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Flesherton Advance, 6 Jul 1893, p. 8

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5HB IE FLESHERTON ADVANCE is fully equipped with re- quisites for turning out 9. per- fect class of work. All kinds of pictures taken and finished in a style equal to any city work, while the prices are Jovver. Picture Framing done in all its branches. If you have shopping to do and pictures to get taken on the same day please attend to the latter first. Careful at- tention will be given to copy- ing other pictures. Mrs. Buhner. Good News TO WAiry -J tkxire to call the attention of the public to tlic fact tbat I havo opened A General Repair Shop In eontmttOB with the Flesherton Woollen Mil), and am prepared to do all kinds of --Iron and Wood Turning- Patterns made, ami castings got on .short, notice. I have not space to ^"ntion in detail the variety of work rcan do, but anything you hare in iron or wood that requires mending, bring it to the Fldshertou repair shop, where you may depend on getting ?onr work done neatly and substan- tially. Having emery wheels nitablo for 1 will make that a specialty for a few woekfl. Charges low, but terms stnctly cash. Yours truly, W.H.FLESHEE Owen Mound, Ontario. Vei'y n.ACI'. IN CANAUA TO ORT A It u tint it Education Take a Round Trip \i?. r ^^ ___ _ ^ OollMX Oomirnrolal Departments In Canada, than vlsl the Nonhmu Business Colleaa ; saoilo* every Slu tii 'roughly. II we fall to imxltuw the aKfthorouab. complete, praotleafand oiUn SvVeoarseolatudy ; tbe Iw.t eolhase preiula*. astd h" best and utaet ootnpleto and uioat salt- Me ruroltare and anpllauoes. vs will I give you fulloourM FRRl. For Annual An Hteat.tlvlaf loll partleulBTS. frw, addn 0. A. FLEMING. Principal. SHOEMAKER. I bw to Intimate to tb labaMUnta ateaod ud l ftnt to te all ktadtool work la this Ma* BoetsaeJ Wwe* s*a/e t*> r*s. es, leg 4MM etwjr ear, alae tie Iarwa>ttoaa*a4 mm REMEDY. Tsjts laiafttiw ji|y Us SDeesssful tevatflMait la To The Public* Bavin* rented WbltUn'i lilaekinlth bow (or a tenii of ynare. I am DO* ID a position to ctrto all wauu ID my line. lirsislwii) i tycialty, Bau*rtio for anytAmf M O* Mumi&mg (wia ratio* F. A. BUNT, Oppoerte Hlahardiun'i Hardware itor*. THE Tailor, Makes all garments of men's wear in the best style at short notice. All work guaranteed. A trial solicited. F. A. BAKER, FLESHERTON. HORSEMEN ! Pay Attention I Haring purchased the harness business from Mr. Clayton, I wish to intimate that my en- deavor will be to please and satisfy customers in any work which may be entrusted to me. All kinds of horsemen'i re- quisites kept in stock, at low rates. Oood workmanship guaran- teed. Soliciting yonr orders, I remain respectfully, W.MOORE. Fleaheiton, Jan. S4, 1893. from </r otcn The pMt few weeks have not seen moth channel round Proton. The rain con- Ms to pow down every five or ux in M uwul. Low growd oropi are beginning to look at if they were getting tun much ariuk. Also the briokmaken to wih they Uad the rulinu of the MDU in their banda, but perhapi it w all for UM bwrt tbat they haw not. The 1st of July WM a blank ao far ai any port* were* concerned round here, l..wYer, lhr WOT* SONM of our citizrna wh<> took drntgt <if the reduced ru, and ipent the flnt with frtenda. Mr. Famea Lockhart i* ruiting friend* in liramptun. MU Maggie McMulleii, of Toronto, i* vmiting with her aunt, Mra. Sher- on. Mr. Thoa. Lyona i home for his bol- days from the O. 8. Buainee* I'ollrge. Mra. Thoa. Lodhart U viaiting her parent* in Allmton. Tom aayt he would lot like to b a btchelor again. Mr. Thonuu Quigg U bone ftxiu Wxlbrule, for a time. W wwr some- wbnt fforpviied not to aee hia better Iml- with him. But perhnps he in Romewhat ike tin writer, Imrd t<> find bia equal without the better half being to it. Mratrs. Frank Mitchell, and John Green went to the Hound one day Uit eek, to work on the freight h< d, but the wotk niut harti been of riiort dur- ;ti'n M the boyi were back next moni ' The aah cotlulm at sMUas^ Bo. ton are >t urraent gatkeiing the chit-f lubttance that produora the article tbat make* oar ahirU and cufta cleau. DESIRABLE Wood I<ai\<M ^of gkle 000 In two Block, hi Colliiigwood Townahl* CHEAP rOBCAHB. Apply to Rev. C. B. Tbompaon, Rebecca Wilkinson, of Brownaralley, Ind. , aayt : "I had been in a diatmeed condition for three veara from Nerroua- u, Weakneaa of the Stomach, Dyiptp- . and Indipeetion until my health waa goiie. I bought one bottle of Boalk Am- erican Nervine, which done me more good than any $50 worth of doctorin* I ever did in my life. 1 wold *4nie very wenkly penon to we thit ralMable and lovey remedy. I conanJer it the urandeal medicine in the world." A trial bottle will convince yon. Warrant- ed by Richardson ft Co. " Honor Kell Report <>f Maxwell achool for the months of May and June. Namea in order of utanding. V.-W. J. Kairey. IV. ar, (beat nine> Mary Heron. Lavmi.i Hri.wnrnlj{".Sra KerKU*.ii,Millio Huron, Katy Scheniman, >Vm.C<ialtharJ, Win. Si-liciiiiniui, John Betnroae, Rita Snmll. IV. jr. -Mabel Kinnear.Anni* Wright, Albert Heron, Julia Guy, t!Tgi Bock- ^hmn. Eiantu* D. Fnirey. III. Mabel Strwhau, Liair Little, Lizzie Ouy.Chaa. Fern ueon, Harry 8pn-ule, EV.UI/.IIM.- I'alliater, Jamn Loittf, Kva Small,. I. .In, Chialett,8herdy Field.Oeorg* Browi.ridge. II. (beat ai*)-Wm.Wris^t,dilh Max well, Janie 8igrt)n. Pnilip 8aigon, Perey Buckinicham, Win. H. Heron. II. jr. (bet* eii>htV Louii Kertnti, Hat tie Momai.n, A.K-" SlcCallum.Georce Lin- ley, Kltie Stock, Win. Fenwick, Liaaie Moore, Annie Heron. 2nd Pi. David Feniuaon, Elijah Buck- initham, John Kinnear, Walter Conn.n, Chaa. Kerton, Mainly Heron.Jane Sunk, Cna*. McKachnir. 8r. pt. lit -Ella rhillipa, Harry Guy, George Conn.n. (ieorge Small, Tetay Al- liaton, Ada Phillipa. rKOMOTIONB. The follow, ii; were promoted at tan recent examinations : 3rd to 4th jr. -Mabel Hlrachan, Lisxie Guy, Lizzie Little. Sr. 3i,d to 3rd -Edith Maxwell, Win. Wright, May i'hillipa, Philip Saigeon, JaiilU S-ii^ri'ii Jr. 2nd to Sr. Louis Kerton, George Linley, Lizzie Mt>r, Alice McCallum, Hattie Morrinon, 'A'in. Feawiuk. Since butt yuar's annual examinationa U were promoted from Snd ptto jr. 2ml 8 Nr. pt. lat to part 2nd, Annie Wright from :ir.l to 4th jr. and Kva Smiili, John C'hinlott and Jamea Loir. fr>m 8r. 2nd to 3rd. Average attendance 07. J. L. WOOD, TEACHER. From ouroirn Correiptm/lmt. OIT TilUaa achool waa taken poaaea- aion of laat week by nuiubvr of papila From tbo difffrent achonla in the inspeet- orate, writing on the entrance examin- ationt. Mia* Oilniy, iocumbent nt Ep- ing aehool, actvd in the capacity of pre- siding examiner. Ktumia foot ball team played a Terr iutermting match with our home club laat Thursday averting. Each Me had stored one !! when time waicaUed,and we havt- at ill to aee which ia the better team. The rvturu match will be played abortly. Mr. and Mn. J. M. Thuraton.and Mr. T. Cook, of Toronto, vinited frier.da in Meafurd and Thornbory lat week. Frt>m fin i-.ii-n Mr. Thomaa E. Fenwiok ia atill very aick with coiigtwtiiiii of tho lunea. Mr. Sloan and ion, of Paialoy, is vinit ing >it Mr. John Fenwiok'a. Mr. MeLcmh, of Toronto, waa up on a visit to Inn numerous friend* around Kuurnia, and to onioy a few daya' ftahing. Mr. and Mm. Hogg paid a visit to fr in ills at Allinton the past Week. [Loft over from last week.- -Eo ] RhrumatlMnTiirf'd tpa stey.- South American Khtrumatio Cure for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically curr< in 1 to 3 day*. Its action upon the y.tti>iu is reniKikable and myetef looa. It rumoves at once the oaaae and the ilaaasa immediately diaappean. The Brat doaa at atlv beueflU. 7ft Warranted by Richardson A Co. JEng'lsh Spavin Liniment removes all hard, aoft or calloused Lamp* sad Blem lilies From horses. Blood Spavin Curb*, Splints, Ring Bone, weseay, Btiflei.Spraina, 8r* and Swollen Throat, Oouhs, etc. Save MO ey see of oaa bottle. Warranted the ssees woeearfnl Bletniah Cure aver knowa, Warraatad by Richardson w 0*\ Fosinil Rich told Wine. Loma JOBDAN BAT, N. 8., July 3 Mr. Samuel Locke, of this pUce, I as just diiicoveied a gold mine hie that pans "lit 100 per cunt, of pare mtal to the U'n. It waa a rich ve-n of sound health to wh : ch he w rcatorvd, by tho use of Dodd'H kidney pills, and which he would not exchanue f"J any utlirr mine in America. Ah last winter he Mitt, rwl from kidney trouble whi h wuul<t not yivld to the prescriptioti of several doc- ton. A few months wjo Mr. Lcke heard of the go.<l wi*k done by Dodd'a kvdoey pilU and tried tli.-m with the in- vwiable result. To-dsy he is well and thiaks no pntisu loogteit furt'iis v o r ful remedy. His nvi^hborii are much in tercated in what they describe aa a mar Ti UoUS < i: . . L^ommfumfm^^m-^^*** ELER IRON INUTRITTVC. TONIC. NERVERESTORj There ar thouunta Buffering from some delicate infirmity, none the lean be- cause it in a discane without a name. In < VU-ry Iron PilU, all 'uch auflerera will nit-it with thelouu lokvd for "friend in ne*d." It ncU simply by restoring tone and vigor to the uervoui ayittviii. Krui'gist* aua dealer*, nr mail. I'm > 50 eta., an for fa 80. The CVlvry fill Co., Toronto, Out. THE FACT That AVER'S Sarsaparilla CURES OTHERS of Scrofulous Diseases, Eruptions, Boils, Eczema, Liver and Kidney Diseases, Dyspepsia, Rheumatism, and Catarrh should be convincing- that the same course of treatment WILL CURB YOU. All that has been said of the wonder- ful cures effected by the use of AVER'S Sarsaparilla during the past fifty years, truth- fully applies to-day. 1 1 is, in every sense, The Superior Medicine. li* curative properties, strength, ei t, and flavor are always the san e ; and for whatever blood disiascs AVER'S Sarsaparilla is taken, they yield to this treatment. When you ask for AVER'S Sarsaparilla don't be induced to purchase any of the worthless substitutes, which are mostly mixtures of the cheap- est ingredients, contain no sarsa- pari'la, have no uniform standard of appearance, flavor, or effect, 'arc blood-purifiers in name only, and are offered to you because there is more profit in selling them. Take AVER'S Sarsaparilla Prapared by Dr. J. C Awr * Co., Lowell. MM*. Sold by allDniflKial*; Prw $. ; u botlW, Ij. Cure* others, will cure you Road Hoti:e. Kotlte Is lirhy kivtn tbat tbs Maalolpal Council of tbs Townahlp of ArteiuMU. will, at li-i four wmka from th Ant publloatlou here- of In the Flaaha-.-too Advance uewi|ipr, which jate i tho 8th day of Juim.lMUH, ptooeed to pSM ', llv l.w (! H 'hlu tbn un.UriiKi " "rlatlon of road on lot lit, In tho third Ion, north **t of tit* Toronto and Sydonham r oa<\. la th MI. I towmsblp, aoconlmg to a d*s- rlptlon tb*n>f mad* ay T. H. <>lll*Uu<1. Kq . P. L. R., toad* an tbo SM dy of stay. ItM as follow. : Commencing at tbs sod of the fourth tke mr -y of what le known aa tbs ValUy Bead, th*nc* ut-N U4*traaa,Us^a,W. i h ~--r tnd-N. 4AdrKr*M,nniln , X .-l.alna. rl N . T ilwr***, 13 ro'.u.. t.. f okalns. 4th- N. NSd^rwM, H. iohvlua. SO llnl . or ISM, toHb>' of tbo l.l Valley Hovl. wltb a width of two redi on *aoh aide of tho lo- cal*! lln.. All ixrwtiis latarested are hnb* reatred I taks nolle*. Hy ardar of Council. W. J. MIXAMT. Tw, 04k P*Hd at flsaaertoa this tthda 7 o(J (,.!* LBTORFUUUBIUInOCfl. Weakness of Body and Mind, Efects rf Error* or Eicewi ia Old or Young. Rcbost, Noble Manhood fulljr Restored. How to Enlarge and Strengthen Weak, Undeveloped Organs and Parts of Body. Absolutely on- tuling Hooa Treatment Benefit* in iff. Men testify from 50 States and Foreign Conn- inn. Writ* them. Descriptive Book, ** platiartriri and proofs mailed (sealed) free. ERIE MEDICAL CO,, Biff*, IY. SOUIETIKS ROTAL TKMPLARS OK TEMPRKAHCK. fftolt" Council mret rrery TuMrfty vrniai . 8|>ronl'i bloci at p. m. Select drKrrn .tui.iirani-t" nievta nionliily, the Wcdanday pin *c!iu| the &n<l ot rath month SON* OF TKUPKRANCK.-Tbis aot.l> meet! In Dr. C hri.toe' Hall ovi-ry We* nwla> welling at x p ui Vl.ltii tl kntb >r*D Invited, luiurancvfn couucliuu. I)KINCK ARTRLK LOUOE So SC. A.f. A.M , moet >u the Mwmilc HM.Striu'<< Block, I'lr-Oimrtuii, every Kri.lny on or bfort>th fu! i A. 8. VaodoMB.W. M K. J. Sprunl, Bocmlary. HAVE YOU BACK-ACHE OOOD5 KIDNEY PILLS WILLCUREYQU Back ac ht tht kia- ** are fa trouble. Dcddi Kidnty Hilt fiut prompt nlitf.' "16 par cent o/ diuait it frtt etwsW by diiontend kid- try to ticwt a ktalthy city it/ithout tturtr- agu, at good Wf* tvAWt tin kidney* are logged, thtyast thf Of thi in Bad Blood, Dyp*piia, Liutr Complaint, and th matt da*- Diabtttt and Dro* <//aaes cannot *lt wtitrt Dodd't Kldntf Pill* an taod. or all far S W D. NrTavbh, UORSESKOER AND GENERAL BLACKSMITH, Colling wood Street, FLESHERTON, - ONT. M anufact urine of WauiK'i". Sl^iglin. Hugglei. Douioorkt*. Ktc. Hor oSooiniK i>rnuif*ly at- wuill to. Byerlalattvutiuu Kivouto caotnct- d or tender rat. and Plow < hulns can- stantly u hasid. For Service. Pnrbam bull for ortco CHI lot lUUnl raam west of the Toronto and Hv>i>l.ain Koad. JAMKHtacML'LLKN. Proa, Lands for Sale <ARM propertlM Improved and tmlav 1 proved; also vlllac* |>rop*rtT<M. Apply to J. W. ARMSTRONO, J. B. SLOAN has on hiana, aa4 for nle, SMI, door* and InnWr. Tarcisg and plalaini done to or4rr . Choppiaff^a|| ia oen*etk>a. IMMM

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