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Flesherton Advance, 10 Aug 1893, p. 1

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' JFfasfcrtim " TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." PRINCIPLES, KOT HEN.' VOL. XHL, NO 829 FLESHERTOH, OHT., THURSDAY, AUGUST 10 189. W. H. THUR8TOS, 25 per cent off On al! kinds of jewe llery for the uext 30 DAY S. Watches, Clocks, Chains, Silverware, Etc. at a sacrifice. PneevUlr From 9*r O*TH C<jrrttfOttdet>t. The dry weal her haa not only been beneficial to farmer* bat alen to the knighta of valor in contracting the wood- work of waguna etc.. thua maiMJUtiag of the circular bands ot vehicle*. The regvlar qwarterty aervicea of ike PrkeviOa *iiW> of the Methodiat church will be held at the Kbeneaer appointment There ' yet. The twine they ordered me ago haa armed. The Kpworth League mentioned aooae tine ago aa* been rneiai eared It ia for the young, bat all are cordially We Ua, nod^g bt th. datter of ti. BEFORE BUYING YOUR Now is your time to make purchas- nxtsnd. y at ia , a. m. 1 . . T A , wfll be no aerrioea in Prwevilje. es,people, for the stock must go. wa* heard Frvday. wbeo by nthwr the aud ailkman'a frighted and no away, waggon pretty bad, but BO ooe way or kit hurt. Th e best selection to choose from in this section. Call and see iu. BROS., PLB8BBR1W Cue of oar amateur (.') cycler* per- formed before a aeJect, privileged and intereated audience.nn Saturday evening, a very intricate, difficult, dancer ma, albeit graceful (f) feat. For further par- andOentlemen ! Get your spring supply of BOOTS and SHOES from the undersigned. New goods just imported from which to choose. A LARGE STOCK, A GOOD STOCK, A CHEAP STOCK. Be sure to call and examine. Custom work as usual done on short notice and in a neat manner. JOS. SMITH, Joony ha* lt hia favorite dog (Diqrai - oot f.-r inatroctineia. Our foot ball team ia in fall running ; order, and i* well attended every Satur- ' day cveniii;. After the game is over: each on* ha* hia rued to peddle, rough or _. mouth. Lk out. bora. bcular* enquire at AOL Sor 3 nanroa* St., , ... . ., _ I '.Mr. Robert McKenay ha* get ku new b*Jgy bo<n<r. It ia a dandy. We don't expect to ace you drive aJ. ne. Bob. MMB Anaie Fletcher viaitod her enu in thi* placw lut Sunday Mr. Umry Buckingham, who haa been ill :.r SO*M time, u able to be arovad again. iificulty haa uet the men who took 'he j .b on 23 aide r. ad. ,; SPRING SUIT SEE OUB- GOODS and FRIGES Mr. E. StTet>an, of Mt. For**t. paid a viait to \V. J. Blakeatoaa recently. Mr. H. Roea.teacher ia Kingacoa Beat- > oeai Coll ee, ia. *pendin* his vacation ! with hU parenta. Mia* Gertie McLe-d : > S. Coll Inn. U home for Ike holiday* Miaaee Aggie and Marian Cockbum have gone to Toronto where they ill reaide for a time. Mr. Alex Jam*, haa gone to the lower townships for a few day* outing lajnag the fanner* of that neighborhood. Me*sr*. Cookey. Vair, Fuher, A. Gua, OIL! bV Smith, all of D-jtliam, paid oar burg a flying vt<t recv Mr. E. Irwiii. a reporter ou one of the 1 - paper*, r*id a visit laat week to hia Mr. C. C. Jamea. par- er <r CWveajmeWf. J. W. Bat*aadckiUK&.ofKing U are vUiting with frienda here. A bevy ..f ,>ur Uiret yowog ladiea in vaded t !.o d aaina of oa of uur yoa( bachekTi a abort time au and apeot a plmaut ereoinf Sorely ke wdl take tke hu.r Berriea are c-uiug pretty lively now, bat J. D. Brown ia prrj-arJ for them aa he ha* just received another car ia<l of augar. WHY ISITP Why is it that Harrison, of Flesherton, sells so much furn- iture ? The answer is plain Because the people appreciate fair dealing, and have found out that his poods and prices are right, and the quality second to none, \Yc Jo not care to sell goods that fall to pieces before they are half u*cd. for llie reason that our repntatiou is at stake, and we feel in huaor bouud to give good value to onr customer*, and we can afford to uo it. as cor eipetises are small. So \VE CAN LH K AND LET LIVE. FURNITURE REPAIRED, PICTURES FRAMED, LOUNGES UPHOLSTERED. Jf . B 1'iidertakiug carried on as usual, craoe kept in stock. Residence over stow open uighi and day. Tours Truly E. HARRISON. JUST ARRIVED New Print*. New Cottone, New Press Good*, New T weeds and Worrteds. New Gtev, New Hoaiery, New Parasols. Now Ties, etc.. ud all marked at usual low prioM. We do not ad^rtist our prices but everyone is welcome to come aud examine our goods and compare Uie iual- ity and Price. If not suitable w do not ask you to buy, but we feel confident if yon come yon won't go away empty banded. x o x \Va claim to wave tbe bet general Boot and Shoe Department in town We don't keep the $4.00 kil boots, or th 50c. splits, which are no good, but we do keep UM stock most suitable for the changeable climate of this section. Come along and bring your butter and eggs, will give you highest price and noble *eight. The Store on the Hill ? B. G. Brans. <mi om Mr. Valentine Bell, who eaarnel, ia moving into nur town in:., the rueidinrr lately vacated by Mr. McKach- nie, owing to "buca. " Neverthele** Val- entine will be an addiu< to our burg. Mr. Little, our blacksmith, will have a '. carv> "f aalt (or the patrons at Fleahertoa , thi* week. He object* t.< be called a He *ay* the patron* ain't what are uaiut-vl. Mr. Little i* our twn- lup Mcretary and every patron *h- uld uphold hi* actiona ia the *a.'t buiiK*t. Mr. John Blakely and Mr C. BUkely. their wivee and chiklreo. paid a visit to Maiwell. the former to Mr. Lmley'i and the later to Mr. Little'*. John and iiuv are alway* wekvme. Sir. Sun.lj McEax-hnio wa* home on Sunday. I Mr. Wm. Kert.-n's hi are haviuf their Itiiirf on th< puUiv-. Their orns. ReTiral v.Tticea are bin euodueted her* iVatidell and Ptrrry. \V hife much ^>od will be UM reaolt. Mr. Perry, our youg mwiater. ia already a far. rite. Boru -On July the 47k. the wife of Jane* C->iunU. Jr.. f a daughter. M Titlie Whit*. teachr i4 A,ln*ille in Mu.-big.ui ia apsodiog h* holiday* at wt Tborntoo, of Bolton, are ith their aunt. Mrs. Robert A number f our youDt people Jnve Ke^vnia ost Monday laat, wberv a plaaeant afternotxi *a* apvnt. Mater .T.neph C >n>6eld. of Tjrooto, wa* up v;.<i:ui|; fneuila laat week. The ineasel* are ragna* around here. fkr Mnre t a*,-. The Mi viaitiog *>nt . An U. 7. -The inur- et m f... cae of Mr. Mitor\>. of which ment.. n wa* made ia a deapatch from here U*t week, rapnlly increase's aa hi- II- -t . ' dd kkii .- the dro|y whwh afflicted number him. u-itil he bail f. uii-i . would I reault from tlioir uiic. Now he has . aatixlied hnu*elt mid othoii-f thia,Wv MHI Mr (.haa. N.-henim*n. ,4 P.>wa**ia w tho shail.-w of a ,iob<, he IN 1. u,l m" hi* m a rutinc*Uon. Charlen hao ' prtiM> . f the reuioly. In .tiuwtr i-> the iirrown a but boy during hu *uy of i eiv - . ne |>urvl in upon him voars in a lumber camp hut nevertbele*. bmu r, * h^h!,. Mr Munro an* I am kwtter than I have been for three hw parenta are pr ud of hi* adventurra. ytvr*. ami th,- due t-> Clvarle* i* (f-d U>y arnl everybody in kkiuey pills. " Hia cam* and others our bury la <lad to wek\>ine him home. > prove thut thte julU are, by all odda.the The adde*t new* of our town i* death of Wm. Wtla. who ever *iuce the he left the Chtca" ho;>ital. haa not gained he*lih. He paa*d in hia check* on Sun- day at 1 20. aged 24 year* T moe. Th* {vttrtvo* ba.1 a !,.{ o( twine deliv- erel here. Mr. W. H. Uuy, tho secre- tary of Maxwell aaeociati u. 1' i' I . uthciatrd. At the Ute meeting of the F"atr<-ns Induatry Mr. John Kertou was elected rreaid.<ut, Mr. J. Alliat.-n. VKV Mr W. H Uuy. Sooty: Mr. F. Treaa. ; Mr. SpotiXrd, juwl*. (to. oii iorfal remedy of the ago. Entr.uut- EvaMinaiUas The result of the rvovnt eutranoe ex- is at KU-slu-ron ia given below Fifty candidates wrote. The following were |wis.ii and reconiineiidi-d. and have been conbrtued by the department. Au ! a^re^atv of ;W'J uiarka, ixi one-third ' the marks in each aubject were rtsju rvl (o pane. Mamie Keatiy 4 Sara Fervu<ii ~ 41.' I MUM Oraham 4(0 Mary H<>n>n -t-v- Hertha Jaiuea SOT rWIU MclX.iald 40 F^ora MoMil!-n WS rVow ,r tm ('.N-r-po^eHl. ^"'^ \ t ^"^- ' ' HayirtH ha* been tho -Her of th day. pa^ fj^nj^ ! ." ] *""I^*!lI' 40T and w niuat say that it has bivn a plean- [ X,,n, Mn Floteher aut one. The weather being everythiiig Jamo* lukster that could W demixsl JH a U>t i-f finehay J ,**- ** . . -'"o A Male ... V.1 haa been harveatnl. ; Thtw. McDw^all 42* Crops up to present have an ^pe*r*nce j,^,, McKmnon 4* of boin< r>d. | Fred Sproule 4X Tli Patron* of tiidurtry *re tll aliv John Wnght 41S Patronise the Merchant Tailor and make your best interest ou: C.J.LEITCH. Merchant Ta (fards. WAKKIAGE LJCTSSSS iMwdiUr or nbtastbo ( -. - eaarypv JOB* W ABJBRBOWI. H. H AM5I03TD. r X A .. i ' TV!t HVTTO*. M. D. C. M. M S.Oat. niinfl**. J F HAL>TE.U>. M D . X 0. * Jrntistry. J. L.D.S..M.O.8.. rvmurt Vtatta Marfceate th Ut and Ird W*.1nay at KIahtoa-K<b rij> oe, J W. FHOST. JUrrUWr. Solie^or. ConvjrB<r. Kt8 Ftwkwtoaoetoe Nuttbc HMt office >| buiMia*. o Tbunhlaj*. Owen Somi.l offlv. - n McCCUXWUB. tUrrwUr vr. E'.o. Office onr Mc- Fatlad- oc MrkJl. Kooy to Loan. 1 fCASMOHT. o o,n. 0. t H WwuwT. ._riaoo offlc.. CoaT*yacr. .*. lUrWIo. Ou

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