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Flesherton Advance, 1 Jun 1893, p. 6

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THE WEEK'S NEWS CANADIAX. Dr. Hector McDonald, of Kingston, WM accidentally drowned Sunday io Cataraqui bay. Nearly two hundred German immigrants arrived in Montreal recently en rout* for the North We*t. The itemnliip Avalona IIM brought into port at (Quebec the shipwrecked crew o( the barque Magnificent. The Dominion line stocmer Vancouver, which arnved at Montreal Sunday from Liverpool, wo* delayed two days in the (lulf by (!ene fogt. A farmer named Deria* Misner, living three mile* south of I,ynden, Out., com- mitted suiciie by hanging CD Saturday lut. It is said that he was insane. KeporU from Manitoba stale that the conditions have been superb for seeding operation*, and that the outlook for an abundant harvest could not be more prom- Ming. Mr. A. M. Burgess, Deputy Minister of the Interior, who has returned from a trip to the United Scales, does not think that Canada is behind in the handling of immi- grants. The Quebec Telegraph is authority for the statement thit .Sir Ad Iphe Caron will not return to Canada as a Cabinet Minister, and will be asked to exchange places with Mr. Chapleau. A movement has been started in Ottawa toj'aiM subscriptions from the women in Canada to purchase a sleigh with complete appointment* as a wedding present to the I'rinoew Victoria Mary ofTeek. Lieut. Peary, who is at present at St. John'', Nfld., says that the sealing steamer Falcon will be ready to sail in the middle of neil month with Ui Arctic expedition. The same route H1 be taken as in 1991. Mr. (ieorg* Julmston, Dominion Statisti- cian, is now correcting the proofs of the forthcoming ctntut bulletin, which will be devoted to statistics relating to the defec- tive classes of the population, the blind, deaf, dumb and insane. The water of the St. Lawreioeis excep- tionally fugh, and considerable alarm is ex- perienced at Montreal at the prospect of serious flood*. On Saturday the water had reached the level of the wharve*, and a large number of teams were bu*ily occupied in removing goods to safxr quarters. The recent decision of the Montreal dis- trict of Oddfellows, Manchester Unity, to amalgamate with the Canadian Order of Oddfellows has caused trouble, and Loyal L*n*downe Lodge and Loyal Concordia Lodfre will go over in a body to the Inde- pendent Order of Oddfellow*, better known as the A merican order. BklTISII. LeCaroB, once a Hritish spy among the Irish in America, is dying. The Bank ( England ha* advanced it* rate of interest from three and a half to four per cent. The Kngluh Government will shortly issue an order-in-Counoil prohibiting seal- ing in Bahring Soa until next May. The propeUur* ot the Cunard steamer Campania nave Ixen re-adjusted and the blade* tiled at another pitch, and the change* are expected to increase her speed. All the cattle by the Allan steamer Nu- mi'lun have been slaughtered at Liverpool. The lungs of .the animal* were examined by the veterinary expert* appointed for that purp'o, and no trace of pleuro-pueumonia or cilhi r disease was found. Theie WAI a demonstration in Hyde park nn SunJay afternoon by the Irish National League of Great Britain, which is said to have been attended by a quarter of a mil- 110 i of people. Resolution* were adopted endorsing Mr. Gladstone's Home Itula bill While Mr. Gladstone, wa* travelling on Thuri'lay from London to Chester a heavy miMile was thrown at the compartment as the train approached Willeaden. It mimed, but broke the window of the next compart- mriii . which wa* occupied by the Dean of Chester. Homo Secretary Asi|uith has refused to grant the petition for the pardon of James Gilbert, alias Cunningham, who was **n- tenced in May, U.s.'i, to penal servitude for lile for his connection with the dynamite explosion in the Houses of Parliament the previous January. I'NITKD HTATM. Four thousand miners in the PitUburg district are out on *trike. The United Htate* Government will pay 111 lull* presented for entertaining the Duke if Veragua. ALoiit .1,000,000 log* have been swept down the Kennebeo river in Maine by the late freshet. Joseph T. Green, aGanancque tailor, hat been arrested at Clayton, N. Y., on a charge of smuggling clothes into the United States. The Presbyterian General Assembly, which Is in session in Washington, passed a resolution agauut the opening of the World'* Kan- on Sunday. The negroes of South Carolina are making a Concerted movement to secure a cessation of lynching*. They appeal to the governor and the, humane people of the state. The officers of the Urooklyn Tabernacle have arranged the financial difficulty wi:h the creditors of the church, and tbe l:.-\ . Id Talmtno has withdrawn hi* resigna- tion. Prof I'ickering, of Harvar.l, tay* that the newly-completed Uruoe photographic telescope, which is to be suit to Are<]uma, Peru, i* the most powerful star tinder in in the world. C. S. Rogers, president of the Ncnth- western Cordage Company, one of the larg- eet concerns of St. I'ml, yetumlay after- noon jumped from the bi^h bridge into the river, ll'.'i feet below. I luring the 10 in nth ended April 30 i ..migrant* arrived at the ports of tho United States. The number arriving during tin- o rretpandlni' period of the prv- co-ling year was .'1,14,895. Reports from wriout part* ot the North- ern Hiatus of the Union show that the re- eent hsvy rains have cevered a wim- ex- tent of territory. Tfce danmuii 'n ii|i-'n pi. .>'!; ly h'M beem widesyread. . I the Ion entailed seriook. A section ot tb* flooring of Washington hall, out of the buildings in connection with the World's Fair, gave way on aaiunlay, earring with it seventy five women who were attending the Women's congress. About eight of the woman were seriously but none of them fatally injured. After a long Cabinet conference in Wash ington on the Chinese question, Secretary Gresham said that when Congre** passed a law and failed to appropriate sufficient money to carry out it* provisions that law became a drad letter. I he Chine** Exclu- sion Act therefore will not be enforced. It is rumoured at St. Petersburg that the Czar is suffering from a cancer. Baron Bleichroder, the famous German banker, says Germany will not adopi bi- metal ism. The revolutionist* In Nicaragua are said to be in possession of Ureytowu, and practi- cally the whole country. Ad VIM-S from Japan *ay the volcano Bandaisan ha bex>m* active and that wide- spread disaster ha* been caused by its erup- tion. Anton von Schmerling, one of the found- er* of the Austrian constitution, and some time Minister of the Interior and President of the Court of Causation, u dying. Tke Russian Imperial Council has under consideration a proposal to make the Rug- sian peasantry direct owners of the land which they now till for the commune. A landslide at Vaerdalen, just north of Trondhjem, Norway, converted twelve large farms into lake of slime, in which it u feared many farmers' families are buried. Copies of the report of Mr. Henry W. Klliott, United State* Treasury agent in 1*90, concerning the seal rookeries on the Pribyloff islands, have been distiibuled by the British counsel among the members of the Behring Sea Tribunal. According to a special cable despatch from Berlin the Vorwaeru, the organ of the Social Democrat* *ay* that thousands of men are preparing to vote in f&vour of the Government ana the Army bill, simply because they fear that the tecond defeat of the bill would cause the Kmperor to recall Piinee Bismarck to power. The Mother Superior of the convent in Tapalexa, Hungary, ha* been arrested for cruelty to the pupil* in the young ladies' seminary and elementary school in connec- tion with the convent. A special cablegram says the young children were punished by I't-iiiK tied down to a table, their mouths held open by blocks of wood, ard their tongue* burned with red hot wires ; while the elder girl* were stripped, bound face downward*, and borne. 1 on the thighs and back with hot iron plate*. Affair. ! Africa. Africa is fast being subdivided into "National lots." Only a few, comparative- ly, are left. Of its 12,000,000 square miles of area 1 1,590,000 have been partitioned off among the Kuropean Nations. France has the largest share, 3,0(10,000 square miles : but about two-third* of it is deeert. It in- cludo* Algeria, Tunis, a large portion of Senegamhia, a portion of the Congo terri- tory, and nearly all of the gr.-al deeert. France also claim! a protectorate over Mad- Agatcar and D.du iney. Kngland claims 2,.V>O,Co jquare mile* of the beet tsrritory of Africa, It embraces the country at the headwaters ol the Nile and the \ alley ol the Niger on tke went, and everything be- low the Congo Free State valuable for col- oni/.ation, and a strip of land reaching from the lied Sea to Senegambia. Germany owns the tract from Zanzibar to the Congo Free State, another in West Africa ami a large piece along the gull of Guinea. The Congo Free State belong* to Belgium ; Ab- yiiinia to Italy, and Spam and Portugal nave slice* here and there in various parts of the continent. A high grade and in- telligent class of Kuropeans are colom/ing the Dark Continent, and civilisation prom- ises to spread with marvellous r.ipidity. Modern facilities for exterminating natives and developing natural resources are such that the making ol a new continent require* lea* time than it did at the time of the dis- covery and colonization of the New World. A widespread and vigorous Ethiopian boom will transform the home of the "pronounced brunette " of the human family into the home of industry, commerce and education, and accomplish it all as by magic. MrU:i>. IMIk. Sir Charles Dilke i* coining to the front again In British politics a* the leader of thn unofficial Radical* a position 'or which his abilitie* and experisnoe adiin. > <l v qual- ify him. His motion to deprive the Lords Lieutenants of the counties of the right to recommend which ha* been in effect the right to appoint J ustiix* of the Peace was timely anil necenaary. Under its terms the Lord Chancellor, who is a member of the, mini-try, will make the appointments of Justices of the Peace in future. H prob ably had the power to do so before the resolution WM adopted, but refused to exer- cise it. The privilege enjoyed by the coun- ty Lords Lieutenant* as a rule gouty old Tory peer* and half-educated lan.i-owner* ha* been the outgrowth of custom. They have shamefully abused it by appointing perilous inferior to themselves in capacity to administer justice. They have taken their appointees from the squire* and the parsons with a sprinkling from the town plutocrats. l.rd Hirtchell, the present \jnr>i Chancellor, who is* weak kneed person with W'hig l*ninx, <lnuhtle*s now will to name a* Justice* men who have some sympathy with the mass of the peo- ple. The Hume of Commons, thu represent alive body of the people, by a vot of iW.'l <<> Jlt ha* directed him to procee 1 in the matter. The British I'.ntofhVe has givvn notice that hfirralter tho following articles, even if sample* only, if seat by nikil tlioat I '.r it. nn, will nut lie delivered on arrival, mi will tin tuiiifil oV'T to the custom* authorities to lie disposed of as may ho deemed proper: Cocoa, corTei, .-! unrrnnM, li r , tin .ikn, dried plums, r.uuiii nml aprioottt, lira* tobacco iinanutm tun .1 or not, inrliiiiitig dig*, cigarettes ami snuff), hydrate of chloral, playing card* an 1 transparent soap, in I hi' nmnliU tun of winch alcohol is uiml. The publio i* therefore ointionej sgalniil pitmg any of the articles addressed to Gni. t Britain < r Ireland, ' they will not lie forward"*! by nnul from this country. \ glass and liquid*, nil ami fully ub.t are also excludvd from Britiih mails. I BBIBF ARs> INI I BfMIM. Japan ha* 550 new* paper*. Paris make* falae teeth lor her***. Great heat ueenw to cause melancholia. The world consume* 4,000,000 steel pens daily. The spued ol a wild duck 1* ninety mile* an hour. i'arrot* cost but sixpence each to the dealer* in .South America. Japanese children are taught to write with both hands. Mei on an average weigh 20lb. more than women. Belgium i* declared to be the mos' in- temperate country in Kurop*. ID his jocular mood* the Prince of vVale* is fond of punning. South Australia hat. had forty adminis- trators in thirty-fix yean. Clergymen come next in number to mechanics under the head of inventors. Thirty-seven thousand woman telegraph- ists arc employed in the United State*. The .Sultan of Turkey ha* the richest col- lection of gems and regalia in the world. More than a third of Great Britain i* owned by members of tb* Hu*e of Ixirdr. The first king to whom the title of "Majesty " was applied w* Louis XL, in France, in 1463. A man in Bivaria eoly need* to *ee a play twice in order to be able to repeat it scene for scene. There are now 3,538 journals and maga- zine* printed io Ger.,iny yearly, while in 1891 there were only 3,443. French florist* are cultivating a plant which bear* a flower that is white in the morning, red at noon, and b'.ue at night. Germany makes an excellent broad of "Scotch" whisky which finds a ready sale n India. Since I.H40, thirty seven veeaels, t which i part of the n*:n wa* the "City of," have been wrecked or loet. Two hundred dog* are annually doomed to death in the University of Buffalo for physiological experiment*. The fourth verse of the twentieth chap- ter of Revelations ceutains more wonts than any other verse in th* New Testa- ment. The Moors of Arabia and Spain were the first to display coloured globe* in drug- store windows. It is claimed that the* longest floating dock in th* world is at Bermuda. It i* 381 feet long and I23 feet wide. Only cituen* who are able to read and write havo the power to vote in Bolivia and several ether South American republic*. Completed census return* fur the United Slate* indicate that in that country there are 3,000,000, unmarried persons over thirty years of age. The nearest approach yet to perpetual motion i* the discovery of a Burupea*. clock maker who ha* invented a clock that will run for ten years without winding. The Chinese value an old pair of boot* which hare been worn by an upright magis- tra'e, and the custom of wishing* "happy foot" i* still observed all through Kurope. The editor of " Kl Ahram." an K^ypttan journal, in a 'avourite with the Khedive, who ha*, as hit latest m*aui of showing his approval, oonferre-i the order of the Chefa- it upon tho editor'* wife. What i* called the " vegetable boa non- (trie. tor," a specie* ot climber which, it is said by romancers, twine* about great tree* so tightly a* to strangle them to death, is claimed to have been discovered in ludia. There are said to be more than 3, OIK) prehistoric buildings in Sardinia. They are almost all in the fertile diitrict*. and are built in group*, whi^li are separate J from one another by wide and generally barren placet. The wealth of the Russian State Church is almost incalculable. It could pay the national debt, am mating tu nearly two hundred million pounds, and still be enor- mously wealthy. The first coins made in America were in Mexico, tin the mint established there in 1 r.'.V The coin was sailed the real. They are now worth from six shillings to two pound* apiece. Lob*ters often travel in regiment* seek- ing new feeding ground*. Their migrating armies are always led by the biggest anil strongest ones, while th* miinixl i-i 1 weak- ly itruggle along behind. Rat* in tens of thousands inteite.l tb* mule Club building in St. Louis. All th* effort* to ri.l the l\ou*e of th* rodents proved unsatisfactory, so the building had to be torn down. A rat-proof structure will take it* place. TobAcco consumption i* increasing in Great Britain. Kor the last yesr it aver- aged one and six-tenth* of a pound per head of the population. In France it aver- ages nearly l\vo pound*. In Kn<l*il the consumption of lei is rapidly mcruuii.ig and colfee diminishing. Cocoa has iuoreased 31 per cent, in five year*. About JVi.n > i canary bird* are raiso I in Germany evory ye\r, and of these a'xnit H>,iioO go to tb* United State* and 5t),o HI to Knglaad. There is ai old Mexican law whieh pro- hibits a ninth marriage. A mm h-marrieil American, in ignorance of th* law, violated it, an t it now in anl in < ' limit The price of mourning i* likely to advance when the Kmperor of Morocco shufths otf this mortal coil. Ho h\* 5,04) wires, and suitable mo.miing attiru will lie in demand fur the bereaved widow*. Sunpevted persons, as they stand at the pay UK teMar'* window iu th* Bank of France are instantaneously photographed. A cam- era is alway* in position, and i* operated upon a sii(iil from the teller. About four million* and a half sterling are spent u hunting in Givat Britain and Ireland, independent of Uie e\p n earring? hones, covered hacks, anil travel- ing expenses. There an> .<m pucks of hounds, snd about IOO.OO) horse* are re- (]<iirii to follow them. A navel way of lUumiuminj a tunnel has l.r u ildviiml in Pari*. RelTectors throw the tight from many electric hmps III feet above the rails to the tide* of tho tunnel, whore it is agaiu rufltcted by burnished tin. a *oft and agreoable light. Too train* autouiatiotlly turn the current on an I .ir in entering and leaving the Uunel. The density of pc pulation in the British Metropolis now* some remarkable varia- tion*. While last year it averaged fifty- seven per acre in the whole of the Metropo- lis, ami did no* exceed thirty in Lewianam, Wandsworth, and Hampetead, It wa> no lest than 1*4 in Whitecuapjl, 187 in M. (ioorge in-thu-Katt, and 191 in Shoredit-.h. i A cjrnplrte *nit of knightly armour of ' historic ptri*d* contained the helmet, the ciira** for brsa*t, *pauliero* for ihoulden, brasaart*, upper arms ; coadieret, elbows ; tvaut-brM, lower arm*; gauntlet*, gloves ; ftndet for flank* ; hauDergeoD, a quilted au-"33,t ; cuissarU, thigh piece* ; eoouilli- eres, knee guard* ; grevieret, leg piece* ; solerett, ihoet and spurt. Baron Nathaniel Rothschild of Vienna, hat given his cattle at Reicheuau, at the foot of tho Semmering, with the exttntive ground* belonging to it, to a society which ii founding a hospital for cousut.iptive*. The cattle hai been built within the lait ten years, and i* roomy enough to contain 4'i patient*, it in a beautifully sheltered spot cloee to Archduke Charles Louis'* cas- tle of Warthol/, and the garden* are filled with the finest rooes in the whole neighbor- hood. The citle which Bar*n l<othschrld to generously give* away it worth several million florins. Th* manner in which trial* are oondnoted in Crnnnte court* woald be a startling sur- prise to all who have not personally attend- ed a court scene. Torture it always retort- ed to in order to compel the accused 19 declare himself guilty of the charge against him, and to suon an extent it u carried that it often reoult* in either causing the death of the accused or else maiming him for life. It i* estimated that there are to-day in the United State* and Canada about 600 young men in every I.OUO bivm reached the age of thirty, who are tingle. Th* conjugal condition of the people in other countries i* vastly different. In Russia 373 men and .~>73 women in every 1,000 who mirry are married under twenty yean of age, while in Kngland 766 men and H'M women in very 1,000 ar* married between twenty and thirty. In all countries, bat particu- larly in Rutai.i and France, th* marrying age* of women are much below thnee of men. In t he cemetery at Marietta, Galen*, there is an infant's grave that attract* the atten- tion of vmtor to thai place. There it no headstone, but retting on the top of the grave it a glats hoi containing th* play- things th* little one had amuse<f itself with )n*t Before it* death. There are dolls, rub- ber and china, a robber ball, a rattler, and other toy*. One of the curiotilio* to be teen at the Uuildhall Library is a (ton* dug up in IH.VJ during eicavalions for a warehouse in St. Haul'* Churchyard. This stone bean th* j figure of a strange nondescript animal, like that of a horse, with fantastic claw*, and with a horned and tusked head. A dragon coil* round the foreleg* and rear* itscll in front of th* "horse's chest. On the edge of tke stone is a clearly-cut inscription in Danish rune* of a far more distinct and tin- ibed oharacter than most of the extant Anglian rnno* ; it record* that " Kona and Tuki cans*.! lay thit stone." There can l>e no reasonable doubt that this is part of an eleventh century monument, for Tuki of this description hot been identified with Tokig, who wa* t minister in Eugland of King Connie. Take M _ A Ten nmee Hans I' Tmm f .mi rh*. A writer in Fore*t and Stream say* . My brother had a pair of buck elks two year* and a half old, the eldest of a half doxen doe* and fawn* which he kept in a park. Those two buck* we separ- ated from th* other*, and we drove them through a lane into the barnyard, thence into the horseitable, where they were kept a few lays and subjected to th* halter. Af- ter that a harnsi, which had been prepar- ed for the purpose, w fitted on and they were taken out and hitched up t> a light one-hone sleigh. All this sjat accomplish ed without much re*i*tinc* on the part of elk*. Rat it require 1 much coaxing and (oino whipping to mtk* the firs', (tart. We ucoeedeii, however, io driving a mile or two, but they did not take kintlly to the bit and could not be guided much by tho liu s, consequently we mad* xigza^ course* an J frequently brought up against a fence or some other obitruction. They were har- nessed an. I driven perhap* ten Unisi during the winter with about the tarns result. They did not seem to learn anything, and we came to th* conclusion that the lk were of thkt mi id, so early in the spring they were driven back into the park. During the month of August, after they were four yuan old, they became ill-natur- ed and ugly, and one had become so furiom that we had to look around for somewhere to confine him. If he broke through the fence we c:is:dered him very dangerous and no mvi dare go into the park when the .Ik WAS in sighi. I believe that I never *aw an animal more aggrenive or that WAS mate full of light. II* would go for any ouo who sud uuttid* of the fence a* far an tho fence would let him, and lie would tUnd punching with handspike* and prodding with pit .-litorks until hit face would bo a gore of bloo 1 and never flinch nor back an inch, while if he had broken through tl punchers and prodden would have wia'ietl themselves anywhere else but there. The way I secured that elk from further trouble was this : Taking twenty-five feet i cable rope and climbing on to the t. thence into the top of a white beech that was full of limb* and flood close inside of the fence, I tied one end of the rope to a strong limb, harirg mado a strong noose nt the other and, and then workeT my wy down on the lower limb*, some eight or nine feel from tii* ground. By thit timi the elk hud got there, even before I was ready. Jditthen I would a* toon have walked into the gr**p of a ttrixxly bear at to have dropped from that !imb. He no a* good a chance a* I wanted, and 1 wat lucky ruoni^h to drop the nooao over both horn*. Then I had him safely tied up, when he was fod with hay and oat* 'or throe, week*, after which he was let lonae, being then as quiet as th other*, which numbi-rcsl at thtt'tinu ffteen, does, fawns and young bucks. A strong man iu \ i n'i,t nn.lo it w iger with an ..\nn-ric4it he could stand un- der a litre of water while ft fell drop Sy ilmp, IVB.II hi* bead, from a height of three feet. At the 44V th Jrep the strong man ga'e up, the pvn being intolerable. W lUI.HO* TiKK TUB An* Mew Tker riM After They Tke *)l*er'< Tactic*. "A silmon doesn't tafce*he fly a* a troot dots, aod it never n**t to one while It i* pisdni; up and down a stream," *td an ex- perienced angler tor ttu* kiag of rah. "it is only while the stlmon i* Mng at real 3 x>l*,tho repojuig water at the foot ot seen* iwift rapid, or the silent starling place of such a rapid, that it will respond to th* fisherman a cast. Salmon may be rnoiotf along by the thousand in the deep troteke* of a stream ih it extend perhaps fora msk Between rapid*, but the angler might dray lit flies above them fora year, if it W*M possible, without ever being rewarded by a tingle rise. The pool n the place to whip, and th* time early morning or late in th* afternoon. If the epicurean denizen of th* pool i* so inclined there is sport ahead for :he angler. He drop* hi* fly lightly on lj water, and the salmon in th* humor wiu rite to it and seize it at once. Then the excitement begin*. It i* di- vided between the fieb and th* fisherman. Tne more th* salmon trie* to get out of trouble the deeper be get* the angler in. The fish no sooner feel* th* book in his jaw than he Menu to realize that he ha* got to jet it out a* soon at possible or it will be M 1 for him. Tiien thing! begin to boil. Tne first thing a fisherman knows a hundred [eet of line have span from hi* reel, and ho think* he it in for alongohate down at ream, iien suddenly th* salmon double* and da*he* straight back toward the boat. Then there i* work for the angler if be expect* to reel in the slack of the One and 301 it tail* ogam in good time. No tooner w tht lino taut once more than the salmon feels it* -ennion through the book in hie jaw, and .he chance*) are that he will (hoot upward* and ont of the water hi* entire length and more. Taking hi* header he dashe* madljr down into the dpths again, toariuv this way and that way, darting around and around, and making lively work for too iahermtn and the handler of hi* boat. After an exciting tenet of manoBovret tuck a* this, the mad fith may take it into kit load to start down stream like a (team on- rine, putting the gaid* at hi* beat to keep .he boat along with him. The talinan may ead chose of a mile in this way, then stop tuldenly and resume it* leaping and doubling tactic*. The fight may lait an hour or more, and If th* angler i* skillfal and cool, and hi* guide, or gaffman, dexter- ous and w*tchf*l, th* chnlest should have >ut on* ending, and eventually the gillber ing prize will o* stretched at the bottom of the canoe. If the angler i* not skillful and cool, th* fight will also have but one end- ing. The glittering prize will not be stretched on the bottom of the caw. bo.t in a very short time will be at the bottom of hi* pool, congratulating himself loot h'l* Foaman wa* not worthy of hi* iteeL '* The one thing in a fight with a talma* that the fisherman most fear* and drtads i* th* liability of the fith to iilk. A salkor it a' way* a big fish. He will not show licit at once, but will (ink? to th* bottom and lw there. Whenever he dee* make up hie mind to fight the fisherman know* that tho tight will re a good one. But the snlkint] fish may lie for half a day or more, despite ill th* angler'* effort* to ttort him. Nit salmon fisherman can with honor retreat from a fish be ha* mice hooked, and Jw must is* hi* soul in prtuinco, and wait until the sulker conclude* to open the perfor- mance, if he ha* to sit all night. U on record that in I 'SS, iu the Marguerite River, Quebec, a fisherman hooked a salmon at about 7 o'clock in th* morning. It wa* a ulker, and it lay in th* damp* until 4 o'clock in th* afternoon. Then Uie big tih uddenly started down stream and ran at railroad speed for mile without stopping. Then he quit running and fought the angler, by all the salmon's known tactics, up and down and aoroot th* river, for two medal houn without a moment's rod, before ho gave up and tnbmitted to the gaff. The fisherman was almost a* nearly played oat a* th* salmon wa* when th* end came, and would have boon compelled to hand th* old war horse over to some one eltra to finish if the fight had held out many minutes longer. That salmon weighed forty pound* -the largeet killed in that water. Too Good an Artitt Cholly " Why did you aw send you- ah man off T" Algy -" He fled me fob in band to smooth it looked like one of the** weady- made ones. " Suffered for Hr Belief- Maud " She is a woman who hat suffer* ed a great deal for her belief." Kthel-" Pear me ! What is her belief*" Maud" She believes that *he con wear a No. 3 shoe on a No. foot." Small Ohaoce. Willis "That young cornet i* sick." Wallas* "Do you think covi-r *'* " I'm afraid not. The doctor who i* at- tending him live* next door." ho play* th* he will re- Worldly- Th* liev. Dr. Fourthly (making a paKor- al evil) " It ha* been a long time, Mrs. Mil* since I have seen Mil* Balla at church." Mr*. I'pjohn (shaking her head sadly) "I fear, doctor, Bella is incorrigible. I h.tve had several new elegant droMe* made for her lately, but the doesn't teem to have any d.-.ire to ^o to church to to look well in them, you know. I'm afraid she's get- ting hopelessly worldly." Natural Uharaotsrisnc*. \ German and a Frenchman sat oppoat* ach other at a table d'hote in a Swisa ko> tot, " You are a Frenchman, I tuppoae ?" eu- <|iiir<vi the Gorman at the commencement of the meal. " Yet," was the reply. " But how did you manage to tind that out?" " Because yon eat to mnoh bread," *nid >.he German. There wa* a long pau**. U M. -i the dinner was over the Frenchman in In* turn questioned hi* vis-a-vis. " You are a (ierman, I presume ?" "To be ('ire : bin. tell me, pray, how you nude that discovery." " Because you ate to much of every- thing," wa* *b dry rvtoit,

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