1HI FLESHSRTON ADVANCE BA.NKEN3 OFFICE OP (iEO. MITCHELL, FLKSHERTOX. A f"--l IwnMnx hiiw transacted 0r*Ai< !*. ! i I eU.il eaS>*I t ul rts M >v * i .1 4i.bi- for liUuMo biMinu* otoru . . *oon norti <* Rtcb*nlon ft Co't. Vicinity Chips. Characteristics of the Pant Week Carefully Called for (lie ituu Hottcet omouj It-salt trill bt a4irg-4 id tt< rut* of l<)c per Inu fur tttfh i/*-r 'MIH. _1 r'.t u.'fi.'f* vt// *!/< on euiUro^i* /r J00 lw<* or Kin Fhid's f-r k creaai Wednesday of uct week bcin:- pmblic hohJ.iy, all places of business io town wi'.l I* c'-d. Court of Ilt-viM .n for the township of r.i-1 1 m ihi! l"-:tr.g.; II -!!. M r.-r. V _'.i-.h iiuc Tt. K'it -jrpriMi hx dMtzed to ^j form, .irt.l with ue* tyje . --a roHuirk;'" v :ti j BSwasMBX N 10 .: m. H. Jitu-nai if. A. h*M in the T on the 31st ins'., to uihrau? ! ' ;" Se* *,'- L.-- r be- tffeeti K.tv.siUAa:ul : ii stat-on, via FT--- i^..i ii. F-'i !.r mill \Vt.: i aoit week l r.oli.'.iv. T: Advanoo wilt not be pub- liaiit'l iiiii'1 YV:rvl.y aftin-m, ami ill therefore Iw r.-csiveJ a d*y late l-y many <tt our iiuKcribert. A Udy write* to The Advance detail- ing the j- \ - AH i advantages i>f her mar- ried life, lmt as the .sabjrct can scarcely bo of interest to our renders *e are coin- pvllcd t, di- -I.iiu publishing U. At an adjourned me- ting of East Grey license cxuaiwsiotiers, held at Rocklyn on Wednesday of last week, the petition >f Mr. Egan fora license a* Fleahertnn Station was ufu>f.l. sml the hceose of A. Hannah granted. The Eugenia footbeul boys wish us to contradict the statement made last wek that they will i Isy Markdale club at Vandeleur on the 24th, s they hare made arrangements to meet the Fleabert n club at Ku.-.-ni.i. There was a slight chango in the C. P. K. time taMr, oomawraciaR on Monday. The m< rniug mail fr-mi T".i>atoii due ut 11.4.' ..ns fi.V. a. m. >nd i r . The uijht train up is due at l.B. Lncas, barrister, Murkcluir ha* Jl'Vi'CO jiri.\te :" n<i on fa-tn II t'lO- tR-\' few P.' t lowest cunx-nt rates. N ei<niur.**- n.ios low. A;>j ly M otHci wevk or at Out- i.t'.ix MM >i; .1 l.\y. If orr a ni-v: -orin >f the i!u>i. i in when hu supers fr -in th^t tir. '1 vinapaiiH* remcvvH t' ill ..f uw !;fe II!.'. i -4. IDUM-Ii* and fibro of '.!;o whule On; il ceathiT the recular a-bor day v\n ! 'Mir jiuMic scb>l this yr. ift-.-rr.c--i', o' tV- IfW tree.. |>lantol. I*.-IHOI;-I! Itin will tike auoiVr half tl*y <>i:ie of tiVVs. days and o innloiu UH> Kxinx up of "Tko ;l -WT that iilt . MI -e not rioro vignrooa titan rv thoRi- ; rr- sons wh.' r hl.-t^l with A. . Saranpari!!*. Tho faMc.1 Kliier Viti. could *: t i^erter riracity to the ciHuittnai v.< than ilns wonderful Ko. Mr T- ni;c is UIVIMK an iBter8t- itiK *jriei>f sermons nn thu Lord'* Prayer. Ilia disomiae on Salil jiih t-venii-^ wa fn>ni the t \i, "tiive na this d*r f>u- daily breml." lluriin? the oio*e (f hi semion h.- ttK>k oocaai in to d^Kver aumv tn>ni! Sfti'MiiMits with regard t.< the liqtior t'.tti-, uiakinif the statement among othm, that it wiu the prvinoe o( all legislatures to make crime ae lia d as p>iible, aa I virtu * er\y. rjn was p vud to know that in the old country and ID Canada the people wer> becoming thoroughly alive to the enormity of the drink .)u.-stion. Toe aoruton was a Ti -oroua one. Thornhnry'a new paper has made its appearance. It ia called the Herald, 8 p.g. , saiue sis* as The Advance, and present* a very respectable appearance. It M Independent" in politics and in- tends to create a revolution in journalism fey refusing to "pander to the vulgar ap- petite." Our sympathy is with it in iheee efforts. The t-.wn of Thorn bury is cer- tainly well supplied with local papers, there being three of then on one mile of street, and all "independent." H-.w long they will all re:n.iin independent LanciaJly, politically and physically remains to be seen, but we wish them all unbounded The following sail refraut is -''Father, dear father, come hume with me uow, for ISA has s-xue carpet to beat ; she's i{tit all th furniture uut m tin- y u-J from the fr TI'. dour clear ilu tn the street. The -t ive must cousi down aud be j-tit in *he s'i-^1. ai> i yard tuiut be c!e.iBc*d of J m-i gnus, l r its lima t< cienn h"ti>..- :'.n I the pay -and th..- fr ,rj need KMM u-- ^Lua. fit ,-r. come home with me now, and I : hoUy.a and c!io : ;-.'., m e'.-l -ck .'iv -.>; I'.ii s hungry I'm we.i th 'iin.ier well haro v, ill !. c.-ld Kiii'it .11,11 nd we'li have in . r the tth'i^t ami , '..i'.^ :> the yard- ch, i athr :.', t -. , r . with me now, f >r uia .a aa nvtd cs \ Turk y- u re a 1 i-. .!!. and th-\t he ; ro -"ea to ;... you tt> w.r. T t:i.-' ::i u.{ to 'o a--l p.i!*r :. haii,-, :>.'. wiudnws and caf- iiii-s t> or ,n iij t m ma home aud revel in sudi aiid cold crub. Millinery. Moie ue hats at Mr*. Tnmhle's tl ia week. New iU-.ijus in We ai.d straw haU. Next ,- r t > R Triubles store. Died m Gaol. John Brown, nged 73. a v.i^runt com- mitted from Pn..eY.Ue. died in Kol on TurstUv t.f last week from the effect .-f a cvncer (>u hi. !i;.. Hr wn should ha\i bt-e i sent to the ho*;>itilf incuralil- s. An in<|uest was held by I'r. Allan Cauieion. coroner, aud a verdict rendered in c- c >rtlance witu tht- above as the cause <f death. O S. Times. Pensocala. Mr (!la -.s-'or-l, f Caledon Eas', waa a c.lU-r .>u Moi.diy. Mies Hartul is vissting with her BJI.T. Mr>. I'.. N. Henderson. Mr. Js. Kfofer, oi N, L -!ie. N. D., I- paying In- !iiv alter an absence of nearly five y. . Mr .' ' TI IT N. <\ i lie ex;v>-.a U> main for ih A Late C Aiaert wi* t . oa SOUIK! for Puit xrsm w recei\. : nx- sutuu tl at there won f r .il in the buy at tha. |-i;-it. \"vtu|>:* had been inaJi- ' * -!i dynamite, Lut the ci'iitr-i ' t-n< extensive. Tho i. -iiu-k in Thiin der Hy. ' Ut thestvaineis will n . Kn.-is(ht ia being .>ii:. ,-..! by rail froot Owon S u,id. A Big Trout. A li't'i- \Vi!sin, living ;!>. ut ilin-e miles fn in i'n.vvil>, caught sn enoruioiis hr>M>k tn<ut in the Saugewi tbe other dy. which moasurvU 24j inches 1 :i fracl; !. or IT :'.>ur pounds. The 'ittlu follow acciden I ly h"okt-il the ' -^ 1-y th* Iwck of the neck, ami could no; It id it until hia father mm to h,' sntin tours Such big feMoaa never take t!. t-au. and th* nuuner in whi.'.i the I o\ i- ,-i^ht Inui wiu a marvel. I '--is n-> tishennAn'i jam, but the tiu'.S. Tlie hsh made a meal for seveu JX.TS- us. B K-.Pi'. In Fk^bcrton. OB . wii* of Wm lxu-ouoc,i'f a ilaii|a 8<-oTT At HcIiitTT*. on tboSth ln.. Ute wife ol luo*. So"', tovnuhlp clerk, of a Hnrr<r riesbertn Mmt .on By Otir .Reporter. Garner ktoiktepir, Mr. ChisJef, is busy opvnini; out hi* atock. Mtesr*. Pickell Slid Cuolt shipped gear lo ids of very Gnu cattle from the slat:. uii M.xiday. Mr. Juo. E/an failed in his effort to procure a second hotel licence here. Rev. Mr. Ton<;e will preach here at 10. 30 a. m. Sunday. Mrs. T. Gianxrr arrived home from Phil*del[.hia a abort time ago and is vuiting with her friends in thia vicinity. Mr. A. Mel unes is visiting with >.r A. CulUn. Mr. Jas. Egn spent Sunday last with h s broth-r of this place. Mr. Fruer Wright, who has Leen spending a few weeks with his parents, left for Montana, a few days ago. He will be greatly miased by some of the young lidiea. Mrs. MuRae was suddenly called te Kleintiur.. to t<ie bedside of her >Uu_;h ter, who ia serioudy ill. Our ach.x 1 iuw been e!ose>l diirine the -?ek cou- M f >'las ".e is able) - -At f s rulswaiiu o' Mte l.n i> vmvii.r Mr. T W. MoOocklln. by V A K -W.-si. r-n lh Ulth I:,V.. UwX Wif- ' o.oirehertoai. to Tilti. Moc-lecaJui. si j ^7C *''* F" A rtT 1 . LP] 5 Sfl l i -cases, '>, PT*^!*, Liver >\ spepsia, .rrh should .:r.e course YOU. All >aii tit" the wonder- . :o-.i by the use of AVER'S Sa' -aparilla t fifty years, truth- -day. It is, in every Superior Medicine. -rv^erties, strength, . and flavor are always the 1 for whatever blood . ' VKR'S Sarsaparilla is viold to this treatment. ; for <.d to purchase any . which the cho^p- ., ^ in'ain no - ;, li.ive no v.iifonr >-or, or effect, nn blood-purifiers in name only, ,l to rou bt?c:iu--c t'uTo is nor^ r>rvhi iu tcllir.g them. ycR's EarsaparUla ' .^-:i. MM. Cure rs, will cure ywi HAVE YOU BACK-ACHE OODDS KIDNEY PILLS WILL CURE YOU "Backache men .14 t/re hid- ntys art In fnii.'6/e. Court's Kidnty Pitti aiut prompt rfJitf.' "75 per cent. of tf.'s(it / frtt eauMd t'j auorderml *//- "Viyhtaiwtft try to Aut a htaltby c/fy a 'H at fcn/tA /rf/ey are o/ fft sysfsm. "Delay / siMMTEXM. Afa?- lacted kidney traub/et rtiti/t t* Bad Hood, Oysn<v)s/a, i/ter Complaint, end t ht most Diibtttt and Drooty." >Tki abovi dtttattt tanitot eiitt **/ Dodj'i Kidney 1 ' '. rA*y >n JnJora VTByinu of pn jo owt*. ff kos or 4s fc f.*x IV l A Sm,.(, a t ... Tn> Wm. Ce NEW GOODS and NEW STYLE S In Shoes and Boots We are well supplied with new goods and styles to meet the wants of our friend*. In Ladies' and Childrens' wear we have Red, Tan and Black Oxford's. Lace and Button Boots, also Prunella. In Mens' and Youths' we have Oxfords, Bals and Gaiters. In Quality, the best that can be ****. -In Price, cheaper than the cheapest. Call and see, them as we want your trade ?.nd can suit you well. REPAIRING aud CUSTOM WORK attended to promptly CLAYTON'S A Wonderful Medicine. Read the followicg interesting testimonies : . ' - . i i - F. . i,i - :'h American Urrvine, vhe ^r.at v i.-nc.. N ivci; Ilvailach. rvous ParozysBU. o.iiu Ch. . .-. \ ii "f the Heart, tteepleasiMM, Kmales of a. I . gestH'!. .:a. Bun.m^ T ' ' - -" e h.-,Te not ra* h. h ^..M.fc-h, FruL ;.|{inthe ear*. \Vrtig, iiiefc , i ^ . -* w ^ *>*., Jfca,, VTE Las puS- is patsaat "* I ' ** the- w.-re reooonaeoii. rc- aa, Impur- i : lui- ].v- !.! l.l.N.l, Sorofoloua - C tiKun.pt i.jt ..f the* hsMga, Ftmiik- > ml IM.ility, Brok tntx>n. Olirouic Diarrhoea, an '. u;- . all thesM sod man.- other - cured hy tbU wood ll. r T .Ilk. Ha' your constitution been wrecked Li Gnppe f TTK-'IIJUT \ -..-! i. >N N"EvrE T.I-I. will - y mtbe your shattered nerves, -.. . n^t'jrii and cure yonr digestive or- s:ai,, regulate your'Lirer a/l purify your Mood : i.<l nwtore yoa t<. | inctts sgain. Tlits great *h- uld I- used after all sickuess. owt-rs to restore to health are si underful. - ". . . . c- .: Its j !y Harriet E. Hall of Waynet-wn. Tnd , says : "i ow t uiy life to the Great South A iiprican N'lTMiu-. I had been iu bwd for live months fr-.m the ttteeta of an ex- haustive Stomach. IndurestHin, Nervous i'i- *-rat>n tnd a meml hatt.-n-.i con- dition of my whole system. H.i given up all h|s of L'fttinK well Had tried tiin-ed<.-iorsw.th no relief. The first U ttle ( the Nervine Tonic unproved me so much that I as \'a e to walk almut. aud a few Kittles currd me entirely . I He!ive it the beat medicine m the world. I cannot recommend it too high- For sale by Mft 'criber in L,mU T1 l! t . Ky '- " 7. 7 ^ .'. t^dru. . e* ^ ^^ h '" li ^- ! - In S , "** gi'i i.rdt Doctlee ana 11 j j. ma ^ br husl^-d good. A f vv dw mtet.nx on. of our principal - bo had been in I . tith, we asked him h : He mid be was day, that he had i- .. nWic.ne tl.at h. had tak^r .ralN.ttlesof itawi was R..U. .. ,., lt -. k ; r , h Vl."iWi..t take thouBand dollars for Uw #.,{ lt ha, O- ready aVM him. In.jmnntf what kind of medicine it wa*. he t. Id DU- ,t w*. the 8- uth AtuencS >eriue Tonic. Hearinn so much abnut this great rvar uitrrriwwed Mr. Stewart, and b telte us lhat he can scarcely keen a sup- ply on hand aa it sells aa fast aa* he ova iiet it. and all those who ue it spesk fat the hiuhest pras* of it. He says he ha s,nt it toAdv.^atesubiicriber. i'n Flon.ia. Kentucky, North Albany, and ,>tlir I l.k'i'S I Th* w no paid notice, we publish it uuply as a tribute to a deserving ren* edy. and if it is) doing guod we arc gli " that it ia in the reach uf our tick and faring people. W. RICHARDSON, Flesherton. HEALTH FOR ALL. HoHoway's Pill^ aa-J Oiniment Tut; , seim.1 !'. ; I ><a*. For v'lit - OliSTMKAT i ntafallibl r ir-ls. Sor.. *u . I It !: BO ForSOKK . BSU.\ CH1TIS. COl'VHS, COLD$ I)laadiilr3irmaes.ec4*ltkl Olv^M it )wa a rvni, **d t->r eotrtraxMd u<S stiff J rfnVi l MS* Mtaa sHarm. rwly *S fiior HouboWATH 1 7 *. V w Oxford Street < iic &3X O\frJ ssMlarooidi* t& Hd.,Cs. !.... iu<i Jfe * Bcior Put. sad may b had s WmM. tiU /Ws asW MS, Os^tl Ssrtrt. Locxiwo. b had saU MB! I; * asWrsss at Ih Flishiili! FIlllTIi! ai IlllflCTniK t). \ Manufacturers of and dealers in Furniture of all k. Sash, Doors, Mouldings, Flooring, SiJiu^, Sv-voii Work, etc. In our store we have full lines of Furniture anJ Un tert lk- ing goods, which we are selling at our usu.i! popular prices. To this department we are giving our personal attention Would call your notice to our Carriage .. :il Wa^'n Shops under the e f;cient charge ot Mr. D. Hlair, which is a sufficient guar .ctee that all work entrusted to us in this line is being done. Factory oppoaite I*renl>yterli\n Show Rooms and Office, Strains Block, near Town H:ill. J. E. fflCOBE.