1HE FLhSHERTON ADVANCE Tffl Fl^rJ? IflA U-.ii Is fully equipped with re- quisites for turning out 9. per- fect class of work. All kinds of pictures taken and finished in a style equal to any city work, while the prices are lower. Picture Framing done in all its branches. If you have shopping to do and pictures to get taken on the same day please attend to the latter first. Careful at- tention will be given to copy- ing other pictures. Mrs. Buhner. Good News TO MANY to call tlio uttontion of the public to tlin fact tliatl liavc opened A General Repair Shop In cnimi'Ction with tlio Fleslierton \Vn ,ill. ii Mill, and am prepared to do all kinds of Iron and Wood Turning- ir made, and cantings got on sliou notice. I have not space to lufiiiion iii detail the variety of work I can itii, but anything you have in iron or wood that requires mending, hi in;; it to the l.'.jlii-ri m icpairsliou, whore you may depend on getting >otr work done neatly and auhatan- tially. Having emery wlm !.- for 1 will inuko that a specialty for a fuw vi.l, .. ( 'ii.trgca low, but terms etnctly cubli. Yours truly, W.H.PLESHER ri.\( :: IN CANADA TO OKT A niih liuriueiM Education. Take a Hound Tr'.p ;r,* r ;, u . iao 'Jl .^>MK^e^HB<i.eia>BBB>i*iaBavB^ia BB MBWBiVBisl I 'ill )*0ia at ml i\ ii-iMit ii r m'.r*. r <r AIIUUI AMIHJ ii^ 'ull i'rliculrH. fre. addrou C. A. FLEMING, Principal. SHOEMAKER. I beg to iutimat* to the Inhabitant) to and KIMBERLEY tbal I liave itarted a ahoe abop and I auj pro- pareit to ito all kludi of work In thU Uue. Uoote ami Shoes u'ax'e to ordee oe> afaovtoal I ctlce. J: |.i h( clone rery clay, alo batuoi lafitlrrcl Conic t lirailbury'* oid * ill alwa>tflud meat bom*. ThronU Fora Lame iii . PlMUr w:il,,. Ir OHILOH'5 V.TALSZ5*? 1 :av- ; . : l .v *. .-h ? Try -.tiisi JVMkl 'j'!:H In;. ..: ; furntabe'l f rpe. licocr oru M'ji ,:: ^ Ja.Mi.tw : u:'.'.-. l!." I',-, r .'il>< t.- To The Public. Ilaiiui; rented Wliltton'i blackfuiiili hoii f .r a term <it yearn, I am now lu a ponttiou to caU.ru> all wauu la my Hue. HomsM a Specialty, S;iii >r.-M-!ioii Guaranteed For itici'liing in tin locktmithiny iinf mil nit F, A. BUNT, C"'o"lt Bicbardaon'i Hardware itcre THE Tailor, Makes all garments of men's wear in the best style at short notice. All work guaranteed. A trial solicited. P. A. BAKER, FLESHERTON. HORSEMEN ! Pay Attention 1 laving purchftsed tlio harness K.SS from Mr. Clayton, I to intimate that uiy cn- or will be to nloaso aiul sti.sfy custouners in any work which may bt> entrusted to inc. All kinds of horsemen'* re- quisites kept ID itock, tit low rates. (lood workmanship guaran- teed. Soliciting your orders, I remain respectfully, W.MOORE- Flci-hciton, Jan. 24, 1893. . ALL CRITICAL PIHIOD* *NO CMNQI OF UP! Sold by all L>nif(tlia,<>r by mail piu' BO ccnu. >ii ho.e., j eo. Tha C.lerw ptu Co., Toronto, Oni. WEAVING. Barclay, tlio weaver, has reroorod from Fleih niton and opwMd op biMtntee Iii I'rlcevllle near tlm Preabrtertao Broh. Ho 1 prepared t<> do all KinclH uf wevliiK,Bi.c-h a> flanuulf. Wan keta, full cloth aud li" Carpets a Specialty. Any work left at Urn. Win. Wrluhfa, KUahor ton. will reL me and be n-'uruei) buuie after woven. All work guaranteed JOU \ BABCL1T < oumy anil DUtrlet Tha 12 year old dnui<htr uf Mr. Chrit. I.i|'ski-y, 7th con. Sullivan, met with a fatal accident on Friday lout. She was Htaiiding by, wati-hiug her brother hitch the lioreei lo tho binder, then tha team vi'lilfiily ran awiy, and Ijefuru hu could eacape H!IB was entangled iu the knives of l !iu machine. The horaen werulinmuht to a Htiindnt ill by a brcakitge in tlio ii.iruesH or -,!! v.uuld have been literally !i ic-kul t > Ai it M in her left k-x wai compleU- ly sviiv<l,ln.r right aluuiat .o,atid Buveral dec|> lKly uKilieu were inflicted. Dm' ('I'.ki-, c,f iJesbiiro, and McCulli.u^li, uf C'h:ilHwiirth, were called in, but owiiu l " the eniirinoiu amount of bl<K>d lost, tin y were uimMu to save her life. She died while her wounds wuie I cii;'.' lU'osaod. i.ii"iiin.-iii>!!i Turod In a day. ^< utli Aiiiurican Kiu-uinatic Cure for hliuumatimu and Neuralgin radically cure* in 1 to 3 duyi. Its action upon the ay -item i* remarkable aud mynteriom. It n ui'-\tM at once the cause and the tist-ane immediately diiapptan. Tlie Krat done gr ally bouefiu. 7>'> ceiiti. \V;xi niiti-il \>y Kiohard.s. iu & Co. A. Hnrrcn.of Krin.haM achieved a uote- wiittiy dwtinction aniongst his brother farmers by ahootini; a real live wild-cat. PUSH hiul buen killing ahfu;> in the nei<>li- Iniliu-Kl ,f ( )i]iriiige. (,'n Monday Mr. Hurrnn Rucccoded in ending its earthly I'iii, . r !! J. Smith'i farm. Tho animal weighed tweiity-tkre.t lb., wax two f.-rt ligh and iiu-naur\-d rive foot from the tip of iu i...sj to the tip of its tail. It U a 1 Hi;,- timo niiice a wild cat wa tetn in this vicinity. Thin oue U >uppoml li.id c.unu down frm-i I.Mtliur or s 'i.'ii- othvr K J towiislii]) ui> uoith. A writ hu been issued by ThnuiasDny, of ColliiiKWOod, against John Makay, of I'm Clitire, a luinbur oj>erator on the I p- IUT Oit.-iwM, to recover $10,OUO d. fr iillr-.- .1 -'.imli-r which IH K.ii.1 to have . '.ut of some business deulin-s be- tween the two. Itch, M.-uige, and Scratchvi on human or aiiimaU cart-d in 30 minutes by V' ford's Saiiitary Lotio.i. This never fails \Varr;iM.'d by 'Vm. M. Mnu is a harveater. He iK-gins life at tin i-i:ill, ; It-iriiK t liandlo iho fork ; oftv'ii lias rukis'i wnys i.ml sows wil.l tltrrlu , l.i. H,iy through tho world, and u In n hu arrives at the tore and yellow li'af, tune mows him iliwn, nnd liis re- main* are planted in tho hillside. Onr Man * Downfall. Last Friday Win. McDonald, a tr.imji l>y profession, w.w limu.-ht over from Xeu- tadl by cons*alilo Si. in.uui RIH! intm- duced to maitiituitus I'n-oior and Mesiiin- ger. The iutroduction was eoupltxl with the charge of U-iui; tiriiuk and di^oiddrly ..u tin- n'ri-rts ..f N.-int!-.dt. Tlu> old man !]< I "tiilty and was fined 91 and costs with tli.. ,.|.tic.,i , f twenty days in gaiil. He Uok HIL' o;iti.iii with the l>t.st grace nnl.li', <\[>!iiiiiing llutt bin fund* were vxhnuntcd by bis Utu otroiiH.il. and is now at Owen Sound recupurating his or.lioiiHle.l ciierxiM at the county's ex- [>O:IHO. I'.nl MrD.iu'J, (he traui|i, ciieo ;i \.i tti'i- i!yn. llo M MI .\muiicun by birth and pruri-'us to the war wiw weal- thy. II, s fdthcr, al III.H death, luft an ,.f "7 million ilollarN to liin two soni. I'.ut of this citiite was a |ilniitatioii IMI wliieh v.i'i lii\) slavi <. \\li.-u t!io war l>rc.ko out lliH brother* donned the grey ami m-uvlielto tho fri.ut nml fi.tyht fur the Confedunu-y ; 0110 was killed and the other nt seventy four years rf agu IH a IMK.r.miiujrHlile ttamp ;uid occui.ii s to-day a cell in a common gaol. At iho closo of tho war, McDoimld, bankrupt in purse, movod hin wif.j und children into New Oilf'ins whe-.-e t!i -y wore taken down with yellow fever and die<!. .VcH,nuld loMt lu art and took to drink nml l>ocme a wanderer, and will shortly occupy as namelcs* a grave as does hia brother in ono of the battle fioldi of the "Lost Cause" away off in tho Sunny South. Hanover Post. The Old, Old story. 15iiANTroRi>, Aui<. 28th.- The old, old story crops up aijniii IKTO, and Frank Elliott is the narrator tlii time. Ho says he has for itix years boon a victim of kid- ney disease and could get nothing to cure or relieve him. IMd's kidney pills did the business in iiuick time, and now he is well and happy. Mr. Elliott learned of the efficiency of thotte pills from accounts published of Archie Rymal's ch Tlii gentleman, it will be remembered, wa cured of paralysis, consequent of kidney , by Dodd's kidney j.ill*. General News. Canadian cattle breeders figured well in the prize list at the World's Fair. A movement u on foot to borrow 84,- SOO.OOU with which to set tb Northern Paciffo railway <m its feet again. An attempt wai made to burn Machin- ery hall at the Industrial Exhibition xrounds, Sunday evening. Damage A movement is on foot to establish a crematory iu Toronto. Mrs. J. K. Miller and s. ,n Chuftin, of Toronto, were drowned at Parry Sound Sir John Thomimoii arrived at Quebec on the Htiiamship Parisian Thursday even- ing. English Spavin Liniment removes all hard, si. ft or calloused Lumps and :*hei from 1. .!!<, Itlood Spavin l, Splints, Rin/ Bone, Sweeney, Stifle*, Sprains, Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs, etc. Save *50 by UK of one U'ttlt. \Varrantco the moat wonderful Itlemish Cure ever knc'Wii. Warranted i._\ Ihohardsou & Co. lirlirf in Six Hours .- DUtrwiing Ki.li>y ni.il ri.uM.-r i:n>ensvs relieved in six houri hy t!i ''Great South American Kidney Cure." This new remedy is a yre.it. surprise an.' delight to physicians on account of its exceeding pnxnptnesx in relieving pain in the bladder, kidneys, IM k mid rvi-rv part <.f the urinary pav saucH in male or female. It relievis re- 'ui.tion of water and pain iu pOHaing it tl- mtmt immediately. If you want c|uuk relirt i.nil euro t !i U is your remedy. Sold by Wai. Richardson, dru-.'xist. Ayer Are bolter known and more gener- ally used than any other cathartic. Sugar-coated, purely vegetable, and free from mercury or any other injurious drug, this is the iikal family medicine. Though prompt and energetic in their action, the use of the pills is attended \viih only the best results. Their effect is to strengthen and regulate the organic functions, being 1 especially beneficial in the various dcrangv- mc.its of the stomach, liver, and bowels. Ayer's Pills are recommended by all the loading physicians, and druggists, as the most prompt and effective remedy for biliousness, nausea, costivo- nesa, indigestion, sluggishness of the liver, jaundice, drowsiness, pain in tho *iJe, and sick headache; also, to relieve colds, fy'3i., neu- ralgia, and rheumatism. They are taken with great benefit in chills and the diseases peculiar to the South. For travelers, whether by land or Ayer's Pills are the best, and should never be omitted in the outfit. To preserve their medicinal integrity in all climates, they are put up in bottles as well as boxes. " I have used Ayer's Pills in my family for several years, and always found them to be a mild and excel- lent purgative, having a good effect on the liver. It is the best pill used." Frank Spillman, Sul- phur, Ky. Prepare.! bv Dr. I. C .V.cr *: Co., Lowell. Maaa, Sold by .ill Druggwti everywhere. Every Dose Effective WESTERN FAIE LONDON, September 14th to 23nl 18i>3. Canada's Favorite Exhibition The Oldest lu the Dominion. LIVE STOCK EXHIBITS Entries Close September 7th. The bent and lantoat Stabling and Sjaoe alloted on receipt of entries. BKTfKK SPKCIAL ATTRACTIONS THAN EVER BEFORE. SPECIAL EXCURSIONS FHOM Au, POINTS. For Prii Lista and iufurmatiou app'y to OAPT. A. W.PORTK.Pm8. TUOi>, A. BROWN, SBC. LOST OR FAILING MAHHOOD. taml ui imiu OiUllt), Weakness of Bc-iy and Mind, Effects o Erron or Excesses in Old or Young. Robust, Noble Manhood fully Restored. How to Enlarge and Strengthen Weak, L'ndcc'.oped Organs and Parts of Body. Absolutely nn- failiag Homo Trcetment Benefits in a day. Men testify fri/;ri CO States and Foreign Coun- trie*. Write them. Descriptive Book, ex- planation and proofs moiled (sealed) free. ERIE MEDICAL CO,, Buffalo, N.Y. SOCIETIES. AO.U.W. meet* every flint an I ti'ird Won- day lu each monlh. In;) room, i-k Fleaheitonatf. .ca. \Vm WriKht, M. W.; v i- . W bwu aWorder. Vnitiugl'i. j. ROYAL TKall'I ARU OF 'I i:\; I'i-.. Regi-1'ir Ci'imcil iri-eiH t vert Turulay evennm in Sl'n/Hli-j : p. 111. Relert decree 'iUMiranc. . ntbly. tbf Woiiiimlay precmiiug the Snd of .c >j ujumli rreu iuvit i u 1) >:. 111! K LDUI'I N :03, A.F. * * '' v -train'* Black. ' ' - '.i.r: ..;, ,,| l<efar the ful Iniooo. A. 8. \ > M 1; I spronl, Sverutarv. HAVE YCU BACK A GOODS KIDNEY WILL CURE YOU " Bac kac he mnans the kid- neys are in trouble. Dodd's Kidney Pills gius prompt relief." "75 pur cent, of disease is frst caused fcy disordered A/J- neya. " Might as well try to haut a healthy city without sewer- age, as good health when the kidneys are slogged, they are SoU by all dealer* < of price 50 i Dr. L. A. Smith at t<... . book calW kulucy '1 ilk. the 'wertgen of tha system. Neg- lected kidney troubles result in Bad Blood, Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, and the most dan- gerous of all, ffriijhts Disease, Diabetes cnrf Dropsy. " " The about diseases lannot exist i'.' here Dodd's Kidney Pills are <*&ed. or ,, Terouto. ,>, 3. \V r,j> I $M-M I "-.* ' .' ~' J . '" .'< * ' - . ^V D. McTavisIi, \\n GENERAL BLACKSMITH, Collingwood Street, FLESHEKTON, - ONT. Maliufai'turili(;c Deiuoorats. V.tc. Horn.' *>>. tunded tu. Si'ioini aMuuliuu ^ivc-u t,o [1 or teudcr feet. Loggiug autl Plow Cbaius con- lantly ouhuud. Lands for Sale \\H\\ fropeitlen iinprovod and onhn- proved; also village pi Ai>L>ly J. W. ARMSTKONO, J. B. SLOAN Eugenia, Las on baud, and lot voJm^ lei, aaab, doors and luiuber. Taming aud plaining don* t* Ofjer,