1HE FLESHdRTON ADVANCE BANKING OFFICE OF GBO. MITCHELL, FLESH KllTOV. Vicinity Chips. i.-.. . -.frisiirK of tfcr Past W**U C'urr.'cllt railed for the run was. l-~ duirytd at tiu rate of !+ ptr I MeA iiuerti'jH. A 'r#f ..-*/! ici fcf M. :: .>. c -i.lr.t--'- f ,r I * '..:, .,r At the Mechanics' Inuitate meettagoa i-7rr.ir.if all the ild oficers Be. . .of Kimberl.-y. an a R*. Mr. T"iii?e exchanged rvl'.its on Sabbath la*;. There ill b* a garden party at t'-.e re*idci*x *> Mv 24. A big time HI anticipated. Mi. y Muni!** racoifed OB \Ye<lue*!ay box of IT.. C^li foruia rose* and other flowers, from hia uotfe, M.-. W. Eldr It i. Vvi-i. ibipoarabi* i" get all oar matter ... t . ek. Amonj other iUnu held . t xeelleut budget of DMT* from Prici Get married. .;- be- fore I. from A. > V oiDucMi, iaMier at Fleaher- ton fur the ouuu~ May Day KU. .: in tean. It * a :>. . th<> first fair LL v e liafe bad thi* ipfiag withal New Frvits Pineapple*. ucanjni, Ieni<>ut jut u. Big stock of otlur goods in m j line. W The acaual t.sch~i>' conr .: >u fur Suih On v wih b held in Durham on Thursday mid Kiiday.June 1 ai. J 2. Th* min^. i, , having Pauline -:. n, the ladiau pota*. entartainraebt. "A .f in *heepi clothing" tbe ubatitut.- offrrwl by the "cutter" a* being just M cood as Ayer' Snu[>. rilla. - \raut to b bitivti. in aiat upon having Ayer'* Sarsapsrilta, even if f. a :.',. ddarw. Depend on it, it will be cheaper fur you in tlio end. Mr. Mitchell, of the Durham Chronicle, hai added a com pit ; f new type to his utfi n; display ty|c. Its rradrrj will scarcely be able to rucogniae the -! thU week, in it* n*w iprinir tlothfes. Coiu,Tn:n!atio:yi, to Br<\ .ell. The man who calli-d sarsaparilla .- f rau.l had good rv.-M.rn ; for Le ^- ; hold of a worthies* mixture at 'Tuiuctd rate*." lie changed hie opinion, howerer, when e brgu to take Ayer's SarsapariiU. It pays to be careful, when buying mrti- At the legislAture Monday the day was over to a debate on the tV.v of adi-ptnig a law pn>hilitini< the retail sale of liquor tdrwu ;h oat the prvuiiK--. H.-n. t. W. ROM Utcd that it waa the intention of the government to secure a plobucit* on the i- question, and be gare notice of a bill U> that effect. He a)> sUtd t'.ut the goramaient would teat the (x>wer of the jTi^Tiiifo to enact a prohi l.B. l.urasbarristrr. Warkdalf has $10,0(X> private fund* to lend on farm mortiia^ft within the next few months at lowest current ralo*. N\< oomniis- ; :u> delays, expenftes l>w. A;-; ;).1iiH> in Markdale duiiui; the week or at Dandalk o:hc* on Saturday*. For Sale. Several t. FIB of hay. Also a team of bone*. Will sell for ca*h or <<n twelve montlocnttit. THOW \ViMirr. fear of Bnua only keep* them from it. They talk aa though it ia imicatenal with them whether it takes place or not, but it seena to me tint they are the more in treated patty of the two. I hare been asked au c.ften if I thoagbt a feeling of an uexatiun predominatedin Canada and have heard eo ouch a k about it that I began to wonder if Caoiduna really were get- ting aa uneasy as they seemed, front a t" 8. point of view, bat tbe resolutions paused at the two iiinntinp, you have mentioned, settle the question to my mind. It seems to ue there U raore if- iionnce in th* State* regarding Canadi- ana and their tf. Trrunient thaa there is the I". S. govern- t, or as an Illinois atudt : from Lnaisisns, There is more igaet in Louisiana to the square inch than in HI. to the square mile." The next K.- trance elimination will be held at Duodalk, Fleahertne, Mark- dale, Durham, Hanorerand Newtadt, beginning Jane 88th. The Primary, Jjm-x- Learinj arvd Pas Mstriculatioa * begin July 4ch. .jrton !>!...> pmfewea to Lave bfoagh: t.. li^bt a new peuinsohw poet, m t.ie penon of Mr. \V. M. P. T, .worth, who it says tis recently l a b<k of "River Rhyruea and bthsr poeaM." By readini; tbe following verse oor readera will be ablt to place Mr. Taylor in bia propar catwry : i and mJos of sand and driftwo4, e chasing ware in endteaa chase ; >h then who cuold siluiKuix such a plaoa. The Echo ia d'XMued to iuappoin'.rat'at Fcr anything natter thaa the a! .ve we will give a valuable pria*. Any old or 1 r..jai* warrior uf the aixteenth century could have wreatled with nature nore aucceasfully thau Mr. Taylor. A Poin'.er to Fair Remember, Jackson A Curri* aell good gnoda at imaiaMii priors, and irive th . /unswr thu bAeEt. We do uot, awd will -II for any eambmft. We do not exact high prieca and then give large do- to mai( kail*. W d are hen to star. O ui along and get aoqnaintc .tag ivew to shi.w yi.o in the shape of oae of the Uteat improved wag-Mis ever shown in this country. Another Pioneer Dead. The pioneers of thi* country are f cat passing away. One of the oldest astUera of the to* i'rf.i'ii fasoed away Dikal reward un Lord's day. March 90th, 1893, in the peraon of Mr. Ak>*. :.i.,,-. lie waa born in Rosa of Mull.ArgylMaire, SeoUaod, in the year . i is country and \rriv . ind settled in the fciwaahip of Vaughaii, c.-ciry > t Y..rk. Hoc* he remained until 1468, wha he rcnxiTtd to the tuwns'i. Proton and settled on lot S. con - hich he 1'vevl u;i ' hi- .;.-a*'i. He wa man , f wh- m il could indeed be said that h lived an upri.-ht and rivhtoona uid w UMVcrsally hvM in the at^eapcct by hia neighbor*. He , e;-eoi.\lly > iu the I ible. He was her of th* Baptist church in which It* was a burning and a shinig light. iDtTa! was largely attended from tk* srroadia cosmauniiy. The ru- ts wcrs hid at rest in the Prioovil'e rametcry. Rev. D. Ferguson conducted .'. flei vioe at tike h>>ua* aad th Mr. McF.trlaao have* a wife, a *. aad three daughters, ^two of whom srv r.uuri(I And living in Xi>ttawa*aga) to m -urn hia !<*&. A frirnd writini; privately frv>mCkMa*a ha* thistotay : Your article rrganliiu' t!i,-s- anvx.itifu meeting* make m* feel like *viug, WvUdoue, Caiisda. 1V> you know that the m*j.nty of the 1 - AMMricaa* that I come iu contact with, r\gmrd lh<- Canadian* aa a much ahajasd F*opl, a!uip!y because there i* a ve- rvtiin at (he had of thiuga int> al of j rv- idsnt. Th*y imagine that they are "ii'v t-t- willing for annexation and tl.v Parser, al*. Mr. F.l. Strain reiurced to Chicago last week. Mr. M.irk Arn.s'n-iijj, of Armstnvag fino.. Mark. '!. v.u 1.1 towu on Tuesday and honored The AJvanco with a short Inspector Campbell called on Tuesday, ' * w.iy t.> O*pn>y to attend to ma* dificalty in on* of the achout* oat t'.u'ro. Mr J.-hn McQueen, of Droax*e, WM u on Satorday. Ho iaforaisd M t'l.it he h.ia ninety acres plowed this - seeding. Ut K>. the y.Hthful mmd-mouldrr !, wa* ia town - urday. Mr. LittT* ia one of thoao ll ung men who take the u. it WMTK without coni|>'aii<t. The A.Unca man alwaj* hkea to aav* Men o' that *Un<p call, and waa therefore plsani to meat him. This i< his nnt year of p*daO4anr, but we bwKeTw he is making a success of it. M.-irrivd. B.vm>no<- ffrww U* isstssiM* of Mr b M. Job. A . 00 Tn*Uir. IStb i^. Alfrwl Hurw^n. to tiNm M. wart, boik at UM Mr KolN FLESHERTON PUBLIC SCHOOL. V. Clam. W. Blakely. Ma^.e Simdair, Alii* Moore. FV-. Class, (sr.,) Lena Wright, Chris G^nlrum, WUlie BarnLoos*. IV. Cbsa, (jr.,) Floris lUchardaoo, Robert Smith, Gertie Vaoxant. III. Class, (ST..) Bell Gjerdram, Merv Vanaar.t, John : HI. Class, (jr.,) Fred Strain, Ida Gjetdrom, Gen. Richard> II. dam, (sr.,) Ethel Trimble, Ida Wihoa, Teaai* Smith. II Ciast, (Jr..) Janet Gibson, Bertha Oomiry, Rossei Smith. Part 2, (t.,) Flossie Thuntco, WJ.ie 8 canton, 'iertmde Perdue. Pan 2, (jr.,) Mina Beatty, Annie Wii- Bellamy. Standing of Maxwell school for Based on exaanmstioaa. V. Class, Cha*. Heron, 453 ; W. Aptll. J. Fairey, 424. IV. CUsa, (sr.) Sara Fsgmnn, 8W ; Mary Heroa, 203 ; 5eHie MeCaQnm, 8 ; Katie Schawman. 3tt ; Laviaia Bruwo- liace, 1 -1 Madden, 186 ; Rita Small, 173 : M :.r Heron. 162 ; John 154 : \\. xArniman, 9. Class, (jr.. )Mabel Kiaaear, 256; Annie Wri|;kt, '.'44 ; Julia tiuv. I Harry MeCaUum, 93 ; E. D. Fauvy, 8 ; Ah. Heron, 67. Mabel Siladian, 1~& ; Lioie Liide, 1T5 ; Linie Guy. 1:*>2 : Evai^eliae Pal- lister. 131 ; J. hn Chblet .eorge Brownnditv, 1> I -iy Field, 99 ; Harrv Jjfi. -ui. . ? . James Lorg, 61 ; Chas. Ferguson, 35. II. OUs, (.r..) beat 5. Wm. Her.*, Won. Wrick*. Percy Buckingham. May Philip*, Edith Mix II. CU-v. (jr.,) bast . LOOM Kert. n. Georjre Liuley, Roi.t Pallistor, Fred Wm Feuw .k. Anuie Heron Part 2, best 5. 4-*a Kinnear, David Fergnson and Elijah Buckingham were it, \ValterOwroo. I. Clam, (r.,) best 4, Harry Guy, ,. Cu.rou, Georfe Svul), Ada I'Dlllp*. J. L. \V r . Teachtr. Mr. Jamea Tolton, of Waikerton, has hoau re>a>eikdea by the Executive of the T-oial Asjociatjon as oi.e of the jnd.e* of Oxiord DJWBS at tbe W, rU CUco. A tnr apprhitmmit could &ot have twn Ascuramg to law. aw pen .in spriakl- K fruit tres dario ta period within which such trees are m full bloom. sUll ass <T caase to be used any mixtare anav taiiiiiig Paris Grrea or thr potsonowa absteac* iajurioo* to bee*. AVER'S Sarsapariiia Is superior to all other prepaja- tioosdaJmin^ to bcbaood-purifiers. First of.'.' -- the principal in^reJ-cnt used in :t is rh exrtv.ci : -li r -^ sarsaparilla : in meJ> cinal prcpcrtks. Al^o. because Cures Catarrh ! raised expressly for the Company, is always fresh a.i.. , bcstkin^!. \Yiihc.,- ..rd care, each ot t:ic other ingredients art sefactcd an~ poundeJ it is THE Superior (^jedicine because it is always the same ia ' f- or, and ciTect, .vntrateJ, >mall doses are r.ccued. It i<. thcretorc. the most ecor.omkal blood-purifier in existence. It \ n g t uor k ffi t$ It searches cut sll impurities in the system . thmm harmles- daWsMte. A\ KR'S Sarsapariiia - to the step, and imparts to the aged ani infirm, renewed health, strength, and vitality. SCROFULA Sarsapariiia FVssiiW Sr TV. J. C. AJTT a Co.. IXOT &-4J t>j lU DrueriK* I rnct ti ; mi hg**ja> I Cures o'Jiws, will curt you NEW GOODS and NEW STYLES In Shoes aud Boots We are well supplied with new goods and styles to meet the wants of our friend-. In Ladies' and Childrens' wear we have Red, Tan and Black Oxford's. Lace and Button Boots, also Prunella. In Mens' and Youths' we have Oxfords, Bals and Gaiters. In Quality, the best that can be had, -In Price, cheaper than the cheapest. Call and see, them as we want your trade ?.nd can suit you well. REPAIRING and CUSTOM WORK attended to promptly CLAYTON'S A Wonderful Medicine. Read the following interesting testimonies : ti. Ml ear* h* Xmnmaisi. Xervmu Prost- rutoo, Nerroas Headache, Sick Head- : row Paroijims. Kerrou* '. '. : <* the Bean, Hlsfplinsaum, of females of all are*, Icdi- i - - *.*_. Stomach, Wind rrh c* % :d Teadeneas in the th* Stomach. Fruntrul Dr- .-_.. "M ears, ' aporear-d Ia- - - _ r _ja rf the laaca. r*mal* Weak- OeaMral Debility, Broken Conso- ...j. Cbrook Diarrhjm, atd Dvbilhy of old age. aU UMSW ami many other cured by thkwooderfi: B f^rWjaaiatha A*rocin has pah- uahed aaVwrtisemesUa of Tariooa pateat "**>*, away of wiieh wet* ^p- lynad tcmecKe* ^r the ed. o, r*. a*was ws have U U* Gnat Soajtk mi V. r ., T,...,. j .,- ,.,. ^ tiaement of whidl we poUah ott oar Bu row notiia(>oa been wrecked hy an attack of La Grippe t To* Gaa*T : AMEKII is Xisvnra Tac wiIJ ,aickiy r\or jn>ur shaOered arras, atraagthan aad ewe yuar dicavtire or- caaa, iwctflat* your Lirer and purify yoer alood : and raatota jrw* to perfect anaadaeaa afaiu. Tma great Tonic should b- asad after all siekaass. Its powers to restore to health are simply woaderful. E. Hill of WaTMtowu, Ind.. says : "I owe my life to the Grvat South AuBriaui > I had been in bed for ire months frn the sghrta of aa * i ' Prostratftsn and a (wocral ihattsrsd con- dition of my whcle system. Had given p aD hop* 01 return wwU. Had tried tfcrredoctcnwtth ao reiaal The int battle (M th. Nerrin. Tasiic so BMSch that I waa b * to __ aad a few i. :t:.a rarcd me ->rld. I caaaet rec*mmaawj it tee> hjh- A lady aabscrber ia Lr msviD., Ky *-Qaa* om* ao ariuag to k.v 1!*^*; :h * d *** ii * Wt * to ** wottl* for her auahend. In a *"* ^L,* 1 * 1 * ** wlariag ^S^"" ^^J mot* boctle* aad said it WM dais* her hawband g .4. A few day* uae% *** oais of oer priajeipal ehaats who had bee* ia bad health mawtha,we asked him how he wa* iwea: Be mid h* was gattiog r day, that he had fond a __ Mmeme that h* had taken tafceTawZ eraJ bottle* of it and was gota* to ". f.-r h. -:v.ih<- ml ,,..1 t; thowmad dotkrTf th* good it ready doata hie. Inouuing what hood ef medicmeit waa. h* tntd me it *** th* South *~niiii x :ne Tonie. Heariaai sc> much about thia great ruar . edy w* interr:w*e\ Mr. Stewart, and h> ( telk o 'h. -carcely keep a sup- Is as faat as he *^n. e whoase h ipeak ia ! the kmhwat praise of iu H* my* as be* Bwaak h>A*V . ml mt -. ' . : - : -ia. y, and othj For sale by This is ao paid awtace, we publish it aJmpry aa a tnsat* to a dearrriag **> u*irfttW,j Rood w, are gmd wlatfftmmtwa.Iwaaw.sJcmrmwxamt */ W. RICHARDSON, F/esherton. HEALTH FOR ALL, s Pills and Ointnie THE PILLS Liver. 8*x>*meaofe KlUn'jrai. 4 THE OlJSTMKfcT \ mwean4tBoaM H SUM i o *^sl for SOUS TBR041, BJti}.\ CHJTI3. Cvl'GHS. COLV$ aaa**M> ; 7 . !Ww xTorw) ttr*e < Urt* 33. Oxford Street k >< Tk) Fkshrtn FI81ITIBE ai IlllFMTCIIili t). I Manufacturers of and dealers in Furniture Sash, Doors, Mouldings, Floorins;, Sid in.:. S^-TV" \\" rl etc. In our store we ha\ full lines of Furniture and ' ' tak- ing gixxls, which we are selling at cu.- cs. To this department we are personal attention \Vou!d call your notice to our Ca: An.S V. Shops under the e ficier.t charge ot Mr. D. H i? a sufficient ^ua.' nte that all work entrusted to us ,r. this line is being doje. ^- opposite X*res*t>j-tei-inn 1 !, -h. Show Rooms and Office, Strains Block, near 5 J. E. fflOORI: