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Flesherton Advance, 6 Jul 1893, p. 1

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r I VOL. XnL,K) 625 FLE8HBRTON, OUT., THURSDAY, JULY W. H. THDK8TO, pnomirro* 25 per cent off i " " " ' '-" ii On aJIfcwds of jewellery for the uext 30 DAYS. Watches, Clocks, Chains, Silverware, Etc., at a sacrifice. Now is your time to make purchas- es.people, for the stock must go. The best selection to choose from in this section. Call and see us. PLEURRTON. Council. C<mdt*tedfr.n TKt Tuna. THTHHKAY. On a motion bring made to adopt Re- port of Finance which was passed in com- mittee of the whole on Wednesday, Mr. Stewart moved in amendment that it be amended by striking out the grants to the pluughtng matches. This motion was lust. on St bridge at Meaford. Mr. McDowaO had found the river at that point to be 903 ft. wide at high water mark. A good deal of the timber wax in a decayed coo. dition and a part of the eastern approach had been washed out After describing fully the condition of the different parra the report concluded with the ultimate that the bridge could be required for or a new wooden bridge built for went into committee o the -( -*1V, M. SM 1.1 Illl- mittee of the whdle, and the greater part of the nu>rnii.g was apent othe Meaford Bridge siattcr The ematuee finally rose witM leave to mt Again, and a retn- lotion aa pasned directing tlu chairman to send Iw McD. .wall C. E.Mld Mr.Ch^K. ssssf-ssSSS asss ,, assu? ARMSTRONG BRIli, time 10 dispose of, the reeves of Dundalk and Markdale each claiming that a reduc- tion should be made in his municipality. Mr. Boland introduced Im motion for a Kraut of 960 Ui the Dutferic Co. line, on the bridice as to whether it could' be repaired and if not what the coimtruction of a wooden bridge would cost. The clerk prenuntud an application from the township of Collingwoo.1 for Aid in building a bridge. 150 ft. long, over Mill Cieek t, con $W m,d another, IdO f ;. long, over the Hravur Rirtrat a cost ' * \ and Gentlemen ! your spring supply of BOOTS and SHOES from the undersigned. New goods just imported from which to choose. A LARGE STOCK, A GOOD STOCK, A CHEAP STOCK. B sure to call and examine. Custom work as usual done on short notice and in a neat manner. - Flesherton. tit in madti by Mr. Clarke Mr Gilray's motion to L'ntnt $342 to the townships of ('..llmi/w..^ and Eu- phnsia, for building six small bridges, was paused. It was moved by Mr Lang and unani- mously carried, that this council uongral- ulate i lie otHcers and men of the 31at Ator-iyt: i 5^ - "s r -T a " SlSSiSsriFsisSa-s^S^S 'recnonthe^uMtteehadendeav-redto 1' , ' ^ ,1 ' f "'" """** * '" let all the inform,,, ^^ wi(hoBt , ""^L^^^Re^ No. 4 BEFORE BTJYING X -YOUR- SPRING SUIT SEE OUR GOODS and PRICES Patronise the Merchant Tailor and make your best interest ours. C. J- LEITCH, Merchant Tailor. JOS. SMITH, They submitted Tarmers, Attention ! JACKSON the GREAT IMPLEMENT MAN Bu secured the agency for FIsMbarton tad vicinity for the sale of the following Implement* : NOXON BINDERS, MOWERS and DRILLS. an. It was recommended that ...., mation submitted be printed and distnb uted. The council went into committee on the House of Refuge Report. On Mr. Sing moving to the re- coiiiineiiiling claim* Mr. Win. Lemon moved iu amendment that it be struck out. Mr Sing said Bruce County bad sent it information m the same way and Peith was doing M > L.'t he people know what a noose of refuse costs. Many, who were formerly opposed to die scheme, were now m favor of It since they had looked up the statistics a the sub- 5* tion. FiiiaiiO rveoiuiiieudiiiK that a by htw be paused authorizing the Borrowing of $20,- 000 n dehentures, for i-eiiuanent im- f>rovtMiiej.tB, also recommending that the council offi.r t500, as thn county's contn. >>ution, to the Nelson St. bridge at MvfjfoH, and in cam* of the* offer beiny refused, tlmt a l>y Uw be pHsned toa*suiat< the hridue. Th -,.i,r m'o >-oniniitUM on the Km .1 re Report, Mr. Dick- n iu the chair snd a very long discussion ensued. Mr. Brown's amendment was lost and the report carried with the following words additd, on motion of Mr. Clark ; " and repair or rebuild said bridge so as to be safe fur public travel. " Th County Property report was dealt with iu oommitteo, Mr. Pedell m the chair, and passed. VI ABBIAUB LICENSES. Issued da v or night at the ofltoe or rmuleut a at the undoi-ninned. DIVISION COUKT CI.KKK, COMMISSIONS* in B.CJ. Conveyancer, Ac. Notary public. JOBS W. ARMSTRONG, - FLBSSnusToli. \ ttcluott supported J^eMm's He) had 110 objection to a fair re- The Dual arssiou began st 9 a. Ca aleo supply yoa with Wilkinson Plows, Spring Tooth Harrows, all kind*. Chatham aud Speigbt Wagons, Braotford and Oananoqne Buggiea. Boad Carts of all descriptions, Steel fact every- thing tha Farmer wants, and will not be UNDER- BOLD by any agent in the Count*. All goods guaranteed to do good work or no sale. Will be in Flesherton wry Monday and Satin-day. All correspondence sent to oar address, Mark- ~"* promptly attended to. Yours truly, W- JACKSON. JUST ARRIVED ! New Prints. New Cottons, New Dress Goods, New Tweeds and Worsteds, New Gloves, New Hosiery, New Parasols, New Ties, etc., and all marked at osoal low prices. We do not advertis* oar prices bat everyone is welcome to oome and examine oar goods and compare the qual- ity and Pries. If not suitable we do not ask you to boy, but we feel confident if yoa come yoa won't go away aP>y handed X X port going before thu ratepayers, lm t.ln | Saturday. 'no woa very mtsloading. It (rave certain figures and left it to be inferred that these represented the whole expense f ,r chsrity in these counties where houses 01 refuge existed, whereas.he knew that the town of Mt. Forest had been payim] an average of 180 per year, for poor main- tenance, for the past six years, ovar and abuve her contribution to the Wellington the report was reliable as it wax taken from the official statistics. Mr. Clark moved that all further infor mation, available a* gathered and added county poor house. Mr. Brown amid n:on, avananu- se gfjcnereU snd added by rhe committeeTihd their report sub- mit vd at thj next session, to be then printed if spproved of by the cuuncil,aod that a vte on the tjuestiun be taken at the municipal elections in January Mr. Boland said if the information was reliable he was cerainly in favor of hav- ing it K'I Iwfore the electors of his town- ship, and would see that they got it whether printed or not. Mr. Gauiey said be would have no ob- jection to submitting a complete report to the ratepayers. He oniy wanted them to have all the information, not a part of it. Let the committee ascertain for comparison, what those counties having The council then went into cxmiinttee on the Road and Bridge report, Mr. Brown in the chair, and about an hour was spent iu lively discuasion on the fairneasand the eovMlty of the proposed ranU. Mr. Lomon thought the municipalities receiving these grants should tirst submit plans and RpeciKcations showing what sort of bridges they intended building. Mr. Agnew presented au offer from the council of Meaford. made pursuant to a council meeting field in that town the Tb. UBderMKB*! tuj a large mount of rnoDtj to lout at per cent, on town or farm property g. DAMUOB, |f B. HAMMOND. Po Master, Kiuiberley. Comminicmer for taking Amdaviu etc. (n.uron and loaas money * lowert rataa> Kzeeutu LMMS, DMdt, wills. etc. pruuipily. cheaply and ernuieatly. . HUTTOH M.D.C. M., M.tfP.A 8.. On... Prio.Ula, BMideow and offloa on* door wee* of tha odist Church. KiuroM at. OOce dart, Tuu^Uj and aaturdars. same morning, and received by him over the telephone. 'fli<- _people of Meaford bad dociaVil to huildjt K ... J lindire of one span, snd if the cuenftja^ouncii would sub- stitute $750 for tr.e-.JWJO. offered in aid thereof, Meaford would accept and go on and build the bridge. The warden was authorized by Uw to ptoint an arbitration in the event of Menford demanding an arbitration, the council signifying informally their prefer- ence for ex Warden ObsMBM aa the nominee. On motion the Meaford coun- cil was given till July 6th to decide as to accepting the county's offer of $500. The council adjourned at 1.30 to meet co, ; ,|..-tn.sou. wnaiujosB counties having again on Tuesday 28th November , poorh i uses used to pay for charity before 1 10 p. their establishment, also what they paid now outside of puorhuuse expense. After several other members had apok en the council adjourned. FKIDAT. Council assembled at 10 o'clock. CABTEB. M. C. P. a- 8., Out. PhrnicUn. _^_ Flwuiertou omoe Btrmini b^ock. Basil Munihaw't hotel. J 1' OTTEWELL, Veterinary Surgeon. Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College. Beeideoe* Boos* lately oooupiod by Wm. Bradley at Uie Dr he F. HALSTKAD. | M. D., M. C. AS., Oat, practioe. M BUni. barley. Bhnumatic dlsiasei a speclalltr. -- - ... ihe following committee renvrta were pre- sented and adopted. No. 3 of Finance recommended that free pedlar's license b granted to Jas. Parkins of Meaford and J. T. Evers of Willuunaford ; that the truaourer pay the ainaor ; tat te truaourer pa bursar.of the iiiduBtrial school at Mi itnico 86 each quarter, for maintanoe of John Gilbert, lately sentenced then for two years or upwards. The committee hav- ing bad before them the itemized account We olsia to haw the best general bo<)* arid Shoe Department in town We ADO*, keep the $4.00 kid boots, or UN Kto. splits, whieh are no good, bat w dofcaep the stotk asaet mitiMi tor tfce ehaageable olirmte of this Mtioa. Ooow along and Twi^yow hotter and egg*, will give - yoa highest priM ai M>ble weight - The Store on the Hill ? B. & Evans. $4026 24, and the county's share being S14.10 recommended that a balance ut $312.86 remaining due be paid to Thoru- . 2 of Education recommending thai the reports of the P. 8. inspectors for South Grey and East Gmy be tiled and that the limit table of the inspector for South Grey be adobted, in each school in the county. Also that W. H. Thuraton's printing account of $23.75 be paid. The council again took up the pool boose question, which resulted in Mr. Sing withdrawing his motion to adopt the and moved instead that it be 1 back for futvre information on varioa* points, the committee to report This Mount Zi..n. From on> oum Correnpondent Since last we wrote, the grim monster Death has been in our midet, and carried sway on of our fairest young men, Robert Thompson, aged thirty. He was J P. MARSHALL, L. D.S..M. D. 8.. Dentist. Vlitite Mtrkd*'e ih,. let ii.l rd Wednesday of each mouth. PleahertoD Kaon trip on the .lay following. , . since last winter with rheumatism, and died on Saturday, June 10. Hia re- mains wero interred in the English church cemetery at Maxwell, .lone*. The bereaved by the Rev. family have Mr the of the Tbocubury bridge .Anting to M : '^ B"E2 ? f "^te wbo $402624. and the ooenVs ), bin! r*". 1 ""** ^ br ', )t . hers lftlrt l sympathy of the entire neighborhood in t n their hour of trouble. Mr. Isaac Thompson, of Michigan, who funeral has returned homo. Mrs. James Johnston, aged 64, has also been called away from among us, leaving a husband and family to mourn her loss ; heart disease was the cause of death. Hor remains were interred in ths English church cemetery at Maxwell, by Kev. Mr. Jouea, on Sunday, June 18th, whither they; wen followed by a large number of friends. The family have the sympathy of all. Miss Tillie Ross and Miss McLeod, of Shelbwnr, paid a visit to the parents of the former lately. Mrs. Robert Cornfield'* sister snd her two little hoys have keen paying her a W. KKOST, t Hamster, Solicitor, Conrajranogr, Bto- Fleehertun offloe Next the port offloe Spro) building, on Thursdays. Owen Sound office - Frost'n building. McGULLOUUB, Barrister. Solicitor, Eto. Office over Mo Parland'i More, Markdalo. Money to Loan. T UCAS * WKKiHT. BarrUters. Solicitors, Conveyancer*, etc., Owen Sound, On.t - - Markdale. On*. W. EL WHICIBT. L B. Lccas. It. B.-FIosherton office, Mitchell. Bank, every Wednesday. again at the next aesvion. This motion ) visit. carried by 80 votes to li\ I Miss Tillie Taylor has gone to Toronto. The olerk prewnted the report to Mr. I Mr. Alexander Taylor has been bnyirg- - MDowall, C. -1, r^rding the N|. hisU a handsome new tp buggy. * B TJ J. BPKOVLK, Postanscter, Fienberton, Gommisaioner in )*. fc., Uosnsed Auotiouoer, Onnvwyanoer, Ap- praiser sad Money Lender. BeeJ Estate and Inearanee Afoni. Deeds, Mortgage*. Leasas, and Wills drawn up and Talwaaftsas mate shortest notice. A notion Sale* attoo<M o any part of the Coanty. Money to loan at krtr- ect rate* of intone*. OollesMoas atteuJed to with prornDtomw and deepaash Chargo K>w, Agent for the Dominion MssaaablpCompaaiy ehsa Uoketa frcoi rieeheiton to Linrpoul Glasgow. London or any of the BriUah port* Fartiee inteadlng to viail KnfUwd. Ireiaad, will plMM ask rate. I

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