THE FLE3HERTON ADVANCE Adveitising Rates: One Column, 1 year. *M ; half col., 1 year, tifj quarter ool.. one year, *15. Ti -:n-nt adrertlMiuent cliitraixl at the into of H conn iwrlumfor flrt InnurtUiu nail t cuiiti uach lllbeO,lll : t i:,.-ltlon. IXsordrr In Parlinnient. Tiie r.ritisli HOUMB of Common*, Homo- limes called the Mother of Parliaments, is an assembly of traditions > ancient :.nd v.-m-nibln tliat anything tending to bring it into disrepute nmy be said to i-niiri :n (lie civili/fil world. F'ir centuries British elector* were able t<> take pride in the fact that none of it.-, member*, however ixcittd in debate, liad ever r.Miaultud another in tlie chnin- IA.T. Englishmen were accustouiod to 1 oint w itli sconi t<> tiioao foreign legisla- luivs vliich were occasioimlly thus din- vir.icul. Tlie implicit l-<ist of Muperior- i'y makes greater their humiliation in l.-.'irn':i4 that a riot occurred in the ]|IIKO i'ti July 27th. But no one of ri^ht frol- ing will take pleuaure in thu downfall of the old mid honorable tradition, r will hare anything short of sincere sympathy ' '.T those ho have b*eu tlincLul by the .1 "in!. Tho immediate cause of the disorder van thitt Mr. Joseph ('!i.".ii>l><-i! tin likened Mr Gladstone and his follower* to Hcrd ii ! those whostoid about him nud cried, "ll in the voice of a gxl and not of a IM in " The nffuusire allusion was met 'ij- criwt of "Judas" from the Irish in-in- l>ers. in a'.hisioii to Mr. Chamberlain's having forsaken the Ijlwral p-irty seven ,IK'. Then a (Trent uproar occurred, i'.iiii-X which a Liberal, advancing n- I i the. Tory bencK'.s,wss thrown down by two Tory mumbera. Ouce thu aftray had tliiis b-giui, it became so gonernl that a hundred member* are said to have ox- iiuii(,'i'<l blows. Attempt has been niailu to lay thu 1! inn on Mr. (I'mUt-'tii', who witnesHril thu riot with horror, and on the Irihli inamWrs, none of whom wero in the row I II Kiiglishinen had 1 ^un it. The truth M that, if anybody is to be blamed excx-pt tluwo Him lost control if thenuelvea, onu i.m.t look to the parliamentary circum- M.-uictMi, and go back eiu'.t or nine yea l.i disiover how thww uircumstance* aroae. Mr. Chamberlain, in his bitter speech, i..|,...ii-!u. 1 i lio Libera'x for h.i\ in.; applu-d the i l.'Miio to compel the House to con.ii to i\ vote on an impoitant staye of the Home Rule Kill. Now the closure in on!) a rule of debate wliu-h i !. a majority to put an end to debate whether thu minority are willing or not. It is n. illy but H mild foim of the \iotn question' which is applied in nlmc st rvory leins ntur l>mly in this coun- try ; ai.d is in use in some form or other liy mo-t of the legislatureH of the world. Hut the closure wnn not nsed in the ll.mso of Commons till rules for npplyinif it wero adopted by agreement i f loth K.ig'inli parties, for no other purpi than to hto|> the litfrli H[.ie.-.-nln(nf.t under Mr. i'arnell from obstruct in.; nil notion by interminable talk. \\lu n tlio Toii.-s ol tin. id pownr in IRHti tin closure had been applied, not i -ry severely, sgaimt the lr ; sh meniliei - a'oiie, who certain! , often spoken ic lively in hope to compel thu House to give more attenln n to Ireland's rle- niind for Home Rule Kut after tl' i i r.ili buoaaie advociituw of Hoiuu Rule, tho Tories used tbu cloxure with ^reat tovority a((ainat them as well amlio liish. Ky iln aid they forced thro\ii;h the i , i i "ii Act, for goveri'in^ Ireland by uncommon or arbitrary methods. They riiiplojed tlie method often for aix years, thouifh warned that they were Netting precedents whi Ii mii<ht sonie time bring their favorite K*g to 'heir own mouths. Now their e\iispei,tion in lu-inv' closured on the Home Itule Dill ii extreme. Impartial wjiectators mii<ht Hympnthiz in r.i with them if Homa llulu had not been under dinoutwion for about ten years, anJ if ihnr declared aim were not V'.i o!,stiuet it U> hope, that Mr. (iht Istm.u may soon die and hia great influence be lont to it* friends. It thlM appears that the disgraceful riot would not have occurred had not the En^lixh majority broken through the tra- ditioiiH of their grxat house fur the nolo pnr|Hwc of ailoncing a then unpopular minority. Tlie lesion that majorities should treat m:i>otitii< with tho moHt perfect spirit of fair play i* pUin.Jand ii a very gixxt one for tho ri.sinx guneration of Amcricim ti> airry in mind. Youth 'a Coiiip-inion. That Footliall .;rn. To tht Editor of Thf Alliance. IIKAR Kin.- I notice in The Advance of laet week a letter from Mr. Boyd, rap- tain of Fle.Hherton f jot-ball club, ant-nt the game p! iyud )IC'.H-H the Flesherton and Maxwell boys about three weeks ago. As that gentleman is the captain, he is supposed to know Rom. tbin,' about the l/aine, hot he is evidently ignor.tnt of it, as he says in his letter that the ball wag kicked from the <., and dropped be- fore the goal and rolled tliroiii;!). Now sir, this is entirely f:;! f, as the ball wan pasted d.inru between the grand stand and the hall, nd came rolling toward tho goal. The Maxwell goal keeper ran out and checked tlie ball,whicu rolled up his leg, passed luitween the leg*, and then he wheeled and kicked the ball, bo- foro it reached the goal. The umpire, Mr. lireen, wus at this time bmy talking and thu did not Heo thu ball t.ll it was out on the field, and when he was asked he said he did not know whether the b.i'l went throujrh or not, but afterward -hanged his mind and aaid it did x- 1 through. A decision which changes like that is of t-o value. When anked by my- self at Maxwell, Mr. I! >)d deelnred ho did not know anything about i 1 . but l.i-. letter claims he does know, and the 11:11- pit.-, Mr H:i en, liud not a word to eay and yet the letter cluimx they got a goal. We denied the statement and it rviu:iiui at that. Thanking you Mr. Editor, tor your valuable space in your paper, I am .-> rexpectfu'ly, THOM. BKMKOSB, Referee. Mnxwell- Fnnn ont oirn Curt Everyone busy, Hewn tu-arce and cor reipolidrnts have Well slow. The harvest is pretty will under way at i rment. Borne are complaining of being unwell, but no one is dangerously ill. School opeiiud < n Monday the iHat The attendance is larwe as uaual. Menses (iny and Scheminen have been painting their house and shop rrip-ttively. Mrs. Kui him has been visiting frit n.!s here for some time, aUo Mr*. Taylor. Mr. C. U. Sing occupies the pulpit of tho Methodist church here next Sunday evening. Miss \i -;ic Rtrachau returned from I'lesherton Station last Saturday. She \\.-in (.-, nip until by Mis-s McLeod, who spent a few days. Mian Mabel Sii.n-han ifturiii-d from Mliiiton lately, accoin|tani>.-d by horcuuam, Minnie Strachan. Mr. Alox. Clark spent a fww days in Sin^hninpUm last week. Mr. Hrown is plastering thu kitchen at the hotel. Mrs. Thou. Maxwell, of Parry Sound, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Wiij;ht spent a few days in Pi/i-y Sound The vote on nitmlay street can took place at Toronto last Saturday nud luBiilud inaniajoiity of 978 against the cam. Thin was a narrow majority, considering tlie very large vote cunt, viz., 27,311, although it is claimed that Mvoral liundrc.l "ghosts" cast thciir ballots, on both sides of tlie <]iioatiou. ami wherever the flics trouble. It should txt applied at least once a week. It only taken a few minutes and is money in your pocket at once No one can n ili-e the amount of suffering cnttlu have to undergo on account of the attacks o* those savage little vainpiroi. Eugenia Mills AND Carriage Works. Carriages made and Repaired, also Planing and Matching, Hand Saw. ing, Wood Turning of every it "S- criptlon. Planing and Grim Chop- ping done -while you wail, for Beaver tarns the wiiecl. T. W. WILSON OWEN SOUND Collegiate Institute He-opens Nonili;, For Farm Waggons Democrats, I3ug.;ies, Carts, Iron Harrows, Trim ming,Painting, and Horseshoeing, Lumber, Lath and Shingles and F;irm Implements GO TO John II. Heard. Carriage Making The beiil Equipped School iu the Fro v I lire. Staff of Eight Specialists. Special attention f\in to candidate* for Teacher*' Certificates mail Ui tversity ilatrlcu la liOD. I'nlTenity Matriculation .............. H Pint Year Unirei mtiius . . . . 1 Heoonil Class Teaobn GertifleaU i ____ 31 Tiiinl fit** TraclM-i <'.-rtifteatt ........ SJ Ai:Svhuol Crtifl>'at .................... 900 For furthur lufurumtiou apply to I N LEVA*. Ml iMItll. 1'iinrlpal. Sec. of Hoard . Toronto's Great Attraction The Sew 4'yrloranis -5>V. * * * Buggies, Carts, Sleighs, Cuttety etc., all made in the highest style of th,o art, and at reasonable prices. Got esti mates from me if you wish anything in these lines. Painting and Trimming also attended to. R. T. WHITTEN, FLESH ERTOX, OUT. Richardson's Hard ware Depot I- i i amng largo numbers of Tinlton ili!y, who a.l expriMA theiii^elTe* ae greatly ploaaetl witli lli magnificent ana intrurtivu view. I boily goinu to Toronto hmilrt av*i; : tin' 0|>|HirtuDity of Koelog " JeruseVm " at ic C)cloiuua. iipvii dally froiuVa.m. tolOp.m LECrCBEB QIVtN EVEBY HOUH. 1'rloes of AdoilMtoa : A.lult*. rcn (uudtr t) jrra.1 1} ccuu. ci>DU ; Child- Xext S W. for. Front & Vork St>. JUT flITIVE. TONIC.NERS'ERESTORIN ' chrnnic n.-nnu-f truulilc* .-iicli u.s Choi .1, nuuralxia, and nsthma, thu [irum ( olli 'ifi".\ of thcue pilhi is so n- m;irki.t'l. Jt t 'ne COMM.'.I n 1 inaiTe!- ous. lliey alfunl tmn-ly n-lii-f n<l ix-rmo:,.-nt cure in thousands of CHH.'S Ih-uj.'^Ut't am! d.-nk r, or inuil. I*rice 60 cts., or MX f..r a.50. The Celery Pill Co., Toronto, Out Cure For Horn Fly. The folltiwHi.;|>: for nbnting the horn fly post on cattlu in said to be an excellent one and wo, thcivfuru, puhlish i: f'-r the IMIIU fit of the readers of the Ailviiiico. Cut it out ami prt-serve it for future rofi'i'uni'O. Tuku 1 qt. of rain water and 'i oz. >-uk|>. 1:<.1 the iup in the water until all in dissolved, thou wink- iHiiling hot turn into 2 <)ts. of coal oil, stir it constantly fur 5 minute* when it will be of n smooth cieamy nnture. As it cools it thickens into a jelly like substance this ia "kerosene emuUion " Put this into 27 qU. of water, if poHsible be- fore cooling as it will mix much more easily. This give* you 'M <|ts. of mix- ture r"dy for use. Apply liberally with a spoilt) on hen I, nook, horiu, shoulders Cures Others t Will cure You, is a tru<* statement of the action of AVER'S Sarsaparilla, when takrn for diseases originating in impure blood ; but, while this assertion is true of AVER'S Sarsaparilla, as tliouwmls can attest, it cannot be truth- fully applied toother preparations, which unprincipled dealers will recommend, and try to impose upon you, as "just as good aa Ayer'a." Take Aytr't Sarsa- parilla and Ayar's only, if you nccU a blood-purifier and would be benefited permanently. This medicine, for nearly fifty years, has enjoyed a reputation, and made a record for cures, that has never boen equalled by other prepara- tions: AVER'S SarsaparilU eradicates -gsj* t- ; nt of. hereditary scrofula and other "blood diseases from the system, and it has, deservedly, the confidence of the people, v / .- AVAR'S Sarsaparilla " I cannot forbear to express my joy at tht* relief I have obtained from the use of AVER'S S.- .MnpnrilUi. I was afflicted with kidney troubles for about six months, suffering- greatly with pains in the small of my back. In addition to this, my body was covered with pimply erupiionM. The remedies prescribed failed to help me. I then began to take AVER S Sarsaparilla, and, in a short i .an the pains ceased and the pimples disappeared. I advise every youn man or woman, in cane of sickness resulting from impure blood, no matter how Ions; standing the case may be, to take AVER S Sarsaparilla. "-H. L. Jar- in.uin, 33 William st., New York "<ity. ill Cure You Picpand hy Dr J. C. Aycr * Co., Lowell, Mass. RAKES KOUKS SCY i nr.s CKAOLES 110KS SHOVELS SPADES SAWS HAMMKHK CIJIMEL8 I'LANKS AUOEUS TUB A1IOVE l.l-I , MOTK WHAT YOU WANT, AND T11KN CUXB AND tIBK OUR STOCK Anotlier shipment of Binder Twine this week. L5Iu Ilibbon, KcJ Cap and Common Scnst brands. Storey's Bind- in^; Mills in ll si> Thrvfiliing supplies Lace Leather, IJk'ltin^', I'arricr Chain, ud tin 1 celebrated Climax Ma- chine oil, and calf skin Threshing Mitts. Preserve Jars, Gem Jars aud Preserve Ket- tles, fnll rauge of sizes. \Vu carry an extensive assortment of Tinware, both in 1'gbt goodtf at low pi ices, and heavy, double - tiimed best goods made to wear. Several easea of Glassware, China, I.auip Goods, aud Crockery just received. Builder's Burplira, NailB.Ulass.Fult 1'u," i, Piaster, Cemeut slock fully assorted. N BW Mesh Fence Wire, Bavbt-d wire, An- nealed Wire.lowest quo- tations ou application. A Rare Chance. Fan for Sal? 01 ii:;r for \ -ty in t rX)! 1 . SJp or E5 " r; .ihrtou. PlfHlioi:. > imptor. ,,r I'. v.-riiiii . a valua >; to; at:reH BhMver vail >v, T;> of K '.-.. Us are a K-**J 't > alrio m Kood orchartl aiul we!'. with wtr. Apply to W. 4 D.I VM *.V Ag : !':' tu. < . r'alla \\T A 1\, HP L T\ Knrfte'e men can If A (I I II fi i *- L1 A AJAy mentw ml ttokeSMUof ovur as \dm. uxper- n\ ovury ,-,n , Itnee aad eoutrol ol TOO <tc. os of obolca tcck,aoi ca a>lrintaK'.||. Our . . ing aleiueD is nuperlor. Call f .r o>ir terms. The trial will com vi.u nothtag. STOXE A MtLLJNIO.\. Torvutu. Out. CAME ASTRAY. Came to tho (Teaiite* of the noderiicnod lot 1M'. 167, H. W T. i S R . Artenionla. on July -J^th uii apao uf horiw'i* Ownur can have laiue by pruTtng proiwrty aud paying tn>sMMh T. J. STINSON. To Reot, Lease, or Sell, The whole of my farm. belK lot :'4 ami 3.V on Wth Couvewion, Arteuiuia ; about 1(W acre* cleared, for further pwMssjMsj apply to Wit. UARK. auglT2m Eugenia P. O. Kon' Forest lijk Sckool luphj, J, 1H1>3. mllE Mount Forest High School will ro opon (<) ou Moutlav. August JHth, at 9 a. n. IntoiidiiiK pupils who wish to tako up Int. Stud and Srrt elm" work will ol>! munlcatlDf! with T. H.Urotbour, Etq .Priucipal. or tu umlutmKiie'l- Hoard cau t u ulrtainotl on reasonable terms at Mount Purest. il-.u VV. O. MeusgrtROr, Mount Foreit, Aug. llth, 1MB. Secrotai y. The Markets. Carcfelly Corrected Each Week Kail Wheat. Kprlnij Wheat l*a. ley Oats Buttor ................................. F,ti, freh ........................... I'otatoos l>u ........................ Pork ..................................... Hay per tou ......................... Hidoe. .................................. HhoepukUii ........................... Oeeae ........... . ..................... Tufkeyn ............................... Chlckoim |xir pair ................ r>ucL per pair ................... Wool ----- ..... _ ..... ----- ...... _. s: OS C* 30 sa M 10 11 74 7 00 00 00 60 10 |5 60 7.1 17 to to to to 10 to to to to to to W to to to to to )7 n 75 7 95 00 S 00 1 00 8 19 40 7i> 16 W\ MT17II nuiiutii i-i ti, !-i /Xj'l I VtL'' - m.l haniy Nursery ck, ami See.! PotatOM, full and com uletoline. M tuy varic dc oaii only lie obtaiu" ed through as. Cu)rul*>lou or salary pJ 1 wot-klv, ami promptly. lOxclusiTe au<l choice of turritory ijiveu. Don't delay, writ., at o;i- for tei um. AJU.BM NVBHKRY Co., R .chesKr.N. Y. NOTICE. Idesln to inform p uWie ilia* I bare jm- cbaB1 the flour, fel aril Kiucur> biiin curiieJ on by Mr. T. WyTltl, anil am , .eparod to cator to thr public in a tatisfactorv manne I hop to retain the conQduucu of a!' old p- roDsanil to ocure mny nw cues by (*ir and prompt dealing. I1acu your order* with m lor: >> I Flonr J as. n< low ns the lowest. Suvars. - Hour and Fruits In Season, < i'oiir-ctiw'ry. etc. All goaionablo Rooils kept i!i My boot and hoe buninusa will Dot be D loctl, but will bo continued same s> before The Best of Goods. l,. ><>( living prices. 1'rojnin !< liv-r.v 4'ail .!:.' !o b Exs takeu Iu exi-hange, W. Barnhouse, - Flesherton NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE KIMBERLEY Boiler Flanrinj Kills are now open for business, and in full operation- A birst Class Miller has been employed andl will guar antee satisfaction- Bring along your custom work. Chopping dons at any time. A.B.Bell, - Prop.