*.* "' JUUranix " TRUTH BEFORE FAVOlt." PRINCIPLES, NOT MSN.' 70L. XIII., NO 032. FLESHERTON, ONI., THURSDAY, AUGUST 31. 189;',. W. H. THURSTOff, D V T R O O R P*H, ETCR 25 per cent, off from our un-n Mr. Fawcett, of Kimherluy, ha keen liviiv; in our town these last few weeks, engaged in moving buildings. He has _ _ . . _ . ' Tery :iuccngafully moved Mr. Hannah's Watches, C locks t Chains, Silverware, Lie., **i ****.** to On all kinds of jewe llery for the next 30 DAY S. H-sh,Ttou Station. Prirevilli-. at a sac rifles- Now is ycur time to make purchas- es,people, for the stock must go. Tkf best selection to choose from in this section. Call and see un. nUHlim andGeBtlemen! Get your spring supply of BOOTS and SHOES from the undersigned. New goods just imported from which to choose. A LARGE STOCK, A GOOD STOCK, A CHEAP STOCK. to call and examine. Custom work as usual done fhort notice and in a neat manner. JOS. SMITH, - - Plesherton. Fleskerton Furniture HOUSE. Ed Harrison, Furniture Dealer and Undertaker Framed, t'uriiiturr - Ke|ulrr<l -Iphulstvred Opposite Wl\ittei\^ Cafrihge ttesidenee over store. JUST ARRIVED ! New Prints, New Cottons, New Dress Goods, New Twecda and Worsteds, New Gloves, New HoBiery, New Parasols, New Ties, etc., and all roorkud at usual low prices. Wo do not advertise our prices but everyone is welcome to eoiue and examine oar goods and compare the qual- ity and Price. If not suitable we do not ask you to buy, but we feel coiil'ulout if you come you won't go away - empty Lauded. - x --- o - x \Ve claim to have the beat general boot and Shoe Department in town Wo dou't keep the $1.00 kid boots, or tho 50o. splits, which are 110 good, but we do keep the stock most suitable for the changeable climate of this secliou. Coine along aud bring your butter and eggs, will give - you highest price aud noble weight. - The Store on the Hill ? X). G Evans. From onr otcti Corretpottdeiit. If th present Cue .ntinues, a number "f f inner* in thia district will bo tbrmi-Ji harvesting this week. Tho trustees of our [*. S. have purch- ased a hand* iiu', rovUud and unabridged copy of Wei,ler'bIiitcTi:ar:<iiuldictiouary. Thu many fi iouda of Mms Tillie Beat, a firnior te:ichr in our P. 8., will be pleaaed to learn that uhe has secured a good is prui' it>.d of Feaserton 1'. S., a !:cutiful little village on the Hhor. ' iii-dash lUy Muis B. at- tended Toronto Normal the tirst term of i.h..s year. Dr. M!-:nl! Brander, of Toronto, is a few days at her parental performing tho sauio job foi M r. E^an. Mrs. <intn,'or, who has bfun viiitmg her fathiT ami oi!i-;r friend* i:i thisviciii- ity, leaves here Wednesday morning eu Mr. .Vie i. Webator, of Vancouver. paid 'a visit M Inn old h'-me ami friends in \ Pricevillu. Ho is returning to Vain' 1 UVLT a hup'iy miii, h.kviii.-. during his sojourn iu these (,nr' . secured for himself a part- ner in thu person of Misa M. A. Cun- okatowB. Another of those pleasant events took place in our village on Wednesday of last week. Mr. Jits. Dyce and Miss Lmii-a Yiris sre. the hapi y pair in this case. Rev. Mr. McLu'id, of 1'riceville. perform- ed the -:i reiii.-ny which miide them mail u:id -*-ii'u. \N e wicli them every happiuoss iu their journey through life. Mini Uemimiil, of Toronto, apents few days of the past week with Mrs. Egan. Miss Annie I.i-ate has ben on the sick list for a few u.ivs. (iliid to hear she in convalescing. '' s Mcltae's daughter, Mrs. Kile, of ViiMgh.-xn, who wits n ported seriously ill in last week's uwue, ban since that tnno aTV . ,. lt I)l>w> BEFORE BUYING -YOUIt- SPRING SUIT SEE OCR- GOODS and Patronise the Merchant Tailor and make your best i interest ours. The Kev. Mr. Edmunds, of Fordwich, waa tho guest of Mr. J.is. Brander hut week. MJMCS Alice Ross and Fanny James retunu'il t i thi-ir duties Ir-st week at teacJi niton and Daybreak re- spective! v. Mm* (ii-rtio McLeod will attend Dur- ham Model this full, while Mm Grace Johnston will take a similar course of study in Owen Sjund. T!ic 1,'euiiil editor of the Durham Chnm- icle, accoin;-ami--l iiy n ftiend. took .1 run over to our burg last Saturday on th'iir wheels. Livory horses pansed awsy. She leaven a husbsud and six sn-.all cliiMix-n to mourn for her. ;< felt for the family. Proton staiioy. AYion oUi I :i, right side up with | The fanm-ri of thia locality Imve ' harvesting well MMHMMatl arc n -is was at tirnt exp. | t i the rust in t!ie out crop, which SL'cms to bo urvi'liiul over tho most of th.- couutry. Kiti-.ning seems to be a ! st siicret nroiind h *.<-. Tho.>. L.J 'k'.i.irt, commonly known a* Tout, who baa just returned from a trip <ip the lake*, givws a very vivid ac- , if the tri;i, his narrow uscapu with ItaliaiiH, etc. ml M's K .1. II. .inina,of Barru-, ore at present vinitiugpareiiUantl friends here. T!ie eiitc-rtniuiiient of the 18lh, waa a decided SUCCVKH. There is always a cur- tain am.. nut 'f bother and expcn-e in ccnnec-h.in witlt a garden jiarty of this km. I which if the tiling proves to uccefw, is tVrunUen. Tho Dumlalk band and cl'."ir MVC soitifl very choice inunic, tkcrs were of the lirt water, ^t. !,'i: n.it li':i.-t. WUH tho finit-liall match I <-' < " > " Park and Prt>- tou i'uz/.U-ts. Tlio^ u.iiuo, which waa a me, io..ultL-.-l in a victory for the Park Ixiy*. VViih tl>.o beat players ..i three team*, it m uo "ivut credit to them 1 1 seme one j^'al. IUceii-t of the even- ing ainomiU-d t Mr. ThoiK.i- i-eturnoJ to liis studies in ' :'.d. Mr. Tin. 1 ". \\ .tuchoij hail returnml from Hli. UK hale mid hearty. Mi.-i \\ iilianison, of IIiimiit.ui, i* ia- iliiiK her broMivr, Mr. Oeo. Wllli.inisoii, C. P. K mater here. Mr. Tlioniius F. Lockhart intends erect- ing a bric^ roitidence this fall. !* niuoh for t'.ttinn married, llut ahis for the writer, the summer U past and I am still on th outside of tho fence. Mcuford Komi From our mi;t (.'iirretpondtni. Another week of line weather and hat vest work will he about completed. There is a largo crop of straw, but the grain is not so good, owing to rust and dry weather. Mr. JHH. Siinimeis has erected a fine new barn this .summer Mr. W. Buchanan i.s buiding hiuisolf K nw frame hou.se. School comiiionced again last week after the long vacation. Uur teacher, Mr. Scott, is well liked. Mr. W. (.'it. *m l-.ii-t treated himself to a> nw Massoy- Harris Mr. \\ illtam McLeod who was severely injured nt hii omn rani si me time ago had to ii-'-U-ryu a m-rioiis o|ieratioii last week. Tho pi-ration *. . J by Dr. Aik< foroi l>r. .lamieson, of Durhnm, ni:.i l>r. Hn Mm. IP'.', r ami M -j M. Brown pud > -(n Monday. Mm. W-iiKer, of Toronto, with In r i-iri".it t tin- ]iimf. o Mi . ,. rout. i, was .vci-k. Mr. Sidney Blaltfxtou ; it a bad fall from !i:s >nl;w on,.- , Ho WOK tii! r4 down hill at H pr-:ty fast rule, when tin- . .:.! front whee', sudilcnly stun; in^ -ii.- pi-. i.^resa of the m whine ami !hrwiii-.r Sid c!i'n over the handl<-s. I 1 lit on '.: head, which w .:ly cut. Dr. Htitton stitched up tlii- wound. Mr. Hector McDriiiald is laid up ilh he Inn-."!. Wo trust lie will soon be nrnund atrain. C. J- LFITCH, Merchant Tailor. Vf AKBIAUE LICENbKS. Unued dsr or n ight at the offlca or rwidenca of the nn In H.C..(. Cooreyancar, 4c. Notary publii-. JOHN W. AKMSTnoSO. - W i ULLOUGH 4 YOfSO, Bau<ier>, Mark>iaie. do tiiM*. Uuuajr loauod >t treuunable rta. Call M B. HAMMOND. FeT*rshaiii. . Currr*iuiilrnt. Harvesting is the order of the dixy, i in this part nro above the average. Mr. Will Hall. ( .f Toronto, spent a few days in our bur-^ visitinu' old friends. The Misses Godfrey, of Mi-nford, visit- ed Mrs. K. Pul laxt week. Mr. and Mrs. F. (.'. lU'ioe spent Sun- day at lUisoinont viaiti:i!{ Rev. Mr. HughcM. Mr. MrCurn. of Sciirboro, is tlw guesi of Mr. AlliNttT this w<-..k. Mi Mel'.lruin, of Ku.-.Miia, vititud her liro'her, of Wvorslw.n, last week. J. MeLuod spent Sunday in Oolling- WOIK!. (V-; MM rcturne< and brotisfht a bike with linn. He v.tu now sec the oiunlry without having to walk. Miss Peavy, from tlioS-io, w visiting her pareni.s on the t .iwn'ine. We read y.uir rumarks re the roads of Arlomesia. We had occasion to go to Flcitherum last week, and after driving over some of your no-called gravel road, we thought your remarks wore none too severe not enough that way. Fall Fuir*. Following lire the dates of fall fain in which the people of this section are in- tercsinl : East Grey Sept. 28 and 29. Industrial, Toronto Sept. 4 to 16. South Grey, Durham Sept. '20 and 27. Clarksburg Sept. 22 and 23. Mr. Wm. Eoiigh, of Oweu Sound, has taken eight prizes at the world's fair for bis herd of Galloway cattle. Post Muter. Kimtxrlar. Comniirion8i for Ukiuii A.IIilaviu etc. Innura* and lomut t lowint r*t.. KxeoutMLM***, Dee in. . v.c. nr.iiaplljr, cheaply sad tBciMiUy. J. l'ut ttiiMtor. Flanharton. Connulscioutr In H. 11.. I.i.'-'iinnl >uui:,jii.-r. Cou*yaJicr, A|>- pmi^erwiil Money L*nilr. Beal RUtv an l-i-'iimnni Ant. DIM-.II.. Mortt>s. I. i I Wills 'Iravu up and Valuations uikle .111 ohorti \nrtioo SalM atteadixi to In ny iwrt of tho County Monar to lou Mt rates of mtursrt. CollecUnna ti-u- with iiriuiiDtncu ami ilunpabcti Ch:xe lu*. linion bUauishi,- fi.im Klnliertou to I..V.-IIHJ.,: (ilK')W, r .ouiloii or anyottbu MntiKli ports. Partiec .i:,!ii.linu to vimt Enclaml. KcoiUu.l ,..- h- : *i: 1. will P'IMM auk rw tMlora purciiiuiail tliair U; : u. alsuwhers. n M.D.C. M., M.c.P* S^Ont.. Kmitlniico mil odlca ona door wost of thu lloUi- 1 itir.:h,Kiur.)H St. au.l Sfttlinlsys. D B. CABTEB. M. C. T. A S.. Out. Physician, surgeon, etc.. Plushertou office Strsiui block. Muunliaw'ibotal. J 1'. OTru\VELLL. \ -: -i nii'y Surgeon. Oradtusta of Ontnrl nnniy CollKe. Kofidcnoo HUUKU Uto uccupi. rwlley at tho Drill sh.. I J K II VI.f'TEAD. M. 0.. 11. C. A S., Out., prs>otiom at Kirn- lrly. Uheuuiotic JIMMM* J I' M\K.SHU.r., L.D.S.M.D. 8., Demi**. TIalU n:i.l fril \Visltmndsy of Mob nionlii. Floataertou K*ch trip on the day following. J W. KH08T, Barrister, Solicitor. Convoyatidtr. Kt KhiKliurton offlca Next the (Hint ofll<-i- S|n builOinK. on Thuradsyt. Owen Souml u.Scu Front's bullilluR. I UOA8 & WRIGHT, Huriiitvni. Solicitors, Conx-ayni-. Owen noun.!. On.t - - Mark<lle. Oiu. \V. H. WBIUHT. I. ' N. B. Plwherton offlca, Mitchell < liuuk. overy WoJnesday. DrflMUJskor,Clayton'f newblook,Flohortoti. Cots snd all kinds of oliiMrans' clothinij ui.i.l.i to or, lor. Cuttiiix donebydnssiuakw'! u>ia s al*. Fttrrnag*