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Flesherton Advance, 4 May 1893, p. 3

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THE WEEK'S NEWS CA5ADIAX. One of the smallpox patient* in tine near Winnipeg has died. Algernon Stanley, son of the Governor- liencral.wlio has been spending a few months in Caaa-ia, left Hrlifax on the Van- eonve^, Sunday, for Liverpool. Sir William IX-vson, principal of M.^Jill University, is expected to return to Mont- real shortly. His health u completely restored. Ths Manitoba Government intend* (end- ing a team of large oxen b> Chicago for the World's Fair. The oxen will be hitched to a farm wagon, and tbe outfit, gaily decorated, will travel th* street* of the city every day, by way of advertining th* Manitoba ex- hibit. In the Nova Scotia House of Assembly Friday, on the Bill to prevent tbe ami* of goodi by guessing competition, the com- other stock into his barn and *et it on fin. Thea he locked himself in hi* house aud blew his brain* ont with a shotgun. Thirty eight bead of cattle and six hones - hnrasjrl. JOHN BULL IN EGYPT. It u rearded as significant in Royalist I Honolulu circle* tht an official d**patcu. 4 Kirn- Frrtl.x 4(*la.i amia Wb*le*eni r signed by QJOOU Victoria and coiinursigne.l rear : e!tr, rfc? 3^4 ...,, by Karl Qn Kneebery. u Lilinokalani. aMrssssl to Oo Raster morning the Cnr found on hit hreebfsst table MI exquisitely paint-*! eg^, which contained a (null silver dagger. t*o ivory-like band* anil a slip of paper bear- ing the word* : "Christ nas risen ; we also hall rue again." Tbe Frauco-Siames* diffi'ulty u regarded a*. ^mgspore serious. Siameae trader*, a* they fear there will be fighting, have rrniH importing rice, and dealer* are hoard - ing it. The Rome correspondent of the Chronicle and Morning Poet agree in the statement ing to improve it in every direction. They have organized the native army and police en Engu*h lines, have wonderfully improv- ed th* erociecey of the fin department and Thf "Army Or-upat.o.i B>io*; the pn-ul *v, have Tld. and m tndnced ismpnvad methods of agrteulten. They keep the iirsst* of Cain c'ean and ray with hansj a: u ' > I .<!.!. I .!,, .IB: t-r !!! ' Is) t vf t , B>,, a ,, M Ye-, toes* benafi-j have been -wafcrr* 1 c4 on K^ypt with no gentle hand. They have i been given to her M a da** of medscia* t* An Amieao traveller writing from Cairo om * 1 " n ** *"*" u ' refractory chdd, by say* that the a:r of t:ie Egyptian capital is "* a - fa * l "'. mt1 * tk BiT"*"** dtehhe the surcharged wu'i electricity, an.l no mn knows whu the morrow will faring forta. Tbe feelinjagt.nsitie British u bitter, but is accompanie I hy a w.-.o eiom fear. Tb* picSa* who have' seen their revenue* cur- isiled and their powers aSro^ste-i by UK Hlfcf t % ITU*>TIM. Nabia ha* acacia grovs* 100 mile* square. Cloud* are. oo an average. alx>at jOU yard*. IB thirkneas. Every night in Lines* over fl. 00 There an t*e*s or UM Peace m The power of an engine i* equal county JIB and Waiea, nut we reported, recommending the three that the Pope and Emperor \Vilh.mavoid- months' hoist, chiefly on the ground that it ' ad the political matters in their convrna- would be ultra vine of th* Local Legists- tion at tbe Vatican. ture. Th* report was adopted. The Radical majority in the Norwegian What ia likely to prove a cause celebre Storthing will postpone the vote on the has ufeen commenced by the Canada Revue Publishing Company, which ha* entered an action for . r >0,000 damage* against Arch- bishop Fa'ure fjr having excommunicated th publishers and prohibited Catholic* from reading the Revue. A boy named Walter Jenkins was found dead in hi* bed at Kingston, Out., on Wed- nesday, by his father, with whom he had beer sleeping. He ww apparently in good health previously, heart disease was toe cans* of death. civil lut a* a mark of defiance to Ring Oscar for having ntuacd to approve th* de- mand fora separate osnosar r* pros s tat 103 for Norway. Then was a fatal panic in church in Naples on Sunday evening, caused by the altwdrap-ry catehin; fir* Jn tbe rush that ensued eight women and five children were killed, while hundreds of others were more or lea* seriously injured. Tbe latest despatch** from Honolulu state that, owing to tbe prevailing tamty as to what action Comm Blouiit will tak* on behalf of the United States, tb* hnancul strain i* very severe, and it i* (an rod several noose* will be forced to the wall. The death of Mr. Alex. Walker, former- ly a well-Known dry good* merchant of Montreal, i* announced ha, mg taken place at Paisley, Scotland. He was 07 yean of age. On* of a tnmber of French -Canadians j Owing to the itlne*. of Lord James Han- who have returned to Quebec from the New nen. one of the British member of the England State* says that there an fifty ', Retiring sea tribunal of arblrali..->, die thousand Canadian* preparing to return to . tribunal ha* adjourned for on* week. Report* from many part* of Europe an deridedly unfavourable to U I Met*. In Southern Russia 1 have resulted trom seven frost*, and in France and Italy th* I -eg continued drought i* causing mnch damage. Dr. Haafkin*, the bacteriologist, who re- oently went to India to mike experiment* Bttlasm. Unddoesntcan. Tb* herald of her civ iloa- hwn was the roar of tbe Thundenr au-tess r.uii, and *be will civiln* -.aese F.-ypums if she ha* u> *xpenj tons of shot an i shell _ in tb* attempt. Any uprising of the K/yn- would many of them ? 7 a.lly welcome "*** wil ' bt "" *"* WUh " v m y *** an uprising of the people. The Mab-ms "* w f a ' rT w*n blown from th* months of enssm will rivet forever span Egypt tbe . tan portion of the people have got them selves into a state oif rel'jrnnsfnnxy against the rer 1 coats, or rather have been incite.! to *nch a state I. . those wl.c .lesira that F^yp' should not pas* wholly under ;-e con- trol of toe Knglisli without a straggle. Re- cently there cam* near being a rising in the street r.f Cain, and for two day* the Krtusli troop* wen kept in their barrack* under arms. The trouble wan fomented by Europeans, who found, bovever, ti.M in csse of in uprising all Christians would be killed on sight wi:..out regard to natimuU- ity. and that they themselves wen marked for slaughter They therefore worked art to undo their work, and the threaten- ed storm blew harmlessly over. Tbe feeling against, tbe En^lisn u found principally among the psepss of thecitiea. Tb* (llabeeo, the farmers who scratch with of the and beae ficient 'etiers W England. The EngUsjh be- he\ e that the Urn* of this outbreak may be nxt week or next y*r. At any rat* they do not propose to he take* inawaiwt, and the troop* being humed hen are coming ' to meet the em*rg*scy. Abba* tb* Eng- lish hav* safe apparently, aad when tb* re- sult cam** he will play no part in it. If the people had a leader like Arabi. tne uprising would take place jeion th* English bugles) tiow to-morrow morning. As it i*, tbey wait impatiently for some on* u> Wad tbewt to destruction. It is said here tnat Arabi's rebellion coat tb* K*nrpts** 60,iOO live* Colonrl than srnsjsin Th* valoe of a ton of gold i ty tkouaand nomndn. The Encitso smhsseador in Paris i* better paid loan any other: he get* (50,000 a; ear. One woman can do a> much with a sewing machine a* a liana can irithnnt Fraooe ha* 4-.-J righting ships, and U* nnmbsr will be incnmd to 5 IS by |j)97. Every penny in tn* income tax reprwaant* a revenue of aaoat two mil' a* nteiiirg. Ireland aanuaJly sands , SagHaad 640, tgs. A line of tricycle* for pamsoger service n> pnpond in I.tnansj Various pan* of California, like Aus- tralia, an p agned by rabbit*. enter of tbe coat .une, is still living in Iowa. Tb* power ef a bone i* equal, anas, aver- age to that of seven and a- half men. Charles Dickon*' salary when editor of th* " lAaily X< *s" was $ lO.Om yaw. of tbe country whi3h ! ** * bwtwwen fifty and sixty the* of Ismail had begun. , " <i 1 fM bvntn * tr " P * their wooden ploughs the rich soil Nile Ue'.ta, are as well ATmrtKD WITH BKm.-u nt ux u with any ether : in fast Serier. for their tax* hav* been lightened aad their coo.ii- | tta tion much improved. They an Ue nm- IW( aant* of the subjects ef Rissssss the cxiravaganos* Bnt th* lesson is already forgotten by tbe ptople. Tni At a time wb*n Mr. Carter, tbe failed State* representative baton tbe Bearing : W Th* not* W highest vain* iwued by tk Bank of F-agland :n th* nrdinary coon* of hnsmnt* i* for 1.003. Tn*ntaae*nf worship r al*j* han *co*naMdnt The two immigrants suffering from small- pox at Winnipeg are progressing favorably and no other case* are in proepect. Three picture* painted by Mis* Emma Clarke, teacher in Albert College, Belle- ville, have been selected for exhibition at the World'* Fair. H. M. S. Pelican has arrived at Halifax from Bermuda, and will be followed hsort- ly by the Buzard and Cleopatra. They will go to the west coast of Newfoundland on fishery protection sarviasx In an interview Mr. Seargeant. general manager of the Grand Trunk, said lie ex- pected a very greatly increased pssei II L II traffic this year a* a result of the Chicago World's Fair. Persian, tirecian, Roman aad ara , have iwept over them and opprese*.! them. ,-. , Tnat theBritsah done* oppress them, bat, ._ tb* crop pros- * cnntrarw protect th*a from the rap*. ^ p. ia heavy Ions* clt - T * lk P-'n i* > natter ef mil.i sur , ^ prise to them, nothing mars, unless a* is probable, they regard it a* a sign of weak- two week*, it is interesting to ' tbe longest consecutive speech on is announced t* apeak tor ' and -ieven million of f.eeple- England and for between ten on the prevention of cholera by the moou'.a- lion of cholera virus, has inoculated fon.- A clan of people fiercely inimical to th* Knglish are tbe lle.loums. whose train* of c*ml can be wen eonatantiv coming and going in aad out of Cairo. Thstr heart* sn , . with the, fifhtintT up in the Souda* kndn. penon* at Agra, and no evil r-nlu ^, ^ . ^ ^Hi.'^ plrtt . f , are reported. at a K< ropeau or an Anerican, for all while men an the salt* to them, is enough to chilly even in the torrid heat of behevea to have been that mad* by Mr. D* Coxtjaos, in tbe Lwrsslature of Bntub sen a measure was pending of which would take from iy MtUen their land*. De Co*- iaos was in a kepslosn minority. Th* job bad bMd held back till tbe eve of the cioee of th* s**ion ; unlas* Legiaiai>n was taken hsjjmjs noou of a given day, tb* act of son- \ fiacauen would tail. The day betor* the aipirauon of -Jx lunitatien lie Cosxn** got the floor about I" a, m. , and began a sns*ch gainst tb* bill. It* fnends cared litue. for tbey suppoaed that by awe or two o clock he would be through, and tb* biU could be put on us passage. One o'clock cans*. Thsjre i* *M*itime* a glow of uninieational -^ u. J^^H, .. Us, f!* an . U dead yet." tbe result* of some experiments by himself in feeding die* with cholera bacilli, anil after- wards dcaiug them with sterilised broth for The steamer Newall Eddy foundered m tbe purpose of washing out the bacilli if It was found that after this doul.le and l)c not ject. stiL cai Two nil rab- speaking t*red npon 'olook he wa* saying piaoe." Tare* e'eionfc be pndnced a (ear'ui bundle of Lake Huron oo Wednesday 'night, and all en board were lost. Among those who per:sb- treatment tbe alimentary tracts of tb* fli d was Mr. Albert Payne, son of Mr. John ' contained numerous bacilli which retain* Payne, Payne, U.T.R., reniding at St. Thomas. Mr. Ouimet, acting Minister of Justice said that no exception would be made m the Treatment ef tbe petition for John K. Annoldi's release Probably the matter will be submitted to Sir John Thompson for a decision. retained their dealh-cauting powers, a* pnved by ! tb* fact tiiat guinea pig* isvscnUted wiln ' cultivation* of those ciiolera terms died a* as going to a*ak till next tb* bill, ror .while tbey and kill in..rryov.rit. lnlere*ila ( Experiments. A German pfcileaopher ha. mad* public j lCp*rtn who gin. the British th. most trouble is net Abbas, th* young K be. live, not any dttgruntlcd pasha, not any leader of tbe people, but a Tewrfik and only en* wife, but she ha* cau*ed >li* Kng- Uah snon troubl* than if be had left a whet* , ^ .j^ , wne aney man, mnrry over .i. t hansn. Sbe i. a woman of cxtraord:ns.ry but as u came on te duk tbey hesjan u get ' ^ am9 ^ The , ^^ ..t^pj,.,, t ately ambitious. She aspire* to mak* Uwd .^o Mopped tt *m. beonnw saca OM ador J- , -; Crosner and her sou the >isssli of her will . nadily a* those objected to ordinary ^j j.., . fc |U| - .- _j, ._*.. n a cnance u Jisjrmj.*jd (au tine, choleia inoculation. Tb* investigator eon- ' .w. -. h . r The> tried to .heut h:m down, bet tnat eludes that undsr certain conditions of tarn- O ve un > breatli!ng spac*. and. Inally. ptratun and nourisbmenl trusc pests may n '"" WKM A *' *J U * 1 down to watch tne oambat be- . multiply in the bodie* of Cirs to^uch an tke English would probably send her tocuf t**n *tnogtn ef will aad weaknees ef ITISI1 - i .xtenVthat tb* latter must not only be n- tivaa. cote* with Arabia Rsy m Ceylon, body. Tbey gar, him n* mercy-no ad- An infernal machine designed ..pparently grd*l as dangerou. carrier, of infection t being a won^n the problem i* more joumment lor dinner, nc chance t, to be operated by electricity, was found on rnit a* hotbeds for tbe preservation snd , complicated. Meantime Lord Corner rules i*> **t aru witB wawr, no waoderuij Sunday in ihs garden of a nous* in Toiun- fiiriher roaltiplication of cholera bacilli. ! Egypt, and rule* it with a red of iron. Some Ij 11* sui.ject, no sitttng d. bam Court roid, London. The new Duehee* of Sutherland, on*-. *** human economy. Long _~- .. ,- -- - . - wa* noted that their number* an few. ' ban perpetrate,! an bn.-hthpnii on hisnamc llie ipeaker, to whoa h* wa. i wing in a ickly summer sussn. and from nd call him " Sir Kvelyn Overbe*nns>- th* youngest women to wear the ducal cor- onet, is a member of the Writers' Club, and a contributor to literature. In addressing toe Primrose Leagu* in London en WeJneotlay the Mar<|tti* of Sal- isbury referred to th* Hume Rule bill, and aid that ihe financial proronal* would al- most bankrupt Ireland and would heavily burden iireal Britain. The Orangemen employe 1 in the Queen's Islaint shipyards, Relust. refused to allow one thousand of their fellow working-men. who an Roman Catholics), to resume work at the yards, and chased them away from the place. In the British. House of Commons Gen. SH t'.eorge Checney. Conservative member for tUford, ftave notice of an amendment to the Home Rule bill that the (iovernmeat should withdraw the military force* from Inland before the proposed Irish I'arlia- menl i* established in Dublin. AMIHI< AN. On* honilred and sixty guard* at the Columbian reposition have struck for an advance of wage*. Clement Scott, dramatic critic of the London Times, wa* married at San Fran- cisco on Tuesday to Constance Margaret Brandou. also of London. The Metropolitan Opera house at New York ha* been mortgaged for $1,000,000 to rais* the money needed by the new com- in- further multiplication of cholera bacilli. ! *-SyP. "" ruin it with a K ot iron. -Nome i "-. n .. W |U 1 Thu is simply aa *xt*naioa of our pnviou* ! id* of how be n reganlej l,y the Kgypnans daik*od ; Uie gas wa* hi : inembw. sup- I , M ot knowWg* in res-arv* to th* influence of flie* ' "'J begained from tne far: that tiie native*. p*d out to dinner in relays, and returned , t. erlh on the human economy. Long since it bo km,w him better as Sis Ev*ly Kartng. W sleep s^uad^ but Dr Cosm-w wen: on. M unM< . . n.,t.l iht n,,,,,l-r. .r. f.. i hive Deroet rte.l an En ;lnli tnii on his name Tb* speaker, to whom he WM addraxexxnc _. this they came to be looked on a* useful scavengers, abeorhing and render- ing innocuous material which would otlw r- wise cause disease m human beings. But al*o it has been suspected, if not proved. that flies may carry with them the seeds of nlswaliiin frejaa one place to another, and tans do harm which counlerbatanoM M leant a portion of the good they do in n- moviug filth. Their action in this r**pect As to the Khe-itvr -uere are two opinion* eonceming hm trom two opposite source*. Th* writers dragoman, standing in tbe Kbedival gardens, looked at the palace and said: "Abba* is a good Khedive, but we Egyptians hav* seen uothing good fmm h-ni yet, aad accompanied the remark with a tumseif, was *lMrsvat*!r dosung, snoring, and trying to look wide awake. Day dawn- ed, ani inemajonty slipped out in squad* to wash and breakf^s^ and the speaksi (till held on. It cannot ue said tha: U wa* a very logical, eloquent, or sustained *pech. Then wet* digresaions in it, rcpeutioni alno. But still tn* speaksr kept on ; and at ... P< * Knli*h. An Amencan, l**t noon came to a oartied majority, livid by tn* Aastnan* in to * t***** '* y -T Union Chapel, Islington, kn* on* of U lar^tM Saaday-Scboel* in Land**. Then an over 3,000 cbiidnn, with 304 tnch*r*. In Italy, Franc* and Austria only from 4 to 6 per cent, of tb* criminals an well ed- ucated. Capital crime*, mainly in consequence of iceesjve drinking, seems to be on Use in- crease in Kussia. Bee* never store hooey in tb* light, be- oaue* honey thus cinced granulates, and tan* naelssn to tn* bees. Tbe Cnemik* and Circaesiap* of tbe Rue- army an mainly Mohammedans, and quenllv strict Ueoiaicrs. Several district* of Armenia an en the verg* of a mmme. Tb* neceeaanes ef life are precurabl* only atextrem*ly hign pticea. Tn* difference between tbe isllot and siorteet races in the worl.i is 1ft. 4^m., and the average height ft man m Sfu ; Jio. The Mikado, desjirou* ef imnrovtnc Use pnvsiqn* o tbe Japan n*, has rtcmmmsniisid to their a meat diet isjstsnd of toe uenal fiahandnee. Expennteats nave proved tnat if fish get beyond a certain depth in the sea they dx from tbe presenn ot tb* water, wtucu tbe) an uuable to support. anyone h* moved to give a new to tne cathedral *" pleads tb* Dona rth Cata*dral. " Tb* present *ne is lUMmly deal box :" Tb* new quick-tin su-inch gtia adopted by the British Admiraliiy. se*>ls U<0-poun< shot four mile* at such short intervals tha four of them an in tb* air afenc*. Tb* lo.,gest- lived animal in the whaj. aad th* *lephant, both of which live fot about 4<J yean under th* moat favourable circumstances. Tbenna lightbeas* to every fourteen for twenty-five yean resident in Egypt, with rage and impotence. au<i a aiugie man miles of Eagluh coast, to *very thirty-few ' who wa- truimphaot. though his vote* bad mil** of Irish ooasf, an I nee to ever thirty- sunk to a husky whisper, his eye* wen nine mile* of Scottish sb ire Une. It m reported that a case of geniiae Asiatic leprosy ha* mad* it* appearance in Fort Wayne, Ind. It wa* brought then by a Syrian troman who recently arrived from the Pacific coast. The New York World says it i* absolute- ly certain that the lai* George Alexander liainl. known tn the sportiug world as " S<|uir Ahbington,' d.d not bequeath any money to Mrs. Langtry . A ten-year-old Chicago boy who,* armed wtth a revolver, held up a street car and hot policeman, h* been sentenced to the Reform school at Pontiac during his minor- ity. Thirty-three building* ere w-ecked and two persons killed by a cyclone at Osegv City, Kan., on Tuesday night. Twenty or more psnons were hurt and at least fifty rendered hom*le**v It is claimed that Henry lioeh*!. of New Ynrk. invrnt*d th* incandescent lamp, and not . homai A. Kditon. Oileit Bio*., one of the largest wholesale aim ntail jewellery firm* iu Chicago, an financially mbarrassed. Iron moulden to the nnmSe.- of 1, Al) have struck in Chicago beuaiise of the rv- fasal of the employer* to grant an advance tn wage*. From all portions of Viasiasippi com* n _ regarded by th* English a* an authority on is beiievcd bV maiiy to coMtitule onesource ' Egyptian aflairs, sai-1 "The tronbl* with of danger to* those who reside in the vicin- ' Abba* is that be was taken from school too almost shut and wen o.eared and itv of matter that is decomposing in th* young. Hi* education was not completed, his lr^ tottered under him. hit blacked lip* open air. Hence the latest scientific new* In history h* had evidently not got down we t cracked and sme*nd wr.h blood. De from Csrmany (aphasias* the necessity of o '** nmeteeotn ceutury Cosmo* had spoken twenty six kwnm, and cleanlmes* in our surroundiugs. Tbe com- j Abbas, it is said. r*ards himself u the. saved the sellWrs their .ands ' men house fly can, and occasionally do**, ' *uo-estor of Kameaee the Gnat, and dream* I - cnrry with it the germs of .--nsu'mptiou. of an Kgyptian Kmpire. The Kugiish n- diphtherin, and **veral other kind* ot ( Jt*rd ' m nj n'" 1 " l n - "O""' * fever, to which list msjst he ad<l*d cholera, W* cannot exterminate the fliee, and per hap* it would not be wise to do so. But ' *** ot roes*. Between th* English, the we can ndnce to a minimum the danger of Tnnch, I"* *ublime Porte, hi* own peopi*. inf*ction by thtir agency if we remove a* <> hl mother "betw the devil and oon an.l completely a* poesible the viru*- ln d *P *" bni Uictly sxpresees his beannc material which is a product of these ' pl>n. H* canoe* pleas* J1 his master*, diseases The necomity for theM precau | nj f " '"cceede i in pleading to one tionary lue.vsure* ble* 4 in the event of a chol>ra visitation, but it is ever present with us. In \aiwre', Bealm. say that all mankind Baas in Asia, sn.i there were but three fundamental types black, whit* and yellow. TH*** tare? type* scat- lend over th* world and intermingled, for.nmg iu conrs* ot time seventy-two dnv tinct races of bnman beings. A ni\n wvigHi ten* wb*n Use barometer woWbe'more than'loui i "Pt "" *OM*nim, >* 8n!tan. reallj th. i. high, notwithsumlmc the fact that tne ! last person to he consnlere.1. atmo*ph*nc pressnn on him u more '.ban Th* Black Watch has settled down in when the barometer is low. As th* prrmun Cairo comfortably for a good long tay, and "f *> " " ordinary sued man u about kills an common in the street* of the capi- tal. Other regiment* an npe-t*d to arnv* shortly. Already red coats gleam every when ia and about Cairo and Alexandria. and in each of these cities a big st-m* building bean ostentatiously a large lettsr rsnnlar rnverba. Courtesy on one side never lasts long. Covet not that which bslongs to other*. Craft brings nothing home. Custom i* a second nature. Cat and co>*e again. Cut jour coat accoriling to your cloth. Panb yourself with hooey and you wi'l have plenty of flies. Death is deaf and hears no denial. Paatu keep* no calendar. Debt i* the wont kind of poverty. London ha* 1,000 ships and 9,000 sailors in its port every day. It ha* on an aver ag* upwards of 75.0UO persons annually tak'ti into custody by th* (wlice, J7.UM persons living m its crmmon lodging houses, 8S,OW> persons an jus'.ly arrested aa drunk t.d ':.'< icrlv, and wore than one-third of all t k - crime of the country w committed within it* radius. Some curious causes for litigation an al resdy developing in connection with the <i's 1'sir. Tt>e holden of the conces- sion for the Ks>|uimaux village have a se rio<isemliarras*menl on hand in the fact that th- r'squuna'ix are not inclined to wear th u !nr clothing during the hot spring day*, preferring in their place suits of blue ports that cotton has nther been killed or jeans. As thi is not a typical Ksquimaux ktly injured by the recent cold upsllsnd cosliim. it detracts somewhat from the in tereat in the concoesion. Tbe matter has A man s full mntal power i* not reached befen th* age of twenty five, and tbe de- velopment of talent is most: marked be- tween tne tjrmof thirty an I forty five yean. /ante, the island thai has been shaken up by the earthquake, i* the ancwat ak- unlhos men'.iontd by Herodotus as prodaj- lac asphalt .M)i> B. C, and the natives still find asphalt there, Mobamsnedamam i* on th* inorea** at Sierra I. -one, t he followers of the prophet numbering nce-ienth of tbe population. The Chut -h of Englaa-i receives Slate sid. All the other religion* bo.iies an eilSer elf su-. po.tmg or aided by m-jsi. rry so- sjsjnmn '^ --I for tennis racqn*ts requires al l*ast rive ysars in the rough timber slat* I e'ore cutting up .'or use. Wood for piano* is k*pt. aa a ru'e. 'or t.-rty years Before it -tiered .utnciwtly in cosdition to be used. IVw is fnat respecter of colours. To prove this take pieces of glass ,,r boar-i and paint th^m reJ. yellow, git**., an.i black. Ki}<*r tlism at night aud you will find that the yellow will be coven 1 with mois- - ;ur<> that tbe green will be damp, but that fed upon m poisonous flowen. the red Mhl th. Mack will be kft p*fe.-tly A knowiedg. ef the phyMoiogy of the dry. human larynx h' mail* it possible to sup- l> op L*o' family is v*ry Ion* lived, ply a'tiScial voi x to people who have beta With tb* *.-r-ion o": hn brother, ih* car- deprive.! of tb* on* nature rave tbem. aud dinal. who die.1 a fw yean ago at the a* a number of cases exist when the cavity af eigh.y two; all his immediate nlaiive* I has been opened and a larynx made ef nu- have UvVl to be men than iiiwty yean fifteen ton*, the rase, of tb* mercury from twenty nine t" thirty-one inches adds about one ton to tbe loa.1 he ha* :o carry. Tne. are certain plants which prodnoe flower* that make not oa'y poteonoas boc*v ' but also poisonous wax. laatancea often ed sign, reading " Headquarters Army of occur of people being ill a'ter eating honey, i Occupation." Then ia DO attempt to avo: 1 and the ca-e is sotnoUmoj attributed to in- ; irritating the neuple by a display of force, ; digeetiott, but more fro>|n*otlv th* canae ii but rather an apparent design te keep th* found in the hcnuy it**li. th* bee* having British flag and the British uniform con- stantly in aidht and in the mind* of the F.cyptians. Few native troop* are to bessen. They are trost of them up in th* Soudan under British ctftcwn fighting th* Mah>li. Th* fort* of lower Egypt an mostly dra-nan- tle<l. The fort of Ras-*l Tim, at Alexandria. is the ruin the bombardmet left u. a.i i under it* walls an three H:itiah men of- war. The Army of Occupation is nothing h tounsts grea frost . Charles M Nairn, living near Rockfonl, IU , on Monday ntght put all his ca' tie and of down on Kgvpt to spy out th. land. They swarm sverywhere. Iron Alexandria u> th* Second Cataract. They have laid out a tennis court near tbe base of the Pyramid of Cheops, dnv ilogcart* and f o r- in hand* to th" ,- and play po!o and racebonee in the -uhurb* of Cairo. They have taught the native* the uses of brandy and soda and \\ orceaunhin ance, and inculc.\ted a rw*p*c>. for th* Es- tablished Cburch. Than M a coatnier^bl* permaaent Kug- lish colony, and Rngliskmen .-. cupy all sorts of position* ii the civil irrvice of the : nment. They believ* that they have come to stv, and laugh at the i.lea .- w draw*). They regant Egypt a* a piec* of able witli ruui*r membra*** been xn.1 become practically useful . ' aid. Riches may have winj*," sa-d th* tight- nted tnan, " but then arc no lie* on my money. " Lord <tanly, of Presten. Oo^dnor-Uen- era! of ' iivi.ii, is now tiie sixteeuii . ef IVrl'V. H'J Mer brother. r\ Heacon*fi*M's ^n. : ation frv taken into the court* and tb* Esqiu- j pruperty, into permanent peesesnion of and an proci usau> have wou their case. I which tnsy have tnteied, i Th* longeat single span of wire :n the wor'ul is for a lelvsj'.iph wire, in i s I stretched over the River Kis:nah. between Bexvrah and Sectan^grum. Ir.iia. It - 6.) feet long, and i ttntched from the 1 lop of one mountain to another. Th* Iterman Emperor uses a* a F*P* r ' an writing desk the In** Sill of one oi the klgheet mmmrsins of Africa. !>r. ' Bucbnei . an African iravcller of some fame. broke the piece, uf rock irom the h-gbeet point oi Mount KiitsMndjare, which Secretary ef State for th* Colonie*. 1 ed ess | the Jlst int. at the a^e of W. He s ia Aincu (^ouud, and |>r**itvd it te ce< led bis father, th* Rsnert ot Dsbate, to the Kmperor. the title "23 year* ago. His excellency the The Chine** an inveterate gamblers. U Governor- ' ieneral wi'l stay *m rg us long a mid that when a Chinese has lost every- *a*esrh to ><-ttl* hi* a:)airs, which will thing else he <will even stake his f!ng*r- probably be until the middle <: 'in-. t..i -."5. If he loses he chop* a ]i l> will tHen be <ucco^iJ at Kv.-> Hall by a hatchet, dips tlw stump in o:. th* Karl of Abe-Hern who. with his Coun- j sum** ply. If he lss a^ain be i.o(>* cw" t*M> It new Bearing New York. ' anv:hr K>in> and to en ull ai. ar.

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