CALEB'S JEALOUSY- "Why, what is that ?" asked Caleb Moor, as the expressman rattled up to the door of John Mutter's farm-house, dumped some- thing heavy on the p?roh, and stood whist- ling and beatinc lime with Ins )>ls while he wailed for some one to come out, "Going to have company, Jennie?" .icnnie Hutter shook her head. "Nu.' 1 said she; 'pa has ts>ken it int.. his head to have city boarders, that's all. Some old gentleman who it going to writ.: a book and wants quiet, I believe. What a botlier !'' Caleb Itughed. "He'll not bother you much, plaything." he saui. "You are not interested in tlie crockery, nor do yon sweep or make the beds. The rose on the branch by the win- dow will be troubled ss much by his coming as you-" .lennie panted. "How idle yeu fanry me," she said.- "I sew perpetually, aud I made a . .. '-- : yesterday M* won't let ire do house- work, and old Nancy always says, 'tin away and don't bother me, child,' when I try to help. 1 -- " "There, plaything," said Caleb, "don't make menses. I'd as soon expect a hum- to turu kiulien-drudge as you; foi Mr. Jordan. He told them about his tnvela In Kurope and he liked good listen- ers. Ten struck. The old folks arose. " If you'll excuse us," they said, politely, " we'll retire." Mr. Jordan excused them, and remained, talking mill. I lie faoi wat that in the society to which he was accustomed no young lady would have remained up alone to entertain t gen- tleman, and it never entered his mind that while Caleb remained he was de trop. Caleb imagined the gentleman wan trying to " sit him ou',' and grew iudigaant. He folded his armt and scowled. Mr. Jordan hoped smoke was net disagree- able to Miss Hnt'.er, and lighte.l a cigar. Kinallr Caleb, in a rage, hearing the clock strike two, took his hat and departed, and Jennie ran upstairs to cry, tor Caleb had not kissed her at parting. Caleb himself was jealous and wrathful, and as lime wore on nothing happened to change his ir.ii.d. The same thing wss re- peated evening- after evening, and Jennie was not as angry as she should have been. Indeed Caleb was fast becoming possessed of the idea that she liked Mr. Jon'.un better than she had ever liked him. and you ate to belong U> me some day, and I shall lay you up in cotton as you lay your pins and ear-rings, and like to see your little hau>!s snow-white as they are now, if you are a farmer's wife." Jennie looked down and blushed. She had been betrothed to Caleb for two years, but she had not quite grown used lo talking of it. " Kvcry one tries to spoil me," shs said. " You will work, Caleb : why not I ? ' Caleb lifted her upon his knee ss Uiougb she bad been a child, "Jennie," re s*i ', "this is why," and he put her little hand upon his great brown palui. " -See tin difference between us. I was mule to work. A great, bruad-shoul- dered six-footer, with the sinews of a giant and tht'conslilution of a horse, aud you look as if a breuth wouli kill you a fairy, just a little taller than those we used to read ol is. years ago t.eU*- valiou. As a general thing they are worked harder titan the men. I ve en fellows with acres upon acres, and a fortune put sway in lhe bank, whuse wives did all the cooking, and washing, and ironing for a should say the same. I cannot say yes, Mr. Jerdan." c|eii heard the words, and his gun drop- ped lower. "Why not ? Am I too eld ?" asked the wooer. "I'll tell yon the simple truth," said Jennie. "I am engaged, Mr. Jordan I have been engaged two years to Caleb Moor." " But you ilon t love ths snlky brute," cried Mr. Jordon ; "that can't be Jennie." ' I love him better than anything else in thu % >rld," said Jennie; " aud if Uie richest, handsomest, and best man on earth were la speak as you have spoken to-night, and it ho were poorer than a beggar, and were to lose all th* fine, manly looks I like so, I should choose him rxt'nre the other. I feel your offer to be a coinplirrent, and I hops you'll not care mnci.; but 1 v must say no." " You must, indeed, if yen feel thus," said Mr. Jordan; and, without another word, he walked out of the room. Caleb dropped his loaded gun on the grass, and walked in. His 4rea* was dis- heveled and soiled, bis ban-Is blackened , with powder, and his face very pale; but 1 Jennie threw her arms about his neck. "The impertinent rascal ! ho must know ' Where have yau been, Caleb?" she said, at she's engaged to me," said Caleb j "snd the gilt covered picture-books When I first grew up and 'ook 'jUlfrrl Hn that she's engaged to me," said I *ei ) "I'll show him what I think of him," and accordingly ho did his best to be rude to Mr. Jordan, and to show him that he Wks not welcome m the little parlor. Mr. Jordan only fancied his manners un- couth and his temper bad, and devoted Sim- self to Jennie, who tried to make amends for her lover's ill-behavior by gieat polite- ness, and bo was terribly troubled, poor little soul, by Caleb's disagreeable man- ners. Had she kuowj the whole truth she might htve been yet more troubled. Caleb's greatest fault was jealousy, and now that passion was boiling in his heart, and Bieddenuit; him until the good-humor- ed, well intentional young farmer was a revengeful, dark-browed, dangeruas sort of fellow, with all torts of wicked thoughu and feelings. Ho hated the handsome man w.'i* Wai striving to. .win .Itfnuie" from him, and he was aBgry at Jennie, who seemed to " en- " ace him " At last, one Sunday, he did not go to the Hiitten'. Better nvi go than suffer us he did, he said ; and neither did he at- tend ss usual to his farm, but spent bis time wandering about tbe woods with gun and gain* bag, by way of excuse for idles do/en hands lsidos their own children Fur a whole week he slept on the gran, and women with babies crying after them and , lieoght his nieaJs at^wavsiJe t*verns,^^r keeping t hrm up all night, and maybe a slip smut- nines shot of a raw girl half the time to help. I've- seen tbnee wemen break down, before they were thirty, iolosallow, gray-haired wrecks, a rabbit or a hare, and broiled it over a gipty fire for his dinner. There muat be something done, lie meet have it out with Jennie, and give hr l>ack what have you been doing ?" And he answered: "Jennie, I've been in the woods, hunting rabbits. And ai to what I've been doing, why, I've heen cherishing wicked, angry, jealous thought*, that I ought to be asham- ed of. I've- been as bad at heart as bad cenld be ; but its all over new, Jennie, and I'll never be jealous f yon any more never, darling." And Caleb never wa ; and the remem- brance of that evening remained with him, though he could not bring himself te shock Jennie by telling her the whole truth. tar. mi * BAY RAILWAY. tie** Freect *r * jtnaimi ike Work Ibis*. The reported .a<JOe of \fr *?<;.thi-rland, frenJ>nr of the Hudson Bay Railway Company, in negotiating loans in Europe, gives ground for the belief that bin interest- ing and rather andaciou* enterprise will be- gin its work of construction this season. Of course local trafliu, in the preaeal condition of settlement, is nol going to enriek very greatly the proposed railroad from Winni- peg to Hudson Ray. Much of th coun'ry lo he traversed is not even suited for protil- able agriculture, and certainly will not tempt a large population so loug as vast area* to the southward, less rigorous in cli- mate and more fertile in soil, are to be bad for little or nothing. Yet portion* are adapted for pasturage and even for tillage ; there is plenty ef limber ; there are valu- IMINtl U*KB. In Spain only one-fourth ot the population can read and write. The population of modern Athens is only a little more than lOO.UGO. The finest eiintlng ancient picture it a mosaic the " Hat tie of Issss, " found in a pavement at Pompeii. April is i.l by Plioy to have invented the use of canvas in paiatiug. He also em- ployed oaken tablets. Carrots are said to be excellent for the .nmplexion and are especially recommended to the victim of freckles. The hunters of early days were very at- tentive to the bluejay, tor whatever might be astir in the woods would be announced by this watchful creature, and his noisy cries often gave warning of a hidden fwe. The power to wag the ear is common among tne Went Indian half-breeds and the Mayh and other derive Uves of Mexico and ( America, and many whites have the po<rer who hardly realue the fact. In the northern hemisphere all storms r* volve 'rum right to left ; in the southern hemisphere they revolve from left to right. Cyclonic storms nevsr form nearer the equator than the tlurd parallel of lati- tude. Beth Hindoo and Mntselman women IN THE FLOWERY KINGDOM. InleresslBl l.rttrr Frcsn CuaeUsw Ia4r HaMteaarv In Chtsm < kmrarirrUtlcs eMne IV|ilr lmlrHlr f l.rarnlaa; Ike LaMuxe. The following are extracts from a prl. *te leiur from Mus Hastings, a missionary to China, la a friend in this city. It ii dated K..-I iang, Feb. ISth, 1893: I suppose you will want to know some- thing aix.ut myself and th* itraage people among whom 1 am living. I cannot 1*7 .range country, beuauie the iky is as Wne and the grass a.i green, and the flowers a* bright a> in Canada, and did not ( rod make them all ' But certainly the people are very different. In the first place they talk a very difficult language, and when we tirt uaiue here, we did not understand a single word they said, but now alter mouth* of heard study, we can make out a good deal that is said and can also talk a little. We can tell our woman to sweep, and to wash clothes and to "fetch and i- irry " for us, and what ii even better, we can talk to them a little about Jesus and how Re died to save us from our sins. I It strikes us M very strange whenever we go into a home, to have the women ask if we smoke. Of course we say no, ami then the women smoke thenisoivea, and what is much worse, very very many wear glass bangles and m the northwest j smoke opium, which is even mote hurtful province* they are regarded as sacred ob- than the liquor habit at homa. And then jecU. If a glass bangle be accidentally bro- ken it* pieces must be gstbered together this dreadful opium has such power over its votahi-s that though they may want to an i kissed three times. " j break off the habit they find it almost im- The largest city in Spain is th* capital, I poasible to do so. Madrid, whioh has a population of 47-2,000. , The little uiildrsn we find very interest- Tit* next largest cities art Barcelona, Val- i ing. Do you knew, the mothers carry the en la, Seville atd Malaga, after which there I little ones en their backs ; they tie them are twenty cities, tke population et which j on and go about deing their work ; some- ranges from 98,000 to one-third of that ; times we see quite little girls carrymg the number. little babies in this way. Most of the girls Ths Bible has been translated into 1*7 stf h ve lh ' r '.?' bound when >">/ " the leading languages, whioh are spoken by y art olj - This cruel cuatom causes about flO ),OOU,*0 people. AddingW these ' th .""' d "' o( ?'" and th *y '" u Bsjiire^ U.e,ft*e minor tongues, it is a * lor honr ***" . becau " ot '.' b " fair estimate that t he bibici. now aooessiale *' whlle lho 'ft become numb, and te fully l.uui.iwo.iKK) souls, fully two-thirds ot all mankind. The gates and bars which s'ill survive in seme o! the London thoroughfares as an un- asserted claim of certain landholders to right in the streets are to be abolished, the house of lords finally sanctioning a bill pro- moted by the county council. These gates number fifty-sine. It is .tot customary for a housewife to chrrisli scale bread, but good Mrs. ^oa ef Ambaston, England, has a loaf of winch she is extremely proud. It is ttOO years old, tod was originally given to one of Mrs. Soai's illustrious ancestors by King .Ijhn, who accompanied it with a grant of land, up carriages, ponderous phaetons with it stetm engine end boiler underneath you'd almost call old, and I've seen them '< her letters, ami that golden lock ef hair , D le animals, and around Hudson Bay are buried, ar d beard tke clertyman call thess that lay against ha bre*st but not yet, not I i n d lcmt i OBi ,f mineral trea*f.res, including ! lo supply the motive power, have become deaths ' dispensations of Providence, \vli*n yet. So he wandered about the wood like p OOT1 h]y tnd precinn* metsls as well a* iron, i comparatively common on the streets of an honest jury < nght to have been called to a madman, and mad he was for the time, LX> pp er _ | e ^ i anr | anthracite ons>l. Bat the i Paris. They run about ten or twelve miles gi\e lhe verdict. ' worked t* dealb. ' Y ef, to all intents and purpose*. j rc | foundation of the railroad scheme is the as hour, ant) as they make a great deal ol my dear, anrt if in all these hard liven . Tin Sabbath evening came again and be n . p , o f opening a new gram route lo Eu- noise hones are all afraid of them. - < --L ,;. nn kw ki. ' , thing was done wrong or forgotten. tli> men would talk of idleness, and scold, ut under a great elm, with his gnn by his side and his head lx>wed on hi* hands. It growl, and worry aa if they had servants j was quite dark, and no one nonld have seen instead of only the delicate mothers of their him in the shadow Neither did he see' little children to do thiir bidding And ; two people who walked slowly past, Irai he , Bay on | -QQ, tho reraaii then I've aaid this, Jennie: "When I'm heard their voices John UeolitUe and d lttance to Liverpool being about the aasne I married I'll have a helpmate and a friend 1'oter Duckworth, old residents of (J . by way oT Hudson Strait. This hops is based on the fact that, while the distauce from Winnipeg to Montreal is 1,400 miles, tbs distance to Fort Churohill on Hud- The melhed adopted by an electric light- ing company ef London in laying their coo Deciicus consist* of cupper strip* conducted a thing to love and cherish, not a slave. And I'll show folks that a farmer can treat his wife as well sa a king, and have as fresh What's CO-MS of Caleb Moor 1 'asked one. ' Ouuno," Mid the other. " He'd orler and blooming a one. And that's my plaa, huiryback: the city feller'll have his gal if Jennie, and was when I cbose you. I : he don't." know yon are willing to help m. aud you; "Have her any ways," sa<d live first, shall m fifty wuya but not as a drudge, | " Mark my words, she * jilted Caleb. lud- .along their entire system in culverts under- nin rrouiwl. A terrier has been trmed route*. There is^even a shorter Urougb the culvert* with the skill of au fwiea,BTtns* I*ff ^**1kU~lfl s\ f triaB ' - . -J I ths) by both rente, by making Port Kelson, at mouth of Nelson River, th* Hudson terminus ; for then, by building along the north shore of Oxford Lake, the distance by rail from tlie head of Lake Winnipeg would be enly .IV) miles, and tbe tetal dis- tance from Winnipeg, 6.W. But Fort wor fc carries lhe electric wires Caleb listened until they were gone, and 'other food p-oducts. For example, Ed. ,"<"* *< o^ve ter way. then started up. Ths image preseateiby the monton, on th. North Saskatchewan, -JOO hat there are no people who pride words, "like two turtle-doves," lalied him ' miles north of Calgary, woul.l save, it is * to such a fury a* he never felt before. I'll kill him ' he muttered, kill him ! by Heaven, I will workman. Brilliancy of color is obtained by placing nierneelary colors together and a comriinatMii of nncoinplementary coters subdues them. Thus, when green an I red are placed side by aids each becomes bright- ut if yellow be placed beside green it and the red shade on the yellow, both thus losing some of their br.ghtnet*. A man who bad lived much among tbe nf roes and observed tkeir way* declare* them. In the il>!e to find all I'll And he examined his gun ai he spoke, with a ternble gleam in his dark eye, asd I said, ever l.'JOO miles of rail by tbe new , " me tenement n route, and PemMna in Morth Dakota, per- ! grades" low-down, nigger, haps 1,0.10. Minnesota and Montana might 'W er - "" "'"-' r --..- - -' **lire, to alto find it t.wj.irable to use thu route. As | to it* construction MsBll I'l lliij la V n ITU i tiuti n ii ninM|T* , I *J i . LAIIC6 ir<ill ' iliniIJC|r, <>"/. uub r ur*> darling, if I'm as I hop* to be, a well-to-do seen her and t'other sitting in the verandy. I cj,,, r chill'i harlor is so much lhe better of ?V "' *J. l "" - ..ii 1 u.Ant *t*t mnA >r>L InrOWSa DIUS SQSjaS OB IQSj .. P ' i the twe ss to give it the preference. 1 he Jennie uestled hr l.<-ad upon his shoulder he's as rich as a Jsw. they s>y. argstnent, then, is that the Northwest, and said nothing, though she ihought, " Thai's enough for any woroin,' said American as well as Canadian, wosld get "how good and tender he is, aad how happy the second, and the two trotted on. | a ,herter ronte to Europe for wheat and I am. And what more I aleb intended to say no one will ever know, tor just at that moment a votce close to his emrs said : "I( this Mr Hutter's'" And Jennie flew from Caleb Moor's knee and began to crochd violently, her cheeks as red as tbe Berlin wool she was knitting, while Caleb aei/ed upon a volume of poetry which adorned the table aud began to re- gard it intently, utterly iguoraut of the Fact that he wan holding It upside down. "Is this Mr HuUer'sT" asked tbe voice sgain, and Jennie, becoming aware that it was her duty to speak, replied . "Yen, sir ; wslk in and I'll call pa." Thereupon the gentleman entered. "I>on't disturb your father if he is busy," he saui. "My name isJoidan. 1 I be- lieve my trunk arrived an Itour ago. Jennie said, " Ys, sir." And Caleb lifted his eyes to see the "old gentleman" who "wanted quiet, and wss going to write a book." He saw a nun of forty, nearly bald, but by no means elderly or plain looking. A vt-ry haii.iieme man, IP fact, with a distin- guished air, which Caleb, |,l un and l>oniely u he as, understood at a glance, aud eves j " I'll hear what it is, and llien kill liin!" I {'his project of a Hiidion Riy r.iite has ommou gentleman nigger" and ' ytllow fellre. " to quote their owi. nomenclature and maintenance, al- The '' -' ' apparently traditional. throwing it over Ins ahoulder hurried away j thengh tbe latitude is very far north for j The word ban km pi comes from two Ilal- toward the Mutters' firm-house. easily operating a railroad, yst it is said | iau words signifying a broken benoh. Tbs It was a dark night, moonless and cloudy that a route has been examined which does populace of Vtniec, Florence and other Far away lie could see the gleam of candle- not involve very heavy grades, and re- j Jlajian oitiea often became greatly incensed light Irom the small parlor, and two dark quires but ue impoitunl reck cutting. I with the moneylenders, who were frnqueut- tigur*( with their bocks to the window. He The caution, in fact, Inthsrlo duplayel , ly Hebrews, and bursting into the market knew them in a moment Mr. Jordan and by capitalists when invited to invest in ' places would steal the ohange Mid break or Jennie Hutter. I this undertaking is not wholly, nor perhaps overturn the bench. A Woken bench im- " Together ! together I" he whispered chierly, caused by the d:flirnlties of build- j plied a moneychanger without fund*, h-i. e between his teeih, and strode on, crushing ing or the cost of keeping open aline in the term. the green grass beneath his feet. I that region. The main doubt is as to the, Pluokiug ostriches requires many precan- At last enly the branches of a tall lilae! water portion of thr proposed route. Hud- tiuns. The bird* are driven into a large son Bay itself is sullicifiuly navigable, its inclosure, then into smaller onoa until they inti'i vi-iied Iwtween himself and thr pair. He stood behind it, and looked at his gun again. He listened. " I have something to say to you, Jen- nie," said Mr. Jordan's veioe. enormout area sot allowing anything more are o closely packed together that they, than shore ice to obstruct it. But, on lhe cannot tight or turn round ; from there into | 'nJ lwo Chairs. o had to spread oiler hand, Hudson Strait, its outlet, is p'.uokiu* box, where there is juat room ~ navigable only about a third pert of the C'aleb took aim, deadly aim, at the broad year, even for ships expressly built for the back of the speaker, asd stood still again. ; purpose, and '.ill leas for ordinary vessels. brown, long lashed, and bright, which lot- k'Wid . I t-nsie's retreating figure admiringly. "1 suppos* he wants a beauty for his book, ' th. Might Caleb. "Well, he's wel- come, and il ne'll put her in <u good and handsome as she is, I'll buy twu cepios. " Then Caleb looked at his big silver watch, reinemliered that thu man whom he was te see abont the two calves which were to be sold would lie wailing, and walked away homeward. And why, thinking it ever, he slumld he sorry, that the new hoarder was a handsome, middle-aged man instead of the old nook-win m he had expected, Caleb could not tell. " What i. (hat man tome?" he said again and sgain. " I'm au idiot, and I'd trust Jeunie with the handsomest young fellow under i!ie sun I'm certain." Sunday wan Calebs visiting night, the evening when, after the old-fashioned coun- try custom, th* family absented themselves from the parlor and left the courting couple sultis. On other days Caleb might "hap- pen in," but he wss not r> |.r i-ti '> nr prepar- ed for. < In Sunday, therefore, Caleb wnnt ovet l>> the 11 utters'. Tea was over, and Jenni. 1 war in the parlor, so were the " old folks," so wss Mr. Jordan. Mr. Jordan was very oriitbleand talked a guod deal. K.ight o'clock cunie, aud he did not stir still Tie sat and talked. Tlie old folks looked si . .-li other. " I m sleared wa're a-keepin' Mr. Jordan up, pa," said tbc old lady. " Dmi t uTaiid on reremoay, Mr. Jordan,' said tho old gentleman. "Not at all," said Mr. Jordan. "On these lovely innunliglit nights late heurs suit me best, and he leaned I ack in his chair, as thmiah he never intended to go to bed all. The mnvctsatiot Jagged. All th* ovra slinl I die together." His linger was on the trigger, and he i ,,,u.'hill. stood like a statue ef vengeance waiting I t o relieve them was caught in the ice or the words whose import he already belt off LaVintbor, and there ln-ld three weoka, when, with a damaged hull, she put ic muttered. " Yes, I'll hear H all. Then ' been under discussion for fully ten years, is shall drop at her feet jusl as she has au( l ss loug ago as 1SSI the Dominion 1'ar- [iven her false heart into his keeping, dead liament sent out observation parties to ind then I will end my wicked life, and ' ascertain its feasibility. They wem *ta he man who lores her and tbe man she ' ticncd at half a dexen different poit is on | Hudson Strait, with a party also at Fort The next year a vennl sent knew. ' Yon must know I love yon," said Mr. Inrdan. " You must boused to love and a'strong tidal drift, to bring o'l tli>- uhserv ers. An open p\sute was then fuunH.Mid, in fact.the Hudson Bay Coniuany had been admiration. But perhaps yon csnuot guess . c ,l. in spite of tronnletmno ice lield* nnd ,,,w much. 1, ii better liian my life Jen- ' nie, 1 adore you." i .'aleb drew on* >tep nearer, his teeth set, us eyas sparkling. . .utomed (or generations to send their Jennie, said nothing. Mr. Jordan went veosels through tne strait in July, August, II lor September. The great qnestion is " Will you be my wife, Jennie? I am ; whether .1 mute opru only foormontln in older than you, but. 1 will be very kind to t |,,. v ,.r i *n -oninete, successfully witl. the you Could yen like me srell ensngh for present grain routes to Kurope. Uridertho Uiat. my Joir? You would never repent it. roost favorable circumstances, there must I am rich, ami my wealth would be lavish I upon you, and your grace will be. appre- i risks of moie serious accidents, whicli ini^ht for a Bird to stand. An operator standiug on e\ch side of the box reacliea in and with Mhe ir amps the long while pluinos from ths wmt!. 'lhe tails and tho glooay black feallieis un the body ar* pulled out. Un-rr Fartt 4 In ii i Nsaev. There are 1H, 000,000 <dd copper penaies somewhere. Nobody knows what nas !>- come of them, except that once in a while a single specimen turn.* up n change. A few years sgo l,M)O.OiiO broi:/.e 'J-ceot pieces were set itfloat. Three million! of these ar* (till outstanding. Three million .'{-cent nickel niece* are scattered over the United States, but it i* very rarely thai one ii seen. Of gOO.OOOhalf-omts, which correspond* in value to KnglisU farthings, not one has beon returned to the Government for rcc.i or m lii-ld by the treasury. Congress ap- propriates from $100,000 to $1.10,000 yearly for recoiniug'tbe unrurrent silver jonn now in posseuiou of the treasury. Tbeso are mostly half dollars, and are not circulated becaus* there is no demand for them Nol long ago the stock of them amount i d .ti.OOO.iMHI, but it is only abeut half that of cenrwbe chance* of tl.tont u.n, apart frem n(|W ., (>e money Mt B .,i^ e f or ,. . hack In Newfoundland for repairs. In A igust the started again, nnd at last man the pain cease* and they manage to go about on them, bat they never are able to walk as fast or freely as we can. Many- old wemen have to use a stick to help them along. The children are also very fond of p!ay. The girls have a game in which even the mothers sometimes join. You know what a shuttlecock is and bow we beat it into the air with a bat ? Well, the Chinese girls have a shuttlecock witu a flat bottom, and instead of a bat use the side ef their little feet. They beat it up quite fast, and often keep it up quite a long while, quite a* long as we could with a bat. Il looks \ ery funny In see them doing it. V ou woul 1 think the houses rather s. range ; they do not build upstairs rooms, though many house* have a left which they reach by % ladder; downstairs they do net lay wooden noort, but simp'y make use of tbe ground, aid in winter tbii ia very cold and damp. Then they do not have stoves er fireplaces, but use a sort ef firepan wlncn they burn charcoal or coke. They do not bui'd chimneys to their houses, hut when the fires are lighted the smoke most no out of tho door or from a hole in the roof. We are net able to walk about very free- ly because the hinese do zot approve of ladies walking on the street, so When we have *o go through the larger streets, we must ride in a sedan cnsur, which is carried on the (boulder* of two men. I do not like this at all, as I would very much sooner walk, but we are obliged to use them some- times. There are some horses in this part of the country, but the streets of the cities are very narrow aad the roods outside are merely footpaths, so they do not UM carts at all ; besides the country is hiUy and eften we have te go up and dowu many steps in pissing through the city streets, so that carts would be useless, and they cannot eveu uie the barrows like they do in the cities on the coast. When we were in Yang-cheo I had a number of rides in a barrow. It was very funny indeed. Two sit on together and in getting ofTycu must h ready to alight at the same moment, for if one jumps off first, the other is likely to b* tipped over The barrow has only one wheel with a seat ou oach side and as there are no priu B s, it gives you a good shaking up. The city where we ar3 living is over 2,000 miles from Shanghai, the seaport whore we riisi Untied, and it takes nearly three mouths to get here. Travelling is \i-ry slow and we do not tourney at nights. We i-irrv our beds with us and when on the river sleep on the boats, but when travel- ling over laud we top in the native inns. In our room there would be perhaps tv o wuo.len bedsti'ida and sometimes a table out our own beds and make ourselves as com- fortable as possible. The Chinese New \ear was on the 17th of Feb. Tiiea the people shut up their stores for several days aud have a big holi- day. Every night for about a mouth they let off T, re-crackers. If you lived inCl.ina for thai month you would not want to hear tire crackers any niore. Beanie this, we hear the beating of songs in the temples and houses by which we know they are either w rahipping idols or ancestors. It makes one feel quite sad sometimes as we think what all the noises indicate. oiated, and your wish shall be law to me. You- Jennie, don't run away; speak lo ma will you )>e my wife, darling ? involve increased cost ol transportation to 'offset the saving in distance. Insurance i rates might alto be higher than by exiating will you ! my wife, aring ? I rates might also be higher than by existing The inn/Ale of the gun rested on tho win- In,, n However, the project is ambitious iow sill now, and Caleb Moor's breath *J- ' nnd enterprising : and if It has at last se- enterprising : and if It has at last se- cured capital enough to make it start on the conMnuUon of the line, it will command the attention tag- due to so bold an undertak- most brushed the thin, dark curls of Jennie's wooer. "How will (he say it ?" thought Caleb. Nni what that he believed he knew. In a moment more Jennie spoke. 'lam sa sorry," she said. "I did not think it never entered ray mind Uiat you . liked mo HO. Your ways are so different j King Osjrwandyas, te commemorate his fioui ours, and and yon are (o much , exploit* richer and older." The Cretk (tatties ef marble were fren- "But does that make any difference !" [ erally painted in gorgeous color* and The first painting, so far as known, WM dose in Egypt, B.C. JWO, by command of Mr. Jordan. 1 .(..n't know. If it was any one else I ,dry oraamcnts. frequently covered with a profusion of taw- is not intended minting, bat to pay for the cost of the required t reimburse the treasures ot tbe I 'nit,-, I SIMCS on uconuntof the Ions <<f weight which silver piece.) have suffered by abrasion. This loss amounts to f.'iO on every 51,'Hui, &ad it has to be made good in order to set the treasurer's account straight. --i Boston Tram'-ript. Tbe only two foods which contain all the substances necessary to human life are said to be milk and the yoke of cjgs. A man can live in health on these two feeds, A petritUd whale _'i> feet long ban ! ,-:i discovered in Costa Rica, m a rift, between two mountain peaks some distance from San Jose, and 3 300 feet above the level ol tbe sea. VALUE n-ti Vankres W*tehls:rih f .Bc operations. An Ottawa special sys: In connection with the work of the International Fisher- ies Commission, which is now sitting at New York, and of which body Commander \Vakelnin is the Canadian representative, il was atated here today lhat the Amer- icans have a special vesul following th* ieet for the purpose of watching tithing operation^ Thin shows that our neigh- bourn are fully alive to the importance ot obtaining full information on the subject apropos of Ihis matter. Advice.* wcro re- i Kt tho r'islicriea Department today stating that the ''miadiau fishing fleet has had a great slrcak of luok oil tho coast of Yarmouth county. Inside of a week our uslirrineti have taken over 400 barrels of mackerel, while tho Americans, in the mom southern waters, only caught 5liO barrels in it monlli. l>ne hundred Canadian vessels ate engaged oil the Yarmouth coast, and great jubilation exists ut their good for- The total wealth in the potuession of th* people of the United States and of fo . ers owning proper lv i" the territorial, limits WAS estimated in the } sal 1S!W tu on about $3,000,000,604).