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Flesherton Advance, 27 Jul 1893, p. 8

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1HE FLESHERTON ADVANCE * mm nun CiALI.KMYT Is fully equipped with re- quisites for turning out 9. per- fect class of work. All kinds of pictures taken and finished in a style equal to any city work, while the prices are lower. Picture Framing done In all its branches. LOIfsAcATARRH . )rouCstrrbrTiTthkiBiiilr. ItwlU el rriTiiiir. w JWrUyelrreBev* and Cure rou. Price Uc This Injector tor in sureearul treatment fumaUwd (re*. Beoember.Braioh'sKainsiU are sold on a fuataaue to gtru saUafacUoo. : To The Public. If you have shopping to do and pictures to get taken on the same day please attend to the latter first. Careful at- tention will be given to copy- ing other pictures. Mrs. Bulmer. * Good News TO MAMY I doiire to cull the attention of tht public to tin- fact that I bave opened A General Repair Shop In eounection with tlio Fleslierton Woollen Mill, and am prepared to do all kinds of Iron and Wood Turning Pattern! niado, and castings got on sliort iiotifi- I liavo not space to mention in detail the variety of work I can do, but anything you have in iron or wood that requires mending, bring it to the Ushorton repair shop, wbero )un mar depend on getting your v. irk <lcme neatly and subnUn tially. Having emery wheel* fnitablo fur 1BA.W <-I!MMITN<4 I will make that a apecialty for a few week*. C'lmrgei low, bat tcrmi tnctlv eauli. Yonre truly, W.H.FLESHEE Having ranted Wbltten'i blaekamlth bop for a term of ytari, I am now la a poalllou to caterto all want. ID my Una. lorsisbiiq i Specialty. Katlsfartlou (.uaranlred . for anything in tht batkmtuhing litn call OH F.A.BUNT^ OypoalU BlcliardaoB-i Hardware ttors THE Tailor, Makci all garments of men's wear in the best stylo at short notice. All work guaranteed. A trial solicited. F. A. BAKER, FLESHERTON. o* m Mound, tori*), Vl ( o Vei'y Pl.ACK IN CANADA TO OBT A Tkoroui/tt Take a Round 'i>^im and ..wil l>v|>rtiiieiiU In <'an*<la. then vlall lie Northern HuniMa<!uUaa ; rumliin every- " -I.... *i,l. If we tail to produce the U-n BMSS able f'iriiiitii. am.llanrea. wo will iilvu vuu a <ut I HIlKfc. Kor Annual Ainiouiio*- Uiuk,guUi [ull iwrtletilan, tree, aililreae HORSEMEN 1 Pay Attention I Having purchased the harness bnsiaess from Mr. Clayton, I wish to intimate that my en- deayor will be to please aud satisfy customers in any work which may be entrusted to me. All kinds of horsemen'* re- quisites kept in stock, at low rates. Good workmanship guaran- teed. Soliciting your ordeM, I remain mptetfully, W.MOORE- Flcsheitoo. Jan. 24, 1893. . m-t th'iriiiiMii plta\ practical ami iu * eatlrM ul atwly ; U,,. l,..i oolltM* preml mn<\ tin- tt ..I-. i m.i.t r->iii|.|ut n,| m cit an C; A. FLEMING, .rlnrlpnl. SHOEMAKER. I MS to InUmats to tbe luliablUnU ta and lOSTORFMLIIGHARHOOIL foiiril iid NirroH DrtlBlj, Weakacss of Body sad Mind, Effects ol Errors or Excesses in Old or Young. Robust, Noble Manhood fully Restored. How to Enlarge and Strengthen Weak, Undeveloped Organs and Parts of Body. Absolutely un- Ctiliog Homo Treatment Benefits in a day. Mea testify from 60 Slates aad Foreign Coea- trid. Write them. Descriptive Book, ex- planation and proofs mailed (sealed) free. EKIE MEDICAL CO,, ButfiJo, H.Y, AO.U.W. raeaU orm-jr flrat and third Moo - day lii each inonlh, ID tlioir lode* room. Cliriittou'a Klook. Flnbarlon.a* s. p. m. Win Wright. M. W.; W.J. Hellartv. flnirr'nr; W. h win ktcorder. VUllii.i Hieirurn niTitr<! ROYAL TKafPLARB OF TEMPER**! K Refular Council nittaa*ry Tuea<tay vcmnc In 8|>roule'i block at * |> in Hrlect diftnc ilimuianm) nuU Monthly. Ilia Wed n day preceding Ibe 9u>d ol each niouth SOUS OF TEMPERANCE -Thli aotu Biaeta In Dr. Ciiriilui.' Hall ovary We.1 niixUy evening at 8 p.m. VlalUl* breth rreo Invited. In>ni auct In cooueetloo. PRISCB AKTHl'R LODOK No. SS3. A.F. a A M . meet in 111. If Manic Hall.Straiu'. Hl>ck. r'le*h0rton, every Friday ou or before lt fill liuoon. A. 8. Vanduaen.W. II H J. S|.r..ul. Secr.tarr. HAVE YOU BACK-ACHE DODOS KIDNFY P.LL5 WILLCUREYOU "Backacht means tht hid- myt art In tniAtt. Dodd't Kidney Rill ant prompt nlitf." If "ft J A 'v 0tr oeft K of dittatt It <rtt MW 6 Htyt. "Hightaiwtll to tiarf a without tiwtr- IlV'i *" < " / nra/th whin tht k i d n p if t art 0/09900*, thty art ' "xntnytrt Of f A* ysfom "Dtla'u It dangtrout. Htg- Itettd kidntf troubltt rttult In tad Hood, Dvtptptla, Uvtr Compia/nt. and fo most dan- atroiit of all, triQhtt NttatZ Diabetit - -9 about oTssosos tannot lilt whtrt Dodd't Kidnru fill* art u**d. * ar *i. sniTieai Msiees ana s iirt. SoMlfaUbraavMS, 4lMtlhanstrt*4a*boeshor an I I ssa fr*. . |d to 4* all kind, of work ia thai Ha* ^ Boeta a.l HInMii i; aCe to ortaw m akoevae aoete*, fc|>airiu .inn. everji Jar. also harass Com* 10 Uradhurys old r.wnitb/, . or by .VINQ, T avelar, Wife weaver, teas remove* from Pleak " ervtn and openeil up txMlaesa In I>r(e*vlll* iH I'rafotarlan eanveh. MaUarepand . J" <>o all kliids ol weaviauneh as Sanaala/blan eta, full clulh s*4 Iweeda, Oarpvti a Specialty. D. NcTavish, IIOItSKSHDKR AND GENERAL BLACKSMITH, Cullinpwood Street, FLESHERTON, - ONT. Manufacturing of Wa<rB>>i>. H!pllia. PIIKK!M [taniiHTata, Ktc Horae lio< inn piwinplly i i i-ii. ii., I i... Spot l>i atwutluu glvcu to coulracl- d or tMnlnr frt. nnd Plow Chnlns ron- stuiitly OB hand. Lands for Sale AHM proixHIn In, prove.! and unlm- wovwd i alro vlllaga pnipertlM. Apply lu J. V7. ARMSTRONG, 1>. tt j<MU BAICLAT. * J. B. SLOAN bas on haaa, aad for ale, sash, doors and IMS**. Ttreing aad plalalBf OSM Ie oJr, Obofptsji ill I Cemnty aad DUtrtrt Owen Sound Gas Company are putting in s new gasometer. Mr. Hiram Skinner, an old resident uf Cast let i. n, Ont., died in a fold in which ho was working ou Setsrday from spasms. Owen Sound has given up the idea of a summer carnival and will have a bicycle tournament itutead. James Small, of Melncthiiii,got drui.k at Shell iiinie, attached a d-nstnble, spent a night in tbe lock np and paid five dnl- lars aud costs iuto the town exchequer next morning fur his fun. At a barn-raifUDg last Thursday in Saugeeu Tp., Mr. John Schwass Jr. was struck by a heavy oiece of timber on the head and h died 2 buurs afterwards. The injuries thu year unstained at raisings is aomewhat appaling. Itch, Mange, and Scratcnes on human <>r animals cured in 30 minutes by Wool- ford's Sanitary Lotion. This never fails Warrai-ted by Wm. M. Richardson Oil Tuesday week a building need by Mr. 8. Rogers, of CdrviU, as a store- house, caught fire, it ia supposed from the saw mill, and was burned to the ground, along with its contents, conpris ing a UiK'.er and mower. Insured in the Waterloo Mutual. English Spavin Liniment removes all hard, soft or calloused 'Lumps and lileimalie* from horses. Blood Spavin Curbs, Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeney, Hliflea.Sprains, and Swollen Throat, r.inli. etc. Save #50 by wo of one buttle. Warranted the moot wonderful File in iah Cure ever known. Warranted by Richardson 4k Co. The new criminal code which come in- to force July 1st, is calculated to deter those who haw hitherto been too ready to appropriate the fruit in people's garden*- to their owu use. Those who have been in tlio habit uf doing this most be aware, Ci-r the first offence ia punishable by a term of one month, and thrte years fur a second offence. In suine unaccountable way, the barn of Mr. \V. Maiwell, Banda, touk fire one evening last week and wao totally des- troyed, t.-g. t her with shout 300 burhels of wheat, 100 bushels of oata, about f2*X) worth of material for a now residence, and a lot of other articles. The building and contents were insun-d fur t&OO, which will ouver but a small portion of the loos. Creemore St .r Rebecca Wilkinann, of Brnwnsvulley, I ml., says : "1 had been in A diitrese<l condition for three years from Nervous- iioao. Weakness of ilio Ktomach, Dyspep- sia and until my beallh waa L'one. I l>ulit one ix>ttl of Snulh Am ericnn Nervine, which done ni> more if-o.l than any $,"() worth of doctoring I - >-r ilnl in my l-fe. I would advise every weakly person tu use this valuable and lovely reuuv'y. I consider it the trandeat medicine in th World." A trial boitl will c.. n \i in-,, you. Warrant- ed by Richardson i Co ' Mr. Dorval Hrown and W. W. Stephen have retunied from th-ir big trip on whevla. Tlit-y .-, v.-i..! about 360 miles <>n their bicycle*, p*s*ed through Mount Forest, Ferxua, Uuelph, Hamilton, St. Catherines, Orimsby and Niagara Palls, canto over to Toronto on the Chicoia, and then rode home by Aurora, Bradford, Al- li^toii and (.'reeuinrr, making ou the hut day's ride over s hundred mile*. Mirror. Alex. Smart of this village, w the proud owner of a cullie wntch dug that trrsmri more intelligence and more humanity than many people While chaainff away roine c<iws f nun his ow nor's premises the other dsy, he noticed that one of the an- imaU was lame, tu he left it Whind and drove ilu other.) off at a lively rate ; and mining back I.e took away tbe lame one, allowing In- 1- to walk the whole wa>. There -is more humanity in that act than some pooplo ahow to their horses ia if- time. Klura Express. K li<- u mutism 4'urrd la day. South Amcricau Rht-umatio Cure for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically ciir*i in 1 to 3 days. Its action upon the sytttimi is remark able and mysterious. It removes at once the cause and the jiscaae ini mediately disappears. The first duso ar ally benefits. T-"> cents. Warranted by Richardaon A Co. Wo hear that xhirrurs are now practis- iiiK a now fraud on unsuspecting farmers, so it ia well for them to boon their guad. A man drives up to a farmer'* house in great baste and gives him s telegram an- nouncing the serious illness ot aotne rela- tive. On tbo face of the envelope the charges are f8 or It. He pays the charg- es and takes the first train for th* homo of the relative, only to find on arriving that he had been duped. The airsnger is miles away swindling swsus other honeet tisto o* the eoiL Chief Justice. PWersvn died at Ottawa The i< ! phooo in Bnoaaaia tasry ba> svfnl raatitotton, bat it ts not noo wbieb ofk awlftJy Tba ^ffieial rule r gUU m< it rooe: "Pcst-M asw muuioo>euiy by teJpph-H.e a-e requirod to acquaint each otbrr "f their intention previously, b* letter, tokwram, or in etsjae other way." Asa rrcult, people wbosn tie is araable are sowie what shy of the inetitnt.00. Tbe A'rtM rVw Prmt says: Hot km* on. Mr. Kir Zanda, .4 BrafU, attempted to break down th* absurd ' Ie wat oo the p<int of la-gi puiohaas of ba-ley, aad know the prioao quoted oo she KsobsAge at Oalatx. 8SBp<u into th* tetuphajv oAoe, He pas dvwo his) foe, and asked t<> bo pi seed in ojsjrssjajlsatiuii with hie friend Paotrasi- skXtoOatats. "Vosy food." wid th* retaohofM oUo%. "Have yon itif n-nel him uf your "Why, the aaau is atGalatx !" Bat did you not wiile to him yeatrr- "Kor aond him a telegram f 'I want to id. p'.ooa, not to Ids- graph T "New, yoo ought to know very w<B that this won't do ! First w:ru yuur Mend, or write him, attd aty that yew went to apeak to him through the tekpanate." "WeH. of all tbe cray notioMr exolairaed Kir 2nd, in great wvotk. "Prriar yon w.mlJ advise DM to take the uaiu to Oalata, and aak iutn to go to the teWpbix iv, at a certain hour, aud suoh a day, as I wiab to speak to him from BrailaT "Tea. that would do aa well,- stolidly rapliod tlvo orZeial. Thrie> was no n*<n> to be> said, and Kir Zanda did not bsWpbon. i dust, *fn*o, s%nr. an Mu vhich Mdisposeperamio) to ar alsn to bo drea4e4 aa ptooipAiac tt oontmooAce. Meagoval frnoj sook ejav dulnw to a pteeo whea* A* air is dry. P'"e. eqoaU, free from wioJ and ssjr this anosotiw^s acts kke aagk. IV law pMiee* is rm4 rodieally cored. B<vt rie. pt a* oortain fear POBONO rail are tat eey lo tad, ad I areseUooKoey of sooesjs. The may isioolvo tit* invaW'a toojowsi roaf dio'unce, \rith inwiUbra oil to harm by the way, and ou 0>*t 4 alone a ehamc* of cluuaU atay he lot- to a l>uu-.e a s fl- l'i-l* t.w.'ih, n ai.ti<r what a. frieod. abouM t>ke oaMft* r ihe qneaiiuu Low mimy of the OMI- fo<ls . > OIIMI ihe . .i b l.seir U- Skps in hi* tww ijuart ri a If W is liabW U W p-Kxly 1-okeJ after, tu loo3M hiniai^l, or in MT way Made unUppy, he will pn>babljr be betur uff It, r**aa* wWra K ia. TlMre b< will to at iaMk saw* of g. od nutuag, ararer IUI awl Bet if he stay M aoaae, , W takea to uak* the h, *a. or that part win. B bo orcopioa, eoarVrm as nearly as I ,-*e.bW 10, airicoai, |-isum ' of teoiprraton, to tbo kioal f tiu | eiiosalo tu wbifh it ia fvaiKi iaprajtsaabla toseadblM. It is oae of Mo piiMlpJ I daiiss of a phyoietan to iMCrwet caasflhs ' bw to do thex It is oueMumgiao to bo afonrod, as we are.lbat with suiDoienl rare not only BM a c. aouwptire bo made comfortable as . hot the corMiitoono fur hu recovery he !waf I as fkvorabte there aa be hopotofad the. at in advaaood ctaces <4 tbo dla- r* always best off at boeao. * . Sparham, of Ottaa, tu whom reforvncv was made in an Ottawa <J**P**>h a few days v*. M a frum kidu . waa i bom and btouffat up br*, heard of n.., bu failure | o obtain r*W frnm ail - . ."? Tbair wonderful B*.t in hiT oa*,

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