THE FLESH cLRf ON ADVANCE t AKKINQ OFFICE OF GEO. MITCHELL, FLKXHXItTOX. i'al ''i.: liiuinas:) transacted u:i cash*"! t uiual ne M.M. . aiTay* availuhia lor Ujiliumta buiiawu On : >ri noi-th nt llickardaon i Go's. Vicinity Chips, of tli Fast TTcclt C'arcfu!Jy ('ult>d fr the UltflllfW No'W'S .m;\< /!/. iriil l>f r.Wyf itt in-- r-'iV ,,f It>r. jttr Kite fur .1 Tv/"i'i."i tn7/ I't lines or oter. Tin: f.ill Aftiir.'. M '.vill be held in Owvn )Suuu<! licyiiiiiinir < n S 1 p'.. 11. Flesherton cheese factory sold most .f their .Inly mke fur '.) 5-H>. A car Ion ! i shipped two weeks *u<>. Get your planing, matching, (train chopping and cuiTia'.'o repairing dime at the Eugenia Mills & Carriage wt rks. We have the Be**er on a whwl. The extremely dry summer ban heen moit diKadvp.ntaucouB If- butter and <e making. Pastur is vt-ry much ilrie.i up, and the How of miik much re- duced. Master Fred Sproule, while exercising a h-"-^o the other eri-ning, wni thrown "If and s-,i*>d a fracture of tlie ghouMcr I' 'in--. He is now nursing hi* arm in a The uck shoot insr season opens to-mor rt>-.r (Fri'lay, Sept. 1.) Our local ]iortii- i:icn must bear in mind *.'.rt " man is not alloirc.1 fo shoot won* than 300. Any <nfradi MI of thic clause of the act will be with. Mr. and MM. Win. DuvU, of ton, met with a runaway accident n*ar Maxwell, on M>nday. Tin- material wai not much, but Mrs. Davis' were sulmdly shaken that it was iiii;>SKiliJw for her to ruiurn homu the day. and they remained at Mr. D. K. 1'restons' for the ninlit. Mr. and Mis. Davis wish to acknowledge the j;roat kir.dueHS shown them by Mr. P:r'o:i and bis (jood wife, whn were entire strnnucra. Ti u can nrer have a really good com- plexinn until the impurity is eloansed from your blo<itl. What you need in a thi-rmi!li course of A/or's Sarsaparilla, whic'\ m absolutt'iy free from all harmful ingrotiienti, and therefore, perfectly safe. The Fleihvrtun bras* band Jr. vc out to the handsome resilience of Mr D.Stm- .-i HIT, i fi'l roi.<l south, on Tuesday even- ing, -UK! cerenaJed that geiiUeman. !Mr. - s.-t: <_'tit>riusly donated a V. and r>.n I to ihe band'i. Mr. Jas. Stewart, of Kim barley, send* os a talk ofsprip" wheat which measure.-) exactly six feet, the head containing 5-' will -ieveloped grains, which he claims ; he an average f<jr the field. It in a new ra: iety of wheat aud is said to l>o midge- proof. Th-i V-est game of football played hcie thn irimmer was that between the Dun lalk and Fleshi-rtun clubs on Tuesday evening. After an hour and a half's ex- haustive kicking the gamu was decided to be a tie, n<> goals having bean secured by either club. l.B. I. urn-, barrister. Markdale has $10,000 private fund* to lend un farm mortgage* within the next few months at lowest currout rates. No commiss- ions, no delays, expenses low. Apply at office in Markdale during the week or at Duudalk office on Saturdays. Don't buy a blood-puririer because it is "che;i|>." The best the Superior Medi- cine- Ayer's SarsnparilU, m, in the end the cheapest blood-purifier in the market. The ingredients of wliich it is composed are the most expeimivu and medically eiKcacioiis that can be obtained. Tii-- Dominion fisheries repoit ha bean roceive<l. In it Inspector lln-^li McFuyden, of Dm ham, estimaten the catch of |>ockled trout in his district to be 4",oOO |IOUII<IH. It would be inteiost- ing lo know how he arrives at tlie con- clusion that this ciioinii iirt quantity wus captured. The farmers ot Kast, Grey are to be treated to a visit from tlio travelling dairy during the month of Oct,-iber. Due not- ice of the dati-s will tie ;;iven. The f.-l- lo-.s iii^' places iu tiio rid...:/ will be visitea : Flcshi;:-ti-n, I'ricuvillo, Hollnnd Centre, ChaUworth, Walter's Fail*, Kocklyn, Kiaiberley, Muathcote, Thoiubury, Ra- venna, Fevorshain, Mcfntyre. Mr. Jos. SiaH'oi'l, who n we mentioned last week as having it nt ! f -r Ut-rmany, did not, it appear*, travel alone. \'\-\i arrival iu Toronto l;a adopted a partner for the long voyage who will remain with him for the whole of life's journey, in the person of a >!.-* Clarke, of Toronto. Mr. and Mr... Sta.Trd will propably re- main throe years in Germany before re, turning. The A.lvance tenden its very best congratu'iU.' i: . Tim Advanue liiis own informed by a resident of Owen Sound that a Inrjo amount of suiu.'gling in going on at that -int this summer. The uentluniun al- that cuntruhunil frooils are brought ver on the Chicago boats and are ki-j.i - u lii-.vd till the return trip fpunColling- WiMxl, when they aru cautiously landed. Tli authoriti-.'ii tit Owen Sound, if this .'ion be true, cannot Ix; fully aliv to their duty. Tliu bicycle races at Owen Sound last were inton-stiiii! even!* and wore witnessed by large crowds. The fifteen mile time road race, from Owen Sound to Chatsworth and back, was won by H.-iisiill, of Toronto, in 47 minutes, &8 beconds, earning thereby a valuable bicjx-le. H. Thompson, of Toronto, came in flint in 5 If minutes, 45 sec., winning a >;old watch. W. Booth, of Sh.-lburne, Huffurod a uustn;ke after riding sir. miles and wan carried into a far.n house. The road from Or.?n Sound to Chalsworth wag lined with farmers who watched the nice witb keen interest. \Vliilo in Owen Si.iind *HHt week The Advance had the pleasure of examining the magniticient collection of Indian rel- ic?, Hluffed hirtU and .-uiimaN owned by Mr. W. Hiimlin, of Kroukho'm. Among the valuable curioitios oumd by Uib gentleman is a splendid gpociuien of the wiilvoriue, or glutton. This is an ex- tremely rare animal, only thre other Bpucimuiis being known to exUt in Can- adn. and is v.dueil At 8100. It was shot en the jwninnula about four years g' . We believi. '" ilnnlin has the lar^tst private colleclii n of these curiosities iu Canada, which he a ies at a.-voral thou'. ;u:il dollars. The travelling Dairy from tlie Ontario .\_-M.-ultural Cnlldse will exhibit dairy utensils, make butter, test miik and de- liver lecture* on subject* pertaining to the farm at the following places at the dates here mentioned. : Dnrnoch, Friday, September 22d. M.iikdnlu. Mon lay. SojitomlxT . (rleimlg T'p Hall, Tuesday Sopt.'-'Dth. Durham, Thuntday Srptember 28th. I'urk, Friday, Se|.-t. 20th. Hanover, Monday, OctoUr 2nd. AM. 'ii, Tuosday, October 3rd. Holstein, Wednesday, October 4th. Dromore, Thursday Octobur iith. Hupeville, Friday, October Oth. DumJalk, Monday, October Oth. TUB LAW ON ESTI:V. AMMAM. The laws of Ontario provide that a person taking up any eatrarud slock shall give notice of such taking up by publishing a notice three times in a weekly news- paper, if one i published in the secii'in wht re the estray wan takmi, and if the property is not called for within three weeks after the insertion of the notice the finder shall go to the justice of i.he peace aud take oath lo the finding and advertimng. If the property is not claimed in one year, and it xhould n-'t exceed $50 in value, it then belongs the parly taking the name up. If over 850 it shall be advertised by the justice and sold, and the exceeds of all expenses shall be paid over to the county treasurer. Any person taking up any estray and ne- glecting to cause the same to be adver- tised and app::'wd shall be liable to a line cif 820. The estrnyal applies to any personal property which may be found in like manner. Mr. Jas. Mock and family, i>f Montre- al, are the guests of Mr. Win. IfuruhnUBe* Mr. and Mm. Ed. Harrison are visit ing this week with the latun's parents near Barrie. Miss Nellie Brown, of Markdale, was the ijuext of Miss Lizzie Strain during the past wok. Mias Annie Richardson has agiin fik - en up her duties as teacher in Dnndalk public school. Mr. H. Davey, of The Advance Ktatf, spent a couple of "days List week witli his parents in Chesley. Miss Lou Armstrong left last VI u-sday moinini; f T an extuiided visi* t.' frioudb in Londou and Toronto. Mr. and Mr. Embrutf, of Manitowan- 10 5, i|)nt several days of the patit week with Mr. W. P. Crossley. Mr. Victor Ketr, of Toronto, spent a couple of days this week with friemls in and around Fleshorton. Lawyer W. Wright, Dr Carter, D. Clayton and C. Leitch returned from the world's fair on Tuosday. Mr. W. P. Crossley and little daughter returned honiD last week after an enjoy- able visit to the Mauitoulin. Mrs. Box, of St. Mary's, accompanied by her grandauuhtei, is the guest of her on -in- law. Mr. B. G. Evans. Mrs. George Keefer, who has been at- tending her hick grandchild at Bloom- field, N. J., returned homu last week. Mr. Ed. Leitch ban returned to Brace- bridge, after spending his holidays with his pmviita in town, and with friends in Owen Sound. Mrs. W. W. Trimble u in Toronto this week attending the millinery openings and making her selections for the fall. From Toronto Mrs T. g"en to Chicago. A jolly party from Dundalk drove into town one evenir;; last week and joining another party of Klcuhcrton young peo pie. equally as jolly, together spent a very pleasant evening at the residence of J. W. Armstrong, Esq. Mr. Thus. Idle, furniture dealer, of Thornbuiy. and Mr. Will Ailcn, clerk with J. Button, merchant. Tliornbury, wen) Welcoinu cullers on Tuesday. .Mr. Ullu was on li:s way to pirtieipnto in t lappy event which took place at Durham yi-sti-r.liy. he liuini; one of the p rinciulua uid Mitw Allen, ol Tliornbury, the other. Park Lots For Sale. ( lilors will bo ruoi'ived for one, two, ttnee, or four acres c-ither seperatcly or eu block, of that p.irt of Mill reserve N". U. lying north of Beaver river, Eugenia, East of Alma, an.i sou'h - f it reel, beginning at oast end. Apply to WM. PVRDY, Aspen, Col. U. S. Personals. Mr. K. Damude spent Sunday with his family in towu. Dr. Huttop, of Pricevillo, dropped in on Tuesday for a short chut. Miss May Dumiiilu it* home from a vis- ,1 to friends in Tara. Mr. Robinson, Comp. on the Durham Chronicle, was a caller on Tuesday. Mr. Herb. Legard haa opened up a toiiHorittl estahlishment in Markdale. Mn. Robt. Wright, of Hoathcote,apent few days with Mrs. Kerr, last week. IBE T] SUCCESS .iiod Buyine. Prompt Payin, Low Prices, 4|uick The Magic o Low Prices Brings People to Our Store Every Time. Come with the Crowd Summer goods arc petting squeezed into Icsa and leas room daily by arrivals of FALL GOODS. Sweeping rednctioim in prices will be made to clear ont lines this month. This means loss to us, but we cannot help it. The world movrs. and we are not t^oing t-.< stand Htiil We make a fair profit when we can ; we sell without profit when we can dn no better, and we sell at a loss when we oau- not help it, but WE SELL all the time. This is the buyers opportunity. YOUR CHANCE Wo have i?ood Prints, chenp onnngh for patchwork. Dress Goods cheap enough for quilt linings, but good enough fornico autumn Suitings. Ladies M un- ties for 82.75 and 83.00, former price 84 and $5. r>lnck cctton Hose 7 cents per pair, 4 pairs 25 cents. Missescolored Hose G cents per pair. Cotton Shirting 5 cents pur ynrd np. Children's Tweed Suits reduced to 81. 50. Trimmed Hats 10 cents. A ease of bleached Shirting Cottons 10 cents. A BONANZA. Bargains in every de- partment, but especially in Teas. 1, lickarison t Ce, Y-> and Suitable fov the Season L Just received at CLAYTON'S, a large and well selected stock o s', W omens' aud Cliildi-eiis' footwear. They were bought i t, and will be sold at a close margin of profit. Mens ' Hoys' loug and loco Boots ; Womeua' and Misses ht summer wear, also Childreus' wear, all style Und prices. Call at our new storo and examine Uij \goodb. (Juulity and prices do the rest. Customj \ work aud repairing as usual \ AT )C lay ton's/ A Wonderful Medicine. Read the following interesting testimonies : South American Nervine, the great cure for Nurvousiu:sn, Norvous Prot- raiion, Nervous Il.-.i'hu li.-. Sick H.-.-ul- n:lu;, NervouH Pin '\\-ins, Nervous Chills, Nervous Choking, Hot Flafchwu, Palpitation of thu Heart, Sli-epletisnesti, NervoUBiifA* of females of all aijes, Imli- {{i-Ktinn, Dyspepsia, Ijiirnini! of the Stom- ;u-li, \V>-iuht and Tenderness in thu Stomach, \VinJ upon the Stomach, Cat- irrd of the St.>iiiiii:)i, Frightful Dreams, Niuhtmare, Kiiiu'iiii; in tlie ears, Vertigo ami dizzinoHN, K-uutin^, Impure and Im- poverished blood. Scrofulous Swellings, C.iiiMiinption of the luiii;!;. Female Weak- iH"... I, .u,. ml Iti-bility. I'roken Consti- tution. Chronic Diarrhira, and Debility of oh! ftge, .-ill these and many other complaint* i-nr-.jj hy this wonderful Norv- ine Tonic. Has your constitution been wrecked 1-y an attack of La Urippn ? The (KBAT :i AMKKH A.S NKI--. isi: TONIC will 'linckly restoi" yoi.r .1. ill. n-.l nerves, strengthen and cure ynur digestive or- traim, regulate your Liver and purify your Mood : .nut restore you to jwrfeet .^mildness again. Tonic shi'iild l) useu after all sicknewi. Its j>. .!-( to resiire to are simply wonderful. Harriot E. Hll of W.iynetown, Ind., MBJ-H : "I nwr. my life !o thu (Ireat South \iin-riviiii Xi-rvuu-. I had IHH-II in bed fi>r live monihh from the etfectu of an ex- haustive Stonmch, linliji!!it:iiii. Nervous Ppistration iinl :t ^t-m-r.-il slmttered con- dition of my whole .system. Had given up all hopes of '.tutting wull. Hail tried tiirvo docUTs with no relief. The rirnt bottle of thu Norvinn Tonic improved me H.I much that I wan -tin- to walk about, .iii' I a fo-.v Ixtttlea cuml me entirely. I l*eiieve it tho be*! ni"<licini- in tho v.-.irld. 1 cannot recoiiinii-nil it UKI high- For sale by from AJvncate, Greeiirille, Feb. S, 1SS. For 27 years tho ADVOCATE has pub- lished ailvtirtihvnii'iilH of various patent medicines, many of Vhieh wre uxu<<p- tionally j;ijod remedies for tin) 'list-aaos and ills for which they wore recommend- ed. But we have not yet heard as good re- port of any an we havu of the Great S-uth American Nervine Tonic, a !ur,<o advur- tisement of which we publish on our second juiife. A lady subscriber in Louisville, Ky., wrote us some time at;<> nskiui; to ha'vo Mr. Stewnrt, the druggist here, to send lu-r a bottle for her husband. Tn a short time she wrote again ordering two more bottles and naid it was dmiiu' bar huHband good. A fnw days sincf. roeetinx one of our IU-IM ;ul mer- chant who had been in bail hi-alth many mouths, we asked him how he was gett- ing on : He said lie was getting better every day, that hi> had found a patent modicum that he had taken taken sev- eral bottles of it anil -,-w gnjn^ to con- tinue it, for he says he would not take a thouttand dollars for the good it has al- ready done him. Inquiring what kind of modifine it was, he told me it was tho South American NerTino Tonic. Hearnii! so much nlxiut this groat rem- edy wo interviewed Mr. Stewart, and be tolls UH 'hat ho can ttcsrcely kcup a sup- ply on hand .IN it Mills an fast .s ho can get it. and all those who use it njroak in the highest praise of it. Ho snys he IIUH fwnt it to Advocatn sul-s*.-i ihera in Florida, Kentucky, North Albany, and other . This is no paid notice, we ptiblwh it simply as a tnimtii to a deserving rem- ody, and '.( it is doing good we are glad that it is in the reach of our sick and suf- fering people. W. RICHARDSON, Flesherton. t EALTH FOU ALL. Eloflou'ay's Pills aud Ointment. THE PILLS Purify tlie blood, correct all Disorder* of r. Stomach, Ivnln\ - ancl l)o\vel. Thoy InvlKnrato ntnl rrti>roto lienlth I)chilittil Conttitutinnn, and are invaluable in com p!aiut Inci.lontaJ tu Koumiss of all ago*. For Children ami tho aged tbay are priceless. T U E OINTMENT u infallible i iiimly for i' >! Li -,. Hail Hruau, OIti Wuun-lH, Hore anil ('leers. It ii famoas for Gout aud UehmualUiu. For <llrdars of the Chest it ba> no equal. For SOUR 7HJW.!7,/:/WJ^CHjflS,COUGHS, COLDS uiln Sw c-llines, and all Skin Disease* it ha no rival ; anil for contiachxl and ittlff joinU it acts like a clumn. MAmifai'tiiroi'i only at ProlTnMor nol.ix>WAT' RMabllKhtneut. TH .w Oxford Street (late 533. Oxford .Stro-i . London. ami are aold at la. IJd., Stood., 4s 6-1., U., Sit., and XI*. uaoh llnx or Pot, and may be 1m. I of all M d- Icliie \'iimli>r tbroaRhout t!iu woil.l. !iniil,l l-i ik -it the LaM on the Vnti mi I liusr*. If thr. <llrtt it tu>< 5./.i', ( j-f-nl .^ti-et, London, tMe.y <ir />i<rii>iu. ILESHERTOX ianing \ Doors, Sash, and all other Building Supplies^ at shortest uotice. Everythiug at Lowest Rates. Contracts tatou and Estimates ftirnished for all kinds of Buildings. Lumber Planed and Flooriog turned ont while you wait, ^ Custom Work a Specialty^ Give us a call. J. E. MOOUE - Proprietor.