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Flesherton Advance, 10 Aug 1893, p. 3

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A CLOSE RELATION. CHAPTKR IV. 14 B* calm aad ceandaat !" it aaaavcd to aay. " Around yoar quaking term I draw the awful circle, not of in* Church, bat of aay peraoaality. With my Mach upoa IB* h*l of yoar Ufa, yaa mar dnauat four Mi tUaiaat I could (tear my way between It, aad aaad-ban with my tt" anght. Tea weald batter write to Madam* VOMB to aand yaar go wn d yoar gown directly to th* thing* to b* packed by yaar . I will make a Hat of them J yaa will dtcta-.* it. Sa* aat down at my detk. With eaweU- H* usually cast them do- th* Uda. a flaah af toe ooateeipt tor th* ad roreary that tboacht to out wit him teaching hia well-cut mouth Bad dilating hiaaoamla. Tb* lath wa* aa ladulgant aaula by the I time he had counted thirty beata. H* Ut 1 Mr*. Cptaa't hand down rerenatly. yet ' careoMDgly, upoa the arm af bar chair another touch of genius, aad laughed low and lif htly : " I bap* I may alwayt hare paUe at yean ia at tail moa wif* ia MOT* learned than I outline* of the calm faet bowed oeer la* Car. Hanag be*a bora of bar Body aad Ml. nothing I oMld aey or <U eoaid tJieaateher. bat 1 laat ejioaad hi kereeteem. perhap. inker, -d ao adrerat Xo matter bow b(hl at thing* tppartiiaiag to MM, bat bar *ympathice tymnet hie* raa away * * ww % for eoaTu-atd igure. aamaaly aamolt, I aat thawiak * gOd a it. My dor bar too irmly to are Hkaly to o Btmarmwkioh of aninot at, a* eror, I , nihar with tha with ber judgment aoenetine*. Had I ; anpremacy of wif*ly idehury orar aot uadentood ihia ao well. I akoald hare aflactioa. naked nr>.t.r. just now, xpsctia*, to) Cad Witk tha rihimauri of yoatk that feeia yoa ia articnlo mortu. instead of aa yea itoalf te be mi*apprabeadad aad aajaatiy r to oaUir* all three afaa. The rat imai i. I bated him wh* had aaaalaat- , alarm Mra. W*atwertk are ed me. The ialaeace that warped aa up- Taay daughter oaald b* only evil, aad tka: eaa- tinuaiiy Yet th* iwtetott taal That arcr looks* with haliered ia her friaad't haihaa J. Orarth* i to which the I kar physician* to stay. I hearkened I more than passable hyttena. af ' Tbair ey** of faar, "tbat of tka of ta- many am* Ugiea. prored fatal.* "Yoa do not think. B- cling hia without a they may indicato organic heart T" H* laughed aflat*, ia ami could not bare bora aimalatod I rare you credit for to* mack aaa** to nun* thai notion, a ra*t daal of bias* that apoa other ergaaa which papular teatii rate* aa leaa digtuned. why, I < Kineiy-aia* hundredth* of th* nosed aa afcrtioat af th* heart ara d; aia : fift? per coat, of the remain liar may be *et down to th* credit of lung* or apUaa. If yon atny witk aa uatil yaa die of beart- ducaaa. Dr. Pair will b* bat aa infant of day* by comparieaa." Hi* miaatr aad amil* were engaging to faerinatioa. The pariaat'a *y*a gltamii gratefully : b* lifted heraalf a* a droopiBg lower re'riTM in dew-lad aa air. " And you better* that, after a week or two, the** fooliah attack* will b* at Iktagh they had aot been, and ihia orer-ttrrd body aa nearly read aa new at ia oompaube* with tk* weight tt forty-*>r*a yean aad the an tm oriel ot paat lafinmtieaT" I kaow it patwBee to pniaaa af he . mvmfh coo&BMei . rare aad radiast pfta, ovary wucd MAsiajC Tb. a~rt \mfrn . UghUj tka ^.l W aav abaald ba laid parent aoqajaataawa la bar attiantioa of the Tha day Wft a bad taato i aiy which aot em a noto fraai Doat, acnbbiod on the waatwarti-bovad umim. I had oace aTorkrard ay ttep- father r afrct mildly to my anthtr ny " aahappy toaip- " baam aMra aaarly of hi* faaber, joat we two, r< biaated wuu aaoaL tka ara to- iaf like a a irw. to word,- ay head apaa raw/ kaaa. M to the hbrarj-^ T ' Tiaayna. aad and* m* read "lh Lota Eaun- afead. bach of aa kaaw it timon by Uart. Aad after that, atdl ait- hag at bar laat, ik baak hud ta tka tap af a ahair. 1 iiffti ito the Uarea, aa a kejav auac-h>4 iaValoww epi.ana C ia ( aa Uay of baa ay, raa liag, I raa*aatbar. all ot Soaf. aad aliaa bare aad than la Meaaanaam,' aad la&iat pity aaf- ly of th booUaai aaaaaoat of St. ~ bacanaf f tM . raealii with . vindaaaa the aoaaa, aa I have atotraed it, tan iBUrraJ af ajaaiaa: qaiat that my. reaiting af waa* ataiualy Br a_ iMMlta wilaY i a riatrimf ia my mrere* Qthiiaat . all BMBenat Lew Surety all BMMB* tam* had gone before. Lew BOJtieu.filhoM aata beaaata with than. My rnaipaaiaa apoke fint -Itiaaaaeha. laiat aad wetrod. af the thmt broaght forth * Bra* ' brr*k amav Lyiac kaa her wkiM gowa. " laaa tryiaj to aaarya* Ut. tad i I tarahth. a inly a poa kieprofeaak I had norar beta Mar* nearly tana when I faaad that night, that eaald not pray down th* boding btitemem of BIT thought* af him. H* had " feared - aloud to me. upoa another occeetoB. Uat I waa ''dirpooeJ to rindicureaena.' I could net gainaav that, either. Had brought j phymciaa of th* malady whoa* eii-teae* ka waatad, I abeuld probably bar. boaa thecfced ; I akoald certainly kar* felt for my mother Borrow. Siiung. terry aad aallaa. erar my tire, after I bed nsea from my kB*ea.l taid. UpMa kad < that I abaald ba reUarad to difenat aalf moraiag hat tW popalar * """ * af the raaaaaaa giraa ty haaua kaaru tka avbtaaw awaLaty of aach haaM. m praiaa or lealTBg that iada tka way ao mj ha tha laaMnaeat which aaly oar . aadthey it gaaiaa aa.-ely tka deer hafaii the tkaught 1 had aatthar fuiatai aer amd - Cta< be" **'*i y em eUaaaaft, I bebere r I cried. maamg back to the aoia. aad. aaaiaBtral af any <a* fealkart. anafciag ipaa the pri amto a wvatca: BeAldala** yoa. aad /I daal toUyoabaw ftadaad gntefai laav it u af tka waoi. to bar heart, traia I aaa fad aboat BM BOW. "Doa iarbag T aha BUM ' Mr dear. tra Godbiaatyo* bath r "Waar hav to abgnWy ,y. ow. aa-l ka aa ' hka~ByaaU.- my akin w-.uttart o: like ber aaaaJ muaaer. aat tk I did aat r mark at th* Umt a*p*cubar. I bad a. WAT* kaaa apet with her. aad at thaa that ah* ikaaH y e*unT " Yoall oe t VUt*naT<aM, VlttV ft aMfVatvM gafgiaV bar word* to ahow how bmper- Uaa'l worry abawt Mn. fptea. bat aajey waa ear chat that night, how ft mi | yaaraalf a* mach at aay W theav Well aad hew aat arm, it wat ' the hast af car* af kar. * that w* taeaU part htpaily aad aeaadiy. CHAPTER V Tat yV.low hgkt of aa O -.' whisk thry ara aay haradf aaa hat aaidthai. x xaled at tha malt Aa a I aaald aat kaifa hat kar aay waa* held My taraat aaul yaa wara eat af ear- bat. Ska baa aa fafly IB * anrii i i keraaaf UtMaf the Meet r*a*ark*>ha* jamaa W a white raaarag la th*' of A (Mr all. tha aacrot of raa not ao occult aa I atay bare a*mde n appaar IB the tailing. It M the way of the average hunaa being to take a maa at hia awa aaif -laJaauoa, Bra- Tided be avanda up fiercely to ait gaaa. ba they Quaker oaaaoa or vorilable munition* af war . It it a trniam that aaytkiag it koaad to raccced and btiag wealth ta tha awaar. if adrertiwi loaf aad loadly. Dr. \Veat worth'* eTerv gwlar*. tone, aad paaa adTtrtiaed him. He waa paaopbod and placard.*) by naturt aad by art with car* tificatea of popular power. Hi* wif* rr- farded him now at the auwtl* minded de- votee hi* en*hrined taint. Hr had, witMa the hoar, hurt aad htmbloU her IB bar own aijhtaad IB tbo preaaaca af tad* light of '.he thill ho bad ia aequmaj : h tat the foot nareeaacy ba H* (peat year* apoa he lore *mnaneratioa of the content* aueenly neck ; he B*UtU*4 Mr aaaare ber child, and twep* aaid*, aa he might a put of amok*, that apoa which (h* bvlicred aught hangahamaaUf,an>dth*r*aM*Ba*r*d it no mor* in tk* pride aad joy with wktoh eh* claimed thi* aaruit being at her r*rr oun. In apirit aad ia Utter the called him" lord> Blind adoralka gilded far aar feet which oa* aide af kar aatara knew to be clay. I mad* aa opportunity to lun kar into S recto while phrticiaa and patteat chat torsthei. A trunk mutt ka packed aad teat to m* tiace my r wit be preloaged. I broke right iato tk* middle of oar eft hi* ' Mamma, ar* yon and Doctor " My oa* mm* for him " to hare no olh*r i than thit nan*? Would it aoi ba safer to bar* Dr. Barker or tomt on* of equal emin- ence. I* it not ouMomtry ?" "Mr*, t'pton is uawilliag to bare mor. penoot pi anal thaa th* alat* of th* ea ab*alataly requires," she aaiwvred. readily * Yoa bar* ami bow Mnaiur* aba ia ea that petal. I ceild bar* wished far th* prreeav* of a third pryxcian : but th*r* i* really no need of it and w* hair* IV. Barker ' .--f in.oe. a* to tb* featiUhlj ot th* operation and h*r nio(* to undergo iL \V*r* th* a chanty patient, I thould not kasitat* to do the work myeelf, with a* h*lp except *u> h at a tolenbi* aunt coaU reader. I bar* do j* it. and mor* than one*. In M tret fir* <**** yoar father Kd no aatittant ev>-ep: niTMlf, and the patient* r*cvTr*d. Xo ' lb*r* is no rnk on that he*i. ' Sh* e*nml to uy it to h*n*lf rather thin to me, aad I caught at tk* tlight *m- phati 1 thought prererd upw th* relatir* proroua. \\ her*, tbea. doe* the ptril It* " Tb* trrmer in my roic* recalled to hr BOW mach I bad at *tak* in U* matter ah* wa* ttying to w*<gk with prefeMioaal die- " My darting :" b* aaid. alfrctioaatrly. " if I eouKl amir* you that in aay anon BM i* ao peril, I would f**d!y rlr* roar aaUdtad* tor aaa to dear to u* all. Bat yea an itroug eaoogh to hear th* iratk. th* btJt thai can b* tai.i of turnery i* that it *ip*U wrong by ri*l*aca. Bui wb*r* th*r* an no complicatieat. when th* tahject M healthy and rweeoeahlT *lrong. and th* urfcoa tkilful, at ia the pnnat aaa*. th* chaace* for good greatly outnnmher tho*e for di*a**.*r. Keep up a bmr* heart, giriw ' and hope and pray at will w* all tlat the Cinal H**Jr will <xd*r an ( hl. and for our happiness,' Sh* B*vr prvachnl, aad **ldom talked tk* religioa the Itred. TK* under hmn ity of the laat Mnteac* brought m* rerr near to ber. I wish yoa wer* to do it '" 1 utt*r*J. impiiltn fly. " I think >od weald aot Wt th* knif* *w*rr* M yoar band." Her glanc. wa* keen, almeet cold. 11 The knif* will not go wrong. Year r<r*}udire* r nnwerthr of year reejen. - v -t\ Sean* day, perhap*, yaa will do ju tie* o oa* who*, jea. hare a*r*r reavl af tk* farond lauihe :*.* p^-y f the wt to a aty lawyer. I'watfeadof . aad Kitty aad 1 w*r* Mad af on* Jn * ernbUthatmy aVdbybaniciiMarta.aBd ^Uer. Sh* bad been ia Mraral tiL__ pomla I was manlod by aat- d.nng th* paat week to -talk orerthiags." aral aaVctMB aad expediency. Not erea if ^. MiaKir fruit* and ft >wen aad maai- isoe had fathomed tk* depth of my duuke eal gUaM* of Mn U?toa Marry eatalagaa tar my aemia.l "family *aa*flna." 1*1 mam aprnrryphal. then nautili *Biagh hit m*lk*r. witk ab*m I wa* freak about eharauatl aoreltMa to aautuah aar OUMI eT*rythiag **, I Mast play tka kypocnto, aowaTaad the coonpaay to b* eeilectod about or imaiiil ber rival iatoresta. rateat a Majority of good Chi it ought not to b* bard to pray. " Forgir* , as oar trnptmx*. a* we forgir* theaa who U MB am againtt us. ' I weat to bed without mocking Omnttc-.*ac* by th* pauttoa. la*t thing I would bar* aaked of H I kaow tt Bamlto ItWf , 1 Sha attaaded me to th* awoke that it my mtthar ani Mrs. kad awakaaad my bat lately av mto a gtrlmh demr* to be aae to c*araxa. BIMBO* brtk* flood et at ma. My m*tkar't atar* < aSov* that that *ox*rc**d by a rvimat the ray* ahaaa tkraagh aavi 1 Marly faapa. with * Sh* M like a aatat beauuful ed atsaaar'* error. in reality TT tee*. . M* two iayt af*. Mr*. Tpiea aad I had Tb* fabric waa camel't and It tod It M af tka ram M reported aa foOewe M a the race IB BeiTi Life, af tk* mer.-y waa aach MrgiTeaaM aa axtod eat far aim whoa* troap* * caoMB it tof*thtr. Tat fabric waa reaul t ad by raaaaa ; he* elata, eio,UM>toly aae aad toft : m ' Jowa the elm- Tk* eajft, pearl-gray, aad wrought apoa akirt. | way aad past i fenly > alMTat. aad rest with aUk of a darker rard to lh* ' ay aoal fcad iato t naltora af dataca aad trimea IIMBM I he do to keep fram jumptag oul af ta* to My My prayer* to y aarttatT memage, ^ thniralamti weeaaa that I Vaa> ^ wa. wut S-aad. r..-e coca. wr...-. .^ ^ I iaaafiaad. took MS to it* heart a* had ah* -,_ whe*. birth aM.tha^ltTp.thMWM. w ,,h Ca*adr Thi* wat th* mjei/' af tk* Maa; play- j nder palled back at they laft tka Mad witk KiBgat tk* ba* b* rafaaad at tk* toe af tka it, that rUaaJmwoaU knag gnaf to aad waea tkay arrrrod a: tt Baa* kit aorta. aa>d f.U.wad i aval war* dybutmrlf. If I tofwaalooaldjadf*, byrrory- > into a pattern Tk* tWwort were eta' r*r thread aad tka MS* aam*. My 1 I round -color with FracS If" I did not crow in all fair aad M tatty (Trace* dan** that weak, it was ao* for trmmti with FreacH marguerite* aad ail- 'threujffk my rout, th* Mahay that BaW) I . want of a liTing example of th* choice* of , rraaae*. Mra. Uptaa had IT*B BM a heart aae brain. If I bed made the eafart . Bat for taa ea* aerai drap at la* | )M dk>hi*f odgod witk p^t-lae. , thaa aad tkar* I thtak taatlaoaUha** aaid J ofmyhoart,eT*rybaarwUkaT*' danM< ,*& I leaad beside My plato that diftcaH CMBM af tk* Great Prayer I aUed with taadenat eoaifart. For my, .4 breakfast a casket, Uay aad T ' kti fm I iratiniili nai tigkai qit i I oaa ea to aay that < tk* raea with aaaa. TV* laa-th of th* TG ,u, ^ 4 Daa . Many 1 . ' by it. I ntiaiibly istered unto her. <mr*rtod BM for bar on'* absrac*. aed for th* inal th* ahadow of which *t*U cl*er with the gotag down ^ freetod lre7 of each ana. So outward ptwaarauoa per- ttaaiil tarn. Her boota, alwara a medal af deli eal* aad daiaty " keeping, wa* in task absolute order as betrayed how loa had bee* her oaliookrag upoa dread paaaibilW IMS. There was nothing to worry or fatigue her. When the had tTippai into my dail, Utter to Doa tk* now written at bar atcritoin ia lh* eaaa* wm.w. with my mif^aaatt* aprayt atUl liriac and breaihiackafor* bar. aad iavaed a**d ful inslrucuoa* for Ihe day to b*r parfortly traine t tcrranta. ah* left neraatf aothiag to do mor. ardaoaa than a ttavtd autr.her of j Jo^'yo,, worn wbea yea rouada ana Daa I took*, oar tnomiag _. .i. acrrd and **caiar nediacu. aad the driret were a part of th. phraioian'* erdia- it, : ptaferrud to pot th* thoagiit of my W.-.aia. apoa a pareat oat of my Bund with con r*lr*t bod of paieet aan-mra. waa a broock tawed. Twlestgawa* on* en* baU at tha gioaaj waa toft aad a amta> * th* ndor . who atotna to and a atalk of boarded wheat. TV* heart of th* epea flower was of teed paarit ; each keraei of tk* ripe grain was a pearl, aad , aa opal dew -drop clang to th* half-cloMd 1 ef the Bmrprit*. BjaantnMMtM .orthatlrelMhedbeart- ly aparoTi&g looks aad kindly CMTMOBU Mhr w-. 1 .: I brok* down at m&\ ef tka tarprae- in denaace 'of Saoal rWk crvamg aad Waghiag taaathai ia a wild VThea Kitty whiitiii childith way that called forth Mr*. Vptoa t fectly ' lorely. aad ro* aod child ! bar* carnal i ioa ' It it M Doc'* ekeic*) af a tnakat to rgard far yaw will ba a poor eaUy of ? BO*.UT* ptrhapa already on th* WT to Nw York far d*r*laaanat. I dor epinta aerar *.g>ef ; her talk wat men riracteo* aad richer than I had *r*r know* it, and ah* wa* always tk* Meat da- ligaUal oooTonaUoailwt of 'aer circle ; her interest in what*r*r ptttained to me, her caattaal eempaninn. waa eriaced ia a thcei- aad ways, On ih* crania* kafere Kitty \Viicox "t luaektaa aha ckidvd M* for my ladiforaac* to what, ah* occupied mach af kar Ihtaght*. I growiair more fnroioaa r ike qoemd. Or ar* yen aeuliag down for* your Urn* ' Tkat th* aaair ia M k*aar of pretty Kitty't beiretbal should axcit* your *ympalh>ei ; that i; it lo he lh* *relle*t' eveat of tk* opeaiag aiaiaa thould awak*a your cario: N N cannot fal'. aaleop coareaieatly a' Bijhta for ipevalatiag as to Ike ptababla truth e,' ramen poiauaf to liTori*d feotMta by th* pair end trie : of mbatoa* prie** paid for *hrr*aath*mam* as bi at dinner- plate*, and ptache* at h-jj a* cocoantu, and M** tach at Ihe mind of Maptetoa never coaceired of. Why. I am cteiiKly fbMtot blown IB Venkw a thoutaad year* ago, and that not oa* faror i* w**k old, each baring boaa maaafacturad if roatly for th* gaeat who will it. Tk* chaa.iolwn ar* to bo matic-bci.*a, tei to taaat adaptad to *ae*i ' BagtaaiBg with marie* air*, oat af eaav piimoal to tha raw oyatora, aad aaacladia*: with 'Araby't IVnghtrr at oocV* ia fraaght m- iatarpoaadl. " Noao af tbow frHiot mor* ma. mother mia* r I would laihar laach ea t<t* a t*t* with yoa. aa aaU chickoa aad braad-aad baiter, wathod down with a cup af yaar iaooenparaK* taa, than H my pkw* at thi* AlaJrfia lamp leatc IVrhapt I am. at yoa tay , aUia*} aawa, Thit impkat tliaram aad calm, dooaa i if Maraa| ap i mgaiU troth aad dtafa. 1 1:1* to ba raakad * faati*. without had hoard Mn. Tptoa My that it aboatd im it for lk* to-day, aet t* lea* urn*. \V noa Mm. Rekh I checked tba toara. but my heart waa to Wrodaad aatilad aat afaU my worthiataa. that a ha^py aab imr*U*d BM acrom tk*> tahla with th* lator- TMWVT'I *r*, I aat a ttitV taller, tad fcara dnttaaxa waa JT fact. Tk haal th* rooard, at fa? a* known, th* baat prer>u* ptrfaraa. ttat of Lottorv. ot of ih* jump afth* faaMa Arakcr. aad ka Oaaaftka Ifaa*, Tk* F >aw. T . a w*U-ka*WB aanrnnit wntar in EagUad, waa ale* aa kaaa. aad he kaa declared, m a roceat artteX that th* tap* measured bat M feat. Tni* it th* miarMam. ettiMata. SaMManf op it May r* Mid that, whiM ther* it BSM* deabt aa ef th* two Buthara. wh* wr*, I Mt Mra. atki*anjhmT talk from IMB* to Urn* ; aad hatttag of Bkeoror kmitung aad m-cheting. wi*a nsy mother. > a* to *oe me dram *or wS<xn I *:or*a rach inr: j*ct an.i ;**r-ar* aad to romata w U Mn. Cptoa until I got of th. rav back, arnred at etorea o'clock. I wat ia ' day weald hi of a hi pi IBM tikpa. I anjored ' erar tk* eery af that mrriaa> tb* ! we eouid ef prtparabea parrad wat seek ntrdi* ^-. pin af vh* of ...* *VM\ Mbdaod MR nmpatky ia my coaonra* aa a'po* ilk* bndal roatiriuea of of a daaghtor af thbataa. fUeal.*. Mn. rptaaaowa maid. laid eat aach arucJ* ia which I waa to my b* dmatd aadaed apaa my k*l mr hair : rVnalio put aa my tilk atoaaiagt a*\ tba boom ofJUaodo hmtkat af th* BT*. aiM Wat af my rob* aad Vrv l> tea, raatiBg aaiiatj tk* piUowa af My liaaai. *aptriat*>*>d*>i th* prooa* fnm the tint u> tr* lota airok*. Ia ber vrrry (t'anr* aad Mt*aai*a. a* ia my m*lber laack, wa* tb* rt that WT* aad pnd* aad Tbebeat th* rahesnal prenraa: meal I ' my another iato aatioaaiMa bleated tka MMperary annoy- aac* ef Mn. B-kk . areximity. aaaU aot kar* fiittta that it The k ::r aaedd aoi bar. fintta that aaag kar *a- aad- tweaty gaaattah* eeaM ka ptokod oat ao IBM aco*ptabl ria-a-rit for BM thaa th* Sh* waa ia grant apanor to tk* tbabhy faatility of aa imi- totwa black-lac* gown, aad a bat af th* kopt wr*, for thorn, baaad up IB my worthy aalf, that what they had doa* to make 'my attire *laal aad U*t*ful tad baeamiBC wa* th* tangible maaifoataitoa at faad daair* M farward my baaaiBMa by a*t, with a aamoh ef red aad-parpe* tower* MI perkily ea top ef :u S.-nhbWd nentktr by MTMtf,* ta* of a*. - Leo* at it " fluthi t*>watd tha iag tk* acaa* tokimMtf. aad ia*almag th* tgura tkai avaUy atood batora tho ca*ral laat. fl).to:)ettod. aad blaahiaf witk *V <ia**. f aUt:ktt*4, aad light to beheld tk* by ta- tkW*rry day loaocuo* ef ber ste tsif thai th* ^*ti***d lh. mirror'* honesty or th* fidelity of kar re*irkt. Was aaether girt in ta* laadae giaitiMry aaaiwid witk the real c*ada af aatntaii. ao royally dew- ri WII.S lr*' My another kT*n*d the lArMWa-ac anew- . ir by a a*w dironMB, l>anl, th* bailer. M prer**ab* to tk* brought iato tha apaiuaial aad deposited ' bilily m which mo*' open UM Boor in front of me, a* b* might a , etiat. I stored up my gun <******* duntatd for my dtatractiea, otkor N*w York fakMaa rW. tripod aad eamra. IB c*aaiaukf faarty at a laach lea: weak by preriaf BM gift for m* to bn mother 't care, k* bad if rrary WIMII ia ta* rVaMyisciaa Chi dow duMar*. " Woaldat yoa .wear tkai ~ mak Modnt* had \toae' a* to th* of thiny dollar* far th* raakiaky aatiaaT It aaat M* exactly thirty BBM for tk* treat*. Th* real ef th* matemti I had by M* in the boata. I kari beoa wntiag up Mf.'.inerr a* a Faaaaaa- akl* SwiadU,' ia Tk* Ladies Oaraar Cap- board, tad bar* as tnoeesed th* craft from Nora Scotia to California again. t a* taal I dea^t Mppea* *ae ef taam woald BM a atasah "MereeaMMMar aaid a amacy aaditor. ia demur* diMreaa. - Py aad by you will be hcTcotiod into atoiTalba aad audit y. * " I' rather eajor it '" retorted the new* Th* aam* May b* Mtd of a I ed fn.<ea. w-c> i* aatd to bar* tlaartjd whil* i tat iaa. ia a ato*| th* um* of tk* abuT* ereat. A karw caJI- ed Oaleartkata m reported to bar* jumped owwed by oa* Lord lagaatna, k*VM * * <*. ^ tmj^MA ue*w jeeiv^vi 04 ^B^% 9 *Bwea aalkoatk. a tut. ahaolwtaty th* MM few day* beoa shoe a ia the headgear ef maay bastaee* w*a> Far a Mag parted th* aa af aaa*n kaa feadiy daa* to tar tatt black ailk att, bet th* hot weather he* partry brokea down U MM ben ef the Stock I aad athan mar a* Bat th* toat, th* band taanag hi tkai Una baing oaly wara to aad tram th* aty aad outry " aaa whe i* he'. d oaongh to i ia whit* coat, wajetctaat. aad Uwneers a tahjact to a good deal of ndicala. \\'ay akoaM Iht c;ir cliag to a tradiuaa wkick to laa* a** diacaraod Dawa at ef Lard Palmarstoa a black aaat tha *r UM th* caaa. Lord StaJhndc*. wa*a a whip *f th* Liberal party aa Lori iRchard i>ro*\*aor. ba* *T*a appaar. d oa tka nWcr i ia all *>n.>*eity. "Aaytkiaj BUM of aaad at MM deck witaeit taaaia, aay thaeft ta taw litait CoaautatMB. As for beta th* Hceu* *f lard* aad Cemmee* n Mataaatl. errry maaiiatpoi nW t ahes ahapebeinf iherenpitMBUd. of th* principal bank* bar* in foray c**rk* tht danac the hot womtaat will ka mi ill to tkota tVaaoh aiatM M k*ht coat* aad The dataiiaimiiit at aba iiiMa*y pot M perhapt aear at haaaV

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