kii'ney and Illittldi r ilii'.'s- . relieved in HIX honrH by tlin - tir.iit South American Knliii-y I'nie.' 1 Tins now rvmeily in a urent am prise mill to |ihyaiuiaU4 on account of IN . v ..inn; prompt noss in r.-lleving p.tin in the h'nthler, kidnoys l.-k ami uvurv p.'i t of the urinnry p in iiinln or fi'inalo. It rvlivvus re n of witter and p'tiii in ptt-^int; it -il- iiiiiiirtlia'oly. If you want i|iu k rvllef and cnrr ilus ii your lYiiivdy. SolJ by Wm. Hicliar.l.iin, tirti.'^ l ~ltoh, Manifv, and S- rttrlies mi )ni ornnuntU cun-il in IK) niinnte* by \Vi.,,|. ford's Sanitary l.itn..i. This never fails Warranted by Witt. M. RwUidsoD Jlr Wii.-hi has in..\d to tho recently v^catcu by Mr. 11. . VIGOR or MEN Euilj, Qilekli, hnuiit!) Rutorii l: HAMMOND. I'ost Master, Klubvrl jy. ta>mc Affi-iarln etc. Insures and IUM t ratci Kxe*ataLas. Deeds. WUM, etc. promptly, chaap!? aul eif.elvctlv. D J Sl-KOUUC. ' ' tauter, Fleehorton, K , Licenced 4aetiou*r. Con*jMicer, as* pralwre-iJ Moery l..n,?i-, Real P-t: a* Insurance Agrat. IVwia. UorttMM. L > aul Wills drawn cp and Valoat! >ns male OB Vieilon Bitlea atteutod to ta an; part at tti County. MOJ-IT to loe,a al low -' ' ir.1 to with i.r-i-i 'torn an'! despatch Chvyns low, ("are, tick >t from Fle?lii t ,n to Llrarpoal w.Lnndon or a posts \'id Of Iraiaed. wih ;-.' w atk ratal !>-' . : -cba f. eii ticket Weakness. Nervousness, Dcbltlty, and ail ths train cf fill frutu, *rly cnon or later ecc, the results of ovcnrwk, ik le- nt**, worry, etc. F.i'l Mrenjtli, devcloriR-.ent mil tcaejinn to arc ry o-,,*n ami | the body. Simple, i .. . ' UK-lbv'*. Iimuv- iliato unpicveiiK-nl < Fail-ire impcible. 2,0()0 ttfrnncr*. 1 .*>V. tuilauatioo aod iliato unpicv 2,0()0 ttfrnncr*. prooft maiieU be*. ERIE MEDICAL CO,, Boffalo, H,Y, NOTICE. Holies is iw..f pi thai lh Holler Flouring Mills are now open for and in full opera (inn- A Urst Class Mil- ler has bft'n employed- anil 2 will, guarantee Sufis/action- Lring a (OH* your custom Uoi-.i- at all /I. 5. fie//, - Prop, %*^%-* * *0 <e> < D. HOUSEKtlOKK ASP GENERAL BLACKSMITH Collingwood Street, FLESHEKTON, - ONT. ., ..... I : ' B ' i ' i to S|<n lalatteutlou given to ooutiacl- i- 1 1 r louder leet. IIUTTOH. .D. f SI. M C. P.* B..f'.it. rrloeniL Jrnc* att<! olBco oa* door wM o( the T\R. CARTEB. M. C. T A 8.. Oni. PhjjleUu. .nneeoe. e, Straiu* b'ock. Munahaw'ibotol. and Plow Chains stniit I > wit baud. con- Lands for Sale J.UIN A. 8COTT, M. B. Umbr CO;L Uradoate In ModloUo of Toroiito Uolnralty. Kellj-l i)> Di|iluma, Pot Oraduato Medlatl School ami Hoi)iluj, Cblcajo. I)ii.a*nof tT* .ai. nr.MiaaJ Duoat pcciatl. tn-atad B*V di-nc* X'aiwrll, Tialta Kvnmtiai Tliurdat 14 ; nary Burgeon. C>-aJuat of Veterinary Colloc*. Bwi Uuc by Wm. Hra Uy al tbe Prf II M J. F. UALSTKAD. M r> . M. C * S., Oil . ;.rao' I at Uorlsy. K!i-Jioatl j dteacjet t ipe* J. I, ! .-.M D. &. Uoalitl. \.-.if :lie lit aii-I Ard Wednawlay of *cb luooab. -Kwli trip ou ttw day fuliowing. frill. J. rrtiter. Solicitor. Cor r'lmborUvi oOc- Kc>t tbe \*t rhurnaaya. Owen .'roai'i buildinf. Sproole 1 * i I WH1UHT, llarriiten, Bo'tcllon. ConTAyaneen, eto.. Vwi-ii s. I- , "11 t - - MaraUale, On*. \\ II V. in ,nr. I. >< l.ri-*a. N H Kl.xhvrti-n offica. Mitcbtlll very Wedunlay. J * K VH 11.0. o-tnn 't uewb'-x-k Fi ual an. I .til k'u.le >-f clnUrun*' .-i.'-.hiug i :Ulng donebv ilreaatnakw'S icato. SOCIETIES- A H 1 H" ., I'I'W meoU *efv ftrat and third riav in i'i-'i niiinlh. (ntl-. i lix> i I I. u. lit V Kn-k I .1 .-.;'.m. Wi. . U-"c.r: W. ..Tited. SI-KI Tbla l ' i-ml \*rj Wart- \ i . t u. baith <n luvltni ICM on sas, A.r. 1\ US' N M I'.WV PIsstJsMoi K.nlav ou o I f..r.. the fill hmx<n. A. 8. Van Jusea.W. M i. J si'ioul. Secretary. J. B. SLOAN Kugmiu, l.i- mi i KI..I, -:i.l for TS and luml-.-r. ami | I . I : to crjr. Chopping FV\l:af | ro|'*rtlea ImproTad anl nnltti proved ; also villain i>.ov>rtls. A t .(.ly * J. W. ARMSTRONG, KUK811KHTON V O. FtRI H FtBI LOTS fir Sib. Tlu , I r.ff,.iv r..r >.!> K Jjaxnsi tit. , v arm. lx ut cre cleared, lej- aitv' >'! , i I riiUM i . . ill fraimi t.l v tiiuii K -' ' "I Hiuileafr \ irk U>ta lu thv ti>n plot at laasusa 114 M-rm.Jii aen. of wln.-ii a. cleared aoJ tn.i-iii. l\MB9s*asgr, amtvta 1..-. TW.' !!. KliMhorttta.M teUatiiT 4BM4HJ*jr '