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Flesherton Advance, 4 May 1893, p. 7

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HOW THE *!LD (,mi FIT. iiral % U !!. ! UM fBBCT tkf eallaiecr a K-,.<rt ajlle* r 1 re MM i r.i Emrmr *f ime .- Wild goeee bare flown northward in o mnially lug. number* tbia aoaaoa, aad way of Hi* flock* have ben wonderfully big ocea. Th rlo.k* were 10 the familiar arrow-hapd form, and OM noticed by th* writer wa ao large it teemed to b* a raat wirged narrow. plotting th* alt ' bearon. A* awift a the wind, at if impell d by magic, it ahd aloag. at ant a m*r* peck, oMniag into riew low down OB ike oatbern boruou : taea. quickly (rowiag ih a web of dot*, it pttati overhead, aad a f*w moment* later WM aliding down tk northern tky. From tk maatat it ed in the toulh until it tk northern aky-lia* UM UM* mhtagly brief, aad it a not difficult to ximately, 1U raU of apted, 100 eatimato. approximately, it* rate of apaed, aot laaa, probably, than *) or 100 auk* aa long with au>ckBBarv*Uoa*ap**d a flock" of wild geeaemay cover th* dutaae* bow eaa th* Golf of Mexico aad Lake Ontario between tonne* aad tuneet of the timi tlay. In fact, eci itk aporuaua maintain that oa* other bird only eaa 5y ao faat and ao far wit hoot reat, amd that M the oaBTat-back duck, wioee awirucf nutkt to 19) mile* aa hoar. The mallard eaa do bly, tkat It the Xorthtrn light*, a* he tad hi. whole crew jaat go for it *laa haag. with ta* raavh (ceaarally tha* they fotefr ap a th* turn*** of a ceaatr there m UeobJ* righted, both for Ther* ia a* lack of -are* or loar nocke a day an *gtl*d, hat be within raage. The rmral - ' wit* aae or tweahat* at wild goaae om taa wiag ia a ***jtoa, aad, if aa bags a bird. of taa feat aa a drmaa major. Hi* rhaac* nasally eomaa oa or foggy Bumrimf. wbea of a aoddaa at hear* tk* '-- kak ' koak '." of y and troobtod, rorkead. aad la directly overhead, amd ia a frenzy cf citement be aeixa* hia gaa and leap* oat of ioar*. iloh b* aeecne* diaaly a ahadowy proeemioa of auee hodioa, forgiag wheeling .imlemly, at *wift aa bnag* hi* peace to kj without taktag aian . t uick tacffaaaiaa To* recoil of tk* waapaa from th* aati kttft of it* heavy aad oftoa the mark 1 10 ia an eovergeecy ; whi jog* oa aU day at 100, aad reel* off hile ik jrrey tonae 111). It aaya, bat la* higbor ooaraaa of ta* ku. la dear waatkar wild gone almoat aa ifftulmally aa the big paUita dowa |e*. Bat m* doean't mitxl a little thing like that. H* pick* kiacaelf up amd without liilayiag to nth hit .wekt op hat gam* if a* haa bagged any. The Ontario farmer rarely wa any load, aad with a doabl* .Hot of kiad aetad aaaallT tambUe from twa to three or fear gent* oat of m jack. At UM am* -:rr. a mild L "We have rapeatodly a. " *"" Mat year* ike peaoaat* af goB* to the wall aad hare pni aaywhere em* in the world." Ta* ihaUiaoa* away. Wham yoa eaa gat dm* frag to poke ktm with a tuck that 1 * tk* to a Wa<aaaa*th*amm ray*. " Vow. merer tot m* catch yoa BV- Wiflaa "I I UMd Thea, too, be n aa ambition* aa the eagle. He want, nom* of th* earth IB kialoag }oor- i of the ak; are > wauhar wild get** ay high. A mile or more there the earth they teetr to be BO bigger than a etnng of bead, drawn acie** the aky. In wet weather, especially fog*, they foraake TBJXim LOfTT T*ACK aad drive on acroaa UM bad aot far abov* people'* hemamtopt. A wild gooo* haa a cum pat* in ha hood, bat wham th* fog i* thick reckoaiag, joat a* tiara do, amd thaa ia likely to cat all aorta of oomioal dido**. SoaaeUmee a akoM flock of bird* pi-imp J th* eye*. down in a country lot aaywhere, IB a fog | flavor tax aad ait there, aqaawking a* fooluhly a* a ' " lot of tame goeee, aad waiting for the matt to clear away. la rock inataace it ia eaay for a aagacioot hunter to creep op aad ba th* whole covey with hi* gam or knock Whoa a goo** dot* lea* hi* grip oa tiam h* i* hemamtaly aatray. Not long ago, ia a fog aboat a* now. a flock of wild geaae dropped into a maa'i yard im the omtokirta of aa Oatano "i a * livelMat in- mimg i* with th* wmmaid bird*, which ran like lh* wiad. Haviag overtakea a cnpplod woBty-T*an ago, aao ~\ M*md a bom* aad a ****} y of UM iilaahae* rradaatod f-om tivt aaeh aa they bad ImW aMmaV emmmfeai W fc&M of them awMloB m*a Da ywa B^WT* m "Bml ** M B* g*4 i** a ( W.; : . what .mUumk I'm gW<x KB. "Yea of UM dwariak ferule ttroeah oader wanr akiaa ; where ta* tOlara of the iv aa rich that mi faimar alaaio ha* aad oattle ia rarely KitUd with j of amaama* pat a f i r H i Al it > B1CA.AI .1 After T .. "I will go ao far ae to aT that the Daaai ^latoa magat a* mor* reeajortad to-day if Goarge Waaaiafftoa had ftaaaed a im* af kmca. Miad yea. I am the aaaBachaat *f aati ami rather K*e m New York, bat I _.. - _ fooeaby miani of UM aottoat kiad *f raa I pitiaat papalatioa af loaUad M taaataJ ia " . aiBBaai adroit d**ibliag.b* kaocka it atiff < th* aeigkhorboed W^J.uOO aaak. TW ' * with a awipefrom kia gaa atoek or raairod. , trad* *f th* tanaara alwaya whaUy with t Tke faratar aportama Bmuiiy aparva the th* aertktra Scottoak parta. Skua. oak. aavagM to-aigni 1 ta bore wilk a a^im I eaa't toU tor th* life life it *CM or two btrda, clip* their wiaga. m barnyard fowia, aad IB a few week* they ar* A* a reaull of ao doing, aftor a year or two, he haa a flock ot half breed gee*, that ar* oaatlr itiataafaaihatilt from the it They are larger, atraacor. hand Tim Saaarkaau*-" Wkasa tm* aaa af *c. _ cnnooa, opea, bom-like pratabaraao* aboe* yiahi . Then deek baa a auaag gam* flavor that oouatry people famay hi doltcaou*. Following th* rmral highway* imaai ' ram it i diatneu of eavern Ontario. froqaeaUy aotaa at tarmttta** hail a deaam af them* totoiy mouioualy ~ aatraaged from. ( it*- 31 "' They fcMd.aacamdSmhmrkamtta " Yoa. hat if w* harry Hive paacarea e mar eatem th* oarlMC am* yea kmow.' what th* tea greua them with DOB t at afraid of th* baoaa, Mr. Jen aad root* waiohgrew watt. , kjn*,* aaW a bearding BOB** mtroa* u a * th* " vathaaal ' tar J haatdar. " Not at all mtJim. I've aaaa a aad it did mat aaare m tL* halh) af mm Bark* aad other*, aad 1 ra- 1 thiakaf each kawwihuth* 7 ar* larger, atreager. aaad- abamoly. with duaky brown ' UMBT etethimg.they are a hardy amd patriot. i peace tone* aa aarge, black. Ipwaria* viaato, aad a M raea. bat the " graad iaiad~ deoa aot me a on i keep body aad tool to Someg* toeailag* T* heat for ia* Priaee af Wamt tu> atremf taaa laailf fiaamed wiU Btkeamam. have mwt kia Royal H^haeat maay ~ he aud. " aval ocajmdar htm Bat oeCy at farmauad* hail a doaea boa* portaoa of the eaure BoyalaiMB will . dark, wild fe.bwt bar- be traatBmaied tarn y*ar tTthe broad aad ' SaClT^ t cU4*d with, yet la a way fruitful amal of UM Mac k~* * vwid d - liac. tarn* white ree**. Th* ,,. bafar* them are iiniiiiii aad oaa- "*"* m ' *** kk * * *" a* mauer by what caiaeaay b* haa h* ae- auiau m th* pa** he ha* aiwayt wiU atrata aerwr araJ oat. the M*t*act watch ha* of UM aaadaa raa oat of hm barm, thinking that, mark*, I*M bcuxara h.dcoaae to town. With a km* for freedom, which, though latent, ia dam inant atilL - They 'will boar watchiac. ud th* ay th* farman, who bav* their wing* to UM eoadatMa that if daaely etippad. tamtrialry ao in the faM aad eBMgran oaaUnaaa. Canada W* ha fartmm- tpnag. wham the wild flock, are atroamiag *, m racatviag UM creator aamher af Jama: to th* aoath or aorta. <-IT* them ; voluntary exile*. iinpli nontu w.aar te-aagat. Do y*a thcdemre to taiaT" Captaia " Yea, am the rag tar Lao* miaad Soaad. i of thotr big wiaga, aad the 4r*t paU h* groped hi* way through the thin- the fall mat namt pan of th* fog toward the atorm centre ngaal from ofthenoiM. aad wb*a b* oaacht aigkt of, A wow* nx i. a. great that to la* go***, dimly, h* leaped into the midat goiag aimktol. pat* the vary mmrkiif imto trimatad UM tan of them. Then with hi* pole h* eurred up them. Thaw Umg seek* ar* laataatir *mur* -i'i-rl The I He got MX craned vowaida UM aky. thoir rye* gliatoa ' UM beat tiaiatai poop 1 ' through aad b*U part with milameat aad amrpnea. .* they alwaya have boa aod actually irambhag with delight, they ^ Ciaaabag.a aad the tnread Utotr Mac wiao. aad wilk a bearae thorn UM BTB W I k,,w tk* are alwaya toft." H amwav i nan wita nt* pot* a* atirn fog aad goea* ia a lively way. He geeee. But wham h* bad got thi plodding the flock, th* aarrivC. war* tared all ahoat the neighborhood. Some apread thoir Uag wtm*> tm*r v anah-"They may b* at- ft\* arm* daa'tdamoi W the ,-p**kmg of .Sa.img.- aa* a pretty jiri ' iBfkapt m n *hdawto tM kaimaiet " 1 th tali tkaak: ' im Baram.' to-day q^^ pair of kanmiai . *yoa womM be UM * - yaar* ThelBiv-m ,m ^ mimr +**,- ..y. maay a ^V^.,^ Re. t*r Wito YOB Mffkl to avoki ta* apejaaraaoaa of erU. Da yeja yoataUf thiak the nrla who daaot are nht- B*U*of *> aati** of them tnd othert hid barna Reykjavik have aamda aad ahed*. cry are off like * whirlwind. Thry wheel ^ , Bmay I nook, and into In* with ta* migratiag Mraafe**, aad feuj Q, Uw angle* of building*. After UM fag lifted, it th* chance* ar* yoa will merer *** feather took th* flock atveral hour* to gel together ot U*m again. agaia, hereupon they reeamed taair jour- J laataana* ar* mot aortry rare, however. *y. : in which a ruuaway half bread, after a ata- Ia PU- W th. amnh. Reykjavik. ^ L~^^ak*dT.r the foeeraor live*, ma town of ! lamiliia hmmmred tthahmmato. hat ' Bnm*e> mmmm aaLX fMVB^mmmMaTmL mm JaBm^Oarf / JB4larVy, l^afmmTVam! BuVal aM iMcalmg* katau piilamm. a > their migralJOB north aad *Btk wild aon or two in UM aamtk amd merth, haa re- ttll l,.j uJ *thar iraiiki. wham geeee follow ami tarn* route undeviaUnf !y tunod to th* hammttaJ where he wa* M ijlmi i ili j a tn.1a.ri' year after ytr. At aundewn they drom raiaad amd cejatontedly r*maia*d there the Mbb* library wilk Ma rato a nrer or pond aad *pen4 the night rail of hia Ufa. Not leac ego a farmer we ^ j u *helTe* and two u ther*, and almoat lavariably u i* a oood or kmow ha>i an old half-tamed wild gaooe gat THera. too. it th* aaat *f lagmlaliaa tki river they have freqaeatod in th* aam* way away from hi* mock, and it wa* gam* three AII^JU, Tkethomaaadth aanivenaryof the for year*. People who tkiak it marvalloaa yoart. At lh oad of that period, on* day th*y akoald be ahl* to lovaj* their unual lau ia or MBU-aamaal aigkt reaunc plaoaa to om- emnfly forget that from the lofty a-rial track they panne th* whole commtry anfoMa aotVraaT Bat th* adaaauoa of th* people ia witkia tbeliawt* - - IWVW^IK Reykjavik wat telewatod March, a great Sock of wild fellow* came booming up from UM aout h. aad whea it waa right above kia bammatop, a hag toath ^ tmair littat oamiaai. II ' ,ly fail *at_of th* winged harrow aad ^ ^^ apatt Wamk. * froat doer yard, ^v ^^ , t M ut ^ ^^ VB V for th* tooriM who halt* to make kimealf in- tJ-~ nf of theeelaiainn tobe :n- gimme* i*amatiagaerar*iy r N* u ir * **" *~^ avtcuu BMSTTTAUTT. I aakad htm mamt toteii Bafiaah maamtalily. "Ah - - that ta imdoad a tabjart I woall mum * m * T *' *-" . The true Britem doeea i r*v*al m. It. am Oa* mm ^^ 1 u- maml MUl ^ raaf. Thati Mra. M.- - Da yoa belter*. Aady. that k mialy do. Ur lac torrmr affected with th* pertam'af a tymtml Caftmh t be >ortor >c aad Bdwta-" Wha' dot aome. Mu* Aaf inor- Bait atahtod hatba 1 ?* Amgoiima " Oh, mo. MMtmh Brockon* par eatia He ganag at her jrwettem Tfce pnay HUM potta are thtat af what aa* ar* Bach thiaga to a royagear who mile* tmic* a* twiftly at aa doe*' but majeetic mountaina. river* aad ahtntag lakea amoag the hill*. A flock of wild geeee eaatly eorr 4UO mile* a day, aad w'oen they fly at night, aa the nmr* over amd poked Latin. Thai M >auoa i* aa amUl aad j _ arnBmj,ajaBw BOB OBBB m^ e ^"^m 'm> - - - **> VW " I Tltod to aa iakcrchaaie of tdoa* orally or ia f. y wnttag u where tne - toUu ^hn if -', < *^^r 1 ^- ^^*5wZ.+iL ^iTiaaH. t--rvtS plao* w hi* abeeac*. waa f uaay aad it thow- . thL .. ^ loarait aever eator* a humble '<>? WolU *jfgStPy?^ *?--' CT-t h^ where the m-k -..-- ^ T"--^ fox : Tae wild d> VTo* WmmTT *VI*ti l4o*V aot lafreqweatly they do, 'they may twul uatton. orhm> tmoy the globe Waeath them, with their paioae, capunty. aatomi at th* pood of 1,000 mile* im twenty four a. nom aa they em* IM i H of umtauom. oftoB ' 'r^Ta.'^ 1 ' i^rw7f.rc^dm,TuM:<^ ay from oat nom*. *oo' aataman wi'i be fruitful of cood ra ama ; dat't jam' pap- > xhM oa derroBf. ^**. ganag at her trwottam ear* emin- a ary MO IB th* COB renattem )--Old r*> Tttotr mrnVTB IkUfV.*! *** ^mm> to the a ^ "'* w- * hour*. \V* bar* no *iampl* Chaate, arriv* in Ontario at Imotdav : in t wo week* k* . the pole aa easily aa yo* pleaaa. Bat a* a m! be loiter* by th* way. He tame* Jome; th* Atlantic ahore often two week*, ami tomitimm a moath. He linden *mcag th* dUT* of the MauM coait and ia th* Oulf of St. I iwreaoe, and u specially food of th* gran I wiidt of Labrador. Many flocka d* not stay ia Ontario at all They ar* the vaulting chap* whoa* * have P Jimmy " You kaow dom't yamT* Tommy i* John a aiat prL of poetry, luiian amd " S^uihb. u perfoetly f**lmk ahaat hi* . arThtUe read, hat rahy. wa't k* r " Wky da yea thimk at ?* hiatory amd nmflar "Weil..*.^ Urn* th* nara* take, tke baby * ~ a remark- eat for aa aarimg there'a a tVi-am** with Havtmc a* reaaaa to k*t." UM miamtoi wo* real mean in chur.k to-day.' Jinn "Da toll m* T " giri. Bami* He atked < Mto jeam aim in prayer for nt kav* aeea I had my aew Yoa kmow what m v ~ erwyday. Bartkxpato e* a*4 a* y*a Beam Kvory mcCity tar mmjaimaat an ar oat that'* a ood Oh. them* wild followa are a* amarp aa a Th* wild Sx-k. ar* aa wily a. th*y are wary, aad th* way they aiae na th* ttt- r ebaaca am a rakativa ia la meet imajkaaoM th*y catrk aigkt of him they drop ^y* aUe ^ U-dmaJ dawn in a .at* place in th* ntighbnrhfitil . , ei.-ept th* Kaliooa. by which to adjadgerel- aad with a peculiar call af mviu-.j.*. often ativeJy amck a teanpeMaon* flight. A wild . borenag about the bara gooee. oa northern travel beat, BUT flop teek to bagatle him aw oat of th* moraeae. of the ttulf of Menc>i A .are wmv to hunt wild _ o-ne Moo,i.\y momin*;, and. journayimg them at daybreak or )Bt after aommot. wheu 01 Camada aad for oar ImaMBtoa WBM* w,u r^ ri,, tow ., o,,^ (^ ^ m f^, There eae mire atgn, bey aad a doubt: \VhomeVr her mm c*m*t im th* mamv, ^ ,i* i m B SB* d*i h* t*t t*g*t hereat. " Well I. at totrnvfrnid the intern* wow. Tme Behrtat e, TH*.amt , wh( , ht 4 baaa bat.atag to a "riTalt At the preamnt time two facto appear t* philippic i be andkatod by th* Brograat af affair* he- amain. " kav* aoUuag to I for* th. Bearing Sea TnaWaal.^ ArbAratMa obmtrved." aaid UM other to ita qaiet wmtort at aaadown, i n Pan*. l>j* i* that th* trial m ill prohahty gmmcw amd a aTmpaik.tir akaitmiL IB hand, mat for two moatka more. which yoa moat regard aa a u aad merer fail to a* ia r* th>r lot to flight to the north or aaath. Smnetimea the .tx^rtaman baild. a bliad oa UM ahara tj .he lake, amd, acnemid by ita laafy thaU-k tr wall, get* a deaoa thel* day at many tltfToreat rtjcks. ttftoaar. theogh. k* trwtta to lock fora that. From hi* ham* abov* th* thar* of th* poad h* mark, a tmmtaaa JTBMI* Maar*Jy amd twain la 1 1 Th* atatomeat* :nJe from timato that th* aew Khedive of Kgypt M aatnead- y to th* Britath Men, after aU. to b* mem At th* pto.oualy rub agunat th* c*le*tial dome aa they fly, aad a lit: laior. ma*k*t aad whoa* buiiaeaa, tk* that of the "old throajh field, amd paalaroa tamRtod bruah amd iwaatma, freqoemUy cr wl img over paaaag* taek*t ha. oaly one compon, in R "Labrador aod tk* North. C There ia nothn more weird than th* en af wild g*e* at n ght. It u ToUhly coai- fuei and rlamtraua, yet arti.-nl tie aad Jw tinrt, and ao matter hew .tiaiant it may eound , it h*. oaMmhiag wild aad fie* that girma tbe> imprteuon that it ia af a niihty body kurrytag on. heevilot*. ir- reent.ble aad mvatoriouc CVmiag raddwa- I., into the prcfooad aoiet of rural wluu.le. Umt at firat aad far away, the* .w*Utti$ rapidly in Tolum* amd flirnaaam. it hat the eWtofmeaciBgvMc*inth* aky or the rocking crie* of wiu-hee a troop of tmimmt t with the wiad. Th caMuor amama* quickly. dyin amoag the diatant hill., hut a tho*aayi *choe. of it, ragw* aad tratna- lota, moanentarily dominate all the ether aoond*. \\ II g**eclonolf)ya(r*atdela'arj*it, amd than only ia **rr* w*ath*r. They are rre.1 moch by 1< lithe*** beoxn<.' n i )i*hti of hif citiee : aad aiac* moat country town. and vtllagt* have bean proTiJed with alaotrie mrc light* th* noctara*! v pilot of a toe* hi* no and of trouble. The - glow of a dfM arc lighU ia a towa M v.nhle W*m tnilea, aad th* *mart**t M ailoi ia f*a aaaagk to a m ..*h r J.r hajajmrnl aain th* Melodiea, ' may b* to km\\md.wam^7rBjB^Uvorawimg*Tar; provimoa wat made for by the diAVreat I. aanoral MB*, ererr oa. kaew, the weep the) cobweb* from the aky. TWir t> quakm; .urfaoe of black mtraitii. to partM* to th* commtmi.a. Th* oraapea. T.JM J acMracy. and the g*aar*J emtimato paBMg*taeketkMBlTOBe oompon. moan- th,> frm ot thioktta about the hn a k of W>HHI *| Mr reprBBMtativea. flxed for a of tarn a*muramh>ualiuW**Mm mbemmgfrad- ih- lake. 1 h*n. with womaarfal paUeac* m-e h ahartor period, will thai aim u ba ia- a T .. ckmed with adJK-img\Jl aad aelf-contrat, h* linger* thai*, prom* oa mdaqoal*, Th* othw imtoreatiag fact ia and\.-**a. la evory am** amd an faco, onlil th* gMM ,H.I UM l^aaaJiaa caa* had* fair to prove Kawaaat, a degree a| an ."t_*iliMJ AXMT mwmh ttronger thaa it wa* coaumoBly rap- .,, )<v j. y uat wat ecarceiy attamahh) IB in the water a* it feed*. Kai worked wall ia poaod to be, th* Imperial nmre*a*>lativ t comimervwl teoae evea twamty-lv* yean toward th* hor, V*ry tlowly aad coa ; VMtmg greaUy anronaad at the maatorly ^,,0. tioualy be lift* hitnalf upon l.ia knee*. Barahaning *f fact, hy Sir Jama Tmooip- . ttealthily foroa* tk* mmttm of hi* piec* **a amd the Bom. C Tapper. Mr. Uu. hm. amaBBBtotly through -.BMrfactag tr* bough* amd netted Carter wa* ttrangety larebatooa at on* ^tere oa the oa* haad. it haa am th* ether - poiat ia hia (Beech mat weak. H* tmoaghl tt o gafjaftokflj _M Vmtotomm? tt taUat ! have to h* taackt a IBB BBmMmm. ^^mBa* arnVvmumamliaVaml wkmml oMoHl I weak of twoaty-ahrm* A!eiaadna B*?. to th* the tga. PeapM geaen'ly get mo** for tbetr nomey, amd oamuaa* to azpect it. While tact ha* mmae mitt lly led to mamta ami di* tearing hit way throogh darta down UM beat a. hia figure hgor, p*Ua both trUgar* at oac*. ' There it adoafeauag report, a wild onr from th* ttartiWbirJa. Ta* reoml of th overcharged ioxv hark ta* guvner bm-lily back, ipaa hia l-.t he kp forward icataatiy. y throogh th* thick*!, amd Th* rarfao* of th* l*kc that a moment before waa almoat tran- .;uii ahiaiag with tke criaaaon laatre it tie tiying iUy. ia now a toea* of wild coenmo '<**t*n iato foam amd apray by th* <:ucwy pinton* of Salt" a acr* of ma|llil The tp-rl**ttBB doe* aot ham- ut*. paate* aoi to diroat btmaelf of a ar menu but raahei lato th* laka. aatd twtng- m s . wadint. tamblimg aboat, bant* ha |a>ne in mown element with th* skill of aa t\l>rioac*ii rtr>er*r. U* wriage th* bu\U' Egypt a* an example af aar by a *jre wild vac. briag* th* ribhexi gaa barrel* poiat ia k into lia* with ey* aad game, and breath- mrapor to lea*, hia nfur* laam with th* bantamaa 1 * kiatfliial faearvaraar* by a >ret Power far the protoetaon ot great matiemal and inter Bamamal right*, aa well aa af th* KgyaimM tkm . Utoaht hi aht* to c*a* M thiBM.lTea. The *xamre WM a good one M cUy what UMT meaa. That BoeamNty apt illBttratiBB *f the > M, BK* atroagty in k*xaa*e vmmed to nuatak*. aatoil IOBM*, tad UM Umtmd in itaell, amd aa apt iUaatrati*m poiat UM Amwrioaa advnrat* wmhed to preat apom tha trikaaal : hat it w%. - iBoky. Mr. Carter forgot that th* preai deal of the tribaaml at a Freneaman. amd tn. t V- K iiih preoaedimg* ia Kvypt, am- provvd by the r^*t ->f t^e ; > i tid world, are bate'ul o Frame*, Baraa fmarcet th* in all 6*!da. and (JWS1 fVoMlBal *O aUUOl*fl V. AOWttmX T 1O 'p^'uVa* - mf or writimg m a valmaMt qaality. mim 1 only t* r*iiahUity. It moat aaaumhlt that moa thtahi beaMe tocamvo* to oihr- exactly wKal for toe trammvctioa af w attain to required rdiaary Unaeeteo a degree of acc-iracr iathia b>U. that tare* thean from BuaomHeeBtaadmg** Amd }WM Mth* wetaamaa or cvrrrapaadetit attain* X palkrd ap Mr. Cartmr ' _ "Yoa t*-n t anticipato the jodgarrnt at kietory. * It wat a 1.01 iawa ia- tamoe of waal of toet am th* part *f an * who ha* b*fi< arriiaa; hit cause adv<ce,to with treat latamatc power. of VMBT amd treat kill IB (Etna* *xac expriamna t* kit tkemgbt*. deoiree or order*, ke at vahmi im hmcmUkB| aa ma atamamieal aerraat or aeon*. Met ernry UM immliymr hat fin art .yaBdimdwoctlyaMy UM by theWamd- rim( inac-aracy of am uarelmhto, BMaViamt aad pereSnmc* cheap tamilialial 'ffoacy. create a di by forcn< a aarral amam That 4 ueouom Umt w being aaked. Lard Roaebery. who at the head of tS* Foreagm Otk*. haa a hv*l head, a firm haad amd th* commdomo* at Britain, at that there ia a* alarm im tha coamtrv. Hardly a whim- par a* to Ur* litmmim :imn from Egypt, .aad that m WOBMB t Barm* ta Ace. Tk* ftao* may ha h*. MtV hmt the ex|rumiia <m h* tyoapaUMtta. Qatck wit may low ita Uuag cam add dapth amd im with ago. T taa ta cveoriag. ator* tomdmr amd *renit So thought and ' mar depart with pata> amg year*, bat expeneac* earn give fiaaiam aw mwight into K-wtiv* aad a vaet chartty far weak, bam tatty with ita mi*>ty mdoavor toward better tauqp aad ito comliaBal faU- ur* ia arHnveaiont. The ihaim af fade* Uk* a flower, hmt the which only year* eaa brtig, djiBj b***iy.

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