THE WEEK'S NEWS Mn. McLean, ihirty-fiv* years of sge, and v. if* of Mr. Kenneth McLean of Wood- lock. Ont., Committed, *uicid* on Thursday nit lit. Chiof Juiticv Johnston, of the Montreal Superior Court, 11 seriously ill from &n at- tack of inflammation of tn lung*. Thirteen thomnd people have to b* pro- Tided for in Montreal in connection with th* great Christian Kndeavor Convention in July. It ii again reported in Ottawa Official circle* that the Mounted Police aud Indian Department* will be amalgamated, with I Mr. Krexi ^ hite, the present Controller of Mounted Police, ai Deputy Minister. Th* St. Andrew 1 * Society of Ottawa ha* appointed a committee to Uk* step* to- ward* forming a kilted company in connec- tion with the 43rd Kuuliou Carletoo Rifle*. A young woman named Mary Baptiit wa* found deail the other morning in Toronto nnder mipiciou* circunuUnce*. The author- iti** are reticent, but the fact* of the caie so far a* known will be ventilated at a coroner'* inquest to be held. There ha* been anotlier death in the mall pox hospital at Winnipeg, Man., the victim of the diseas* being a woman named Kva Adam*. Mr. William Sullivan, a reeident of Hamilton, and agent for an Kngliih carpet warehou**, wa* suddenly and cumptetely deprived of hi* eyesight Tuesday. Some year* ago he lost the light ef on* eye while offering from an attack of typhoid fever, and the other eye wa* injuriously affected. While returning from a vicit to an ociilut be imldenly becam* completely blind. Courtlind Freeman Bridgmau deliberate ly (hot hi* wif* three tune* while they were in a hallway on Beaver 11*11 hill, Montreal, Tuesday. He then gave hiin*elf up to tli* jiohce. Th* first bjllct (truck the woman in the (boulder, the *cond in the forehead, and the third in th* hand. * The husband aid wife had been separate.! for *ome time, and the wuman had declined I'.n.lgnian's request to return to him. Mr*. Bridgman'( wound( a.-* of a serious character. Mr. David M 'Lean wa* loading glas( into a waggon at Hamilton Monday morning, when th* home became frightened and ran away. Mr. McLean jumped from the waggon and rushed into the nearest surgery. Blood wa* pouring from a cut in his leg, and before it could be staunched the unfortunate man was 10 weakened that death re(ulted in a (hort time. Th* man- ner of th accident U unknown. Mr. J. U. Turner, Minuter of Agricul- ture in the Uritish Columbia Government, vrho is at present in Ottawa, lay* that the Kediitrihulion bill w u not pissed last euion a*, liad it been base 1 upon th* CCMU* returns, which were notoriously in- correct, it would have been unfair and un satisfactory. Mr. Frank McLiod, employed in steel's stave mill at McCiregor, Out., met with a crrnlile den.h llie other morning. While endeavoring to shift a blt from a slave cutting machine hi* left arm was drawn in between the pally aud th* belt, and he wa* dragged under the (haft. The arm and shoulder were pulled from hit budy and hi* face wu horribly crushed. He lived for an hour after th* accident. The Managing Committee of the Mont- real General hospital has tefused to grant the petition of a majority of the Governor* requesting the Committe* of Management to i*su* to two women students uf Itishops' College permi'Moti to walk (he ho*pital, baling their objection on the ground that there eiiit* no facility for the separate edu- ration of women in the hospital, and that the co-education of the *e<e* ha* already been disapproved by the (ioveruor*. BRITISH. Th* ctrike of th* dock labourer* at Hns- tol, Knglaud, ha* ended and the men h ivc returned tu work unconditionally. The truslt'ss ol Shakeipeare'i birthplace report that (lx thousand Americans visited Stratford on-Avon last year. Mr. Gladstone ha* offered the position tit poet laureate, made vacant by the death of Lord Tennyson, to Mr. John Rusk in, the art critic. Th* first shipment of Canadian oattle (or the soaaon arrived in Liverpool yesterday morning. Th* commissioners appointed by the Hi null Board of Agriculture are keep- ing the an'mal apart from all others for inspection. Mr. Michael Davitt, anti-1'arnellite mem- ber of North- Kul Cork, who wa* recently declared a bankrupt, being unable to pay the next* connected with tin election con- test in North Meath, hit* applied for the Chlllrrn Hundred*. William Townsend, th* man to have had intention* of murdering Mr. Gladstone, wi*s again tafore a Ixindon police magistrate and wa* remanded, a* th* mdi cal officer wa( not prepared to pronounce upon the question of his sanity. Late on Saturday night a dynamite boiuli wa* exploded in tin- quadrangle of the Four Courts, Dublin. The wall* of the oourt buildings were not injured, and no person wa* hurt. It is not lliv*d, says a*pcial d**paU>h, that the purpose of th* peraon* throwing the bomb wu to lacrifioe human life, a* at night the vicinity of th* court* is deserted. I'MTKIt KTATm. Large number* of sailor* hav* deserted from th* Urn mh warshmi in N*w York harbour, likely attract*)'! by the higher pay In the United Staler navy. Tin eih ' i, CM, |Q Machinery hall at U ..- World'( Fa.r . .1 i|.U :, that they art being overcharged for power, kid *ome of tlinin i hie iteii to withdraw their exhibit*. Mis* Francos Willard, the tmperunce advocate, hai entirely collapsed as a result of her years of hard work. She ha( been ordered to Swii/erland for th* entire stun ner. The paid admissions to th* Chioatfo Kair on Saturday did not total fifteen thousand. The Hoard of l.dy Manager* hav* put thrmtfllv** on record a* favouring the open ing of the fair on Sundays. About five hundred business, place* In Milwaukee WITH uloeed uu Wednesday in observance of lUvivalut Mill'* mill week Hahhatli. Over five thousand conventions ar reporte '. The I'l.-nduiil of the World's Fair ha* decided that any body of men, no matter how large, will be permitted to march in- side the Kair grounds, provided they have paid their entrance fee. Willoughhy ai u Florence Thompson, brother and sister, 21 and 19 years of age respectively, wer* rowing upon th* river at Detroit on .Sun, lay afternoon when their boat wa* upset by th* swell from a passing (team barge, and both were drowned. It is stated that Mr. E. A. Macdonald, of Toronto, ha* formed a syndicate iu New York, to biild an aqueduct and canal from Georgian bay to Toronto. The plan call* for the expenditure of fifty million dollars. Carlyle W. Harris, a medical student, of New York, in February, 1891, poisoned his wife, t!>en a girl of 19, wiiom be had secret- ly married, by giving her a caniule contain- ing an overdose of morphine, which be told her wa* quinine for the cold from whicli she wa* suffering. He was brought to trial, found guilty, and was electrocuted at Sing Ming en Monday. i; us ERA;- There has been a eerious uprising in Nicaragua, and three important cities nave beeu captured by the insurgents. Russian cottou (pmners boast that they will *oon be in a position to dispense with American cotton altogether, drawing their supplies from th* trans Caspian region. The report receive* 1 in Madrid that the chief Cuban rebels had surrendered is not credited at Key West. The cholera, which appeared some time ago in the workhouse in Quimper, Depart- ment of Finisterre, France, hat now spread through the town. It i* stated in Paris that the Siamese have resumed the offensive against France and itii charged that Kn^'and is support- ing th* action of the Government of Siam. Thu French Chamber of Deputies ha* re- jected the proposition to tax foreigners res- ident in France, but ha* adopted a resolution requiring foreigner* living in th* country lo register. The St. Petersburg Church Messenger says that out of the on* thousand pilgrim* journeying to Nazareth the majority perish ed t'roir exposure during th* terrible wealh er encountered* on the way. The destruction by fire is reported of the Rritiih svea T er Khivaoff th* Arabian .'oast,* with a heavy loss of life of Mohammedan pilgrims. Benjamin Guerra, secretary of th* old American League of I 'ubau Patriot* in New York, *ay( that th* Revolutionary party , will be supplied with abundance of money from America ; but that car* will be observ- ed not to violate international law. From authentic, information, it would ap- I pear that the Pop* is preparing an ency- clical to the Kuropean power* Mtting forth the inevitable crisis to which the crashing military charge* condemn them. A Key Wed special says preparations are being mad* for what looks liKe an arm- ed expedition from that place to aid the Culwn insurrectionists. A special despatch rtat.-s that it is alleg- ed that lhaopolu* authoritit* of Rome have | been subsidized by the proprietor* of the > gambling house* to leave them unmolested. ' A school teacher of Pilsen, Austria, died of starvation. Upon hi* falling ill he had j been suspended, and as h> salary had | amounted to only f l.'tl) a year he bad been nnaSle to save anything to pay either tor i food or medical attendance. It is rumoured that Grand l)uke George, second son of the C/jr, has fallen in love with a telegraph clerk in th* Caucasus, where he is staying for b health, *nd as ! he is not expected to live and is determined ! on mairying her, his parents will not op- pose ths match. The German Army Bill was rejected on Saturday in the Reichstag by a vote of Jl to H'r.'. The Kmpsror immediately dissolv- ed I'.irii im-nt, and the new elections are ordered for. I IMP 15th. There i* groat ex- citement in Fterlin over the result. Sir Kr incis Jeuno, president of the lish Couri of I'roliate. has declined lo in- terfere in the CM* of the Itawager Duchess ot .Sutherland, whom he committed to Hal- lowsy gaol, holding that .he matter *h*uld be referred to the Home -e. retan for action. A New York Tunes special i* authority for the statement that there will be a great uprising of the Cubans against Spanish rule in the hrst wek of June, and that there are half a mfflion of Cubans in the I'mi.d St ites who have enlisted in the movement to free their native country. A ST. JOHN'S MIBACLB. Humlrrtl anil Twenty-Five Hollars si>. -ii iii Vnln Effort* t<> RpKitln Health- An liiinr- r.ilKliil KxUleare *(! in.!, r . ill llr|iir, ll,, U.,.,11 ,1, anil Itii.-lurs Inllrtl I., < ,irr him II. , III, Hr,irr j IK a R iii>-il Aluseal I ..t. . d I "i ' A Hi*ry Wertk) of arrfsil fernsal. The Newn, Si. .Itihn ', (Jue. It i* now some fourteen month* line* The New* ooininanoad piihliitnug reports of the wonderful results produced hy Dr. William*' I'nik l'ill, anil ever) one mast admit that many ol the oures effected seemed little hort of the miiauuleu*. The name* of the remedies which claim to cur* all th* ill* fleih is heir to are to-day legion, and what- ever th* merit* and demerit* of thesw prep aration* may be, there is no uuestion as to the great reputation achieved by Dr. Will mini Pink I'llls for Pale People. Some people no doubt laugh at these stories and believe them to be advertising ilodgi to catch th* unwary and rope in some vf their hekel*. We have now printed ai.d pub- llihcd Th* Now* for nearly half a century: it <<njoys the reputation of being*, high- toued weekly witb a largj circulation, and we naturall) do bus ness with the advertis- ing man f the day, and from the reputa- tion ef the Dr. William*' Medme Company, we havo never had any ro isoti to doubt th* p'trt^ct a>M-uraoy of the cure* rel.ttiul; but It i* only low that w* are placed in a position to testify personally a* to the wonderful curative powers of Pink Pills. The story we arr about to relate though no lea* r- markaMs than other* regarding th* stme medicine naturally impresses ltslf more up. >n oar nun. I and upon the mind* of other* in the ooininuity beause the parly chiefly concerned i* known to us, nd we are enabled to bear personal testimony as to the correctness of hi* declaration*. The gentleman who wa* a ihoit tim* ago so greatly afflicted is now almost as well as he ever wa* and cheerfully related his story to the representative of The News, in the hope that those who read it might be bene- fited thereby. Mr. Camille Dubuune i* a man of fifty- three year* of age and ha* been a mechani- cal engineer for twenty-five years, working on the steamer Reindeer which run* on Lak* Champlain, and occasionally en the River Richelieu. " Feur year* ago," (aid Mr. Dubuque, "while our steamer had an nxcursiou party on board for an evening run, I was rather tired after a long day's work, and went up on the upper deck to enjoy a smoke before retiring. At that lime I ftlt myself to be in perfect health but, when I went to my room I was taken \vith chill* mad wae uuabl* to keep myself warm. Although that night I had hut little leep I felt comparatively well the next day. About a fortnight after I was taken with frightful pain* in my back near my rpine, and in my side. I went to the hospital in Burlington, Vt, and was treated there for three weeks and then feeling but little better I came to my home in Iber/ille county, five aud a halt miles from St. John'*. I wa* then doctored by a medical man from Ibsrville. His treatment seemed to relieve me very little and I determined to visit Montreal i and *ee another physician. This I did in : March, (tbree year* ago) and put myself in an eminent physician's care who trested me from March until July, and certainly did all he could lor me. I did not stay in Montreal all the lime bat went bac'tward* and forward* to see him. In July I got tired of this and wa* beginning to feel down-hearted. I then called in a medi- cal man from Hanryville, a village a few mile* from where I live, and he prescrib- ed for me over and over again, but by thin time I was almost powerless to help myself aud no one knows what frightful agony I suffered. For seven long months I sat in a chair with my feet on a lounge. I was unable to lie down day *r uight and often thought that death would be a happy relief. Last spring my wife read an account of a Saratoga miracle in The New* and de- termined to get a box of Pink Pills for me. I remonstrated with her, telling her that it wa> useless (pending more money, but she persisted ana wrotu to Wight & Co., drug gists, of St. John's, and had a box lent by mail. 1 took them to p!eae her, never thinking they would do me any good, bat much to my surprise, after taking 'he BOX I felt slightly better. We then bought an- other box and by the lime that was gone I felt that they were certainly helping me. I could now he down, scmelhing I had been unable to do for seven long months previous ly. So I kept on taking the Pink Pill* and am now on my tenth box, and to-day lam practically a new mssn. Last winter I had an attack of la grippe. I took Pink Pills and they cared me. We figured up to *ee the amount of money I had expended in trying to be cured before re* Ttuig to Dr. William*' Pink Till* and the figure* reached tX2u. 1 willingly tell you my story an I my wife corroborates every word I say, in the hope that any one who i* as I have been attain relief by employ ing tb* same remedy. Put it in The New*, *orae of my fellow workmen mill see it and it may benefit them as it has done me." When Th* New* representative drove up to Mr. Duliuque's pretty little farm house he beheld that gentleman chopping wood, aud looking a strong robust man. A year ago his neighbor* thought him a doomed man to-ihty they consider hi* cur*) a* little abort of miraculous. Messrs. Wight A Co., old ami reliable dru^gmts of this town, assure u* th it Dr. William*' Pink Pills hav* an enormous tale which i* additional proof that lliey really are what the manufacturers cltini for them. Dr. Williams' Puik Pill* are a perfect blood builder and nerve restorer, curing uch disease* a* rheumatism, neuralgia, partial p*>raly(is, locotnetor ataxia, St. Vitus' I >n., nervou* prostration and the tired feeliug therefrom, the after effect* of la grippe, diseases depending on humor* in the blood, inch a* acrotula, chronic rrvsipsla*. etc. Pink Pills give a healthy glow to p tie and * t Uu w comple HOIK and are A specific for the troubles peculiar to the female system, and in the case of men they effect a radical cure in all caso* arising from mental worry, overwore, or excesses of any nature. These Pill* are manufactured by the Dr. William*' Medicine Company, of rtrock- vide, Out., and Schenectady, N.Y., and are old only in boxes bearing the firm s trade mark (printed iu red ink) and wrapper, at M cents a box, or six boxe* for i'-i "><i. Bear in ii. ii.. I that Dr. William*' Pink Pills are Dover sold in bulk, or by the doien or hun dred, and any dealer who offers substitute* in this form is trying to defraud you and should lie avoided The public are aJsn cautioned against all other o-c.tlled Uii bmldrrs and nerve tunics, no matter what name may be given them. They are all imitations whose maker* hope to reap a pecuniary advantage from the wonderful repi.lation achieved hy Dr. Williams' 1'ink Pills. Ask your dealer for Dr. William* Pink Pill* for Pale People and refuse all imitation* and *ub*titute*. Dr. Williams' Pink Pill* may S* had of of all driiggiat* or direct by mail from Dr William*' Medicine Company from either address. Th* price at which thes* pills are sold makei a course of treatment compare lively inexpensive a* ooiiptrod with other remedial or medical treatment. F.vh salmon, it is estimated, produces about LV.OOO.UOO egg*. According to th* Montreal Witne* there i* a brisk qnarrol in th* United State* over the queition who originated th* World'* Fair a* a oelehration of the discovery of America. It did not originate at all n the United States, but in Can via. Montreal, whose -.WO th birthday also comes upon this year, was the tint to propose it, aud thou New York greedily matched at the id**. Montreal dill not struggle v*ry hard for her own, for *rte wa* coniciouj of come misgiv- ing us to whether *h* was big enough and rich enough to carry it through. However, when Chicago, in turn, grabbed the Fair from tinker th* very noss of New York, Montreal felt avenged against the the thief, and when Chicago aiked for Montreal's recommendation of it to Congress a* the proper (its for the World's Fair, (he had \li.nireal'* (unport Thi is the history of til* origin of the Kair and now Chicago came to get it -all through MonUee.1. If the origin wer a* flimsy a* th* story then it would hav* been belter hadswWVair had o origin at M. A CITT F aLU'K lair staU*Mss sad Grensul* To Ike Visitor !< Are m t>rlia*>l B>r*a*lam4 - TTs* IsnsaeB'S Ce*l of "Jif G*>*>rprte-*>alsrl*'s Fan ! the In lernalleaa' li.plr " How *ball 1 describe what 1s indescrib- able?" said Julian Hawthorne in one of hii articles on the World's Fair, and the thought U echoed iiy your correspondent. Page* of print would not begin to do jus tie* to the Great White City, nor suffice for even a bare catalogue of the attractions. It is, in truth, a dreamplac* ; marvellous a* having become a City of Palace* in two short yean, and equally marvellous when w* realize that in two yean nearly all the beautiful structures will have disappeared, leaving nothing but a memory behind. A mere enumeration of the buildings conveys no idea of the city ; nor doe* a statistical array of figures give a conception of iu vasiness. What ordinary mind can realize anything more than an impression of bigness, from tbs fact that there are 033 acres aad -JOO buildings included within the walls, including tbs Midway Plaisaunce ; that it has a take frontage of a mile and a haJf ; tkat an expenditure of lUI.OQO.UOO on the part of the World's Fair Company, foreign ('Overnments and Concessionaire* is repre- sented, and of at least S2H.000,OOU on Uis part of exhibitors. That th* exhibition* of 1'aris, Philadelphia and Vienna could be placed in Jackson I'aik and still leave a good deal of space ; and that such A frrr PEN Dors AIMIRBI.ATIOM f the wealth and progress of the naucns has never been gat here I together before and probably never will be again in the lifetime of th* y*unge*t child now living these are true statement*, but after all is said, one must see the lair for himself. Therefore it i* that I shall be compelled is these letters to confins soy attention to my own country and especially to my own Province. Cssuida ha* been favored by the Directorate in having a choice place in very building, aud Ontario'* Commiisioner, N. Awrey, VI. P. P.. has secured for hi* province th* most prominent corner in each court, so that the Premier Province has in every instance the importance which is its due. MI.HMLaLS. Let a* take a look first at th* Mineral Department. The importance of Ontario'* mineral resource* ha* long been acknow- ledged, but th* vaatns** of our mineral wealth is only beginning to be realized, aud the extensive display mads by ths Bureau of Mines, and installsd now under tie (uperinVendence'of Mr. David Boyle of Toronto, will be the means of in- troducing it most thoroughly to th* world at large. Canadian nickel, being at the present time a trump card, so to speak, Mr. Boyle has allotted it the place of honor, and a grand trophy of the mineral in all its stage* occupies the cenaie of the Court. are huge boul der* of nickel ore, lump* of nickel, and a square block of the clear product weighing tome 4,<Mi pounds ; with iigota of niekel and copper-nickel alloy ; gold- bearing quality, silver in th* ruugh, and very mineral substance of value, with lithographic *tone, marble and granite and other building material, many specimens most exquisitely polished, and everything labelled so that the most casual observer can pjok up i good deal of information unasasst- ed. The facade, fronting on the main aials of the mining build. ng and just north of the big coal pyramid, is atones artistic and forceful, th* arch beng Banked with ten highly polished granite column*, and the comers by huge marble pillars. On the north wall is a geological map, li'xls feet, on which the location of th* principal minerals n plainly marked, there being also a compendium of Ontario'* mining law*, and statistic*! information, as to population, *tc. Thes* and bsside* everal smaller maps aud photographs, the entire exhibit being mo*t unique, are al- rsady one of the chief attraction* of th* building. KKt IT A>D IUIWBH. It i* no (mall boast tkat Ontario i* th* apple orchard of the world, but DO other conclusion can be com* to, from an inspec- tion of th* thousand* of plate* of fruit that crowd th* tables of th* Ontario court in the western aunex of th* horticultural hull. ling. These were collection* of Mr. A. h. Settel, of (irimcby, Superintendent of the pomological section, from all sections of th* Province, and th* dis- play may be fairly considered a repre- sentative on*, leading fruit growers everywhere having lent their co-operation. The fruit was kept in cool storage here ilinmi; '.he winter, and though it was shamefully n*glect*d by the Storage Com- pany, onough wa* rescued to impress visitor* most favorably, (od to compel the most flattering compliment* from visitor*. Beddes the natural fruit, there are some 1500 glas* jars, containing everything in the line of fruit, from the smallest to th* greatest. Them hav* hse-i preserved in acid solutions which retain the natural appearance, and sre most attistically ar- ranged in pyramids and on shelve*. It is intended during the season to hav* conaign- menu of fresh fruit forwarded to Chicago as it is rvtdy so that th* exhibit will al- ways be fresh and novel. In tbe big greenhouse is Ontario's floral Rxhihit, which I hav* th* authority of one of the leading Chicago paper* lor saving, is th* most compWt* m rare tropical plant* of any in the building, and that I* saying not a little. The utility of growing palms and ferns and muh things may b* dupuied by cavillers of th* utilitarian stamp, but th.r* are rich people whose hobby it is to indulge in suoh a paitim*. and th* beauty and luxuriance of these specimen* will have its influence in .Impelling to some extent the ides, that ha* too long prevailed that Canada i* for the mot of the year a land of ice and snow. The display ol plants was mad* up by Messrs. Houston and Kwmg of Toronto. The vegetables, of which there i* a large quantity, are not yet fully arrayed, owing to vexation* delays of various kinds, but it is expected will he ready for inspection next week. They are in th* main horti- cultural building jnit north of th* fruit annex. OUKA1A About a mil* to the south of the horti- cultural building-- distances are long in _iri- i. th* agricultural build- outhoast corner of which i* l court, Ontario occupying t. Til* design of the Oman* Mi is parUunlarly attractive, the var- iou* grains and grasses being used in th* straw, in ornamenting '.he central trophy, and ths railing, together with -orn of soni* 13 varieties. It i* nol pretevded for a moment that Outario can compete with Iowa, Kansas, Illinois, or ether Western states a* a corn growing region, er can at- tempt to via with them in this extent of their exhibit iu this particular line, bnt in very other cereal, a* can be judged from tbe numerous sample* of seed grain in gkus bottles, we easily hold our own. The name of the Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph, appears frequently on the) trophy, and rightly so, for no institution in America, can attract more general attention a* a training school for scientific farmer*. The big cheese is just opposite the cereal court, and has been mounted on it* big truck, but this with th* dairy cans, and many other f**>- tnres of interrit mn*t wait for another Utter. Just a word to intending visitors. The World's Fair is not completed yet ; prob- ably not more than half the exhibit* ar* fully installed, and no cne who can poasibry av.jwi it should com* here before the middle i of June, at least, as only dinapr. ointment ' osa result. C.W. WEtfwM *r 4. l* *rTtt**e IMS* in tks >* ofwsar fore lal hers. Th* Greek pike was 24 feet long. Th* medieval lance was 18 feet. The (tandard Roman sword was 22 inches. Th* helmet of Richard I. weighed 25 pound*. The rabbi* say Cain killed Abel with a clnb. David (lew < tohath with a iling stone B. C. 1063. Tbe crosa-bow came into us* in the twelfth csntury. Tbe pulley-drawn crossbow had a range of 40 rods. Projecting engine* wer* first invented by th* Greek*. Mix. -si chain and plat* armor wa* used from 1300 I* 1410. Gustevus Adolphu* abolished all armor but a light cuirass. Th* French infantry were armed with th* pike until 1640. Damascus blades were famous all over th*> world B.C. 500. Shield* w*r* not used in England after th* reign of Henry VII. Greek swords wer* short out-and-thrust leaf -ahaped blades. The crossbows of th* fourteenth century weighed fifteen Bounds. IBSSB* Pe**>le Cannot Try. On* of the most ouriou* fact* connects*} with madness is th* utter absence of tears amid th* msans. Whatever tbe form of madness, tear* are coiupicuou* by their absence, a* much in the depression of melancholy or excitement of mania as in the utter apathy of dementia. If a patient in a lanatic ay Inm b* discovered in tears it will be found tha*. it is on* beginning to recover, or an emotional outbreak in an epileptic woo is scarcely truly insane : while actuai '.usaiie persons appear to hav* lost th* powsruf weeping, it is only returning reason which cu one* more unloose the fountain of their te*n. Kven wben a luna- tic is telling on* in fervid language how she has beeu deprived of her children, or the outrago* that hav* been perpetrated on herself, her eye is never even moist. Tbej ready gush of tears which accompanie* the plaint of th* *an* woman contrast* strangely with the dry-eyed appeal of th* talkative lunatic. It would indeed seem that tears giv* relief to feeling* which, when pent up, lead to madnrs* It i* on* of th* priv- ilege* of reason to be able to weep. Amid all the misery of th* inaan* they find no relief in tear*. Several people in Eastman, Ga., who are ambitious to achieve fame a* noted liars, , hav* combined as the " Society of the Amalgamated Prevaricators." Ths chief liar wear* th* belt until son* other mem- ber outdoes him with a more absurd false- hood. ol i oinwallix. Nova Scotis. $200 Worth Of Other Medicines Failed 4 KotUc* /Heod'sS*>r*wf>r<llsi "It is with uteMur* that I tell ef th* great benefit 1 rtenvi-4 from Hood's SariitparUla, For year* 1 have keen badly afflicted witt Erysipelas breaking out with rtmnuig wire* daring bet summer months 1 Iwtv* nomeUmeN not pestn to He in> innrn [or two months st a time. Being induced to try Moot.'* Kirs)a>|MiNb I got one l.otile last tprtnt. ixisnnMAeed using It , teK so much better. K"t two SotU<M mote, took them iiunHc the summer, was able tu do nsf aontew.rV and Walk Two Mile. which 1 liad oot ikm* for six years. Think f an or.: ..f er>M|>elaa .nxl lecvmnicnd an* person MI afnVted to Hood's Sarsaparilla Four bottle.s has done uhire for tue than $X^fl wwrlli i.f ,.thcr nio.h. me. t think ,| ibe hes] hi*. I pttnner known" MRS. It U, Church street, foniwallis. N. S. MOOO 8 PILLS <r "v*r IUs. t*..tqw> ISM. Muoasswss, javaatc*. Uek ssssjasih*. Mtk