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Flesherton Advance, 22 Jun 1893, p. 4

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THI FLESH1RTONAD VANCE Ad veHiaing Rates : On* Column. 1 year. 630 ; bull col.,1 year. 17 quarter ool., oue year, *IS. Trtmlent advertisement charted at the rate Of CIMU per liois (or ftrti Iv rtlou aud 3 cent Mob *ub*equent luiorUou. Canada lias Lad quite a dip iuto the i prize pocketbook at Chicago, Imvir .; received 96 mcdali oat of a 107. Tlit idea appears to be prevalent in of some dog-iu-Uio-nmn- , ople tint n mun wbo ranta a farm ia not a ratepayer, aud in ico flhouid Lave no voice in municipal business or in the spending of municipal money, neither the to daro open his month .11 to the c r n dition of the roads in the township wlipv all hit interests are Louud i|>. It is forLviat*- . uoh narrow- mind' d bigolrr is barred from our higher logiilati rvs. Were guch people Allowed a voice in the framing o, onr litfhti would be ci- wi'li a vengeance. And if the souio pi ' careers were ullowed ward, ten to 01. Mi,. that they thc-mselvet were loi nioathed and Most it:*-.. mating they scarcely owned a coat to hacks. And it would n'o be di.<< *d thet the aatne parties actually cat in the reeve's chiur w!i< n they them- selves did not own a foot of laud, liut qualified in tlu ir wife's native, btantiful consistency of some great i is most affecting, and a Piiih- i i lawyer conM i.ot follow rearomng to any logical serjn Touli !" Proton Council. The regular meeting "f Proton was hflil at Proton SIAUOU on M.u day. .Inn. 10th, 1893. The following biumeu Fnrn Mtr own Curretpo*iit> I. Weather U CTerTthinx BOW th*t heart could deaire and it U the opinion of trav- ellers tliit th crop* in oar part < if count jr look the beat of any part they e. The patrons an booming now. Many l>ii- orderhave been aent away lately. Tin y intend ordering their salt MM! bin- der twine. We are sorry to lay that oar good old bUolwtnith is going to la\e u. We wuh him erery success, , lit in a tint- C!AM workman. Mr. Jneepb Soeloy, who has been ill by the shock of lightning lone time g< , paid out town a viait Last week. Glad to aeo you back again, Joo. A young gentlemen, tw.:ni; photos, calkd upon oar school ujaehur ]&it wuk and was given the privilege of taking the Ura aud any one olae- w!i wihed to co rue. ly Corbett- WaUon That a grnnt of $60.00 be gi-en to repair L-MV. el ra<l, between |oU 214 and V.i.lst ranjjB, alm> $13.00, opposite lot 2:!<'. pro- vi.iin/ an equivaloot be given by MrUnr- ih-.n. J. Dan. McDonald be paid 87.00 fur Imildinjj culvert at 233, rang 3 2. :m<l $3.00 fur culvert at 830 Hide roiw,' , -' and I, ; H. HnwUHit, $1.60 for . tuvnhue ArU-iii. f wftml Proton, (grant). WaUon- Corbett That Jno. Scar- Jott be pni<l 92.00 lor uae of houiv, MI I'uiirt of Rovision, 1893. Laui;hliit WaUon That the clerk bo paid one-half year* pottage, $3.11 , the bill of H K. Uleudinning for Un-i blank*, Court of lUvuinn, and 94.00 for printing under drainage By-law 80,91.81) LauRblin Shaw That Jaa. Corbett be paid 91.00 for having dead horae bur- ied. Shaw Watson That div. money /or 189.') be $150 for each comminioner ' for r^.td improvement*. WaUon Corbett That application <>f Ja^. Kinsman for opning iht -!i on townlino Proton aud Egreniout be p- pmretl. Clerk to notify F<grtuin>iit eonn- i:il to i| [Hunt coMiiniaiinner tv meet oom- (iinii.iiuT of div. 3, aay Saturday, June 17th, at 4 p. m. Shaw Corbett That the Iteevo and ( oiiiiriU'ir Laughlin be appointed to attend lotting drain* under By-law 20, on behalf < f municipality. That . rucoinmrnded by committee atani-. lif givMii to the following r -ad.i -': v *<1, between 2nd A 4th con flOO :i2nd '1 > o.uix:jniou 1, $ 20 Lot 41 49, do 3, $ 20 Lot 24, m 9} . | 40 f-nt 3<i, do 18, $ 20 '.'<"! aidn road ron. 8 to ft, | 00 WaU..i.-Oorltt That the Irn , urer pay l innn<>?ip.lity of West L'lthur 94.06, due under di.unnj{e,"'Wtst l.uthnr Laughhn- WaUon- Taat |he c n- il adjourn to meet at ilopeviU* on July Mil. Jis ' 'AVAN AUH, Twp. Clark. FarewHl Corner, F "in our <ncn Crrt Mr. John Muir, f Tun." ... hi hohdiyt with du [:%rtnU Ht the oid home > i 1. Mr. and Mm. Donald McKiun"ii. l, wie the gu<mU uf Mia. Muir last weak. Miaa Fannie J st.-[, wh is living at N'.liollon, VTM home for a few recently. Mr. AlUui McKinnun lifts moved U> renidwicc near Dmluuu. Mrs Hun' r, of*tll,i vwiling he r paienU, Mr. HIK! Mr*. J. Supln-n m. Mia* .'ant lx-:!h i- home frn:u \V>ar Mr. Joseph Stuphuiisun ha yc/ue t. l hi* daughter Mr. Hi'Mul, of Nobi wl. i ii.%3 been in v t ry j our heaku u late. A -lr. '."> in. I'IXOD liwt a valuable liorto Libl WM:k with iu::.i'.'.aii.T). t':i.- HarriftOU ainl Ml. K n-i 'in! mntion tram. hour* and a h .If, tl., v .:.. i- uut tio. Each tcn -. .rd IU)h, Mnn^'0, nnd Koratehot nn human r iiniliiaU i- '-iiitea by \\',..,i frird*a Sr.-.i!ry Lotion Thn nevrr fail* Wrr-.i t' il l.y Wni. M. V Tno Markets. < .irrrally t'oi rrotcd arli W>ok. .. Wlio< - Qoatat... . j- per pair - - J> ick ptt pair. ....... 17 to >' H ARTE [GELERYjj IRON PlLLSt [NUT RITIVF., TONIC, NERVr. RE STOFliNj Tiu'Ho jiill i MO wn't"rfulJv uflicifiit, .nJ oc'>iiiMi;n-. Tbii'y tivi- <.!*<.> in a i.crtt nit- la'.io caae, portable i>u the paraoa i . 'i;t.tii iii; nil i il'lr, in >i highly r<im-"n n . f.irin, at half the i ri. L' atked liulUy lit|'iil \<vr\< .i;r I >i ii 'u'ists and cWalirx, i r uunl. I' - , six f..r $i! 60. Tim Celery Pill Co., IVironto, O it. WEAVING. T)airiay, the weatar. remoTml from Flnh erton and or>"l up but mm* in PriceTillo. Dear the Preebj tt'rian churol). He is prepared to do all kinds of woavini-.tucli a* flanueli, Mao 1 u'.r , foil olith i I twe Carpets a Specialty. Any work loft at Mr*. Wm Wribt', Kleeher ton. will rencb me and bo rVjrud borne after woven. All work guaranteed Janeld 3m JOHN BABCLAY. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In lh- Hatter of Henry Field of the Township of Osprcy, d*> reaaed. Notice U haretiT given ;>i,:v.t to n H, U., 1W7. Cliaptnr 110, Sootluh :* mill nirondmonti Ihorcto, that all partlea lia*i::i< rlKinn -uiainrt the Bttate of H-nry Fli-M IKI .' tlto Town Hliip of OHiirov lu the Oounty of Grav. far ,i "' whonled fa or ahont thfl Mi>1 ilty n| >>by . \ |i i i jue ted t i Ku;l by p .!, |.r l-l.' to Kobort Wnll. i I) K rr-^t.'il I'her of t'.i'im at tb Hald Tnwu-h p u' Oipre*. Maiwell I o,th" fuwntom of the Mill daeeaa*! on or txtfore the ttnd day of 'u; 1 . A 1>. 1(OS. tbalr aamat anil axUlreAaea and full partloulanrf their claliun and tha nature i f Lh*mirltv I'auv.heM l>> thoiu An-l nollcu If f'lvtDHr Rivjn that aftr that oat tun Eieeutur-; will |iroc.'>il to oUatrtbaM the Aaaeta rf U>v >alJ Rtat ain'invnt Iho per . i>title<1 tl.'rt ' liavlnR rednril onl K> th IH >f whiob they *hall oavt roe ' .1 aM Eenu>r will not be iv |i if !' ' I 1 " Vll'.l" of til* Ptld r : ! or a'i\ i ait t! >: f " any person or porwme ol whoac claim IK t!<"!'hall not hnvn h)n ri>r- 8 |v<xl ' Mr * afnrcrald at the time of *cb dla made. - -. nn I J. W. FPCST .Otli Juno IMS. I Folicitot lor Kiod-ton ~phe following lines have j been added to stock. I This week goods that J arrived late for spring trade and hive been bought at half usual prices. Simson's Percote Delaines, lovely 34 inch dress goods at 15 cenis, regular price 250. ; Brocade Lustres in choice colors at 9^ c.; Double Width Shot Lustreaus 25 to 35 c. These lines are going fast We mention the following as worthy of notice : Ladies under vests at ten cents or 3 for 25 c. ; Fast Black Cotton Hose,,3 for 250.; Lisle Gloves, assorted colors, 3 pr. for 25, ; Heavy Cotton Socks, men's, 10 c ,3 tor 250. Men's linen collars, job lot, IOC., 3 for 250. ; Gents Scarf Ties, job lot, ioc., 3 for '>$. ; Men's Straw Hats, 50. each ; Ladies Kid Gloves, J.L..25C. pr. pair, ; A fine line Bleach- ed cotton at 6c. or loyds. for 550. ; a lot ol umbreiias arul parasols at very low prices, ; l.ght summer strtings all wool at 3/c.; boys suitings from 30 cents pr. yd.; Sateen Prints clearing out at 150. per ycJ good regatta shirtings f- to cents |>er yd.; Hochelaga check shirtings 6,S,&io cent'; Flanneliettes from 5^c per yd. Our Millinery Department is u'.Avcled with orders. Our Boot and Shoe trade has increased this month 30 per cent. we have the right goods at right prices, and everything cur customers want. We buy every kind of produce at top marked pjrices. Bring your Butter, Wool and get cash or as you please. Eupia Kills sndCarr!a;9 Ids, Wt) ro in i. poitir to t*o K' k '" cho- 1 - i.f CairriA^e uiftkiu^.ntifl rej>d < paint) UK. vi . Kllafction guurant'^Ml, k ' Uiv IH v<Mir *i\-i UH' , e h' -H. drn.iu ch|>pii>K u> aay. \\\l\ l.ft / more to lull you shortly. Mr* T \\ \\i lOB. 1 '1 W \ iiK" Aliia.' IF VALUABLE- OSPREY The from Mr*. Sarah Jaiiv WUaeiutoatU LIT 1'uWic . the Villa* *,ham. lu Ui Towiifthlp of Oii>rvy.iu tli t I'.. 2ltl ,liv i.f lime, It". ver> lock in Ilia after DIV farm of 100 a< of IiOl Numbr Fourteon ia tbo >MUU uj tt.c ^uiil T>>wn*bip of . JU Otpray. he farm t a Ix( Barn aod Stable and Firm ClaM 0:10 an.i one li&lf Htorer Fraiiif Home oonikinlnE " Room", a largo CelUr and Siiiinnttr Kitckeu and bmll Cn.harO.aad is well with c ilar rails. The !! h a rich black, aanilr loam, it In a good atate of eultlvation and wall walic '. There U about CO Aon> uuilei rultlvatloa ai< 1 about 40 Acre* of uuculiwl (ood bard wood ES Tbla 1 one of the prime faruuof the Town* ship of l>mirt*T fcnd in couvnit<ut to <'hurcho, Rcboolt ami Hlackauiith hn|>. wiUitn thirteen in.iea jf FlosVertona^id thrr mile* CrQoi Max* well, (good (tain markoi*). Tenue easy aod made known on day of Bale. For further pariioulaiR apply to A.aloKccbuie, Vondoi 'a Bolloltor, or to tb* Auctioneer . JOHN SMITH, Ditrd May V/th. 1WS. Auetloner, Bramotoo. AUCTION SALE NLOULE Fill niPEITIE. Inthe Ton*blvot Oiprcy, Enphratia and li' in tlie Ooaiity ol Grey. Thore will t'o '.hi ' ni Tliur>day tbo Mil day of July, 19m, i.t II . . I -.1 k in tuo loreniMjc at UUN8UAW8 nn ! 1:1 , in the town of FLK8HKKTON by virtue of I'owom o( Hal* contaliied i certain HarVMO* wbtah 1U b produced at Ibu Hale, Uuo (ollowing Froprtl<M : 1'AUCTl, I Lot* 13 aud 14 la the Hrrt Conoaulon Nartb of tbo Diiiliaia Boad. la the ulrt Townahiu of Oerrcv. containing 100 aerea more or leit. The Following improveiiivoU ar* talil to be on thn i.r. .1 imn: about (5 acres oleanxl, having reotvd tbreon a frame bout*, log bam and frame barn: FAHCKL II Lot ft, in the 4tu Uouoowion laiil Towothlp of Kupbraal*. oontalnlbg 100 aerai of land, more or fun*. The following Improvement* ar* sold to be on the premlie* : al>ut it < >> - having erected thereun a log dwelling, rrame barn and itooe atabliw uudornoatb PAHCR1, III Lot S3 lu tb mh Ooaaeaaloa of the !.! Towiwriii) if Proton. oontainloR 101 ari.^, uaoro or !'. Tb* followlog ini|>rovinent.- are Raid to V M- ' i He 1 * : *.totit 10 acr*** rlearod. TKKMH -81) percent of the purooaK uiouev t be i I dtrwa "a tlic Jay of sale For bal anee turijii will be luntla known at thn ale Kur lunher I-H 'icn'am apply t<, .l< >\r.H HI . i nn;KH . M ACKT5NZI". Holloitora, 1'uroato St., Toranto Or to R. J BIT <!,)<>. I n., Flechrrton, W L Voun0. /m . alaradal*. J'oWi UoCirvgor. Mq , Dundalk. afc IMiTrirr WANTED. l^l FOR CASH AND TKADE. r>l Having placed in stock this week a lot of all wool Blank- ets, white and grey, also heavy Tweeds and Flannels, ^ am prepared to give you good value lor your wool. iu,ooo dozen eggs wanted, also Butter, Sheep Skins etc. I pay the highest market pri:e lor all produce. My stock is com- plete in all lines, and prices right. Call and see for yourself. T. HILL'S - - Flesherton. ^ i A SHORT TALK FROM HARRISON, THE flowhet-ton funuitnre .\luu. Since we have come among you it has btoi. aim to build up a large trade by gr. GOOD GOODS AT K10HT PBll and we are glad to say Lave so far sue. td beyond oiu- txpectalions, for wbic thank our ni.uierong cuatomers frui. aud near, and it will bo onr aim to keep ..... Hit QUALITY AND PRICE SECOND TO NONE Aud we would kindly ask all intcii purchasers to call and ae u before p'ir. chasing < elsewhere. Picture Framing. Fnriiitnn- Ivi-paired, Lounges f yholst' K. B--1 udvrtnkiug carried a* usual all while Hearae for children, E ' For Farm Waggous Democrats, Buggies, Carts, Iron Trimming, Paint ing,and Horseshoeing, Lumber, Lath and Shingles an 1 Farm Implements GO TO John H. Heard. 4 Carriage Making f * * Buggies, Carts, Sleighs, Cutte<\ etc., all made in the highest style of the art, and at reasonable prices. Get ost*. mates from me if you wish anything in these Hues. Painting and Trimming also attended to. R T, WHITTEN, FLESHERTON, OUT. NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY QIVEU THAT THE KIMBERLEY lilkr IliBriq Ills are now open for business, and in full operation- A tirst Class Miller hasboen employed andl will guar antee satisfaction- Bring along your custom work. Chopping done at any lime. A.B.Bell, Prop. NOTICE, I dealt* to lofonn a p ublic tlia* 1 hare pot- ebawad the flour, feed and grooery buaiiAe* onrrled on by Mr. T. Wyvill, au J am prepaatrf to eater to the public In a aatlnf aetory umnue I hope to retain tbe confllonce of all old pa* romajgd to aaeor* maoynew oneaby fair aejd prow* dealing. l'laa your orden wlUi to* for: No. I nir VMM. as Uw M th*> Uwetrt. 8cara. ditto Crvcertca. __ Flon r and fe f I- fmlts In Seaa, AO Maannabl* good* kopt i . My boot am) iho* bnruca* will not b o* fluctrd, but will he oontlnnexl lain* aa befoe* Tke Bnt of Lowest llTlM pri< nwniM 4eliYery Xor*l.r 11 and <lu ltu*Jnc*. Kgg.s taken tu excnttHf*, W.Bamhouee, . Flesttertoo

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