THE WEEK'S NEWS fever There ars thirty eases of typhoid in tae hospital at Winnipeg. Mr. AiUm Brown has returned to H.n- tlton, hkvmn eompletad hi* duties a* E.- u ish judge at th* World's F*ir. At the Assize Court at Windsor. Mr. Justice Falconbridge sentenced V coovKUd of the manslaughter of J Hickey, to four yeart' imprisonment Kingston penitentiary. Cornwall, Oat., has now a curfew bell. them, with th* object ol blowing up the taws. "of Calvin Armstrong. ; deputy treasurer of i been captured at St.' Louis in the shape of a string of ' tb* $43.000 defaulting depi Tipton county, lod., bevel at the Kasl Side track. Frank Shcrcliff. alias " Kid" McCoy, whs shot aad robbed a New York drummer named Pollock of a large quantity of dia- to seventeen years in the penitentiary st i. j hard labour. By the caving in of a sewer at tk* State fatal at lad-tnapolis on Saturday . . , j.u. n aite and Jackson Woods were kill- :" SSXTSJ&Z -VET txz i ?-* u -* - -*. ~7 ye;_r* of age can be arrested if fouad in the , * strrats. The Ontario Government has offered a reward of one hundred and fifty dollars for tne apprshinsinn of the murderer of Mr. McLeod. and the Napaoee Town Council offer one huadiod dollars. It is expected that the BOW gas company of Montreal null be able to furnish gas at fifty cents a thousand feet. Th* Stormont aad Canada cotton mills. of Cornwall. On!., which have been closed for repairs for tbe past two weeks, throwing fifteen hundred buds out of work, have re- umed operations. The Northern Pacific steamer brouht news to Victoria, B. C., en of the burning of the Alpiionae Zevvecke. with tbe loss lives. McGill University. Montreal, bas receiv- ed another splendid gut from its princely benefactor, Mr. W. C. Macdonald. who has given tbe sum ot fifty thousand dollars to endow a chair of physios in the sctcnc* faculty. \ I'ablegrsBi from Rome announces that Larocqoe, canon of tit* i and parish priest ppo-ated Bishop of fftiricnkt, - " Racine. Tne Customs authorities in Montreal hs v* seized the bjoks of tbe Auer Light Com- pany, claiming that tb* firm was getting a Quid known as the fixing Guid at five pound* a ktlo, while the Customs wer pasting it at oa* pound six (hilling* per kiio. Ssaninr John Boyd was tworn in Lien- tenant-Governor of New Brunswick in Ottawa Friday. It i* rum Mired, on tbe on* hand, that tbs senatonhip thus rendered vacant will be offered to Sir Leonard Til- ler, ami on the other hand, to Hon. Mitchell. Mr. Fred. Campbell, junior member el tbe Tbe last payment of the 175.000 indem- nity fund given by the Chilian Government aa satisfaction for the assault an tb* Balti- more was ordered to be mad* by th* Secre- tary of the Navy ou Tuesday. This was to a ataman by th* asm* of Frees*, and his share of the indemnity was $1 , Jo. Tee new " Soo" Pacific railway, extend- ing from Minneapolis to Pasqua, on tbe main line of the Canadian Paeioa railway, was npsasii en Monday evening. By this rout* tbe distance will be thirtisU by too Canadian line over its American rivals to Puget Sound ports by one hundred and Bhttsitt miles. Tber* was a termble accident on t Detroit division of tut Wabaah railway at KiBftbury, lad., at an early boar Friday Jag. A brakesman opened a switch too soon, and an express dashed into a freight train, causing a fearful wreck. Eleven persons were instantly killed, aad many were so seriously injured that death is inevitable. th R*T. Panl t^iucssi of St. Hyacintae aad par of that town, has been app*:nted sherbrooke, t . soceoed the lass M Tbs return* so far from tbe Swedish Par- liamentary elections show that the Protec- tionists have gained five seats. Admiral Mella. commanding the rebel fleet of Braiil. bas reoewel tne blockade of Rio Janeiro, and in organizing a squadron to tail for northern ports. Th* roaditioa of Prince Bar marck has so much improved that h* bas dostded to leave en Thursday for bis borne ia THE FOOL Y \HKBB lad C:ai '. Fortm* Th* X*w York Horning .Journal, the or- at of unreepeeuhilily, contains a loaf artick ea " Kngtand'i Warlike Preparations is Canada, ' which is very wild *nj fanny leed. It betnn* : Laud* m vwy far from rl of a yaikrr Slat* ' tutt BOW. ' Tber* not aad pretsntioea little power oa lb* bo* of the earth at the (irrsrat urn* than this Canada, which professes to b* mindful of oar interests while trying to lliwart them : ev-ry tarn. " (_<nncid*nt with tne re- urn of Su- hartos Tapper from England is the inaug- uration of a aow operation with mpobcyofeo. which ho DM tesa Tanner i* the Canadian to Groat Briuia. and without Can*!*. H* is a man of will aad oisjch taleut.aa'i baj* the ear of the It is probably da* to his in ' . reat Britain is at present bedgsnf about vmh r-issso as if she might get away." Then this gi.'dy Xew York sho*t hrng* gross chargo **** the Otoa liaa uewi- paper*. Tboy aro gloaton ' They gloat over the western fortification* at Kaqniiralt and tUowhere. Canada, with the aid of Gibraltar farm- lilnsn n will have given pines to in* hugs lure, ewtteni. reined nomsi. hardware, fnit cnnaanas for ih* produce el the Fraser delta, smilssng faro-cos fee tb* reduction of tbe iron and aappsr otes of tae islands, sawmills, tuuurlriss. yard* for build ing wvt repairing tbs iron shipping of the nsnuanl other ntdaslrios at nod. I we the whole delta of the Fraeer aad its tributnrms oas vast Sop garden, snuling lik* Kent nrnva At 4 o'clock in th* aftamoon I scouts, who were nding half a u pretty soon word came back that they bad struck use fresh trail of a i party. T-roor IIBSSM tho . throe of thorn, ilittEpaaMil IIBS *asl> illi aad w*r* absent for aa hoar. they retsi BIB, it was to report thai the war party had (oas law earn* four miles away. aod that tho Indiana had e wait* man with thorn as captive, From bis dross they be- lieved hua to hs a 1'niaiBBiSBl snssil,,aad madetaey Very pretty, aad fall of xoeUeut for Code 8am. UaUsa ho waats a Liverpool at his doors, to cejmuots with bit home ports : a Gibraltar oa bis froauer ; a Malta crammed on km siater* border : hast its BSSSBSI his fsspls taking advantage of his who have no right to thiss, be bit straight oat f rota tho ihnMir. aad ahoadrod thoosaad fragments, " It is diroeiy hjs'-'- to as : aad it is foily to aUww its di iliaanat. Xo Gibral- t*rsat K*quimalt ! \o Bruish aaal statins* oa tho Saadwtch isiaad* ' Nottaltasat Bex D>wn with Imperialism IB Canada, tb* wont foe of fi: - fc^_^__J - -* n Bsatoiwo, troopers of us. m* aambered enty ferty , bmt into camp at th* base el a treat which they could note of any one rearing wi-.hin a mile, except it be to the roar If we moved ss a body, they would mo^t aad away be- fore w* were within nil* toot. It was finally nsrinsd that en* nf the Pae should e over thai the rear, while tne main timmsail was re up as nsar as possible without omasa. ory and b* ready to dean at the cam* whan the signal was given. It was 4 e'elnck be- ll was T before we found the ravine watch tne scout said would load us right into toe Itdten camp. Wails ww bad only about one mtie to go, it bad to be travelled ha are KaKrol la Far Away toe- oa th* PsaaW ooaat, aad to bssla u as* far from it what Mr. Douglas Sladoa calls th* ' CoustautinsaU el Amsrica"- spnghtly city of Va This town oi ^ all tb* rommsrcs from Chi la th* riciam aad BOSBB Bad oa*it*M be- ssa th* hnauaocks of Icslaad th* sjdor rfci aiay be **a attttu oa th*ir assts, Of taoss than are srroral scons, aad th* once fondly hoped was Emperor Frunci* Joseph has order of th* day m which b* declares that ; misnomer, be is entirely sea-tied u ith the way tbe I of silks, of army manuMvres near Goon* were earned and pttl>ri*qa* out. will b* V Tb* Pop* in his recent sncyeltcal to tbe Hungarian bishops urges tbe importance ot Sir Charles Tappers imperialism, backed by British srssie* and navien, laeiiisn. San Frsfitisto can say goud-bye to her gratis is*. The Golden Gat* will b* merely a auiri.-ai Tbe real get* of gold, of tea*, of all ta. tha parish priests Uving fuU oontrol of tae r*luiios instruction of the pupils ia !*> leetary i The health office. in Hamburg, while msltii of tasOnaat. This i* what we are nothaving vigorously m 1 well-known Montreal paper firm of Buyd, < enforcing sanitary regulations, were attack- Ryrie * Campbell, against which tbe Cts- | *d by a crowd of ignoranta people, aad a terns Department brings soot* serious ; policeman, who was protecting them, w*s charges, committed suicide by shooting | thrown down aad trampled to death. himself in the he irt with a revolver. It : reported by a demented sailer who was rescued at sea that the Haytian Lv-CoL Ram, secretary of the D. R. A.. has found that the competitor* in tbs raoent matches at tbe Rideaa range i n of Canadian nianofartan Btscoeeaiu! as prise winners than tb' tbe English ammunition. A special from Vancouver states that a mas* meeting was hel.i there on Saturday for th* purpose 9! diecutting the question of polities' separation of the mainland from r'ag'aad was busily en- gaged in ether fields. a KAVC5IW WOKVTOL " When w* said that ww would net take Canada as a gift, the Canadian Panne to stroke them with the band. They are not all batched at the same time, aad many are still IB ta* egg when nthsrt are hatched and swimming nbout la tb* sea. Tb* drake, as i* so fremoatly tbe case with the amis bud; isa handaosn*. tkts; crea- ture, with moch white m bis rlnmngt. He sky and wary, wuils th* plumage is brown aad {lossy, is, on tae contrary, lame and mmfiiliBg. Tbe duck lay* from five to six egg* at , tbe beginsung of June, and it is n* annsaal 'or i thing to tsnd from ton to BUMS* stars SB of on* neat, ttmithir with two it sitaer at intervals, or if to grot rsmirkably well with one The pet iu < ol laying last* some su or weeks and the bird* are in the habil of say- Vancouver Island. There was a general lack of interest and unanimity among the war- ship Alexandra fetmn, with a number of diplomat* oa board, oa their way to Sao Dousing*, went down by the bows, wiihout any apparent cjuse, and that eighty iivss Railway bad uef developed Vancouver ; and : J kr* "me* IB diSereei place*. From England bad not bssun to send red coats = nr*t aad second el thons b-th the in large number into Canada once more, as ** * ** *> * -"> ike last it m very ssldoa that the farmer isrnovs* either. Shseld h* do so w:-Ji any degree of pirsmtssey tne birds would de- sert tne locality, aad be is not suck a fool as to destroy tne dnck witk the promoters of the movement, but delegates . u to o^, BBMM Hn*kllv s*Rs^s>etei *> t KA S>^ 1 iwtnt.*** , dusty and sun-baked, stand* alsrt on the Nile mud walls of the intrenabment aad scans Uie dreary de*ert hiUa. From in- side on* hears tbe fantastic clash of Arab military muwj, and at the gate one sees a row of Son rt* nts i fi.'er boys curving their were finally uce ia K am loops. to the general confer- w* fondly supposed that do again. It is in the brpe, and with the design of putties; an end u all talk about annex- ation that Mr. John Bull ie building fort- resses troops, old aad neg yearly su<ns for on a r. on u e uiing ort- es on to* Canadian frontier, ssoi'tng ops, compelling Canada to kep sp her aad neglected enage wtee'a t* supply supply d other- w:s* acting ia a warlike manner. wnr rrTori < K\ATio i > John Bull would like to bav* at think all these manoeuvres are directed or French In soms aasss tbe owner resiJes on or aear tne farm. When be sad hit men ar- r.vs at tb* nest they carefully rsmoT* the female and take away tbe super;! Tb* andaggn Tbe lay afresh, and bonier warfare, of the oid cold-steel order, very like what it mast have been round about a Roman namp in Caul, when th* Aletnanni cum* down at all sorts of enlikely moment* en Caesar's sold era out ratting brushwood. W* won tout under an escort e' twenty men along tbe bumpy, nckety line to Sarrass, tb* furthest post held by th- w _ !! I w+rmmtv miMsisHso a i s i i a n m a mmmmmasl . rs. It i. all eM- , W ho may. a: some future epoc, dor- I *' hand to-hand ,.. t W4t W1LO Kaglaad. deair* to strike at c post BKrTHIL fell heavily in the north ol England on Saturday. In Westmoreland th* ground was covered to a depth of four inches. Tbe bullion in tb* Bank of England in- creased 6Sft,000 during tbe past week. Th* proportion of tb* reserve to liability, which t. week wa. 5*30 p*r c..,., U now g~f a, mnMf ^ hty mil** further, but has nearly all bson n psd up by th* dervishes. They occasional descents, too. on what is left in use, for about three weeks ago they cam* dowa ia th* cool of the evening on to a settled on tkisw decisive > The Brituh flagship Campidown, which ramie* t the Victoria some Urn* ago, causing a fearful lot* of life, went agioucd in Va'.etta harbour, Malta, and is in a danger- ens position. The Miners' Federation of England has asked the Coal Mine Owners' Association to meet delegates from the Federation, with a view to making arrangements for tb* re- sumption of work by the str.king m.ners. The Miner's Association st Pont*:'ract, in ; Yorkshire, where the strikers' nu bars been most violent, baa pissed a resolution , calling upon tbe (.Government to declare i that all mineral deposits belong to the na- j tion. (an. Sir Henry Norman's refusal to ao- ' cept the Viceroyalt v of India haa placed tbe Knglish Government iu an awkward posi- tion. Owing to the Home Rule cleavage of .lie Liberal party, there are sc*roe>y aay suitable candidates among tb* higlt*r rat ts of tho willing to s*rve under Mr. Gladstone. the railway bridge at Cemai (over which w* trundled ginger! v) aad set t* work to try to dest-oy it. The/ cam* down from the d**rl in their usual obstreperous fasu- ion, howling and singing, even with aa impudent bugle playing ib* Kbedival hymn, while I he Soudanese regiment under DMsi Key that hvl had news of tbeir coming wao lying in wait ia excitable am- bush. Then, when they heard tbe pick- axes at work in th* -lark, they opened fire, afler dispatching a company tocatofi 1 tbeir retreat. Only it stems that one of tho black* in bis enoiumtnt loosed off his rifle, so after spitting fire at each other for a while, ia which tb* dervish** lost seven men aad some of th* SBBI|SUSOS had their rides itrnck, the maraader* got clean away into the desert aad the darkness. Kino ughttr* th* Soudan as*. they toll me, and veritable savage* ia iheir lust for blond. America no are gradually s that th*y are ios rather 'strengthen his foothold day to strike a decisive coup which shall make aioi master of tbe Pacinc and put him m position to iltlsns* his northward frontier in case we should wish to attack it. Under tb* cif- iqmslis ss it seems foolish to ft ami ruins to allow this policy, so mtonsoly hostile to 11 r 'P - us in its every m*nits*l*rinu. tote en muok m%k * turther. With a larg* portion of ta* popu- lation of Canada willing and anxioni to be annexed to the I' ailed Stole*, why should we see tbe Canadian pushed into a so- called ' imperial' policy, and forced to actions h xtil* to US ? "The waich word should be: No Gibraltar* ia America ! Xo Malta* oa the Atlantic roast! Canada mast mast ossss to exist. BBBT : hit* is easily dttuugutsbsd fi brown covering which ike female supphes, and is sot so good in qnabty. The nest is not as a general rule, loft nnul the little one* are hatched. There is not moch enlsowness sad bolnJessnets about Tbe Pioneer, of Allahabad, referring to' NJ'. o vrry long ago, in one of their en- the iuflammatnry literature emanating from couuter* with the dervishes, they drove a tb* leaders o( thie cow protection movement dcren <tl tltein iu'.o a native house, and says these writings bav* alr*ady had a having set lire to it bayuneted them as they marked effect upon tbe ignorant Hindoo* of oame running out. On* of the Soudan Bengal, Oude, the North- West province*. e*e. a ha/* fellow, beggvd bard to take his and Bombay, and that to prevent th* agito- , ttand st the door, for, said he, he hadn't 1 a man for afcrtnigKt. Andwheatb* nex 1 . dervish appeared, tie ran him through and ho:*teU him back into the burning house, lik* mad into a London mudoart. Bat tbe dervish, writhing on the steel, managed to bend u, i itch the *oMi*r'* mouth aad lore kit lip aad cb* i op a* far a* U* eye. {The CernkiU alsgsziae. put i hinv > prevent th* agi lion spreading prompt action is required >>n the part of the authorities, CMTKI> STATUS, Kiooklyn otergymen are up in against tbe proposed Corbetl Mitchell prua fight. Four more cases of smallpox are rcporU ! w York, and two person* died of i!.c disease in North Brulber* island. r.l Tbrr, L-alh r.l' .. (Hie ot the bi* fortunes affected by th* A tremendous rain and windstorm visited : present rloani-iit? troubles ar St. Paul is that Jackson rVrk 'on Thursday evenn some of tbe buildings of the World'* Fair were damagsd. The Committee oa Territories of thsl'mt- ed Stale* House of Representative* ha* de- cided to repoit a bill for th* admission ot 1'iah as a Siatn .- directors of tbe World's Fair have definitely decided that tho Kxhibiliou must be cloned ea November Slat as original! y Intended. Armed men will accompany every train hauling express or mail cars from cago lo say point *aat, w**t, or south in future, Messrs. John Kelly snd Jamea Suell, of Ontario, twspt tbe prize litt in the Ibices- irr -;,<*}> chas* at the World's Fair, taking every {tremiuui awarded by the judge* m that class. A sensational story comes, from inln Dayton. in H* wa* a pioner, ' \V* bav* leame-l rnongb when w* loam that Hawai> should b* a British outpost ia the Pacific. In uacy'* eye. the Canadian Imperialist alrci iy tees the line of union complete from Vancouver to Hoaoinln. from the latttr point to Australia ; 1'ncls Sam u block*d out : his sttamsbipe are run off th* seas, and a line of hostile war vessels, and of well- manned fortress**, can at any time be t in order at a few days' notice against Ksquinia'.t wil. have at its dock a deet as formidable u that now stationed in the Kaglmn channel" The eonclnaion of the article is J* voted to Mr. IVuiias Sladen. . .-onver tt tb* head of navigation," writes Mr. Pougiu Sladen. was assigned by nature to b* on* of the world'* great ports. Like Constantinople ami New York it ha* an all-round frontage of deep water : like Hon* K >ug it the outlet of ball a Bsnsnl It it were nomibls for Canada to be lost ia tb* I'nited States, there might be risk of Vancouver's future, for it would have to contest with places like Seattle, a ter- minus of hall a uosen lines of railway ; but whi'M tbs Lion's Gateway remain* Till. ': .\MIRIW!t Oil of British ceamerce to tbe Pacific, from Alaska to Cape HOTS, its futur* h assured. Vancouver, at the head of navigacicn. well protected frv-m aatault, will always be the com>R*rciAl port of western Canada, as About an bear after they are out of the she'd they quit the nest .O^VttMT, W1MO l*r nt) OonOet MeT*) pi UssVJCtT^tX This down is divided into seawesii down. sad grass down. Th* la:t*r is generally noeeirtsis.l to be tb* beat ia quality. Tbs down is very valuable and fetches from f i to Jo poonj. Tb* throe takes si down vary I'snsjilsr ably ia quality, tb* first sting tunertor to th* second and to* second to tb* third. Th* herds th*m**lvea apart from tbeir down-giving capacities, are of little value. Tbe down taken from dead duck* is value- less, as it has 1 t all its BmarveUoas shrtis *>i.n w vvesnvw e n* % . i'rsxja CnnnJsan lsaM wUionaua, i-yw. aad built a house in Minnesota's ca , r ., or rather KsqaintalV will be the when tho place wa* a village on the hills I naval port, lying a* it doe* in and what is aow the buvnes* district was a wimp. On* day IViytoa and two friends sal on a bluff talking and gaiing at the "mud bole." It was suggested that if the town grew the lowland m-ght becvne valu- > able. Soon after in* three separate.!, au.l early next morning oa* of ikera saddled hi* horse aad started for ths land olh Sullwaur. ex'iteea HH.--AWIV. intending to nre-empt U.o *wam;\ He hvl gone but anc* when he taw a cemnaaion el lb* v'y before ahead o! him, al v on hoTMhack, and wi'S th* *TO purpose in view. The two ?od to Stitlwater and nuB)h*tl *V*B in front of the land osVe, At the door stood Lymaa l\>y:cn tmoitiuj bit pip*. " You re too late, boy*." he laid ; "I cam* over last aifbL" Iu the . oi year* tbs "mud hoi* " made him a :: naval port, lying as it aoe* in command of the tntranc* to Pg*t *oun.l. the ilsdaer- raueaa of America, oa the open sea, with n* torpedo channel* to run. It was only in the spring of ISM that pioneers began to build imsagtae gigantic cedars of the forest between Barrard :u!et and ths raise creek. In tb* sort h- west it it Becesssry fora town to bo burnt to th* ground before il cjut be of aay account. Vancouver was lucky enough to sacore this favor on CT>. To day i' has at least *>.(X>0 population and has absorbed two- thirds et the Orient al trad* which formerly went to San Fran- cisco." - *0en is to thrilled by the possibili lio* of Vancouver thit he besoms* rk.p I fancy." K* tays, " that I can see Vancouver when her boar hat ceme, as ' docks iiosd with Tne sierra', truay. -Yes, reatlemeo. it's tbe Kings army tod the King's navy, but it'* tb* national debt." This udun-nal>ry eatbarst of ' uhbett 4 represents a feeling which has, we fear, done aa ineslcnUble dual of barm to our warlike inMiisa. Tbe notion that th* lighting rorcce of tbe country are the Queen's army and th* (Jueen's aavy, and not th* national army aad the national aavy, has been to much insisted upon that tbe nation has not taken ball the pride, inter***, and delight it ought in the who defend it. In Franco, aod even in America, in mo- msals of danger, tb* untie no, only de*r to every heart, but a matter of intiniial* personal concern to every man. woman, and child ia tbe country. * With a*, taouob nuppiiy the army ban iissiu to b* actively unpopular, there t* fur too moon indolent iadiderenc*. The army and navy are the force* of the Crown, and the Crown must look after them. \ .u't it enough U I pay tb* bill f That is tb* sort of way the ordinary, com place taxpayer and voter in**tn*J t gard th* matter. H* may tak* pride ia the borough poilc* they are " our police" but a sort of churlish shyness and pride pre- cludes h>m from lakiagor axpressing inter- est in what he is always bavinf ran mod dowa hi* throat as the " Queen * army and. a* be think*, with the addition. " and that's a cut far above you. my Ot court*, it it all musts**, i of words, but none tk* less the w* have described exist*, and ha* d*o*. we bslieve, a great dual to create that sens* of indisVreaoe to the srmy aad iu needs, toe: suHy lack of interest autosu 'ho voter* srbich all our best officers deplore. at the smaller provincial newspapers. Net one of them would, we fear, ever think el talking of the army *pl to run it down, to *XDM* a * eodal. or to say it won ex- peusivelv managed. Tbe writer* tel about it as a purely national lion, in regard to which they are tkints lives responsible. It u the (^tieen't ajmy is* nation's. [The Spectator. Tbe German RmptNr's favorite novelist is Rider Hsgfard. o'clock whan w* finally fringe of hsiit is crown*- o tk* the ravine. Right before us aad not 100 feet away M the Indian coup. Tber* were three small fires burning, with a smell ol ustling in the air, and from moveatssNsnt the redskins we unrluneil that tney and just isms it" their supper. Into as was tan hdnr. It wue sou*, little tins, bolero we eat tne whit* man, as he was bound band and foot aad lying at full length on theground. Flesh real was throwVon tb* fire*, and a* the camp was lighted up an Indian cams forward to th* 'mijt and banked down a asaling with his tomahawk. While be cut and rnmmi it hs was within twenty-five feet of as. Had we not crept back when w* saw bun t pans, hiss, b* ild bav* run right ever the line Tne tok* was stWueaod and driven into the earth at about the centre of the lap" and while two or three Indians issVil it for as toe* mjihsred it to ear left, where a big tree baXbeoa .preet- eabytkewiad. A can lead of dry baths was conveyed to the stake aad pttcd ess sad then the last of the captie* were loee- hua ... He thawed ap hts face wo raoafnaed kirn at Charley Keats, the Government stout at- tached M Fort Wallace. H* had been captured at nnwigBl tkit morning about thirty miles away. ' White man onid going to build are fur him make kiss w-.rm : " said the chief of tbe bond as h* pointed to toe ttak*. " Wangs. ! You are a pack of tkulkiag cowards '. tasweied tne assut as he drew him-elf ap. " Burn and b* asngsd : I've ot the scalp leeks ol six of yeuraost mon. end yon won't be very much abend el Charley Keats T" A dsnan warriors ran in upon him with raised tosnanawks, but the chief snouted for them to bold on aad ordered tbe prison- er led to the atak*. A rawhide lariat, which bad been soaking in in* spring, was teen brengkt alone:, and a/tor the seont had been ttnpped of his clothing be was fast M tk* stake by th* lanni beta, around km waist. He thus has! tho of his arm* and legs, aad th* fwsl was s* arranged that it aid not cents within tnre* feetof tne stoke. While they were thus nrsasrisg hint tor tartar* we saw him glance about as il be might bav* a hope ol rescue, but presently despsw to hi* heart, rnd be turned totba^nf ssnsl said : " You are a squaw, and those psomV *^ children whom I could drive with a at. t ' There isn't a real warrior ia your tribm. I eve made the whole gang el yea rn FnVDWl Tber* was- a rush for him, but tk* ek drove the warriors back, and, shnnssnu with Maud nrma before tbe scout, bo *n W* know you. Yen are a bravo -ssn. You speak irnly when you say yon bav, tb* scalps ol some ol our warriors. Bun we (hall at* how it will be with yon -irkn w* pnck you with knives, ween we i powder iB Usta to your cries "If you hear one yeU front me yon may tell every white man ia this esuaiij that I was a baby r shsntU tk* neons. Go ahead with your>c! A feller cant di* bat once, and I ve boon prepaied tor this sort el death for tbe last five yean r There was a yell fossn every Indian as bo ceased speaking, but the crowd parted right and left, and the chief drew his- kaife and stood surveyinc tk* caatir* Wo gut tb* word at this moment to open fire, aad our ten carbine* and tne scout s rile rang out as one. W* root up with a cheer and fired again and again, but after tk* third volley there was no longer anything in signt to fire at. The ladian poniss.^raais n UtUe distance away. daskodeT in ndr7vo. and every warrior who cooJd move rsshtl at tk* side el Ike mountain and dijaDDnarod among tb* roekj an J tbickeu. Tae command* galloping up. but there was no work for it. On the ground lay seven dead and two wouaded Indiana, witk ton er twelve riant and all their about. Seven ol tan eleven awn bad aimed at tk* ekstf in tne test are, and seven bullets had struck aim. W* turned to th* sen.-.-, as it was over, and be held out his ha*d and said : ' Uowuy, beys! SOOM ol you cut tkts thing aad iet me gat a drink of water a* tao spring : Sort of eloM shave, and it made me rather thin: Belgium bos a mils ol railway to every four square misss of territory. Persia has bat twot v miles of railway. Many of the ores- of the wr*>k*.l Via. toria were tostttalntn. A stdsn ol the Indpendent Order ol Good Templar, was held an heard. For .very death laring the year *wn are censtan; v sink.