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Flesherton Advance, 24 Aug 1893, p. 8

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THE FLKSHERTON ADVANCE GtA.LiL.12UY Is fully equipped with re- quisites for turning out y per- fect class of work. All kitf tl c of .pictures taken and finished in a style equal to any city work, while the prices are lower. Picture Framing done in all its branches. If you have shopping to do and pictures to get taken on the same day please attend to the latter first. Careful at- tention will be given to copy- ing other pictures. Mrs. Bulmer. TO MANY J desire to cull tho attentiuu of the Mukt'S inii.lif to tliu fact thatl have opened A General Repair Shop In connection with tlio Flcghorton Woollen Mill, and am prepared to do all kinds of Iron and Wood Turniug- i. i us iiiiuli', anil catitingR gt " shorl notice. I have not upaco to mention in detail the variety of work I can do, but auvtliing you havu in iron or wood tliut roi)uiroB menilin;,', bring it to the los'i^i-tou icpaii shop, where you may depend on getting your work douo neatly and substan- tially. Having emery auitablo for 1 will make that a specialty for a fuw wecki). Charges low, but terms Htrictiy cash. Yours tnily, W.H.FLESHER Owen Hound, Ontnrlo, It l^e Vei'y 1 I.A( K IN TANAUA TO HKT A Thorough Dmintu Kiluctilion. ake a Round Trip hi t'aitaJ \i rnnnniv If we fail to prodtiuM th Ollfltl, CaJtUplotO, |niictii-itl nu.l ,-xh n ii nf it IK! y ; thu It.'-t i nil. nn prninlhem M-t and itin-t i i-iii |li't aiul inottt -n it tuit* ao<l Mpi'lmnrcM, wu will uiv* you 9 IU1I For \ nil mil AllllOUIIOtl- full partieulan, freo, addraaa k C. A. FLEMING, Principal. AKER. sha* I ban tartt4 a il kinds of Houts and Hluxs U'w'e notlM. IUpa>lrlnR itnn ( T . I>Jr1 I ,,i, TO* *fll alwa> J.W.WlUtby, . CoretCoummptlon. Congii*. Croup, Norn Tliront. EoMby all Drain:) on a Oji.-a^i"-. FT a IJKI Sid, Br. t ;: or (..-.<; Ehllob'o fo:vu Platter will give gr>-; .-i! Ktx: ica. a} cent*. HJLOH'9 VITALUKIt. Mrs T. 0. lUwl! inn, CbattToos.i, Torn., tr} : r'ttAYJZD MY LIFE. I efMtier^i.'i-'.bf.'r r"{ ;< ' .'.nrtrrr. lereriMd." 1 :y:roeIUlnty trouble tteaoua. I'll- > CATARRH . j ' vo vo j Catarrh V 'l'iy 1'nl.' KctD"<ly. It will iy rcllcvo ardCurojou. Price ("CH. This Injector tor Id mil i-'v :! tir-atmi-n' .* luruuiujdlree. Itoianhrr,8l)t!oli'(Urnillc* aro ol'l CD * gu-ii-nuUio to fivo otiJ iCUca. To The Public- Having rented Whltten'a liUclornltli liop (or a term of yearn, I am now in a uunitiuu to catuitotll wauU iu uiy lino. jn a Specialty, iiunrnnterd J For anything in the bafkmitlti>ig iiu cull VH F. A. BUNT, Opjioult* Rlcbardiian'i Hardware store T w i 1 O F, all garments of men's wear in the best stylo al short notice. All work guaranteed. A trial solicited. F. A. BAKER, FLESHERTON. HORSEMEN ! Pay Attention 1 Having pnrcha<ied tho haruesH busmen from Mr. Clayton, I wish to intimate that my en- deavor will be to plensc ami satisfy customers in any work which may be eutrustcd to me. All kinds of liorsemen'i re- quisites kept m stock, at low rates. Good workmanship guaran- teed. Soliciting your orders, I 1 1 mum respectfully, W.MOORE- Fleahoiton, Jan. 24, 1893. aratLoaiTicn ptmooa ano oManai or lift Sold bjr all l>ni((iu,or by mail price SO n mi. in bom. 1*0. Tbo CL*c> Pill n mi. in om. 1 Co.. Toroalo, Out. Bun-lav, llm wvr, hai reuioTr.l from ri*ih i-itiin anil upiiiluil lip bullHM in l'i ici-villr near tbn I'rolit t<-i inn i-hurcli. H l prpan4 to il<i all kiiuliif i'in(-,uoli ai flaiinela. blau a.t>, full elotb and tw.-,i.. Garpeto a Specialty. Any work l..fl al Mrs. Win. Wrllif. Klanhtr ton, will rrh ni and tw ru'.urn*t) bonia afl r oa. All w*rk (uarantMd. J...1* J|N BAB< LIT. General News. Mir Clivur Mnwat is taking an nccileiit- al trip. Id- had wnrro reception t Port Arthur. The live stock thow opened it llif World's Fair Monday. Mr J. T. Cnraon, reeve of the town of Sim, -I*, die<l on Satunlay night fn-ni Itiiiiht'a A deajKiich from Victoria, B. C., wiy tin- si'.ileiH nf ii'iii"viir.' tin ir liead qiiirteni frinii tliat city IM Yi>kuhnma. MisK.StelU Kntiiklin, f I', fell cltM'l fnnn heart dineaao Mt St. Out., Mi'iitliiy aftir runniui; to catch an exoursii'ii tr.iiu. ACliioaijii <U-npatcli ay Ant'>inu seau, a Freiich-Cmpidmil, liv* arrived A* the World's Fair from the far lu-rtli of Ontario, having travelled 1,000 milw in an old punt, with no coni[>animi but a dog named Pete. Lat veck 3.C22 cattle and 10 li weto Klii|i|K>U from Montreal fur Itritian. Mr. I.aiirii-r will iipcii hia c.ini|inii;ii in Ontario at \Villiain' ili.m-. Nfirni*rkct, -n SfpU'in'H-r 5, when a picnic u to li.j held. Mr I..-H. of the colebratixt IU-11 frui at Indian Huatl. N.W.T., ex|>ecta to resliiw from Xi to 411 l-ii-hf's f wheat to llic jtcre thi.t Uh. niiiatiMii t'urrd In a ilaj. - South American Rheumatic Care for Khcumatiiiii and Neuralgia radical'.y ciiit-i in 1 to II days. Iu action upon the lyxteiu is renmrkalile and myateriuua. It remove* at once tin; cause and tl. jiieaae immediately diippi-uni. The tint doae -.'r atlv U-netiti 7-"> cent*. Warr.mtixl l-y HichardHoD it Co. ...<-. They l>o:.-| liiiow Uliai . Wronx- BBAUITOX, Ani/. 21. A PIKK! many Ix-ojile in tin >v> days arc evidently ant of wlixt Hilt llicin. 'I huy MM- irs t-<r dio ( v, ihjuiii:iHsin, aciatiu-i or fonie aiich dint'iiae and a'ter a time Knd out that ditordenxl ktilneys I-HIUHK! all the tn.uliV Ht>ru are koine iuatancu*. Jaini-K Cri]i, n telegraph opciator if this place, an!ffr< d from di-pfpaia f<-r a I -n>! time and ci>uld not find a n mudy that wnliltl n-huve him until he found D kidney pilli. Th. v i-ur-d him, oa p-iinary caUHM of IIM dy. [KJJWU lay, doubtedly, in liii kvdueya. A Weil ki.i wti Udy rnto t<> thu Tor p.tpins a short time a^'o slating that hid IH-I-II cured of a womli duorder meat s i.t l>i iiils kiiliifv ji'lU. t-h' nor tliink, until ih wa cured that il.s- ordered kii!n-yH w-. re the t-nt of the trouble. Vii'intine Fi!n-r, of Colli .g- wood, hist yi iir, wws cured of aciaticit tlnrle- u yexrb' KUliding, by the ra-ne . Hi' UK., foiiinl out at a !at that hi- ki'ir.cys had all nlm'g I vc:i tho caime of Inn uil, Hi g. These are oi Iy K'Miie of many like ez^orienues that are daily met with. County I nilt-r the new criminal code, nibbin nivli.-ii-iU. melon pattheii, Ac . i< no punisliAble by one month fur the Hint, ami three vein-, for the leconJ offence. B<>yH bcwarw. English Spavin Liniment remove* al! h<rd, loft or calluuied Lumpa anil Llleiiiikheit from horses, Blood Spaui Oiirba, Splints, Kinir Hone, Sweeney, Stifh'!>,Sprins, Sore and Swollen Throat, C'uu^hi, etc. S\f tM by ue of one bottle. Warranted the moat wiHiderfu! lileniish Cure ever known. Warranted by A Cu. A hrixht little, two year old boy, ion ol Mr -I i.i ^ I larr:*t ni.of Nort Ii K^rem* fell Illtu a lll *! iHnlom wl.-r "MI * ,ly ,,J >.- ~- I..,".. .M.-.T Rouble of Itnvrs afterwards. The ainhli'iii'sn and manner of the little 01 taking haw rendered the parei.ln alniott iiicoiiat.lable. Chronicle. Itch, Muii-f, and Bcrsk-hes nn human or animaU curvd in 30uiii>tite* by Wuol- f<rd' Lotin.1. Tlu* nevrt fail* Warrai.t.-d by Wm. M. Richardson Petty awiiidh-r* have Iteen woikitij? a new dodge in tliu neighboring toWlia. They claim to bo introducing a n. kind >f (io.i-i, and in ordur to induce people to try it, on,, a i^n, u uill i ryi 3 <& , t.,ilet *.*,,. a box ,,t,.,_. a 1>Hckage of s'aieh and u duor mat for one AJJ^, The Uuntlry soap lo ikt like oMkuiar \ lnu- aoap cut into chunka, and the ioilol t ..i|i lu.'ks like lutr s'Niji |H'iftiint-d nnd H.-.-ntt-d. The door mat in wlint c-ntche* ill prudent houaukreper, in aeirch of a Imr^'Hin. S.ninplcH of rtne tublior ina'.a arc ihown, ai;d it ii represented that one <>f .ht-iii will be given at nn inducement to try the loap. When the i>ale U niwle tliu i','t-nt glibly infornii the puu-liaser that the mat will lie delivered: ai a futurj ilnti-. nit he furniHhea a mat containing the initial* of the purchaser, and there- fore cannot carry them with him. The mat, which waa the induuempiil in pur- chaHO, faila to come, and the dupe finds himself $1 out, with only about half a didlnri worth of aoap and an order for a mythical door mat to (how for it. Men have various way* of carrying money. Ilutchoiii, baker* and gmcera cmyit in n umplu wad. Itankers in nice ckau l-ill.i pliioed at full length m a morocco [locket hook. Uroker* all fold their bills once, doubling their money a* it Mure ! Tho young UuHineH* man car rio* it in hi* veat pocket, while the tnort- iiilf man carries it in his trouser* pocket Funiien and drovers carry their* in tlieir inaitle |x>cketB whether it happens to he lift eon dollar* or fifteen oenU. Editor* CHi-ry theirs in other people's [Hike's. A farmer front Bvntinck, named Welsh, waa in the village on Monday, loc>king for a constable to hunt up ei/lit head of cat- tle that were stolen from him on Tuecday night of hut eeK. Twti men and a boy it- mi driving the cattle fr.mi Welsh'* towai-d the t :i. road, hut no further tidings of thum can be obtained. The liinu for Mr. Welsh to have looked after cattle and the thieve* was the day after they were they nre uo doubt bt- yuiul recovery by thin time. 1 hat daring cattle tliit-n-s infest the country is evident from the foregoing, and from the fact tht farmer Craig, of Arran, recent 'y had suti-en head itolen off hi* place in a aim- liar manner. Ch*Uworth Newa. th nn !>y [NUTRITIVE. TONIC. NERVE RESTORIN The weakiu-MS peculiar to chil'lhiMxl extreme ilrhility, and old .-e, resiiltin; in non-rt U-ns'on dunni; Kief p, yields t a few ill s<>, of Celery Irmi Pills. Tl en what will li<-lp will cure if persevered u . 1 )t n. t-i^ti and di alers, or mail. Price OU ct., or MX for .' fiO. The Celery Pill Co., Toronto, Out. THE That AVER'S Sarsaparilla CURES OTHERS of Scrofulous Diseases, Eruptions, Boils, Eczema, Liver and Kidney Diseases, Dyspepsia, Rheumatism, and Catarrh should be convincing that the same course of treatment WILL CURE YOU. All that has been said of the wonder- ful cures effected by the use of AVER'S Sarsapariila during 1 the past fifty years, truth- fully applies to-day. It is, in every sense, The Superior Medicine. Its curative properties, strength, *" t. and flavor are always the same; ^ f or whatever blood d.seae, AYtrvo ^^ taken, they y WU to this b When you ask for AVER'S Sarsaparilla don't be induced to purchase any of the worthless substitutes, which are mostly mixtures of the cheap- est ingredients, contain no sarsa- parilla, have no uniform standard of appearance, flavor, or effect, arc blood-purifiers in name only, and are offered to you because there is more profit in selling them. Take AVER'S Sarsaparilla Pramnd by Dr. J. C. Ayw & C<v, Lowell. Maia. Sold by attUranoMi ; Pricu f i ; ., SoiiU-t. $5. CUTM others, will cure you WESTERN FAIR LONDON, Sfptember 14th I* v:ti,l ISV3. f JIM It t II 111 baeaia s Favoriti Exbibition K.ST VIIUKHKI. 1KI1.S. The Oldest Iu the Dominion LIVE STOCK EXHIBITS Entries Clove September 7th. The heat and !ar,-eat StaUing and Dpitce alloUxl on iwcaipt of ntriea. BKTTKR SPKCtAL ATTRACTIONS THAN EVEM BEFORE. SracuL Excvmoxa KOM AIL Poixn. for PliM I.ifU ami iiifurination |>p'y lo CAPT. A. W.P<)RTK,P*M. THO8. A. B1UIWN, S. VIGOR r MEN Ew'ly, Qulckiy, Permanently Rittorid, Weakness, Nervciurcs*, Debility, *nd all lh tram cf evils t ir!y friers or later excesses, the i ns, WOTTT, etc. ) nil t-.nvn'.i, <!<..: ond tone givrn to every o-; n ar,.| | . iheUxlr. him;').-, na".-. Imme- diate improTeiiK ut s< n. 1 2,000 reference*. J!->oV, . piiMttH and proof* mailed lraled) : ERIE MEDICAL 60., Buffalo, N.Y. SOCIETIES. AO.I.'.W niMta >> flrnt an. I tin. I Mnn day ill each month, hi tiiHir liily. < tiiMort Tlhck Fll-.t>. t> u at . .- ! U i. WriKht M W . W. .1. lit-llan.v. fliiai-e-.-r: \V Iliil H.-<ni<lvr. \litil|t l-:<llii'lli llitltiC. RoYU. TKMI'LAIIS OF TI:M I'l.K \M I.. Hetfnlar (mnri! lutata every Turday eTninjrin S|. uni.-,. block at * p.m. Srlwl lUgrro liurnrat > > nui-t* tbo p.'.i ]irmllii( the tttcd of t u u< nib SOUS OP TRMPF.IUXCK.-Thhi wxu lUMUln Dr. Chrirtoo' H.ill e\.rv \Vnl- nmulay rrvnlng at II (> m Vi-itin; brtb rr*n invited. lutuiauc* iu ronurctt<-n. -T3. A F. lil.wlv ' t tb fol hlLJOU. J ^HMH*. WrtTWTV HAVE YOU BACK-ACHE DOOD5 KIDNEY .PILLS. WILL CURE YOU 1 "Backache mtant tht hid- neyu art in trvub/f. Dodd't Kidniy Pflit glut prompt rtlitf.' "/5 ftr cent, of tli$eait l fret causfd In/ ditordvtHi kid- neys. "Might at well try to hait a Aect/tAy city without tewcr- tloggtd, thty ai ,S.-U by all dnbfB*e|i tht - of the iyitm. "Delay it dangtrous. Ny- lec tut" kidney trouble* rutult in Bat B/<*td. PytfMDtla, Liner Complaint, a a it tht mott dan- gtrout of all, Sriqhtt D/statt, Diabetti and Dropcy. " _"Jnt about dilfcsei lannot exist when D. McTavisb, UORSESHOER AND GENERAL BLACKSMITH, Collingwood Street, FLESHERTON, - ONT. Manufacturing of Waxm'in. Slcliilm. liiitttifn DeinocraU, Kte. Horae HhtwinK praoi|-lly at- ti-inl.-il t" N|>cial attt-iitiuii (jivcn to contract- 1-1 or tender fed. Logglac and Plw Chain* <* stnnil > on luiud. Lands for Sale S AKM propertimi imprnveil And fm(?o- pruvod , &>co viltnj;*' propertlM. Ai*i>l v 10 J. W. ARMSTRONG, KLESHKMTON . O. J. B. SLOAN Eugenia, ha* on bat\X "' ' *. Mub.dvors " lyf

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