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Flesherton Advance, 11 May 1893, p. 7

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THE WEEK'S NEWS CANADIAN. Tb (Jovernor-General, it a said, will not go to Knglsnd until August. Another case ol smallpox has appeared in the quarantine etitior. at Winnipeg, Man., and quarantine will consequently be con- tinued for J) dayi longer. Mr. G.R.R. Cockbnrn, M.P. for Centra Toronto, ha* been appointed at one of the honorary commissioners from Cauaiia to the World's Fair. Hon. John Curling is prevented from attending bsUtk iwing to ill- Rev. D.J. MacDonnell, of Torontor '>as been elected president of the Theological Alumni Association of Queen's Univenity, Kingston, Ont. Major-lien. Alexander Montgomery Moore has been gazetted as commander of I the force in Cacada, to succeed Sir John ' Roe*. Mr. Corbett. the well known assistant- secretary of the Montreal Y. M.C.A,, has been chosen by th* International Committee on Foreign Work to icpresentit in Honolulu ' ""' irissing. He will Tears for his new field of labour at the end of the present month. The new steel side-wheel steamer (hip- pawa, built by the Hamilton Bridge to. fat the Toronto and Niagara Navigation Co., was launched at Hamilton, Tuesday after- noon, without hitch or accident, in the pres- ence of a large number oi spectators. The Christian endeavour Convention which will be held in Montreal from July The accounts of ex-Treasurer Royce o the Veterans' Home Association at San Francisco, are $19,000 short. Royce will probably be arrested. Early Tuesday morning an army of wirk- men rearmed their labours in all the depart- ments of the World's Fair. The Exposi- tion still is very far from completion. In Lynn, Mass., on Monday, a pair oi kid button shoes were made complete and packed in a earton in fifteen minutes %nd forty five seconds. As a result of recent heavy rains the riven in Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, and Arkansas are rapidly rising. In many places large tracts of country are under water, ana the outlook for the crops is very black. Jim Buck and Sam Massey, negroes, were hanged at Ronham, Texas, yesterday in the presence of 10,000 people, the former for assaulting a white woman and the latter for murder. The recent cyclone in Cisco, Texas, was most destructive. There are not more .han thirty houses left standing. Already twenty- one bodies have been taken out of the ruins, and there an still some ten or twelve per- The mammoth Canadian cheese at the World's Fair, which weighs 1 1 tons, fell through tl.e floor of the Agricultural build- ing yesterday and sank deep into the ground beneath. It is not injured, and will at once be raised to position by machinery. HHsasssi The province of Santiago, in Cuba has been declared in a state ef siege. The Na/ajo Indians in Nw Mexico have 5th to 9th will, it is confidently predicted, I Ma '' '"' ' *w Mexico have be the greatest gathering ever witnessed in ( UUI * a i al ht T hlt *". wi further the Dominion. It is exited that twenty I tro , uble u ff"** 1 W M 'T,**' " ' P*" 10 ' five thousand delegates will attend the con- " J tro I* h * ve b * D cml "*' 1 for vention. Dr. McEachran, who is largely interest I El Correo, a Madrid newspaper organ of ' the Government, states that armed bands ed tn' North- West'ranchmg. sai/ in an in^ I '" ve PP~ r d ' tn """"<>' .' Cuba and terview in Montreal that tne new terms sought to be imposed by the Oovernment, admitting settler) amongst the ranchers, would kill the ranching business. (iunner Marsh, a member " A " Battery who was stationed at Fort Henry, Kingston, Ont., was so seriously injured by the pre- mature discharge of the) thirty-two pounder have thrown the inhabitants into a panic. The newspapen of Odessa report tbat a general oxodus ot German colonists front Russia to America has begun. The German Social Democrats expect to poll one million more votes at the next general election than they polled in 1S90. The abnormal weather in Russia contin- be had just loaded, that he died shortly j nes, and the winter wheat crop in the south- alter, era provinces has been almost destroyed by Mr. Edward Holmes, an English news- ' the cold. paper man, has itsrted ont for a tramp to i t nM b ^ ta practically decided that quar- \ancouTer B C. He intends walking ^^ , iu ordinary firm shall be aban- ." nty miles a day, following the Canadian . doatd as a means ofoontrolling cholera in Pac fie railway track, nnd sfeeping at the ' Kur0 p, thil iumlnert ^n ln . English station houses at night. On his return to ' ,, ltem o( .option .! rejistration with tag land he intends to write a book. I ^.t detentaen will b, The first s leaner in a steamship service to be established by the Canadian Pacific Rail- way Company between Canada and Anstra- lia will leave Sydney, New South Wales, on May Is.h, calling at Brisbane, Queensland, eat detention, will be substituted. The drought h*s rendered all the rural districts throughout Germany unusually liable to tire, ana many reports of disastrous village fires are received daily. Russia is seeking to have the frontier of North Persia rectified in such a manner as Honolulu, and Victoria, Vancouver Island, and reaching the city of Vancouver on June 9th. It will start oi th. nturn voyage on I -" bnn her Z"?*?*?* Enfl " h June 14th. ! flu no u opposed to the chance. riots to be Then have been serious May day at Marseilles, and the troops bad t . - 0>t \ to """' tlw P hc m "" enw <"- The German Emperor and Kmpress re- ceivsd a cordial welcome on their arrival The other morning the Canadian Pacific railway sent out from Montreal a special with about six hundred English aettlsn for the North- West, and about an equal num- ber, mostly Swedes, left in the afternoon for the Canadian Territories. A despatch from Hamiltoa. Ont., states ' ?' Lucerne, n their way back to Berlin that the twelve-year old daughter of Mr. '"" ""endm* king Humbert silver wed- Henry Kelly, ot Ancaster, has confessed *' that she placed the Pans green in her', ^ - - , * ' . '*""* P r P rl * t . or o( the Tourists MSJSJSJB . rurhty yean of ag, committed micids by throwing himself from a fourlli story window. He was prompt*! to '.he act of self destruction by a fear that .. . was losing his eyesight. At a banquet given in Lucerne the Presi- green in father's dinner can. Mr. Kelly has suffered a change for the worse, scd the doctor* fear that he cannot recover. sarrtsH. The Queen derived much benefit from her recent sojourn in Florence, and she is now ! dent of ths'SwJs Republic, m the course '* aM "h. of his speech welcoming Emperor William. The wife of Cam. Roberts and the wife sail he was confident that European peace of Chief Officer Wright, of the lost steamer would continue while the German Emperor Naronic, have both become insane through remained its powerful guardian and de- despair caused by ths loesof their husbands, fendsr. and have been planed in a lunatic asylum. J Tne n is an epidemic of grippe in Paris- A Urge number of residents of Ulster, | Not only the Retiring Sea tribunal, but ths belonging to the Presbyterian and Unitarian ; courts, poat-orhces, and public and private denominations have sent s resolution to . places of business have their work seriously Mr Gladstone declaring in favour of Irish interfered with by th ravages of the dis Home Rule. j ease. Th* death rale continues more than The physicians who have examined the i n ' l y P* r c * nt - b " ve the average, mental condition of Townsend. tat man i Dr. Flahaat.of i'ai is. strongly recommends suspected of having designs on Mr. Glad- \ the use of petroleum in diphtheria. A store's life, certify tha- he U a lunatic, and special cable despatch gives the result of a he will probably be sent to si asylum. j strising experiment. Out of seventy diph- Dr. Nansen is at present in London mat- theria patients, forty, whose throats were ing final arrangements for his north polar P*>ntd with raw petroleum, recovered, expedition. He hoses to make ths start { whiit) of th * otn * r thirty treated by the from Norway about ths middle if the I "dinary method only twenty survived, month. The latest official reports show that Sir Charles Tuppsr'a open hostility to the ' cholera is generally decreasing in Russia idea of Canada contributing money to tiie Owln 8 to tne co weather. A special Imperial defence fund has provoked dis- : cablegram from Odessa says that the Prov- F.s:on in the ranks of th Imperial Federa- , > ati * "' P"JoI' "till remains a dangerous TBKPJWHr or "TIM.IV Ulerlr Mkeiek of a rasae ransHv. His Excellency the Right Honorable Sir Frederick Arthur Stanley, G. C. B. , Baron Stanley of Preston, second son of the four- teenth Krl of Derby, has, by the death of his brother, the fifteenth Earl of Derby, succeeded to one of the proudest titles in the world, which ranks third in point of precedence and rank in the peerage of Eng- land. Thomas Stanley, fin'. Earl of Derby, was himself of a ilistisguished am* ancient line. His successors for three generations had held eminent offices in tha state and court under the three monarchs of ths House of Lancaster, the last of whcm, Henry VI., his father served as Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, and as Lord Chamberlain of the Koyal household. The founder of the house of Derby was born May 'J4, in the first year ot Edward IV'., 14<>I, and was summoned to parliament by the title of Baron .Stanley. His marriage with the daughter of Rn-har 1 Neville, Earl of Salisbury, whose brother, the celebrated Warwick, had placed Edward IV. on the throne, introduced him to the favor of that prince. Warwick afterwards import uned Lord Stanley to join him in arms against Kdward, and received a rirm denial. Stanley was afterwards entrusted with the command of the right wing of the King's army on the invasion of Scotland by the Duke of Gloucester, where he carried Ber- wick by assault and performed services which gave proof of military talents. Richard now became Protector and Lord Stanley continued to rise in royal favor. Hs was allowed to marry Margaret of Lan- caster, mother of King Henry VII., who had become for the second time a widow, her first husband was the Earl of Richmond, the King's father. Her second was Sir Henry Stafford, son of the Great Duke of Buckingham. When the royal Margaret married Lord Stanley, to prove that she only wanted a protector, she took a vow ef continency, administered by Bishop Fisher, which document is still extant in Cam- bridge. The splendor of her rank and vast fortune raised many competitors for her hand. In the remarkable scene which ended in the doath of Lord Hastings at ths Council Table ot the Tower, Stanley was wounded and arrested. When Richard wa< placed on the throne Stanley was raised to the ex- alted dignity of High Constable of England. The Duke of Buckingham having proposed the plan, which c-ost him his head, of salut- ing the Earl of Richmond as king, Richard compelled Lord Stanley to lock up ths Countess Margaret and to deliver up Lord Strange, his son, as hostess for his father's fi- delity. Loril Stanley secret ly allied his fores- with Richmond's, but when the main arm- ies advanced together he held his forces aloof in the dreadful hesitation between his concern for the life of his son and re- gard for his hooot pledged to Richmond. At that instant Richard sent this message to him : " That he had sworn by Gods death to cut off Strange's heat) if Stanley did net join hiie. " Stanley, with Komac spirit, replied that " he had more sons, and would not promise to come to him that time, " and then rushed into the battle for Richmond. Strange was, however, not he- headed, but after the battle delivered M his father. Lord Stanley placed the crown on Rich- mond's head. This was King Henry to whose mother Stanley was married. For his great services ths King created Stanley Karl of Derby. The same Earldom of Derby has been transmitted through tha S'^nleys down in an uochequered course and through a race of nobles of pre-eminent celebrity for over a space of 401) yean, a remarkable excep- tion to the changeful career of other titles of equal antiquity and eminence. It will be thus seen that Mie ' lovernor General of 1 anada, who will shortly leave for Kngland to take possession of his ancestral halls, is of blue blood of the bluest. The motto n rtton r*r without change used by the elder line of the house of Stanley for so many centuries, seems to have been adopt- ed in a prophetic spirit. Invariably hon- orable, just, bounteous, hospitable, valiant, and munificent; above all, invariably loyal; that family, says Burke, in his " Vicissi- tudes of Great Families," may perhaps safely challenge history and tradition to show ons defective link m its long chain of succession, to point at a single stain of the purity of its public conduct, or on its uni- form exercise of the mild *od graceful du- ties of private life. of ths Garter. They have eight children living, seven boys and one girl His eldest son, who is a lieutenant in the Grenadier Guards, recently married a daughter of the Duke of Manchester, and had the honor of having royalty grace the wedding. At ths last election he wss elected a member of the House of Com moos, JEW YORK MITK III.ICU. A Yoojur Lady'i Grate'ul Acknowledjfl- ment of a Timely Rescue- la* Lillian *e*rk Kr.i..rr.l i. kfeallkastel Irrnslk Ulri A|<| kll.l Fallril Ber I n<llt !> 1 kat or Tkeawaasl* at SNker I adir, Wko Mar Take * Press r i..ry. Prom the HornolUvlllo. N. Y., Times. Painted Post is the name of a pretty little "illage of one thousand inhabitants, situated on the line ol the Kne Railroad, in Steuben county, two miles from Corning, X. Y. The name seems an odd one until one learns the circumstances from which it was deriv- ed. When the first settlers came here from Pennsylvania, all this beautiful valley was heavily wooded, and abounded in many kinds of game, and wos a favorite hunting ground for the Indians who then claimed exclusive right to the territory. An object which attracted the attention of the first settlers and excited their curiosity, was a painted post which stood prominently in a small clearing skirted by great spieading trees. It was stained red, as some supposed with blood, and evidently commemorated some notable event in Indian life. And so from this incident the place naturally took ita name. Ths city of Baton Rouge (which means " painted post,") La., also took its nsme from a similar circumstance. But die main purpose for which your cor- respondent came hen was to learu the par ticulan of a notable, indeed miraculous, cure of a young lady and her rescue from death by uie efficacious use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People. Your corre spondent only knew that the name of the young lady was Lillian Sparks, daughter of Mr. James W. Sparks. On enquiring at us post office for her father's residence we learned that hs lived on the road to Horn- by, five miles from Painted Post village. [ tops of the bottles off all the wine went on' "And, said a young man who overheard tha at one spurt aud we couldn't get a dron ithei hundred, and any dealer who oBers saksiu- tutes in this form is trying to defraud yen and should lie avoided. The public are also cautioned against all other so-called blood builders aaJ serve tonics, BO matter what name may be given them. They are all imitations whose makers hope to nap a pecuniary advantage from the wonderful reputation achieved by DC. Williams' Pick Pills. Ask your dealer for Dr. Williams Pink Pills for Pale People and refuse all imitations and substitutes. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills may be had o/ all druggists or direct by mail from Dr. Williams Medicine Company from eithei address. Th price at which these pills an sold makes a coarse of treatment compara- tively inexpensive as compared with otha remedies or medical treatment. KVRBIM. -.HIP. 0\ T .X k rr, MB Mill Kr.rilrrd br BeafiBrn at ( Lisard. It is not long since a large ship went ashore at Lizard and finally ground herself to pieces on the rocks says bhe London News. The closest wtch was kept by the agents and pre\-r>nti\e men, but the next spring a a perfect epidemic of musical instruments broke out in every village in the district, proving audibly enough that the ligh'-fin- gered wreckers had been at their tricks all the time. How it is done the rambler in tie west country, who can use his eyes and ears, will soon discover ; will agree, too, with the remark made the day in a Western village, that people who talked of wrecking as a tiling of the past knew very little about it. You see, sir," said a weather- beaten fisherman, "a great deal drifts out of a wreck, and although there are salvage men always on the watch them's many a cask and bale that's picked up by our boats. One man with a long pair of tongs and an- other with a water telescope can make a good thing of it between them. There was an Italian steamer, now, that went ashore at Muilion. She was fuU ef fruit and wine and all sorts of things enough for every- body. ' There were great cases of champagne lying about, and the word went round amoeg our men that it was * real ' pain with no ' sham, ' to it, for when we <hd knock the conversation with the pustmaatar, "it is his daughter who was so sick that the doctors cave her up and she was cured by Pink Pills. ' And the young man volunteered to SinBrfeJ. tt..m. Tk- guide me to Mr. Spark's home. Ths court- eons young man was Mr. Willie Covert, a resident of the place, organist in the Methodist church, and formerly oruanist But at last we got the corkscrews and thei we wen happy. Weil, I had a cask ot sherry wine ont of her," he went on, " and I got it safe in by the back way, and you each see I've a coast- guardsman living on side of me. " Bat, law bless you, sir, they be just the same as we. Oh, yes, sir ; ever/thins; is for the Young Men s Christian Association supposed to be given up, but everything of Rochester. So getting a hone we start- isn't, not by a good way. And when we ed in the norm, with the mercury ranging risk our lives to save the cargo, who has a at zero, for a five-mile drive over the MOW ! better right to a share of it than we *" He drifted roads of Hornby Hills. When we ' was near the Mosel, be said, wh-is she ran reached our destination we found a very | full (peed upon Uie reeks, sad the sound of comfortably boused family consisting ot it was like a thousand Ions of cliff falling mj_ j u ta i * ** - - - .... Mr. and Mrs. Sparks, one son and five daughters. The eldest of the daughters, Miss Lillian, twenty-two yean old, is the into the sea, and such shrieks as never were hear* Might he have stopped her ' Well, per- 1 one whose reported wonderful care by Uie < haps he might. But a mate of his who put I aek ,*t r\e> \ViiKa.v.. 1 r*._L T*.n_ *__ n_i_ * . %_ _.^i. ^.t u._ !.*_ .._ i _. _^j _ of Dr. Pink for'Pale ' out at the risk of his life, and warned a big People, your correspondent had gone out liner that she was too close in shore she there expressly to verify by actual knowl- i backed off and was saved never got so edge. This is the story told by Miss much as a word of thanks, let alone any re- Sparks to your correspondent in presence i ward, for laving her. " Another man," he of her grateful and approving father and went on, " warned a steamer from his boat, mother, and it given in her own language. and, as I am a living man, they tried to swamp him for fear The captain would be blamed for his bad sailing." There are 2,7">4 languages and dialects now spoken. At the equator the average annual rain- rail is 100 inches. " Yes, sir, it is with pleasure that I give my testimony to the great value of Dr. I Williams' Pink Pills. I was ill for four I yean, doctoring nearly all the time but | without any benefit, I had sit ditTerent ' doctor. Dr. "-.l.len, Dr. Purdy and Dr. Hear of Corning, Dr. Butler of Hornby, I Dr. Remmingtea, of Pamtrd Post, and Dr. ' Bell of Monterey. They said my blood bad , I( to * report that the Hamilton Street 'aH turned to water. Car Company was employing driven and "I was aspale as aoorpse.wiax *nd short conductors who were not tiaiiiiltonians had of breath. I could hardly walk. I was so , not b*" 1 promptly investigated and found dizzy, and there was a ringing noise in my ; * * utterly false, it seems there might head. My hands and feet were cold all the , * Te *""> erious trouble. Why should time. My limbs wen swollen, my feet so person* in "tmuni-^ialiiy presume to seek much so that I could nut wear my shoes, employment in another ^ They should tin. I My appetite was very loor. I had lost all I wor ^ IB tne P' where they are Iwrn and hope of ever getting well, but still I kept raised. Rather I ban enter intu L^mpeutiosi doctoring or taking patent medicines, but ' wah Takers in another city, or even in an- grew worse all the time. Last September I otn r *"! ;h y should stav at horns and read in the Elmira Gazette of a wonderful , want. This is the way the Jews of Russia cure through the ne of Dr. Williams' Pink i * to act, snd if Canada is to be lion League. Reports from the Mediterranean on- cerning the health of the Princess of Wales are far from satisfactory, although they go to prove that tne mental depression from which she is suffering is much less acute centre from which the disease may spread with the return of warm weather. Te Norm .in Tea* pie. The pictures we have seen of the huge Mormon temple in Salt Lake City, which than when her Royal Highness was in Eng- ' w * 1 dedicated last week, do not lead us to believe that it is a masterpiece of architec- ' tare, though thousands of the I" tan saints hare been sngtged in the construction of it during the past forty years, and over fiv millions ot dollars have been spent upon it- Judging from the pictures, it does not pos: ] sees any feature of artistic merit or interest. - it is not majestic or splendid : it is not The Behrmg Sea Arb.tration Tribunal graceful; it is not in ^y way imposing ; has resumed its wion. Lord H.nnsn. the ? her , u nothuig , th , , agu ,,- ol . evM JJ BntlsharbitraU.r, being sufficiently recover- grM a,ose about it ; it is merely a huge tnd ed from his recent .llness to be present. Mr. | *| llm . v itri , c ture. with heavy, awkward. and Mrs. Whittle, a resident of Crseftrd. Denbigshirs, Wales, wan brutally mm.iered by a groom in her employ named Shsllard, who afterward* committed suicide. There was a liaison between the murderer and his victim. Carter, of counsel for the I'nited States. continued his arguments. In reply to .juestious put in the House of Commons Hme Secretary Asiiur.h said that the privilege* enjoyed by the Dowager Duchess of Sutherland in rlolloway gaol i such as were permitted to first-class misdemeanants by the Prison Act. The London TVm. , according to a ipecial cable despatch, says that the British advo- cates at the Behring Sea arbitration tribu- nal will not reply to Mr. Carter's prolong* sd discussion ot interesting problems of philosophy and natural history as affecting seals, which properly belong only to the question of regulations. r SITED HT , Th Second National Bant of Columbia. Tenn. , has suspended payment temporar- ily. The cyclone in Oklahoma killed 90 peo- ple and infiii-.; iV). The button *IK!I rV-ii.Uyk Cleveland touched on Moddav in opening the World's Fair is of solid gcU, ana rettuihlea a tele- graph key. and stultified towers at each end of it. It is not an inspiration to faith ; it is not an expression of spiritual aspiration ; it is not conducive to '.lie worship of the Deity in whose name it has been erected, or provo- cative of belief in the religion of which u is the sanctuary. It is ignoble in all its out- ward parts. It is a piece of botch work. U can never give fame to its architect. We are told tbat its interior decorations are rich and showy. They may be for all we know. The original Mormon Temple in Nauvoo had some agreeable features in it* courses of polish d limestono ; an-4 ths old Mormon Tabernacle iu Salt Lake City is a massive curiosity ; but from an artiitic point of view ths Temple just dedicated is hardly worthy even of that hotchpot of superstition and imposture known as Mormonisra. At ths equator the limit of perpetual sr.ow is U.T'Ki feet The <;><<<>.l uf the falcon often exoeeda I "'it miles an hour. The largest mammoth tusk yot discover sd was sixteen feet. Ths new Earl's father was one of the most brilliant representatives of the raoe ! and a powerful Parliamentary orator. Kn- ' tering Parliament at the oarly age of Jl he enlarged the scout of his vision by taking a tour through the I'nited States and Canada, and returned to Kngland to denounce " the stubbiru spirit of Toryism." He was one oi ths most ardent supporters of the Re- form Bi!l in K'll. He was defeated in Preston by a Radical on his appointment as Lord Lieutenant of Ireland under Lord I Grey. He held the office during the most exciting period of Irish history, displaying great skui and courage, Oi'onnell dubbed him "Scorpion Stanley," and vehemently Denounced a coercion bill which Stanley earned through Parliament The personal encounten between the Irish Liberator and Irish Secretary earned for Stanley the title of thu Rupert of Debate, applied to him by Sir Hulwer Lytton. Ono by one t he lord* of ; inn- .id venrv : Hen- Stanley mevU-hore Stanly ncornn the lance : The brilliant chiff irrorularlv ret, Trunk, hnuirhty. ram - the KB pert oi De- bate, It w.u said that OTonnell. the muster of the most matchless eloquence ever heard in the House of Commons, had stlast found his match in Stanley. TMK XKW KARL. The sixteenth Karl, upon whom this ancient title devolved a few days ago, was .1 t Parliament at the age of -.'4, and bait held numerous offices in various Con- servative idnumstrations. Although edu- cated at Kion he never took a college career, the lack of which he has on more than one occasion since deplored. He does not appear to have any distinguishing ability, and the fact that for ten years be- fore he came to Canada he had been count- ed indispensable to every Conservative administration must be attributed to his s.vui position Mi.l his great connection. Ho wu \n ntHoer in the <irena>lier Guards, nn<l up'" I ^i wan plain Col. Kn-l. S'.mlsy. In that year Htr Mftj*<My created him a petr. His wife i> Lady Constance Villiers, daughter of the Karl it Clarendon, a Knight For the Good of Others Pills for Pale People, and I thought I would " aggregation of jealous losalities instead try them. I did so, giving up all other ' of oaf """'on the rule should be applied to medicines and follow ing the directions close- < anauians. ly. By the time I had taken the tint box I was feeling better than I had been in a long time, and I continued their use until now as you can see, and as my father and mother I know, and as I know I am perfectly well { I don't look the same person, and I can now enjoy myself with other young people. In- deed I can't say too ranch for Dr. Williams' Pink Pill*, for I am sure they saved my life. I have recommended them to others who ais using them with much benefit, and I earnestly recommend them to any who may be sick, for I am sun then ia no medicine like them. I am entirely willing you should make any proper use of this statement of my sickuees and cun by Dr. u iliiama' Pink Pills.'* In further conversation MissSpaiks said she fell away during her sickness so much that >he only weighed HO pounds, while now she weighs 107. " I suppose,' 1 said her father, " that it was overwork that made her sick. Yon see we have 400 acres of land, keep .V> cows and there is a great deal to bo done and Lillian was always a great worker and very ambitious until she overdid U and was taken down." The facts narrated in the above s'ate- mnnt were corroborated by a number of neighbors, who all nxpress their astonish ment at the great improvement Dr. Will 1am*' i'ink Sparks. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills ana perfect blood builder and nerve restorer, curing such diseases as rheumatism, neuralgiv partial paralysis Iccomotor ataxia, St. Yitu*' Danes, nervous prostration and the tired feeling therefrom, the after effects of la grippe, diseases depending on humors in the blood, such as scrofula. .'Ironic ery- sipelas, etc. Pink Pills give a healthy glow to pale and sallow complexions and are a specific for l!n> tr^ibles pivuiiar to the f.-male system and in tl.e case of men they effect a radical car* in all cases ariaing from .1 a.iul worry, overwork, or excesses ot any nature. These Pills are manufactured by the Dr. Williams' Medicine Company, of Brock- ville, Ont., and Schenectody, N. Y., and are sold only in boxes bearing the firm's trade mark {printe-i in red ink) and wrap per, at .'HI cenua hox, or six boxes for > Bear in mind that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are never sold in bulk, or by the dozen or .Rev. .Mr. HUliinn* Heartily En- dorses Hood's SarHaparilla. We ire pleased to present this from . Rev. A. A. Williams, of the Sillsbee ills have worked in Miss ! st reet Christian Church. Lynn. Mas*. : I "I -on why a clergyman, more than a layman, who knows whereof lie speaks, should hesitate to approve an Article of Merit and worth, (mm which ho or his family hav hi-en "icmilh t'ciu'MUiil, nml wln'v commends* rvi* to extend tJioie t>< n. <lt.t to others l>y inrrmialngtnelr ponlhl-m-'' Mv wife, lus lor many years Deen a sufferer from severe Nervous Headache tor which she found little half. 8h<> trie4 many things that prom! formed little. Last fall a (I lio of Haul's S;u- int what simply one l,ii (or hiT. Tin 1 .nt.i.'R- >'f :.. r .inil w<;i s>:y. w'uii' her funeral I tir f'XlMTlf.l- wi'il but iravn her a not> - ttet, Hood's Sarsaparillc I have no hesitation In endorsing it* Merita.* \ \ \VtT.Li4a\a, HOOD'S PlLLS an thn IMII .-.nv.iy Trjt.

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