THE FLESHBRTON ADVANC Advertising Rate*: O..o Column. 1 jr**>r. S60 ; hlf col . 1 yen, 907 quart** col., one y**r, I ij. Tramlenl drwt'Mineut ctiarawl ft the rt 01 b *MJU per UD , li r ftnt iiiMrtluu uJ 3 uob tu iMiiueDl Insertion. AN IMPORTANT MEETING. A meeting fraught with deep politi- cal interest was held in Markdale on Mouday. It was called by the Pat- J-OL.B of Industry for the purpose of nominating candidates for the House cf Commons and Local legislature. It was a representative meeting, and alter mature deliberation and several ballots the mantle fell upou Mr. Thus. Gamey, the veteran reeve of Osprey, for tie Local House, and James Dowes, ex-reeve of St. Vincent, for the Commons. With regard to tl e first named Tbe Advance is in hearty accord, believing that a better choice could not Lave been made under the circumstances. Mr. Gaiuev's intcg lily places him above any political chicanery, and he would, we believe, if t-ltcU'd hold sacred the principles entrusted to his care. Mr. Gatuey lius fur some years been politically luart fico, although formerly a Con- MI Native. He has also suleciilx-d to the PiohibiticK platfuriu, hating been a lift-Inn;; Umpcraucc man. No more j.. i!' i-tly independent candidate could l.uve boon nomiuatcd, and thru was tl.i Lii:d of man <3t by the I'at- lous. Other names before the c-m- vttUiou were Thos. (lilray nud Sara G'H>Jfi!low,botb of Euphrasia. These, liuwuvvr, were .'.< <:> 1 "liot pota- t . ," uuJ f.:ll with a dull tliii.l.. There uiv interesting times alicud in East and Centra Grey. It U v, hiapered ii..ii thu Reformers J<>r ti.n. mo He- f ... merit and Conservatives among the 1'atroiis) voted almost to a man for Howes, who is a stum h Cmiscrva- l. .'o. Should the Reform [inly bring out a candidate to oppose Dr. Sproulp motive will then be pi ti u as a piknuff. dating and houoraUe in nil their dealing*. They cm nut bo accused ol having in/u' mi in'v out of the ctlur. They weie as anxious fur the 10 mills i>r factories as thu correspondent, ur anyone rUf. The d fticulty wa to get the mill* or factoii. * to locate *o far from It. R. When a lite wa* wanted for a factory lust year they promptly fumiahud one. The one in fact mentioned in the came article and from I. at he states iu it,l would ilifor that Sir. I'unly had a!o furuisliwl timber a* ac cumodatious or inducement. Then one of the brothers, spoken l a* fliousand* f mile* away, i* HO anxiou* t} < 11 Eugenia property that he advertise* it in the pub- lic prom. How in the namo of comiimn nne can they be responsible for the back- ward state of Eug nit 1 Cuuld they foi e capitalist* to invest I He then goei on to say, "Eugenia i* a thousand times bvtu r suited for a town than Markdale. But jnu lid sensible people to deal with Mark Armstrong wna a buaintus man al a solid Methodist, while we liar* i scripts to deal with. Hunce Markdalv has gone ahead while nearly every foot of land in Eugenia beving the name <! Purdy ia little be i ter than a wildcnie*8.' Had the railway then nothing to do with the prosperity of Markdale 1 It would seem not. Only Mark Armstrong being a business man and a solid Methodut What would have been t ho result bad he been only a business man 1 FAIR PLAY. THE TO SUCCESS .uud BuylMf. Low Price* rr*ntpi Quirk Sales. klmbrrlry From our <ncn Corrupondmi. Well, Mr. Editor, we have got nearly sobered up since the show in your towi and we, wi!'. try and give you wine item*. \Miat would you think wa* the matter if you %aw two buggies which left here ill right on the momma of the how and oainu back binkeu. it looks bad don't it and the driven* wore local preachers. Mia* VanDusrii, who hits been vimtin. at Mr'.. Whitby's for the past two week*, loft for her homo in Owen Sound to-day. Messrs. Thurfr>n, Oarrutherm and Wliitby held a ifi-nptl lfin|K)rincf niivtin ; in Ihe Mi thndiat church at Ebenezvr on Sunday M ht. Mr. Gordon Smart pa,<wed away tlim niiii rung lifter M veiy pninful and lin^oiin^ illnum. ( >ur miller is a Inn tier, and the firm- er keep him huatl : iii;, but he (,'uts tln-if all thu amu. WE HAVE RECEIVED.AND ABE now opening a large consignment of Dry Goods, direct fiorn England, comprising a large stock of Dress Goods, Velvets. Silks. Ribbons, Glove*, Hosiery, also Carpets and Floor Oil- O'.O'h'. Our Dress Goods stock will be un- usually large, as we bave siroed at procuring the newest styles and choic- est effects in thii liu, and believe our stock will be found 10 excel any pre- vious effort. \Ve would call especial attention to our lines of All wool cb-viot serges, navy and black. All wool Henrietta clolhs.all shades. Kie'ieh Soliels and blark Cashmere. All wool German hopoack, very stylish. Pure soft, black Silk, for dress, beau- tiful finish and quality. Colored Eilk dress goods in best shade*. MANTLES AND JACKETS The largest stock we bave ever sixmo at prices from |8 to 930 very stylUh goods at medium price, $4.2, f 5, |4 and |7. run. In Purs we have some imported goods at marvellous kw prices. A nice niiilT at (0 cts. one rouib nicer at 76 cts. Storm Cottars, Capes, Man- tles, Caps and sets of FUJI iu great variety. Our Furs aod .Man lira ne- cessitate our opening a separate de- partment for tbem,adjoiuing Millinery For Farm Wnggons Democrat?, Buggies, Cart?, Iron Harrowt, Trimming, Paint ing,and Horseshoeing, Lumber, Lath and Shingles aod Farm Implements C.OTO John H. Heard. Carriage Making f room. MILLINERY. Pricevlllc. held T j-day will be a great day in M irk dale. Everything bidtt fair to see an luormous turnout of tlio tlcctoratr, and a big time in grncrul. Sir Jol.u 'llioinpgou and party will arrive from Owen Sound by special train at noon, nud aftor linichocu tlir . [ ilm;,- will t ike nlacc on Dr. Jpr< U'.O'H Uianiii'nl or in the evuut of i,,i-lcniriii in the riuk. All slioulil iirihc it a point to attend and lr:im tin- px>s- i . u of the goveitiuit'iit from their lips. . - , , . ,i i r lull* an- . sti- 1 i.' umis ji.Kiiioim hor itiiil tin- min i I lit- ilnte of "Ur f.tll f.t i wliii-li will bo hel tit-xt Tui-wlay nud Wi> ';n-mlay. A eulisidrr:ih!u iiiniil IT of ..!.., 1 t' .- I' 1 , .i , o>\ d, moiistrution in Oiuhain lat Fritiay. Mr. Dave Drown, ..f Unnr-voi, iiov. win el* into town on brnu nrw "Swifi" hioyole. Muurs Jitmis Krnnic nnd John Urown retnriii"! from thu World's 1st;- last week. Of courm- they aro full of news. Mr. nod Mrs. D: under. Mr. Jan>c Watoon and Mra. Wm Kcrgumn attrn- ibtl the fitir at Walter's Falls lant wvfk. Mr. S. Wii.-ht, of Toronto, wiw th guest of Or. Huttfm |i\.st woek. Mr. .Vim-run l!n IM.I, of lloll.tiii! I'l-ntre.paid a vi'it to friend* in thi< buru. Hi- left on Kridny for the (,>ne 'ti C ty to put in hi* third year at Hie Univer*ity. Now open, everything new and in very latent style. Hats. Ribbons, Flowers, .Yiitkt'rs and a choice slock of Fancy i ormaii wool-knit goods. Miss Hich- urilftGii will be pleased to ace her num- erous fi lends and take their orders. Gents' utiderware, t>0 ceuta, for a suit, sl.ii t and drawers, and all prices that to 93 an iruiueiift. range IKIW id the tiuio to buy. M...: ..-I- ear ut Coal Oil received ibis week. DJ. Ricljardsoii cs Co. Buggies, Carts, Sleighs, Cutter, etc., all made in the highest style of dtp art, and at reasonable prices. Get eat* mates from me if you wish anything fn these lines. Painting and Trimming also attended to. R T. WHITTEN, FLESHERTON, Ota. GENTLEMEN : : Sir John Thompson and purty spoke to a largo meeting of tho electors of South (Jroy, in Di rliuiu on Friday of last week. There was an cuonuuus crowd of people present, ami inucli n- tlnisiasin manifesti 1 T-i tlir Kiiitor uf Tl>r A Im- D:ua KIR I noti.n .-in it< in in the M..ik.ll Htand->r<l l> ih>- Ku .'-n..-! ...i rcK|<iidut in which tint "I'urdy" fain ly H in for a notice which in >eld<>m i|ii.t!li- 1 for nml'cin IH IIIMI -pi To ihx.e who know ilm I'mdy l.i.Ci.ix, thi .ulicle would in ir nun) who do not knw them will doulitlt-x ruad With ynur |> l h;iic n I will utatti u fvw fact* anannl tlim wutron and IIL.II i. .IK t.rail*. Thry cnrni* into thin oountrv whim it wa n.-vr, luiiit the lirnt x<i I n .1 ' null in Ko;yiiinanil Kii.'lwrli-v *hrn tin- \< p ll'.itil'.l U. |l,tr*f,itll-l 10,1. N I. u ll:ll III. I i i ri.icrpi i<es wi-rv of ;i.-,n Mtlnu to y. Thu "Solo U -| n-Hfiit il I IKPI to it till' tint |'i'>>' ]i> i<il vt Ku^tin..-i, and his < u uilly Kim-.-, in. i a 111 y 41 a^... ll w.w al.o k. 0,'fi n< K 'se'.;ia. They <. - Tlir RTAYNKR, Oct., '2. Iv.-fivnnn in 1' is srftioD knu A n'ontin ' KIH'H-?, "f ('i.ll- ini;wotHl, .mil iir:nl\ \ ri v >IM> kii>w tli v fur ynar.-i lio as ilofniiinil tt<l i-ri| -pl.-d by noiaticn, nn>l i-nilnr.-il nn^ifnk.-ilil.- -n!- frrm^. 'I In- .'i-'c-.-iu ' uf ln complete rr!iir'itiun tn lif.ill'i liy nn-Minuf Diidd'l .,.liu-y inlln, n-fi-nt'y |.,il.iisln-tl iu tin- l ' I'mi;*.',. 1 I'nlli-t n. wi r i. t-l In if VMlll I'll' ,, illtl>rf>t, l-r,--llll (if K) III- pilh) fur Mr. Knilicr, ri't liccatinn of the maivxlli ma curt) of K in. in win-in i>voryi>iit- ri.n-.ulfn tl il.HiinciI l .-, 1 1 vn ilfath, mi. I at itn early dar. A% rcnult of the unli liiMlinn "f Mr. Kmlit'r'it nt"tv, rnnuy in tliix vifinily have tm-il 1>I(1'* kiilnry lulls, KiKi klvan witli thx hwit n-tultn People nru nwnkpniih.' t thu fnct tlmt iliv .-.! kiiiin-VH. i'l miiniiv IMW, nn- tin- .ui f i>f hiilfi-rin :i v. In. K un Hwrihwl tn !r.i]-v. rlu'iiiiiatin'ii, hcitlica MIK) othor Groceries' AM> Provisions. ^1... nn.U'i n:liu'l .1' i- 1 " I" inf. Tin tli. ) llitt hi' k. n|". on lian.l i. full NtiK-k . f I lip -i I'M rui.-.l hx nVf . I Flour riis. ax luv nn the ditto. \ Hour HIM) t riilfs III Hfii- on. <'M!Vciii>iHTy eto. ^^.^ | yo ' ' "i<l HIM* ai.d oil i ',x i*l iu*ik*ii'ilcwlH *1. W BariiLouse, - Flestertoo COMING. Tlir Uun Kir. John S. D. Thomp- son, I'rtuirr ui The Hun. tiKO K. The lion. Sir C11AS. H. TUPPEB. The Hon. J G. HAOOAKT. The Hon. A.R. ANOER3. The Hon. Mil. PATTERSON. I!,, It.,.,. N.l'LAHK WALLACE. Th" Hon. .1. F. WOODS. .IAS. M. \SSOS.M. P. COL. TYUUHIT, M.P. T. S. Siu,.,!!--, M. P. These will aiidrora a muss meeting uf tlir K!iTtors of Grey on tlio |\>litioal i.-sucs if tlif liy in 1 DESIRE TO ANNOUNCE that I have taken over the Carriage and Wagon making business late'y carried on by .Mr. Moore, aod son now prepared to till nil orders in my line to yoar entire satisfaction. Havi. ; lately addt-d to my sixteen years' expe- rience in the business a nine months' Iraimn^ in cot- of the best carriage shops in tho c'ty uf iVtroit, wlicru I suceeedod! iu carrying off a first class rccomrooiiihiti )i), ought to bo a sufficient gnai.-.ntec that all work will be dniio in a first clay manner, i manuf -t :ie Wagons, r.iii-^ios. Cutters. SU-ighs ; in f.ict everything in the cur- riagi 1 line. Wood and lumber ukea iu exchange. Kindly giv a call. II. UL'VIU.l rtOD. Ni-t door to MeTavisli's blaeksmiih shop. Y'OU FURNITURE? WE HAVE FlMITUllE TO SELL. CALL AND HEK Ol R ST4MK TMOUBLB TO <;<>o/>.s. Remember if conteraplatitig buy- iug au Organ or Piauo you save agpnt's fees br buying from in, aa we keep no men on the road t j run up the profits. OCT. 6th, 1893 Tlit> Ministirs alno desire to meet anil be iiitrivn wcil by as many rip- iTSntativt'ofthc' Pu'.otisof Industry, r'lirnifis' Icttilulis tnd Agiirnltiiral .\HSociatioi.s of Farrneis as can aitfiul, to aacoiUin their views relative to Tariff <iurnMi.]i*a!Ttctiu<{ tlwir interest. Tin ti- ii)ti>rvit)W3 will take place at 10 o'clock, a. in. 1'nblio Meeting to oommence at l :u>V-. ui. All are cordially invited to attend. WANTED- men to s*l ourohole* and Nurivry tV.aml Seed Potato**, full and com plotn I in.- Many Tartottas mu only b* obtain etl tln-ouiih o*. ('tmuilsulon or salary palil w-kly.aiul promptly. Kxelusln and eboloe ol turrit. n y KlTi'y. DoB't dslsy, *rlt at ono f n I -I ma AI.I.KN NiRKBitY Cu, Roche* er.N. Y. The Markets. 4 wrrii;ll> orr. . i l Ench H <-rk Flour ........_. SIM to S Kail \\h..t H|iru> \Vhrat ;, HutUr "' ".. fork U)f l" Turky. 11 -MI I'.-i pair I ..... k i'< i i'lr ..... A3 :n : IK 7 il ma to 7 10 N B) It to I.. to lo to t.' to to to to til to to to an vt ts i ?* r is 1 IX) 10 ID It See our the n.t l'"nn- E. Harrison, furniture Donl^r and 1'n- drrtakor. LESHt S; TO.V * full The shooiliiE s ;i t .ii I* *t hind untl we hare M*ortuient >>f r*qui*iti-i for the in thi* ilt-purtiucut. \V liaTe the New 8mok*l*B* l't>wJrr, Curti-. H*TV*Y'I l>ia- iiii'iul Orain ntl uthtr puporior K^Hilen of 1'iiwiliT, liri't-cb and Muzzle U>.lii ,- Slu.i Uun, ull -ue *uU klntU uf Caps, !'iiim-rs rrtiiKf.br8ii and v*)"' 1 Sbell*,(.)..ii W I . 1I iiuuibri ol Shot, Sht't Bg and To* j p , Fluttk*. Kfery tlii up nottlful iu I Ur'slm 's Supplies, MilU. I.c Leatbur Uxlling.Riveti, Much in* I'll, lUpair Link*, t'lmni*. I'.lr . Klo. Crwokrry ami 4ilasKwurr.I Full aiipulit'* i-u tli iiy uaoexitate clfar- lilt; out to uikku lot'ia fur uw guoUn tuiti 1'nttorn*. I luwaro. l.ui^c stock of Milk r.,i'.i, niul I'm.-*, nifH, lo., a* ll-ll il. .!.1~>. Putty, Palnl, O:!-. It r. Kixifiiiu IMU h, Ami iii\tl nig iu tlio c-n, nil linnl\r*re lino we CHiisupiily at l,, i-urrtnt urit'es. Mt! Oil, Cue er-lutl jui>t ivrrirnl.thp firstt'f tli. *t*oo. A miprrii'i- (;r*J of ortliiiary aiii) li* bftin M-curt'tl 1 \ it-fiu*ri. Contract. Po- % : MS) at; t>ttaw* tiD^ tli October ItM, for ' fill-.- ii.. Mdl Si \\ 1 . Hr Maj**tjr's Mail*. OD 1'ro- UOMKI wuti-aot* for four y*an trout UM let Unitary noxt I. Hetwi n i>m hum and Fl**tirtou Hallway stun IT . i\ 11 int* por w'*k i>acti w*\ . 4 livtw ... l'i it-.'\ ilto anil KI0ah*.-tuii Hallway sta'," inn'* for wi'.'k oaeli wav. 1'iit "ntamun; fu't> er ifortu**. tion a> i "t CI.'IHV.. , i:i*y b*wn an. I blank fm mn o( Tvmtvi initv l ob~ tailint at tli : - aluu^ I > rt <l>*ctiY roiiift ami at liiln offico. I HOI-KIIIK. Olio.'. - : : i\.h.l (>a\c . Eugenia Mills Carriage Works. Carrl^es rnadf :ut i:op L.I . l. also PI LUI.I Matohinf, t'.n.vl Saw- itu'. \\c.)^t 't'uriiitig (-f evi. ry des- c-ripti>n. Pismlnf and Oi miOhop- piug tl<ni(i while \ en ' ' ' r th- % - Doaver tnrus the wheel, r w J ana~f r