THE WEEK'S NEWS CANADIAN. The Quebec Government ha* begun the collection of the commercial U.x through the courts. Itisarithersignili-iantfsct that the Muni- cipal C.., in, ,. .f -*t. ilenn. Quo. , ha* altered iuto French fie name* of all llie street* ui the municipality. The Montreal Orangemen have rseivs<l an inviiutinn from I lie Prescolt Oranye- men to attend a celebration there on July I-'. .UK! it is probable they will accept. The suit in the Exchequer Court against Larkin, Couuulij & Co. for rive hundred thousand dollars in connection wuii the Quebec harbor contract was postponed un- til September nfxt. Mr. John Walls, B5 ye*r of rtge, and employed in the Michigan Central railway yard al Victoria, Out., was run over tiy several cars an i received horrible injuries, which were speedily fatal. The Kingston (Soneral Hospital Board will probably ask legislation declaring that only hospitals having a hundred heJs or more and a varied sytem of '.reHtment shall issue trained nurses' certificates. able conspiracy to prevent scandalous reve- lations. While the North German Lloyd steamer Kaiser Wilhclm II. was undergoing repairs at Genoa a valve-seat in the circulating pump broke and the sea *ater rallied in sinking the vestel. -he was subseqn nitly pumped out and ruined. A special cable despatch from Paris says that the monk Pom Santon, who has a high reputation in llie medical world, is alioiit t<> visit the leprosy hospitals throughout the world u. order to secure the general adoption of the most efficacious ticatment. M. 1'. 1/evaweur, a prominunt econ<.iu:it member of the French Institute, has arrived in the United Stale*, commissioned by the Preuch Government to enquire into the con- dition of the labouring classed and the rela- tions existing between employer and em- ployed. While the Czar was in Moscow recently the church of the Chudor monastery, within tiic Kremlin, was entered by burglars, and the plate which had just been used in the ceremonies attendant upon the reception of the Czar was stolen. The loss will not fall far short of three bundled thousand roubles. An inspired article in the|<>e:ieral (iazette, published m Munich, referring to the pro- The committee having charge of the com- ! posed reconciliation of Prince Bismarck lug Chrietiau Endeavor Convention in Montreal announces mat they have secured over twenty thousand Untgiugs, and^that five thousand mure could he easily obtained. Mr. Swanson, (iovernmeut Immigration Agent, operating in thu New Knglaud .States, sa/s><! is meeting with great suc- cess. TU*<yer already he has sent live a the North- west, and he will have party about the middle of July. The annual meeting of the shareholders of .ind Emperor William, says it is utterly im- possible that the ex Chancellor should take the first stop, seeing that it was the Km- peror who dismissed him from oth'ce withdrew his favour. and A tiMiHi t KI 1 1 4.n<i.r II HMII.II. Hi.- lloasr of a Brother >1liil Irr lu am I urnnny Wsjjr. To look at No. -i~, St. Gourde's roail, Kd- it , the unfortunate (.real Norlh-W est Central I b London, one would not su. railway was called in Ottawa Tuesday. I bej haullUK ,. It ia a 8o)lllj .^raii' But it having been pointed out that the | gom(m u . jle .i ookln( , ,, sU ndiug in VRK in* or uusvrmo. and riarlsic othrr Pri nVi. The Ktruscans of old believed in three kinds 01 lightning one incapable of doing any injury, another more mischievous in its chara< ter and consequently only to be issued ith the consent of a quorum of twelve gods, and a third carrying mischief in its train and for which a regular decree was required from the highest divinities in the Ktruscau ikies. Curiously enough, modern scientists, following the lead taken by Arago, have also decreed that varieties of lightning are threefold. The tirst comprehends thst in which the diichaige appears like a long, luminous line, bent into angles and /.iijx.igs and varying in complexion from white to blue, purple or red. This kind is known as forked lightning, because it sometimes divides into two or more brandies before reaching the earth. The second dif- fers from tho first in the ran^e of surface over which the flash is diffused. From this circumstance the discharge is designated sheet lightning. I he third class diner so widely from the more ordinary manifesta- tions that many meteorologists h:ive denied taeir right to be treated as legitimate light- nings. They neither amume the form nf long lines on the one hand, nor sheets, f flame on the other, but exhibit themselves as balls or globular lumps of fire. A very singular story is told concerning the vaguriex of one mass of globe lightning. A tailor in the Rue St. Jai-|uui>, in the neighborhood of the Val de Grace, wax get- ting his dinner one day during a thunder- storm, when he heard a loud clap, and soon the chimney-hoard fell down uul a globe of file ;s big as a chilli's head came out quietly and moved slowly abont the room at a small height above the floor. The spectator in conversation afterwards with M. Rabbmet, of the Academies des Sciences, said it look- mi like a good-nixed kitten rolled np into a ball and moving without allowing its paws. meeting was improperly called in the CM.- j about ljie niHll ,. o( . r(kther impo , IDg ur . It bri ht ^j ,, yet ,, fell no ada^azette, it was postponed unul the Uth r(u . e( witl , a .,,. pirden( conla j niDg a MnMk . iim * of heat. The globe came near of July. | f ew bmhca, in the front, aud a larger gras* Mr. Twohry, United Stales Customs | plot at the back. It is not by any means a agent in Montreal, -hat just been informed new house, but it has so few .rsrk of.uge that the Cnvtoms otfi.-eri on the Varitont ! about it that a self-respecting ghott would border hvcsuceeedc'l in obtaining sufficient hardly have bevu expected to regard it as evidence to break up a most extensive gang an eligible residence. Yet there are three engaged in smuggling Chinamen into the people dwelling in the house who atteert United States. An elderly man named Frank Heslop, lightning struck cither the girl or the tree or both, and an image of the tree was found printed on her body. In another instance a boy climbed a tree to steal a bird's nest : a lightning Hum struck the treo : the boy fell to the ground, u d on his breast the image of Uie tree, with the bird and nest on one of the brandies, appeared most conspicu- ously. A WOODVILLE MIRACLE. The Eemarkable Otis of Little Ueortie Vealo employed as a street railway labourer, was knocked down by a trolley car in Hamilton and it is feared that he will not recover from the injuries received. Uia breast bone was broken and he was seriously cut about the head anu body. HRlTMiI. Sir William Harcourt s'ated the other day in the Commons lhat'Attorney General Mr I'harles Hussell received two thousand confidently that they have each on sepm tie occawona Inien the eye-witnesses of a remarkable upparition in the house. The Rev. U. S. Tyler, '.he minister at present attached to the (jtiux Road Wesleyau Chapel, and his family, who are the eye witnesses of the ghost.'liavo told a Pall M.ill Budget reporter about it. The house has for many years now been the dwelling- place of the various ministers who have succeeded each othrr every three yean at the Quex road chapel. Mr. Tyler and his his feet, but by moving them aside he avoided the contact. Af'er trying several excursions in .iitferent directions arose ver- tically to the height of his heiul which he threw back to prevent it touching him - stceted towards u hole in the chimney above the mantelpiece, and ma'le its wiv into tho flue. Shortly afterwards" when I sup- posed it had had time to reach the top," the tailor said there, was u terrible explosion, which destroyed the upper part of the chimney, and threw the fragments on to the roofs of some adjoining buildings, which they broke through. In the forest of Ne- mours a tree was once struck ; two pieces were rent from its trunk ; the smaller wan tossed to a distance of fifty feet, and the larger, which eightcrn men could not move, to a distance of twenty feet or so in an op- pounds for six weeks' services in the Hehrinfi months. I have neverseen the apparition myself," said Mr. Tyler, "and have al- family hav* lived there now for eighteen ' posite tack. In Iv'is llie topgallanUinast of II. M. 3. Rodney wo* hit by a flash aud ways been a continued unbeliever in spirit crmi marriage of Vhe Duke of York rwpectivelv twenty and nineteen Sea case. Kx tensive alterations are being made in the Chapel Royal, St. James' Palace, to in crease the sitting accomr approaching marriage of th and the Princess .May. , ^ ^ dl . tinotly . a mv . terloll . William Townsami, who was arrested aomelhing. which, in the absence of any on a charge of firing a pistol in Downing hett,,,. way dercrtbing it, wo have called an street and studing a threatening letter to app^m,,,,,. n ley agree closely in their Mr. Gladstone, was found guilty -uul com- mitted as a lunatic, to be held during her Majesty's pleasure. The London Daily News, in an article on literally out np into chips, the being strewn with the fragments as if the car- the Hehring Sea fishery question, say* even if England and the United State* agree to protect the seals, it tails tu see how Uie two power* can do more than prevent the seizure tell yon in her own way of seals by their own subjects. In thu English House of Commons in Committee on the Home Rule bil 1 , Mr. loadstones accepted the amendment propo* , ca " hiln to ** an<1 wlu>n I c > lud him he manifestation*, and so on. But the fact , penters had Keen sweeping thtir shavings overboard. Shortly before the topmasts of H. M. S. Hyacinths had suffered in a simi- lar manner, and when the Thetis underwent a like visitation in Ilio liarhor ( 'apt. Filzroy described the forelopmast us "a mere col- lection of long splinters, almost like reeds." These are a few of the examples of the mechanical effect of lightning. It works chemically as well. It has the power of developing a peculiar odoc, which has been variously compared to that of phosphorous, nitrous ys, and most frequently burning sulphur. Wafer mentions a storm on the Isthmus of Darien which diffused such a sulphurousstench through the atmosphere that he and his marauding companions conl-l scarcely draw their breath, particularly when they phinged into the woo I. The itic effects 1'hey agree closely several descriptions of the figure. " It is that of a person attired as a Wes- ley an minister might be, in black clothes of a clerical cut. It is a figuru of average stature with a long gray Iward and keen peculiar eyee. It was my younger daughter who first met with the apparition. She will appa Miss Julie Tyler then took up the story. "1 was standing * t!l o".ur <>' t" tirs," she said, " and * wh t I tl *> k to be pa. I had gone to magnetic produced :iro often very *d by Sir Henry .James, Liber* 1 I'nioiiist, neither answered nor moved. I thought he I curious. A chest'contamin [ n large assort that the Dublin Legislature he forbidden to WM P la y' n tJ *" ll > me and giving me the | ment of knives, forks and other cutlery was interfere in proceedings for the extradition trouble to go up to him, and I ran up to , not many years ago, struck in the house of of criminals I ["h him. I pushed right through the fig In the British HOUM, -f Common, on ^'^ 2ffi^^^.tESL * 85 " me. But then Ada. later " J! rl<- <?^ -' Mr l t "was to Hi is m Mr. Gardner said h>> would be glad when he found himself in a position to remove the restrictions. He mimt, however, uwait the result of the examination of the lungs ef the animals arriving. i MTID STATIS. Mr. Gladstone has sent one of his little h.i:, lids with which he iraed to cut trees ia saw it. No, I had not been reading any a Wakctield tradesman, imparted to the whole nd magnetism of tho articles. Arago, in his " Meteorological Kssys, speaks of a shoe-maker in Swabia whoso tools were thus treated, to his indescrib- able annoyance. " He had to be constant- ly freeing his hammer, pincers and knife ghotator.e4 at *vll then. But I hi-ve since, from bin nail., needle* ami AM In, which 80 have we all." Miss Ada thin related her first experience of the uncanny visitor. .She was alone in the house with a child one Sun- day evening and saw the tiijuie in the door- way. She thought a man had broken into the house at lirst, until she observed the nmiuivui wiiii wuiin no HT*MI bu cu i rwci tu . / . t i - i_ H . V r,,en W C h,..go for exhihition at the ^\^S3^S%5 World's Fair. Saponi Marietta wasexecnted by electri- city at Dannsmora, N. Y., Tuesday moru- in.' A sccoud contact was necessary to cause death. Mr. L irk.., ( '.madi in Kxecutive Commis- sioner for the World's Fair, is 'Making ar sister's experience. statement was that while pasting by the mi Jl room at the end of the passage one evening she saw Mr. Tyler standing in there, :\ she thought. She ran upstair* to the study and there found the actual Mr. Tyler in the tleeh. It is in this room at the end were constantly getting caught by them as they lav together on the bench." The same authority knew of a Genoese ship which was wrecked near Algiers in con- sequence of some pranks played by light- ning among the compasses, the captain in- nocently supposing that he was sailing to- wards the north, when, as a matter of fact, he was steering due south. Subterranean thunders have occasionally been heard preparatory to an aerial erup- tion. The sea has cast up volumes of water, as if volcanoes were exploding below. Trie ground bus burst open, mid floods of water raugementa tu celebrate the First of July has been most frequently seen, and the in Chi. -ago in fitting style. ladiet of the household do not care to ven- An earring worn hy Mrs. Delia ParnelH tllre nc r il alo " e - U is mBil room loolt - mother of the late Charles S. Parnell, has '" oll! on tQ o bock garden, but with wood- b*en sent to Troy, N. Y., to be cast into the Columbian liberty bell. of the passage, indeed, where tho apparition | hove gushed forth from the sides of hills or from fissure* in the rocks. Taking tutoiher class of effects, euros have been performed by lightning ; gouty men have Iwen enabled grayish-blue in color, and they seemed to look right through me quite hungrily." QENKKAU The Spanish (Government has declared a five days' quarantine against all vessels ar- riving from Hamburg. The Coverrment of the Netherlands has sent out a denial of the report that I.IIM-.-M Wilhelmiua's health is fulling. Reports fr-im several cities in Asiatic ; -, Turkey say that cholera has appeared in W , orl(1 s balr h v , e Copied a method which many districts, and i spreading rapidly. I rellect ? more credlt on 'heir ingonuity than upon their ingenuousness. 1 hy have ihown to walk freely ; epileptic persons have been en shutters, which are fastened over the ' healed ; amniiroxii has l>een removed, and gloss in the tvening. "It was in that toom," | rheumatism dispelled by a flash. But one -U.-..1 Miss Julie, " that I met the figure face j dare not look too closely into the subject of to face. I shall never forget bis eyes | medical electricity, nor venture to recom- mend any one to tempt lightning in the hope of experiencing its curative powers ; for ila action is arbitary and oftener than not hurtful. Three hundred persons were once struck in Charleston prienn and clean al Ike World's Fair. In order to remove the lomewhat preva- lent impression that everything is too dear the managers of the robbed of their muscular strength. There is another class of phenomena pro- duced by lightning which is well worthy of attention, but of which little is yet known ; i- refer to lightning prints. Woaroallac A National l.ismarckian party H being theniwlves exceedingly liberal'to the Press ' quainte.l with the peculiar art ion of light many to support at the polls Congrei , w | m .|, has recently concluded its upon papers imbued with salts of silver or the iron stasMtaf and policy of I mice Bis- MMJ011J> and , returll the visiting it urnal- other chemical preparations sensitive to its marok. Eleven Italian students have been arrest- ed in Trieste tor having made a demonstra- tion in favour of reuniting the Austrian province to Italy. The Norwegian explorer Antruff will shortly join Lieut. l'ary-. and they will proceed north together early in July in search of tho North I'ole. Excavators al Delphi have unearthed a colossal marble statue of Apollo. It is of thu best antique school, and is in excellent condition, except that the nose is broken. The spiuch of M. Constans, the French statesman, gives general satisfaction. A special cable despatch to the Mail says his utterances at Toulouse are evidently a bid for the 1'reinienhip if not for the Presi- dency. It ii learned thattlio Governor of Angora, Asiatic Turkey, has aUviseil the I'm k mil Government \ adjourn indefinitely the trial if .he Arn BIII.UIS accused of treason- sessions, and in return the visiting jc ists have unanimously resolved that the influence, by which the images of siirrund- chargas of extortion in the city of Chicago j '" objects are permanently and elegantly are unfounded. Under the circumstances it is not surprising that the Congress arrived at that conclusion, and it is to be hoped that I ho general public will not have rea- son to challenge its accuracy. The press men were, however, in not quite as good a position to judge as some others who have formed a different opinion. They were en- tertained as guests of the public, every place was open to them, and they were under little or no expense. Several of the Chicago papers still declare that prices are extortionate. Visitors have to pay $4 m day for a very poor room, and .*l.."i) for an indifferent meal. If this is not an over- charge in the opinion of tho members of the Press Congress they must have large ideas of prices. "What measure of success did he attain?'' (Vagg*- "Small. He was into the strawberry businena, you know." fixed upon paper. Well, a lightning flash now and again produces a similar result upon the thing or person it touches. M. 1'oey, who ha* treated the subject of light- ning prints very fully in the pages of the l-'iench scientific journals, mentions ! four cases of impressions 'bn the bodies of men and animals. Of these, eight were im pressions of trees or part* ot trees ; OUR of a bird and one of a cow, four of crostes three of circles or of impressions ol com: carried about the person : two of horse- shoes ; one of a nail ; one of a metal oomh ; one of a number or numeral ; one of tho words of a sentence, and one of the back of an arm-chair. A horseshco was indelinly market! on the nook of youth of Citndn- laria (Cuba), who wa struck dead by light- ning near a house upon one of the windows of which was nailed a horseshoe. In ls;>.1 a little girl was standing at a window near which stood a young maple tree ; u Hash of trier Thrrr 1'rars at lllMras III* Friend* ttrspalre-d of HI* ll-<-ri linn .,. When Hope i linos. Firs! The Llllle Frl'ow U .Vuw n* i.n.-it :., t rlrkei ftlorr Thai Will ilnmc Hour le Ollirr run-UK. Wooilville Independent. The Independent has published from time to time the particulars of some very re- markable cures following the uso of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pule People. These cases have been so fully verified as to leave no doubt that this now universally fa-orite remedy is one of tho greatest medical achievements of an age that has been re- markable for the wonderful discoveries of science. Possibly some of our readers may have thought that '.he virtues of tins medi- cine have been exaggerated, but there are many among them who can testify to its virtues, and now The Independent is enabled to give the particulars of a cure occurring in our village quite as remarkable -as any that has hitherto been published, and which may be so easily verified by any of our readers thst skepti- cism must be silent We had heard that little George Veale. had been cured through the use ot Dr. Williams' I'ink Pills, and as all our people know that little boy had been ill for a long time and his recovery was thought to be hopeleas. The report of bis cure therefore created so much astonish- ment that we resolved to ascertain the facts and accordingly we called upon Mr. Veale to gut the particulars. Mr. George Veale has been a resident of this village for years, is a wagon-maker by trade, and is* well k own to all our citizen*, as well as to most of the people of Uiv surrounding coun- try He has a family of young children who unfortunately lost thnir mother some t! years | ago. One of these children, named Geoige, is about seven years of age, and some three years ago was taken ill and has siuce been practically helpless, and as a result much sympathy was felt for the family owing to the child being motherless. The case of the little fellow was considered hopeless and no one evei expected to see him alile to rise from bis bed again. On asking Mi. Veale abont the report we had heard of the boy's recovery, he said it was quite true, and expressed his willingness to give ns the particulars, declaring that he had no hesitation in saying that it was owing to the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills that the lad was now better. He said that some two and u half years ago little Genrgie was taken ill with inflammation of the biwels, and received good medical treatment. After being ill foi some lime, the trouble seemed to take a new form and settle in his bones which bi came diseased. During the summer he got a little better but when winter set in he wab ia :en down, itnd the disease became worm. Swelling arose over the body, and several imall pieces of bone came oat. He could take bnt very little sustenance, and for seven months could not stand on his feet. He had to remain in bed or be carried about in his sister i arms. All the iredicine he got did him no good itnd his case was given up as hopeless, ami it was thought that ho would not long survive. Mr. Veale hud read of the wonderful cures effected by the use of Pink Pills and decided that all things else having failed ho would try what they would do for his boy. Accordingly he purchased somo at Fead's drug store and began giving them to his son. After about two weeks he fouiul that there was an improvement in his condition, which warranted the further use of the I'ink Pills, and oocoidiugly he procured another supply. "And now," said his father, "the little fellow is running about as lively and as mischievous as ever. There is no doubt about the matter," said Mi Vntle, "link Pills cured my boy when all other remedies had failed, and I am glad to givp this information so that it may be of benefit to other*.' 1 Wo called upon Mr. Kad, tho druggist, snd asked him his opinion of Dr. \\iilinms Pink Pills. He said that the demand for them was so great as to Iw astonishing, and that those who once use them hay again thus proving their value. Mr. Fead said he sold more Pink Tills than any other remedy, and tho demand is still ineifosing and he thought no better evidence be given of their value as a medicine, thuii this. The Dr. Williams' Pink Pills tor Hale People are manufactured by the l>r. Williams' i .. of Hruckville, Ont., ami Schenectady, N. Y., a linn of unquestioned reliability. Pink Pills are not looked upon as a patent incdirine, but rather as u prescription. An analysis of their properties shows that these pills are an unfailing specific for all diseases arising from an impoverished con- ilition of the blood, >! from an impairment of the nervous hystem, such as loss of ap- petite, depression of spirits, antenna, chlorosis or green sickness, general mus- cular weakness, <li7/incss, loas of memory, jialpitation of the heart, nervous headache, locomotor ataiia, paralysis, sciatica, rheu- matism, St. \'ilu'dnnoe, iho aftoretfectsof Ia grippe, all diseases depending upon a vitiated rendition of tho blood, such as scrofula, chronic erysipelas, etc. They are also a specific for the troubles pecuihir to the female system, correcting irregulari- ties, suppressions and ull forms of female weakness, building anew the blood and re- storing thu glow of health to pale and sal- low cheeks. In the case of men they ellert a radical cur* in all cases arising from men- tal worry, overwork, or exoesses of any natum. These pills are not a pnrgatne medicino. They contain only lite-giving propertied and nothing! hat conid injure the most delicate system. They act directly on the blood, supplying its hfe-i;ivmi; qualities, by assisting it to absorb oxygen, that great supporter of all organic life. In this way the blood, becoming "built np" anil being supplied with its lacking constituents, be- comes rich and rod, nourishes the ,, vari- ous organs, stimulating thorn to activity in the performance of their fnm'iions md'tluis eliminate ilixoaso from Hie. nyH'on). Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold only in' i bixsu bearing the firm's trad* mark o r i wrapper, (printed in red ink). Bear in mind that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills ore never old in bulk, or by the dozen or hundred, and any dealer who offers substitutes in this form is trying to defraud yon \nd should be avoided. The public ate ala*> cautioned against all other so-called blood builders and nerve tonics, put up in similar form intended to deceive. They .iro all imitations whose makers hope to reap a pecuniary advantage from tho wonderful reputation achieved by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Ask your dealer for Dr. Wirt- iams Pink Pills for Pale People and refua* all imitations and substitutes Dr. Williams' Pink Pills may be had of all druggists or direct by mail from Dr. Will- lams Medicine Company from either ad- dress, at 50 cent* a hex, or six boxes far $i,30. The price at which these pills are sold makes a course of treatment compara- itively inexpensive as compared with other remedies or medical treatment. TIB KII-Mtl II IJHTTI'TE. Canada -Imuld MaUr IP and IMsplar sfrr Betourres. If Canadians really mean business at the Imperial Institute they cannot too soon ex- hibit their intentions by practical demon- stration. A magnificent opportunity is afforded Canada to place its products and resource* permanently before the people of the United Kingdom and incidentally to give thrm prominence in the eyes of visitors from all part* of the Umpire aud the world, as well as in the public press. The Domin- ion voted $100,' ()0 towards the erection of the institute ; the High Commissioner and Ins suiff have done all that is possible to obtain a good exhibit ; the officials in charge of the Canadian department are courteous and well-informed men, thoroughly in touch with the interests of our country ; the co- operation of the Provinces is absolutely nec- essary and has been promised. Vet only Manitoba and lirilish Columbia according to the Canadian G/ette are creditably or even passably represented. Of course the desirability of having a good showing at the Chicago Exhibition is partly to blaine for this negligence, but it* results may be noue the lee* deplorable. Australia has a splendid exhibit, and as the first year m any great enterprise has n im- portant influence oil its future, there caa De no doubt that the difference between the well filled and creditably equipped Australian courts and those of Canada, will have an injurious effect upon our desire for suprem '-y in the British market. After entering the Canadian section of the Insti- tute through handsome porticoes from the Cape Colony ( 'ourt i be difference become* marked, and but for the display made by our two Western Provinces would be dis- graceful. Prinos Edward Island, that garden of the Atlantic. U hardly represented: Nova Sc >i la and New llrunswick have merely a few exhibits leftover from the Colonial Kx hilution of Issli ; Ontario has an excellent mineral display '.he vast ashing interests ot the Maritime* Provinces together with their great mineral wealth, their apple growing and dairying interests are hardly visible to the most acute observer; the manufactures of Canada are not displayed al all; while tho famous timber resources of Qnelwc snd the beautiful scenery of the Dominion generally, are barely outlined to the oulmary visitor. This is all extremely regrettable. At the opening of this Institute there were at least 300,000 people present, aud there were probskbly half a million p rsoiti in the streets discussing the building and whai it contained; groat numbers are visit- ing it every day : and at the Prince of Wales' reception there were !*i,000 of the representative people of Great Rritain pres- ent. K.mnuit men from every corner of Uie Empire and of Europe were there, no doubt curiously observing thr variety of products from the different and dutant parts of the British realm. It was therefore vorv unfortunate that Canada was not well represented. The Provinces in whose hands the matter lie* must awake to its importance and recog- nize that such an exhibition permanent in character un.l appealing especially to a vast and sympathetic market. is of greater im- part than even the desirable display uf our products at the great but transient Fair in Chicago. Jfr. Xi <d JM. Jordan of Kilmcst .u. N. Y. Colorless, Emaciated, Helolesf. A Compute Cur* by HOOlft This is from Mr. D. M. Jordan, .1 r* tired farmer, and one of the most r spcctcd citizens of Otscgo Co., N. Y. I 01,1 1. . 'i \ T-I HRO I had nn nttnck ol ;I* grarel, and liiive since ticeo troubled with inj Liver and Kidneys gradually growing WOMB. Three years EO I <>tdov.n so low tlit I conldncnreot- trnUu looked nui-e Ilk. ..n .1 living betnt had no iH.prir n necks I UK oihiuii UMI .{i-mrl. 1 \vu4 hadlv enwiatci :iihl li;m no m. .if i fflor llun a snnrblu oUitsw HIMM! 'ml I thought 1 v. .ii.l u\ n. i!- i..i Iliad [bushed llie hoitlfl 1 noil.-".! that I (olt built!'. <uf f. nil less. Uie inHnnmitlioa f Ihr bind* d. i I' mv fnee, and I hmt 10 feel hvunxrv . I (mil !;iVll tliree llollU'-i I .:oi|ld ".it ..:i Illlng without ImrilnK n I ' 9 hi'iiK-"/ , inm-t r- ilnr- I havo uoW lully rucovpi'ej. thank* Li Hood's Sarsapariila . feel well and BUS well. Ml who Know n vel to sr me so well." IX M. JOsVMB HOOD'S PILLS"" Hi blfter-<HimrI1Ils,