THE JLESHERTON ADVANCE Adveitismg Kates : One Colifcn, 5 year. MO ; Unit oo!., 1 year, $27 . i| jailer ool., uue year, *l. TranKlanta-lvnrtlMuiejit charged at the rat* taparUuvfor Ant inarrin.ii auJ J eeutu MMUI subsequent insertion. t.r,,iislijji. On. tinvnilnp 111 the state of Nu\v J .puM tiij mak- ing of poruinnriit robdway some time ago, and i -ii-jjcd to return to the old condemn of affairs. Other municiptliliet Imve done the same. \Vliy not Ariciiii-Ria ? We now leave the matter once move, believing that the *;. "payers will ECU tliu justness of our reasoning, . though tliey be not prepared to aiopt it. It is uo personal matU-r with onrsclvi-s, neither will we stoop to quarrel with any narrow minded antediluvian Un-oi \vin> K. ; fit to sn'.- isfy personal splcoti by disagreeing with us. Life is too short for tliut. We simply wUli to place matters in a pi-.ipo.r light, as many peoole eeo them, and leave it with the people to move or remain inert as they may choose. AVER'S Qherry Pectoral Hits no equal for the prompt relief and spcedvcure of Colds, Coughs, Croup, Hoarseness, Loss of Voice, Preacher'u Sore Threat, Asthma, Bronchi tis, LaGrippe, and other derangcnieritJ of the throat and lungs. The Kst- kr^ cough care in thu world, it is recommended by eminent physicians, and is the favorite -ation >v;th singers, artois. preachers ;ind teachers. It soothes i>>e inflamed membrane, lo.-scns .i.-gm, stops coujjiiii-.j;, ~>d WOOL WOOL WOOL. ANOTHLIi CHAPTER ON ROADS. In order tha'. the ratepayers of this township may thoroughly understand the position of affairs, it would be well for them to examine figures and make an estimate of the enormous sums ptid out m the past for making, mend- tog, (and we luiiy say marring) tbe roads. These figures are not at our disposal, excepting for the four years, from 18>-9 to 18!'.', but those of '.horn- selves are sufficient to tell a serious tale, iinil explain why it is that our taxes are not on the decrease, as they ought to bo. We give the amounts expended ou our roads during these four ycars.and would ask wlmt lastiug benefit has been derived from that ex- penditure ? A large proportion of this money has gone. for patcht s and repairs, w!it-ro a nc.w garment was re- quired. Thi-sc aiv thcli^n 1889 . , . . <J:;H 8 Tut Them in I'onm! It is understood that law for) ids 1 run m MI; at largo, but who are fit- \ to enforce tha law. Is it thu oounci or the j>athin:itiT, or the countable? If you w.'ulJ lie ]>!u;uteil to toll us. wi 1 1 put ft fcto;i to this outdance, and him ly. A CONSTANT UKAI-KK. Kti,'<-ia, June 12, '93. : t'lii merchant ii'lvi-i-tiite* for " rod-lu;. 'ed boy to learn tail ring." This in |.r.l',il>ly bemuse the "oo" ob- AVER'S Qherry Pectoral taken for consumption, in it:. ... r .irthcr ,i: ,v>, and even in 'he la: or .. it cM-.'.-i I ho d promotes rcfri";!.' \% . Itiso.M ins:*, . ln:t Mi:;ui o i. interfere v.-it'i 'u;;v' > ' o*' t!:0 regular hold should b- '. :,} kllitde. OF 1K!)1 .... -MM 60 1802 ..... 1975 40 Tolul .... $7,f.H4 01 The iii.i.'vi figure! do uoi include statute labor. Of course the expenfii ture in these years WAS somewhat larger than in the years previous, but that fact, of itself supports our c uitou- tiou that a ball shoul 1 be made ar>d the faliric f.iniplcti ly rein w. .!, or it will- . at n state wlicu our people will unt be able to du the no- ceHury I'liU-iiinx'. For yearn previous to the n!)iivi: (lutes the puhhc lii^h- ways wi re on tho downward grade, but wu were toM that BO suon as the railway di iu wipodoui gonu;thiii){ would Li' duti'-. It is taint now for the pirij.. in decide what sliull be done. *Ve have nothing to say against the expenditure of the iibovc amount --it was all necessary, and more, to., but we do contend that the exi'riuliture of <>: UP-I lump iiun of ni'iiiey und!r proper conditions would, ii.ste<tilof addini; an addiiional load, eas.. the pocki-N of our ratepay- ers, add >. .Ti-l luiRinoss to onr bnsiiu-KH ph'.cea, by giving fanners easier and !<n expon'-ivo access in t! market. The bare C'iRt of paying off such an indebUdBMI must 0'ily be considi -n I iu coujuiu-'ion with tlm fact that the expense of maintenance in after ycarb would bu reduced to a ininiiii'i'ji. In fact thn statute labor itsf.lf wr>u!d pructi. in go<xl rt'ip.jir. Wiici, iliis is taken into > tion it will ba uoou tbat tho '.I. t i wnulil - nii,' A'id !..; tanner i-. In about fX) Tha ondeniijoed he reeoiv. 1 n 'i. in Mi v *ppih Jane Wilson, tn anil by I'ttbllr u, at tl> H-i'.i-l, iu t:ia Vlllagi In th* Towoahlnof OiiprerJn ' v thn ZlOi llav (pf .lilt nt till hour of utitt m-l.pok in th.. nfl'-i :i. .tlput valuable fain <>f ' . f ixit Nutnbor K.>u r t--f' . . r tbeiald Town*bl]> ut On tli. fun i" a Ix>s Ilarn an 1 Stai Firt C!K 0110 od onehalf St<.ri>v H .ui* I-..II*MII : .-u' * K<oiui. a laiv S'liiiin. i li.ti -In i. an.) Bin nil, an.l Ik we!! ! wltb cwlar raila. !'!. poll U a i icli blark. sandy loam, is ID a of cultivation anil well v .cieb uuder culthat uncuMfld food hai'l 1 Thin In one of the in-line fannirf th T..H.I- pliip ol il-;>.. . ' I M . -i. \.nu-l.t Sli. .p. ill if lli, it. en .in. I three inlli lr>a Mm- T' rui i tpaiy au'i niuiU known on day f.f >alf>. i ,ii!in partln;l-M> apply! A iJ< l.icliuie. . Holicitor, or tn tl.o API. i .< JOHN SMITH, Di fd V.f aitli, IdXi. Anotionoer, AUCTION SALE rli mmw In lli. roviifchipH of Ouprey, K*ipliVKhla and .ntyof Oiey. Tners ill be i ii <lny of Jill v, at II I'cluct 111 Hi" f..r.-ii'k>n at VNSIMWS iiui- r n.i ,iH.;HT<'X '.y vntiie " f Piiwviaipf Hal., t- vi'tnir i in ' < producodat trii; halo, 110 rl : A II!'- . I'L t I,rti> 1:1 aii.l II Iu Hi- :irl fonc.^nioii Vrrth of I ...i, .HP. !.. in the Mid Township "' f.. T ,,-.. 'itt aru nai. I to he on . ai-raii clrareil, ' > t:. 'if. .IP n liuiiiu li'<Up,e, leu bam ana ir.kuit- barn: I'AKCi'.l, II Jyotf.. in tli" ii' i Couaeasioii tall TOWIM . .11) acre* of Ian. i or lw Tin' I. ill AIIIK llii|piovoluelit af lirrn.n>. : ab.nit U) kores ckare'l liflxu., iii-ti-.l I'.IPXIII a H'K I'.wt'llnin baru amUtoiio htalili unilertinatli. i Mil i:i. Ill ^,t x< lii tin .ill <' kpion of the (alii I i'i i. i. u.piitaliiini; IU1 aeiu, IUIPIO IOK*- i IP. folluwtDg lni|>rovouiODta an -|p.nit in u.-rt-H Aycr'b Chtr.y 1'ectt 'crry Po- 1 ..::(,. I -nliy r^-^orrr.n .'.I it I'-.r all : .^laiuU i: cure, , .tumor, (! .:- tV.- .; . > '> r~ S. W. I'irenf, Qc!T!' ' AVER'S Cherry Pectoral '.,> !>.. 1 . \\-!'-' ' : '-* .-:::. ,.i.. t r^$i ; MX loll o > ;o nek, euro ic oura W A W T E D. CASH AND THAI E.r^* Having placed in stock this week a lot of all wool Blank- ets, white ai;<l ijivy, alao heavy Tweeds an:J Flannels, I am prepared to give you good value for your wool. 10,000 dozen e.<;gs wanted, also Butter, Sheep Skins etc, I pay the highest market pri;e lor all produce. My stock is com- plete in all lines, ind prices right. Call and see for yourself. T. HILL'S - - Flesherton. Ky^~^~'2^~^2^>2^^ ^OC"K>< r? ? .AfE CVHTAINS H.-vVK J5E- ^^ oomo a uecpssity in lici'Po adom- meut. They Riv* Ki'sc" aiji' imuniy 10 tlie liiiniblwt linme and \vill, 1.1 'hi- t-each of cvciylrxly. V\ . >\ A .SHORT TALK FROM HARRISON, Klewherton I^uruiture !>Ian. Sin :-i'. we havi> coi:ie r.mont; you it hjis be* n ciu- aim to bnil'l up a lar^c trade by giving (iOOJ) GOOD.S AT KIQHT PBICE8, and wo are glad to say have so far suo<- ed lieyond oi:r expectations, for which v tl auk our numerous customers from Lr and near, aud it will be our aim to r.tiil keep - ... tin; QUALITY AND PUICE SI'.COND TO NONE A> 1 we wcnld kindly ask all intending I'li.c'i.xprr^ : > c.ill and see us b*f'ire pur- cliasiuq . Pictnr* Framing, I'lirnitnre l''\>:i ><>], I. > tinges Uplioldtfi-ed. N. Ii ! 'utlertakiittf rnrrird on as usual On<* ail xrtiite Hearse- for children. U.IRRI&OX THE J4 ^u- m H>K: O%T#%&OOO in II. liip who doos not annuall; il dol- lars by thn ron^h road ways over which he diivua '.' hroki n axlca, wliifl!"- trM"*, bin ir i.t' velnole3, etc., tell the talr. Junt tu!o up your pi-ulits and loHtfa, guiitloinnn, and you wih probably be siuni ! And h, i M tm .in-r psiint tlmt ni'ist not !): fnr;ji - itti ii (tm.l l.i !. w-iys enhance tlie vulnc of pr<'i l.-i'Mi ' N : I irt tlmt must bu ccnui dcd by all. It i* reoogi, I ovar. In .-it ies r< 'Midi-lit* on certain streets pay in- dividually for local improvements in order their properties may be ad- viinned iu value, and the same effect .c"nlt if appliirl generally over pur i ..ut nftli !( tlid piirrha't. M .lav "f t>aU- Kur bal- .:i 01" at., u t.irui^ m'l li- iiiatiu kr'owu nt the sale. 1 !.l tl. .:iiliti Nl'l'ly to . ,v ll H'HOTHKKHA'ilACKBNTUR rti.n ,tu nt., ii.roiito. Or to 1< J Hi.roiile, l.*.| ., I'I. ' . n m, liuadalk. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In !! *1 itit r ni John Krrton of !ii- 'lotviiHbip of ArtrmcfciUt (U-- Klven iPUiH'.tant to R. S. ()., I M.. UP. I lllll.'IP'l i . . a ubipof Artau>cia, ill :i .f Ornv lar . ".t 't I. Ill .! . i.f \| i:l .()-,.. t pie ,.il I il. . n, I...I..-U IP < ilToivaablp .I \n .',;., Mxwnll 1'. (l , tlie i>-rn>nr:i ut .1 ,ii ci-akO't ' lay of Jiil v, A. !', IKf-l. thfir ii.Li"- -I- I .it! . .-liiiipis ami tlio nat.ire of the .T . n \ il piny, lii.LI by tiiuin. AU'i . ii t.nit aftor tho.t .tlHtl'lblliU ..,!..' . ,.iii.^ r.-i; IT.I imiv to the clulln ..- i ereivd.1 notice ari **f.. . ^:.t t iu .1 1 1. i .. -will not lie IF IHHI.-H'U' fur ii>- A>.a I'.H 1,1 tli.) Mti.i up<tato or HU.I |part tlpet..i ' i. i fcliuil imve l>eiuj i.' Li,- Hi. li. API afoit-Hiuii at t.K, t.iinu uf biicll di* eurtams witb taped edgen at -15 certs per pair, better ones at :> > sup rior at 7ft ceuta anil cnrl.ii:i not it 10 cents per yard. But tho ci'rtui is we have at $1 50 are a dream of beauty. Tn the Mantle depailinei.t wo show novelties iu Waterproof*, olegaut and durable ganneuU. Tho raids made on our Millinery last week by eager p'.irelias'-rs tlepli i ed our stock but our sources of Rnpplv \vo-e not cxliau^ted we have mnvl- tiesfviiy week we bought part of a manufacturer's stock tlMrMoll and umbrella* which are just in andean be sold at wholesale prices. We. uro just opening a n^w lot of niidsur.inier Prints iu n;w patterns and colors. Tbe spring JOO(!H unsold must now go at clearing pn< In Carpets and Cretonnes and Art Muslins we Imvo a Urge range onr Art Muslins at 7J cents isr- wonderful value. Wo have tbe new Oxford Ladies Shoes in colors vovied shades of Red and Tuu all SIZLS piirn frmn 75 cents to ?1.2j. In Dress Ginids we sti'l lend tlie trade. Tiio lady wlm t-i;;i ot be suit- ed from onr stock (and tlnv'j aro some we admit i is hard to pie : In Ladies' Vesta we ofYar exception- al value this week, cleirintjout tho lot at lOc cash or i ! -Co. borne fine lines in Gents' Dnlbrig- gan Underwear just to hanvl. Splen- did values nnc' most suitable for sum- mer wear. For Farm Waggons Democrat?, Buggies, Carts, Iron Harrows, Trimminc,Painting,and Horseshoeing, Lumber, Lath and Shingles and Farm Implements GO TO- John H. Heard. Carriage Making Buggies, Carts, Sleighs, Cutte- \ etc., all made in the highest stvle of tb art, and at reasonable prices. Get esti mates from me if you wish anything in these lines. Painting and Trimming also attended to. R T. WHITTEN, FLESIU;I.TON, CNF. NOTICE 1TOKCE. IKIS I J. W. r HOST, Solicitor lor Kixmton. Mils aid Caniigi Vnks. We r Iu K position to .In .'rain rliopping, ' also all kiuil i of ' l i'.,:.ik'..i Hatl-iflti'lioM Kiiarul... .1. ami I..* Oira UM . and -i. .-'.ni ii'.t.rise. (IIHI.I ri...|.p>M! U.'llll any da> \\ ill liavs mint- i P.-.I ytiu sUoitiy. Alrp T. W. WIIKIMI. |-, , T. W. Wilson, luanattur at hut,uiila. I JUiU'ln-Slu i WEAVINQ. Tlarftay, the wi >vi-r, hail rotuoved from Flotih AJi:ii'.ti aiM ottonod ui bunineaa in i'i ic.'Ulln. n-r lip I'.. -I p.Tiaii ctiuroh. lln in prcpamd to do all nt waving, tiuob as tlaiunlx, blau tudo lull cloth ami CarpBts a Specialty. An- worK left t Mm. Win. W.-;l't>, F!j-rir ton, will rAach me anil he r6Mim<9 Imnn alter I 'OTn All work nuarant*d. JOHN B UK LAY. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT TEE KIMBERLEY Bollsr Flourioj Dills are now open/or business, and in full operation- >A fiirst Claw Miller has been employed andl will guar- antee satisfaction- Bring along your custom work. Chopping done at any time. A.It.Bdi, . Prop. I ilenlre to Inform r Mir tha I har 1 chae<l the fl.'ur. fo<-.1 mi-i grix-prjr kuiaOM carried on by Mr. T. Wyv'.!, PHI? am i>rn[>ariJ to cater to tho public iu a p'vtUfaetory ininjim I hope to retain the c.pi. H iljiico of all old pat- roniand to secure ifl*uy new on bji fair and prompt 0Jing. Hao* your orders with ta for: No. 1 Flour Teas, as low as the lowest. Sugars, ditto. Vroccries. Klour and Fruits In t> lined etc. All 090ns!;l ,..-V Mjbootand gho biiu')-.i will not l no- I, bat will b oontii same as Tbe Beat of Goods. Lowest living pri i'ronut dvlh i'nil anrt ao buslne K.'Ki!) t&ki-u l * . W Barnhouse, - F'.esliei ton