THE FLESHtiRTON ADVANCE OFFICE OF GEO. MITCHELL, \ nn.v.l !iukiii; I>rft-. tusuoJau l.-limp Moiim always available lor legitimate bui:ne Sturii !. OVKK:I< two doom north of Richardson A Co's. Vicinity Chips. Characteristics of the Pant Week Carefully Tailed for the furious. Btuineat nnhcts itnxmij lf<l irtil I*, rkarynl 'it //< mtr nf I'lr per litir fur ench inwrfimi. .1 rnluftiun trill l>e mnite tin ctmtriicta fur 100 line* or oter. You nun ct c-ituilene, litrtl, and bacon t H.IK The prize list of Cl<-n Ig agriculhira; exhibition liaa IHJUII received. Date cif fair- Oct. 3 ami 4. A foot-hail in.-.tcli will be played be- tween tin- ilio.i ,i!id Kle.slu-il'-M clubs in Tlmrstliy evening iioxt at 5 p. m. I I"". . ;. this week .-i fm< lino > I bulius l.i'l mantles, laU-st sty!. Wo -in- It. Baakumllo for O'j'K'-"' "f 1'uluth \Ve are i:i.l-Uu- I i.. Mr. <!. I', n f.ii-s-'iii- lino sainplo* -it" uiokul HIM it-itl matt, frmii llio Sinil.ury ilislrii-t. Mr. Bennett owns w^ine mining property up there. Kiil ijiHHls art) IM-IIIJ opened up daily. New <ir<*M ./nulls. IH'OH Uuaigns .tnti pat- trnw in T HILL s. A harvest hmim tV.mival will be held at theOrango Hall, Eugenia, under the aus- pices of the Prcaliytvrtau Indiwi' aid, mi Fridnv. Svpt. 2l>. AdiuiHiiun 26 cunts. For Salo. Lots 8. half 26-27, con. 14, Artemeaia, 100 acres. Full advurtinouumt next wtek, B is U.AMY & UBNDBIWUN, Kle-h ert.-n. Tlic A'lvnnce is sorry to learn that councillor S. IV.lUi IIMS bcou seriously ill for iho |MiHl two w-ln with l.n>m-luli-< and its hni. i. II .- u-:ia uiiublu U> at'..>ii<l council on Hill is aliownu; new foahiotialilo velvets in ahot c.n-<!, pl:uu shot, and v:iriuty uf dus in plnin vulvot.s. Mr. T. Kulls .11 f.ill u tie aftur m^u<. Whilii In- is p.ivi: aamu piicun aa la-,t y.-ir, lie clnium tlmt npplus :\r<> aelii.tlly worth :u miieli this yc:ir aa lust "-A-III^ to abundant ei..| -, eliewhuie. Tbe annual nieuliiii; of Centre (itvy Farmer*' lint tute > at Flcih eiton on tliu -_>*(li of S u pu.iuljr :ii tiu> hour of '2 'M o'cl'-i.!, for >io purp<-s.- ..I electing officer*, .Ju. i ln.x <"i |>1 icos I", r tfae winter nMMitinu*, and othur buaiuoaa. Inform y<' ii neighbor that he nun have Tlie Awmce for the rcuiaind'T ,pf UUH yoir for only 25c. Clubs of live now ubacrib. I-B bt i?0 cnis rn.-h. Who will end us in a club of tivu t.rinl Hu Ayer'a St-mipuilla ia one of tbe few remediea which art! riM-onnm'tnlnl by every achul of in>-<licinr. Its purity, and efficiency aro too wi-11 liihed to adtuil uf doubt a to its NUJHT iority over .ill ot'iei blo.xl nurilicrs wliat- evor. Ayi-r'a Siirsnpiirill ' let is .ill. I.B. l.ncjiN. barrister. Mnrkdnh- hai $10,000 ]n-n nli- I'timU i-. lend on farm turt^oKea within the nuxt fuur month* at loweat current r.iS-K. Nn oummiiia- iotii, no dolayn, expeiiHes low. Apply nl office in Marluiniu during the wouk \>t at Dundalk , on Saturdays. Mnny peopl.', ut nwnra uf the Uaiigrra of conRtipatiiin.iKx'v'. ! ibr proper io.ii.-dy till tho habit bvcuiiK-s cbioiiic,or inAatiia- tion or atoppngu reHulta. A doi or two of Ayrr's 1'ills in tho hrginnhiK wou'd have pri-vrnti'd .til thia. Park Lotn for Sale. OnVm will bo lejcivrd for one, two, thi<>, or four aciua aitlit-r lepprately or en block, :>f lli.ti ;>.n-r, f Mill rsrrv No. .'!, lying north of Ueuvi r river, Ku^enia, Kant of Alm.t, i\n;\ aoii'li ' <tret, beginning at cant end. Apply to \\ M. Pum>v, A:<|icn, Col. T. S. Secretary Irwin liaa bt-en inatructed that < ur VcchaiiiiH* Infititnte i entitled to a grant of ono hun<'n .1 itollniH. Thia is not aa much an unit hi ped for, but will insure a vAlifvUb .vMiti'iu to t'lo library for winter roatling. Duckey was Ducked. A young Fleshert<iii gentleman took youiiK lady out fur a riw on Flraher'a n.'iid on .M.iinbiy uvvniin;. They aailea Gaily nnrny for a short time, hut, throUkih aomo unfoituna'.o movement thulady was pit uhd out into tlu> chilly water. The young j^'inK'Hian, of course, could not -Fird to HOC her drown before hi eyea, nnd galluntly juni|i<l overboard to tlm reaouo, suocoscfully brin^iii'/ his prociou* Inn. lun to liiud. The acoidei.t is a pro- found secrot. Our realtors will please re- frain from iiivinj! it away ! Kucp your eye on the newspaper and nee which of your iiuTch:uitH want your ciiKtoin and aro snttiriuinly courluoua U> 'nvitu you tu call. There IK much more in advertising than you think. It is not only to tell you of his goods that a mer- chant adveitisca, but it is to invite the people who iivtil --the thinking and intel- ligent to pay him n visit, and juJite for thriiiselten IM Ni the quality and price of what he otft -rs fur nali>. I'.-nple ruad the lulvciiisuinciits. Don't make a miH'ake .-tlMiil^tliMt. They r just ns mncli inter- i'sti-.i in kimwii.K when''.-! I ny to adv.-ui- .s t!iu advertiser is in Helling his goods. Or. Scot i. ..t Maxwell, places his card in thic IK-.IU. . Tim Dr. Inn lately spunt a II th.- I'lm-.f,'" p'ist ^rrul- uate nicdi. . ni.l I. '-,'i', nil in- MLiutii.n M ! v t..r iimt:iu.iin^ physicians whn hav>f Ill-en Mlgagpd in practice, where -s to a laj-ge amount of hoM[iitul nmtiiriul. He iils-i unvo spfciul Hlti-:iiinii t.> discu. s of the ye, ear, nose and, viNit'iig daily the Illinoii oya and ear hospital, where there are from 100 t<> 15U juttienlH every day, also the Columbian h.nipital.wilh iU 100 pnlients. HI: WHS granted a tliplonm for proficiency in trontin; these Hubjecb). Obituary. On Sundny lasta'ill one more of Arteni- eiia'R p -mcers dropped out of the ranks. Mr. Roger Lever, who has lived near this villngo for the |st forty years, waa at- i:irl-d by tho fn'al illnefis some weeks ago, and terminally sank un 'il at 12 o'clock on Sunday be breathed hi last. Mr. Lever wan born in I'hd.-tdelphia soon after his parent i arrived theio from Holt n- le-ni<Hir, LancAhire, England, coming with tlicin In Toronto in its'y days. Mr. Luver's fall.ur w.\a th i soeond Muth- who set foot in Tor into, afterwards t-i '<\> -ui he remaiin-.l until his doi.tb. Mr. Uoj-i-r Levrr, the subji'i-t of tins shi-'< h, was twice murtied l>;it hail no ihsne by tiio lir^t wife. Hy n. I wife, wlin wait a Miss Holluy, In- !".i-,una lru' fiddly to mourn his loan. Ho was a successful nmii'.Vor of ih s world'.* .;'r,,;U. .in.i leaves IIIH widow and ehiidien in aoinforblbh cireumstancoH. Tiie fi.ii. i J i - ., ;i.-i.e ou Tuesday to riesherion ei-ioi-iei y, and waa attendrd by largn f>n. ,,uis.. of people. Personals. Mr. an-1 Mrs. J. D. Clark and family r. luiiiot] last wcuk tj their home ui Lon- don. Miss Cbristena Riolurdson loft on Sat- nrday to attend t!iu Owen Sound oollfg- inte. Mr. IWt ArinHtnurj has returned tu i In- . -tt ih-j O*iin S mild c.illeifiato. Mrs Heard, of Toronto, ia the gui-Ht of herovucin, Mrx. D. lilair. Mr. F. T C:\rr, of Kutfonia, lett on Ttienday por C. P. R. on a visit to Win- nipeg. M, s Sarah Wii)jht haa gone to St. Tlmiiias to tnktin cour*e in the Alma Mr. A. M. ' '.'.)'..)ii is taking holidays in Tor.iiito ainl i lc*huie. Mr. J. I'". Ilntcli.ii.iiin, of I'ort Mich., was a ctl'i-r n Wt-dnosday. al Ihe Sound. Orvr.s s..i sn, Sept. 3. ill. union tin- I.. 1 . i n .'id i. mien! <, ownod by Mr. Oi mist. m, St Vineeiit rod, wi re destroyed by lire. !'! origin n 11.1 Kin- b'.oko out lacl. night at about I'J o'clock in tho eHtaUmhmont of O. Eborlo <& Co., x-nLs' fiirnihliiiiKH and tailoiiiig, I'.iulotte street, IxullydamagiiiK the slncl;. The loss ia estimated at about gti.OOO ; ..\. i I'd by insurance. The platfoim at the C. P. R. depot i-auxht tire l\\.n afternoon, but wan ux- tinguirthud b foru iiiuch dHinaite WHH done. It ia RUjpoHtd to have slatted from a litchU-d cit,r boing thrown under tho plnnks. I h< EllloU i'aM~ HK iNTKniin, Sept. 4 Many citizens of this city are willing to vouch for the trui h of Frank Elliott's staUmiunt that he was cured of kidney ili.-,e;vke of six year's atsndf ing by the uaa of Dodd'i* kidney pill.-. Eveiyono U am, nmhed at the rapidity and thoroughness with which these pills do their work. AH one who had nu-il iheni says: "A man feels, after vi-smsj thein.un thouuli he had never onioyetl life l-fore. ' The Kymal case in which a paralytic wa cur. d by Dodd'a kidney pill, opened tl e eyes of the (wople in this vicmity to tbe virtues of this reim dv. Pall Fain. Following ar the dates of fall fairs in which the (x-ople of this section are intr . -st .-. 1 : Bust Grey Sept. 28 and '2!i. Indnstiiiii, Toronto Sept 4 to 10. South (rey, Durham Sept. 26 and 27. Claiksburu-St-pt. 22 and 23. Gleuelg, Miirkdale Oct. 3 and 4. Hun. Edward liluke sailed from Livi-r- pool for Canada by the steamship Lake Huron on Satuiday. VIGOR F MEN Eiilljf, Quickly, Permanently Restored. Weakness, Nervousness, Debility, and all the train of etils fruui early erran or later excrises, the results of overwork, sick- ness, worry, etc. Full strength, development and ton* given to very oigan and portion of thabtxlv. Simple, natural methods. Imme- diate miproTeniLiit teen. Failure impossible. 2,000 references. Book, explanation aud proufi mailed (sealed) free. mt MEDICAL CO.. Sllffllo, N.Y, TBE ^ TO SUCCESS Cood Buyinc. I'roiiipt I' Low Prireo <|i,irk Salt - The Magic oi Low Prices Briugs People TO Our Store Every Time. Come uith the Crowd aro loss aud loss room daii . by arrivals of FALL GOODS. Sweeping reductions in prices will bo made t<> clear out linos this month. This means loss to us, but we cannot help it. The world moves, and we are not going to stand still Wo make a fair profit whon \\<- can ; we sell without profit when we con do no better, and we sell at a loss when wo can- not help it, hut \YH SELL all the tune. This is the bir .:,-s opportunity. We have good 1 Prints, cht-iip enough for |mtrh\vi>rl{. I f iiiutls .-lii-nj) .'111111 ;!i for qnilt iiniii^s, but ^>,l for nice :nil:iiiin Ladies Man- 75,\iHl$-t nil, fi.inier price 81 ml $">. cotton IIoso 7 e. nis pn- pair. 1 |uii>. 25 ct nt8. Misses colored Hoae U cents per pair. Cotton Sliirtinu 5 cents P.I yard up. Children's Twet-d Snits minced to 81.50. Trimmed Sailor lints 10 cents A cnse of bleached Shirting Cottons 10 cents. A BONANZA. in every de- partment, bittoapi-umlly in Teas. 1. Richardson i Co, Suitable fo* VJust Und received at CLAYTON'S, a large and well selected stock nfy Meus', Womens' and Cliildrons' footwear. They were bought^ ight, arid will be sold at a close margin of protit. Metis Boys' long and lace BooU ; Womens' aud Misses J l summer wear, alsj CliildreiiB 1 wear, all style 8 prices. Call at our new store and examine Quality and prices do the rest. Custom^ work and repairing as usual -AT [Clayton ' ef iaud A Wonderful Medicine. Reaa the following interesting testimonies : South American Nervine, the cuio for Ni rvi'iiMiess. Nervous ration, Nervous Headache. Sick Head- Nervous IVoxy.Mns Ni-ivous Chills, Niirvoiis Clinking, Hot Flashes, I'alpitatiim of tho Heart, Slei-pit^- Ni u., n^ness of female* of all aui', Indi- n. IVpepMa.liurnilu; of the Sloin- u-V \Vei::ht ami Tendi rnex.s ill the Stomach, \Vintl upon the Stomach, Cat- . . ;.iT!i,.f theSloinseh, Frightful Dn.ams, j AIIII-III-HM' Nervine Tonic a i ,- . NiHhtmarB, Ringing n the t-.ii. Vertigo tisement .,f which wo publi^T . I aintiui.-, Impure and Im- ' Al*. < (i,,,*d from AJrotate, Urrrnrillr, Pei>. ,', I For 27 years the AHVOCATB has pub- !isli.-.i ndvi;iti.-,,-inent8 of various patent meUicinea, many <,f which H.--O ,\, , p. tionally good r>-inti|ius for the disvaaea and ills for which they . ..end- ed. Hut we havp not yet hen. I :s ij..,<l re- I>" rt of aiiyaH we havu of t| )t . i :,. : Sruih p" \erished bliKrl, Scrofuli>ui Swellings, Consumption of tlio lun^a, hViiiale Weak- lies*, (iuneral D.-lulity, Hrokmi Consti- tution. Clnouic Diarrhuta. and Debility of olil ago, all these and many other eoni|,luiiits cured by this wi.nderful Nerv- ine Tonic. Has your constitution been wrecked by an attack of La Urippe ? Tho (IIIBAT So i TH AMKUK-AM NKHVINB TONK- will .(iiickly reatoro your shattered nerves, strenuthon and cure your dieeaiive or- gans, ruguUto your Liver and purify your blood ; and rentore you to perfect Koiiiidmm again. Thia gre*t Tonio should IM useu after all sicknrRS. I is |Hiwi-ra to restore to hualUi are simply wonderful. Harriet E. Hall of Waynetnwn, Tnd ., says : "I owe my life to the (ireat South Ameiiiii Norvme. I had been in bod for live iiioiithH from th etfecui of an ex- haustive Stomach, Ii.dtL'estton, Nervous Prostration ond a i<enenU shultcrt-d .- m- < of in\ \i bole system. Had given ni> all bopM of getting well. H.-ul trieil three doctors w. ill no relief. The !iiM In, t'le of the Niimni' Tonic improvnil me -o inn- !i ih.-'t 1 nasiho to walk .tlxnit, u<l a fow Uittlos cured me entirely 1 heliuve it the lint medicine in the w.uld. 1 c-tiiiii't ri-cuminend it t., he-li- I?." secund [>agf>. A lady sul>scril>er in Louisville, Ky., wrote UN Kiimr time ai'o .-tikin^ to lisvj Mr. Ste:u-t, the druitjfist him-, -u s.-inl bur a bottle for her Inuliaiid. In a short time she wnitu again ..uli-iiu^ twn more bottles and said it was "doing her huabHiid giNid. A few days since, meeting one of our principal mer- chants who had been in bail health many months, we asked him how he was gett- ing on : Ho said he waa getting better every day, that he had found a patent medicine that he had takin taken sev- eral bottles of it and waa goiinr to con- tinue it, for he says he would not take a thousand dollars for the gi>od it ha* al. rendy done linn. Inquiring what kind of medicine it was, he told me it was the South American Neivino Tonic. Hearing so much about this {{real rem- edy we interviewed Mr. Stewart, and lie lulls ua 'hut lie- can scarcely keep . sup- ply on hand ;is it sells aa fast as he can pot it. and all those who u*u it >p.-nk in the hiifhoNt |irai) of it. 1| says lie hai sent it to AtlvocalcsubHcrilHii m Florida, Kentucky, North Albany, and other place*. This is no (uiitl notice, we publish it (.imply as a tribute to n desert im; rem- edy, and if it is doing good we are glad that it is in i lie reach of our sick and suf- furing pe..p!e. For sale by W. RICHARDSON, Flesherion. HEALTH FOR ALL. llolloway's Pills and Ointment. T II K PILLS rnrit) tho blood correct all Uironlcis of K.-ivor, Ktoinach, lvi<ln\-< and I?\>.-I. They InviRornta aud rrntoro to livaltli lii-lnlitiitx.l Coiittltutiou*, and are Invalnabie in ooui piMiiU incidoutal to KomalM of a!l ngu*. for Clulitren an I tho njeU lhy are ii iceloM, T HE GIN T M K N T n inlslllbia remedy for Had LOR*, Had Hrt, Old Wounds, Hore* and Ulcers. It i fatuous for Oout slul lieli :uiin( 11.111. 1'nr ii.>r,liTs of th* 'hvt It has no a |ual. For SOUK 7 // ltd. 1 7. HlfOJVCHlTIS.COUGHS, COLDS Ulsniiiiliir Hwelllugi. Mid all Skin Uiioanw It IIM no rival ; and for ooutiacti .1 auditlft joint* it iu-tii like a charm. Mnmifactup'd .<nly at TrotfoMor HOLLOWAT'S F.tAblUbinei.t, 7M Xrw Oxford Stroi I laH- .VIS, Oxford Street^. London. and are raid at It. H<\..2*W.. Uftl . 1 1.. -.&>., and .K oacli Hox or I'ot, aud may be liu\ uf all M d. I. 111. v M.i..: . tlirOURllUUt tUO WOtld. il ! "k ut the /xiW mi the Pott nit I Horn. If tJit ml Iran it iu>t t '.rf,i,-,l fitiett, Isiiul-Ht, they tire tfturiout. Doors, Sash, and all othor Building Supplies at_shortest Lotice. Everything at Lowest Rates. Contracts taken and Estimates JUruished Jtor^all kiuja of Buildings. Lumber Planed andjflooring turned out while you wait. Custom Work a Specialty. Give us a call. J. E. MOORE Propristor,