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Flesherton Advance, 4 May 1893, p. 6

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AN ARCTIC EXPLflRAT, I '.. ' in Hi Polo Rrnrhod i:\itl.m-r few ilayi ago pitiable, be -itu*e llliclion ha* msde life for linn Imt bjr a r Tell* M wartellon> l..rj er III. Kxi.rrl . me Hsu ike tnrera ltreall> I* rrn Im-r.l I lie irounil the role A despatch from Hoke'n Point, to th* H* 1 "!! lilobe says: line of the strangest stories that ever fell from mortal lips is that of a pitiable, yet enviable, specimen of humsmty who wns seen in this seaport town a physical a mre existenoe ; enviable, because he has passed through experience* so wonderful o exceptional, ami so fruitful of discovery, that they aeem more like the wild imagin- ing ol a romancer than the actual events in the career of an ordinary human being. The central personage of this narrative says he ha* been to the north pole. He also asserts that he ha* discovered the se- cret of the northern light*. A Norwegian sailor, yet the possessor of a fortuni; a brave adventurer, yet a man of rank ; a foraaker ? the comfort* of civilization for th* rigors of Arctic exploration ; an enthus- iast in science and a martyr to the restlen spirit of discovery such is Olof frail. His hands and feet hare been frozen until they are useless. Hi* eais are shrivelled shreds of flesh. His noee but a relic. He speaks witli dirnoslty. Kveu hi* mind is not clear at all time*. Olof'* statement wa* deliverer! through tho medium of an inter- preter. It wa* made solely in the interest of public information, the narrator believ- ing it to b* bis duty To I.IT TIIK wom.n KNOW of the remarkable things, " all of which he saw ami part of which he was." In early life, like many boys, he became lille.l with a desire to gu to sea. He hail all the cf in- foil* and many of the luxuries of a home, but the deeii* for the sea wa* more than a mere fancy with Olof; it wa* a pawion, ardent and uncontrollable. Not, however, until he reached legal manhood was he able to gratify U. On coming into his fortune he announced hi* determination to organise aa expedition and go in search waa my tint thought. After the balloon passed over the summit of the ice mountain the air grew perceptibly warmer. Proceed- lug further uurlliwanl, the temperature ascended above the free/ing point. After several mile* were triiver*o<t the air waa !>liny and agreeable. 1 threw aside my fur wrappings and aoou eutcn-il a region of |>?eilivc w.irmlli. The bree/.c (till carried me along at a lair rate of ipee I, and it wu not ionu before I discerned a line of in the distance. Columhn* wa* not -..*, t filled of the north pole. family anil friend* The entreaties of his 'ere without elTect, and at the age of 24 he bad organized a small hand of companion spirits, consisting most- ly of hardy sailor*, and had procured the building of s staunch ship, noof large si/*, but constructed with special reference to strength, endurance ami storage room. 'The details of the sea passage," said Olof Frail, " are not of special interest. To tell of the storms; the intense cold, the field* aid mountain* of ice, the narrow escape* from li"ing crushed liy berg*, the desolation and the struggles for life, would be to re- peat a familiar tale that ha* lieen told by former explorers of the Arcln- region. It wa* alien! six months after leaving Norway that we found ourselves at a point which! think waa with more lu'ense ecslacr than 1 waa at that moment. TI.e coast gradually grew more distinct. Mountain*, forest* and plain* glided into view. .Settlement*, vil- lage* and cities appeared in the panorama. The pillar of lire stood in the background, and it waa A CONXI'NTOI'H AND IMI-OMINI1 rlUTI'KE of the scene. It teemed to have it* source at aome point on or under the aurface of the earth. It pu/jcl*d me greatly at the time. My balloon wa* soon directly over the land uinl 1 resolved to ('esceniL I pulled open the valve and the air-ship approached the ground rapidly. A fertile field lay beneath me, and a throng of men, women and chil- dren were rushing toward the ipot and ihonting in great excitement. In live nv.nutes moid I stooil on solid ground and my balloon was secured to a tree by a stout rope. The people had fair complex ions auii intelligent face*. They talked rapidly and eagerly in a language which 1 did not under- stand. I wa* soon conducted to a house which waa evidently the residence of a per- son of some distinction. Ileyond remarking blew to the southward. Resistance wss nseleas, and I wa* soon in the heights of the Arctic sky. My flight WAD away from the pole. Fur two weeks I tnsiitged to rrmt with phyiical comfort, hut with a mind torn by agony. Then, portions nf the apparatus with which the car of the balloon was titled got out of order, and rny suffering began. 1 will not horrify yon by relating them in detail, but will only skate that at the >-nd of four wee'is I descended, more dead than aliv*. The native* cared for me, and help- ed me along on my jouruey to the best of their ability. Finally, after three month, of slow progress and incredible hardships I obtained passage in a fishing vessel bound for a pom: in Melville bevy. Thence I suc- ceeded in reaching cape Chudleigh, Iroin there I managed to get to Newfoundland, and after that there waa no difficulty in finding a ship hound for the United .States. I shall sail for my home in Norway in a few days, and from there despatch an expedition in search of my forsaken companion*, uu- lei* they have in the meantime turned up." Olof ('rail's interpreter i* an intelligent Norwegian name'! Loof Lirpa, whom he ii et in Newfoundland on his return journey. The explorer and his companion are stopping at the! Sled win Houae, a cosy little hotel kept by a Worthy German IISIIH- I It i). ManU, who i* doing everything possi- ble for the comfort and happiness of his distinguished gnest. [The narrator of the above story is proba- bly an imitator of Jules Verne, whose mar- vellous ficti >n are familiar to people in general. KMTOK.) " - -"" "> " The country which I discovered was called i There appear* to be a wide difference of Shunlik by it* inhabitant*. It wa* in a | opinion a* to which is the largest shr.p in high state) of civilization. Its population i the world, honours being divided between wa* about, 4.000,000. It hud numerous j Wliiteley'*, of London : Wsnnamaker's, of tlouriihing cities and towns. The people ' Philadelphia ; and the lion II* I one, Paris. weie intelligent and highly cultured anil wonderfully skilled in various mechanic arts. They knew nothing whatever of the great world outside of their icebound palar dwelling place. One of their Oett scholars was appointed to teach me the Shunfik language ami in three monlhs I w*s able to tell him so much about r'.urope, Asia, Africa and America that he made a fortune by HI KI:U.IM. Tlllx INKiRUATH'N among the people by m*ans of lectures and contribution* to the newspaper* of his coun- try. Meanwhile I became a celebrity, and every facility for studying the institutions Judging from the number of employes, however, the fint named would aeem to be the moet extensive buiiness. William Wbiteley started twenty-ill year* ago with a couple of assistant* ; a few years later there were 16 hand* ; to-day Whiteley has over 5,000 employes, his manager during hi* early struggles, Mr. .lames Keith, sull superintending some U'J departments, which cover more than 15 acre* of ground. The sy*tem by which the business* of the ' universal provider" is conducted is decidedly novel, yet thoroughly practical. , The head of each department keep* a shop, is responsible for the turnover to the chief. of Shiintik was extended io me. A volume I ""X* * goods, prices tbem-indeed, dees might be writisn of ths things which I. w. I " r jr. thln K" l '.'. lw r " hli own concern. but I must ,as. at once to the subjects < r ^to^by ."f^ '", *'> "^P 1 *** a enlisted my mo.t eirnest attention. | JIOO.OOO or 1SO.OOO l.n. or .nythi K Here was the silualion : A small continent "" v lh "* o( Prehase allo and a war n climate at the north pole : ihe land surrounded by a sea of a temperature that made it comfort able for bathing ; the [MO* OK I illl.nB.V Aa laternflat; fleee of Ivclslallaa Be ferr Ike Mul.irl.. Leclslalare. An important piece of legislation i* re- ceiving the attention of th* Ontario Legis- lature at the present titling. It is a bill to for ire prevention of cruelty lo and belter protection of children. The act provides for the infliction of a heavy fine or imprisonment or both on any person over 16 year* of age wb/> havmg charge of a boy under 14 years uf age or a girl under 1C, wilfully ill I res Is, neglect*, abandons, or cause* suffering to such child. As long a sentence a* nine month*' imprisonment can be inflicted at the option of the magistrate. Persons causing children under lie age* named to beg, whether by pretending to iing, perform, or by offering anything for sale, or to sing or play in taverns between the hours of 10 p. m. and 6 a, m., or to per- form in public places when under 10 yean of age, are subjected to similar severe pen- alties. The municipal authorities may, however, change the hour*, and may grant licens* to children over 7 yean of age lo perform in circa* and other entertainment** and the municipal officer* are empowered to see that the provisions of the license are observed. Where a person is convicted of ill-treating a child, or o! causing a child to contravene the law, anyone can bring the child before a judge, who, if satisfied that it i* so expedient, may order the child to be taken out of the custody of the offender and placed in the hand* of a relative until, if a boy, he attain* the age of 14, and if a Minister ban devoted much study to the subject, and we doubt not that the fru'te i>f hi* labor will be indorsed by the Ixgis- Uture and by all citizens who take an inter- eat in this roost inportant *nbject> It i* certainly belter to devot* public money lo properly rear our own neglected popula- tion than to devote taxes tr augment oar waif and stray population. The WeUk HB.p-rn.r > Mil. The interest which Anglican Cbnrchi re wking. in Mr. uladitone " Welsh Suspensory bill " is due not so much to the intrmiic importance of that bill a* to the belief that it portends an attempt to diaes- tablish the English Chnrch jn the not dis- tant future. Taken by itself, the justice of Welsh disestablishment would be conceded by all Churchmen not Winded by partisan prejudice, for the Anglican Church in Whlesj is an exotic : it i* not the Chnrch of the (Treat mas* of the people, and even though th* establishment is no more tnan a Parlia- mentary figment, imposing no pecuniary burden on the people, candid Churchmen mult admit the injustice of thu* declaring an alien Chnrch u> be " the Church " of the country. The establishment of the Church by the State assumes the obligation of every one to become a member of the Chnrch so established. And though nowadays such an assumption i* nothing more than aa errp:y fiction even in England, it u every year becoming more intolerable to th* l>issenlen, who claim to outnumber the g,rlthtag*ofJ6, provide? that a parent of "web. and who do largely outnumber it i . \A *lu Milt in mmtm nf thf tmt*t l>niTMftl the child il privy to the offence charged. Any person or society to whom the child U committed shall practically have parental control over the child, ana any judge can order the parent of the child to contribute to its support That there may be no in- justice don* U> anyone, the Lteulenant- Oovernor in council is empowered at any time to discharge a child from custody, or to alter or revoke the regulations relating to theee children. A most important new departure is the provision for the appointment nf a superin- tendent of neglected and dependentchildren, whose mlary shall be voteJ by the Legula- lure. Hi* duty will be to encourage and i assist the organization of children's aid | societies for the protection of children frm cruelty, and for th* due care of neglected snd dependent children in temporary homes or shelten and the placing of such children I ^j^T in properly selected homes. This officer will | Wret4:r , also visit and inspect industrial schools and temporary homes or shelters, and when so directed the place of shod* of any child boarded out under this act. He will see Out of the .i.OOO employee that a record is kept of all committals undsr the act and of full particulan in each case and *hall prepare an annual report of the matters dealt with. Provision i* further midi for the establishment of shelten for " shopkeeper. " 1,0(10 ar* exclusively employed in the build- ing ; there are 400 clerks, and I,6V> as- M a practically surrounded by an ice^und i ' l ' "<<>'"> to dinner every day. To region of mtense,.,,.,, What caused the j ^^V'i^LV. "^ T^r^ ll '; ,oung children, whompro^tobsne^t Wales. But in spite of that fact English Churchmen ire bitterly opposing Mr. Glad- stone's mild bill, which does not call for Welsh disestablishment, bat only for the suspension of all appointment* to dignities and benefice* in Wale*. Eminent clergymen and laymen ar making moet inflammatory appeal* to religion* prejudice, Mr. Gladstone i* denounced in much the same way as he was when he brought in the bill for the disestablishment of the Irish Chnrch a few years ago. At that time he was as- sailed as a robber of the Irish Church, and one fiery clergyiraa wrote a pamphlet in wr.ich he proved that Mr. Gladstone wa* ihebetttdeseri bed in theApocalypse, though to obtain the number of t>>e beaal there given he was obliged to prefix the feminiu* form of the definite article before the states man's name translated into < ireek. .v> a* the present moment the Prime M r.ister is o public execration a* a sacrilegious who " i* selling the Church IB Wale* for thirty votes, just as its great Master was sold" for thirty piece* of silver.' warmth within a circle nf '_<*> miles in dia- meter, the centre of which wa* th* polar point ' This ijiiestion wa* easily iniwered. Th heat proceeded from the column nf tire | which 1 have already mentioned. This Ire- one day the amount enonnon*. '.H) carver* who** profession it la *n. in every city and town having a pcpula to wield the knife being called in to keep lien of ever 10,000 inhabitants, plate after plat* replenished. But ihissmall orphan asylum* may b* wed Exutin for lu ting luch Nor i* th* opposition coufining itself to words. The Archbishops of Canterbury and York have decided to hold a joint meeting of the House* of Laymen of both provinces, , in London at U hr.sunude. At this meet- ing each of th* eighty-nine archdeaconries j of th* Church will be presented by the \ Chnrch warden*. Thi* great gathering, | which will b* the fint cf the kind since I 1.S62, when the Thirty-nine Articles were promulgated, will b* called together, not te lAKTIItK than had been reached -7 mrndou. pillar of flame .hot probably .''?. ta.d for this purpose a whole street I thousand feet m space. It bnrned with in 1 1 tent* fury ..nd -hone with daxrling brill- battalion has to b* comfortably lodged and , asylum*, with t he conssnt of the trustees of J^^er lll q UMl , on ( \Velh dieestabltah- these institution-, or ihe children may b* : on its merits, but to condemn any dis- ror.l steamer, the he c.nng ; expedition. I did not lecogni/e th* locality from any book of travel that I hail rsad, ! and to I hiH day lam nimble to fiivi it a geographical designation. The weather became severs and tempestuous, and * decide. I that it would be beet to sus- pend the journey for a few weeks. Ac- cordingly, we landed and put up a small portable house, which bit.) section! anil placed on board was here that I put into execution a pun . winch was ceruLyUdd and which E! gS*ff*SSL that "they proceed of my companions did not hesitate to pro- - nonnoe reckless, I had purchased a larfce balloon lx fore leaving home, together vilh material* requisite for manufacturing hydiouen gas The basket, or car, wa* < npi.e.l with healing apparatus and pro- Thereire 1 iiousMin the street, placed in desirable private tamilw, but in no | establishment at all as a .poliation of the , !* pr**'Jed by a bo i*ekeeper, who twr 111 n III*ZI )<; 'l I*i*l V'in sfsjrei *;**- * its* a J learners proj.cling th.mselves into mg package, down to the docks for Austra- dl.tru-t a e,i,n. *.. ..eaven*. waving, fl-ahing. darling " New X.ealaad end China. So much appo.nUd and It I been built m| nlth>r ^j \ hl ,, ler growin( . f. in , .." trade t. done with India that it has it. own I that th* Provmci rd tho ship. It I , h , h |H now . r % jn nn xecution a plan ^f rm . h ' an(ln . ,, y ^..rc^i. faint and . w ris\Us*]M>vOTertMMi ir capricious move nsion ; suflicient to last lu-veral days. One from Till 1 * I Klillli;lnfi Td\iM I Otf flRB which in discharged from the bowel* of the northern apes uf th* ^lobe on which live. 'I'liat the aurors Imreali* il vi*ible some niuht* and not oilier* in due to ditler- tie*, and shall be what their name are require.: ii'Tiung I .-ailed my companions together j ent condition* of tin- atmosphere, snd to an _ ,_.. nd lai.l before them th* purpose which I , other cause, which I will explain presently. I ordinary convenience, of the eeVablishment ; 'umn of 11 tine you wish also to elsctr" d Hat the colu nad secretly cherished. It was in bnsf, to inflate ihs ballon, wait for a strong norther Iv wind, and nail by sir to ihe north |iole. Passing by the warnings, the entreaties and even the throats of my commies, I will only say that I was mailer, and that nth- ing could change my plans. The balloon was filled with tfai, I stepped into the bas- end nf th* axis of the earth is supposed lo k"i, and the word to cut loot* was given, j exist, m an enorini.ii> hole, at least 3>0 feet j graph office*. Th* bos Suddenly the earth snd *ea seemed to drop ! in diameter. From this hole a stream of Ismail shop, dealing in men's and hoy's far below rue. In lets lim* than it taks to natural us* pours fnrth. The supply ; clothing under th* name of \Vannamake>r tell it I was know the origin ami nature of that wonder- , ventilators and pnmpe for the hydraulic ful phenomenon. The explanation la im- power by which lifta run. 104 horse* itlirity itself. The tongue of fire is nothing are required for the delivery system in. ire or leu than burning natural gas. 1H> price* are for prompt rash, not look incredulous, I know whereof 1 apeak. At the point w'trre the northern Three mi II i. m parcels and two million letter* leave the Weatbourne- grove e*lahli*hmnt i- very year. The largest shop in the I 'mt<t Suites is owned by ,loln Wnnnamaker, of Pmla.lelphia, and is a wholesale and retail clothing flou**. The I If properly selected, the careful supervision ground area i*, in round figure*, ivi feet by i of the children will be mxured. This com- WO feet, and the floor space coven about | mitte* is to be appointed by tne connty I4a.-re*. The number of employe* is about judge, the sheriff and the M.P.P. for the 4, ' i NI. Kngines ol over &0-hon power ; ilistrict. and will hold office for three years, d to drive the machinery for the ] The committe*, in homes," will endeavor to secure places of abode for the lynamos, pneumatic rsuh system : | children, where they may be oared for with- instance is the home or .heller lo b* under ; Cnnr) . h . Tlll . circumstance" i. .ignificant Ihe sain* management as a poor house ef ' fof jt thow . tfce aignjurj., o { ,h Kn.ush Church to bs to held by their prejudice* and prepossessions that ihsy are unable *r unwilling to weigh candidly th* argument* favor of disestablish even when, a* , >u the oas* of Wales they are unanswerable. district a eiliMus vuuling committee will be ! Th . a ^ tng wM dou Uti*s* be mwt respect- i. m*t sati.factorv u, *ole Mf . ,, u , J an Mwer > lh . ae*,re to re- Provincial Secretary has taken cog- nixance of woman'* interest in the great work by providing that three out of the in member* must be women. Ibis committee will ,-m-operate with the children's aidsocM- out remuneration and they will aim at nro- pair the ID justice involved in aa established Church ia Wale*, it will not b* entitled to any more consideration than are th* wild hrieks of rage which are now being uttered against Mr. ulaoBfssvt*. No amount of noise and fury on the part of the Church's highly paid dignitaries can do more than delay dis- establishment, not only in Walet, i>u( m Kngbvnd and Scotland also. A State Chnrch is opposed to tho spirit of th* age. It is calculated to work a serious injustice to large number* of people : and a* many Churchmen will admit, it doe* more harm than good to the Church established . Th* F.nglish people are slow to overthrow an old . . t_ l rtiiifiiwiH u*n (i i w *ai v **i--ws moling a philanthropic sentiment on beha f int ^ {a<i ^. nut lh eir of neglected, abandoned er destitute chil of justice i* the shop opening for business at 7.45 a.m., and Toward* th* necessary eipensee of >up closing at U p. m. Il is fitted with porting theee children boys until they arr IOIIK iuid short Jxtanoe telephones and tele- I 12 years of age and girls until 14 the liusine** Wgan in a i municipality to which they belong, by virtue of a year's residence, must pay f 1 a ' week. Th* plicing of a child with the is insthaiislible, and tho tune when U WM i ami liiown, nn th* 1Mb. cl April. ISu'l and lowest luddj n absol'Jtelu| prohibited. A TIIIII n.\\n rKKT IN THI AIM, not flowing aii'll urniii|f is unknown. T p hax incroaaexl until it i* now by fir the Olfi.-ers of children's aid societies are given I !..ok. ! back. The ship looked like a toy, people of Shuufik bavt an extensive liter- j largest bus ness Mlabliihmmit of " the km-i wide powers to take charge of an.l MM .in|mieiit a*ain*r*iK>t in th*va*t ! "'" "'"' lhr ' r recorded bmtory gofs hck in the. State*. The Won March* (choap j before a magutntt* for disposal all children panorama, snd all was soon lost to sight ' thousands, of years, but history, tradition , market) i* one of the sights of Paris. The either neglected or found in tlie custody of an.l hearing. Nothing but a vast expanse i l " 1 '''K<""1 I"*' thl< >- l )linnn of tire as a fact ; polo**al business was ttartcd mon than I nereon* incapable of properly rsaringthem. of blue audwhite greeted the vision. There l' ltr "I"" 1 humanity itself. An enonnons half acontuey a^o by a sonw time villagopeHl- It is provided that Protestant children was not a sign of anything that looked like | 1 " 1 " t "y of heat is ra.lutod. ss you may > |ar and his peasaat wife. They nr*t lumglit must not be comiiuMe.1 to Roman Catholic, a human hululatinn. I wai uomforti\h|e, w '" "'gi' 11 '. uut ll i* '.'n'ler control. The n fir-all shop at the corner of the Rue .lu home* and vie* versa. This will prevent ' for the bsaiiiiK Apparatus fulfilled all prom- aperture through wlii.-h tbe gs spurti is in Hix and Hue du Sevres, Thu waa tbe any bickerings ae to reliiji.>u- training of ises. I will here, sat that it included an solid rock, Ihe top of which Is a* smooth a* humbls andooinmenoementoftheuowworld- , w*ifa and stray*. A'i! minister* of religion. arrangement for regii'aiin^ the leinperaliire '' ll wcre """ lc " f r"' 1 "" 1 '' 1 " lfHl1 - There renowned Don Slowly hiitsnrely, \ \\. Ps. and M. P. IV. judges and justice* of Ihs gisso that It wonbl no! contract and ! ' >> ' >0 ** . !ml '.'' "'"" ' 1<> '" 1 ""' f*t ' the Bon Mamlis eiiffitlfed lh* neiahl>ourii"ia of ihe peso* may visit children itrong %Dd ,, Wl| , not p.,^, th . m to toUr . ate for many more yean the anomaly of aa E . uMl . he j church which fullv half th* , repudiated. ' lose IIS buoyancy. Directly ahead wtrelm- I meiise mountain* of icr and snow, an.l I | tntt " p].r..,i hedibpiu with aatisfsctory speed. I oalculatsd that It would In- three or four days nt bast, Uforn my destination was rea he.l. It wa* in (sot, a week. On the fifth .l.v I Iwgau to be .lejireise.i by ihr loiiclin. .s ,,f my situstion. On th* sixth day tin- olituil* Itecamo almost unli*rl.|". ariingameni f.,r n.\ l.<nly , ,,uif,.rt worked admirably, but the utter lilenrean.) th* absence uf human onmpauionaltip di >\ . me intomich a Hate of mind that I was inor*. than otn-w tempted to east niynnlf limn th* bHllonn into the 11. 1. 1 of innw or on th* ice ciragi hem-nth. Ths on* reliof to th* teinl.l. iii'inotony wi lh* display of north- ern Ilk-Ills, m. He wonderful nn I brilliant l fret thick, which Is so lifted Mari'lie engulfed the n*i|hbouriug , until it had upread over th" whole of the peace may visit homes and shelter*, and may placed in enter in a -111' OVKH TIIK Mi I P her pnrlially or entirely. The slab ii veil buck and forth by means nf engines either mo of prodigious power. Tims the gas car hut off or t uritc.l on, suit the brut and light regulated nl plcure. The apparatus I* an itiKieni inv. 'in ion, and is constantly nn- I" \e.| by the ingnniiily of llic Sliunfiks. Ol course the llow of gas in never cm | shut off, but it volume is so diminish.' times 'list llm hral snd light are conipnrtively instgnirlcanU Thin is onenf the uausei of thr intermit trul ebsrarlrr of Hi 1 1 hern lights as they appear I.. n. The ilib.kl.ll.ilit s pin. lire ilriin.ii. in tlie sennons by tins purely artitlcnil mekiis, ai.d woMlxr the requirements of him. MI li.-hii .. i >,., tble \igor. I Will siHiak in dotatl of my many ex|.eneiu'es i:i ShunliU. You nitlurnlly to know how I came lo le- turn Irom ilmt strange Itnd, i..| n. id. me tlie. physical wrti.-k t b u I urn j.-t fo: ilie " ril lloiisi" of Commons on Mn.!sv. The thun anvtliiiii; tlmt hitd over beon iiiclureil in my im.giiiution i m I In. ,,,e. t,, le I fee- ' ""'" "<"""i 1 "" '' '"''! '"-.I rm woM ..nentlyg./e.l with ,,,,,f,,,,,,,l ^t,,,,,,. | "' l ^ l ._"". On the leventh day 1 l.nm Mill KTMV .. I r ;... inc.l up before in*. To avoid Uilng .U.b- ed against il 1 threw out tvfeuu I'ullas'.. Up shot the balloon, niul iti soon as it ikiceiul n( U)KIV* tho level of tho innuii imn lop it wonderful soeno burst mt.i view. An expanse of bill* water *tn into ib ditatice, N')l an H'di.ig i. the itirn.ii of il* sn.-fikce. Wan It lha ..|Mn pnKrinat A thrill shook my whole bemi( as I asked niysnlf ihi i|iiK*tinii. I was nn it, but Hsu ti'le.l with a ulr.uitf.' exhilsiitlmn. My '< ->:l*d by Miotlier urnuij" 1^1.'. Far In Mm nnrl h an . i... MI m pili.n irom ihs h"ii/. 'i In tho hsuvciK I ilJ'iinni v nud shot l'oi,. Int.. v i. H. '. .1. it . _ u U.Py the higb r ,.mt olth* tower of flstng, 1 :l.7,Vi.liOO to ihe revwms. block and ro*e to the height of rive .tones. > hook any observations he may desire, n thr At tbe top of Ihs lion March* are the kurh- siibjsK-t ol hi* visit, lo he subsequently con- ens and dining rooms, in whioh ihe whole : *idcred by ihe inspector*, staff of assistants have their meals free of When children are charged with crime, expense. There n also a private hospiio'. t)u , m aguurai* may hand them ovsr t.- thr for ths uie andcomfoil of employees, an.) cbildren's aid societies, who in turn may a doctor who come* on,- h tiay in invettigat* ] Apprentice thun to any suitable trale or case* of illness. Heids these, thers are ,,,i|j n g. N.> child under sixteen will in fut Uitchen of mum.' an.l loreign lancuagc*. , lr)> ix, flowed to be looked up or to consort I gymnasium and ff no ing room, ame*-rootn, | W1(n ai j,,it priaonri wbil* awaiting trial, 'dill r ** <lin l' room ' *'' fhildien ipparrntly under the ae of twelve awaiting tri il may he kept in custody by the children 'laid (oviety. and any judge may hold a preliminary trial under a charge | of cruelty against a parent in the residence of such parent. No one but counsel, wit- n**w*. law ullicers, friend* of the f.kiiuly or mrmliers ot the children'* aid society shall b* allowed lo 1<* prment while a child under SIMI en or an accusation of rruvlty afamil a parent II being 'n. d Vn.nher .nils. riant specialty wlll'-aet 1 ' Year* of eiperii-no* In her doesn't make itcrrlain thai a hen wil \, ell ii '..- *tomch. "liilkin* is .1. .!.' ' Ah 1 anything left '" " Ym, hi* creditor*," Sir William \Vrnon lUrcourl, ''hau.-ol lor of the K\.''i...|.i,-r, iiilrndiii-rd tlie bud- fii)ncial yoar in thi> lin Mr. Ofo, H". 3Nsrn*r Simply Awful Worst Case of Scrofula th* Doctors Ever Saw Com pi elf I v rsr*sl Pi - ----- i i. 1'icellnr eslimil.vl tlir exjirndilure for cils in ciiies, towns and villages to pass by tb<> current financial 'I, I'it.O m and the icvcmii, M cvi.<!i.min, li'ikving a B ,,|iiain|..l with Uviutiful m ai ! 'i l " 1 ' ' "[ I I ,^7l,i IK), dn* in jiart to a sl^ht nl Ii k -ii rank, -in. I fell in Live xilh br. ^li. r.'tin i. r.l im (Mission. ]\ \\eto in iltgnant, mid rciolvetl to get rid "t , . Tliii w^i .i)ie,l. 1 WAB loin- oil on* night, plar ii '111. I uellal Joiiii.i.y. mg wit* .bnic ^eiuly, b ; leasly. Tl"< ei|iii|imr'ii* of the hnllnon, in In. ling. f..i- ml .t\ d miTun'i'd taxation. nl'M>ANT-' \, I,,, I, ,,,, wr put in jwrfwi'i n..lrr A i '|jht ** wbi.-'i it wss proposod lo incrnis* i N e>f the roveiui-.-, but ohl*f i) In the \ *t gnnrtli of p>|)ndUiii.'^, n.>l cret ..upriui'enl, b' I though tbe ...1:. .if lh* country upon Psrl \mnt HI.! tint tbo l .1 bv oiirnac'iin^ tli^ :nV'ii|; fund d.<\ ot c.l to the r.vlticticii ol l be national delit. He prefer : ml ' IsAolt b* the stri Tlier tan, by enactment I* '>t en il>hn K municipal owns and villages to pai lawn to |iii'\cir Kiy> an.l gsril from remain- ing i in the .trevts, with >ut pr.'i^i .; ship, M when lofty. 'Uirent ..( air. us fcidic*.. penny In tb* nouuii, wltuli ought to add afier a certain hour. The council came a hell to It- rung a* a warn- ing, to be called th* " curfew be'l," ,(iir win. b every unattrndr>l child ilutll b* at In me. I'onslatdr* hndmc , bii.ltcu on street* shall warn them, and if they Mt after wards found liMtcring H .-.-n liable shall lake them home. Patents er guardians may be summoned an.l tine. I Vr tun a child to rVntiially break this u. Such are thr mam provisions thu |>rm>osd new law. They aro said to i-uibrin'e the 1' portii-mof i\ll lecent law* regariirgneglectp,! children |*se.lby other 'nan. Mil, It is apparent that th* oy HOOD'S i - "When t a^ 4 or 5 jr*r oW 1 hii> uki.i *>T on tlie nH.IJle nngrr of mv left I which (01 > bad that la* i1o.-lnr> cut tbe finivi on, *ni later took off nmre Ui m half my ban.!. Then toe- sore broke nut . u my arm. rajnr oot on my neck aiwt la.v - iwarly itAslrovins; lh SIRTII o( one eye. abe on my rbthl arm. ivs tor- said II w.w the Worst Case of Scrofula they ftW aaw. It * slessilf awfisl! Hve year* ago 1 befan to tak* HooTs 8a^a^unlla. Ora.luallv I found that the om.< w*r berfn- ntnc to beaU I k<<pt nn till t ' "t : '- > " ..!?(..*, *'. detteri: ,lu>l think, of l.t a rvturu I ..'l ti" tint tu>e-tme:it! 4 ik- MB j trcmi* YCH. ITIAIIV UUMIVUMI. rvv tie |>t i N . .11 - I date hl no * Work all the Timo. Before. I rewlsl sle ne we*-k. I VM,--- what U nay r>Mig enmih U> *xi>r*l niy gTa- itwle l.' llrt^I'H Sarsji'v I'.IH t.'r ...i \\ r. - . N \ HOOD PILL* *> " 4i**iika> aa* MM UM sMsaaela.

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