THE WEEK'S NEWS CAXADIAX. The vater in Kingston harbour ii now lower than il lias been (or year*. The L'. K. Loyalist Historical Society of the Bay of (juinte district has been organ- ize!. Miai Maggie Hf.^n. of McKillop town- hip, waa fatally injured by being thrown from her carriage. Light frost on Sun. lay night was report- ed fiom South Dakota, North- West Iowa, ml Northern Nebraska, The establishment of the Empire tobacco factory, Montreal, haa been wholly destroy- ed by tire. The loss wa fully covereU by nnurance. Capt. Joseph Ash, an old peniioner at Sarnia, haa been lent to gaol for attempting to commit suicide by cutting hia throat with a jackknife. A despatch from Ottawa says that the rearrangement of the military statf by Major-General Herlwrt will resul. in a saving of $10,000 a year. JoKn Dunn, who was seriously injured in Hamilton on Monday luat by the burst- ing of on emery wheel died in tho City hospital on Saturday morning. A young man named Jas. Lyle was bath- ing at the Roach, opposite Hamilton, Ont.. Tuesday, when he went down before assistance could re*:h him, and wan drown- ed. A Montreal man named Samuel Christie Carter has been arrested on the charge of havingcaased thedeathof hia mot her- in- law, Kli i twtli Peacock, by throwing her violent- ly down on a beu while she was m a state of intoxication, 1,1-ute a sensation has been caused in Montreal by the announcement ih..t Mr. I.. refuge on board t cruiser. A despatch from Buenos Ayres state* that the town of Corrientes has been cap- tured by the rebels, who have also defeated the forces under ('.>!. Acnnas. The striking c*b drivers of Naples and their friends have had several encounters with the military. On Friday over one thousand persons were nrrcsted. The negotiations between M. de Villiers, the French special envoy at Bangkok, and the Siamese Government for the settlement of the Franco-Siamese dispute, arc at a complete standstill. A cyclone passed over F.*tru Silesia on Thursday last. One hundred houses at, Kosel, and Oberslopau were unroofed, crops were destroyed, and several persons were killed. Twelve Anarchists were a. rested in Rome on \Vi-dn3sday night, and the French Km- bossy i is protected by a cordon of troops. These measures prevented the recurrence of any serious disturbance. Report* gain credence at Berlin that Princa Luitpold will resign the regency of Bavaria in favour >f his son. Owing to the Klug a fair, there is a feeling that he is losing control of the Government and is be- ing hoodwinked. A special cable despatch from Rome says t.iw after the conclusion of the manoeuvres of the Italian fleet on Wednesday, Prince Henry of Prussia, at a dinner given by King Humlierr, referred to the war vessels of Italy a* iimerb. The English yacht Insect, lying at Kiel, has been sei/.e 1 by the German authorr. ics. Her seizure is due to the fact that two Frenchmen, who were living on board, in curred suspicion liy their actions, and were taken into custody as spies. Prince Duong Chare, of Cambodia, hav- BY KATE Tf If ever a woman complains about the troubles and trials of housekeeping, her husband is always ready to say that house- keeping is just fun, and he generally adds that he can do il as well as auy woman who ever lived ! And he believes it. He is thoroughly sincere about it. Aud thai is what always amuses us. It is strange why he should believe it .and yet he does. He knows that in order to learn the carpenter's trade a man must spend months with a master workman, lie knows that no man can run a steam engine until he has learned how. He would laugh at the wom- an who asserted that -lie could navigate a vessel around rape Horn without learning how. Yet he could keep a house the first lime he tried. And we have seen him try. Lots of him, and lot* of times. And we may add that we always enjoy seeing him. His wife cooks ip some "victuals," and eaves him to goon a visit loSisterllannah, or Aunt Mary. Our male housekeeper WILL WHEAT i>% t > The Present Mllllultitn Ki-rcli ! and I'.r tulure Kru*ni>ll(-alril There is, probably, no ti me in the history l is a gratifying evidence of the successful ex- War WeiOra 4*s-G*c<.. J The progress of work upon the lortifioa- tions of Esquimalt, under the co-.mi-ratlun i of the Imperial and ( ' tnailmn i lovcrnmmt*. for the anxiety of the Government to get rid of the royal visitor. ing refused the request of the French Gov- ernment to leave Paris, was arrested, es- J. Amedie Papineau, son of the famous ! corted to Marseilles, and deported to Ai- orator and instigator of the rebellion of giers. The reason has not been assigned '37, had publicly broken away from the Roman Catholic Church and was about embracing the Presbyterian creed. A large number of representative farmers from Kngland, Ireland, and Scotland re- sponded to the invitation of Sir Charles Tupper to visit the North-West at the ex- pense of the Fei'aral Government, with a view to reporting upon its desirability as a country for settlement. Fourteen were selected, and some of these are now in this country. r<.|,i;,il..n ..I the'll. The human family living on earth to-day consists of about l,15'l,<XM),(MH) souU not fewer, probably moro. These are distributed literally all ovur the earth's surface there be- ing no considerable spot on the globe wiiere man has not found a foothold. In Asia, the The Bank r.r.msir. of Kngland's rate socalled "cradle of tbe human rnce," there are now about SOO.OOO.OOO people densely crowded, on an average of about 1-0 to every square mile. In Kurope there are of dis- 320,000.000. averaging 100 to the square count has been raised from four to five per niile, not so crowded as Asia, but every cent. Lady Aberdeen's little book entitled " Through Canada with a Kodak " is evok- ing much interest in London. She speaks where dense, and in many place* overpopu- lated. In Atiii-.i there are approximately, i '-'10,000,000, and in the Americas North, ! South and Central UO.OOO.OiiO these latter, very warmly ot Canadian kindness and the | ?' ?" nl^ly thinly scattered over . ,,/.,,., broad area*. On the islands, large and small, there are probably 1O.OH....XK) more. The The death is announced at Southampton extremes of the blanks and the whites are of Mis* Mary Augusta i -onion, sister ot the lute General Gordon, who was well-known throughout Hampshire for her great benev- olence. The grave of Mrs. Siddons, the great as live to three, the remaining intermediate, brown, yellow, and tawny iu color. Of the entire race 500,000.1 > well clothed that is they wear garments i of some kind tlut will cover nakedness 1330,000.000 habitually go naked, and TIM), only ,-uvi-r the middle part of the " - English actress, in St. Mary's burying ground. St. I'aneras, is to be taken in hand and thoroughly restored by the local au- ! i,ody ; ~>iNM)00,(*K) livo in houses, 700,- thorities. INI i.tioO in huts and caves, the remaining A special cablegram says there is reason ..Y.o.oDti.iMx) virtually having no place to lay f> lope for on amicable settlement of the their head*, troubles in theSouth Wales and Monmouth- shire coal fields. Fifty thousand miners are expected >o resume work to-<'ay. bristles with uiowledge. "He in not going to bo all ihe orenoon putting things iu order. Women are slower than <le:..-i, as a rule! He'll ust fly around, and get the work done up and read that new book before dinner." If it is warm weather, he airs the house. fresh air is conducive to health. He seta vll the windows wide open, and the doors litlo, aud never minds if the screens are closed or not. tie wonders what makes so many flies and wasps, and tries to drive hem out with a newspaper as li has seen M wif* do, but the flies know him, and of the grain tra le when people have Iwen more tempted to invast in wheat, and havy at the sa'na tims felt so little confidence iu the investment a* at the present moment. S.i many factors enter into ihe question to ii.l n-ii-je values thisyeir, ihst the study of the situation is more interesting, and commands moro general attention than it has done for years past. Looking at the influences which ha-'e brought wheat to it* present low level and kept it therefor so many months, the first and moat striking one is the vast accumula- tion of stock in all quarters which dragged down wheat many points by sheer dead weight on the market. Chicago specula- ton made a strenuous effort tosustain values and did for seveial months keep the price there above all the other markets, and al- most on a level with New York, with ihe result that wheat was attracted there iu such quantities, by the premium paid for it, lhal the speculators were swamped. They had to let go, and prices went lower than they would probably have gone had busi- ness beon allowed to run in its legitimate channel. The most reliable estimates make the aggregate stocks of wheat, and flour in Kur-ipo, afloat, and iu America ou August 1, 17S.GOO,IHJO bushels, against 1!.UUS,000 bushels on August I, I ->'U, or about 44 percent, more than a year ago, and that at a time when the harvested iu all America, new parts crop* are being of Europe and are once thinks With the large supplies to carry on this continent, the financial stringency lias been a potent factor in holding prioos down, making it extremely difficult to obtain loans , ... . maing exeme i cu o oa ns afraid of bun. he says-bul he never ^ ^ inks tiiut he hasn't got the knack of ' -Iriviug them ! Humph ! as if a man could not drive flies as well of Me between September and December de- liveries, or equal to 34 per cent, per annum *r"l o elikea foroarr y' n g charges, will testify. The state of the exchange market, also, has interfered I blows down the w . th <? ree , hj ul from the w<-u d whisks the dried *. ()t * js forei ^ h , ow Rmi rao , t Western "bli/zard," and Mpsn aod magazine*, and wuuu vi ui iuu . . ratsei out of the vases, and upsets th, V't >'" X is fore gn W,u.t holders, aud scatter. tET sheet a ' lticult to 2"L"* all over th. room, and he wonders, fiHfcJS*'5LT room, What in ihunder does hlow so all at once J" Then he begins to sweep. see a man sweep '. If so, you is ifono. Tho motions are about half-way ugc but domestic New York ex- tnd " u ."" I Philadelphia, can only be sold at a ruinous ilisoount of 410 to *!.> per $1,03 >, thus add- Did ing to the cost of shipping nearly one oent r per bushel. The rewiveis have also to face 1 the serious problem of looking after and for at least half , . ' paying in the near future fa between sawing wood and pushing a baby , |{ * |le B ;is , ,.,, ., ,,,.,, , Ule new and il there is mu-.h <firt. then ^ ^ e dwth of currency u , uoh (Jft carriage, , preserve who nappen. to ;i >|mt tho unlucky individual I proposition lias alre t to the leeward of the I * sweeper ! He leaves the broom on the doorstep, so as to have it hairly in future, for a man <hlou-e a ertions ol Sii Charles Tupper and General Herbert, and a fresh indication of lite rec- ognition now so generally accorded to the mutual interests of Canada and ihe Empire. Three officers and 7- men of the Marine Artil- lery arrived from London to commerce active operations aud it is understood that, follow- ing Australian and South African preced- ents, the two lioveiniiieiits share in tho ex. penses ot fortification, while Canada boar* the cost of the garrison and Grnat Britain the far greater expense of naval protection and the provision of a powerful fleet in North Pacific waters. It is not so very miny year* since tbe principal towns of Canada were garusoned by Imperial troops, the guns of Quebec manned by English artillerymen, and the Hist, Kiel rebellion suppressed with the aid ot British red coats. As many as '2. r >,000 troop* were in this way maintained in Bri- tish America at one time. Vow, our citizen soldiery, under the jummandof an Imperial olticer, are able to take care if local de- fences, and by law constitute an Imperial force under the order* of the Queen's com- msnder-iu-chief should danger of war necessitate mobilization. The only military station now manned by purely English troops is Halifax, with its garrison of l.aOO men. But various aveuts have occurred to make fortifications at Ksquimalt as the best dcfansive point on the coast necessary. So long as Vancouver aud Victoria wer* small places, isolated from the rest of the Dominion, their defence against the Russian guns at not very distant Vladivostok could 1)0 left to the British fleet. Now, how ever, the creation of the Canadian Pacific Railway has made these towns important commercial centres. Ovar the great rail- way rushes a rapidly growing commerce, while from the sea-gates of British Columbia issue Canadian steamers to China, Japan, Australia and tho eastern world. In the coal beds of .Vauaimo lies the beat material upon the entire Pacific Const for the fuel of British warships and Canadian steamers. The beautiful climate and growing colony of British Columbia is little more than two week's journey from London, while the great fisheries of the coast demand protec- li-iii tnd the assurance of substantial aid when required. No better place for the fortifications could have been found than K.-qmmalt. The harbor is one of the most beautiful situa- tions upon a lovely coast and holds in corn- in payment re. ,or a , n ^ -, w)|ioh 0(ml(1 , Je ^ m housekeeper has a gre-.t idea of having , whe t - to Iarmel . aml o , {nigh \, ^ rall thing* "handy, and proceeds to wash the anill | 1118 brin* ,he wheat to marke'. dishes He wipe, hi, hand, on his pant, by Jg th(J , J^y ^ relurlleil , , *ay of making himself tidy, tucks up his hallk(|> lnerob 4 them jn fun|U create a lonal currency by issuing clearing niand the south-western extremity of Van- house certificates in amounts of $5 SKI 10 , couver Island, thus possessing the key 'to shirt sleeves, pats on his wife's apron wrong side out, pours some water into the first receptacle handy, and begin*. How tho soap-suds fly ! and how tho dishes rattle ! Crack goe* the handle of a cup ; but ho doesn't mind that ' Handles arc a nuisance on cups, any way ' Knives, plates, tin dishes, and iron stew- with which to redeem thn 'einporary < er- titicates. The banks are favorable to the scheme, but it is questionable if the farmers and railways will agree to the prop- ' possessing the magnificent harbor aud inland sea up m whioh the City of Vancouver is built. TB*:t:r* IM tiBtiEce. :tul Frw WOIUPB are Evrr ** There I (id. i lay irrum^lani r. An English ran visiting Greece 'or the harvest time, it is not easy to sue how hois to IM benefited by tho scheme. Iu former years a Government crop report such .m'l l> Vulgar. Vulgar women like to attract attention ; Mr. Astor, the new landlord of Cliveden, they are loud in their dress and Ulk ; they has made himself very unpopular among ' call ne seen and heard at a distance ; they the frequenters of the Thames by cutting off are numerous, generally annoying and often the privilege which the Duke of Westminster : oilonaive. always allowed river excursionists of taking Vulgar women wali like grenadiers ; they tea on the lerroce opposite Cookham lock. com< , ,j owll on their heels with force enough The succession of the Duke of Edinburgh i to shake anything from an " L " road sta- to the rulership of (he Duchies of Sax- tion to a suinmur houl pia/./.x Coburg an 1 Golha dominates public inter- Vulgar women discuss private afTair* in tst in Germany, and widely divergent ru- public ; their conversation is audible to incurs in regard to the matter are every- passers-by ; they invite the observation - I where circulated. The succession of an strangers, an-l they are flittered by ihe English duke has surprised and diasalixned ; familiar comments of flunkies, flirts, fakirs the nation, though the- fact is quietly ac- cepted by the Duchies concerned. and Broadway loafers. Vulgar women appear in public wearing The London Daily Chronicle, in referring brilliant colors, brilliant cheeks, audible to the refusal of the British Government to perfumes, jewelry and sensational style*. accept the Do.nimon Government's invita tion for two British experts to visit Canada to enquire into the alleged existence of Vulgar woinen may win admiration, but they never win respect ; before an individu- al is respected by others sue must respect pleuro pneumonia among the cattle, says herself. that if the Canadian veterinary experts fail- j Women who bear lale*, who betray con- ed to discover a single case of the disease, fidunce and make mischief with their Great Britain ought to admit their live ' tongues are vulgarians of ihe most despic- cattle again. I-MTKII sTrKt. The Canadian exl ilii'ors in the live stock classes at the World's Fairare proving very successful as prize winners. By the starting up the mills ard furnaces in Pittsburg, Pa., nearly seven thou-iand men Here put to work during tho past week. Wildes will bo reduced on the I'nion Pacific railway to the extent of at least ten per cent. It is not thought that the men will strike. The Pittsfled express, on the Harlem road, I able type, Vulgar women are dangerous : they not only corrupt good manners, but they are a had example for tho ignorant aud innocent, and a disturbing element among refined people. -L New York World. Value of ihc UrnlMrit /.lodi-r /.i-<-. In the year 1HN8 a society was - -ru- in Holland to :u.iku plans for the draining of the X;iyder Xee. It now officially reports that three- fourths of the Mill covered by these 'JUO.OOO acres of water is as fertile as surrounding , chein " " f <Iri districts, i "^ e ' c and pr >pc-. Iv :!.x.,.H,,. a, . ran into another train on -Saturday nek ; , o''" the center a, a lake while the rest ' wlll > " d ~ m ' * r " t _ I ** Wl annually Dykman's station. Five people were kified and several injured. Over forty persons are known to have lost their lives in ihe recoui hurricane off the New Yorlr and New -Jersey coasts. Fifty- eight persons are still missing. A tire in South Chicago the other day burned '.'/M) houses, and did damage to the amount of $1,000,000. About seven thou- sand people have been rendered homeless. Two acres of building* in the business centre of Delavan, VYis., were destroyed by tire on .Monday night, aud on Tuesday ; [Cardan and Forest, morning the town was without a hotel, a livery stable, or a post-office. The loss is render from I'J.OOO to 15,'MH) acres habit able. The cost of the entire work is esti- mated at 97<t,000,0<X>. Tho largest enter- prise of thu same sort hitherto carried out lias been the draining of the Hsorlum Lake, which, after thirty-nine months of labor, added 4tf.OUO acres to the solid soil of H.,I- lan i. \\hnn the Xuydnr X-jo wan formed by an inundation, in the thirteenth century, some HO, (MX i lives are believed to have been lost, and this fact gives an idea of the prof- it which will result from its redemption. estimated at forty ihounand dollars, with insurance for half thai amount. An epidemic of dysentery is raging in the southern provinces of Jap in. A National Russian Inhibition will bo held in Nijni Novgorod in Is9<t. Franco threaten* to send back gun-boats M ire I'.ritihh farm delegates have arrived to spy out tho land. They are an route direct to Manitoba, tho North West and British Columbia. These comprise the dis- tricts that most need settlers, but it strikes us that much good might result from taking thn delegates through Ontario and the older sections of the country. There is much land that remains to be opened up in what waa formerly Upper Canada and in tho Maritime province* and much more that might be im- to thn Moinam river, before Bangkok, if her ; proved by the adoption of English methods --- J ' nev demands' ar not granted The census of foreigners resident in France shows 'ht the total number is 1,130,211. The Belgians are most numer- ous. It Is riimonr.vl that in consequence of th* riots at San I'nbsstian, tho infant King of Spain air/' Mir' Ciue.'n Regent have t tken immediate- ' and by a more patinnt aystrni of husbandry than many ol our own people are willing to follow. Probably the biggest King in tho world, in point of xi/.uat any rate, is the Sovereign of Butvitari, who recently entered a prot-jrt agninst the Bi.''sh protectorate nv r ilio Gilbert Isles. H writhes ' 1 HI.. osition. As it is currency that th farmer j til '" t time " 'truck, sooner or later, by a want* and must have to pay his labor at certain dullness in the street life of it* towns, which it may take him some little time to define and trace to its real cause. _ At length, and suddenly, the faci comes to pans, are- all washed in promiscuous haste ; ' was issued on th* lOtn of this month, would j h ' m t!lat tli<re ftre few > '' *y, women vis- his motto is the miller'a, " First come, have l>oen followed by an advance of ."u to ''" among the foot passenger*. No won served." As long as they are washed, what mat- ters it whether the frying-pan or the china cream pitcher conies first ? W-uncn like to fool away their time washing dishe*, but he has something else to do ' He spatters tho wall paper, scalds hit hand with the steam, breaks the tea-kettle cover, lets the water Irail dry in the kettle, and does not know, to save hi* life, where street* should they are, of nave (men IOKOWCU uy an advance 01 .)c iu i "o o lOc a bushel. The tolal crop in thu United uor - he " Bta - """ ll ' ' Siute* is this year estimated at 3S3,(KX,003 PPar dull to him, shorn, at ,, _., . bushels, against : 1 3.000.000 last year, ! all the variety that woman s presence and decrease of 133,000,000 bushels, and yet j <*"> over len() to tn thoroughfares of wheat is scarcely higher to-day than on 'he countries further west. day tho report was issued. This paper has I , In ^ reec " on 'y lol ">'- J evening, and .i_i._r c thnii for hut A. hrutf 11 -i iml t h\t tli '; pointed out before the general want of faith held in the < Government crop report, aud the apathy with which the usumite of such a large deficit was received beara out that dreadful smell of malting solder comes the statement. It is worthy of note that from, till the wholo thing is ruined ! A tin mate report of Michigan, inurd on woman always investigates all unusual tho same day, makes the crop of that State smells ; but a man waits for the knowledge l.iHHI.iMH) bushels in excess of tho report of lie seeks and expects it to come to him without seeking ! He finishes at last, and leaves hulf the dishes in hands and soak for next lime; wipes his the National Depart UK-HI. In spite of the adverse influences the course i-f wheat should be towards higher prices, though no material advance may come makes the beds. Now, it i* a for some months. Kvon should the Govern- fact well known to science that no man can ; mt . M t have index-estimated the quantity, it put the sheets on a bed right. They w.ll either be wrong side up, or the part which ouuht to be at tho foot will IM- at the hr-u], or they will be put on crosswise of the bed, or '-he upper one will be used for thui lower one. And just so with the quilt*. And the bed will generally look like a two-humped camel, blanketed, by the time he is through with i:. All the old boots and stockings he will pilch into the closet together, and his wife's corsets and skirts, which she did not wnai away, will l>e piled on lop, and his old pants and hat complete the pyramid. A man does net. hang tiling* up, as a rule. He throws them down " anywhere," to have them handy. I hen he "sees" about dinner. He puts the joints in the oven to roast, and puts the potatoes 'oboil t the same lime. An i ho makes tho coffee and puts i. on the stove, and retires to the Nitting-room lounge with is a-. unowledted on all Hide* that the yield will full for short of last year. It i* now generally conceded that the Knglish crop will not exceed .">I},()UO,000 bushels, and then for but a brief period, that the fair sex tako an outing, unless tho pressure of some urgent business should compel them to flit rapidly through 'he throng of men who at other times monopolize the streets. Nor will a foreigner meet with them serving in thn shops, the restaurants, or the cafes ; they will still be conspicuoof by their absence. In fuel, unless he visit* them in the privacy of their homes he will scarcely do more than catch an occasional Kumpse of them at the upper windows of some private dwelling-bouse or shop, where, when the weather is reasonable, they will sit reading and sewing aud cran- ini! '- hoir nocks out to watcli tli.: passer-by below. The ellects of this sedentary life, no anta- that new book. No need of stiying tlirc i correct, and the requirements of the 1 besides the serious deficit in tho general ' g-ntio to our hnglish faith in open air yield, tho quality is almost everywhere dis- ! ml exercise, are very marked on the fair appointing, a good port ion of it being unlit '" l ' m of Uie^Greoian^ women. An emUm (or militin;. Doducting the stock lft over from I v.i'.!, there must sliil lie imported at least I.VJ.'i'-ii.lHKi liusiioU, a large propor- tion of which will be drawn from America, as notwithstanding that tho prospects for the liiiK.siHii crop are as brilliant as in 1^7 and 1*4SS, it would alnorb all the surplus of KII.-SM, India and South Kastern Knropo to fill the British requirement*. America will also got full advantage of tho Riisto-Gennan tarill war, as there :s little doubt hut that Germany will be a liberal purchaser of breadslulT from this side owing to tho t MI I complications with Russia, Taking 'In: Government estimate of the crop to be broiling iu thu kitchen all the forenoon Th:ug will cook just as well without any- body's hanging right over them ! So he leaves them 10 cook ! His book is interesting, and ho reads on, ami at the mid of a couple of hours, he con- cludes he will " see" about dinner some, mure. By that time there is little to see, beyoud s-noke, and cinders, and a " busted potato kettle. That two-dollar joint is charcoal very l>ad smelling, too; the potatoes are burnt fast to tho remnants of the kettle, and the coffee and cooking stove have absorbed each other, and But wo say no more. Tho wicked words whioh our man house- koeper gives vent to are sufficient. But, strange to say, he is not convinced that his wife can keep house any better he is just as confident of his ability a* over. A Long Kick- Two mon engaged in peddling linen botialit an old mule to aid in cairying the ns. One would ride awhile, then the other, carrying the bales of linen on the nule. One -lay the man who waa on foot got close to his mule-ship, when he received a kick on one of his shins. To be revenged he hurled a stone at the mule, but by accident he struck his companion on tho back of the head. Seeing what he had done, he stopped ami oegnn to groan and rub his shin. The -me on the mule turned and asked what was the nutter. ply. 1 The oratur's kicked me, ' tho re- Be jabers," said the other, " he did tho same to me on the back of the how'." Si ites for seed and consumption to be .'ili.V 000,OlK> bushels, loavet less (adding present surplusofSH.m 0,001)) than 76.000,000 bushels for export dnrinz the nuxt twelve months, against l!)l,'.'lii,ii::.~i IniHhels exported during the year ending -lunc .'tiilli ISH3, and '.'--'li,. i>'..->] I bushels for the corresponding time in IH'.H '.i-J. The situation on this side has much improved during tho pist ten days. The grain trade is on a sourd basis, and were there any encouragement in the fi- nancial situation a morn active and healthy market would result. The demand for ex- port i* good at present low prices and stocks at Kaatern points are moving out tost. Were point, not to designate it by tha more vulgar term of corpulence, i* the most ap- parent result of this indoor existence, but this tendency to gross flesh is an alt roction to the modern Greek, who, like tho Turk, finds in superfluous fat an additional beauty. To every country its standard of female loveliness. For Greene the typical woman may be roughly sketched thus : She is short, broad and stout ; ot a pale, creamy complexion, with dark hair, beauti- ful eyes aud features fairly regular, hut not classical. The prevailing impression that she leave* upon Knglislimon i* that she has (whisper tho words) a squat figure. But to quit tho towns, whare it will be seen that women play but a small part in public life, and to turn to the rural district* of Greece. Here woman take* a mor*> active part in every day life. She it is who draws ttic witer, Itrings in the wood that the men have lulled- in tho forest, or who pluokily eat us her wages as a day labourer in the mai/.e or nji u Held. In the burning x.imnier, in tho icy winter, she in cer to the foio, woi-king, working, with her hanging loosely over head, ready to be fold' ed across her mouth should a strange mae approach. It if a matter of thought hot widespread even now among the coiintr) listricts is the old custom of vniling the it not for the inability of tho banks in the l'or partof the face at the approach of West to afford facilities so shippers), a larger movement would bo notei there. Farmers' deliveries of wheat on this crop hnvo been ex -ri-dingly light, averaging scarcely one. third of the same time a year ago. For third week in August receipt* from interior points wore'2,070,ll(l( bushels agaiimt 7.5|-.',''(H' tor the corresponding time in ls<)-J. Farmers who are not compelled to part with their an unknown inemlwr of tho opposite sex. It is out sign mining many that it is not 10 very long ago sin.-e ihe Turks were master* of this "purple laud, where law secure* not life." Americans are s\id to have the poorest teeth of any peopluin tho world. It is said tho more brain- work a person has, the worse wheat to raise ready money will not sell at llis t<Hith hecome. The same result ia at. these price* The viml.le supply last week - Ullie d by Uok of proper nourishment, and decreased over 570.CM) I hurhels as compared j t 1B !a j,j ov a woli-lu,,, with au increase of 3, 173.000 bushels last year.' hence, amm,^ 1 1, year, and should reooipt-i continue as light ; veryone wii i bo tooth as they have heretofore been with liberal export*, it will not take many weeks to bring stocks on this side of the Atlantic to a more reasonable and less unwicl ly com- Tho pianoforte upon which Wagner re- ceived his earliest teaching in counterpoint \nd composition from Theodore Woinlig, ol Leipzig, has boon addc 1 to the objects in the Wagner Museum at Vieuna. awn dentist th . ho very poor classes, Dili loss at the ago of 20. Tho Maharajah of Piiltiala, who recently nurrind an Knglish wit'o, rules over the tenth largest of thv nativi) -States of India under Kngliah protection, his dominions ex- tending over ">.ss7 miles, witha p(.*>iila>ion ol a million and a hntf, and a revenue of a little over half a inillon sterluig. It i* tho most important of the Sikh star**, and is much better governed than the majority of native St*u*.